Research Design and Execution of The Study

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INTRODUCTION People are a key resource, critically influencing every element of strategic management of businesses. Managing human resources effectively in alignment with companys strategy has become a critical success factor for companies to keep up with the constantly changing business environment and a tough competition. One of the major objectives of fruitful human resource management is to ensure that the company and its people will be ready to face current and future challenges in order to succeed in the market. Employee development and training is an area of human resource practice that directly focuses on this. It is a complementary part to efficient recruitment and selection of personnel - it enhances, develops and improves the skills, knowledge, behaviour and attitudes that employees bring with them when entering the company. In order to ensure the above mentioned, companies run various learning and development initiatives and

programmes. Logically, efficient planning and design of these initiatives and programmes at the beginning is the pre-requisite for yielding the benefits and desired outcomes at the end. Training is a process of learning sequence of programmed behaviour. Training involves a combination of skills development, knowledge transfer, development and support of understanding and sustained attitude change. It gives people an awareness of the rules and procedure to guide their performance on the current job or prepare them for an intended job.

Training is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an employees ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employees attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge. The need for training is determined by the employees performance efficiency. Training provides an insight into the how and whys of training, right from an employees induction to his exit in an organization. Training is about the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) through professional development. It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skills, concept, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviours to enhance the performance of employees. Training facilitates development in the perspectives of individuals as well as in the perspectives of the company. Their knowledge and skill sets would become in much demand within the industry, so the individuals are going ahead in their career after training along with experience. Sometimes, acquired skills and knowledge become precious, so companies tend to retain these individuals and create space for growth across careers.

Statement of the problem In an organisation the employees need training and development program to develop their skills and to update the current working culture. The amount spend on training and development is not an expense. It is an investment made to improve the performance of an employee. The performance of the employees can be made effective by providing a necessary training and development program. The management of Dalmia cements in trichy wants to know the status of training and development program and to know the

employees perception towards the provided training and development program. So, the researcher made a detailed study on the employees perception on training and development.

Review of related literature It is Mandatory to review the literature available with respect to the area of the research study. Several Studies have been under taken to analyze the employee perception towards training and development. The Present Chapter presents some of the studies conducted in past.

Dr. K. Francis Sudhakaret al. (nov 2011)has made an assessment in this competitive world training and development programme has become as an important part for the growth of the organization and employees as well. Training programme helps the employees in gaining job related knowledge and skills. This helps the individuals in improving their work performance and productivity. Industry is changing continuously in order to survive. As the demands of the products and services are increasing, the workforce should be well trained in order to meet the market competition. Employees skills and ability decides the productivity and future of any organization. Employees will have different perceptions about their training programme. Some employee will consider this training programme as a major part of their career for learning the knowledge and skill. This will help them in their career advancement like higher pay off, promotions and other incentives. This study is intended to evaluate

the perception of employees on their training and development programme. For this a qualitative study was used among the employees. Unstructured questionnaire was prepared and the

interview was conducted among the participants. The findings reveal many of the significant facts pertaining to how employees perceive the training & developmental initiatives of the organization. These findings have been discussed in detail and the article ends with suggesting the future directions for research. Ana Paula Ferreira and Regina Leite(2012) has analyzed the training and development has become a paramount subject in the workplace and societies, particularly in todays scenario of the European crisis. Training and development literature has long highlighted the benefits for employees, managers and governments of training and education strategies and systems. However, the

employees perception of the training and development process has been systematically neglected. This paper presents an exploratory study focusing on the employees perception about the training and development rationale and initiatives and tools used by their employing organizations. A sample (n= 56) of currently employed MSc students enrolled in management courses at a Portuguese University was used to analyze their opinion about the employers reasons to invest in training activities, the organizational instruments adopted to conduct the training needs assessment and evaluating the training effectiveness, and the problems underlying the whole process of training within their organizations. A questionnaire was used to

collect data on those issues. Results are analyzed and implications for employing organizations are discussed.

Muhammad Ashar et al.(2013) has examine to survive in highly competitive business environment organizations are focusing on capitalizing its human recourses. These resources are very difficult to imitate and combination with other resources also help to gain edge over competitors. The objective of our study is to investigate relationship of two most important perceptions of training with affective commitment. These perceptions of training include perceived availability of training and perceived supervisor support for training. Later on we investigate relationship of affective commitment with employee turnover intentions. For this purpose questionnaire were considered as a tool to get responses from telecom and banking sector of Pakistan. Total 150 questionnaires were distributed and 123 useful questionnaires were received at a response rate of 82%. Statistical tools that used to analyze the relationships were Pearson moment quotient and linear regression. The result shows significant positive association of both training perceptions with affective commitment. The finding also shows significant negative association of affective commitment with employee turnover intention.

Mehedi Hasanet al.(2013) has analyzed that in an era of uncertain and highly competitive business environments business leaders believe that the level of knowledge and skill of the existing human










sustainability of a business is highly dependent on the process of how the workforce is informed and trained with state-of-the-art knowledge, skills and how their attitudes are being groomed in order to maintain sensitivity towards the environmental changes. In this research it has been alleged that Private Commercial Banks (PCBs)in Bangladesh are not out of the frame of this scenario. The role of PCBs is critically appraised in the economic development and trade proliferation. The aim of this paper is to unearth how the existing training and management development program is perceived by employees. In this research, employees from five (5)selective banks in the private sector out of 47 scheduled commercial banks in Bangladesh have been chosen based on convenience as a sample. Five point liker t scales have been designed to assess agreeableness and hypotheses have been formulated as well as a Z-test used in order to grab sample populations valid judgment towards the management development program of the PCBs in Bangladesh. This research has found that even if banks arrange an adequate number of training programs and allocate time for the purpose of updated Knowledge, Skills and Attitude (KSA), the majority of the respondents believe that they are failing to contribute due return to their organization due to faulty training and management development systems.








competitive world, training plays an important role in the competent


and challenging format of business. Training is the nerve that suffices the need of fluent and smooth functioning of work which helps in enhancing the quality of work life of employees and organizational development too. Development is a process that leads to qualitative as well as quantitative advancements in the organization, especially at the managerial level, it is less considered with physical skills and is more concerned with knowledge, values, attitudes and behavior in addition to specific skills. Hence, development can be said as a continuous process whereas training has specific areas and

objectives. So, every organization needs to study the role, importance and advantages of training and its positive impact on development for the growth of the organization. Quality of work life is aprocess in which the organization recognizes their responsibility for excellence of organizational performance as well as employee skills. Training implies constructive development in such organizational motives for optimum enhancement of quality of work life of the employees. These types of training and development programs help in improving the employee behaviour and attitude towards the job and also uplift their morale. Thus, employee training and development programs are important aspects which are needed to be studied and focused on. This paper focuses and analyses the literature findings on importance of training and development and its relation with the employees quality of work life.

Afshan Sultana(2012) has investigate

the training practices of

telecommunication Sector in Pakistan were examined to determine their impact on employee performance. Based on a combination of literature review and questionnaire surveys, this paper explores that for any organization to succeed in achieving the objectives of its training program, the design and implementation must be planned and systematic, tailored towards enhancing performance and

productivity. For this study 360, questionnaires had been distributed among the employees of five telecom companies. It has been observed that most organizations meet their needs for training in an ad hoc and haphazard way while others set about identifying their training needs, then design training activities in a rational manner and finally assess the results of training. The study concludes that if organizations invest in right type of employee training it can enhance employee performance as well as competencies and skills. In addition, training is seen as a useful means of coping with changes fostered by technological innovation; market competition, organizational

structuring and most importantly it plays a key role to enhance employee performance. Chris Obisi(2011) has made an assessment on the ultimate aim of any training program is to add value and once a training program cannot add value, it should be reworked or altogether cancelled. Without training, it will be very difficult to acquire skills and without skills organizations will not achieve its objectives through people. Some organizations see training as an expensive venture and may put

embargo on training and utilize the money for other projects in the organization. Organizations must encourage learning organizations through its serious approach to training and development. A leadership organization is one which continuously enhances the skills of its entire workforce. Organizations should show in words and indeed its resolve to place high emphasis on training by having a training philosophy, identifying training needs, training objectives, training administration and also evaluating training needs. It is discovered that organizations show poor attitude to training

administration by not preparing and equipping their trainees before, during and after a training program. More importantly, research efforts should be devoted to identifying missing gaps in the reviewed materials. Priority would be given to empirical analysis of the significance of identifying specific and appropriate needs before venturing into training and the reason why training fails.

Chidambaram Vijayabanu and Ramachandran Amudha(2012) has examined the success of any organization depends on appropriate use of human assets available in the organization. All other assets could only be supplementary to human assets. Towards augmenting the human resources and to cope with changes both internal and external, the organization has to concentrate necessarily on

developing the ability, wisdom and skills of its workforce. For the development of human asset, training becomes the base. Training is a tool to attain individual, organizational needs related to the jobs

undertaken and is also intended to improve the work culture of the group involved in a group task. An ideal training programme can be expected to change the attitude, skills and develop forward vision of the participants towards the task. This paper summarizes the results of the literature review on the effectiveness of training programmes of employees from diverse perspective.

Samuel Howard Quartey(2012)has made an assessment in present scenarios, employee training is widely considered as the source of gaining competitive advantage. However, the effect of employee training on organizational performance in the print-media industry remains largely unexamined in the African context. This paper investigates the effect of employee training on organizational

performance using Graphic Communication Group Limited as a case study. The results from the descriptive analysis indicated that, although some employees are not aware of and are not involved in the training programmes, majority of the employees reported that, they are aware of and are involved in various training programmes. The results also showed that, training programmes in the print-media industry is not frequent. Results from the correlation analysis suggested that, there is moderately strong relationship between employee training and organizational performance. Employee training has a huge effect on organizational performance. Testing the theory of resource-based view requires an extension of this study to other private firms in the print-media industry. It is recommended that

current change in employees skills sets requires constant and frequent employee training in the print-media industry in Ghana.

Jelena Vemic(2007) has analyze the global competition and swiftness of changes emphasize the importance of human capital within organizations, as well as the swiftness and ways of knowledge gaining of that capital. In the economy where uncertainty is the only certainty, knowledge is becoming a reliable source of sustained competitive advantage. Knowledge is becoming basic capital and the trigger of development. Previously built on foundations of possessing specific resources and low costs, present day competition is based on knowledge possessing and efficient knowledge management. Modern organizations, therefore use their resources(money, time, energy, information, etc.) for permanent training and advancement of their employees. knowledge, Organizations extending it which through are the constantly entire creating new and


implementing it quickly inside the new technologies, develop good products and excellent services. These activities determine the company as a learning organization with constant innovation being its sole business. These are organizations which realize that learning and new knowledge are becoming the key of success, and that education is crucial for abundance.

Alexandros G. Sahinidis and John Bouris(2007) has investigate the relationship between perceived employee training effectiveness and job

satisfaction, motivation and commitment. The study examined the responses of 134 employees and lower managers, of five large Greek organizations, after they had completed a training program. The questions asked contained information about the employee attitudes towards the training received, as well as their attitudes towards their employers. Findings The results of the study provide support to the hypotheses proposed, indicating that there is a significant correlation between the employee perceived training effectiveness and their commitment, job satisfaction and motivation. Additionally, high correlations were found between the latter three variables. Research limitations/implications The study is limited to examining employee feelings, not taking into account their personal characteristics, which may be important.








Organizational Support and the Organizational Training Support Index focus on employee perceptions of organizational support. The present research asked three specific questions related to the relationship between these instruments and their respective

constructs. A positive, moderate relationship was found between the two items. Additionally, the present research indicates similar reliability coefficients between the two instruments. Finally, neither gender nor education levels were found to mediate differences between the constructs.


McDowall A and Saunders MNK (2010)has to review the practical and theoretical distinctions between training and development in the organizational investigate psychology managers and HRD literatures. for the Secondly training to and



development function conceptualize these activities in practice, the factors which guide their decision making, how they evaluate the outcomes and the extent they perceive a relationship between training and development.

Christopher Orpen(1999) To examine the relationships between the training environment and employee responses to training provided by their organizations, 105 managers employed by different 12 Australian organizations organizational completed measures job of the personal self aspects of and




personal control, as well as of the organizational aspects of social support from work, social support outside work, training incentives, training resources, and training needs. The trainees also indicated how motivated they were for the training, and how they judged the quality of the training provided by their organizations the two outcomes of the study. Eight of the 10 relationships between the organizational aspects and outcomes were significant, but only three of the eight relationships between the personal aspects and outcomes. It is argued that the results suggest that it is how organizations go about managing training, especially how many resources they provide, what training incentives they make available, and how much the

training is needed that counts, rather than the personal attributes of the trainees.

Raja Abdul Ghafoor Khan et al. (2011) has investigate the Training and Development, On the Job Training, Training Design and Delivery style are four of the most important aspects in organizational studies. The focus of current study is to understand the affect of Training and Development, On the Job Training, Training Design and Delivery style on Organizational performance. The back bone of this study is the secondary data comprised of comprehensive literature review. Four Hypotheses are developed to see the Impact of all the independent variables on the overall Organizational Performance. The Hypotheses show that all these have significant affect on Organizational Performance. These Hypotheses came from the literature review and we have also proved them with the help of literature review. Results show that Training and Development, On the Job Training, Training Design and Delivery style have significant affect on Organizational Performance and all these have positively affect the Organizational Performance. It means it increases the overall organizational

performance. We also prove our Hypothesis through empirical data. However, results are strongly based on the literature review.

Dr. Norsiah Binti Mat et al.(2013) has made an assessment on training (learning) participation in human resources development program in the organizations are very sparse despites its importance

in human resources development activities. This article tends to focus attention on identifying the factors influencing the training

participation in human resources development intervention. This topic is very important in human resources development research because of the increasing concerns on e-learning dropout rate, HRD

measurement and evaluation. A comprehensive review of literature is presented to identify research gap in participation and completion of HRD related intervention program. A conceptual framework of HRD training participation is proposed to describe the pattern, factors, structure and the interrelationship between the variables. Finally, the usefulness and applicability of the theory is discussed. In addition, the implication for future research will be discussed in detail. Henry Ongori and Jennifer Chishamiso Nzonzo(2011) has analyzed the training and development of employees is critical in organizations in this era of competition due to the fact that organizations need to survive, grow and develop. Consequentially, training and development has become an issue of strategic importance. Although many scholars have conducted research on training and development practices in organizations in both developing and developed economies, it is worth mentioning that most of the research has concentrated on the benefits of training in general. There is however, limited focus on evaluation of training and development practices in organizations and yet, training and development of employees is critical for the survival and growth of any entity. To fill this gap, this study critically examines in detail the benefits, approaches and evaluation techniques applied in training

and development of employees in an organization. The methodology adopted for this study was random samplings where 61 managers of eight organizations were selected for the study. The major finding of the study indicated that training and development of employees increases organizational effectiveness and enhances competitiveness. The limitation of the study is that sample size selected for the study comprised of organization in Gaborone city and its surrounding areas. The contribution of this study is that it provokes insights amongst owners, managers, policy makers and scholars on how organization training and development practices could be enhanced in order to improve organizational effectiveness and retain human capital.

Objective of the study 1) To know the profile of Dalmia cements employees. 2) To study the theoretical framework of training and development. 3) To propose a multidimensional and structural model that evaluate the employee perception towards training and development program. 4) To give suitable suggestion and recommendations to the management to improve their given training and development programs.

Pilot study: A questionnaire was draft to evaluate the employees perception towards training and development program which comprises of different dimensions and they are personal demographic(7), status(13),effectiveness(9),value (4). 60 employees were randomly selected and the data collection was made.

After the data collection is over reliability of the 26 variables under 3 dimensions were deserved were checked and the value of cronbachs alpha for 26 conceptual items is 72.9% and it shows the dimensions achieve internal consistency and it is reliable. Finally the questionnaire was raised to the final data collection

Sampling framework The research is a census survey that evaluate the perception of employees towards the provided training and development program in Dalmia cements, trichy. The sample size of the study is 427.

Instrumentation and data collection The finalised questionnaire after the pilot study is used for the final data collection without any change, the questionnaire comprises of four dimensions personal demographic (7) status (13)effectiveness (9) value(4). And the secondary data regarding the profile of the company & related reviews were collected, through internet and the researcher also visited Dalmia cements for the purpose of data collection.

Data analysis After the final data collection was completed, the researcher then conducted a computerised data analysis using statistical software namely SYSTAT13, IBM SPSS21 and IBM AMOS 22. At first the reliability of the variables are checked, then the univariate and multivariate normality test was performed to know, whether the variables follow the normal distribution. Finally three

types of structural equation model was proposed to bring out the employee perception towards training and development program.

Scope of the study The research made an attempt to identify the employees perception of training and development provided in Dalmia cements (B) ltd.

Limitation As it is a census study, due to the absence of few employees the data could not be collected from them.


Chapterization Chapter I RESEARCH DESIGN AND EXECUTION OF THE STUDY. The chapter one contains the introduction of the study, research problem, Objective of the study, Pilot study review of literature of data, sampling method, Method of data Collection, Data analysis, scope and limitations. Chapter II COMPANY PROFILE This chapter contains details about the profiles of the company. Chapter IIITHEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF EMPLOYEE PERCEPTION OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT This chapter contains the theory part for employee perception of training and development. Chapter IV DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION In this chapter, the data collected and interpreted using the software SYSTAT 13, IBM SPSS21& IBM AMOS22. Chapter V FINDINGS, SUGGESTIONS AND CONCLSION In this chapter the findings and suggestions are given to the employees through the data and conclusion is given.


CHAPTER-II COMPANY PROFILE DALMIA CEMENTS (B) LTD Company history Dalmia cements have cement plants in southern states of Tamil Nadu (Dalmiapuram&Ariyalur) and Andhra Pradesh (Kadapa), with a capacity of 9 million tonnes per annum. A leader in cement manufacturing since 1939, DCBL is a multi spectrum Cement player with double digit market share and a pioneer in super specialty cements used for Oil wells, Railway sleepers and Air strips. We also hold a stake of 45.4 % in OCL India Ltd., a major cement Player in the Eastern Region, and now control a cement capacity of 14.3 million tonnes & has a strong presence in Southern & Eastern Regions of the Country. What makes them unique is our constant ability to innovate. On the key efficiency parameters, we rank right up there with the best in the industry. They have set up over 53 windmills in Muppandal (Tamil Nadu) to generate inexpensive and eco-friendly captive power for our plant. This power is wheeled through the State utility transporter for consumption at the plant. With the plant located close to its source of raw materials, they keep our freight and transport costs low, giving it an edge over competition. Over 65 per cent of the cement consumption in India is catered to by the retail segment where branding and distribution are the critical drivers for leadership. And it is in this that we enjoy an edge over our competitors. They


are the only single unit cement manufacturer to successfully market our brands in core markets at prices on par with those of large

consolidated/national players. In our focus area of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, which are among the fastest growing in cement consumption, we enjoy a significant market share today. Our brands enjoy a very high recall among consumers and influencers while our relationships with our dealers are very strong. In fact, in some cases these relationships go back three generations. Our USP is innovation, which has given us a leadership position in niche but fast-growing market segments.

BRIEF PROFILE OF DALMIA CEMENTS 1939 It was in the year 1939, during the pre-independence era, the company started its cement unit as a venture towards Building up a self-reliant India

with respect to one of the countrys essential commodities / Core Sectors. Of the four units so started, one was located at Dalmiapuram, which was later incorporated as DALMIA CEMENT (BHARAT) LIMITED (whilst two units got absorbed in Pakistan due to partition). In 1939, a 250 Tonnes per day kiln was started by the Company to manufacture cement by Semi-dry process. The machinery was supplied by M/s. POLYSIUS , GERMANY. It is a tribute to the engineers of Dalmia

Cement that this unit is still actively functioning at Dalmiapuram Works.

19491982In 1949, a 500 Tonnes per day Wet Process Unax Kiln supplied by M/s. F.L.SMIDTH, DENMARK was installed. Again in 1959, expansion was

undertaken with the installation of another 500 Tonnes per day wet process Folax Kiln supplied by M/s. F.L.SMIDTH, DENMARK. In 1982, a 200 Tonnes per day Vertical Shaft Kiln (First of its kind in India) was installed using fuel as Coal Slurry Process. 1983 1993 Decontrol of Cement Partial Decontrol (1983) Full Decontrol (1984) In the year 1983, Captive Power Gensets supplied by M/s Wartsila were installed. In the year 1984, Oil well cement production was started and in 1986 the prestigious API Monogram certification was received from American

Petroleum Institute, USA.

With rising costs of fuel, major modernization programme was undertaken in line with policy of the Government of India to switch over from et Process to Dry Process. Consequently, a 1500 Tonnes per day pre-calcinator kiln was


commissioned in 1987 and both the Wet Process kilns were stopped. This is a modern Dry Process Kiln First of its kind in TAMILNADU with Computerised Controls. The New Plant includes Stacker Reclaimer and X RAY Analyser to ensure uniform Quality.


In the year 1990, we have installed state of the art Electronic Roto Packer - I with 8 spouts for packing cement.

In the year 1991, we have introduced a new technology Auto Kiln Control System for smooth operation of Kiln. Also, in the year 1991, a Regional Training Centre sponsored by World Bank DANIDA is started at our Plant to cater to all South Indian Cement Plants. This is a recognition of our Plant as center for excellence for transfer of Technology.

In the year 1993, we have been awarded ISO 9002 certification for our Quality Management System (First cement company in South India) from BIS.

1994 2004In the year 1994, we have installed state of the art Electronic Roto Packer-II (12 spout) for packing cement. In the year 1997, Cement grinding was modernized by introducing Vertical Roller Mill. The Central control room has been upgraded with latest fuzzy logic controls for improved energy efficiency and productivity. We have upgraded the Kiln Cooler with the latest IKN technology for improved thermal efficiency. A substantial expansion project was completed in 2002 with upgradation of our KHD Kiln, enhancing the capacity to 3300 TPD, by installing energy efficient low pressure cyclones and the Kiln Cooler with the latest CFG technology for improved thermal efficiency.

In the year 2004, we have received ISO 14001 certification for our Environmental Management System from BIS.

2005 Onwards A major capacity expansion project is commissioned during the year 2006 to enhance the total cement capacity by putting up a most modern & energy efficient 3800 TPD Plant. Also to meet the increased power requirement at optimum cost, a 27 MW Captive Thermal Power Plant is put up during the year 2005.

The major features of the New Cement Plant are listed below. Most Modern & Energy Efficient 3800 TPD Plant Consistent Quality with Bulk Solid Analyser , XRD Technologies Pollution Free with Bag Houses, Bag Filters and ESPs Covered Sheds for all Raw-Materials / Fuels Automatic Material Handling Stacker & Reclaimers for all Raw-

Materials & Fuels Latest Technology Pipe Conveyors, Vertical Roller Mills, Belt

Elevators Lowest Fuel Consumption Lowest Power Consumption 705 Kcal/Kg of Clinker 65 Units/Ton of Cement

A Major Cooler Upgradation work carried out in KHD Plant during 2007 with new Kiln Hood &Duroflux Burner.


First to install 250 TPD Semi Dry Process kiln in India. First to install 500 TPD Wet Process kiln in India. First to install the unique Coal Slurry based Vertical Shaft Kiln

Technology in the World. First to introduce the Vertical Roller Mill Technology (for Lime

Stone grinding) in Indian Cement Industry thus saving valuable energy. First to install Captive Power Generator in India, which can run on

Heavy Fuel Oil, thus saving scarce and valuable light distillates like Diesel. First to produce OWC in India to API specification. This unit is a

Pioneer in manufacture of Oil Well Cement conforming to specifications of American Petroleum Institute. First Cement Plant in Tamilnadu to venture into Wind Mill Farm. First Cement Plant in South India to obtain the ISO 9002 Quality

System Certification in 1993. Now switched over to IS:ISO 9001:2000 version. First Unit in India to go in for Vertical Roller Mill for Cement

grinding in 1997. First to install Modern Pre-calcinator Dry process Kiln in this state

in 1987. First to introduce Auto Kiln Control System using Linkman in India

in 1992. (Now replaced by RAMCO System in the year 1999).

This Unit is recognized by World Bank DANIDA, as Centre of

Excellence for transfer of technology and sponsored a Regional Training


Centre at Dalmiapuram, to cater to the needs of South Indian Cement Industries. This unit is one of the Leaders in the Production of High Strength

Special Cement required for Air strips& for Manufacture of Concrete Railway Sleepers.

CEMENTS FOR INFRASTRUCTURE Oil Well Cement Airstrip Cement Railway sleeper Cement Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement

CEMENTS FOR HOUSE CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL CEMENTS Coastal Cement Superoof Cement Superfoundation Cement

REGULAR CEMENTS Ordinary Portland Cement Portland Pozzolana Cement


OUR MAJOR CUSTOMERS OIL & NATURAL GAS COMMISSION Established in 1956, ONGC produces 90% of our countrys crude production with turnover of about Rs.20,000Crorers per annum ( 5000 million Dollars). At peak time it operates 150 Rigs both on-shore and off-shore. During the year 97-98 ONGC production was 30 million MT, 90% of which was from Bombay High. The depth of Oil Well averages around 3000 meters/drill in off-shore and around 4000 meters/drill in on-shore . ONGC has 6 Business Centres all over India with Head-Quarters at Dehradun (UP).

ONGC is now venturing into contracts with other countries viz. Saudi Arabia, Bangaladesh, Vietnam and CIS countries. OIL INDIA LTD Oil India Limited produces around 3 million MT/year and operations are restricted to mainly Assam, Orissa and Rajasthan. RELIANCE INDUSTRIES LTD Reliance Industries Limited, Bombay is using our Oil Well cement for their oil wells and their CBM project in Madhya Pradesh (Coal Bedded Methane) 2200 DEALER NETWORK IN SOUTH.



Sl. No.



15th of every month or any alternate day, if it is a holiday First Thursday of every month 15th of every month or any alternate day, if it is a holiday (Except Saturday) 7th of every month or any alternate day if it is a holiday 2nd Friday of every month Every Monday After 15th of every month as and when required as and when required

Policy decision making To improve understanding between Workmen & Management. For continuous improvements of Productivity. To improve safety consciousness. To encourage creative thinking To discuss marketing situation and action Plan to meet customer needs. For efficient running of canteen For deciding house allotment For deciding donations for the needy. a) Dalmia Tennis Club b) Dalmia Recreation Club c) Dalmia Ladies Club i) College Bus committee





10th - Once in two months or any alternate day, if it is a holiday


REGIONAL TRAINING CENTRE Preamble about RTC Regional Training Centre (RTC) is a training institution set up to provide need-based training for personnel from cement and allied industries. This project is an example of co-operative effort between the Govt. of India and cement industry assisted by a loan from World Bank and a grant from Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA). The immediate objective of this project is to establish a demand driven, economically viable and self sustaining training system for operators, supervisors and line managers in Indian cement industry. Four full fledged training centres have been established at the following locations in 1993: 1. 2. 3. 4. JK Cement Works at Nimbahera, Rajasthan (North) Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited at Dalmiapuram, Tamilnadu (South) Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd at Ambujanagar, Gujarat (West) ACC Jamul Cement Works in Madhya Pradesh (Centre)

RTCs are fully operational with state of the art equipment and tailor made training packages. Training needs are carefully assessed through detailed dialogue with potential trainees at cement plants. As a result the training packages are need based and highly focused on learning objectives. Computer based training has been introduced in a big way even at operator level, as it gives them a graphical view of the subject and allows them to learn at their own pace. High grade training packages in technical areas have been


developed indigenously. There is unique faculty structure whereby technically qualified and experienced line staff from cement plants are specially trained to act as part-time trainers ( TOT Training of trainers) Highlights of our RTC, Dalmiapuram With the objective to bring out the hidden talents and potentials in the individuals and enable them to use their inner powers to grow and develop in their personnel, family, business and professional lifes. The present key features at our RTC, Dalmiapuram includes: Technical training: We have 49 technical packages at present. The technical packages are upgraded periodically with discussion with other RTCs and assistance from Govt. of India. Around 221 people trained through (18) Technical training packages for the year 2006. Non Cement training: Periodically training conducted Lubricants, Electrical Equipment, DG set, in topics like Bearings


Maintenance are conducted. HR Training: Periodically training in areas like First Aid, Fire Fighting, Positive work culture, Supervisory development programmes are conducted. Total man days of in-house training conducted for the year 2006 : 407 Man Days. Complete technical package for the cement industry is taken up starting from mines to packing house has been done from time to time.


We have done the 45 days training for Star Cement (Dubai) and recently 30 days training package for Chettinad Cement. Other than cement industry we take up the training for other areas like, we did a positive work culture to Thanthai Rover College, Perambalur. And Corrosion Tech. Trg. Prg. for Builders Association, Tamilnadu with the help of Scientist, Alagappa University, Karaikkudi. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Bore wells sunk in and around Dalmiapuram for the benefit of villagers. Renovation of temples, churches and mosques. Assistance to Schools by way of infrastructural facilities. Environmental protection - Planting of trees. Rendering relief to victims of calamities and accidents. Encouraging cultural talents among school and college students through competitions. Nurturing individuals talents- Dalmia orchestra. Organising various medical camps through Rotary Club of Dalmiapuram Entertaining local public by organising various cultural programmes. Sports activities such as Football, Table Tennis, Volleyball, Badminton etc. are conducted at National, State and District levels. Sewage Treatment Plant separately for Factory & Colony. Treated water used for Development of Farm at our Dairy.


CHAPTER III THEORITICAL FRAME WORK OF EMPLOYEE PERCEPTION OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Status of the Training and Development System The status of the training and development system included the elements from the original design that used for the previous training. The strategic goals and mission of the organization is to continuously improve the training and development system. The strategic role of the training and development system included top managers visible commitment and to support the system.

The status of the training and development is depends on the value which received by them in the previous training program. The organization to verify the previous response from the employees and set the training according to it. It may be composed of various needs of the employees which help them in the development of the organization. The training to be in high standards which helps them to reach a high level

In a more and more global, complex and turbulent environment, knowledge is the only reliable source of competitive advantage. Traditional factors of manufacturing as the soil, labor and capital did not disappear, but their significance is not primary anymore. Knowledge is viewed as the key of realization of a competitive advantage and therefore the question of where


the corporative knowledge is located, how to release it and develop to achieve organizational goals has become very important. Managers commitment: Organizations whose top management view training as a strategic

advantage, as a way to meet organizational goals, express their commitment in a number of ways by making their commitment public by making sure that executives take an active part in the delivery of training and in the planning of training objectives and by maintaining a financial commitment to training. Managers has the responsibility to take steps for the training and development activities in an organization. The schedule of the training and development program should be decided according to the feedback and the development in the organization. He has the knowledge about the training programs and also about their employees. He will spent time and show interest in improving the skills of employees. The efficiency of the training is based on the commitment shown by the manager. An important role of every managers job is that of continuing the development of the people who work under his direction to productive workforce.

Development of new skills: The support provides by the manager to the development of new skills and knowledge is more essential. Providing more and more training programs makes the employees more effective. These training with the co-workers help in sharing their knowledge between themselves and it will make difference in the productivity. The progress will automatically helps the organization to provide quality training to their employees.

Preserving training and development opportunities: Most of the companies will restrict their training programs during the budget cuts, it mainly due to the cost factor. But while providing a quality training, an organization can be able to achieve more profit with minimum employees itself. This program helps the employees to adopt themselves to current situation and they know what they have to do. Thus the manager has to identify these entire factors and give importance to the training program even during budget cuts

Way to achieve mission: Each and every organization has a vision and mission of their own. They have to modify their mission to achieve their vision. Proper update of new techniques helps the organization to achieve their mission. For that the training and development is the right way to the managers. The training should be in a correct structure and it will be simple, then only it will reach the employees from top to bottom.

Satisfied with training and development: Employee should be aware of the training and development which are available for them in their organization. The participation of all employees in the training is more important. It helps them to collect the knowledge from different people. Specific training programs, events, modules or systems should be defined for every employees with a time table for implementation. The manager has the responsibility to know about the training program and

how much it reaches the employees. The satisfaction of the employees is more essential in this process. Training and development towards goal: The important factor in training is, the organization providing training is absolutely related to the goals of the organization. Goal orientation is a disposition towards developing or demonstrating ability in achievement situations. Goal orientation training is a motivation variable useful for culture, performance appraisal. It also went to goal orientation to predict sales performance Understanding the phenomenon of employee training and development requires understanding of all the changes that take place as a result of learning. As the generator of new knowledge, employee training and development is placed within a broader strategic context of human resources management.

Meets- employee needs: By following a systematic process an organization can prepare a

development plan that meet the needs of the employees, it determines who needs training and what training is needed by each person. The challenges associated with the changing nature of work and the work place environment. The training programs provide the employees more confident in their job and it helps them to achieve a lot. Education is no longer the duty and privilege of those in higher positions and skilled labour, but it is becoming the duty and need of everyone. The larger the organizations, the more funds they spend on education and

provide their employees with greater and diverse possibilities of education and development. Understanding the tremendous significance of education for the modern organization and confident that it represents a good and remunerative investment, present day organizations set aside more and more resources for this activity.

Improve skills: The organization will show interest to stay ahead of the market need to provide continuing development of workforce. The employees are likely to have skills and experience that you can use as an asset. Having staff who are knowledgeable can be invaluable in settle down in work. Manager make sure about their employees to passing the knowledge and skills between themselves. Thus it may helps the employees in continuous improvement of knowledge and skills. Employee training and development does not imply only obtaining new knowledge, abilities and skills, but also the possibility to promote entrepreneurship, introduce employees to changes, encourage the changes of their attitude, introduce the employees to important business decisions and involve them actively in the process of decision making.

Individual importance: Since employers spend the majority of their working hours on the job, they expect to fulfil most of their personal needs while working .when employees can reach personal goals while they help the organization reach its goal, they become highly motivated and make outstanding results possible. This

allows employees to take ownership over the solution. While they are doing wrong, the manager has to guide himself in the correct way and point out the mistake and suggest them to overcome it. This process makes the employees to feel more comfortable.

Direction towards goals: The decision making power is in the hand of manager. He along with their sub ordinates has to determine the direction for the various training programmes to the employees. Goals and objectives determines the level of achievement. Once you know what you want to accomplish, it is easier to find ways to achieve it. Always start planning the training by setting goals and objectives. Tell the person exactly what they need to improve on. This ensures that you stick to facts and there is less room for ambiguity.

Broad selection of courses It is designed to prepare training and development professionals for a broad range of responsibilities, including performance analysis, training design and delivery, career development, organization development, and program evaluation. Specifically, this program provides students with the

professional knowledge and skills essential. The trainer is well focussed and he knows what need for the organization is.

Continuous updates: Updating is a most important process in a training program. The trainers are aware about the new updates in the technology and they are able to

deliver it to the trainees. in this competition world the employees are technically well qualified to compete in the market. The organization has the ability to produce new products to deliver at every time. For that continuous update of knowledge to the employees is more essential. In the training program, the brief study of current updation will discussed among the employees and take report whether they are understand the technology. Likewise every time whenever a technology is newly introduced means, the trainer has the responsibility to take it to the employees. The learning organization is the result of a strategic relationship with the employee training and development and the recognition of the fact that knowledge is the answer to the numerous challenges from the environment. Every organization is becoming an institution that learns and teaches. The successful learning organization is able to attract the most talented people, to involve them into all business procedures and to motivate them to generate and exchange knowledge, enabling them in turn to maintain and improve their individual professional skills. It could be concluded that an organization which fails to recognize in due time the emergence of knowledge economy and does not transform into an organization of knowledge, i.e. does not realize and accept the changes unfolding on a global level, gradually, but inevitably is headed to self-destruction. In that context, the introduction of employee training and development as a managerial function and business orientation represent a huge challenge for our organizations.


Participation regardless to position In most instances, employee training is provided as either part of new employee orientation When training is mandatory, employees participate, willingly or not. However, many companies and organizations offer training that is voluntary with the purpose of increasing the knowledge and skills of employees. With the growing use of distance and online learning, offering voluntary training has become more cost effective and wider in reach, especially for larger companies with employees dispersed around the world. For this paper we define voluntary training as any training opportunity that is not required The purpose of this paper is to summarize research findings about factors that influence whether or not an employee participates in voluntary training. We will describe key factors related to employee participation in voluntary training, and offer solutions for increasing employee participation in voluntary training.

Effectiveness of the Training and Development System The effectiveness of the training and development system with issues of what is commonly called transfer of training: the degree to which what is learned in training and development activities is transferred to improved job performance. Indicators of effectiveness included formal mechanisms for building transfer into the job, such as employee accountability for using new knowledge and skills on the job and for providing feedback of trainings effectiveness and worth.


The effectiveness of training program is based on the training received by them. How much the importance given by the top management to the training will reflect in the effectiveness of the training. The communication between the employees and the mangers is high, which helps the manager to know their needs and according to that the training will be provided.

There are certain factor which helps the organization to know about the effectiveness of the training program. Managers feedback, employees feedback etc which helps to know about the effectiveness of the training program. These factors help the organization to find the needs of the employees and what the organization needs to do for the employees in the future.

Manager's feedback: Theres a need for feed back in every training program. The managers has to provide feedback to their employees about this training program. The positive and the negative impact of the training has to explained to their subordinates. They are having the responsibility to share the knowledge they gain to their sub-ordinates. It is more important to the managers to attend a training program, because it may help to improve their skills & knowledge. No doubt the process is seen as unnerving and fear provoking. And this is exactly the wrong emotional environment in which to discuss performance, introduce suggestions for improvement, and talk about goals for the future.


This is a shame, because giving and receiving feedback is some of the most important communication you can engage in with members of your team. When done in the right way and with the right intentions, feedback communication is the avenue to performance greatness. Employees have to know what they are doing well and not so well. For them to really hear your thoughts and suggestions on ways to improve, though, that feedback has to be delivered carefully and frequently. Giving feedback effectively is a skill. And like all skills, it takes practice to build your confidence and improve.

Subordinates feedback: Apart from the training feedback which has been received by the organization. The manager has to individually collect feedback from their sub-ordinates about what they learn from the program. The discussion should be carried among themselves to implement the various techniques which are learned to be implemented. The purpose of training and management development programs is to improve employee capabilities and organizational capabilities. When the organization invests in improving the knowledge and skills of its employees, the investment is returned in the form of more productive and effective employees. Before giving feedback make sure you remind yourself why you are doing it. The purpose for giving feedback is to improve the situation or performance. You won't accomplish that by being harsh, critical, or offensive.


That's not to say you must always be positive. There is a role for negativity and even anger if someone isn't paying sufficient attention to what you're saying. However this should be used sparingly. You'll most often get much more from people when your approach is positive and focused on improvement.

Responsibility of manager: Once the training is got over, then the responsibility of the manager is get started. After discussing about the training program, the implementing process is carried on. The implementing of various technical standards which are known in the training sessions to be taken place. The managers have a keen observation in checking the employees whether they are well trained or not The trainer's role is to provide effective training programmes and the role of the learners' line managers is to continue the evaluation process after the training programme, counsel and support the learner in the implementation of their learning, and assess the cost-value effectiveness or the ROI of the training. Naturally, if action will help the trainers to become more effective in their training, they can take part in but not run any pre and post programme actions as described, always remembering that these are the responsibilities of the line manager.


Training feedback: Training is skill, which everyone cannot do it. Its not about completing the course its about making understand to people who attend the program, which should be worth. So attending the class was worth and also to learn so many things. Feedback is a process that requires constant attention. When something needs to be said, say it. The training session is over and trainees have returned to their jobs to begin applying what theyve learned, so the trainers job is done, right or Wrong. A successful training program is always a work in progress, and the training cycle isnt complete without an evaluation of trainings effectiveness, which leads to decision-making and planning for future training. Therefore, a useful and informative evaluation program needs to be a part of your overall training operation. People then know where they stand all the time and there are few surprises. Also, problems don't get out of hand. This is not a once-a-year or a onceevery-three-month event. While this may be the timing of formal feedback, informal, simple feedback should be given much more often than this perhaps every week or even every day, depending on the situation. When you make a conscious choice to give and receive feedback on a regular basis you demonstrate that feedback is a powerful means of personal

development. Done properly, feedback need not be agonizing, demoralizing, or daunting and the more practice you get the better you will become at it. It may never be your favourite means of communicating with employees, coworkers, or bosses but it does have the potential to make your workplace a much more productive and harmonious place to be.

Responsibility of employees: The organization has invested a lot of money in the training program which helps to develop the skills of the employees. So, that the organization expect the result from the employees. In this position, the employees have to show their performance to their manager by the various things they learned in the training. An individual development plan is prepared by the employee in partnership with his or her supervisor. The plan is based upon the needs of the employee, the position and the organization. A good individual development plan will be interesting, achievable, practical and realistic. It is implemented with the approval of the employee's supervisor. The employee identifies his or her skills, abilities, values, strengths and weaknesses. To conduct a selfassessment. The employee identifies his or her skills, abilities, values, strengths and weaknesses, To conduct a self-assessment. The employee does an assessment of the requirement of his or her position at the present time and how the requirements of the position or organization may change.

Recognition The goal of employee recognition is to show appreciation for an employees achievement and motivate employees to continue with good performance and loyalty to company. Successful employee recognition will help the organization to retain key employees and keep employees happy along the way.Acknowledgment of employee achievement. Can be public or private, and involve a monetary reward or nonmonetary reward.Providing incentives to and recognizing employees, individually and as members of groups, for

their performance and contributions to the agencys mission. It helps employee goes above and beyond what is expected in their job. We can recognise the employees by giving a certification to them. By giving monetary or non monetary rewards helps them to motivate themselves in their job. The concept of knowledge management and management of human resources, especially the function of employee training and development within the learning organization, are engaged with the basic resource of modern business. The rate of learning has to be greater than the rate of changes. Training and development of employees is a continuous procedure which is the only meaningful and logical approach in the condition of knowledge obsolescence, dynamic changes and increasing need for constant product and service innovations. Human resources represent intellectual capital which is the new source of organizational resources, and the organization could increase them only through training, development and motivation of employees. The prosperity of organizations be-comes explicitly dependent on the intellectual capacity of their employees and their ability to change and adjust to the dynamic business environment.

Training and development by managers Training and development managers plan, direct, and coordinate programs to enhance the knowledge and skills of an organizations employees. identifying training and development needs within an organization through job analysis, appraisal schemes and regular consultation with business

managers and human resources departments. designing and expanding training and development programmes based on both the organization's and the individual's needs. considering the costs of planned programmes and keeping within budgets as assessing the return on investment of any training or development programme is becoming increasingly important. Mainly if the managers found any update in technology of his own, he makes his subordinates to know about it. In many cases managers find the employees who are not up to the mark and make them to train to reach that position. This is not about assigning the employees to appropriate jobs, but rather about the constant dynamic of encouraging and discovering new

possibilities. This is a new type of leadership, significantly different from the classical model of organizational management. The leaders are no longer expected to be all-knowing bosses and supervisors, but rather moderators and inspirators. Since people do not share the information which is the source of their power instinctively, the leaders need to recognize, attract and release knowledge in the organization

Activities to learn constantly: Every individual should appreciate lifelong learning, and every successful organization has to become a permanently learning organization. Many successful organizations describe themselves as learning organization or one of their strategic goals is to become such an organization. The organization is not only the user of knowledge, but also its creator.


The top organizations of the future will be distinguished by their knowledge about how to encourage engagement and develop the learning potential on each organizational level. A learning organization is very interesting since it recognizes the organization as a whole, ugh their functions and sectors within the organization, all the employees influence the course of business procedures, and the knowledge creation, consequently the creation of new values both for the organization and its customers. With this definition, has made significant qualitative progress compared to the classical organization, since he emphasized the necessity of ability development through the process of learning. Organizations learn only through the learning individuals. Individual learning does not guarantee organizational learning. But without it there is no organizational learning as well. The ability to learn faster than the competitors may be the only sustainable competitive advantage. Thus, the learning organization is the organization that learns and encourages people to learn in the organization. It motivates information exchange between employees and creates staff with different knowledge.

Training and development for new position: The challenges associated with the changing nature of work and the workplace environment are as real for the campus as elsewhere. Rapid change requires a skilled, knowledgeable workforce with employees who are adaptive, flexible, and focused on the future. As a manager, one of your key responsibilities is to develop your staff.


Work with staff to assess and provide feedback on their skills and interests. select training and development activities that match their career

development objectives and job needs use the Development & Training catalog as a tool to tell employees about training and development opportunities on campus and to create an annual development plan; stay informed of current policies and practices that support employee

development, follow up with employees after a learning activity to integrate new skills and knowledge into their responsibilities For a new position after the selection of the employees after various screening, its more important to guide themselves according to companies policy and the job nature which is assigned to them. For that a proper training program is very essential to them. In that the manager of that particular section along with the trainer has to explain the various features of the organization and their work . This way helps them to understand their work and makes a friendly environment with the organization. The training and development for a new position is more important for the development of a company, which helps them to do their best for the organization

Value of training and Development The value of the training program is depends on the feedback which is given by the employees to the organization. How much they learnt, what are the uses of the training program and how it will useful for them in their future. Likewise the organization has to identify the needs of the employees by the survey given by them.

Its more important for the company to know about the feedback of the employees. It will reflect in the status of the training program which has to be designed for the future training. If the satisfaction of the employees and company is high means the effectiveness of the training is also very high. The value of training is reflects in both effectiveness and status of the companys training program.

The training provided by the company has the ability to helps the employees to meets their future plan, increment and also promotion in their job. For the company the training program will meets their goal and makes the employees to face the competition among the competitors

Well spent: The employees of an organization know about the uses of training program and feel the time they spent as useful. Otherwise if they feel it as a negative, it will impact in the growth of the firm. The company and its manger takes their own responsibility to provide a proper training to the employees. The training which they learnt is composed of latest technology and new trends in their field. It helps the to grow themselves and also deliver their best for the development of the company. If the training is in an effective manner, then the employees will have a personal satisfaction over the training and the time they spent over it. So , the organization very careful while selecting the training program for their employees.


Worth the time and money: Training is not a simple matter, it deals with the permission granted from top authorities and also a lot money which is spent by the company for their employees. Never an organization will wish to spent their money in this process apart from their extension in their business. If they spent money in training it will more worthy. So they take many steps in choosing their trainers for the training program, and also the syllabus for them. It mainly focus on the growth of the employees. In this long process while investing a lot and money and time in this process they are very keen in observing whether it will reach the employees or not. Due to that the management will surely give a proper training to the employees.

Helps in practical use: The major issue in most of the training program is, that particular training program is not related to the development of the employees growth in their job. In some organizations they are conducting training program for a name shake. Its not a good approach for the growth of the employees. Apart from these companies most other are totally differ in their training process. In some companies they are separately develop a sector to analyse the employees who are not up to the mark. They separate the employees and give special training program to them. Thus it may helps every employees to use the training program in an effective manner, this training may help them to develop their knowledge in


not only their job but also it gives some relaxation which makes them to overcome pressure in their job and also in their life.

Training and development helps in promotion: The only target for the employees is whether the training program helps in their promotion or not. These program are mainly given to develop the knowledge of the employees, if they are well skilled in their job, then it may automatically helps them in their promotion and increment in their salary. Many companies are dont bother about the salary what they are given, they only check the talent and how they deliver it in their job. While the training and development is in an efficient manner, it will helps the employees to have a growth in their knowledge and also their job. While the performance is in an high rating, there should be a wanted for him among the competitor. In this situation the company wont loss a talented employee to their competitor. So, normally the company will provide higher benefits and salary to them



Constructs Status

Cronbachs Alpha

.866 Effectiveness .770 Value .693 Over all conceptual Output Inference: The above table shows the reliability of dimensions and overall conceptual variables. The dimensions are status, efficiency and values. The result of cronbachs alpha shows the variables and dimension are very reliable and so the further analysis is continued towards the objective of the study. .877


Table:2 Test of univariate Normality Constructs name Independent Managers commitment Development of new skills Preserving training and development opportunities Way to achieve mission Satisfied with training and development Training and development towards goal Meets- employee needs Improve skills Individual importance Direction towards goals Broad selection of courses Continuous updates Participation regardless to position Manager's feedback Subordinates feedback Responsibility of manager Effectiveness Training feedback Responsibility of employees Recognition Training and development by managers Activities to learn constantly Training and development for new position Well spent Value Worth the time and money Helps in practical use Training and development helps in promotion SW test 0.762 0.714 0.694 0.654 0.614 0.621 0.666 0.636 0.600 0.636 0.601 0.637 0.649 0.695 0.713 0.652 0.703 0.683 0.691 0.697 0.676 0.595 0.449 0.426 0.382 0.352 AD test 43.783 55.818 59.605 68.862 70.743 77.334 66.053 75.996 75.052 76.391 83.686 70.493 68.252 59.836 55.387 71.005 57.966 66.468 64.153 55.675 62.610 80.011 121.668 126.622 134.435 138.402




Inference Table 2 Visualizes the result of Shapiro-wilk test and Anderson Darling test for checking the univariate normality of the items under three different dimensions such as status(13), effectiveness(9), value(4), From the table it is confirm that the items are fully departed from univariate normality at 1% significant level. This shows the items are non-normally distributed and it followed an abnormal distribution hence the researcher assume all the items followed the univariate normal distribution.


Table-3 Multivariate test of Normality

Test name

Dalmia cements(b) ltd

Mardia'sSkewness 12,932.897

Mardia's Kurtosis


HenzeZirkler P-value<0.01 Inference


Table3 exhibits the result of multivariate test of normality such as MardiasSkewness, Mardia Kurtosis, Henzezirkler these tests are valid under the assumption all the items are inter correlated the result of the

test confirm that the items are deviated from normality. And it followed a multivariate non normally distributed and it followed an up normal distribution hence the researcher assume all the items follows a multivariate normal distribution and this assumption was carried out do to a fur their analysis.


Figure-1 Multi-dimensional Structural Model -1 of Employee perception of training and development


Table- 4 Multi-dimensional Structural Model -1 of Employee perception of training and development

Constructs name
Independent Managers commitment Development of new skills Preserving Training and development opportunities Way to achieve mission Satisfied with Training and development Training and development towards goal Meets- employee needs Improve skills Individual importance Direction towards goals Broad selection of courses Continuous updates Participation regardless to position Manager's feedback Subordinates feedback Responsibility of manager Training feedback Responsibility of employees Unstandardized Standard Standardized Critical coefficient error coefficient ratio 1.000 1.052 1.030 1.117 1.100 .955 .648 .761 1.101 .885 .850 .848 .693 .694 .818 1.183 1.205 1.969 2.336 2.854 2.413 1.000 1.995 2.514 1.946 1.000 .145 .323 .192 .327 .398 .310 .111 .112 .112 .114 .101 .096 .090 .108 .095 .092 .099 .092 .215 .229 .243 .259 .330 .379 .456 .396 .530 .625 .602 .682 .644 .626 .391 .523 .711 .613 .601 .536 .450 .193 .221 .623 .333 .623 .726 .804 .724 .328 .597 .794 .671 .364 .033 .053 .036 6.099 6.318 6.282 9.447 9.227 9.942 9.612 9.450 6.773 8.414 10.169 9.336 9.222 8.534 7.554 3.221 3.572 4.860 4.656 5.960 6.166 6.265 6.162 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** .001 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Pvalue


Effectiveness Recognition
Training and development by managers Activities to learn constantly Training and development for new position Well spent Worth the time and money Helps in practical use Training and development helps in promotion Status Effectiveness Value


Employees Perception

RMR=.052 GFI=.652 AGFI=.591 PGFI =.555 RMSEA=.135 LL (RMSEA) =.131 UL (RMSEA) =.140 PCLOSE=.000


Inference: The above table visualizes structural equation modelling of dimensions of employee perception in training and development. The result of structural equation model has a moderate goodness of (GFI =0.652), RMSEA is 0.135 and PCLOSE is 0 which shows the results are reliable. The results shows that, in training and development program each employees given importance at their work (0.699). The employees also feels that the program conducted is focussed towards the mission of the organisation. The employees have their own needs which are not met at the time of attending training and development program which has a low- co-efficient of 0.391. In the organisation the manager take effort to arrange training and development programs which are necessary for the employers for the nature of work (0.804). The employers are properly recognised and activities for consistent learning, creates effectiveness in the training and development program (0.726&0.724). the feedback of training and development program from managers & subordinates are not effective and these feedback should be developed to identify any problem in the training and development program. in case of the value received by the employees the time spent by the employees and the money spent by the management are worth spending, which also helps in practical use at their work any how the training and development programs doesnt helps in any promotion for the employees.


Figure-2 Multi-dimensional Structural Model -2 of Employee perception of training and development


Table-5 Multi-dimensional Structural Model -2 of Employee perception of training and development

Constructs name Independent
Managers commitment Development of new skills Preserving Training and development opportunities Way to achieve mission Satisfied with Training and development Training and development towards goal Meets- employee needs Improve skills Individual importance Direction towards goals Broad selection of courses Continuous updates Participation regardless to position Manager's feedback Subordinates feedback Responsibility of manager Training feedback

Unstandardized Standard Standardized CriticalPcoefficient error coefficient ratio value

1.000 1.040 1.025 1.098 1.104 .949 .619 .744 1.069 .863 .833 .841 .706 .740 .895 1.216 1.170 1.684 1.989 2.665 2.225 1.000 1.871 1.280 2.870 1.000 .319 -.209 1.700 .065 .090 .394 .290 .336 .279 .108 .109 .109 .112 .098 .093 .088 .104 .092 .089 .097 .090 .197 .213 .222 .230 .265 .299 .385 .328 .537 .626 .607 .679 .655 .630 .379 .518 .699 .606 .597 .539 .465 .225 .264 .406 .353 .406 .675 .820 .729 .358 .598 .768 .687 .388 .632 -.324 .553 4.920 2.319 4.313 *** .02 0 *** 6.451 6.796 6.710 9.606 9.421 10.087 9.873 9.641 6.660 8.467 10.260 9.413 9.319 8.706 7.827 3.745 4.213 5.479 5.084 6.364 6.652 6.926 6.777 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


Effectiveness Responsibility of employees

Recognition Training and development by managers Activities to learn constantly Training and development for new position Well spent Worth the time and money Helps in practical use Value Training and development helps in promotion Effectiveness Status

Value Status

Effectiveness Value

RMR=.038 GFI=.664 AGFI=.602 PGFI =.560 RMSEA=.132 LL (RMSEA) =.127 UL (RMSEA) =.137 PCLOSE=.000


Inference: The above table visualizes structural equation modelling of dimensions of employee perception in training and development. The result of structural equation model has a moderate goodness of (GFI =0.664), RMSEA is 0.132 and PCLOSE is 0 which shows the results are reliable. The results shows that, in Training and development program each employees given

importance at their work (0.699). The employees also feels that the program conducted is focussed towards the mission of the organisation. The employees have their own needs which are not met at the time of attending training and development program which has a low- co-efficient of 0.379. in the organisation the manager take effort to arrange Training and

development programs which are necessary for the employers for the nature of work (0.820). the employers are properly recognised and activities for consistent learning, creates effectiveness in the training and development program (0.675&0.729). the feedback of training and development program from managers & subordinates are not effective and these feedback should be developed to identify any problem in the training and development program. In case of the value received by the employees the time spent by the employees and the money spent by the management are worth spending, which also helps in practical use at their work any how the training and development programs doesnt helps in any promotion for the employees.


Figure-3 Multi-dimensional Structural Model -3 of Employee perception of training and development


Table-6 Multi-dimensional Structural Model -3 of Employee perception of training and development

Constructs name Independent Managers commitment Development of new skills Preserving training and development opportunities Way to achieve mission Satisfied with training and development training and development towards goal Meets- employee needs Improve skills Individual importance Direction towards goals Broad selection of courses Continuous updates Participation regardless to position Manager's feedback Subordinates feedback Responsibility of manager Training feedback Responsibility of employees Effectiveness Recognition training and development by managers Activities to learn constantly training and development for new position Well spent Worth the time and money Helps in practical use Value training and development helps in promotion Employees Status Perception Effectiveness Value Unstandardized Standard Standardized Critical Pcoefficient error coefficient ratio value 1.000 1.040 1.025 1.098 1.104 .949 .619 .744 1.069 .863 .833 .841 .706 .740 .895 1.216 1.170 1.684 1.989 2.665 2.225 1.000 1.871 2.280 1.870 1.000 .145 .192 .323 .290 .336 .279 .108 .109 .109 .112 .098 .093 .088 .104 .092 .089 .097 .090 .197 .213 .222 .230 .265 .299 .385 .328 .537 .626 .607 .679 .655 .630 .379 .518 .699 .606 .597 .539 .465 .225 .264 .406 .353 .582 .675 .820 .729 .358 .598 .768 .687 .388 .036 .053 .039 6.451 6.796 6.710 *** *** *** 9.606 9.421 10.087 9.873 9.641 6.660 8.467 10.260 9.413 9.319 8.706 7.827 3.745 4.213 5.479 5.084 6.364 6.652 6.926 6.777 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


RMR=.038 GFI=.664 AGFI=.602 PGFI =.560 RMSEA=.132 LL (RMSEA)=.127 UL (RMSEA) =.137 PCLOSE=.000


The above table visualizes structural equation modelling of

dimensions of employee perception in training and development. The result of structural equation model has a moderate goodness of (GFI =0.664), RMSEA is 0.132 and PCLOSE is 0 which shows the results are reliable. The results shows that, in training and development program each employees given importance at their work (0.699) and the training methods to achieve their goal(.679). The employees also feels that the program conducted is focussed towards the mission of the organisation. The employees have their own needs which are not met at the time of attending training and development program which has a low- co-efficient of 0.379. in the organisation the manager take effort to arrange training and development programs which are necessary for the employers for the nature of work (0.820). the employers are properly recognised and activities for consistent learning, creates effectiveness in the training and development program (0.729&0.675). the feedback of training and development program from managers & subordinates are not effective and these feedback should be developed to identify any problem in the training and development program. In case of the value received by the employees the time spent by the employees and the money spent by the management are worth spending, which also helps in practical use at their work any how the training and development programs doesnt helps in any promotion for the employees.


CHAPTER V FINDINGS, SUGGESTIONS AND CONCLUSION Findings From the above table the following findings, suggestions are provided to the Dalmia cements(B) ltd.

Status According to the table, the employees are wishing to have certain training program from the company for their personal development. The employees needs some training program in which every person in the organization has to be participating. The management gives only moderate importance to updating the new technology in their training program. The organization has give less importance to developing the knowledge & skills of the employees. The manager shows interest in the training and development for their employees and also helps them to improve the various skills of them to make them very effective. The manager shows more important than the organization to meet the personal needs of the employees. Effectiveness: According to the effectiveness in the table, the feedback is the main issue which is faced by the organization, the feedback is not received by the company or manager from the employees.


The employees also not receiving their feedback from their manager about their training program. The training and development for the new employees is provided, but it require more efficiency . The manager and sub-ordinates know their responsibility, what they have to do for their organization. They apply what they learn from the training and development in their job. The company has providing proper recognition to training program by providing certification to them. The managers has providing training for the employees individually according to the needs of them.

Values: Most of the employees feel that the training provided by the organization is not useful for their promotion, but they feel it will helps them in working area and in their job also. The employees are feel that the time and money spent for the training and development program is well spent and it is more useful to them

Suggestions Status The organisation has to taken steps to understand the needs and wants of the employees and to conduct training programs which meets their needs. The management has to conduct some training programs to overall employees along with the top level peoples, It helps them to make

them to know each other and to create a friendly environment in the working area. It also makes some difference and reflects in their work. The management has to give more importance in updating new technology in their training program. By providing training program related to their interpersonal skills, helps in creating a good working culture and environment in the organization If the manager increases his commitment towards training program, it will gives a good result in their production Not only the manager but also the organization take steps to show their commitment in introducing new techniques in their training program, while organization showing commitment it creates some close bonding between the employees and organization. How much

commitment shown by the management towards the training programs will reflect in the development of skills of the employees. An appropriate mechanism should be evolved for assessing the level of understanding of the trainees and to ensure that the doubts are properly clarified. In the competitive environment by giving a proper training we can easily get succeeded.

Effectiveness Without receiving the feedback form the organization cant able to identify the uses of the training program. The feedback shows the quality of the training and how it reaches the employee and what are the changes has to done in that program. There is a good relationship with the manager and their sub ordinates. It is clearly shown in the table. By conducting training program which meets the needs of the employees

helps them to extend the same relationship to the organization. Measuring the effectiveness of a training program is more important for an organization, it act as a mirror to reflect the ideas and thoughts of employees. The company has to survey the employees to know their ideas and in what sector they have improve their training. It helps to know what development it makes in them. The organization has to improve the training which is provided for the new joining employees. They have to use the feedback of previous training as a scale for their next training programs and have to made changes according to the requirement of employees. The company should ensure that all the trainees are provided adequate opportunities to apply the new knowledge they have acquired and new techniques they have learned

Value: The training program conducted by the organization is mainly focused on developing the skills which needed for the organization, they have to given training to develop their supervisory, managerial skills of the employees, which helps them in their promotion. The values are very high among the employees about the organization, the top authority has to take continuous steps to maintain the value of their firm among their employees. The organization has to provide training which is useful for their promotion and career development. The employees also feels that the time and money spent for their training is worth, by providing the needed training program, helps to increase the value. There is some interval between the training program, the company has to take it as

serious concern and try to provide training program in regular basis. By assessing this suggestion, it will make some changes in the production as well as the development of employees.

Conclusion The employee perception of training and development in Dalmia cements (b) ltd was made and preferred suggestions are given. The company has a concrete policy on training and development. It systematically plans for training programmes and organizes the frame with the appropriate trainers. In general the training and development programmes carried at DCBL are found effective. Through this study it has been found that the training and development programmes have enhanced productivity, motivation level, and morale of employees and so on. In spite of some negative findings the company has a strong base to improve its training and development activities. If the company carries out the suggestions and recommendations offered by the research, without doubt the company would do a lot of wonders through training and development programmes.


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Annexure Questionnaire A study on employees perception of training and development in Dalmia cements (b) ltd Personal demographic:

1 Age: 2 Gender:
Male Married

20- 25


31-40 Female Unmarried



Above 50

3 Marital status: 4 Educational qualification:

ITI Diploma others

5 Designation:
supervisors skilled unskilled

6 Experience:
Below 5yrs 5-10yrs 10-15yrs above 15 yrs

7 Monthly income:
Below 10000 10001-15000 15001-25000 25001-35000 above35001

Please tick the appropriate box to indicate your degree of agreement

1= Strongly disagree 2= disagree 3= Neither agree 4 = agree nor disagree 5 = Strongly agree


8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Your companys top manager show commitment to training and development by spending time promoting and delivering it. Companys manager strongly support the development of new skills and Knowledge among all levels of employees Even during budget cuts, your company top managers do all they can to preserve training and development opportunities for their employees Your companys top managers see training and development as an important way of helping the company to achieve its mission In general I am satisfied with the range of training and development opportunities available The kinds of training and development activities that are encouraged clearly relate to what top Managers are trying to accomplish for your company The company provides a program of training and development activities that meets the needs of Employees 73 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

15 In general, the company supports me in my efforts to continuously improve my knowledge and skills 16 Company managers help employees meet personal training and development goals and needs 17 Your companys top managers are closely involved in determining the direction and goals for the company training and development activities 18 The company makes available a broad selection of courses and other training and development activities 19 The company continuously updates and improves its training and development programs 20 There are some training and development activities that everyone in the company participants in, regardless of position

1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5


21 Managers are asked to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the training and development by their subordinates 22 Subordinates are asked to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the training and development received by their managers 23 Managers are held accountable for following up and encouraging their employees to apply what theyve learned through their training and development activities 24 After employees receive training and development, they are asked to provide feedback on how much they learned 25 Employees are held accountable for using what theyve learned in their training and development activities 26 Individuals are publicly recognized for their training and development accomplishments 27 Company managers personally provide training and development for their employees 28 Structured learning activities are built into the job so that employees are constantly learning 29 Following hiring or selection for a new position, there is a requirement to take training and development targeted to the new job 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5

1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5


30 The time spend on training and development is time well spent 31 The training and development activities supported by the company are worth the time and money spent on them 32 Training and development activities provide learning that is practical for use on the job 33 Training and development gives employees an opportunity to learn the skills and behaviors that will help them to get rewarded and promoted 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5


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