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6th Year

Unit 3: The Media

Television & Radio

Chat show Documentary Game show Reality show Soap opera Sitcom

The Press
Newspaper Tabloid Quality paper Popular newspaper Local newspaper Magazine

Types of the Media

The Internet
Social media Web page Blog Chat room Forum

Mobile Phones
Text message updates Text voting

Popular newspapers gossip, no serious news. Quality Newspapers (broad sheets) more pages, serious articles about business, politics, science. Local newspapers report a lot of local news.

2 4 5

Name of the programme Type When is it on? Age group (Who is it mostly watched by?) Characteristics

- I listen to the radio every morning while Im getting ready for school/work. And you? - I dont. I usually watch the news on TV while Im having breakfast.

Go to You Tube

A local

B quality

C popular
2 Give the full names of the television services: BBC ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ITV ________________________________________ ________________________________________

1) The Sun 2) The Mirror 3) The Daily Telegraph 4) The Times 5) The Independent 6) The Guardian 7) Oxford Times

A commercial 1) The BBC 2) ITV 3) Channel 4 4) Channel 5

B not commercial

The most favourite tv programmes of British teenagers: Neighbours The Simpsons Sports tv Friends Vets 6 BBC News Doctors East Enders MTV Top of the Pops

5 What videos do British teens usually watch?

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

What do you think:

Is cable TV a terrestrial type of TV? Yes No

Each student answers a question and asks the next student in line the next question, making a chain of questions and answers. Use the information from the answers in the previous exercise (while watching activity sheet) and do the quiz. 1) What popular British newspapers can you name? 2) What quality British newspapers can you remember? 3) What is the full name of BBC? 4) What programmes do British teens enjoy watching? 5) Have you ever watched any of those programmes? 6) What kind of videos do British teens usually watch? 7) What types of media are used for broadcasting news? 8) How much TV do British people watch per day? 9) BBC is a terrestrial type of television. What other type of television was mentioned in the video?

Read the list of things we can watch on broadcast television. Mark them as follows:
If you think there are too many of these on television in your country. If you think there about the right amount of these. If you think there should be more of these. If you dont have these in your country at all.

______ a- advertisements that use attractive people to sell products like cars or perfumes
______ b- government advertisement campaigns against things like drink-driving ______ c- programmes with live sports coverage ______ d- children s programmes which include violence ______ e- long complicated murder mysteries or thrillers ______ f- interviews with politicians ______ g- chat shows
______ h- game shows ______ i- soap operas 4


PRACTICE_________________________________________________ 1 3

One Monday morning many years ago the headline on the left appeared in the New York Times, one of the citys most famous newspapers. The story described a disaster at the Central Park Zoo: escaped wild animals were roaming the streets of the city and hunting humans for food. The reporter said that 49 people were already dead and that the police were expecting the number to increase during the night. At least twelve of the animals were still free. In an announcement to the city, the mayor said that the animals were dangerous and he told the people that he recommended them to stay at home until all the animals were captured and taken back to the zoo. The people, of course, panicked. Everyone stayed at home behind locked doors and life of the city stopped. Other newspapers read the story and printed it, but no one read the final paragraph. In this paragraph the writer told his readers that not one word of his story was true. He said that it was all a hoax and that he was printing it because he wanted the

DISASTER! Wild animals in New York City!

city to improve the safety of the zoo. But was this the truth? Did he really write the story because he feared for safety of the New Yorkers? Or did he just want to sell more newspapers?

1- Look at the picture and the headline. What do you think the story is about? 2- Read the story and check your answers. Is a hoax a real story or not? 3- Correct these sentences about the story. They are all false. a- The wild animals were not dangerous to people. b- The police didnt expect any more people to die. c- The police wanted to kill the escaped animals. d- The story didnt cause a problem for the city. e- The story was completely true. 4- Match these words with their meanings. a- Increase b- capture c- mayor __ __ __ __ to catch to grow, become more to walk around political leader of a city verbs B) When we report speech, some words change. Look at the sentences in exercise 5 A) to complete the table. actual words is are want you my reported words


C) What happens to the present tense verbs in these sentences when they are reported? 6- Rewrite these sentences in reported speech. 1- The animals are dangerous. The mayor said that ____________________________________ 2- Its all hoax. The writer told us that _________________________________ 3- Were doing everything we can. The police said that they ________________________________ 4- Weve got most of them The police said that ____________________________________

Work it out: reported speech

5- A) Who said these phrases in the story? Forty-nine people are already dead I recommend you to stay at home until the animals are captured. Not one word of my story is true.

One of the best hoxes on British television was 7- A) Look at the reported statements in the story. Which two verbs introduce them? Complete the rules: To introduce reported statements we use ___________ + that+ sentence or ___________ + noun/pronoun + that+ sentence B) Complete the paragraphs with: told or said Yesterday my little brother Alec came in and (1)____________ us that there was a ghost in the old house down the road. Of course, we (2) ___________ that we didnt believe him and we (3) _____________ him not to be silly, but he (4) ___________ that it was true. He (5) ___________ us that he and his friend played there every day after school, and he (6) ____________ that he could record the noises in his MP3 player. He went back to the house the next day and took his MP3 player. They came back later and (7) _____________ that there was definitely a ghost on the tape. We listened and mum started laughing. She (8) ______________ my brother that the ghost was just a hare! She had seen it the day before. C) What are the actual words in the story? Example: Alec: Theres a ghost in the old house 8) What do you think of hoaxes? 1- Is it right for newspapers, TV, radio or the Internet to play tricks on people? 2- Have you ever played a trick on anyone? What? Editing. 9- A) Read the following story about a hoax. What was the hoax? The BBC tried to. 1- to sell plants to the British people. 2- tell people that spaghetti grew on trees. Can you think of a better order for this information? Write it in the second lines Writing 10) Your school magazine wants to print a page of tricks and hoaxes. Make notes about the best hoax or trick you have read or heard about. presented in a serious documentary. It was a serious documentery about farming and it was presented by one of the most well-respected presenters on the BBC. The presenter said that spaghetti has grown on trees in Switzeland and italy. (There is a tradition in Britain to play tricks on your friends on the 1st of April. This was an April Fools Day trick). hundreds of people believed the programme and wrote to the BBC- they wanted to buy spaghetti plants! B) The story is badly written. Find the correct 1- two mistakes with capital letters. 2- Two spelling mistakes 3- One mistake in reported speech C) Some words are repeated too much. Find the repetitions, cross them out, and replace them with these words: Introduced- programme- factual- He D) These things are all mentioned in the text. Write the order they appear (1-4) in the first lines. the April Fools Day tradition introduction to the hoax the story of the hoax the result ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___



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