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A warning against the English translation of Stories of the Prophets by Ibn Kathir Translated by Muhammad Mustapha Gemeah

All praises belong to Allah, and may the prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions and those that follow them until the Day of Judgment. As to what follows: This is to warn the Muslim Ummah against Muhammad Mustapha Gemeah and his false translation of: Stories of the Prophets by Ibn Kathir. There are two popular translations of Stories of the Prophets by Ibn Kathir. One which is published, and sold by Dar-us-Salam (544 pages) translated by Rashad Ahmad Azami. The other book is the false translation by Muhammad Mustapha Gemeah, which is disturbed as a free PDF online (228 pages); claiming that it is also a Dar-us-Salam publication. The two translations are not the same. In his translation of the story of Prophet Yunus, peace be upon him, he makes the following false accusations: 1. Accuses the Prophet Yunus, peace be upon him, and the companions of the ship of committing shirk. 2. Falsely asserts that drawing lots is a strange polytheistic tradition 3. Attributes these lies to Imaam Ibn Kathir In reality 1. All of the Prophets are infallible from committing Kufr, Shirk, major sins and persisting upon minor sins. 2. Drawing lots is prescribed in the laws of Islam as well as the laws of previous nations 3. Imaam Ibn Kathir is free and clear of such evil statements

First error: Muhammad Mustapha Gemeahs translation contains an addition which is not found anywhere in the original Arabic text, rather it is the translators addition. Muhammad Mustapha Gemeah wrote on page 99 in Stories of the Prophets: Jonah Jumps into the Sea The captain directed: We will make lots with all of the travelers' names. The one whose name is drawn will be thrown into the sea." Jonah knew this was one of the seamen's traditions when facing a tempest. It was a strange polytheistic tradition, but it was practiced at that time. Jonah's affliction and crisis began. Here was the prophet, subjected to polytheistic rules that considered the sea and the wind to have gods that riot. The captain had to please these gods. Jonah reluctantly participated in the lot, and his name was added to the other travelers' names. The lot was drawn and "Jonah" appeared. Since they knew him to be the most honorable among them, they did not wish to throw him into the angry sea. Therefore, they decided to draw a second lot. Again Jonah's name was drawn. They gave him a final chance and drew a third lot. Unfortunately for Jonah, his name came up again. Jonah realized that Allah's Hand was in all this, for he had abandoned his mission without Allah's consent. The matter was over, and it was decided that Jonah should throw himself into the water. The above is a malicious fabrication, and addition by the translator, which cannot be found anywhere in the Arabic text. Here is the real Arabic text extracted from Stories of the Prophets by Imaam Ibn Kathir.

Here is the translation of the Arabic text:

The intent, when he, peace be upon him, left angry due to his people, and he boarded the ship in the sea it began to rock, tremble and become agitated with them, and burdened with what was upon it. And they were about to drown, according to what has been mentioned by the scholars of Tafseer. They said: Thus they began to deliberate among themselves to draw lots; and whomever the lot fell upon they would cast them into the sea to rid themselves of his burden. When they drew lots, the lot fell upon the Prophet of Allah, Yunus, so they did not allow this. Therefore they did it a second time, and it fell upon him again. Thus he began rolling up his garment to remove his garment and cast himself in the sea, but they did not allow him to do this. Then they drew lots a third time, and it fell upon him again, due to what Allah wanted for him concerning this great affair. Second error: Muhammad Mustapha Gemeahs personal addition accuses the Prophet Yunus, peace be upon him, of committing shirk, while all the Prophets are infallible as it relates to shirk, kufr, major sins and persisting upon minor sins. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said in Majmoo al-Fataawa, 4/319: The view that the Prophets are infallible and protected against committing major sins, as opposed to minor sins, is the view of the majority of Muslim scholars and of all groups. It is also the view of the scholars of tafseer and hadeeth and fuqaha. Indeed, nothing has been narrated from any of the Salaf, Imams, Sahaabah, Taabieen and those who followed them except that which is in accordance with this view. 913 / 4 : - - ... "

It has been narrated by Al Jurjaani (277-365 H): The Ummah has unanimously agreed upon the infallibility of the Prophets from kufr and shirk, before and after prophet hood. (Explanation of Al Muwaaqif) 194

Third error: Muhammad Mustapha Gemeahs false assertion that drawing lots is a strange polytheistic tradition. Imaam Sadi said in his explanation of Manthumah Al Qawaid Al Fiqhiyah: Lots are used when matters concerning the rights are vague or during overcrowding (i.e. the ship of Yunuspeace be upon him.) Al Qura ( )in the language means drawing lots. As for the religious terminology it is: A method by which doubt is removed from those things which share a similarity. Drawing lots is found in the Quran and the Sunnah. As for the Quran, it is found in the statement of Allah the Exalted concerning Yunus: [141 : [ He (agreed to) cast lots, and he was among the losers. (Soorah As Saaffat 37:141) And concerning the affair of Maryam: [44 : [ You were not with them, when they cast lots with their pens as to which of them should be charged with the care of Maryam. (Soorah Aali Imraan 3:44)

As for the Sunnah then there are a number of Hadith from them are the hadith of Aisha and the hadith of Kab ibn Malik. 4772 4242 . When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) wanted to go out on a journey, he would cast lots between his wives. Collected by Al Bukharee 2454 and Muslim 2770 Likewise this has been narrated from the Companions.
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Imaam An Nawawi, may Allah have mercy upon him said: The person who desires to travel with some of his wives should likewise draws lots between them. This drawing of lots according to us is waajib. (Explanation of Sahih Muslim 15/210) : : 012 / 11

These are the mistakes found on a single page from this book, Allah knows best how many more errors and fabrications can be found. This is not surprising considering Muhammad Mustapha Gemeah translates the books of Yusuf Qaradawi. Thus we advise the Muslims to rid themselves of this false translation. And we advise the websites to remove this book from their sites and blogs. And all praises belong to Allah, Lord of all that exists.

Written by Rasheed ibn Estes Barbee 2 Dhul Hijjah 1434/ October 7, 2013 Durham, NC

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