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1. B lurred L ines ft . T . I . + P harrell W ritten by: R obin T hicke , P harrell W illiams , Clifford H arris , J r . / Produced by: P harrell for The N eptunes / I nstruments by P harrell W illiams R ecorded at G lenwood Place S tudios , B urbank , C A . / R ecorded by A ndrew C oleman / Assisted by Todd H urt / D igital E diting and Arrangement by A ndrew Coleman / Mixed B y T ony M aserati at Mirrorball S tudios , N orth H ollywood , C A. / M ix A ssisted by J ustin Hergett and J ames K rausse Mastered by C hris G ehringer for S terling S ound P ublished by E MI A pril M usic, I nc . obo I tself and M ore Water F rom N azareth ( A S C AP ) + I L ike E m Thicke Music ( A S CA P) + C lifford H arris , J r . P ublishing D esignee ( A S CA P ) t . i . appears courtesy of grand hustle / atlantic recording corporation 2. Take I t E asy O n Me W ritten by: T . M osley, R obin T hicke , J . H armon , J . L uttrell , T . Clayton, C . G odbey / P roduced by: T imbaland for T imbaland P roductions / C o Produced by J erome J roc H armon for B ronze and B rainz Productions / T imbaland P roductions R obin R ecorded at G uillaume T ell S tudios ( Paris) R obin R ecorded by: D enis C aribaux / R ecorded by D emacio D emo C astellon for the D emolition C rew and C hris G odbey for S ide by S ide / J V U E nt . Mixed by D emacio D emo C astellon for the D emolition Crew and Chris Godbey for S ide by S ide / J V U E nt . / A ssistant engineer: J ulian Vasq uez R ecorded and mixed at Hit Factory C riteria , M iami , F L and J ungle City S tudios , NY / M astered by Chris G ehringer for S terling S ound Published by: I L ike E m T hicke M usic ( A S C AP ) , T . M osley / V irginia B each M usic P ublishing / Warner C happell Publishing ( AS C AP ) J . H armon / J erome Harmon P ublishing / Warner C happell ( B M I ) J . L uttrell / LS X M usic Publishing / ( S E S A C ) T . C layton / S tix I m S toned P ublishing/ U niversal ( AS C AP ) C. G odbey / S ide B y S ide E ntertainment C orp. , administered by S ony / ATV S ongs L L C ( B M I )

3 . O oo L a L a W ritten by: R obin T hicke and Joe Augello P roduced by: R obin T hicke and P rojay / G uitars and B ass - Joe Augello / D rums /percussion P rojay / K eys - R obin T hicke / R ecorded at B lue Jay S tudios / B ackground vocals R obin T hicke S trings Arranged by R obin T hicke , Suzie K atyama S trings C onductor - Suzie K atayama / Strings R ecorded at H ansen Studios / Engineered by B ill M alina / M ixed B y: T ony M aserati at M irrorball S tudios , N orth Hollywood , C A. / M ix Assisted by J ustin H ergett and James K rausse / M astered by C hris G ehringer for Sterling Sound P ublished by I L ike Em T hicke M usic (ASC AP ) and Joe Augello (B M I )
4 . A in t N o Hat 4 T hat W ritten by: Robin T hicke, Joe A ugello, A lan T hicke P roduced by: Robin T hicke, P rojay / Keys - R obin Thicke / D rums / Percussion - P rojay / L ead guitar / Bass guitar - J oseph A ugello / T rombone - L emar G uillary / Trumpet - R ashawn R oss / A lto and T enor S ax - D onald H ayes / B ackgrounds - R obin T hicke Baby J ulian Fuego T hicke / R ecorded at: B lue J ay S tudios / Recorded by: P rojay / M ixed B y T ony M aserati at M irrorball Studios , N orth Hollywood, C A. / M ix Assisted by Justin Hergett and James K rausse / M astered by C hris G ehringer for Sterling Sound P ublished byI L ike Em T hicke M usic (A SCA P ) Joe Augello ( BM I ) A lan T hicke (SOCA N ) published by T HI CKOVI T M usic (B M I )

5. G et I n M y Way W ritten by: R obin T hicke , P rojay, M ax / P roduced by: R obin T hicke , P rojay / K eys - R obin T hicke D rums / P ercussion - Projay / L ead guitar / B ass guitar - J oseph A ugello / T rombone - L emar G uillary / Trumpet - R ashawn R oss / Alto and T enor S ax - D onald Hayes / B ackgrounds - R obin T hicke / R ecorded at B lue J ay S tudios R ecorded by: P rojay / Mixed B y T ony M aserati at M irrorball S tudios , N orth H ollywood , C A . / M ix A ssisted by J ustin H ergett and J ames K rausse M astered by Chris G ehringer for S terling S ound Published by I Like E m T hicke M usic ( A S C AP ) and D a G ass Co . ( A S C A P ) / adm universal music corp ( ascap ) , H addington Music ( A S C AP ) 6. G ive I t 2 u ft . K endrick L amar W ritten by: R obin T hicke , Kendrick L amar D uckworth , W illiam A dams , L ukasz Gottwald and H enry Walter / Published by I L ike E m T hicke M usic ( A S C A P ) , T op D awg M usic ( AS C AP ) , i . am . composing , llc ( B MI ) / B M G S apphire S ongs ( B M I ) , K asz M oney Publishing ( A S C AP ) and O neirology Publishing/ P rescription S ongs ( AS C AP ) Produced by: D r . L uke and C irkut for P rescription S ongs / M ixed by: S erban Ghenea V ocals by R obin T hicke and K endrick L amar A ll I nstruments and Programming by D r . L uke and C irkut / E ngineered by D erek M ixed B yAli A li , Clint G ibbs and padraic padlock kerin A ssisted by R achael F indlen and D ustin C apulong Production Coordination by I rene R ichter R ecorded at L uke s in the B oo, M alibu , C A , R ecord Plant S tudios , Los A ngeles , C A and T D E R ed R oom S tudios , C arson , C A / R obin R ecorded at T he R ecord P lant / K endrick L amar V ocals R ecorded B y: D erek Mixex B yA li A li / K endrick L amar V ocals R ecorded At: T D E R ed R oom S tudios M ixed at MixS tar S tudios , V irginia B each , VA E ngineered for mix by J ohn H anes / V ocal Production by will. i . am for will . i . am music , llc K endrick lamar appears courtesy of top dawg ent . / aftermath records/ interscope records

7 . Feel G ood W ritten by: R obin T hicke , will. i. am P roduced by: will. i. am for will. i. am music, llc B ackgrounds - R obin T hicke R ecorded at T he R ecord P lant / R ecorded by: G elly K usuma / M ixed by: R obin T hicke / M ixed at: R ecord P lant / M astered by C hris G ehringer for Sterling Sound P ublished by I L ike Em T hicke M usic (ASC AP ) and I Am C omposing L L C (B M I ) 8 . G o Stupid 4 U W ritten by: R obin T hicke , will. i. am, Edward G. F letcher , C lifton Nathaniel C hase, Sylvia R obinson , M elvin G lover, Jorge M ario D a Silva P roduced by: will. i. am for will. i. am music, llc B ackgrounds - R obin T hicke R ecorded at T he R ecord P lant / R ecorded by: G elly K usuma / M ixed by: R obin T hicke / M ixed at: R ecord P lant / C ontains excerpts from T ive R az o written by Jorge M ario D a Silva a/k/a S eu J orge published by C afune/U niversal M usica U nica P ub ( B M I ) performed by Seu Jorge courtesy of C afune / C ontains excerpts from T he M essage written by Edward G . Fletcher, C lifton N athaniel C hase , Sylvia R obinson, M elvin G lover and published by U niversal M usic P ublishing (B M I ) / J R L M usic ( B M I ) performed by G rand M aster Flash & T he F urious F ive, produced under license from R hino E ntertainment C ompany, a Warner M usic Group C ompany and B M G C hrysalis U K / M astered by C hris G ehringer for Sterling Sound P ublished by I L ike Em T hicke M usic (ASC AP ), I Am C omposing L L C (B M I ), U niversal M usic P ublishing B M I , J R L M usic B M I , U niversal M usica U nica P ub B M I

9. 4 T he R est O f My Life W ritten by R obin Thicke , P rojay / P roduced by R obin T hicke , P rojay / K eys R obin T hicke / D rums and B ass P rojay / G uitar - B obby K eyes B ackgrounds - R obin Thicke / S trings Arranger Projay / S trings C onductor - S uzie K atayama S trings R ecorded at H ansen S tudios / E ngineered by B ill M alina / Mixed B y T ony M aserati at M irrorball S tudios , N orth H ollywood , C A . / M ix A ssisted by J ustin H ergett and J ames K rausse M astered by Chris G ehringer for S terling S ound Published by I Like Em Thicke Music (ASCAP) and Da Gass Co. (ASCAP)/adm universal music corp (ascap) 10. T op O f The W orld W ritten by: R obin T hicke , P rojay / P roduced by: R obin Thicke , P rojay / K eys R obin T hicke D rums / Percussion - Projay / L ead guitar / B ass guitar - Projay / Trombone - L emar Guillary Trumpet R ashawn R oss / Alto and T enor S ax D onald Hayes / B ackgrounds - R obin T hicke R ecorded at B lue J ay S tudios / R ecorded by: P rojay / Mixed B y Tony Maserati at M irrorball S tudios , N orth H ollywood , C A. / M ix A ssisted by J ustin Hergett and J ames K rausse / M astered by C hris G ehringer for S terling S ound Published byI Like Em Thicke Music (ASCAP) and Da Gass Co. (ASCAP)/adm universal music corp (ascap)

1 1 . T he Good L ife W ritten by: R obin T hicke / P roduced by: R obin Thicke , P rojay / Keys R obin T hicke / Drums, P ercussion and B ass - P rojay / L ead guitar J oseph Augello / B ackgrounds - R obin T hicke Trombone - L emar Guillary / T rumpet - B randon P hillips / A lto and T enor Sax - Donald Hayes S trings A rranged by - R obin T hicke, Suzie K atayama / S trings Conductor - Suzie Katayama S trings Recorded at Hansen Studios / Engineered by Bill Malina / M ixed B y T ony M aserati at M irrorball Studios , N orth Hollywood, CA . M ix Assisted by Justin Hergett and James Krausse M astered by C hris Gehringer for Sterling Sound P ublished byI L ike Em T hicke M usic (A SCA P )

1 2 . P ressure W ritten by: R obin T hicke , Niles Hollowell- D har P roduced by: T he C ataracs / All I nstruments : Niles H ollowell - D har / B ackgrounds - R obin T hicke R ecorded at: R ecord P lant / R ecorded by: G elly Kusuma / M ixed by: R obert O rton M astered by: C hris G ehringer for Sterling Sound P ublished by I L ike Em T hicke M usic (ASC AP ) N iles H ollowell- D har Sony AT V /I ndie- P op M usic P ublishing /ASC AP

13. Put Y our Lovin O n Me W ritten by: R obin T hicke , N iles H ollowell - D har Produced by: The Cataracs / A ll I nstruments : N iles H ollowell- D har / B ackgrounds - R obin T hicke / R ecorded at: R ecord P lant R ecorded by: G elly K usuma / M ixed by: R obert O rton / M astered by: Chris Gehringer for S terling S ound Published by I Like E m T hicke M usic ( AS C AP ) and N iles H ollowell- D har S ony AT V / I ndie - P op M usic Publishing/ A S CA P 14. Give It 2 U ft. Kendrick Lamar + 2 Chainz (REMix) W ritten by: R obin T hicke , K endrick L amar D uckworth , W illiam A dams , L ukasz Gottwald and H enry Walter / Published by I L ike E m T hicke M usic ( A S C A P ) , T op D awg M usic ( A S C AP ) , i . am . composing , llc ( B MI ) / B M G S apphire S ongs ( B M I ) , K asz M oney Publishing ( A S C A P ) and O neirology Publishing/ P rescription S ongs ( AS C AP ) Produced by: D r . L uke and C irkut for P rescription S ongs / M ixed by: S erban G henea / V ocals by R obin T hicke and K endrick L amar / All I nstruments and Programming by D r . L uke and Cirkut / E ngineered by D erek M ixed B yAli A li , Clint G ibbs and padraic padlock kerin A ssisted by R achael F indlen and D ustin C apulong Production Coordination by I rene R ichter R ecorded at L uke s in the B oo, M alibu , C A , R ecord Plant S tudios , Los A ngeles , C A and T D E R ed R oom S tudios , C arson , C A / R obin R ecorded at T he R ecord P lant / K endrick L amar V ocals R ecorded B y: D erek Mixex B yA li A li / K endrick L amar V ocals R ecorded At: T D E R ed R oom S tudios M ixed at MixS tar S tudios , V irginia B each , VA E ngineered for mix by J ohn H anes / V ocal Production by will. i . am for will . i . am music , llc K endrick lamar appears courtesy of top dawg ent . / aftermath records/ interscope records 2 Chainz appears courtesy of Island Def Jam Records

A lbum Credits: M anagement: J ordan Feldstein, chris Knight , and shawn holiday for Career A rtist M anagement D ay to Day M anager : Furqan R aschke E xecutive P roducer: Jordan Feldstein, Jimmy I ovine, A ndre Harrell A &R : N eil Jacobson A& R C oordinator: Furqan R aschke, N ick J. Groff M arketing Director : N icole B ilzerian International Marketing Director: Karen Goodman T our M arketing: Don Clemons I nterscope P roduction: Kam Sangha , Ryan Gamsby Interscope Business Affairs: Tracy Kies, todd douglas Attorney: jamie Roberts for roberts Leibowitz & Hafitz P hotography Credits: T erry R ichardson Art direction/packaging : YOUN G & SI CK Custom T ypography: T odd R ussell www. todd - russell. com www. robinthicke. com www. facebook . com/robinthicke www. twitter. com/robinthicke

T hank Y ou
Paula Patton / Julian Fuego Thicke / Mom / Dad / Brennan / Carter / Pro Jay Joyce Patton / Craig Crawford / Rich Vol / All My Family and Friends / Jimmy Iovine / Andre HaRrell / Jordan Feldstein / Chris Knight / Furqan Rashcke / Adam Daglow / Kia Perry / Adrienne / Bella / Robert Steinken / Dionne / Ramone / Taryn Larry Cox / LB / Matty / Chris / Joe Augello / Bobby B. Keyes / Bill Malina / Steve Crain / Pharrell Williams / T.I. / Timbaland / Dr. Luke / Will.I.Am / Niles / Kendrick Lamar / 2 Chainz / Tony Maz / Diane Martel / The Record Plant / Jaimie Roberts Greg Robinson / Lauren Robinson / Adam Mersel / Alister Cain / Andrew Kronfeld Anne Cleary / Anshana Mtoro / Anthony Seyler / Ashley Eliot / BJ Frogozo Brandon Phillips / Brenda Reynoso / Brenda Romano / Brianne Widaman / Brooke Michael / Byzeone / Carleen Donovan / Caroline Ellis / Cary jones / Caryn Lee Chelsea Brines / Chris Gehringer / Chris Lopes / Chris Moradi / Chris Mortimer Christian Johansen / Christie Desir / Cliff Feiman / Dale Becker / Dave Anderson David Assogba / Dennis Dennehy / Dirk Baur / DJ Mormile / Don Clemons / Donald Hayes / Doug Daniel / Garnett March / Garrett Williams / Gary Kelly / GG Giulio Mazzoleni / Graziano Ostuni / Greg Carr / Greg Marella / Greg Prink Ike Youssef / JAMES EVANS / JASON ELIAS / Jeanne Venton / JEFF STACEY / Jennifer Frommer / Jennifer Paola / Jennifer Zeller / Jenny Peachey / Jeremy Tanney / JESSE FLOHR / Joe Munns / John Janick / Joie Manda / Jurgen Grebner / Justin Dreyfuss Justine Massa / Kam Sangha / Karen Goodman / Kate Rosen / Keinon Johnson KENNY ORNBERG / Kenrick Phan / Kerry Fee / Kerry Hickey / KIM HITCHCOCK KIMBERLIE NICHOLS / KURT BIERSMITH / Lamar Johnson / Larry Jackson / Lauren Mares / Lee Hammond / Lemar Guillary / Lester Pace / Liz Goodwin / Mandy Adams Marissa Wickliffe / Mark Flaherty / MARK NEITER / Marlon Singleton / Marta Navas Martin Kierszenbaum / Michelle An / Mike Cole / MIKE JUSTIN / Nathalie Besharat Neil Jacobson / Neil Shulman / Nick J. Groff / Nicky Garcia / Nicole Bilzerian Nicole Csabai / Nino Cuccinello / Paul Jessop / Paul Shaver / Rand Hoffman Rashawn Ross / Rebecca Marlis / REID SHACKELFORD / Reza Sarrafieh / Robert Robles Rogier Bol / Roslyn Tarroza / Ryan Cox / Ryan Gamsby / Ryan Kravontka Ryan Roy / Ryan Stockwell / Samantha Tripses / Shawn Holiday / Stephanie Hsu Stephanie Wittmer / Steve Berman / STEVE GREBORUNIS / Sukhraj Johal / Suzie Katayama / tal oz / TED HOEKSTRA / Tim Kelly / Todd Douglas / Tom Land / Tracy Kies Uli Kuhnert / Wayne Sharp / Will Quinnell

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