How To Heal The Sick

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1. Double Vision For A Single Mission 2. The Big Breakthrough . La!ing On O" #an$s %. La!ing On O" #an$s & 'lus (. Let The Si)k La! #an$s On *ou +. Talk To A Mountain ,. -hat *ou See .s -hat *ou /et 0. So1e Con$itions For #ealing 2. Anointing -ith Oil 13. #ealing Through .nter)essor! 'ra!er 11. #ealing Through 4se O" 'ra!er Cloths 12. Other -a!s To #eal The Si)k 1 . -hat ." . Don5t /et #eale$ 1%. Being Sensiti6e To The #ol! S7irit 1(. Casting Out De6ils 1+. The /i"t O" Faith 1,. Creati6e Mira)les 10. /ro8ing Out Ar1s An$ Legs 12. /o .nto All The -orl$ ... #eal The Si)k


B! Charles an$ Fran)es .n :une o" 1203; /o$ ga6e us a 6ision o" the 8orl$ 8ith sil6er an$ gol$ ban$s )o6ering the entire globe < but not in the or$erl! sense !ou 8oul$ e=7e)t to see the1. These ban$s 8ere s7illing all o6er the 8orl$ like 1elte$ sil6er an$ gol$ ri6ulets an$ running into all sorts o" o$$ little 7la)es < 1ountains an$ 6alle!s alike. There 8as no ob6ious 7lan o" an! kin$ re7resente$ b! these sil6er an$ gol$ ri6ulets < the! 8ent hither an$ thither all o6er the 7la)e. So1eti1es the! 8ere 8i$e; an$ so1eti1es the! 8ere su7er skinn!. .n so1e 7la)es it looke$ like a big blob o" 1elte$ sil6er an$ gol$ ha$ "allen; but there 8as no 7attern o" an! kin$> Then 8e sa8 stu$ents begin to rise u7 an$ stan$ on these 1elte$ sil6er an$ gol$ ban$s. -e began to 7on$er on this; be)ause in the beginning it see1e$ to us like nothing but a huge ho$ge7o$ge; but slo8l! /o$ began to re6eal 8hat this 6ision 1eant; an$ ho8 it a77lie$ to our 1inistr!. The 1ore 8e e=a1ine$ this $i6ine 6ision; the 1ore 8e began to un$erstan$ that /o$ 8as telling us to take the total 1essage o" sal6ation; 8hi)h in)lu$es

healing; to the entire 8orl$; b! letting the 1asses learn ho8 to o7erate in the su7ernatural an$ heal the si)k. Our hearts began to sing as /o$ )ontinue$ the re6elation o" 8hat he 8ante$ us to $o. First; he $ire)te$ us to tea)h on the sub?e)t o" #O- TO #EAL T#E S.C@. -e ha$ seen stu$ents "ro1 the Cit! o" Light S)hool o" Ministr! stan$ing on the sil6er an$ gol$ ban$s; an$ thought 1o1entaril! that the! 8ere going to go to all 7arts o" the 8orl$ to tea)h the nationals ho8 to heal the si)k. So1eho8 this un$erstan$ing $i$ not gi6e us total assuran)e that this 8as a)tuall! 8hat the 6ision 1eant. -e )ontinue$ to think 1ore about the 6ision. Then the 7i)ture e=7an$e$ e6en 1ore; an$ 8e sa8 the 6i$eo s)hools going into ALL the 8orl$ < into the s1all 7la)es 8here e6angelists ne6er go; to tea)h all the 7eo7le in the re1otest 7la)es o" the 8orl$ ho8 to la! han$s on the si)k an$ heal the1. The stu$ents 8ho learne$ "ro1 these 6i$eo ta7es 8oul$ then go out an$ 7rea)h the gos7el to the 7oor; heal the brokenhearte$; 7rea)h $eli6eran)e to the )a7ti6es an$ re)o6ering o" sight to the blin$; an$ set at libert! those 8ho are bruise$. For the "irst ti1e; 8e 7lainl! sa8 the i$entit! o" the stu$ents stan$ing on the ban$s> -e ha$ seen stu$ents o" all nationalities; but ha$ thought the! 8oul$ be )o1ing to the s)hool here in Te=as. Then 8e realiAe$ the! 8ere the ones 8e 1ight not e6er

1eet; the ones 8ho 1ight onl! see us through 6i$eo ta7es; but the ones 8ho ha$ re)ei6e$ the 1essage o" ho8 to heal the si)k an$ ha$ gone out to stret)h "orth their han$s to the si)k> This is /o$5s ti1ing "or another great 1o6e o" his S7irit as the 1asses are being traine$ to go out an$ 1inister on a one&to&one basis. Bible )olleges an$ s)hools o" 1inistr! ha6e s7rung u7 all o6er as a hungr! 8orl$ sa!s; BTea)h us ho8 to o7erate in the su7ernatural the 8a! the original $is)i7les $i$>B There is su)h a hungering a1ong /o$5s 7eo7le to learn 1ore about the things o" /o$ that 8e belie6e in a "e8 !ears there 8ill not be enough s)hools to "ill the nee$; an$ the 7eo7le 8ill ha6e to be 7ut on a 8ait&list to get into the s)hools that are alrea$! in o7eration. -hat a thrilling thought; an$ 8hat a thrilling ti1e to be ali6e> -e 8ere )on"i$ent that /o$ ha$ o7ene$ our s7irits to a $!na1i); "ar&rea)hing 1ission o" tea)hing the 1asses ho8 si17le it is to be)o1e a 1ira)le&8orking $is)i7le like those in the book o" A)ts. The Mon$a! a"ter 8e "inishe$ tea)hing on Fri$a!; /o$ su7ernaturall! sent a 1issionar! to our s)hool; 8ho kne8 nothing about our 6i$eo ta7e 1inistr!; an$ 8e ga6e hi1 "ourteen hours o" tea)hing on ho8 to heal the si)k. On Tues$a!; /o$ sent another 1issionar!> -e ga6e

hi1 a )o17lete set o" tea)hing ta7es as 8ell. #e ha$ a 6i$eo 7la!er in A"ri)a; but he $es7eratel! nee$e$ ta7es. #e )alle$ us 8ithin t8o 8eeks an$ re7orte$ that he ha$ rente$ a buil$ing in TanAania C"or1erl! Tangan!ikaD; 8hi)h 8oul$ hol$ about three hun$re$ 7eo7le; an$ a"ter inserting one s1all a$ in the ne8s7a7er; he ha$ turn&a8a! )ro8$s to see the tea)hing. /reat nu1bers 8ere heale$ as the! 8at)he$ these ta7es; an$ eighteen 8ere sa6e$ an$ ba7tiAe$ in 8ater the "ollo8ing Sun$a!> .n ?ust t8o or three 1onths; 6i$eo s)hools ha6e starte$ a1ong the Catholi) )haris1ati)s in Li1a; 'eru; an$ other s)hools are in Boli6ia; the 'hili77ines; three other )ountries in A"ri)a an$ reEuests are )o1ing in "ro1 all o6er the 8orl$ "or this 7arti)ular series o" ta7es )ontaining the Bho8 to5sB o" healing> As 8e hel$ a #ealing Se1inar in @ansas shortl! a"ter this; 'astor Fre$ @irk7atri)k tol$ us o" a 7ro7he)! about the en$ ti1es 8hi)h literall! e=7lo$e$ our "aith as a )on"ir1ation o" the 7art this tea)hing 8ill 7la! in 8hat 8e belie6e to be the en$ o" the en$ ti1es be"ore :esus )o1es "or those 8ho lo6e an$ obe! hi1. Our book 8as rea$! "or the t!7esetter 8ith the e=)e7tion o" the .ntro$u)tion; 8hen 8e )onta)te$ the 7ublisher o" a book entitle$ 'E9T.NENT '9O'#EC.ES . b! :ohn M. an$ Dorothea M. /ar$ner; an$ re)ei6e$ 7er1ission to re7rint the "ollo8ing 7ro7he)!; gi6en

b! To11! #i)ks; note$ e6angelist; in 12+1. VISION OF THE BODY OF CHRIST AND THE END-TIME MINISTRIES My message begins July 25, about 2:30 in the morning at Winnipeg, Canada. I had hardly fallen asleep hen the !ision and the re!elation that "od ga!e me #ame before me. $he !ision #ame three times, e%a#tly in detail, the morning of July 25, &'(&. I as so stirred and so mo!ed by the re!elation that this has #hanged my #omplete outloo) upon the body of Christ, and upon the end*time ministries. $he greatest thing that the #hur#h of Jesus Christ has e!er been gi!en lies straight ahead. It is so hard to help men and omen to reali+e and understand the thing that "od is trying to gi!e to his people in the end times. I re#ei!ed a letter se!eral ee)s ago from one of our nati!e e!angelists do n in ,fri#a, do n in -airobi. $his man and his ife ere on their ay to $anganyi)a. $hey #ould neither read nor #ould they rite, but e had been supporting them for o!er t o years. ,s they entered into the territory of $anganyi)a, they #ame a#ross a small !illage. $he entire !illage as e!a#uating be#ause of a plague that had hit the !illage. .e #ame a#ross nati!es that ere eeping, and he as)ed them hat as rong.

$hey told him of their mother and father ho had suddenly died, and they had been dead for three days. $hey had to lea!e. $hey ere afraid to go in/ they ere lea!ing them in the #ottage. .e turned and as)ed them here they ere. $hey pointed to the hut and he as)ed them to go ith him, but they refused. $hey ere afraid to go. $he nati!e and his ife ent to this little #ottage and entered in here the man and oman had been dead for three days. .e simply stret#hed forth his hand in the name of the 0ord Jesus Christ, and spo)e the man1s name and the oman1s name and said, 2In the name of the 0ord Jesus Christ, I #ommand life to #ome ba#) to your bodies.2 Instantaneously these t o heathen people ho had ne!er )no n Jesus Christ as their 3a!ior sat up and immediately began to praise "od. $he spirit and the po er of "od #ame into the life of those people. $o us that may seem strange and a phenomenon, but that is the beginning of these end*time ministries. "od is going to ta)e the do*nothings, the nobodies, the unheard*of, the no*a##ounts. .e is going to ta)e e!ery man and e!ery oman and he is going to gi!e to them this outpouring of the 3pirit of "od. In the boo) of ,#ts e read that 2In the last days,2 "od said, 2I ill pour out my 3pirit upon all flesh.2 I onder if e reali+ed hat he meant hen "od said, 2I ill pour out my 3pirit upon all flesh.2 I do not thin) I fully reali+e nor #ould I understand the fullness of it,

and then I read from the boo) of Joel: 24e glad then, ye #hildren of 5ion, and re6oi#e in the 0ord your "od: for he hath gi!en you the former rain moderately, and he ill #ause to #ome do n for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain2 7Joel 2:238. It is not only going to be the rain, the former rain and the latter rain, but he is going to gi!e to his people in these last days a double portion of the po er of "od9 ,s the !ision appeared to me after I as asleep, I suddenly found myself in a great high distan#e. Where I as, I do not )no . 4ut I as loo)ing do n upon the earth. 3uddenly the hole earth #ame into my !ie . :!ery nation, e!ery )indred, e!ery tongue #ame before my sight from the east and the est, the north and the south. I re#ogni+ed e!ery #ountry and many #ities that I had been in, and I as almost in fear and trembling as I beheld the great sight before me: and at that moment hen the orld #ame into !ie , it began to lightning and thunder. ,s the lightning flashed o!er the fa#e of the earth, my eyes ent do n ard and I as fa#ing the north. 3uddenly I beheld hat loo)ed li)e a great giant, and as I stared and loo)ed at it, I as almost be ildered by the sight. It as so giganti# and so great. .is feet seemed to rea#h to the north pole and his head to the south. Its arms ere stret#hed from sea to sea. I #ould not e!en begin to understand hether this be a mountain or this be a giant, but as I at#hed, I suddenly beheld a great giant. I #ould see his head as struggling for life. .e anted to li!e, but his body as

#o!ered ith debris from head to foot, and at times this great giant ould mo!e his body and a#t as though it ould e!en raise up at times. ,nd hen it did, thousands of little #reatures seemed to run a ay. .ideous #reatures ould run a ay from this giant, and hen he ould be#ome #alm, they ould #ome ba#). ,ll of a sudden this great giant lifted his hand to ard the hea!en, and then it lifted its other hand, and hen it did, these #reatures by the thousands seemed to flee a ay from this giant and go into the dar)ness of the night. 3lo ly this great giant began to rise and as he did, his head and hands ent into the #louds. ,s he rose to his feet he seemed to ha!e #leansed himself from the debris and filth that as upon him, and he began to raise his hands into the hea!ens as though praising the 0ord, and as he raised his hands, they ent e!en unto the #louds. 3uddenly, e!ery #loud be#ame sil!er, the most beautiful sil!er I ha!e e!er )no n. ,s I at#hed this phenomenon it as so great I #ould not e!en begin to understand hat it all meant. I as so stirred as I at#hed it, and I #ried unto the 0ord and I said, 2;h, 0ord, hat is the meaning of this,2 and I felt as if I as a#tually in the 3pirit and I #ould feel the presen#e of the 0ord e!en as I as asleep. ,nd from those #louds suddenly there #ame great

drops of li<uid light raining do n upon this mighty giant, and slo ly, slo ly, this giant began to melt, began to sin) itself in the !ery earth itself, and as he melted, his hole form seemed to ha!e melted upon the fa#e of the earth, and this great rain began to #ome do n. 0i<uid drops of light began to flood the !ery earth itself and as I at#hed this giant that seemed to melt, suddenly it be#ame millions of people o!er the fa#e of the earth. ,s I beheld the sight before me, people stood up all o!er the orld9 $hey ere lifting their hands and they ere praising the 0ord. ,t that !ery moment there #ame a great thunder that seemed to roar from the hea!ens. I turned my eyes to ard the hea!ens and suddenly I sa a figure in hite, in glistening hite = the most glorious thing that I ha!e e!er seen in my entire life. I did not see the fa#e, but someho I )ne it as the 0ord Jesus Christ, and he stret#hed forth his hand, and as he did, he ould stret#h it forth to one, and to another, and to another. ,nd as he stret#hed forth his hand upon the nations and the people of the orld = en and omen = as he pointed to ard them, this li<uid light seemed to flo from his hands into them, and a mighty anointing of "od #ame upon them, and those people began to go forth in the name of the 0ord. I do not )no ho long I at#hed it. It seemed it ent into days and ee)s and months. ,nd I beheld this Christ as he #ontinued to stret#h forth his hand/ but there as a tragedy. $here ere many people as he stret#hed forth his hand that refused the anointing of

"od and the #all of "od. I sa men and omen that I )ne . >eople that I felt ould #ertainly re#ei!e the #all of "od. 4ut as he stret#hed forth his hand to ard this one and to ard that one, they simply bo ed their head and began to ba#) a ay. ,nd ea#h of those that seemed to bo do n and ba#) a ay, seemed to go into dar)ness. 4la#)ness seemed to s allo them e!ery here. . as be ildered as I at#hed it, but these people that he had anointed, hundreds of thousands of people all o!er the orld, in ,fri#a, :ngland, ?ussia, China, ,meri#a, all o!er the orld, the anointing of "od as upon these people as they ent for ard in the name of the 0ord. I sa these men and omen as they ent forth. $hey ere dit#h diggers, they ere asher omen, they ere ri#h men, they ere poor men. I sa people ho ere bound ith paralysis and si#)ness and blindness and deafness. ,s the 0ord stret#hed forth to gi!e them this anointing, they be#ame ell, they be#ame healed, and they ent forth9 ,nd this is the mira#le of it = this is the glorious mira#le of it = those people ould stret#h forth their hands e%a#tly as the 0ord did, and it seemed as if there as this same li<uid fire in their hands. ,s they stret#hed forth their hands they said, 2,##ording to my ord, be thou made hole.2 ,s these people #ontinued in this mighty end*time ministry, I did not fully reali+e hat it as, and I loo)ed to the 0ord and said, 2What is the meaning of

this@2 ,nd he said, 2$his is that hi#h I ill do in the last days. I ill restore all that the #an)er orm, the palmer orm, the #aterpillar = I ill restore all that they ha!e destroyed. $his, my people, in the end times ill go forth. ,s a mighty army shall they s eep o!er the fa#e of the earth.2 ,s I as at this great height, I #ould behold the hole orld. I at#hed these people as they ere going to and fro o!er the fa#e of the earth. 3uddenly there as a man in ,fri#a and in a moment he as transported by the 3pirit of "od, and perhaps he as in ?ussia, or China or ,meri#a or some other pla#e, and !i#e !ersa. ,ll o!er the orld these people ent, and they #ame through fire, and through pestilen#e, and through famine. -either fire nor perse#ution, nothing seemed to stop them. ,ngry mobs #ame to them ith s ords and ith guns. ,nd li)e Jesus, they passed through the multitudes and they #ould not find them, but they ent forth in the name of the 0ord, and e!ery here they stret#hed forth their hands, the si#) ere healed, the blind eyes ere opened. $here as not a long prayer, and after I had re!ie ed the !ision many times in my mind, and I thought about it many times, I reali+ed that I ne!er sa a #hur#h, and I ne!er sa or heard a denomination, but these people ere going in the name of the 0ord of .osts. .allelu6ah9 ,s they mar#hed forth in e!erything they did as the

ministry of Christ in the end times, these people ere ministering to the multitudes o!er the fa#e of the earth. $ens of thousands, e!en millions seemed to #ome to the 0ord Jesus Christ as these people stood forth and ga!e the message of the )ingdom, of the #oming )ingdom, in this last hour. It as so glorious, but it seems as though there ere those that rebelled, and they ould be#ome angry and they tried to atta#) those or)ers that ere gi!ing the message. "od is going to gi!e to the orld a demonstration in this last hour as the orld has ne!er )no n. $hese men and omen are of all al)s of life, degrees ill mean nothing. I sa these or)ers as they ere going o!er the fa#e of the earth. When one ould stumble and fall, another ould #ome and pi#) him up. $here ere no 2big I2 and 2little you,2 but e!ery mountain as brought lo and e!ery !alley as e%alted, and they seemed to ha!e one thing in #ommon = there as a di!ine lo!e, a di!ine lo!e that seemed to flo forth from these people as they or)ed together, and as they li!ed together. It as the most glorious sight that I ha!e e!er )no n. Jesus Christ as the theme of their life. $hey #ontinued and it seemed the days ent by as I stood and beheld this sight. I #ould only #ry, and sometimes I laughed. It as so onderful as these people ent throughout the fa#e of the hole earth, bringing forth in this last end time. ,s I at#hed from the !ery hea!en itself, there ere times hen great deluges of this li<uid light seemed to fall

upon great #ongregations, and that #ongregation ould lift their hands and seemingly praise "od for hours and e!en days as the 3pirit of "od #ame upon them. "od said, 2I ill pour my 3pirit upon all flesh,2 and that is e%a#tly this thing. ,nd to e!ery man and e!ery oman that re#ei!ed this po er, and the anointing of "od, the mira#les of "od, there as no ending to it. We ha!e tal)ed about mira#les. We ha!e tal)ed about signs and onders, but I #ould not help but eep as I read again this morning, at A o1#lo#) this morning the letter from our nati!e or)ers. $his is only the e!iden#e of the beginning for one man, a 2do*nothing, an unheard*of,2 ho ould go and stret#h forth his hand and say, 2In the name of the 0ord Jesus Christ, I #ommand life to fla into your body.2 I dropped to my )nees and began to pray again, and I said, 20ord, I )no that this thing is #oming to pass, and I belie!e it1s #oming soon92 ,nd then again, as these people ere going about the fa#e of the earth, a great perse#ution seemed to #ome from e!ery angle. 3uddenly there as another great #lap of thunder, that seemed to resound around the orld, and I heard again the !oi#e, the !oi#e that seemed to spea), 2-o this is my people. $his is my belo!ed bride,2 and hen the !oi#e spo)e, I loo)ed upon the earth and I #ould see the la)es and the mountains. $he gra!es ere

opened and people from all o!er the orld, the saints of all ages, seemed to be rising. ,nd as they rose from the gra!e, suddenly all these people #ame from e!ery dire#tion. Brom the east and the est, from the north and the south, and they seemed to be forming again this giganti# body. ,s the dead in Christ seemed to be rising first, I #ould hardly #omprehend it. It as so mar!elous. It as so far beyond anything I #ould e!er dream or thin) of. 4ut as this body suddenly began to form, and ta)e shape again, it too) shape again in the form of this mighty giant, but this time it as different. It as arrayed in the most beautiful gorgeous hite. Its garments ere ithout spot or rin)le as its body began to form, and the people of all ages seemed to be gathered into this body, and slo ly, slo ly, as it began to form up into the !ery hea!ens, suddenly from the hea!ens abo!e, the 0ord Jesus #ame, and be#ame the head, and I heard another #lap of thunder that said, 2$his is my belo!ed bride for hom I ha!e aited. 3he ill #ome forth e!en tried by fire. $his is she that I ha!e lo!ed from the beginning of time.2 ,s I at#hed, my eyes suddenly turned to the far north, and I sa seemingly destru#tion: men and omen in anguish and #rying out, and buildings in destru#tion. $hen I heard again, the fourth !oi#e that said, 2-o is My rath being poured out upon the fa#e of the earth.2 Brom the ends of the hole orld, the rath o"

"od seemed to be poured out and it seemed that there ere great !ials of "od1s rath being poured out upon the fa#e of the earth. I #an remember it as though it happened a moment ago. I shoo) and trembled as I beheld the a ful sight of seeing the #ities, and hole nations going do n into destru#tion. I #ould hear the eeping and ailing. I #ould hear people #rying. $hey seemed to #ry as they ent into #a!es, but the #a!es in the mountains opened up. $hey leaped into ater, but the ater ould not dro n them. $here as nothing that #ould destroy them. $hey ere anting to ta)e their li!es, but they #ould not. $hen again I turned my eyes to this glorious sight, this body arrayed in beautiful hite, shining garments. 3lo ly, slo ly, it began to lift from the earth, and as it did, I a o)e. What a sight I had beheld9 I had seen the end*time ministries = the last hour. ,gain on July 2C, at 2:30 in the morning, the same re!elation, the same !ision #ame again e%a#tly as it did before. My life has been #hanged as I reali+ed that e are li!ing in that end time, for all o!er the orld "od is anointing men and omen ith this ministry. It ill not be do#trine. It ill not be a #hur#hianity. It is going to be Jesus Christ. $hey ill gi!e forth the ord of the 0ord, and are going to say, 2I heard it so many times in the !ision and a##ording to my ord it shall be done.2

;h, my people, listen to me. ,##ording to my ord, it shall be done. We are going to be #lothed ith po er and anointing from "od. We on1t ha!e to prea#h sermons, e on1t ha!e to ha!e persons he#)le us in publi#. We on1t ha!e to depend on man, nor ill e be denomination e#hoes, but e ill ha!e the po er of the li!ing "od. We ill fear no man, but ill go in the name of the 0ord of .osts9 Can !ou see 8hat 8e see in these t8o 6isions gi6en t8ent! !ears a7artF

C#A'TE9 2 T#E B./ B9EA@T#9O4/#

By Charles and Frances -e ha6e been assigne$ an$ )o11issione$ to take the gos7el to all the 8orl$ aroun$ us; an$ the onl! 8a! 8e 8ill be able to a))o17lish this is 8ith 1ira)les ?ust like :esus $i$> B:esus5 $is)i7les sa8 hi1 $o 1an! other 1ira)les besi$es the ones tol$ about in this book; but these are re)or$e$ SO T#AT *O4 -.LL BEL.EVE T#AT #E .S T#E MESS.A#; T#E SON OF /OD; AND .N BEL.EV.N/ .N #.M *O4 -.LL #AVE L.FEB C:ohn 23G 3; 1 TLBD. -e are in the 6er! en$ o" this age; an$ there is an urgen)! in the entire bo$! o" Christ to 7re7are the 8orl$ "or the soon&)o1ing return o" :esus> -e 1ust rea)h e6er! kin$re$ an$ e6er! tribe an$ e6er! tongue 8ith the su7ernatural. #o8 )an this be $oneF B! belie6ing that T#E S4'E9NAT49AL CAN BE TA4/#T> -e "eel in our s7irits that the 1asses o" or$inar! 7eo7le aroun$ the 8orl$ 8ill su$$enl! arise to the su7ernatural 1o6e o" the #ol! S7irit an$ 8ill be healing the si)k; )asting out $e6ils; an$ 7resenting a li6ing; 6ital :esus to the 1ultitu$es.

This 8ill not be li1ite$ to the or$aine$ 1inisters o" the gos7el; but 8ill in)lu$e the 1ultitu$es. /o$ has anointe$ us an$ $ire)te$ us to 7resent the si17le 8a!s o" healing the si)k that he has been tea)hing us "or the 7ast "e8 !ears. The! ha6e 8orke$ "or us an$ 1ulti7lie$ thousan$s ha6e been heale$. -e ha6e taught others ho8 to heal the si)k an$ )ast out $e6ils; an$ it has 8orke$ "or the1. An$ it 8ill "or !ou. No8 /o$ has tol$ us to 7resent this tea)hing throughout the 8orl$> Blin$ e!es are going to be o7ene$ through this book < s7iritual e!es that ha6e been )lou$e$ 8ith tra$ition are going to "in$ the s)ales "alling o"" as the! re)ei6e ne8 insight )on)erning the healing 7o8er o" /o$. /o$ ne6er inten$e$ "or healing to be )o17li)ate$. #e 1a$e it 6er! si17le; but 1an ten$s to 1ake it $i""i)ult. :esus; the /reat 'h!si)ian; ga6e us the earthl! healing ?ob an$ sai$ that those 8ho belie6e shall la! han$s on the si)k an$ the! shall re)o6er CMark 1+G10D. .s it reall! /o$5s 8ill "or 7eo7le to be heale$F Let5s take a lookG BLarge )ro8$s "ollo8e$ :esus as he )a1e $o8n the hillsi$e. Look> A le7er is a77roa)hing. #e kneels be"ore hi1; 8orshi7ing. 5Sir;5 the le7er 7lea$s; 5i" !ou 8ant to; !ou )an heal 1e.5 :esus tou)hes the 1an. 5. 8ant to;5 he sa!s; 5Be heale$.5 An$ instantl! the le7ros! $isa77earsB CMatthe8 0G1& TLBD. *es; .T .S /OD5S -.LL FO9 *O4 TO BE #EALED> *ou

$o not bring glor! to /o$ b! 8alking aroun$ si)k; sa!ing; B. a1 being si)k "or the glor! o" /o$.B Si)kness $oes not bring glor! to /o$ < healing an$ health bring glor! to /o$> -hen the le7er aske$ :esus to heal hi1; he sai$; BSir; i" !ou -ANT to; !ou )an heal 1e.B -hat 8as :esus5 res7onseF B. -ANT to;B :esus sai$; BBe heale$>B Does :esus 8ant to heal !ouF -hat $i$ he sa! to the le7erF #e sai$; B. -ANT TO>B #e sa!s e=a)tl! the sa1e thing to !ou to$a!> .n the @ing :a1es Version; this 7assage rea$sG BAn$; behol$; there )a1e a le7er an$ 8orshi77e$ hi1; sa!ing; Lor$; i" thou 8ilt; thou )anst 1ake 1e )lean. An$ :esus 7ut "orth his han$; an$ tou)he$ hi1; sa!ing; . 8illH be thou )lean. An$ i11e$iatel! his le7ros! 8as )leanse$.B #ebre8s 1 G0 tells us that :esus Christ is Bthe sa1e !ester$a!; an$ to $a!; an$ "or e6er.B .s it /o$5s 8ill to healF .n one translation; :esus sa!s; B. 8ant to.B .n the other; he sa!s; B. 8ill.B Neither one is negati6e; both sa! *ES> .s it reall! /o$5s 8ill "or us to heal the si)kF Let5s take a look; be)ause it o"ten sho)ks 7eo7le 8hen !ou sa! T#E* shoul$ heal the si)k. The 6er! "irst BreligiousB thought that )o1es to 1in$ is that sa!ing *O4 $o the

healing $oesn5t glori"! /o$ an$ :esus. :esus 6er! 7lainl! tol$ us in the great )o11ission to la! han$s on the si)k; an$ then he si17l! state$ the! 8oul$ re)o6er. The Li6ing Bible e6en 1akes it si17ler be)ause it sa!s B... an$ the! 8ill be able to 7la)e their han$s on the si)k an$ heal the1B CMark 1+G10D. :esus sai$; B#e that belie6eth on 1e; the 8orks that . $o shall he $o alsoH an$ greater 8orks than these shall he $oH be)ause . go unto 1! FatherB C:ohn 1%G12D. There are 1an!; 1an! $i""erent 8a!s to heal the si)k. .n this book 8e 8ant to sho8 !ou so1e o" the sur7rises that /o$ has sho8n us as he has taught us ho8 eas! it is to heal the si)k. #ealing is si17le a))or$ing to /o$5s -or$; but 1an has atte17te$ to )o17li)ate it. This book 8ill tea)h *O4 ho8 to heal the si)k in the na1e o" :esus; an$ to gi6e /OD all the glor!> *ou 8ill also learn that i" one 1etho$ $oesn5t 8ork "or !ou; !ou shoul$ tr! another 8a!; be)ause i" /o$ ha$ 8ante$ 4S to heal onl! one 7arti)ular 8a!; he 8oul$ ne6er ha6e ha$ :esus heal in so 1an! $i""erent 8a!s in the Bible> A 1inister 8as 8at)hing a "rien$ o" ours o7erate in the gi"ts o" the S7irit $es)ribe$ in the t8el"th )ha7ter o" . Corinthians. #e sai$; BCan !ou gi6e 1e an! )lues 8hi)h 8oul$ hel7 1e to be able to o7erate in these gi"tsFB

Our "rien$ sai$; BCharles an$ Fran)es #unter taught 1e.B Sur7rise$; he sai$; BDo !ou 1ean the su7ernatural )an be taughtFB *ES .T CAN> This 1inister )a1e to a three&$a! se1inar 8here 8e taught on ho8 to $e6elo7 the gi"ts o" the S7irit; 8ent ho1e an$ began to o7erate in all nine gi"ts; an$ to tea)h other 1inisters 8ho 8ere 8orking 8ith hi1. .t 8orks> -e 6isite$ an o7hthal1ologist 8ho ha$ ?ust installe$ a 7ie)e o" eEui71ent 8ith 8hi)h a laser bea1 o" light )oul$ be $ire)te$ to the e!e o" the 7atient. #e e=7laine$ to us that i" there 8as a tin! hole in the e!e; he )oul$ $ire)t this laser bea1 to the e=a)t 7oint o" the hole; 7un)h a button; an$ BAa7B an$ the hole 8as seale$> .t 8as not the o7hthal1ologist 8ho )lose$ the hole. .t 8as not his healing tou)h that a))o17lishe$ the healing. .t 8as the laser bea1 $ire)te$ b! the skill"ul han$ o" the $o)tor. .t 8as a "or)e; an energ!; a 7o8er; a laser bea1 that $i$ the a)tual healing. But the o7hthal1ologist 8as still the $o)tor 8ho a77lie$ the energ! 8hi)h a))o17lishe$ the healing> -hen the 8o1an 8ith an issue o" bloo$ tou)he$ the

he1 o" :esus5 gar1ent an$ 8as heale$; :esus sai$ he "elt healing 6irtue; or 7o8er; go "ro1 his bo$! CSee Mark (G 3D. :esus 8as the /reat 'h!si)ian 8ho a77lie$ the 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit to a))o17lish that 1ight! healing; ?ust as the o7hthal1ologist $i$. The #ol! S7irit is a thorough tea)her; an$ he ne6er sto7s tea)hing an!one 8ho is 8illing to learn an$ to a77l! the learning "or the glor! o" /o$> To heal the si)k is e=)iting> .t is the $esire o" :esus> .t is the 8ill o" /o$> An$ < "or the S7irit&"ille$ belie6er < it is natural> -h! $on5t 1ore 7eo7le heal the si)kF BM! 7eo7le are $estro!e$ "or la)k o" kno8le$ge.B C#osea%G+D. This book 8ill gi6e !ou the kno8le$ge !ou nee$ to heal those aroun$ !ou an$ to go aroun$ the 8orl$ an$ heal the si)k. There is a beauti"ul s)ri7ture 8e think e6er!one shoul$ rea$. E6er!one ought to kno8 this s)ri7ture; an$ e6er!one ought to $o it> .t is "oun$ in the 1%th )ha7ter o" E=o$us; 6erse 1(G BThen the Lor$ sai$ to Moses; Euit 7ra!ing an$ get the 7eo7le 1o6ing> FO9-A9D; MA9C#>B CTLBD.

That is 8hat /o$ is sa!ing to !ou. BIuit 7ra!ing an$ get 1o6ingH FO9-A9D; MA9C#>B Let5s go through that big breakthrough an$ learn ho8 to o7erate in the su7ernatural>


By Frances 'robabl! e6er!bo$! 8ho has a healing 1inistr! has his o8n "a6orite 8a! o" healing the si)k. Charles likes one 8a!H . like another. M! o8n "a6orite 1etho$ is su11e$ u7 in Mark 1+G1,;10 8here :esus sa!s; BAn$ these signs shall "ollo8 the1 that belie6eH .n 1! na1e shall the! )ast out $e6ilsH the! shall s7eak 8ith ne8 tongues ... the! shall la! han$s on the si)k; an$ the! shall re)o6er.B .t see1s to 1e that the si17lest 8a! to heal the si)k is b! the la!ing on o" han$s. ." !ou 8ill noti)e; :esus $i$ not sa!; BThose 8ho belie6e shall la! han$s on the si)k; the! shall 7ra! "or hal" an hour; the! shall 8ork u7 tre1en$ous e1otions; the! shall roll on the "loor; the! shall ki)k an$ holler an$ s)rea1; the! shall shake all o6er the 7la)e; an$ T#EN the si)k shall be heale$.B No; he 6er! si17l! sa!s; BThose 8ho belie6e shall la! han$s on the si)k an$ the! shall re)o6er.B *ou 8ill noti)e that the Bible $oes not lea6e an! $oubt. .t $oes not sa! SOME o" !ou; or ?ust a FE- o" !ou 8ho belie6eH it si17l! sa!s that ALL those 8ho belie6e are going to be able to la! han$s on the si)k; an$ the si)k A9E going to re)o6er. BEL.EVE9S are the ones 8ho are Euali"ie$ to heal the

si)k> But 8hat is a belie6erF A belie6er is one 8ho belie6es that :esus is the $i6ine Son o" /o$ an$ our 9e$ee1erH but a belie6er is also one 8ho belie6es he )an )ast out $e6ils; 8ho s7eaks in a s7irit languageH 8ho belie6es he )an han$le Satan an$ his $e1onsH 8ho belie6es he )an la! han$s on the si)k an$ heal the1. -e nee$ to belie6e ALL o" the 8a! i" 8e 8ant ALL o" that s)ri7ture to 8ork> *ou ha6e to belie6e in $i6ine healing i" !ou 8ant signs an$ 8on$ers an$ 1ira)les to "ollo8 !our 7rea)hing o" the -or$. *ou ha6e to belie6e that healing is "or TODA*; or else the si)k 8on5t re)o6er 8hen !ou la! han$s on the1. *ou ha6e to belie6e that !ou ha6e been )o11issione$ b! the Lor$ :esus Christ hi1sel" to )ast out $e6ils; or !ou 8ill ne6er )ast the1 out> The greatest 1inistr! Charles an$ . ha6e is 7robabl! in the area o" healing; an$ the reason "or this is that 8e ha6e ne6er been a"rai$ to ste7 out an$ $o the things /o$ has )alle$ us to $o. So1eti1es 8e ha6e e=7eri1ente$. -hile there are 1an! 8a!s to heal the si)k liste$ in the Bible; there are also ne8 a6enues !ou )an e=7lore; 8here /o$ 8ill o7en a tre1en$ous 1inistr!. BBut;B !ou 1ight sa!; Bit is not 8ritten in the Bible.B :ohn sai$; BAn$ there are also 1an! other things 8hi)h :esus $i$; the 8hi)h; i" the! shoul$ be 8ritten

e6er! one; . su77ose that e6en the 8orl$ itsel" )oul$ not )ontain the books that shoul$ be 8rittenB C:ohn 21G2(D. -e nee$ to un$erstan$ that 8hile 8e shoul$ ne6er $e7art "ro1 the '9.NC.'LES o" the Bible; 8e )an see 1an! kin$s o" 1ira)les 8hi)h are not s7e)i"i)all! $es)ribe$ there. These are still s)ri7tural; be)ause the! )o1e un$er the authorit! o" s)ri7tures su)h as Mark 11G2 or Mark 1+G10. The "irst 8a! :esus heale$ $uring his earthl! 1inistr! 8as b! tou)hing 7eo7le; or b! Bla!ing on o" han$s.B BTou)hingB still 8orks to$a!> One o" the 1ost uniEue 1ira)les that . re1e1ber ha77ene$ as . 8as )o1ing $o8n an aisle o" a )hur)h. /o$ i17resse$ 1e to rea)h out an$ tou)h the to7 o" a 8o1an5s hea$. This 8o1an ha$ )an)er o" the tongue. That one little tou)h; releasing the 7o8er o" /o$; )ause$ her to be totall! heale$ o" )an)er an$ her tongue 8as )o17letel! restore$> -hen an! S7irit&"ille$ belie6er la!s han$s on so1eone; the 7o8er o" /o$ goes out o" hi1 into the other 7erson. ." !ou are S7irit&"ille$; !ou ha6e in !ou the 6er! sa1e resurre)tion 7o8er that brought :esus Christ out o" the gra6e < the 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit. *ou ha6e that 7o8er resi$ing in !ou at all ti1es> *ou $o not ha6e to 8ork u7 an e1otion. . ha$ no e1otion e=)e7t ?o! 8hen . 8alke$ $o8n that aisle; but /o$5s resi$ent 7o8er 8as 8orking; be)ause

it is o7erable at ALL ti1es 8hether !ou "eel it or not> Another ti1e . 8alke$ $o8n the aisle an$ tou)he$ a 1an 8ith $iabetes. #e 8as instantl! heale$> . $i$ not hear about either o" these healings until !ears later; so . o"ten 8on$er ho8 1an! others ha6e e=7erien)e$ $i6ine healing through this 1etho$. .n neither o" these t8o )ases $i$ . B7ra! u7 a stor1;B nor 8ork u7 e1otions. . ?ust si17l! tou)he$ the1> Tou)hing $oes a lot in 1an! areas o" our li6es. -hen Charles an$ . stan$ together; !ou 8ill o"ten see us rea)h out an$ tou)h ea)h other5s han$. The 1ost 8on$er"ul ser6i)e in the 8orl$ )an be going on but 8hen . rea)h o6er an$ tou)h Charles5 han$ or he tou)hes 1ine; so1eho8 in a beauti"ul little 8a!; that tou)h sa!s; B. lo6e !ou.B #e $oes not sa! a 8or$. #e ?ust tou)hes 1! han$; an$ it sa!s; B. lo6e !ou.B -hen !ou 8ere a little )hil$; $i$ !ou e6er "all $o8n an$ skin !our knee; an$ )o1e running to !our 1other; s)rea1ing an$ hollering an$ )arr!ing onF 'robabl! she ?ust lo6e$ !ou; but that TO4C# $i$ so1ething 6er! s7e)ial "or !ou; $i$n5t itF E6en 8hen !ou are not sa6e$; there is a lot a))o17lishe$ b! tou)hing in hu1an lo6e. Di$ an!one e6er 7at !our han$ in a hos7ital 8hen !ou 8ere re)o6ering "ro1 an o7erationF That $i$ not sa!; B. hate !ou;B $i$ itF .t sai$; BE6er!thing is going to be all right>B

." !ou56e e6er been berea6e$; hasn5t it 1eant a lot 8hen 7eo7le ?ust 7atte$ !ou; e6en i" the! )oul$n5t sa! a 8or$F E6en 8ithout 8or$s; that little tou)h sa!s; B. un$erstan$ !our grie"; an$ 1! heart goes out to !ou.B -e nee$ to realiAe ho8 i17ortant our han$s are in the healing 1inistr!. -e nee$ to be a8are o" the i17ortan)e o" a tou)h> Statisti)s sho8 that babies 8ho are gi6en onl! a 1ini1u1 a1ount o" han$ling are in)line$ to be "ret"ul; irritable an$ not as health! as babies 8ho are 7i)ke$ u7 an$ lo6e$. Chil$ren 8ho are lo6e$ an$ 7la!e$ 8ith; an$ e6en ?ust hel$ ha6e a 1u)h 1ore lo6ing $is7osition. So1eti1es 7eo7le 8ill sa!; B.t is not /o$5s 8ill to heal.B -e nee$ to re1e1ber that 8hen 7eo7le sa! this; the! $o not kno8 the s)ri7tures. A goo$ s)ri7ture to gi6e the1 is A)ts 13G 0; 8here 'eter tol$ B#o8 /o$ anointe$ :esus o" NaAareth 8ith the #ol! /host an$ 8ith 7o8erG 8ho 8ent about $oing goo$; an$ #EAL.N/ ALL that 8ere o77resse$ o" the $e6ilH "or /o$ 8as 8ith hi1.B .T .S /OD5S -.LL FO9 ALL OF #.S C#.LD9EN TO BE #EALED.

/o$ anointe$ :esus. -hat 8as the 7ur7ose o" thatF /o$ anointe$ :esus so that :esus 8oul$ ha6e the 7o8er to $o 8hat /o$ 8ante$ hi1 to $o. -hen /o$ anointe$ hi1; he 7ut his sta17 o" a77ro6al on hi1 8ith the #ol! /host an$ 8ith 7o8er; an$ then; B#e 8ent about $oing goo$; an$ healing all that 8ere o77resse$ o" the $e6il.B A)ts 13G 0 sa!s that :esus 8ent about Bhealing all that 8ere o77resse$ o" the $e6il.B Si)kness )o1es "ro1 the $e6il. /o$ )an take si)kness an$ 1ake a 1ira)le out o" it; but /o$ is not the one 8ho sen$s si)kness to his )hil$ren 8ho obe! his )o11an$1ents CDeut. 20D. . ha6e hear$ 7eo7le sa!; B/o$ sent this si)kness on 1e to tea)h 1e a lessonH he is tea)hing 1e so1ething.B . "in$ it $i""i)ult to belie6e that; be)ause 8oul$ /o$ gi6e so1ething as horrible as si)kness to his )hil$renF -oul$ !ou $o that to !our )hil$renF An$ think ho8 1u)h 1ore /o$ lo6es us than 8e lo6e our earthl! )hil$ren> BCAn$ the Lor$ ans8ere$D Can a 8o1an "orget her nursing )hil$; that she shoul$ not ha6e )o17assion on the son o" her 8o1bF *es; the! 1a! "orget; !et 8ill . not "orget !ouB C.saiah %2G1( A17D. . belie6e all si)kness )o1es "ro1 the $e6il; but /o$ )an take it; turn it aroun$ an$ 1ake it the greatest 1ira)le in !our li"e.

.n 1! )ase; that is e=a)tl! 8hat ha77ene$. . 8as in an auto1obile a))i$ent in 12+%. So1e !oung 1an ran into the ba)k o" 1! )ar an$ the blo8 that . su""ere$ )ause$ 1e to lose the sight o" 1! le"t e!e. That )oul$ ha6e been a horrible trage$!; but instea$; /o$ turne$ it into the greatest thing that e6er ha77ene$ to 1e; be)ause . "oun$ :esus as a result> /o$ took 8hat the $e6il $i$ an$ turne$ it aroun$> A"ter running "ro1 :esus "or %2 !ears; . "inall! a))e7te$ hi1> /o$ $i$ not )ause that a))i$ent to ha77en. /o$ $i$ not )ause 1e to lose the sight o" that e!eH /o$ ha$ nothing to $o 8ith that 7art o" it. But /o$ $i$ take that )ir)u1stan)e; an$ turn it into a 1ira)le> Another reall! goo$ s)ri7ture is . :ohn G0; B... For this 7ur7ose the Son o" /o$ 8as 1ani"este$; that he 1ight $estro! the 8orks o" the $e6il.B :esus 8as not sent here to )reate 7roble1sH he 8as sent to $estro! the 6er! 8orks o" the $e6il hi1sel". .n Luke %G10 :esus 7ro)lai1s; BThe S7irit o" the Lor$ is u7on 1e; be)ause he hath anointe$ 1e to 7rea)h the gos7el to the 7oorH he hath sent 1e to heal the brokenhearte$; to 7rea)h $eli6eran)e to the )a7ti6es; an$ re)o6ering o" sight to the blin$; to set at libert! the1 that are bruise$.B :ust like :esus; 8e ha6e been anointe$ to 7rea)h the gos7el. -here6er 8e are; 8hether 8e ha6e a healing 1inistr! or so1e other 1inistr!; 8e are al8a!s anointe$ to 7rea)h the gos7el. That is a 7er1anent anointing> *ou $on5t

ha6e to sa!; BOh Lor$; anoint 1e again.B *ou ha6e been anointe$ an$ a77ointe$ an$ that is 8h! !ou )an go out at all ti1es an$ kno8 that the anointing o" /o$ rests u7on !ou. -e @NO- that 8e ha6e been $is7at)he$ to $o the sa1e things that :esus Christ $i$ 8hen he 8as on this earth. There are 1an! e=a17les in the book o" Mark o" ho8 :esus heale$ 7eo7le. 9ea$ Mark; an$ then rea$ all o" the gos7els; sear)hing "or ?ust one thingG #OD.D :ES4S #EAL T#E S.C@F Mark 1G%3&%2 tells ho8 :esus si17l! Btou)he$B the le7er. #e ?ust lai$ han$s on hi1; an$ he 8as heale$. Mark (G (&%3 sa!sG B-hile he !et s7ake; there )a1e "ro1 the ruler o" the s!nagogues house )ertain 8hi)h sai$; Th! $aughter is $ea$G 8h! troublest thou the Master an! "urtherF As soon as :esus hear$ the 8or$ that 8as s7oken; he saith unto the ruler o" the s!nagogue; Be not a"rai$; onl! belie6e.B Belie6ing is so i17ortant> BAn$ he su""ere$ no 1an to "ollo8 hi1; sa6e 'eter; an$ :a1es; an$ :ohn the brother o" :a1es. An$ he )o1eth to the house o" the ruler o" the s!nagogue; an$ seeth the tu1ult; an$ the1 that 8e7t an$ 8aile$ greatl!. An$ 8hen he 8as )o1e in; he saith unto the1; -h! 1ake !e this a$o; an$ 8ee7F the $a1sel is not $ea$; but slee7eth. An$ the! laughe$ hi1 to s)orn.B *ou 8ill noti)e he got the unbelie6ers out o" the roo1. C4nbelie" )an sto7 healing>D Mark tells us; B#e

taketh the "ather an$ the 1other o" the $a1sel; an$ the1 that 8ere 8ith hi1; an$ entereth in 8here the $a1sel 8as l!ing. An$ he took the $a1sel b! the han$; an$ sai$ unto her; Talitha )u1iH 8hi)h is; being inter7rete$; Da1sel; . sa! unto thee; arise. An$ straight8a! the $a1sel arose; an$ 8alke$H "or she 8as o" the age o" t8el6e !ears. An$ the! 8ere astonishe$ 8ith a great astonish1ent.B :esus TO4C#ED the $a1sel5s han$. At the 6er! 1o1ent :esus TO4C#ED her han$; li"e )a1e ba)k into her. .n this e7iso$e; :esus 7ut t8o "aith 7rin)i7les into a)tionG he tou)he$ her; an$ he s7oke. #e issue$ a )o11an$ to get u7. . $on5t kno8; an$ !ou $on5t kno8; but 1a!be i" he ha$ ne6er sai$ a 8or$; she 1ight ne6er ha6e gotten u7 o"" o" that be$. Ma!be i" he ha$ ?ust tou)he$ her an$ ha$ not sai$ a single 8or$; nothing 8oul$ ha6e ha77ene$. But :esus issue$ a )o11an$G he sai$; B/et u7;B an$ she got u7; e6en though she 8as $ea$. She $i$n5t ?ust lie there an$ sa!; B.51 $ea$; . )an5t $o that>B She got u7> .n Mark ,G 2& (; 8e rea$ about a ti1e :esus heale$ a $ea" 1anG BAn$ the! bring unto hi1 one that 8as $ea"; an$ ha$ an i17e$i1ent in his s7ee)hH an$ the! besee)h hi1 to 7ut his han$ u7on hi1. An$ he took hi1 asi$e "ro1 the 1ultitu$e; an$ 7ut his "ingers into his ears; an$ he s7it; an$ tou)he$ his tongueH An$ looking u7 to hea6en; he sighe$; an$ saith unto hi1; E7h7hatha; that is; Be o7ene$. An$ straight8a! his ears 8ere o7ene$; an$ the string o" his tongue 8as loose$; an$ he s7ake 7lain.B

Do !ou see 8hat :esus $i$F #e took the 1an asi$e "ro1 the 1ultitu$e. #e 7ut his "ingers in ea)h ear. C#E TO4C#ED #.M>D An$ he )o11an$e$ those ears to be o7ene$. #e heale$ those ears b! tou)h; through the 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit. There are 1an! 8a!s "or ears to be heale$; but one o" the best ones . kno8 is ?ust to sti)k !our "ingers in so1eone5s ears an$ belie6e the 7o8er o" /o$ is going to go through those "ingers> At a 1eeting in Colora$o one night; 8e ha$ a 8or$ o" kno8le$ge on the healing o" ears; an$ as 8e tou)he$ their ears; 0 out o" 2 7eo7le 8ere instantl! heale$. T#E9E .S 'O-E9 .N T#E TO4C#> At a ser6i)e in A1es; .o8a; a little bab! 8as brought "or8ar$ 8hose "eet 8ere turne$ in so ba$l! that the )hil$ 8as horribl! )ri77le$. . took one "oot in ea)h han$; an$ 8hile . 8as hol$ing the1; the! )o17letel! straightene$ out> . ha$ the thrill o" "eeling an$ seeing a 1ira)le in 7rogress. . $on5t think . e6en sai$ an!thing. . ?ust tou)he$ the bab!; an$ began to "eel the bone stru)ture )hanging in 1! han$s. That 8as not 7ra!er. That 8as not a )o11an$. T#AT -AS #EAL.N/ T#9O4/# T#E LA*.N/ ON OF #ANDS> -e share these 7ersonal e=a17les 8ith !ou be)ause

8e 8ant to bring !our "aith u7 to the 7oint 8here !ou 8ill think B-o8; . )an $o that; too>B /o$ 8ill o"ten heal 1ore than one 7erson 8ith the sa1e $isease in the sa1e 1eeting; but in $i""erent 8a!s. -e ha$ a 8or$ o" kno8le$ge one night "or )rosse$ e!es; an$ three )hil$ren )a1e "or8ar$. One 8as heale$ 8hen she )a1e "or8ar$. The se)on$ one 8as heale$ 8hen 8e 7ut our han$s on her e!es. -hen 8e re1o6e$ our han$s; the one e!e Bar)e$B an$ settle$ in the right 7la)e. To the thir$ )hil$ 8e sai$; BE!es; be heale$ in :esus5 na1e>B She 8as heale$ b! a )o11an$. Three healings; sa1e $isease; three $i""erent 8a!s> So1eti1es 7eo7le 8ill be in our ser6i)es an$ sa!; BCharles an$ Fran)es )an reall! go out an$ heal the si)k. The! ?ust la! han$s on the1 an$ things ha77en>B Charles an$ Fran)es #unter #AVE NO MO9E 'O-E9 T#AN *O4 #AVE> But there .S so1ething that 1a! be a little $i""erent about usH 8e 4SE that 7o8er 1ore than 1ost 7eo7le $o. -e are t8o o" the 1ost 7ersistent 7eo7le in the 8orl$; be)ause 8e $o not get $is)ourage$ like a lot o" 7eo7le $o. Be"ore 8e re)ei6e$ the ba7tis1; 8e lai$ han$s on so1ething like ten thousan$ 7eo7le an$ 1a!be as 1an! as TEN o" the1 got heale$> -e 8ere 'E9S.STENT e6en though 8e $i$n5t realiAe

8e nee$e$ the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit. *O4 NEED TO BE 'E9S.STENT; TOO> ." !ou la! han$s on so1eone; an$ nothing ha77ens; T9* T#E NEJT ONE> La! han$s on hi1 or her. ." nothing ha77ens; $on5t gi6e u7> So1eti1es Charles an$ . ha6e 1inistere$ to the sa1e 7erson as 1an! as "i6e $i""erent 8a!s. -e ha6e trie$ )o11an$ing; la!ing on o" han$s; )asting out $e6ils; but "inall! the 7ersisten)e 7a!s o"" an$ 8e see the in$i6i$ual heale$> -hat i" 8e ha$ sai$ the "irst ti1e; 1 guess this is ?ust not !our night;B i" the 7erson $i$n5t get heale$F The! 1ight ne6er ha6e been heale$> But 8e ke7t on being 7ersistent an$ )ontinue$ to 7erse6ere an$ to e=7lore areas 8hi)h are not "ull! $es)ribe$ in the -or$ o" /o$. This is 8hat /o$ 8ants e6er! belie6er to $oG ?ust ste7 out in "aith an$ begin la!ing han$s on the si)k; an$ BEL.EVE the! are going to re)o6er. Do !ou kno8 8h! . e=7e)t the si)k to re)o6er 8hen . la! han$s on the1F Be)ause . belie6e 8ithout a sha$o8 o" $oubt that :esus Christ li6es his li"e in an$ through 1e. ." . $i$ not belie6e that; there 8oul$ be no 8a! that 7eo7le )oul$ get heale$ 8hen . lai$ han$s on the1. Throughout all o" his e7istles; 'aul 7rea)he$; BChrist .N !ou; the ho7e o" glor!.B 'aul ne6er 7ortra!e$ :esus

as being outsi$e o" a belie6er; $ragging hi1 along; sa!ing; BCo1e on; . a1 going to 1ake !ou la! han$s on the si)k. . a1 going to 1ake !ou heal the1>B BECA4SE T#E -O9D OF /OD SA*S .T; -E #AVE TO BEL.EVE T#AT :ES4S C#9.ST .S L.V.N/ .N AND T#9O4/# 4S> To 1e; the 1ost e=)iting thing in the 8orl$ is to kno8 that the 7h!si)al bo$! !ou see 8hen !ou look at 1e; is the bo$! that 8as gi6en to Fran)es #unter; but the 'E9SON -#O L.VES .NS.DE is :esus Christ> -hen !ou "ull! realiAe that :esus is li6ing .NS.DE o" !ou; it 8ill totall! trans"or1 !ou. Then; one $a! !ou 8ill realiAe that 8hen !ou 7ut out !our han$; it is the han$ o" :esus Christ> :esus sai$; B#e that belie6eth on 1e; the 8orks that . $o shall he $o alsoH an$ greater 8orks than these shall he $oH be)ause . go unto 1! FatherB C:ohn 1%G12D. So; 8ho $i$ :esus lea6e on this earth to )o17lete his 8orkF #e le"t us> #e )o11issione$ us to la! han$s u7on the si)k; using #.S authorit!>> 9e1e1ber; it5s all $one in the na1e o" :esus> .t is in the na1e o" :esus that all 1ira)les are $one; be)ause :esus li6es in an$ through us. That "a)t $oes not 1ake us $i6ine; but 8e $o nee$ to kno8 8ho 8e are in Christ. -hen the $e6il asks !ou; B-ho $o !ou think !ou areFB *ou shoul$ be able to

ans8er; B. a1 a )hil$ o" /o$. . ha6e the righteousness o" /o$ in 1e. . ha6e :esus li6ing in 1! heart. . @NO8ho . a1> . a1 not a 1ere nothing. . a1 so1ebo$! 8ho has :esus li6ing in 1e.B Ea)h an$ e6er! born& again; S7irit&"ille$ belie6er is in)re$ibl! i17ortant be)ause :esus is li6ing insi$e EAC# AND EVE9* ONE OF 4S> Do so1ething "or 1e; 8ill !ouF 'ut !our han$s out in "ront o" !ou an$ sa!; BThese are the han$s o" :esus; so there is healing 7o8er in 1! han$s.B 'i)k !our "eet u7 o"" the "loor Cnot 8hile !ou5re stan$ingD an$ sa!; BThese are the "eet o" :esus> The 7o8er o" /o$ goes through 1! entire bo$!. .t is not li1ite$ to 1! han$sH it is in 1! "eetH it is in 1! kneesH it is in 1! hea$H it is all o6er 1e>B Man! ti1es be)ause o" the siAe o" an au$ien)e; Charles an$ . $o not ha6e the o77ortunit! to 7ra! "or e6er! in$i6i$ual in a 1eeting; so 8e sa!; BE6er! 7erson la! han$s on !oursel">B T#E9E .S 'O-E9 .N *O49 O-N #ANDS TO #EAL *O49SELF> For e=a17le; "our !ears ago 8hen 8e 8ere in Melbourne; Australia; 8e $i$ this; an$ sai$; BLa! han$s on that 7art o" !our bo$! 8hi)h is $isease$ or a""li)te$; an$ /o$ is going to heal !ou all> That night /o$ ha$ $ro77e$ the gi"t o" "aith on us; an$ 8hen 8e 8ent ba)k to Melbourne "our !ears later; the s7onsor o" the 1eeting tol$ us that e6er! 7erson there 8as heale$ b! la!ing han$s on

the1sel6es. Don5t e6er un$eresti1ate the 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit 8hi)h "lo8s through !our o8n han$s> At a re)ent 1eeting; . ha$ been la!ing han$s on 7eo7le 8ho ha$ hea$a)hes or 1igraines; an$ . sai$ to one 8o1an; B:ust la! han$s on !oursel" an$ sa!; 5Out in the na1e o" :esus>5B -hen !ou sa!; BO4T .N T#E NAME OF :ES4S;B sa! it 8ith authorit!> Don5t 8his7er. Let the $e6il kno8 !ou ha6e "aith> This 8o1an sai$ 8ith great authorit!; BO4T; .N T#E NAME OF :ES4S;B tou)he$ hersel" on the "orehea$; an$ "ell o6er ba)k8ar$s un$er the 7o8er o" /o$> She ha$ s7oken 8ith su)h authorit! an$ belie" that she kno)ke$ hersel" right o"" o" her "eet; an$ !ou ne6er hear$ an au$ien)e laugh like that in !our li"e. -hen she got u7; she sai$; BM! hea$a)he $isa77eare$ be"ore . e6er hit the "loor.B 5 T#AT .S 9EAL 'O-E9> That is belie6ing there is 7o8er in !our han$s> No8 !ou go an$ $o the sa1e thing>

By Charles #a6e !ou e6er turne$ a light s8it)h on or o""F ." !ou ha6e; !ou are s1art enough to heal the si)k.

So1e8here not too "ar "ro1 8here !ou are there is a generator; a 7o8er 7lant 8hi)h generates ele)tri)it!. This ele)tri)it!; this 7o8er; is brought to !our house "ro1 the sour)e o" the 7o8er through a 8ire; an$ u7 to !our ele)tri) light bulb. The energ! 8hi)h "lo8s "ro1 the 7o8er 7lant to the light bulb )auses the "ila1ent o" the bulb to illu1inate; an$ 8e sa! the light is on. Bet8een the 7o8er 7lant an$ the light bulb is a s8it)h; or a breaker. This s8it)h is $esigne$ to break the "lo8 o" the energ!; the 7o8er; "ro1 its sour)e to the $estination in the light bulb. ." !ou turn the s8it)h BonB the t8o en$s o" the 8ire are )onne)te$ so the energ! 8ill "lo8 through. ." it is turne$ Bo"";B the 8ire is se7arate$ an$ the energ! )annot )ontinue be)ause o" the ga7 bet8een the 7o8er sour)e an$ the light bulb. .n the sa1e 8a!; the #ol! S7irit Bin !ouB is the generator or the 7o8er 7lant < the sour)e o" the 7o8er. *our han$s are the on an$ o"" s8it)h; an$ the 7erson nee$ing healing is the light bulb. No8; it is entirel! u7 to !ou 8hether !ou turn the s8it)h on or o"". .t is entirel! !our )hoi)e in healing to Bla! han$s on the si)k.B The 7o8er o" /o$ 8ill $o the healing; ?ust as the ele)tri) )urrent 8ill light the bulb. ." !ou 8ant a $ark roo1 light; !ou )an turn the light s8it)h on. ." !ou $on5t; the roo1 8ill sta! $ark. ." !ou ha6e an o77ortunit! to heal so1eone; it is the sa1e kin$ o" )hoi)e. *ou )an la! han$s on the1 an$

heal the1; or let the1 re1ain si)k> ." !ou ha6e not !et re)ei6e$ !our generator; $o so right no8> Ask :esus to ba7tiAe !ou 8ith the #ol! S7irit; li"t !our han$s u7 to /o$; begin to lo6e an$ 7raise hi1; but not in !our nati6e language. Start gi6ing soun$s o" lo6e ra7i$l! so that the #ol! S7irit )an take those soun$s an$ gi6e !ou the language 8hi)h 8ill take an! in$i6i$ual an$ 1ake an e=traor$inar! 7erson out o" hi1> Let !our s7irit soar as it talks to /o$ "or the 6er! "irst ti1e> C. Cor. 1%G2D. Be a Bs8it)hB "or :esus; but be sure !ou are Bturne$ onB "or hi1. Let this be a 7art o" !our 8a! o" being the light o" the 8orl$. :esus sai$; B*e are the light o" the 8orl$BCMatt. (G1%D. La!ing han$s on the si)k an$ healing the1 is one 8a! :esus use$ to be the light o" the 8orl$ < to illu1inate the 8a! "or the lost to "in$ hi1. #e 7asse$ this earth&?ob on to us; an$ ga6e us this healing 6irtue; this $!na1i) 7o8er in us so 8e )oul$ e""e)ti6el! )arr! on all o" his 8ork 8hile 8e are on earth. There is no 7o8er in the "lesh o" our han$s; but there is 7o8er 8hen /o$5s #ol! S7irit "lo8s through our han$s> Our 7h!si)al bo$ies are 1a$e o" $ust; or )la!. La!ing one 7ie)e o" )la! on another 7ie)e o" )la! 8ill not 7ro$u)e an! healing results. -hat 8e $o 8ith our

han$s 1a! re"le)t our lo6e an$ )o17assion; but onl! /o$5s 7o8er )an heal the si)k. As hu1an beings; 8e )annot heal the si)k b! our o8n 7o8ers. Our bo$ies $o; ho8e6er; ha6e the abilit! to heal the1sel6es. /o$ )reate$ us health!; an$ he ga6e us the 7h!si)al )o17onents 8hi)h 8ill 1aintain health i" 8e kee7 the 8hole real1 o" our 7h!si)al bo$! in line 8ith /o$5s la8s. -e 8ere in -est Te=as 1inistering 8hen a girl thirteen !ears ol$ )a1e to 1e "or healing. She ha$ "allen at s)hool a !ear be"ore an$ a large lu17 ha$ re1aine$ "or the 8hole !ear. .t 8as still sore; an$ her 1other 8as 6er! )on)erne$. . like to 7ra! 8ith 1! e!es o7en so . 8on5t 1iss the e=)iting 1ira)les. :esus LOO@ED u7 8hen he $i$ the e=)iting 1ira)le o" 1ulti7l!ing loa6es an$ "ishes into "oo$ "or thousan$s. . ha$ 1! e!es "i=e$ on the lu17 an$ ?ust tou)he$ it lightl! 8ith 1! "ore"inger an$ sai$; B.n :esus5 na1e>B The lu17 $isa77eare$ instantl!> .t 8as there; an$ then it 8as not there> -hen !ou ask :esus to "orgi6e !our sins; he 8ill instantl! $o it i" !ou 1ean it 8hen !ou ask. Be"ore !ou ask hi1; !our sins are thereH an$ then the! are not there; ?ust like that lu17> B:esus5 $is)i7les sa8 hi1 $o 1an! other 1ira)les

besi$es the ones tol$ about in this book; but these are re)or$e$ SO T#AT *O4 -.LL BEL.EVE T#AT #E .S T#E MESS.A#; T#E SON OF /OD; AND T#AT BEL.EV.N/ .N #.M *O4 -.LL #AVE L.FEB C:ohn 23G 3; 1 TLBD. One night a la$! about "i"t! !ears ol$ )a1e to 1e "or healing o" her nose. She ha$ broken it 8hen she 8as "our or "i6e !ears ol$; an$ it 8as le"t )rooke$ like an angle. . so"tl! ran 1! "inger $o8n her nose; an$ in "ront o" 1! e!es the bone straightene$ instantl!. Months later 8e 8ere ha6ing a Me=i)an $inner 8ith a grou7 o" 7eo7le an$ . 8as telling this stor!. To $e1onstrate 8hat . $i$; . ran 1! "inger $o8n the nose o" the la$! sitting ne=t to 1e. #er 1other; a 1inister5s 8i"e; 8as sitting a)ross the table "ro1 her; an$ she sai$; BLook at !our nose < it isn5t )rooke$ an!1ore>B Faith ha$ been brought to her b! telling o" a 1ira)le; an$ the 7o8er 8ent into her nose b! the la!ing on o" a "inger an$ /o$ $i$ a t8entieth )entur! 1ira)le. /lor! to his 1ight! na1e> #a6e !ou noti)e$ that the Bible $oesn5t sa!; BLa! han$s on the hea$s o" the si)k an$ heal the1FB Obser6e the healings 8e 1entione$ an$ !ou 8ill see that han$s 8ere lai$ on a nose; on ears; on hea$s; on han$s; on "eet; on e!es. Sin)e it is the "lo8 o" /o$5s 7o8er 8hi)h heals the si)k; 8e get our han$s as )lose as 8e )an to the 7art o" the bo$! 8hi)h nee$s

healing. This allo8s the 7o8er to go $ire)tl! into the si)k 7art. O"ten the 7o8er goes in so strongl! that i" 8e tou)h a "oot; the 7eo7le 8ill go un$er the 7o8er o" /o$. Another suggestion is to stan$ as )lose as 7ossible to the 7erson being heale$; be)ause the 7o8er a)tuall! "lo8s "ro1 all 7arts o" !our s7irit; through all 7arts o" !our bo$!; into the 7erson near !ou. -e belie6e that 1an! are heale$ in an au$ien)e be)ause the "aith o" belie6ers )auses the 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit in the1 to be)o1e a "or)e "iel$ 8hi)h goes into those aroun$ the1. . take an! $esire o" :esus as seriousl! as . $o a )o11an$ "ro1 /o$; an$ there"ore . "eel ?ust as strongl! that 8e shoul$ la! han$s on the si)k an$ heal the1 as . "eel about obe!ing one o" the ten )o11an$1ents. .t is a 8a! :esus use$ 8hile on earth to 7ersua$e 1ankin$ to belie6e in hi1 as the Messiah; the Sa6ior. The $is)i7les a77lie$ the sa1e la8; 8ith the sa1e 7o8er :esus use$; an$ 8e are no $i""erent than the $is)i7les; nor in "a)t; than :esus 8as 8hen he 8as 1a$e 1an "or a short ti1e on earth> -hat a tre1en$ous 7ri6ilege> -hat an a8eso1e res7onsibilit!> -hat a trust our Lor$ :esus has 7la)e$ into our

han$s> -hat a great )o11ission he has gi6en us < to a)tuall! be his bo$! 8orking here on earth; to $o his goo$ 8ill. :esus $ie$ not onl! to sa6e the lost; but to heal the si)k an$ "ree the )a7ti6es "ro1 the e6ils o" the $e6il. Doing his 8ill is so eas!. :ust si17l! la! !our han$s on the si)k an$ belie6e that this $!na1i) 7o8er 8ill go "orth "ro1 the #ol! S7irit in !ou into those 8ho nee$ his tou)h through !ou. ." 8e 8ere translate$ ba)k to the $a!s 8hen :esus li6e$ on earth an$ 8e ha$ the 7ri6ilege o" being 8ith hi1; 8hat 8oul$ 8e $o i" he sai$; B/o )at)h a "ish an$ take the )oin out o" its 1outh an$ 7a! the ta=esFB . belie6e . 8oul$ outrun 'eter to obe! hi1> :esus hi1sel" set this $!na1i) 8a! to heal the si)k into 1otion; an$ he 8ants us to $o it to release hurting hu1anit! an$ to )ause the1 to belie6e in hi1. :esus sai$; B... the! shall la! han$s on the si)k; an$ the! shall re)o6erB CMark 1+G10D. The Li6ing Bible sa!s; B... an$ the! Cthat5s !ou an$ 1eD 8ill be able to 7la)e their han$s on the si)k an$ heal the1.B This is s7oken $ire)tl! b! :esus. .t is a 7art o" his great )o11ission. T#ESE ELEVEN -O9DS -E9E T#E LAST 9ECO9DED -O9DS #E S'O@E -#.LE #E -AS ON EA9T#.

.s there a $i""eren)e in obe$ien)e no8 than thenF :esus has si17l! sai$; BCharles; go la! han$s on the si)k an$ the! 8ill re)o6er "or !ou ?ust like the! $i$ "or 1e. Fran)es; !ou go la! han$s on the si)k an$ .5ll heal the1 through !ou; too>B #e has sai$ the sa1e thing to !ou; so there shoul$ be enough "aith in an! o" us to obe! hi1. The -or$ tells us that 8e Christians are the bo$! o" :esus; so i" he $i$ it in a bo$! t8o thousan$ !ears ago; 8h! shoul$ 8e tr! to )hange hi1 to$a!F .t is an e=)iting thing to kno8 that :esus li6es in an$ through us> .t is o6er8hel1ing to realiAe that the sa1e 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit is al8a!s a6ailable 8ithin us to $o 1ira)les. .F *O4 #AVENT EJ'E9.ENCED T#E T#9.LL OF SEE.N/ /OD #EAL T#9O4/# *O49 #ANDS; -#* NOT T9* .T> STA9T 9./#T NO->

C#A'TE9 % LA*.N/ ON OF #ANDS & 'L4S>

By Frances At ti1es 8e use 1ore than one 1etho$ to heal the si)k. So1eti1es 8e Bla! han$sB on in$i6i$uals in a))or$an)e 8ith Mark 1+G10; then 8e a$$ to it Mark 11G2 &2%; 8hi)h 8ill be Bsa!ingB or )o11an$ing so1ething to be $oneH this 1ight be "ollo8e$ b! B"aith in a)tionBH the Bgi"t o" "aithB an$ being slain in the S7irit> *ou 8ill o"ten $is)o6er 1an! $i""erent 1etho$s are all 8ra77e$ u7 in one healing> So $on5t sto7 at one i" one 8a! $oesn5t get the1 heale$> .n the book o" Mark; :esus sa!s; BAn$ these signs shall "ollo8 the1 that belie6e ... the! shall la! han$s on the si)k; an$ the! shall re)o6erB CMark 1+G1,;10D. :esus $i$n5t gi6e us an! lee8a! in that 7ro1ise. #e $i$n5t in$i)ate that there 8as a 7robabilit! or 7ossibilit! o" healingH he sai$ T#E* -O4LD 9ECOVE9; so 8hen 8e la! han$s on !ou; 8e e=7e)t !ou to get heale$> -e belie6e 8hat :esus sai$; an$ his )on$itions are si17l! Bthose 8ho belie6e>B *ou )an e6en la! han$s on !oursel"; i" !ou5re the Bsi)kB one. . $o> ." the $e6il starts to gi6e 1e a hea$a)he; an$ there5s no one aroun$ to 7ra! "or 1e; $o !ou kno8 8hat .

$oF . la! han$s on 1!sel"> The Bible $oesn5t sa!; BThose 8ho belie6e shall la! han$s on the si)k other than the1sel6es>B .t si17l! sa!s that those 8ho belie6e shall la! han$s on the si)k; an$ the! shall re)o6er. So . la! han$s on 1!sel" an$ sa!; B#ea$a)he; out in the na1e o" :esus>B Man! Christians let the $e6il rob the1 o" their healings through $oubt an$ unbelie"; so $on5t let $oubt sneak in> The 1inute the $e6il hears !ou )o11an$ an illness to lea6e; he goes right into a)tion; be)ause he kno8s Mark 11G2 ?ust as 8ell as !ou $o. #e kno8s !ou 8ill ha6e 8hatsoe6er !ou sa! onl! .F !ou $on5t $oubt in !our heart. Do !ou kno8 8hat kin$ o" 7ersonalit! the $e6il hasF :esus sai$; B#e 8as a 1ur$erer "ro1 the beginning; an$ abo$e not in the truth; be)ause there is no truth in hi1. -hen he s7eaketh a lie; he s7eaketh o" his o8nG "or he is a liar; an$ the "ather o" itB C:ohn 0G%%D. .t is the $e6il5s nature to lie to !ouH it is his nature to tr! to kill !ou. 'arti)ularl! i" !ou ha6e a B"atalB illness; it is the $e6il5s nature to )o1e along 8ith $oubt an$ unbelie" a"ter !ou ha6e been 7ra!e$ "or; be)ause he 8as a 1ur$erer "ro1 the beginning. #o8 $oes he $o itF #e tells !ou; B.t $i$n5t 8ork. *ou5re still si)k. *ou $on5t look like !ou56e been heale$ at all.B

. 8ant to gi6e !ou a 1ar6elous e=a17le to sho8 !ou ho8 "aith 8orks; be)ause . belie6e that i" 8e )an ?ust un$erstan$ that /o$5s -or$ is reall! true < i" 8e 8ill ?ust stan$ on /o$5s -or$ Cthe ans8erD an$ not look at the )ir)u1stan)es Cthe 7roble1D; then 8e 8ill be going in the right $ire)tion. Not too 1an! !ears ago; a 1an na1e$ /ene Lill! 8as 8riting a book on ho8 to $ie gra)e"ull!. /ene kne8 he 8as going to $ie; be)ause he ha$ been 7aral!Ae$ "or se6enteen !ears an$ his $o)tor ha$ tol$ hi1 he 8as going to $ie. #e ha$ 1ulti7le s)lerosis. #e ha$ $iabetes. #e ha$ high )holesterol. #e ha$ high trigl!)eri$es. #e ha$ s)ar tissue on the brain. #is bo$! 8as a 1ess. #e ha$ listene$ to a 7astor on tele6ision one ti1e; an$ that 7astor ha$ 7ointe$ a "inger right at hi1 an$ sai$; B. bet !ou $on5t go to )hur)h be)ause o" the h!7o)rites.B /ene Lill! sai$; BThat5s right> . )an5t stan$ h!7o)rites>B /ene sai$ that the 7astor ha$ an ol$ )rooke$ "inger; an$ he 7ointe$ it right at the TV )a1era; an$ sai$; B.5ll tell !ou so1ething about the h!7o)rites. At least

the!5re $oing so1ething. *ou aren5t $oing an!thing>B As a result o" that 7rogra1; /ene Lill! got sa6e$. Then he thought; B-ell; glor! to /o$; . a1 going to hea6en 8hen . $ie> E6en though . ha6e all this 7ain $o8n here; . a1 going to su""er gloriousl! "or /o$; an$ then .51 going to hea6en to be 8ith :esus.B So /ene began 8riting a book on ho8 to $ie gra)e"ull! 8hen /o$ s7oke to hi1 an$ tol$ hi1 to go to Orlan$o; Flori$a. /ene an$ his 8i"e li6e$ in 'hoeni=; AriAona. The! $i$n5t kno8 8h! /o$ ha$ tol$ the1 to go to Orlan$o. /ene ha$ Euit 8ork to 7rea)h the /os7el; an$ the! 8ere so 7oor the! ha$ to sell e6er!thing the! o8ne$ "or "oo$ an$ gas 1one!; but the! 1a$e it to Orlan$o an!8a!. An$ the 6er! "irst ti1e the! 8ent to )hur)h there; the 7astor 7rea)he$ on B#ealing is "or !ou.B A"ter that ser1on; /ene began to noti)e healing s)ri7tures in the -or$. One that i17resse$ hi1 8as 'sal1 13,G23; B#e sent his 8or$; an$ heale$ the1; an$ $eli6ere$ the1 "ro1 their $estru)tions.B Another one 8as 'sal1 110G1,; B. shall not $ie; but li6e; an$ $e)lare the 8orks o" the Lor$.B #e ha$ to )he)k his Bible to 1ake sure that one 8as in there; be)ause he 8as still 8riting the book on ho8 to $ie gra)e"ull! 8hen so1ebo$! Euote$ that s)ri7ture to hi1. /ene o7ene$ his Bible an$ there it 8as> #is "aith

began to 1ount u7; an$ 1ount u7; an$ 1ount u7; an$ "inall! he began to think; B-o8; . )oul$ get heale$> . reall! )oul$ get heale$> A))or$ing to /o$5s -or$; . CO4LD /ET #EALED>B /ene ha$ rea)he$ a 7oint 8here he reall! belie6e$ that healing is "or to$a!. 4n"ortunatel!; 1an! 7eo7le ha6e been tol$ that healing is not "or to$a!. A))or$ing to so1e; healing 8as 7ossible ba)k in the $a!s o" the $is)i7les; but not to$a!. /o$ $oes not heal an! 1ore. #a6e !ou e6er hear$ so1eone 1ake that state1entF .T .S A L.E OF T#E DEV.L hi1sel"> ." :esus Christ heale$ !ester$a!; he 8ill heal to$a!. ." he heals to$a!; he 8ill heal to1orro8 be)ause he has ne6er )hange$ an$ ne6er 8ill> The $e6il 8ants !ou to belie6e in si)kness> /o$ 8ants !ou to belie6e in healing> /ene Lill! ke7t on rea$ing the Bible; an$ the 1ore he rea$; the 1ore he began to belie6e that healing is "or to$a!. Then he reall! got ra1bun)tious; an$ sai$; B. belie6e that healing is not onl! "or to$a!; . belie6e that healing is "or ME>B No8 that5s a big ste7 "or a 1an 8ho5s 8riting a book on ho8 to $ie gra)e"ull!> Ne=t /ene thought; B." . )oul$ ?ust 1eet so1eone 8ho ha$ e6er lai$ han$s on so1eone an$ the! 8ere

heale$; the!5$ kno8 ho8 to 7ra! the 7ra!er o" "aith "or 1e. So1ebo$! ga6e /ene a )o7! o" our book; S.NCE :ES4S 'ASSED B*; 8hi)h tells ho8 /o$ $ro77e$ us into the 1ira)le 1inistr! in a Southern Ba7tist )hur)h in El 'aso; Te=as. /ene sai$; BOh; /o$; i" Charles an$ Fran)es #unter 8oul$ ?ust )o1e to Orlan$o; Flori$a; an$ la! their han$s on 1e; . BEL.EVE . -O4LD BE #EALED>B O" )ourse; /ene Lill! $i$n5t nee$ Charles an$ Fran)es #unter; but he $i$ nee$ a 7oint o" )onta)t. #e nee$e$ so1ething that 8oul$ release his "aith. #e ha$ ?ust sai$ to /o$; BOh; i" . )oul$ ?ust 1eet so1ebo$! 8ho ha$ lai$ han$s on the si)k an$ the! re)o6ere$; . kno8 that i" the! lai$ han$s on 1e; then .5$ re)o6er too.B No8 he ha$ ?ust rea$ about so1e 7eo7le 8ho ha$ a)tuall! ha$ 7eo7le heale$ in their 1inistr!. /ene5s "aith 8as rising> /o$ is goo$ be)ause the 6er! ne=t $a!; /ene bought a ne8s7a7er; an$ there 8as a large a$ in it 8hi)h sai$; BCharles an$ Fran)es #unter 8ill hol$ a 1ira)le ser6i)e at the #ilton .nn in Orlan$o; Flori$a; right ne=t to Disne!lan$.B /ene5s "aith sk!ro)kete$. .t literall! e=7lo$e$; be)ause o" 8hat he ha$ ?ust sai$. #ere 8as his o77ortunit!>

The night o" the ser6i)e; /ene5s "aith 8as so strong that he sai$ to his 8i"e; BLea6e the 8alker at ho1e> Lea6e the )rut)hes at ho1e> Lea6e e6er!thing at ho1e; be)ause .5M /O.N/ TO /ET #EALED; so !ou $on5t nee$ to take an! o" that stu"" along>B -hat a 8a! to go to a ser6i)e> That night; /ene Lill!5s "a1il! hal"&$ragge$ an$ hal"& )arrie$ hi1 in. -e 8ere o7erating in the gi"t o" 8or$ o" kno8le$ge C. Cor. 12G0D; an$ )alle$ out a healing "or a 1an 8ho 8as sitting ?ust "our or "i6e seats a8a! "ro1 hi1. The 1an )a1e u7 an$ 8as heale$ o" a $ea" ear. /ene 8as reall! e=)ite$ about that; an$ he ke7t thinking; BThe ne=t one is 1e> The ne=t one is 1e>B So1eone else in /ene5s ro8 got heale$; an$ then so1eone o6er here; an$ then so1eone o6er there; an$ su$$enl! he $is)o6ere$ that the 1ira)le ser6i)e 8as o6er an$ 8e still ha$ not lai$ han$s on hi1. /ene 8as still ?ust as si)k as he e6er 8as> #e 8as ?ust as 7aral!Ae$ as he 8as 8hen he )a1e> #e 8as ?ust as $iabeti) as he 8as 8hen he )a1e> The 1ulti7le s)lerosis 8as ?ust as ba$ as it 8as 8hen he )a1e> Then . sai$; BNo8; i" 8e $i$ not )all out !our $isease in a 8or$ o" kno8le$ge; . 8ant !ou to )o1e "or8ar$

an$ !ou 8ill get heale$.B /ene thought; BThere it is; there it is>B -ith al1ost unbelie6able $eter1ination; he $ragge$ hi1sel" "or8ar$; )hair b! )hair; an$ ro8 b! ro8; until "inall! he 8as at the "ront. T8o ushers hel7e$ hi1 onto his "eet; an$ hel$ hi1 u7> /ene sai$; B. ha6e $iabetes; . ha6e 1ulti7le s)lerosis; . ha6e been 7aral!Ae$ "or se6enteen !ears; . ha6e high trigl!)eri$es; . ha6e high )holesterol; . ha6e s)ar tissue on the brain; an$ .51 $!ing>B . sai$; B'raise :esus>B An$ his "aith al1ost 8ent out his "eet. Later; /ene tol$ 1e; B. thought !ou 8ere the 1ost har$hearte$ 8o1an . ha$ e6er seen in 1! entire li"e. #ere . tell !ou . a1 $!ing; an$ !ou sa!; 5'raise :esus>5 But then . looke$ u7; an$ 8hen . sa8 !our e!es; . realiAe$ that "or the "irst ti1e in 1! li"e . 8as looking at so1eone 8ho $i$n5t li1it /o$> -hen . looke$ at !ou; . )oul$ see that !ou BEL.EVED that 8hen !ou lai$ han$s on 1e; :esus 8as going to heal 1e.B /ene 8as right. /ene sai$ that e6er! other 7erson ha$ 7ra!e$ that /o$ 8oul$ gi6e hi1 gra)e to stan$ the su""ering in this li"e until that great $a! o" glor! 8hen he 8oul$ go ho1e to /o$. Su$$enl!; he "oun$ hi1sel" staring into the e!es o" a 8o1an 8ho 8as not li1iting /o$ one bit. #e sai$; B. )oul$ not belie6e 1! ears 8hen . hear$ that 8il$ 7ra!er !ou 7ra!e$>B

. $i$ not sa!; BNo8 /o$;B an$ go through a long list about the 1ulti7le s)lerosis; the 7aral!sis; the $iabetes; or the other 7roble1s. . si17l! sai$; B-hat !ou nee$ is a :esus o6erhaul>B Then . sai$; B:esus; o6erhaul hi1.B An$ 8ith that; . 7ut 1! han$ on his hea$; an$ e6en 8ith t8o ushers hol$ing hi1; the 7o8er o" /o$ 8as so strong that he "ell "lat on his ba)k> Be)ause his "eet 8ere 7aral!Ae$; /ene ha$ not been able to "eel shoes "or se6enteen !ears. Su$$enl! his "eet began to hurt> #is shoes 8ere too s1all; but he ha$ not kno8n this 7re6iousl! be)ause o" the la)k o" "eeling. An e=)ite$ /ene Lill! kne8 that /o$ ha$ begun a s7e)ial 8ork in his bo$!> A"ter . 7ra!e$; /ene struggle$ to his "eet. The ushers hel7e$ hi1 u7; an$ i" /o$ ha$n5t s7oken to 1e; . 8oul$ not ha6e sai$ 8hat . sai$ ne=t; be)ause he 8ent )ra8ling ba)k $o8n the aisle the sa1e 8a! he )ra8le$ u7. . sai$; B#e 1a! not look like he is heale$; but he is>B #e )ertainl! $i$ not look like he 8as heale$> #e 8as ?ust as )ri77le$; ?ust as 7aral!Ae$; an$ he $i$n5t look one bit better than 8hen he )a1e; but /o$ ha$ s7oken to 1! s7irit. . $i$n5t let the $e6il )o1e in 8ith $oubt an$ unbelie" an$ sa!; B#e $oes not look to 1e like he is heale$. Sorr! about that; "olks> Ma!be he shoul$ )o1e ba)k so1e other ti1eH he 1ight get

heale$>B . si17l! sai$; B#e 1a! not look like he is heale$; but he is>B /o$ ha$ gi6en 1e the gi"t o" "aith; an$ 8hen . sai$ that; /ene Lill!5s "aith e=7lo$e$> #e belie6e$; an$ he )ontinue$ to belie6e> -ithin t8el6e hours; he 8as 8alking like a nor1al hu1an being; totall! heale$ b! the 7o8er o" /o$. E6en the $iabetes 8as gone. #o8e6er; . 8as 6er! e17hati) 8hen . tol$ hi1 the sa1e thing 8e tr! to tell e6er!one; B." !ou are on 1e$i)ation; )ontinue on that 1e$i)ation until the $o)tor takes !ou o"".B /ene got u7 the ne=t 1orning an$ took his usual shot o" insulin; an$ then he al1ost 8ent into insulin sho)k be)ause his bo$! $i$n5t nee$ it an! 1ore. #e ha$ to $rink about a gallon o" orange ?ui)e; an$ then he ate )an$! bars all $a! to o""set the insulin. .t 8as the last insulin he e6er took. /ene5s $o)tor 8as out o" to8n on Mon$a!; so he )alle$ an$ 1a$e an a77oint1ent "or Tues$a!. #e tol$ the $o)tor; B. got heale$ o6er the 8eeken$.B The $o)tor sai$; B-ho heale$ !ouFB B:esus.B B:esus 8hoFB the $o)tor aske$. #allelu?ah> /ene Lill! 8as totall! heale$ b! the 7o8er o" /o$> -hat 8oul$ ha6e ha77ene$ i" he ha$ sai$ to hi1sel" that night; B-ell; . guess . $i$n5t get it.B That is e=a)tl! 8hat he 8oul$ ha6e gotten> #e 8oul$ ha6e gotten; B. guess . $i$n5t get it;B be)ause

the Bible sa!s that i" 8e belie6e; 8e 8ill re)ei6e 8hate6er 8e sa!. #o8 $i$ /ene get heale$F B! the la!ing on o" han$s. B! going un$er the 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit. B! the gi"t o" "aith in 1e. B! the gi"t o" "aith in /ene. B! a )o11an$. B! /ene5s 7utting his "aith into a)tion. *ou )an heal so1eone b! la!ing on o" han$s; but sin)e :esus o"ten use$ 1ore than one 8a! to heal the si)k; so1eti1es it is 8ise to use LA*.N/ ON OF #ANDS & 'L4S> By Charles 9ight a"ter 8e re)ei6e$ the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit; 8e began to see an in)rease in the nu1ber o" healings in our 1eetings. The 1ore /o$ $i$; the 1ore e=)ite$ 8e be)a1e; an$ the 1ore 8e tol$ about his 1ight! 1ira)les> The 1ore 8e tol$ about the 1ira)les; the 1ore he $i$> One night a 1an )a1e u7 on the stage; hel$ u7 b! t8o 7eo7le; an$ leaning hea6il! on t8o 8alking )anes. #e $i$ not ha6e the strength to li"t his "eet o"" the "loorH he s)oote$ the1 along. -e aske$ 8hat

a""li)tion he ha$; an$ then 8e 7ra!e$ C8e $i$n5t kno8 at that ti1e that 7ra!er 8as not reall! use$ 1u)h as the 1eans o" healingD. But so1ething else 8as $one> -hen 8e "inishe$ 7ra!ing; instea$ o" sa!ing; B'raise the Lor$ an$ go on !our 8a!;B 8e sai$; B'.C@ 4' *O49 CANES AND -AL@>B #e li"te$ the )anes o"" the "loor an$ sli$ his "eet "or8ar$; an$ he $i$n5t "all> #e trie$ another ste7; an$ he $i$n5t "all> #e sli$ a little 1ore; an$ still he $i$n5t "all> . took hi1 b! the ar1 an$ began to 8alk hi1 a little "aster; an$ a little "aster. Then . sai$; BBen$ !our knees 8hen !ou 8alk.B #e began to ben$ his knees; an$ 7rett! soon . 8as running alongsi$e o" hi1 a)ross the stage; an$ he began to sa!; B'raise the Lor$> #allelu?ah>B Be"ore 8e 7ra!e$; he s7oke so 8eakl! 8e ha$ to ha6e hi1 re7eat his a""li)tion "i6e ti1es be"ore 8e )oul$ un$erstan$> But no8; it 8asn5t long be"ore he 8as !elling so lou$l! that !ou )oul$ hear hi1 in the ba)k o" the roo1. -hat 8as $i""erent about his healingF -e ha$ a)tuall! lai$ our han$s on hi1; B4T 8e also tol$ hi1 to 8alk> This 8as the 6er! "irst ti1e in our 1inistr! 8e ha$ tol$ an in$i6i$ual to 7ut his "aith into a)tion. An$ glor! to /o$; he res7on$e$ an$ began to e=er)ise his "aith. #e 1a! not ha6e ha$ a lot; but he ha$ all the "aith he nee$e$ 8hen he 1a$e the "irst little e""ort to 1o6e his "eet an$ 7i)k u7 the )anes.

:esus ha$ 7eo7le 7ut their "aith into a)tion> BStret)h "orth thine han$B CMark G(D. B9ise; take u7 th! be$; an$ 8alkB C:ohn (G0D. B/o; 8ash in the 7ool o" Siloa1B C:ohn 2G,D. -e 8ere $oing the sa1e thing> Faith nee$s to be 7ut into a)tion. #ealing o"ten takes 7la)e at that 6er! instant 8hen 7eo7le 7ut their "aith into a)tion. La!ing on o" han$s 'L4S "aith in a)tion 7ro$u)es results> -hen so1eone )o1es u7 to 1e 8ith a 7roble1 in their elbo8; 8hile the! are sa!ing; B.t 8as hurt ten !ears ago; . )an5t ben$ it; an$ it has 7ain in it;B . tou)h the elbo8 Cla!ing on o" han$sD an$ sa!; B.n the na1e o" :esus;B then Eui)kl! sa! to the1; BMOVE *O49 ELBO-; BEND *O49 ELBO->B -hen the! instantl! res7on$ an$ ben$ it; e6en though the! are still telling 1e 8hat is 8rong 8ith it; the elbo8 is totall! heale$ the 1a?orit! o" the ti1e. -h!F Be)ause be"ore the! )an lose "aith; or gi6e 1e ti1e to lose "aith; the! ha6e alrea$! been heale$. Three 8a!s o" healing are in6ol6e$ hereG La!ing on o" han$s; 'L4S a )o11an$; 'L4S an ACT.ON OF FA.T#> A national )ha17ion )o8bo! )a1e to one o" our

ser6i)es 8ith a real 7roble1 "or a )al" ro7er. #e ha$ in?ure$ his shoul$er Euite seriousl! an$ )oul$n5t raise his ar1. . rea)he$ out like a "lash; tou)he$ his shoul$er an$ sai$; B.n the na1e o" :esus; raise !our ar1>B -ithout e6en thinking; he instantl! shot his ar1 straight u7; an$ the e=7ression o" sur7rise on his "a)e 8as 7ri)eless> 'ro17t "aith in a)tion o"ten brings about the $esire$ results be)ause it ha77ens be"ore $oubt an$ unbelie" "ro1 the $e6il begin to )ree7 in> E=)iting as this beauti"ul 1ira)le o" /o$ is; the "ul"ill1ent o" its 7ur7ose is e6en 1ore thrilling. This )o8bo! is no8 tra6eling all o6er the nation; 8orking in ro$eos; telling others ho8 /o$ heale$ his shoul$er <an$ lea$ing 7eo7le to :esus> Another e=a17le o" la!ing on o" han$s < 'L4SG -e 8ent to the gran$ o7ening o" the 'TL Club Barn Ctheir great )hur)h au$itoriu1D; to ri$e in the 7ara$e. -e 8ere stan$ing b! our "loat 8aiting "or the 7ara$e to start; 8hen 8e noti)e$ a sta"" 1e1ber li17ing an$ using a )ane. -e aske$; B-hat5s 8rong 8ith !our legFB She relate$ an interesting stor! to us. She ha$ sli77e$; "allen an$ broken the bone in her right leg si= 1onths be"ore. -hen the $o)tor J&ra!e$ it; he noti)e$ it ha$ se7arate$ about three&Euarters o" an in)h. #e sai$ she 8oul$ either ha6e to un$ergo surger! or the leg 8oul$ be short "or the rest o" her

li"e. -hen the $o)tor tol$ her that; she sai$ /o$ i11e$iatel! 7la)e$ our "a)es into her 1in$; an$ she sai$; B.5ll take 1! )han)es; so $on5t o7erate.B An$ here 8e 8ere right in "ront o" her "or the "irst ti1e sin)e the a))i$ent> -e "oun$ so1e ste7s lea$ing u7 to a "loat "or her to sit on; an$ hel$ her legs out in "ront o" her. Sure enough; the one leg 1easure$ about three&Euarters o" an in)h shorter than the other. Noti)e the $i""erent healing 1etho$s 8e use$. -e LA.D O49 #ANDS ON #E9 FEET as 8e hel$ the1; an$ 8e began to s7eak to the leg. -e COMMANDED the bones to gro8 together an$ the leg to gro8 out in the na1e o" :esus; an$ it 8as a real slo87oke> .t took about "i6e 1inutes "or it to gro8 "ull length; but it $i$; an$ she 8alke$ the rest o" the $a! 8ithout 7ain or )ane. Later; she ga6e a testi1on! o6er the 'TL tele6ision net8ork about /o$5s 1ight! 1ira)le o" 7utting a bone together out on a hot; 8in$! 7ara$e groun$> /o$ gi6es us 1an! 8a!s to heal the si)k; so $on5t get stu)k on using ?ust one 8a! at a ti1e. -e ha6e $is)o6ere$ b! )o11on sense reasoning in the natural; C'ro6erbs talks a lot about thisD that 1ira)les )an ha77en in the su7ernatural.

.n the )ase o" s)oliosis; !ou nee$ to )o11an$ a s7irit to )o1e out Cin)urable $iseaseD; an$ then )o11an$ the bones o" the s7ine to straighten. E6en though the s7irit )o1es out; the ba)k $oesn5t ne)essaril! straighten until the )o11an$ is gi6en; so i" !ou $on5t $o both; the s7ine )oul$ re1ain )rooke$. A 1e$i)al $o)tor in Ohio 8hose s7e)ialt! is s)oliosis aske$ us be"ore a ser6i)e 8hether or not 8e ha$ e6er seen a s)oliosis healing. -e relate$ se6eral to hi1; an$ in6ite$ hi1 to 7arti)i7ate in the healing ser6i)e to hel7 us learn an$ un$erstan$ 8hat /o$ 8as $oing. -e aske$ e6er!one in the au$ien)e o" %;333 to (;333 7eo7le to )he)k their ar1s to see i" the! 8ere une6en; in$i)ating so1e kin$ o" ba)k; ne)k; hi7 or shoul$er 7roble1. -e esti1ate$ that o6er ,33 in$i)ate$ b! re1aining stan$ing that the! ha$ short ar1s. -e aske$ the ushers to sele)t ten 7eo7le 8ith 8hat 8e )all Bgoo$iesB 8hi)h are su""i)ientl! $i""erent in length to be easil! seen "ro1 the stage. The $o)tor 8as on the stage 8ith us; an$ one o" those 8ho )a1e u7 ha$ s)oliosis 8hi)h she sai$ 8as about a thirt!&$egree )ur6ature. The le"t ar1 o" the girl 8as about three or "our in)hes shorter than the right. The $o)tor stoo$ 8ith us as 8e )o11an$e$ the s7irit o" s)oliosis to )o1e out in the na1e o" :esus AND )o11an$e$ the ar1 to gro8. The ar1 gre8 out e6en 8ith the other; so 8e aske$ the $o)tor to )he)k her to see 8hat ha77ene$ to the ba)k. #e )oul$ onl! $o a li1ite$ e=a1ination 8ithout an J&ra! an$ 7ro7er

e=a1ining eEui71ent. #e ha$ her ben$ "or8ar$ as he ran his han$ $o8n her s7ine. #e sai$ it see1e$ to hi1 that there 8as still about a ten&$egree )ur6ature. -e ha$ her re1ain in the bent&o6er 7osition as 8e $i$ the ne=t ste7 in the healing. The $o)tor hel$ the 1i)ro7hone so he )oul$ talk to the au$ien)e as 8e )o11an$e$ the s7ine to straighten; in the na1e o" :esus> A hush )a1e o6er the au$ien)e; then e=)iting enthusias1 "ille$ the entire au$itoriu1 as this 1e$i)al s7e)ialist sai$; B.t5s 1o6ing> .t5s 1o6ing> .t5s 1o6ing>B A long silen)e "ollo8e$ as he )ontinue$ running his han$ u7 an$ $o8n her s7ine. Finall! he sai$; B.t a77ears to 1e to be straight>B #allelu?ah> T8o $a!s later a )all )a1e into our o""i)e "ro1 the girl5s 7ersonal 7h!si)ian. #e sai$; BSen$ 1e e6er! ta7e an$ book !ou ha6e about this. . ha6e ne6er seen su)h a thing in 1! li"e> The s7ine is 7er"e)tl! straight>B These sa1e e=)iting 1ira)les are in !our "uture; too; -#EN *O4 LA* #ANDS ON 'EO'LE & 'L4S>

C#A'TE9 ( LET T#E S.C@ LA* #ANDS ON *O4>

By Frances BE6er!one 8as tr!ing to tou)h hi1; "or 8hen the! $i$ healing 7o8er 8ent out "ro1 hi1 an$ the! 8ere )ure$B CLuke +G12 TLBD. An$ 8hithersoe6er he entere$; into 6illages; or )ities; or )ountr!; the! lai$ the si)k in the streets; an$ besought hi1 that the! 1ight tou)h i" it 8ere but the bor$er o" his gar1entG an$ as 1an! as tou)he$ hi1 8ere 1a$e 8holeB CMark +G(+D. :esus $i$n5t nee$ to tou)h the1H the! tou)he$ hi1 an$ 8ere heale$ be)ause the 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit; 8hi)h is like a 8in$ or energ!; "lo8e$ out o" hi1 into the1> BBut !e shall re)ei6e 7o8er; a"ter that the #ol! /host is )o1e u7on !ouB CA)ts 1G0D. -as it :esus 8ho heale$ the 7eo7leF *es an$ no> :esus 8as /o$5s earthl! )ontainer; but it 8as the 7o8er o" /o$5s #ol! S7irit that $i$ the healing. -e; too; )an be those earthl! )ontainers "or the 7o8er o" /o$ to "lo8 through; be)ause this is a s)ri7tural 1etho$ o" healing 8hi)h is the o77osite o"

la!ing han$s on the si)k. Let the si)k la! han$s on !ou> There are not 6er! 1an! e=a17les o" this t!7e o" healing in the Bible; an$ . ha6en5t hear$ o" too 1an! 7resent&$a! e=a17les o" it; but there are ti1es 8hen it $oes ha77en. BAn$ a )ertain 8o1an; 8hi)h ha$ an issue o" bloo$ t8el6e !ears; an$ ha$ su""ere$ 1an! things o" 1an! 7h!si)ians; an$ ha$ s7ent all that she ha$; an$ 8as nothing bettere$; but rather gre8 8orse; 8hen she ha$ hear$ o" :esus; )a1e in the 7ress behin$; an$ tou)he$ his gar1ent. For she sai$; i" . 1a! tou)h but his )lothes; . shall be 8hole. An$ straight8a! the "ountain o" her bloo$ 8as $rie$ u7H an$ she "elt in her bo$! that she 8as heale$ o" that 7lague. An$ :esus; i11e$iatel! kno8ing in hi1sel" that 6irtue ha$ gone out o" hi1; turne$ hi1 about in the 7ress; an$ sai$; 5-ho tou)he$ 1! )lothesF5 An$ his $is)i7les sai$ unto hi1; Thou seest the 1ultitu$e thronging thee; an$ sa! est thou; -ho tou)he$ 1eF An$ he looke$ roun$ about to see her that ha$ $one this thing. But the 8o1an "earing an$ tre1bling; kno8ing 8hat 8as $one in her; )a1e an$ "ell $o8n be"ore hi1; an$ tol$ hi1 all the truth. An$ he sai$ unto her; Daughter; th! "aith hath 1a$e thee 8holeH go in 7ea)e; an$ be 8hole o" th! 7lagueB CMark (G2(& %D. This 8o1an kne8 that she 8as heale$. *ou nee$ to kno8 #O- TO #EAL; but !ou also nee$ to kno8 8hat to sa! to 7eo7le 8ho ha6e a negati6e

attitu$e. For e=a17le; "airl! o"ten so1eone 8ill )o1e u7 to us an$ sa! B-ill !ou 7ra! "or 1! Aunt :aneFB . 8ill sa!; B.s Aunt :ane hereF . 8oul$ lo6e to 7ra! "or her.B BNo; she 8as too si)k to )o1e.B Too si)k to )o1e> Let 1e tell !ou this. ." Aunt :ane )alle$ a $o)tor; an$ the $o)tor sai$; B. a1 )alling an a1bulan)e; an$ . a1 taking !ou to the hos7ital;B Aunt :ane 8oul$ be in the hos7ital as soon as the a1bulan)e )oul$ get her there> /enerall!; it is a 8eak e=)use to sa!; BAunt :ane is too si)k to )o1e.B ." !ou are too si)k to )o1e; that is 8hen !ou nee$ to ha6e han$s lai$ on !ou> The 8o1an 8ho tou)he$ the he1 o" :esus5 gar1ent )oul$ ha6e looke$ "or e=)uses. She )oul$ ha6e sai$; B. ha6e been to e6er! $o)tor in the 8orl$ an$ nothing has $one 1e an! goo$; so 8hat is the sense o" tr!ing to get u7 to this 1an :esusF . 1ight as 8ell $ie an$ get it o6er 8ith>B Do !ou think there are 7eo7le like that to$a!F There )ertainl! are> Not too long ago; the S7irit o" /o$ tol$ 1e that there 8as a 1an in our ser6i)e 8ho ha$ 6er! se6ere e17h!se1a; an$ that he 8as going to $ie i" /o$5s healing tou)h 8as not on hi1. Although . announ)e$ this; the 1an $i$ not )o1e "or8ar$ "or la!ing on o" han$s. As Charles an$ . 8ere lea6ing the ser6i)e; . sai$ to hi1; BMa! . 7ra! "or !ouFB #e sai$; BNo; . a1

$oing 1! o8n thing 8ith /o$. ." /o$ 8ants to $o it; he 8ill $o it>B -ell; $o !ou la! han$s on so1eone like thatF No; be)ause it 8oul$ not $o an! goo$ i" !ou $i$. That is the sa1e kin$ o" in$i6i$ual 8ho 8oul$ sa!; B. a1 not going to 7ra! the sinner5s 7ra!er; be)ause i" /o$ 8ants to sa6e 1e; let hi1 sa6e 1e>B #e 8oul$ ne6er get sa6e$; 8oul$ heF #ere is another one o" 1! 7et 7ee6es. B. ha6e been 7ra!e$ "or b! the best. . ha6e been 7ra!e$ "or b! @enneth #agin; @enneth Co7elan$; @athr!n @uhl1an; Oral 9oberts; :i1 Bakker; 'at 9obertson; 9e= #u1&bar$ ...B an$ on an$ on. Then the!5ll sa!; B-ill !ou 7ra! "or 1eFB -hat goo$ 8oul$ it $o i" . 7ra!e$F None; be)ause there are so1e 7eo7le 8ho ?ust like to )o1e "or8ar$ so the! )an go aroun$ na1ing all the great e6angelists 8ho ha6e unsu))ess"ull! lai$ han$s on the1. But the! ne6er belie6e an!thing is going to ha77en> The 8o1an 8ho tou)he$ the he1 o" :esus5 gar1ent )oul$ ha6e sai$ the sa1e thing. BAll these great $o)tors trie$ to heal 1e; an$ it $i$n5t $o an! goo$.B She )oul$ ha6e looke$ at that )ro8$ an$ sai$; B-hat a 1ess; . a1 not going to tr!. -h!; there is no 8a! . )an get through to :esus. .t 1ust not be /o$5s 8ill Tor 1e to be heale$>B

There are all kin$s o" e=)uses 7eo7le )an 1ake. But she $i$n5t 1ake e=)uses> . see her as a 8o1an o" great 7ersisten)e. She 7robabl! ha$ )o1e a long 8a! to get . here; an$ )oul$ ha6e sai$; B. 1ight as 8ell go ho1e. . $i$ all that tra6eling "or nothing. . )an5t e6en get )lose to hi1.B But she $i$n5t. . i1agine she stoo$ there like a ra)e horse. She 7robabl! starte$ 7a8ing the groun$ 8ith her "eet; sa!ing; BLet 1e out o" here; let 1e into that )ro8$. . a1 going to get there. . $on5t )are 8hat . ha6e to $o. . $on5t )are i" . ha6e to )ra8l on 1! knees to get there. -hate6er it takes; . a1 going to get to :esus; an$ . a1 going to tou)h the he1 o" his gar1ent; be)ause . kno8 that 8hen . $o . a1 going to be heale$ b! the 7o8er o" /o$>B That 8o1an )oul$ ha6e use$ e6er! e=)use in the 8orl$; but she $i$n5t> She )oul$ ha6e let )ir)u1stan)es $is)ourage her; but she $i$n5t> She )oul$ ha6e rea)he$ out an$ thought; B. 8ill get in trouble i" . tou)h that 1an.B She )oul$ ha6e let "ear take o6er; but she $i$ not> She 8as $eter1ine$ that there 8as one thing she ha$ to $o; an$ that 8as all> She 8as $eter1ine$ to tou)h the he1 o" that gar1ent; be)ause she @NE- that 8hen she $i$; she 8as going to be 1a$e 8hole> An$

be)ause she 8as 7ersistent; S#E -AS #EALED> #er FA.T# in that )ase 8as TO4C#.N/ .N 9EVE9SE. She $i$n5t e6en ask i" :esus 8oul$ tou)h her. She ?ust sai$; B." . )an ?ust tou)h #.M; . 8ill be 1a$e 8hole.B An$ she 8as> This is a beauti"ul Bible stor!; but 8ho has that 1u)h 7o8er in his )lothing to$a!F -ho is 8alking aroun$ to$a! 8ith so 1u)h resurre)tion 7o8er that so1eone )an )o1e u7 an$ tou)h hi1 or a 7ie)e o" his )lothing an$ get heale$F -hat is the ans8er to that EuestionF EAC# AND EVE9* S'.9.T&F.LLED BEL.EVE9 #AS T#E SAME 9ES499ECT.ON 'O-E9 .N #.M> #ere is the stor! o" the he1 o" another gar1ent. . ha6e been a "anati) "ro1 the $a! . 8as sa6e$. . sa! that ?o!"ull!; be)ause 8hen :esus Christ )a1e into 1! heart; . @NE- that he )a1e in. . @NE- . 8as a ne8 )reature. . @NE- that ol$ things ha$ 7asse$ a8a!> . @NE- that all things ha$ be)o1e ne8> . @NE- . 8as sa6e$> . @NE- that :esus 8as li6ing in 1! heart> .t 8as the 8il$est; 1ost e=)iting thing in the 8orl$ to @NO- that :esus 8as in 1e. . "elt like going aroun$ sa!ing; BLook; look; )an !ou see hi1F #e is li6ing insi$e o" 1e>B *ears ago; e6en be"ore . re)ei6e$ the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit; e=)iting things ha$ been ha77ening

be)ause . 8as totall! )o11itte$ to /o$. One o" the greatest; 1ost i17ortant things in the 8hole 8orl$ is that total )o17lete sellout to /o$ 8hen !ou $on5t )are 8hat an!one thinks about !ou; !ou $on5t )are 8hat ha77ens; as long as !ou )an ?ust ser6e /o$ an$ $o 8hat /o$ 8ants !ou to $o. . ha$ )o1e ba)k "ro1 a tri7; an$ in 1! ho1e )hur)h; 8hi)h $i$ not belie6e in the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit; . 8as sharing so1e o" the e=)iting things that ha$ ha77ene$; ho8 /o$ ha$ use$ 1e; an$ ho8 hun$re$s an$ hun$re$s o" 7eo7le ha$ a))e7te$ :esus as their Sa6ior an$ Lor$. At the en$ o" the ser6i)e; a little note 8as han$e$ to 1e 8hi)h sai$; BThere is a 8o1an in our )ongregation 8ho is 6er! ill; an$ she aske$ i" !ou 8oul$ sto7 b! her house on !our 8a! ho1e.B . agree$; an$ 8hen . entere$ the house; . sa8 the 8o1an l!ing on ?ust a 7lain 1attress on the "loor. . $i$n5t kno8 6er! 1u)h about healing at that ti1e. . @NE- that /o$ heale$; but . 8asn5t sure e=a)tl! ho8 he $i$ it. . $i$n5t ha6e an! 7o8er; but blin$ si17le "aith 8ill $o a lot> -hen . )a1e through the $oor; she sai$; B-oul$ !ou $o ?ust one thing "or 1eFB . sai$; BCertainl!; . 8ill $o 8hate6er !ou 8ant.B She sai$; B-oul$ !ou stan$ right o6er hereFB #er

6oi)e 8as so 8eak; an$ she began to in)h a)ross the 1attress until she got right to the 6er! e$ge. Then she sai$; B-oul$ !ou )o1e real )lose to 1eFB . sai$; BSure.B She ha$ not aske$ 1e to 7ra!. She sai$; B-oul$ !ou get a little )loserFB . ke7t getting a little )loser; but . $i$n5t un$erstan$ 8hat she 8ante$. Su$$enl!; she looke$ u7 at 1e 8ith the 1ost beauti"ul "aith that . ha6e e6er seen in the e!es o" an! gro8n 7erson. She sai$; B." . )oul$ ?ust tou)h the he1 o" !our gar1ent; . @NO- that . 8oul$ be 1a$e 8hole.B . looke$ $o8n at 1! $ress an$ thought; B.t sure $oes not look 6er! s7e)ial to 1e>B .t $i$ not look the least bit anointe$ to 1e> But this 8o1an "elt e=a)tl! the sa1e 8a! the 8o1an in the Bible $i$. She rea)he$ out an$ tou)he$ the he1 o" the skirt that . 8as 8earing; an$ 8hen she $i$ she 8as instantl! 1a$e 8hole b! the 7o8er o" /o$> That 8as so1e "ourteen !ears ago. . sa8 her the last ti1e . 8as ba)k in Flori$a; an$ she has ha$ no re)urren)e o" that horrible )an)er that 8as )ausing her to he1orrhage to $eath. She is an e=tre1el! health!; a)ti6e 8o1an to$a!. /o$ ha$ 7ut "aith into that 8o1an. That "aith sai$; B:ust tou)h the he1 o" Fran)es5 gar1ent.B She $i$n5t

e6en ask to tou)h 1e. She )oul$ ha6e tou)he$ 1! leg 1ore easil! than she tou)he$ 1! $ress; but so1eho8 her "aith 8as in tou)hing the he1 o" 1! $ress. There is absolutel! nothing s7e)ial about an!thing . e6er 8ear> Absolutel! nothing> But 8hen !ou are )o11itte$ to /o$; !ou are anointe$> *our skin is anointe$; !our bo$! is anointe$; !our han$s an$ !our "eet are anointe$> *ou ha6e been anointe$ to heal the si)k; there"ore an! 7ie)e o" )lothing that tou)hes !ou is eEuall! anointe$> BAn$ /o$ $i$ unusual an$ e=traor$inar! 1ira)les b! the han$s o" 'aul; so that han$ker)hie"s or to8els or a7rons 8hi)h ha$ tou)he$ his skin 8ere )arrie$ a8a! an$ 7ut u7on the si)k; an$ their $iseases le"t the1; an$ the e6il s7irits )a1e out o" the1B CA)ts 12G11;12 A17.D. Most 7eo7le $on5t realiAe it; but that ha77ens to be ?ust one 6er! uniEue an$ s)ri7tural 8a! to heal the si)k.


By Frances .n Mark 11G2 :esus sa!s; BFor 6eril! . sa! unto !ou; That 8hosoe6er shall sa! unto this 1ountain; Be thou re1o6e$; an$ be thou )ast into the seaH an$ shall not $oubt in his heart; but shall belie6e that those things 8hi)h he saith shall )o1e to 7assH he shall ha6e 8hatsoe6er he saith.B :esus is sa!ing this to *O4> -hosoe6er is !ou> -hosoe6er is ME> -hosoe6er is EVE9*ONE> /o$ is no res7e)ter o" 7ersons. #e si17l! sa!s; B8hosoe6er.B This 7arti)ular 6erse is 6er! i17ortant be)ause it has a lot to $o 8ith ONE 8a! o" healing. .t sa!s; B-hosoe6er shall SA*.B .t $oes not sa!; B-hosoe6er shall 7ra!>B .t sa!s; B-hosoe6er shall SA*>B An$ there is a B./ $i""eren)e bet8een SA*.N/ an$ '9A*.N/> -hen !ou SA* unto this 1ountain; BBe thou )ast into the sea;B !ou are COMMAND.N/ that 1ountain to $o

so1ething; be)ause !ou kno8 8ho !ou are in Christ> *ou ha6e the 7o8er o" /o$ .N !ou; an$ !ou are o7erating the 8a! the Bible tells !ou to o7erate. S7eak 8ith authorit! at all ti1es i" !ou 8ant to see 1ira)les ha77en. This $oesn5t 1ean !ou ha6e to !ell an$ s)rea1 C8e trie$ that; too>D but it $oes 1ean to s7eak 8ith authorit! so that the $e6il kno8s that !ou kno8 !ou ha6e 7o8er> -hen !ou '9A*; !ou are asking /o$ to $o so1ething. -hen !ou SA*; *O4 are )o11an$ing so1ething to be $one> Are !ou a8are o" the "a)t that the $is)i7les ne6er 7ra!e$ "or the si)k a"ter the! re)ei6e$ the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7iritF :err! #orner; 7ro"essor o" theolog! at Oral 9oberts 4ni6ersit!; is one o" the greatest Bible s)holars 8e kno8; an$ he sai$ that to his kno8le$ge there is NO 9ECO9DED 'LACE .N T#E B.BLE -#E9E T#E D.SC.'LES EVE9 '9A*ED FO9 T#E S.C@ AFTE9 T#E DA* OF 'ENTECOST> :esus $i$n5t 7ra! "or the si)k> The $is)i7les $i$n5t 7ra! "or the si)k; so 8h! shoul$ 8eF A"ter 'aul shook o"" the 6i7er an$ "elt no e6il e""e)ts; he 8as 1inistering healing to 'ublius; the "ather o" the hea$ 1an o" the islan$. B... an$ 'aul 8ent to see hi1; an$ AFTE9 '9A*.N/ an$ la!ing his han$s on hi1 #E #EALED #.MB CA)ts 20G0 A17.D. .t is s)ri7tural to 7ra! be"ore 8e 1inister healing. 'lease $on5t get legalisti) about this; ho8e6er; an$ "eel that

i" !ou $o 7ra! !ou are not s)ri7tural. :esus sai$ that all authorit! in hea6en an$ earth ha$ been gi6en to hi1 CMatt. 20G10D; an$ then he turne$ aroun$ an$ ga6e us his authorit! to )ast out $e6ils an$ la! han$s on the si)k an$ heal the1. Se6eral !ears ago 8e ha$ been 1inistering at the -illa1ette Christian Center in Eugene; Oregon; 8hen /o$ starte$ a beauti"ul 1ira)le o" Bsa!ing>B Be)ause our ser6i)es are so1eti1es a little $i""erent than the or$inar! )hur)h ser6i)e; a "e8 7eo7le in a )ongregation 1ight ten$ to get Bu7 tightB be)ause 8e 7raise /o$ in the $an)e; or are e=tre1el! enthusiasti) about the things /o$ $oes> As a result; e6er! !ear a"ter 8e lea6e; 'astor Murra! M)Lees al8a!s Bsoothes the ru""le$ "eathersB o" an!one in his )ongregation 8ho 1ight not un$erstan$ the )haris1ati) 1o6e1ent. This 7arti)ular !ear he 1a$e an unusual state1ent to his )ongregation. #e sai$ so1ething like thisG B*ou 1ight not al8a!s agree 8ith e6er!thing Charles an$ Fran)es #unter $o; but .5ll tell !ou one thing. ." . e6er get si)k; . 8oul$n5t 8ant an!one but Charles an$ Fran)es to 7ra! "or 1e be)ause their "aith is so si17le; the! ?ust belie6e i" the! la! han$s on !ou; !ou 8ill be heale$> An$ !ou 8ill be>B Little $i$ he realiAe he 8as 7ro7hes!ing about his 6er! o8n li"e> Shortl! a"ter this; the $e6il lai$ a BkillerB brain tu1or on hi1 8hi)h 8as one o" the

"astest&gro8ing t!7es o" )an)er kno8n. Be"ore long; he 8as blin$ in one e!e; an$ $ea" in one ear; an$ ha$ e=)ru)iating 7ain in his hea$. /o$ 7la)e$ into re1e1bran)e in the 1in$ o" a 8o1an in his )ongregation 8hat Murra! ha$ sai$ about 8ho he 8ante$ to 7ra! "or hi1 i" he e6er got si)k; so she 1ira)ulousl! got our unliste$ tele7hone nu1ber an$ )alle$ us to let us kno8 8hat 'astor M)Lees ha$ share$ 8ith his )ongregation that 6er! 1orning. T#E DOCTO9S #AD ONL* /.VEN #.M A MONT# O9 T-O TO L.VE> #is )ongregation 8as $e6astate$ b! the ne8s> #e resigne$ "ro1 all his )o11unit! a""airs; an$ the! )re$ite$ hi1 8ith 7er"e)t atten$an)e as 8as their )usto1 "or in$i6i$uals 8ith ter1inal illnesses. 'astor M)Lees sai$ he ha$ al8a!s ha$ "aith to 7ra! "or hi1sel" an$ other 7eo7le; but this ti1e his "aith 8ent right out the 8in$o8; an$ .51 sure 8e56e all e=7erien)e$ the sa1e thing at one ti1e or another> -e i11e$iatel! )alle$ hi1; an$ the S7irit o" /o$ e17hati)all! tol$ us 8e 8ere not to go to hi1; but to bring hi1 to one o" our 1ira)le ser6i)es. -e tol$ hi1 8hat the S7irit ha$ sai$ an$ tol$ hi1 8e 8oul$ 7a! his 8a! an$ his 8i"e5s 8a! to an! 1ira)le ser6i)e he 8oul$ )hoose in the 4nite$ States. .5ll ne6er "orget his re7l!. #e sai$; BThat blen$s 8ith 1! s7irit>B The! )hose San Diego; Cali"ornia; as T#E.9 1ira)le ser6i)e be)ause it 8as onl! about ten $a!s a8a!>

The! $i$ not arri6e until the last ser6i)e; an$ then the! 8ere late. -hen 8e sa8 the1 )o1e in; 8e le"t the stage an$ ran o6er an$ hugge$ the1. Our hearts 8ere breaking be)ause o" 8hat the $e6il ha$ $one to our belo6e$ brother in Christ. -e $i$ not 7ra! at that 1o1ent si17l! be)ause 8e 8ere not le$ to $o an!thing e=)e7t sho8 hi1 the lo6e o" /o$. -e returne$ to the stage 8ith 'astor :err! Barnar$ "or a$$itional 8orshi7; an$ as 'astor Barnar$ 8as 1inistering in the 8or$ o" kno8le$ge the Lor$ s7oke to 1e an$ sai$; B'ra! "or hi1 9./#T NO->B . turne$ to ask Charles to go get Murra!; but he ha$ alrea$! gone; an$ 8hen . turne$ ba)k; 'astor Barnar$ ha$ turne$ to 1e to tell Charles to bring Murra! to the stage. The S7irit o" /o$ ha$ s7oken to ALL o" us at the SAME T.ME> Charles brought 'astor M)Lees to the )enter o" the ballroo1 at El CorteA #otel 8here the 1eeting 8as being hel$; an$ . lai$ han$s on hi1 an$ s7oke to that 1ountain> An$ . s7oke it 8ith all the authorit! . kno8 belongs to 1e as a belie6er; be)ause . 8as 1a$ at the $e6il "or 8hat he 8as tr!ing to $o to one o" /o$5s )hil$ren> . sai$; BDe6il; . bin$ !ou in the na1e o" :esus an$ b! the 7o8er o" /o$; an$ . )ut ALL !our 7o8er o"". No8 !ou e6il; "oul s7irit o" )an)er !ou )o1e out o" Murra! 9./#T NO- .N T#E NAME OF :ES4S>B 'astor M)Lees "ell un$er the 7o8er o" /o$; an$ so $i$ his 8i"e. .t 8as an e1otional 1o1ent "or all o"

us> The TV )a1eras 8hi)h ha$ been turne$ on hi1; )a1e ba)k on 1e 8hen he "ell un$er the 7o8er; an$ . shoute$ at the to7 o" 1! lungs; BTurn the )a1era ba)k on hi1; be)ause . 8ant the 8orl$ to see 8hat a 1an looks like 8hen he5s being heale$ o" ter1inal )an)er>B A gas7 8ent through the au$ien)e as the S7irit 1o6e$ on e6er!one> So1e thought . 8as )alling into being so1ething that $i$ not e=ist; ?ust as though it $i$> So1e thought . ha$ re)ei6e$ the gi"t o" "aith; but it $i$n5t ha77en to be either; although !ou )an see 8e ha$ s7oken to a 1ountain to 1o6e> -hat reall! ha77ene$ 8as a 6ision; be)ause . sa8 the "ingers o" /o$ $es)en$ into 'astor M)Lees5 brain; an$ these $i6ine "ingers sEueeAe$ the tu1or right out o" his brain> . )oul$ see it being sEueeAe$ out as 7lainl! as . )an see the 7ages o" this book. .t al1ost looke$ like the "ingers 8ere 7ushing it out o" e6er! )ra)k an$ )re6i)e in his brain> #e got u7 o"" the "loor 8ith no 6isible e6i$en)e o" an!thing ha6ing ha77ene$; e=)e7t he sai$; BM! hea$ $oesn5t hurt an! 1ore>B The! returne$ to their seats an$ sat $o8n. Be"ore long he looke$ at his 8i"e an$ sai$; B. )an see the )olor in Fran)es5 $ress>B An$ b! the ne=t 1orning; a"ter /o$ ha$ 1o6e$ on his bo$! the 8hole night long; his sight ha$ returne$ to nor1al as 8ell as his hearing> .nstea$ o" going ho1e to $ie; three 1onths later he 8ent to Sri Lanka. The "irst 7erson he 7ra!e$ "or $i$

not ha6e an e!eball; an$ 8hen he lai$ han$s on hi1; an e!eball "or1e$ in his e!e> -hen Murra! returne$ to the $o)tor; the $o)tor 1a$e an J&ra! to see 8hat 8as going on; an$ his re7ort 8as; B.t looks to 1e like T#AT T4MO9 #AS BEEN SI4EEKED 9./#T O4T OF *O49 B9A.N> T#E SAC .T -AS .N .S COM'LETEL* EM'T*>B /lor! to /o$> The $o)tor 6eri"ie$ e=a)tl! 8hat /o$ ha$ sho8n 1e in a 6ision> . hate the $e6il 8ith e6er! oun)e o" strength . ha6e; an$ 8hen . s7oke to the 1ountain; there 8as no $oubt . 1eant business. Noti)e that . $i$ not 7ra!; but . reall! $i$ SA* it> This sa1e 7rin)i7le also 8orks in re6erse; so 8e nee$ to 8at)h 8hat 8e sa! 8ith our 1outh> Christians ha6e brought the 1ost horrible things on the1sel6es si17l! b! the 8or$s the! ha6e sai$; be)ause :esus $i$n5t 7ut an! li1itations on this 7ro1ise. #e $i$n5t sa!; B#e shall ha6e 8hatsoe6er he saith i" it5s goo$ "or hi1;B he sai$; B#e shall ha6e -#ATSOEVE9 he saith.B Let 1e gi6e !ou a 6er! goo$ e=a17le. -hen . li6e$ in Flori$a; a 8a6e o" "lu )a1e through e6er! O)tober; an$ EVE9* O)tober . ha$ enough "aith to 1o6e a 1ountain; e6en though . 8asn5t sa6e$ at the ti1e. Do !ou kno8 8hat the 1ountain 8asF .t 8as 1! health. . ha$ enough "aith to )hange 1! nor1all! health! sel" into a "lu 6i)ti1. . $i$ it 8ith 1! o8n big 1outh;

an$ $i$n5t e6en realiAe 8hat . 8as $oing. On the "irst o" O)tober; this 8as 1! t!7i)al )o11entG B-ell; here it is O)tober again; an$ e6er! O)tober . get the "lu. .t $oesn5t 1ake an! $i""eren)e i" it is the Asian "lu; the #ong @ong "lu; s8ine "lu; horse "luH it $oesn5t 1ake an! $i""eren)e 8hat it is; . /ET .T>>B . 8as snare$ b! the 8or$s o" 1! o8n 1outh> . ha$ absolutel! no $oubt in 1! 1in$ 8hatsoe6er that . 8as going to get the "lu; regar$less o" the kin$ o" "lu it 8as. Then . 8oul$ go on to an e6en greater a)t o" "aith; an$ SA* 8ith authorit!G B.t $oesn5t 1ake an! $i""eren)e 8hat . $o. . )an go to the $o)tor "i"t! ti1esH he )an gi6e 1e 7eni)illinH he )an gi6e 1e B&12H it 8on5t $o a bit o" goo$; be)ause . a1 going to be "lat on 1! ba)k "or three soli$ 8eeks regar$less o" 8hat . $o>B /uess 8here . s7ent O)tober e6er! !ear> . s7ent it in be$; not be)ause other 7eo7le 8ere )at)hing the "lu; but be)ause o" 1! o8n 1outh. . $i$n5t ha6e to )o1e $o8n 8ith the "lu; but . 8as o7erating b! the 7rin)i7les o" Mark 11G2 . . SA.D it an$ . BEL.EVED it> There 8as not one bit o" $oubt in 1! heart 8hatsoe6er. . kne8 . 8as going to )at)h the "lu. AND . D.D> /lor! to /o$> . AM NEVE9 /O.N/ TO #AVE T#E FL4 A/A.N>

. got sa6e$; learne$ 8hat the -or$ o" /o$ sa!s; an$ no8 . $on5t nee$ to ha6e the "lu; be)ause i" the $e6il tries to bring it aroun$ 1! house; . sa!; BTake it so1e8here else; $e6il; . $on5t 8ant it here. . a1 not signing "or that 7a)kage. Don5t lea6e it an 1! house; be)ause . $on5t 8ant an! o" that.B AND . SA* .T -.T# A4T#O9.T*> Do !ou see 8hat . a1 sa!ing 8ith 1! 1outhF *ou )an sa! the sa1e thing. Mark 11G2 is ?ust as true "or !ou as it is "or 1e. . a1 B8hosoe6erB an$ !ou are B8hosoe6er.B -hen :esus sai$ B8hosoe6er;B he 1eant that ea)h an$ e6er! ser6ant o" /o$ 8ho belie6es that 6erse )an sa!; BBe thou re1o6e$ an$ be thou )ast into the sea;B an$ i" he $oesn5t $oubt in his heart; he 8ill ha6e 8hate6er he sa!s. -h! $o so 1an! 7eo7le "in$ it so eas! to belie6e the $e6il instea$ o" /o$F -h! is it that 7eo7le belie6e ba$ things are going to ha77en instea$ o" goo$ onesF The $e6il )o1es aroun$ 8ith tin! little s!17to1s; an$ it5s su)h a te17tation to sa!; BOh; .51 )o1ing $o8n 8ith so1ething.B Sto7 right there> No8 is the ti1e "or the greater one 8ho is in !ou to rise u7 an$ sa!; BOh; no !ou $on5t; $e6il> . a1 not looking at the )ir)u1stan)es; an$ . a1 )ertainl! not looking at the s!17to1s. . a1 looking at 8hat the -or$ o" /o$ sa!s; an$ the -or$ sa!s that i" . 8ant a 1ountain 1o6e$; . )an ha6e that 1ountain 1o6e$ < an$ the 1ountain .51 1o6ing

no8 is si)kness. Si)kness < $i$ !ou hear 1eFB -e ho7e !ou noti)e$ 8hat Mark 11G2 sa!s to talk Bto.B Does it tell us to talk to /o$F Does it sa!; B'ra! to /o$ an$ ask hi1 to get the 1ountain out o" the 8a!FB No; it sa!s; B-hosoe6er shall sa! 4NTO T#.S MO4NTA.N.B *ou nee$ to talk to the $isease itsel". ." it5s "lu; !ou nee$ to sa!; BFlu; get out> . a1 not the least bit intereste$ in !our )luttering u7 1! bo$!. . ha6e no ti1e "or !ou. . ha6e too 1an! things to $o; so go a8a! in :esus5 na1e>B ." it5s )an)er; s7eak to the )an)er> ." it5s the ba)k; s7eak to the ba)k. TAL@ TO T#E D.SEASE> S7eak 8ith authorit! an$ then belie6e> Thro8 out $oubt an$ $on5t let unbelie" )ree7 in through 8a6ering an$ listening to the $e6il; be)ause the ne=t )on$ition is; Ban$ shall not $oubt in his heart; but shall BEL.EVE that those things 8hi)h he saith shall )o1e to 7ass...B Doubt an$ unbelie" AL-A*S )o1e "ro1 the $e6il> An! ti1e !ou hear a 6oi)e that s7eaks $oubt an$ unbelie"; $on5t listen; be)ause it5s the DEV.L hi1sel"> /o$ ne6er s7eaks $oubt> Co11an$ing a $isease to go; or a bo$! to straighten u7 is one o" the easiest 8a!s to heal the si)k. During

the 7ast "e8 !ears; there has been )on"usion an$ 1isun$erstan$ing at ti1es bet8een Bsa!ingB an$ B)on"essing.B These are t8o $i""erent areas o" healing. One is $oing < the other is re)ei6ing. Let5s see i" 8e )an hel7 )lari"! the $i""eren)e bet8een the t8oG SA*.N/ is a )o11an$ to be heale$> CONFESS.N/ is belie6ing "or a "uture a)t or 1ani"estation o" the healing. There is a 6ast $i""eren)e bet8een the t8o. SA*.N/ is gi6ing authorit! to 8or$s; an$ CONFESS.N/ is re)ei6ing the 7ro1iseH both )on"essing an$ sa!ing are )alling into being so1ething that $oes not e=ist at the 7resent ti1e. Both are great; but $on5t get the1 )on"use$. 'roble1s ha6e arisen be)ause o" this. .saiah ( G(; BBut he 8as 8oun$e$ "or our transgressions; he 8as bruise$ "or our iniEuitiesG the )hastise1ent o" our 7ea)e 8as u7on hi1H an$ 8ith his stri7es 8e are heale$;B has be)o1e a 8ell&kno8n s)ri7ture to all. Christians nee$ to e=er)ise "aith 8hen the! use this healing 1etho$; but the! also nee$ to e=er)ise $is)retion. Let 1e gi6e !ou an e=a17leG One ti1e a !oung 1an 8as ha6ing an e7ile7ti) seiAure. #e 8as "oa1ing at the 1outh; his bo$! 8as $oing all sorts o" )ontortions on the "loor; an$ as 8e ran o6er to la! han$s on hi1; he be)a1e al1ost 6iolent; an$ a "rien$ o" his sai$; BDon5t la! han$s on hi1; be)ause he5s heale$>B

There ha77ene$ to be so1eone there 8ho 8as not a Christian; an$ this gu! looke$ at us an$ sai$; BDo !ou belie6e thatFB .t totall! turne$ this 1an o""; be)ause he $i$n5t un$erstan$. #e ?ust looke$ at 8hat he sa8; an$ he thought; B-o8> All that "oa1 is )o1ing out o" his 1outh; so1eone is getting a 7en)il to sti)k in his 1outh so he 8on5t s8allo8 his tongue; his bo$! is all )ontorte$; an$ the!5re sa!ing this gu! is heale$FB A"ter the seiAure 8as o6er; the 1an sai$; B-h! $i$ !ou 7ra! "or 1eF .51 heale$ b! his stri7es>B 9e1e1ber; :esus heale$ the si)k so 7eo7le 8oul$ belie6e> The 1an 8ho 8as ha6ing the seiAure 1eant 8ell; an$ so $i$ his "rien$; but he $i$ not use 8is$o1 in 8hat he sai$; sin)e he 8as talking to so1eone 8ho 8asn5t sa6e$. Be)ause the 1an 8as an unbelie6er; his "aith le6el 8as none=istent. BClai1ingB healing has turne$ o"" a lot o" 7eo7le be)ause the! sa!; B." !ou sa! !ou are heale$ e6en though !ou are still "oa1ing at the 1outh an$ ha6ing )ontortions on the "loor; then either !ou56e lost !our 1arbles; or !ou $on5t ser6e a 6er! goo$ /o$. Thanks ?ust the sa1e; but . $on5t 8ant !our religion < . think .5ll tr! another one.B -e nee$ to e=er)ise $is)retion. -hen !ou sa! !ou are heale$ b! the stri7es o" :esus; sa! it to so1eone 8hose "aith an$ un$erstan$ing is on the sa1e or a higher le6el than !ours; an$ !our o8n "aith 8ill

buil$> Ne6er sa! to an unbelie6er that !ou are heale$ 8hen the 1ani"estation is not there. .t is 1ore )orre)t to sa!; B. BEL.EVE . re)ei6e 1! healing.B The best 7erson to sa! it to is !oursel"> @ee7 sa!ing it to !oursel" until !our "aith le6el is built u7 to the 7oint 8here !ou )an honestl! belie6e it an$ re)ei6e it; an$ on)e !ou56e re)ei6e$ it; !ou )an go out an$ sa!; BB! his stri7es . 8as heale$.B . 7ersonall! think it5s e6en better to )on"ess it to /o$> #o8 $o 8e get to the 7oint 8here 8e belie6e 8hat 8e )on"essF . rea$ a book one ti1e that sai$; B-hen !ou "inish rea$ing this book; . 8ant e6er!bo$! to raise !our han$s an$ sa! e6er! 1orning; 5/o$; . lo6e !ou.5 To1orro8 8hen !ou get u7 sa!; 5/o$; . lo6e !ou.5 /et u7 the ne=t 1orning an$ sa!; 5/o$; . lo6e !ou.5B The "irst ti1e . sai$ that; . thought; B/o$; . $on5t kno8 i" . $o or not. . kno8 that !ou lo6e 1e. . kno8 that !ou let :esus $ie so that . 1ight ha6e eternal li"e. . a))e7t !our lo6e "or 1e; but . $on5t kno8 i" . reall! lo6e !ou or not. /o$ . lo6e !ou.B . still $i$n5t kno8 i" . belie6e$ that or not; but . thought .5$ tr! it again the ne=t 1orning. . got u7 an$ sai$; B/o$; . lo6e !ou.B . 7ause$ an$ a$$e$; B#11; . $on5t kno8 i" . lo6e !ou or not>B . still $i$n5t "eel like . lo6e$ hi1. Both Charles an$ . ha6e al8a!s been honest 8ith /o$; be)ause /o$ kno8s 8hat 8e5re thinking an!8a!. So . ke7t on "or thirt! $a!s sa!ing; B/o$; . lo6e !ou. . $on5t kno8 i" . reall! $o or

not; but /o$; . lo6e !ou.B Then one 1orning; . got u7 an$ sai$; B/o$; . lo6e !ou.B An$ then . sai$; BOh; /o$; . reall! $o> . 9EALL* DO LOVE *O4> Not onl! $o . a))e7t !our lo6e "or 1e; but . LOVE *O4>B #o8 $i$ . get to the 7oint 8here . reall! lo6e$ /o$F . ke7t on 1aking a )on"ession o" 1! lo6e "or /o$. . ke7t on sa!ing; B/o$ . lo6e !ou;B until it be)a1e a realit! in 1! li"eH until it got into 1! s7irit. No8 )an !ou un$erstan$ the 7rin)i7le behin$ sa!ing; B-ith his stri7es 8e are heale$BF -e nee$ to be honest 8ith /o$; be)ause 8e )an5t "ool hi1 b! sa!ing; B-ith his stri7es . a1 heale$. . a1 7utting !ou on the s7ot; /o$; be)ause . sai$ it an$ no8 !ou ha6e to heal 1e.B No; he $oesn5t> #e $oesn5t ha6e to $o a thing unless !ou reall! belie6e 8ithout a sha$o8 o" a $oubt that !ou 8ere heale$. But $o !ou kno8 8hatF ." !ou kee7 on sa!ing it; one $a!; ?ust as . be)a1e a8are o" the "a)t that . reall! $i$ lo6e /o$; !ou 8ill su$$enl! realiAe that *O4 #AVE BEEN #EALED> .n the 1eanti1e; i" !ou are on 1e$i)ation; sta! on it so !ou 8ill li6e until !ou are heale$> For se6eral !ears; . ha$ a great big $ark s7ot on 1! "a)e; an$ e6er! ti1e 8e 8ent on tele6ision; . ha$ to )o6er it u7 8ith hea6! 1akeu7. E6en so; . )oul$ still see that $ark s7ot through the 1akeu7. One $a! . thought; BThis reall! isn5t /o$5s best> The -or$ o" /o$ sa!s that . a1 heale$.B So . 7ut 1! "inger on the

$ark s7ot an$ sai$; B:esus; tou)h it.B The ne=t $a!; . looke$ at the $ark s7ot an$ it ha$n5t "a$e$ a bit> So . sai$; BThank !ou; :esus. B! !our stri7es . a1 heale$.B The ne=t $a! 8hen . 7ut on 1! 1akeu7; . sai$; BThank !ou; :esus; b! !our stri7es . a1 heale$.B Then one $a!; . "orgot to sa! it> Do !ou kno8 8h!F BECA4SE .T -ASN5T T#E9E AN* MO9E> ." this 8a! 8orks "or !ou; great> @ee7 on $oing it> But i" it $oesn5t 8ork "or !ou; $on5t "eel ba$ about tr!ing another one o" /o$5s 7ro6isions. *ou 1a! be thinking; BDoesn5t that in$i)ate a la)k o" "aithFB No; it $oes not in$i)ate a la)k o" "aithH it in$i)ates a lot o" intelligen)e> Man!; 1an! 7eo7le are heale$ si17l! be)ause the! Euote the -or$ o" /o$ until the! belie6e; but that5s not the onl! 8a! /o$ has o" healing us> #ere5s an interesting e=a17le. -e 8ere 1inistering in the state o" -ashington one ti1e; an$ a la$! )a1e to the ser6i)e in a 8heel )hair. She sai$; BM! )hur)h tea)hes that on)e !ou ha6e ha$ han$s lai$ on !ou; !ou shoul$ ne6er go ba)k an$ be 7ra!e$ "or again; be)ause that in$i)ates a la)k o" "aith.B For !ears; she tol$ us; she ha$ been sa!ing; BB! his stri7es . a1 heale$.B

BAre !ou 8alkingFB . aske$ her. BNo>B BThen !ou are not heale$. The 7ro6ision is there "or !our healing; but T#E9E .S A /9EAT D.FFE9NCE BET-EEN T#E '9OV.S.ON AND T#E MAN.FESTAT.ON. The 7ro6ision 8as there "or 1e to be sa6e$ +% !ears ago 8hen . 8as born; but $o !ou kno8 8hatF .t took 1e %2 !ears to get aroun$ to a))e7ting the 7ro6ision that 8as 1a$e "or 1! sal6ation. The 7ro6ision "or 1! sal6ation 8as a6ailable all that ti1e; but . 8as not sa6e$ until . BEL.EVED; an$ a))e7te$ 1! sal6ation. E6en though the 7ro6ision 8as 6ali$; 1! sal6ation 8as not; be)ause . ha$n5t a))e7te$ that 7ro6ision. -hat i" . ha$ gone to )hur)h ?ust one ti1e; an$ )o1e ho1e an$ sai$; B-ell; . $i$n5t get sa6e$. So . guess it is not /o$5s 8ill "or 1e to be sa6e$. . 8ent to )hur)h on)e an$ . $i$ not get sa6e$.B A)tuall! . 8ent to )hur)h three ti1es a 8eek "or nine 1onths be"ore . got sa6e$; be)ause it 8as so har$ to get 1e to )on"ess that . 8as a sinner. But; 7raise the Lor$ "or 1! 7ersisten)e; be)ause . ke7t on going until . belie6e$ in 1! heart; until it got into 1! s7irit; an$ in the t8inkling o" an e!e . 8as sa6e$.

This 8o1an sai$; BThe! tell 1e i" . get 7ra!e$ "or on)e 1ore; it 8ill be sho8ing a la)k o" "aith. The! sa! i" !ou get 7ra!e$ "or on)e then !ou are alrea$! heale$ unless !ou ha6e a la)k o" "aith or sin in !our li"e.B . sai$; BDo !ou kno8 8hat . 8oul$ $o i" . 8ere !ouF #one!; .5$ get in e6er! 7ra!er line . )oul$ "in$ until . 8alke$>B B-hat about that s)ri7ture; 5B! 8hose stri7es !e 8ere heale$F5B she aske$. BThat is one 8a!;B . tol$ her; Bbut let5s tr! another 8a!>B That e6ening; 8e aske$ "or those 8ho 8ante$ han$s lai$ on the1 to )o1e "or8ar$; an$ this 8o1an )a1e. . lai$ han$s on her in :esus5 na1e; an$ she sat there like a bu17 on a log. So1e 7eo7le "ro1 her )hur)h got hol$ o" her the ne=t $a! an$ sai$; BSee; !ou $i$n5t get heale$. *ou5ll ne6er get heale$ no8; be)ause !ou sho8e$ a la)k o" "aith 8hen !ou 8ent "or8ar$ last night.B The ne=t $a!; this 8o1an $i$n5t )o1e. She )rie$ all $a! long. -e 8ere going to be there one 1ore $a!; an$ she )a1e to the 1orning ser6i)e. She got there earl!; ho7ing to talk to us be"ore the ser6i)e starte$. She sai$; B. $on5t kno8 8hat to $o. The! all ?u17e$ on 1e !ester$a!; an$ tol$ 1e that . ha$ sin in 1!

li"e; be)ause . 8ent "or8ar$ "or 7ra!er again. The! kee7 telling 1e that sin)e .56e been 7ra!e$ "or . alrea$! a1 heale$. But . ?ust think . a1 not heale$.B . aske$ her; B#a6e !ou been 8alking this 1orningFB BNo;B she ans8ere$. BThen;B . sai$; Bthe 7ro6ision is still there; but !ou are still not heale$. *ou )o1e "or8ar$ at the en$ o" the ser6i)e this 1orning. *ou ne6er kno8 8hen *O49 $a! is going to be.B Through tears; she aske$; BDo !ou reall! think it is all right i" . )o1e "or8ar$ againFB BSure;B . sai$; Bi" . 8ere !ou . 8oul$ not Euit. . 8oul$ be the 1ost 7ersistent 7erson /o$ e6er ha$. . belie6e /o$ 8oul$ heal 1e ?ust to get ri$ o" 1e; be)ause . 8oul$ kee7 on kno)king at his $oor until it o7ene$.B At the en$ o" the ser6i)e; she )a1e "or8ar$. . lai$ han$s on her an$ Euote$ that 8on$er"ul s)ri7ture in A)ts G+G BSil6er an$ gol$ ha6e . noneH but su)h as . ha6e gi6e . theeG .n the na1e o" :esus Christ o" NaAareth rise u7 an$ 8alk.B DO *O4 @NO- -#AT S#E D.DF E6en though she ha$ been shot in the ba)k an$ her s7inal )or$ 8as se6ere$; she stoo$ u7 an$ 8alke$ right out o" that 8heel )hair> #ALLEL4:A#>

*ou see; /o$ ha$ 7ro6i$e$ "or her healing 2;333 !ears ago; an$ she ha$ been Euoting that s)ri7ture "or !ears. But i" 8e ha$ sai$ to her; BThat5s great> That5s all !ou nee$; kee7 on Euoting that;B she 1ight still be in the 8heel )hair. -e took 7i)tures o" her as she 7ut her health! husban$ in the 8heel )hair an$ 7ushe$ hi1 out o" the )hur)h. #allelu?ah> Thank /o$; there is 1ore than one 8a! to heal the si)k> ." !ou are Euoting s)ri7ture "or !our healings; an$ it 8orks; kee7 right on $oing it> An$ i" !ou tea)h other 7eo7le to get heale$ that 8a!; an$ it 8orks; kee7 right on tea)hing it. But i" one 7arti)ular 1etho$ hasn5t 8orke$ "or !ou; tr! another one. /o$ $oesn5t li1it hi1sel" to ?ust one 8a! o" healing 7eo7le; so 8h! shoul$ !ouF /o$ )an heal !ou an! 8a! he 8ants> -e ha6e seen 7eo7le )o1e "or8ar$ an$ sa!; B-hen !ou lai$ han$s on 1e; . 8as ?ust stan$ing there; an$ this tre1en$ous )lou$ )a1e all o6er 1e; an$ . "elt like a 7ie)e o" ?ell!. All o" a su$$en; . )oul$ "eel e6er! )or7us)le in 1! bo$! 1o6ing; an$ be"ore . kne8 it . 8as totall! heale$>B . su77ose that5s one 8a! 7eo7le get heale$; but it5s not the onl! 8a!. E6er!one $oes not ha6e to turn into ?ell! an$ ha6e a )lou$ )o1e o6er the1> -e ha6e seen 7eo7le go un$er the 7o8er o" /o$ an$ be instantl! heale$ 8hile the!5re l!ing on the "loor.

-e ha6e seen 7eo7le 8ho $i$n5t go un$er the 7o8er o" /o$ 8ho 8ere heale$ stan$ing u7. -e ha6e seen 7eo7le 8ho 8ent un$er the 7o8er o" /o$ an$ $i$n5t get heale$. -e56e seen 7eo7le 8ho sta!e$ on their "eet an$ $i$n5t get heale$. /o$ )an $o 8hate6er he 8ants; 8hene6er he 8ants> #e )an e6en heal !ou on the 8a! ho1e "ro1 a 1eeting. *ou $on5t ha6e to be in )hur)h to be heale$; be)ause /o$ )an heal !ou an! 7la)e he 8ants. /o$ )an not onl! heal !ou an! 7la)e he 8ants; he )an heal !ou regar$less o" !our 7roble1. /o$ )an heal a 8art; or he )an heal a broken toe ?ust as easil! as he )an heal )an)er. .n so1e o" our 1eetings; 8e ha6e seen )an)ers a)tuall! "all right o""; but /o$ $oesn5t heal the1 all that 8a!. -e ha6e also seen 7eo7le 6o1it the1 u7. But in the long run it5s not i17ortant 8hether a )an)er "ell out; or 8as 6o1ite$ out; or si17l! $isa77eare$. The i17ortant thing is that there5s no 1ore )an)er in that 7erson5s bo$!> -hether !ou SA* it or CONFESS it; or ho8e6er !ou get heale$ or heal others; re1e1ber the one i17ortant thing; BAn$ no8; through Christ; all the kin$ness o" /o$ has been 7oure$ out u7on us un$eser6ing sinnersH an$ no8 he is sen$ing us out

aroun$ the 8orl$ to TELL ALL 'EO'LE EVE9*-#E9E T#E /9EAT T#.N/S /OD #AS DONE FO9 T#EM; SO T#AT T#E*; TOO; -.LL BEL.EVE AND OBE* #.MB C9o1. 1G( TLBD.

C#A'TE9 , -#AT *O4 SEE .S -#AT *O4 /ET>

By Frances 'raise /o$ that the e!es o" our un$erstan$ing are o7en "or ne8 s7irit re6elations be)ause /o$ is al8a!s right there 8anting us to ha6e a greater un$erstan$ing o" his -or$ an$ his 8orkings. One o" the 1ost outstan$ing tea)hings that has been re)ei6e$ b! the bo$! o" Christ has been "ro1 Mark 11G2 an$ 2%; BFor 6eril!; . sa! unto !ou; That 8hosoe6er shall sa! unto this 1ountain; Be thou re1o6e$; an$ be thou )ast into the seaH an$ shall not $oubt in his heart; but shall belie6e that those things 8hi)h he saith shall )o1e to 7assH he shall ha6e 8hatsoe6er he saith. There"ore . sa! unto !ou; -hat things soe6er !e $esire; 8hen !e 7ra!; belie6e that !e re)ei6e the1; an$ !e shall ha6e the1.B . belie6e there is a $i1ension to this s)ri7ture 8hi)h 8ill take us into another real1 o" healing. The e!es o" our un$erstan$ing are being enlightene$; an$ . belie6e that as 8e go into the "inal stages be"ore :esus Christ )o1es ba)k again; 7eo7le are going to be looking into the s7irit 8orl$ as the! ha6e ne6er looke$ into that 6ast; e=)iting 8orl$ be"ore> . belie6e that /o$ is going to o7en our s7irit e!es> -e

are going to see a lot 1ore angeli) a)ti6ities> Man! 7eo7le 8ho ne6er $rea1e$ that an angel 8oul$ e6er )o1e $o8n in the t8entieth )entur! are going to be sur7rise$ to see angels a))o17an!ing the1 8here6er the! go. -e 8ill see the su7ernatural 7o8er o" /o$ greatl! a))elerate 8here healing is )on)erne$> . belie6e the su7ernatural 7o8er o" /o$ 8ill be o7erating through great hosts o" or$inar! 7eo7le. For 1an! !ears; 8e ha$ onl! a "e8 BstarsB 8ho 8ent out an$ lai$ han$s on the si)k. /o$ is no res7e)ter o" 7ersons; so there are no BstarsB in the king$o1 o" hea6en; but . belie6e that /o$ is raising u7 ar1ies o" 7eo7le all o6er the 8orl$ to go out an$ la! han$s u7on the si)k> The 1ore 8e learn about the $i""erent 8a!s to heal the si)k; the 1ore Euali"ie$ 8e 8ill be to go out. -e 8ant to re1in$ !ou that i" one thing $oes not 8ork; tr! so1ething else until !ou ha6e 6i)tor! in that area. . 8ant to share so1ething 8ith !ou that . ha6e not totall! $e6elo7e$ !et; but . belie6e !ou )an see "ro1 so1e o" the things 8hi)h ha6e ha77ene$ as a result o" this re6elation that it o7ens u7 a 8hole ne8 8orl$ "or healing. . belie6e !ou 8ill "in$ this a real bell& ringer in !our o8n li"e> Look at the se)on$ )ha7ter o" .. @ingsG BAn$ it )a1e

to 7ass; 8hen the Lor$ 8oul$ take u7 Eli?ah into hea6en b! a 8hirl8in$; that Eli?ah 8ent 8ith Elisha "ro1 /ilgal. An$ Eli?ah sai$ unto Elisha; Tarr! here; . 7ra! theeH "or the Lor$ hath sent 1e to Beth&el. An$ Elisha sai$ unto hi1; As the Lor$ li6eth; an$ as th! soul li6eth; . 8ill not lea6e thee.B 7I ant you to remember that phrase, be#ause it is !ery important98 BSo the! 8ent $o8n to Beth&el. An$ the sons o" the 7ro7hets that 8ere at Bethel )a1e "orth to Elisha; an$ sai$ unto hi1; @no8est thou that the Lor$ 8ill take a8a! th! 1aster "ro1 th! hea$ to $a!F An$ he sai$; *ea; . kno8 itH hol$ !e !our 7ea)e.B -at)h the 8or$s that Eli?ah sai$; then note the ans8er b! Elisha; an$ 8at)h "or re7etition. BAn$ Eli?ah sai$ unto hi1; Elisha; tarr! here; . 7ra! theeH "or the Lor$ hath sent 1e to :eri)ho. An$ he sai$; As the Lor$ li6eth; an$ as th! soul li6eth; . 8ill not lea6e thee. So the! )a1e to :eri)ho.B Di$ !ou noti)e the re7etition againF BAn$ the sons o" the 7ro7hets that 8ere at :eri)ho )a1e to Elisha; an$ sai$ unto hi1; @no8est thou that the Lor$ 8ill take a8a! th! 1aster "ro1 th! hea$ to$a!F An$ he ans8ere$; *ea; . kno8 itH hol$ !e !our 7ea)e. An$ Eli?ah sai$ unto hi1; Tarr!; . 7ra! thee; hereH "or the Lor$ hath sent 1e to :or$an. An$ he sai$; As the Lor$ li6eth; an$ as th! soul li6eth; . 8ill not lea6e thee. An$ the! t8o 8ent on.B . 8ant to sto7 ?ust one little 1o1ent there; be)ause

this is so 6ital in !our Christian e=7erien)e. Eli?ah ke7t sa!ing to Elisha; B/et lost>B Noti)e he ke7t sa!ing; BTarr! here; . a1 going o6er to so an$ so; !ou ?ust sta! here; Bu$$!>B Elisha kne8 that Eli?ah ha$ so1ething that he 8ante$; an$ he 8as not about to 1iss out on the blessing o" /o$. An$ he ke7t sa!ing; BOh; no; !ou $on5t; Brother. As long as !ou li6e; .51 not going to lea6e !ou. As the Lor$ li6es an$ as !ou li6e; . a1 not going to lea6e !ou. #ere . )o1e.B An$ so Elisha 8ent along 8ith hi1. Elisha 8as one o" the 1ost 7ersistent 1en in the Bible; an$ . 8ant !ou to be the 1ost 7ersistent "ollo8er o" :esus Christ that the 8orl$ has e6er kno8nH be)ause /o$ is looking "or 7eo7le 8ho ha6e 7ersisten)e> /o$ 8ill gi6e !ou 7o8er; but /o$ is looking "or 7eo7le 8ith 7ersisten)e. 'ersisten)e 7a!s o"" in e6er! area o" !our li"e. . $on5t )are 8hat area !ou are o7erating in; 7ersisten)e 8ill 7a! o"". . 8ant to sho8 !ou a reall! goo$ e=a17le o" that. . 8as born 8ith 7ersisten)e> . li6e$ 8ith 7ersisten)e. ." !ou )oul$ see 1e in 7erson; !ou 1ight "in$ it $i""i)ult to belie6e; but . 8eighe$ onl! t8o 7oun$s 8hen . 8as born. M! "irst be$ 8as a shoe bo=; belie6e it or not; be)ause that is ho8 s1all . 8as. No one belie6e$ that 1! 7arents 8oul$ e6er raise 1e. 'raise /o$> . sure 7ro6e$ the1 8rong> There 8as a little threa$ o" 7ersisten)e in there that

8as hanging on; an$ hanging on; an$ it sai$; B. 8ant to li6e; . 8ant to li6e>B 'ersisten)e is so 6ital> This has been 8ith 1e 1! 8hole li"e long; an$ . 7raise /o$ "or the )hara)teristi) o" 7ersisten)e. 'ersisten)e brings su))ess> . ha6e ne6er kno8n an!one 8ho 8as a su))ess 8ho 8as not 7ersistent. Man! ti1es 7eo7le get si$etra)ke$ be)ause the! la! han$s on the si)k one ti1e; an$ 8hen that one 7erson $oesn5t get heale$; the! sa!; B-ell; /o$ $i$n5t )all 1e into a healing 1inistr!.B The "irst 7erson . e6er 7ra!e$ "or $ie$> But that $i$n5t kee7 1e $o8n. . thought; B-ell; surel! . 8ill get a better tra)k re)or$>B *ou )annot $o an! 8orse than that; )an !ouF That shoul$ not $is)ourage !ou. *ou shoul$ ?ust go on. . 8ill ha6e to a$1it; ho8e6er; that it 8as a terrible sho)k to 1e 8hen the "irst one $ie$> So1eone tol$ 1e re)entl! about an e6angelist in the healing 1inistr! !ears ago 8ho sai$; B." . 7ra!e$ "or (33; an$ (33 $ro77e$ $ea$; .5$ still go on 7ra!ing an$ belie6ing "or the si)k>>B -e "eel e=a)tl! the sa1e 8a!> . 8ant to sho8 !ou another area o" 7ersisten)e; to 7oint out that so1eti1es 8e $o not un$erstan$ in the beginning 8h! 8e are so 7ersistent. *et; so1e "i"t! !ears $o8n the line 8e 8ill kno8. -hen . 8as a !oung girl gro8ing u7; a skinn! little

S7aniar$ )a1e into our s)hool au$itoriu1; an$ he ha$ a 1a)hine )alle$ a t!7e8riter. To$a!; e6er!one is "a1iliar 8ith t!7e8riters; but 8hen . 8as gro8ing u7; a t!7e8riter 8as reall! so1ething that 6er! "e8 7eo7le ha$ e6er seen. #e sat $o8n at this 1a)hine an$ it s7elle$ 8or$s right out on a 7ie)e o" 7a7er as 7lain as an!thing. #e t!7e$ 12( 8or$s a 1inute; an$ . 8as )o17letel! "as)inate$. M! o8n han$8riting 8as 1iserable; so . thought a t!7e8riter 8oul$ be a 7er"e)t ans8er "or 1e; an$ . 7ur7ose$ in 1! heart that . 8as going to be a goo$ t!7ist. . signe$ u7 "or a t!7ing )lass in s)hool. A"ter the "irst 8eek; . $e)i$e$ it 8as har$er than it looke$ 8hen he $i$ it; but . ha$ 1a$e u7 1! 1in$ that . 8as going to learn ho8 to t!7e; e6en though . $i$n5t get u7 to 12( 8or$s 7er 1inute the "irst 8eek. . 8ent to 1! tea)her an$ sai$G BDo !ou sta! a"ter s)hool "or a 8hile; an$ i" so; 1a! . sta! 8ith !ou an$ 7ra)ti)e on the t!7e8riter until !ou go ho1eFB Then listen to 8hat . sai$; an$ it in6ol6e$ a Christian 7rin)i7le . kne8 nothing about; be)ause . sai$ to her; B. 8ant to 7ra)ti)e; be)ause . a1 going to be the best an$ the "astest t!7ist that this s)hool has e6er seen.B . $i$n5t e6en kno8 8hat . 8as talking about; an$ . )oul$ not e6en hit t8o ke!s 8ithout 1aking a 1istake. But . 1a$e that state1ent be)ause . ha$ 7ur7ose$ in 1! heart that . 8as going to be the best t!7ist that the s)hool ha$ e6er seen. -hile the other ki$s 8ere $o8n at the )orner ha6ing )okes an$

)igarettes an$ $oing all the other things that high s)hool ki$s $i$ at that ti1e; . 8as sitting in the high s)hool going t!7e; t!7e; t!7e; t!7e; learning ho8 to t!7e> That 8asn5t enough; ho8e6er; be)ause the tea)her $i$ not sta! long enough a"ter s)hool. -e ha$ $e7art1ent stores in St. Louis 8here . 8as raise$; an$ so . 8oul$ s7en$ a $i1e to get on the bus an$ go $o8nto8n 8here the! ha$ three $e7art1ent stores right in a ro8. . 8oul$ 8alk into the "irst one 8here the! ha$ three $i""erent t!7e8riters on $is7la! an$ sa!; B. a1 intereste$ in t!7e8riters; 1a! . tr! this oneFB . $i$n5t think . 8as being $ishonest; be)ause . $i$n5t sa! . 8as intereste$ in bu!ing one; . ?ust sai$ . 8as intereste$ in t!7e8riters. . 8oul$ stan$ there an$ t!7e on ea)h o" the three t!7e8riters until . ha$ the 7a7er )o17letel! "ille$ u7; then . 8oul$ thank the )lerk an$ go on to the se)on$ store. . 8oul$ $o the sa1e thing there; an$ then on to the thir$ store. Then . 8oul$ go ba)k the ne=t $a! an$ $o the sa1e thing o6er again> -hat . a1 tr!ing to instill in !ou is a $esire to $e6elo7 !our 7ersisten)e. . use$ all the ti1e . )oul$ at s)hool> . use$ all the ti1e a"ter s)hool that the tea)her 8oul$ gi6e 1e> Then . 8ent to the $e7art1ent stores; an$ . use$ u7 all their 7a7er> Finall!; )a1e the great $a! 8hen . ha$ 1! "irst s7ee$

test. ." . re1e1ber )orre)tl!; . t!7e$ 1 8or$s a 1inute 8ith 2, errors> *ou ne6er sa8 so 1an! errors in !our entire li"e> Thirt!&one 8or$s a 1inute is not ba$ "or a beginner; but 2, errors 8as absolutel! unbelie6able> But . 7ur7ose$ in 1! heart that . 8as going to be the s)hool5s best t!7ist; so . starte$ ba)k on the sa1e routine again. First . 8oul$ sta! a"ter s)hool; then $o8n to the $e7art1ent stores . 8oul$ go. Finall! the $a! )a1e 8hen . 7asse$ a test at %3 871; (3 871; +3 871; ,3 871; 03 871; 23 871; an$ e6en 133 871; B4T T#AT -AS NOT /OOD ENO4/#> . ha$ 7ur7ose$ in 1! heart that . 8as going to t!7e 12( 871 like that skinn! little S7aniar$ $i$> An$ . 8asn5t going to settle "or less than that; so . ke7t 7ra)ti)ing an$ 7ra)ti)ing until the $a! )a1e 8hen . t!7e$ 12( 871 on a 1anual t!7e8riter. *ou reall! ha6e to 7ut "orth energ! to t!7e that "ast on a 1anual t!7e8riter. But . $i$ it 8ithout an! errors 8hatsoe6er in a "i"teen&1inute test> That is 8hat 7ersisten)e $oes "or !ou> . ha$ no 1ore talent in that area than an!bo$!; but . $i$ ha6e 7ersisten)e> ." !ou kee7 sa!ing; B. a1 going to be the 8orl$5s 1ost $!na1i) e6angelist> . a1 going to ha6e the 8orl$5s greatest healing 1inistr!>B $o !ou kno8 8hat !ou are going to ha6eF *ou are going to ha6e e=a)tl! 8hat !ou sa!; 7ro6i$ing !ou li6e the li"e /o$ sa!s> ." !ou 8ill kee7 on being 7ersistent; an$ !ou 8ill kee7 on $oing; e6en at ti1es 8hen !ou 8oul$ like to be $oing so1ething else; !ou

8ill su))ee$. Be 7ersistent in 8hate6er !ou $o> At that ti1e . $i$n5t un$erstan$ 8h! . 8as learning to t!7e; be)ause 1ost girls 8ant to get 1arrie$ an$ ha6e a "a1il! an$ ne6er think the! are going to use the skills the! learn. Little $i$ . realiAe that 1! husban$ 8as going to $ie at a 6er! earl! age; an$ that . 8oul$ be thrust out into the business 8orl$ to raise t8o )hil$ren. . 7raise /o$ "or that abilit! . ha$ be)ause it allo8e$ 1e to su77ort 1! )hil$ren. . o8ne$ an$ o7erate$ a se)retarial ser6i)e 8hi)h e6entuall! turne$ into a big 7rinting )o17an!; but . $on5t belie6e that is the onl! reason /o$ ha$ 1e learn to t!7e. . $on5t belie6e that is 8h! /o$ ke7t 7ro$$ing 1e long be"ore . 8as a Christian. Do !ou kno8 8hat . think /o$ 8as $oingF /o$ kne8 that he )alle$ 1e to be an author. /o$ kne8 that . 8oul$ ha6e no ti1e to tr! to 8rite a 1anus)ri7t in longhan$. Fi"t! !ears be"ore . e6er use$ the talent; /o$ taught 1e ho8 to be an outstan$ing t!7ist; an$ to$a! . a1 one o" the "e8 authors 8ho t!7e all o" their o8n 1anus)ri7ts. . $o all o" 1! o8n t!7ing; an$ a"ter . e$it the book . ret!7e it 1!sel"; be)ause . kno8 ho8 . like to 7aragra7h; an$ . kno8 ho8 . like things s7a)e$. . kno8 ho8 . 8ant e6er!thing in a book; an$ these are things . )oul$ ne6er ha6e $one i" . ha$ not been 7ersistent in learning to t!7e. No8 let5s get ba)k to Eli?ah an$ Elisha. Continuing 8ith .. @ings 2; 8e rea$ in 6erses , an$ 0 that B"i"t! 1en o" the sons o" the 7ro7hets 8ent; an$ stoo$ to

6ie8 a"ar o""G an$ the! t8o stoo$ b! :or$an. An$ Eli?ah took his 1antle; an$ 8ra77e$ it together; an$ s1ote the 8aters; an$ the! 8ere $i6i$e$ hither an$ thither; so that the! t8o 8ent o6er on $r! groun$.B Elisha 8as 6er! i17resse$ 8ith that; so re1e1ber it> Verse 2 sa!s; BAn$ it )a1e to 7ass; 8hen the! 8ere gone o6er; that Eli?ah sai$ unto Elisha; Ask 8hat . shall $o "or thee; be"ore . be taken a8a! "ro1 thee. An$ Elisha sai$; . 7ra! thee; let a $ouble 7ortion o" th! s7irit be u7on 1e.B #e 8asn5t satis"ie$ to ha6e a little )ru1b o" Eli?ah5s 7o8erH he 8asn5t e6en satis"ie$ to ha6e as 1u)h as Eli?ahH he 8as a s7iritual 7ig> A s7iritual hog> #e 8ante$ t8i)e as 1u)h> An$ that is 8hat EAC# one o" us ought to be & A 9EAL S'.9.T4AL './> . lo6e Elisha be)ause he 8ante$ e6er!thing /o$ ha$ "or hi1> Let5s 8at)h 8hat Eli?ah sai$G BThou hast aske$ a har$ thingG ne6ertheless; i" thou see 1e 8hen . a1 taken "ro1 thee; it shall be so unto theeH but i" not; it shall not be so.B. 8ant !ou to )ir)le the 8or$ SEE in this book right no8; be)ause it5s going to 7la! an i17ortant 7art in !our li"e. BAn$ it )a1e to 7ass; as the! still 8ent on; an$ talke$; that; behol$; there a77eare$ a )hariot o" "ire; an$ horses o" "ire; an$ 7arte$ the1 both asun$erH an$ Eli?ah 8ent u7 b! a 8hirl8in$ into hea6en. An$ Elisha SA - it; an$ he )rie$; M! "ather; 1! "ather; the )hariot o" .srael; an$ the horse1en thereo". An$ he

sa8 hi1 no 1oreG an$ he took hol$ o" his o8n )lothes; an$ rent the1 in t8o 7ie)es.B Elisha )oul$ ha6e let his attention be $istra)te$ b! a lot o" things. #e )oul$ ha6e thought; B-O-; look at those trees to$a!; those lea6es are reall! turning.B #e 8as a !oung 1an; so he )oul$ ha6e ke7t his e!es on girls an$ 1isse$ /o$> But be)ause he 8as a 7ersistent 1an; an$ he ke7t his e!es on Eli?ah; he SA- Eli?ah 8hen he $e7arte$ in the 8hirl8in$> AND #E /OT -#AT #E -ANTED> #e 8as a real 1an o" a)tion; be)ause here is "aith in a)tion; BAn$ he took the 1antle o" Eli?ah that "ell "ro1 hi1; an$ s1ote the 8aters; an$ sai$; -here is the Lor$ /o$ o" Eli?ahF an$ 8hen he also ha$ s1itten the 8aters; the! 7arte$ hither an$ thitherG an$ Elisha 8ent o6er.B Elisha )oul$ ha6e 7i)ke$ u7 that 1antle an$ sai$; BThis is so hol! an$ so righteous; . )an5t 7ut it on.B But he kne8 that /o$ 8as no res7e)ter o" 7ersons; so he 7i)ke$ it u7 an$ $i$ the sa1e thing that Eli?ah $i$. #e thought; BBo!; . 8ill )ra)k that 8ater; an$ 8at)h that 8ater s7lit o7en.B B'O->B There the 8aters 8ent> Elisha SA- hi1 8hen he $e7arte$; an$ then he i11e$iatel! 7ut into 7ra)ti)e 8hat he ha$ seen Eli?ah $o. . 8as tea)hing about 7ersisten)e on the ra$io one $a!; an$ as . began to tea)h on this; . su$$enl! sa8 a 8hole ne8 $i1ension o7en u7 through the 8or$

Bsee.B . began to think; BLor$; ha6e 8e been 1issing out on things be)ause 8e are not looking 8ith s7iritual e!es the 8a! 8e ought to lookFB A )ou7le o" !ears ago; an e6angelist got u7 in a 1eeting one night an$ sai$; B. ha$ a 1an )o1e u7 to 1e the other night in a 1eeting; an$ he han$e$ 1e a little 7ie)e o" 7a7er; an$ he sai$; 5Brother; the Lor$ tol$ 1e to gi6e this to !ou;5 an$ . thought it 8as a little note or so1ething.B #e stu)k it in his 7o)ket; thinking it 8as a 7ra!er reEuest. #e "orgot all about it until he got ho1e; an$ then he took it out o" his 7o)ket; an$ it 8as a )he)k "or L133;333. . al8a!s get e=)ite$ 8hen another 1inistr! re)ei6es a big gi"t; be)ause 8e re?oi)e "or all 1inisters o" the gos7el. -E A9E FO9 EVE9* C#9.ST.AN M.N.ST9* T#AT '9EAC#ES T#E /OS'EL OF T#E LO9D :ES4S C#9.ST> Neither o" us has a ?ealous bone in our bo$!. . get e=)ite$ be)ause . al8a!s "eel that i" /o$ $oes it "or one; he 8ill $o it "or another; sin)e he is no res7e)ter o" 7ersons> Charles an$ . 8ere $ri6ing to a 1eeting one night an$ . sai$; B#o8 )o1e nobo$! e6er 8alks u7 to 1e an$ sa!s 5Fran)es; the Lor$ tol$ 1e to gi6e !ou this )he)k "or L133;333>5B . 8as reall! talking to /o$; an$ /o$ sai$; BBe)ause !ou ne6er SA- it.B -hat a sur7rise that 8as to 1e> An$ . began to think about 8hat he ha$ sai$> . $is)o6ere$ there are t8o kin$s o" 6isions. There is a su7ernatural 6ision

8hi)h is the kin$ that /o$ gi6es !ou "or a 7arti)ular )ir)u1stan)e an$ ti1e. An$ then there is the natural 6ision 8here !ou )an stan$ on the -or$ o" /o$ an$ begin to see a 7ro1ise in !our s7irit; an$ it 8ill )o1e to 7ass. . belie6e 8e are in the $a!s o" A)ts 2G1,G BAn$ it shall )o1e to 7ass in the last $a!s; saith /o$; . 8ill 7our out o" 1! S7irit u7on all "leshG an$ !our sons an$ !our $aughters shall 7ro7hes!; an$ !our !oung 1en shall see 6isions; an$ !our ol$ 1en shall $rea1 $rea1s C@:VD. -e all nee$ to be 1ore sensiti6e to the s7irit o" /o$ than e6er be"ore an$ to be a8are o" the 7art that 6isions an$ $rea1s 8ill be 7la!ing in our li6es "ro1 no8 on. .n his book; T#E FO49T# D.MENS.ON; Dr. 'aul *onggi Cho sa!sG BLet the #ol! S7irit )o1e an$ Eui)ken the s)ri7tures !ou rea$; an$ i17lant 6isions in the !oung an$ $rea1s in the ol$.B .n another )ha7ter he sa!s; B... the #ol! S7irit )o1es to )oo7erate 8ith us < to )reate; b! hel7ing !oung 1en to see 6isions; an$ ol$ 1en to $rea1 $rea1s. Through en6isioning an$ $rea1ing $rea1s 8e )an ki)k a8a! the 8all o" li1itations an$ )an stret)h out to the uni6erse. That is the reason that /o$5s 8or$ sa!s; 5-here there is no 6ision the 7eo7le 7erish.5." !ou ha6e no 6ision; !ou are not being )reati6eH an$ i" !ou sto7 being )reati6e; then !ou are going to 7erish. BVisions an$ $rea1s are the language o" the "ourth $i1ension; an$ the #ol! S7irit )o11uni)ates

through the1. Onl! through a 6ision an$ a $rea1 )an !ou 6isualiAe an$ $rea1 bigger )hur)hes. *ou )an 6isualiAe a ne8 1ission "iel$H !ou )an 6isualiAe the in)rease o" !our )hur)h.B The 6ision has to be gi6en to !ou b! the #ol! S7irit; or it 8ill not )o1e to 7ass; be)ause !ou )annot use !our i1agination to )on?ure u7 things that are not in line 8ith /o$5s -or$> But begin to en6ision a))or$ing to /o$5s -or$; an$ see 8hat ha77ens> . Eui)kl! turne$ to Luke +G 0 8hi)h sa!s; B/i6e; an$ it shall be gi6en unto !ouH goo$ 1easure; 7resse$ $o8n; an$ shaken together; an$ running o6er; shall 1en gi6e into !our boso1. For 8ith the sa1e 1easure that !e 1ete 8ithal it shall be 1easure$ to !ou again.B . sai$; BNo8; Father; Charles an$ . ha6e gi6en an$ gi6en an$ gi6en; an$ gi6en; an$ gi6en; an$ no8 . think it is ti1e "or us to re)ei6e a return; be)ause 8e ha6e so 1an! nee$s at the Cit! o" Light. Father; . a1 going to ask !ou to gi6e 1e a 6ision o" a )he)k.B . 1ust not ha6e ha$ L133;333 "aith; be)ause instantl! /o$ ga6e 1e a 6ision; but the 6ision 8as o" a )he)k "or L1;333; an$ all . sa8 8as a 1an5s han$ gi6ing it to 1e. -O-> T8o s)ri7tures; B1! 7eo7le 7erish "or la)k o" kno8le$geB an$ B8ithout a 6ision the 7eo7le 7erish;B )a1e into 1! 1in$. #ere . 8as sitting in a )ar 8ith a

6ision o" a L1;333 )he)k. That 8as not uns)ri7tural; be)ause . )oul$ stan$ on Luke +G 0 an$ @NO- that 8e ha$ gi6en> . 8as so e=)ite$ . al1ost ran to get into the 1eeting that night; an$ . ke7t thinking; B-ho is it; Lor$F -ho is itFB . 8oul$ look at e6er! 7erson 8ho )a1e b! an$ think B*ouFB BNo>B B*ouFB BNo>B B*ouFB BNo>B Nobo$! han$e$ 1e a )he)k that "irst night. . $i$n5t sa!; B. guess /o$ $i$n5t 8ant 1e to ha6e a )he)k.B . a1 7ersistent> The se)on$ night )a1e an$ 8hen the ser6i)e 8as o6er; . 8as stan$ing ba)k at the book table; an$ e6er! ti1e a 1an )a1e b!; . 8oul$ think again; B*ouFB BNo>B B*ouFB BNo>B B*ouFB BNo>B The se)on$ night 8as o6er; an$ NOBOD* #AD /.VEN ME A C#EC@> . 8asn5t $is)ourage$; be)ause 8e still ha$ one 1ore night> . re7eate$ the sa1e 7ro)e$ure; an$ still no )he)k> . 8asn5t $is)ourage$; ho8e6er; an$ as . 8as 7a)king the books "or the ne=t sto7; an$ in a 1ost uns7iritual 7osition o" al1ost stan$ing on 1! hea$ tr!ing to rea)h a bo=; a 1an 8alke$ u7 behin$ 1e an$ sai$; BFran)es; the Lor$ tol$ 1e to gi6e this to !ou.B #allelu?ah> . $i$n5t 7ut it in 1! 7o)ket> . LOO@ED AT .T> 9ight on the s7ot> .T -AS EJACTL* AS . #AD SEEN .T .N M* S'.9.T < A C#EC@ FO9 L1;333> . nearl! e=7lo$e$>> . )oul$ har$l! 8ait to tell Charles an$ the ne=t $a! .

8as so 8oun$ u7 be)ause . sa8 a ne8 $i1ension o7ening u7 in our li6es; so . sai$; BCharles this is so e=)iting; .51 going to ask /o$ "or another 6ision.B An$ . sa8 another L1;333 )he)k> M! "aith ha$ not risen an! higher than L1;333; but sure enough; about t8o nights later; a 1an sent his )hil$ running $o8n the aisle be"ore the ser6i)e starte$ 8ith a )he)k "or L1;333. Do !ou kno8 8h!F #e ha$ gi6en L1;333 the !ear be"ore an$ ha$ gotten ba)k o6er L133;333; so he )oul$n5t 8ait "or o""ering ti1e to get starte$ again> Again; . sa8 a ne8 $i1ension 8orking> /o$ o7ening s7irit e!es to see 1ore o" 8hat he has "or us> . 8as reall! e=)ite$; but . sai$; B/o$; )oul$ !ou let 1e ha6e a little bigger 6isionF .t takes a lot o" L1;333 )he)ks to rea)h the 1ultitu$es !ou ha6e lai$ on our hearts. On our ne=t tri7; 8e 8ere lea6ing our 1otel roo1 to go to a 1eeting; 8hen there "lashe$ in 1! 1in$ a )he)k "or L(;333.1 thought; B-o8> -e ha6e ne6er ha$ an!one 7ut a )he)k "or L(;333 into an o""ering be"ore.B But . 8as e=)ite$. . sai$; BLor$; !ou 1ean that !ou are going to 7ut a L(;333 )he)k in the o""ering tonightFB An$ so1eho8 in that 8a! that . kno8 that /o$ s7eaks; /o$ ?ust assure$ 1e that the )he)k 8as going to be in the o""ering. No one e6er 7ut that 1u)h in one o" our o""erings be"ore> Nobo$!> /lor!; 8hat a "eeling o" anti)i7ation 8e ha$> Charles 8as tea)hing that night; an$ a"ter . took the

o""ering; . looke$ "or a 7la)e to sit until the 1inistering ti1e )a1e. The air )on$itioner ha$ broken $o8n; an$ the tele6ision lights 8ere e=tre1el! hot; an$ . sa8 a $oor; so . thought; B.5ll go o""&stage be)ause it5s so hot; an$ 8hen Charles nee$s 1e; .5ll )o1e ba)k on.B . ste77e$ o"" the stage; an$ $is)o6ere$ that . 8as in the roo1 8here the ushers 8ere )ounting the o""ering. The! sai$; B-oul$ !ou like to hel7 us )ount the o""eringFB M! heart 8as reall! 7oun$ing; be)ause the "irst thing . $i$ 8as to tr! to 7ull out all the )he)ks. . looke$ )are"ull! at ea)h one; but there 8as no )he)k "or L(;333. The ushers 8ere )ounting the )ash 8hen su$$enl! . sa8 one 1ore little 7ie)e o" 7a7er un$erneath all the bills; an$ . grabbe$ "or it> *ou ne6er sa8 an!one go into a)tion so "ast in !our li"e. . o7ene$ it u7; an$ it 8as a )he)k to our 1inistr! "or L(;333; T#E F.9ST T.ME .N ALL OF O49 M.N.ST9* T#AT AN*ONE #AD EVE9 '4T .N A C#EC@ T#AT S.KE .N AN OFFE9.N/; :4ST AS . #AD SEEN .T> #allelu?ah> To$a! . see in 1! s7irit a )he)k "or L1;333;333 "or the 8ork o" the 1inistr!. . ha6e )on"esse$ it "or al1ost three !ears> . ha6e seen it in 1! s7irit; an$ . kno8 it 8ill )o1e to 7ass> As a result o" seeing in 1! s7irit; . began to think; B." it 8orks in 1one!; 8h! shoul$n5t it 8ork in other areas as 8ellFB . began to think this shoul$ 8ork in

the area o" healing. . ga6e this talk about seeing; an$ then sai$G B/o$ 1a$e a 7a)kage $eal "or us 2;333 !ears ago; but the 7roble1 is that 1ost o" us onl! a))e7t one 7ortion o" that 7a)kage 8hen 8e are born again; be)ause 8e $on5t un$erstan$ there5s 1ore than one 5goo$ie5 in the basket> B-hen all )hur)hes begin to 7rea)h the F4LL 1eaning o" sal6ation; !ou5re going to see 7eo7le 8alk into ser6i)es unsa6e$; si)k; an$ "ull o" $e1ons; an$ the! are going to 8alk out sa6e$; heale$; $eli6ere$; an$ ba7tiAe$ 8ith the #ol! S7irit ALL AT T#E SAME T.ME> BMan! 7eo7le belie6e that sal6ation in6ol6es ?ust one thingG eternal li"e> Bibli)all!; ho8e6er; sal6ation en)o17asses 1an! things; o" 8hi)h eternal li"e is onl! ONE> The /reek 8or$ soteria; 8hi)h 8e translate 5sal6ation;5 also in)lu$es the 1eanings 5$eli6eran)e;5 5health;5 5res)ue;5 an$ 5sa"et!.5 . )ontinue$ an$ sai$; B#o8 1an! o" !ou belie6e that .:esus took all o" our $iseases on hi1sel" at Cal6ar!F E6er! one o" those 2 stri7es he ha$ on his ba)k 8as a $i""erent $isease.B . belie6e 8hen :esus 8as on the )ross that he 8as the 1ost unhu1an looking thing !ou e6er sa8. . belie6e his bo$! 8as so ra)ke$ 8ith 7ain that !ou 8oul$ not e6en ha6e re)ogniAe$ hi1 to be a hu1an being;

be)ause )an !ou i1agine all o" the )erebral 7als! "ro1 the "irst 1an to the last 1an on the bo$! o" :esusF See hi1 8ith all the )an)er in the 8orl$ "ro1 the "irst 1an to the last one. E6er! )ase o" $iabetes "ro1 the "irst 1an to the last 8as on the bo$! o" :esus> Na1e an! $isease; an$ it 8as on the bo$! o" :esus> E6er! )ase o" it "ro1 the "irst 1an to the last 1an. . $o not belie6e that :esus a77eare$ on the )ross as 1ost artists 7aint hi1. . belie6e he $i$n5t e6en rese1ble the :esus 8ho ha$ 8alke$ u7 the roa$ to /olgotha> .saiah (2G1% CA17.D sa!sG BCFor 1an! the ser6ant o" /o$ be)a1e an ob?e)t o" horrorH 1an! 8ere astonishe$.D #is "a)e an$ #is 8hole a77earan)e 8ere 1arre$ 1ore than an! 1an5s; an$ #is "or1 be!on$ that o" the sons o" 1enH but ?ust as 1an! 8ere astonishe$ at #i1.B No8; 8h! 8ere the! astonishe$ 8hen the! looke$ at hi1F Be)ause his bo$! looke$ so terrible> Can !ou i1agine all the brain $a1age in the 8orl$ on hi1F Can !ou see all the )ri77ling $iseases on hi1F Millions o" all kin$s o" $iseases; all on :esus at one ti1e> Do !ou think his "ingers 8ere straightF No; . think his bo$! 8as so t8iste$ that 8e 8oul$ ne6er ha6e re)ogniAe$ it. That is 8h! the! sai$ it 8as an ob?e)t

o" horror; an$ his "a)e an$ his 8hole a77earan)e 8ere 1arre$ 1ore than an! 1an5s be)ause no other 1an has e6er taken as 1u)h on his bo$! as :esus> Then it sa!s in .saiah ( G13G B*et it 8as the 8ill o" the Lor$ to bruise #i1H #e has 7ut #i1 to grie" an$ 1a$e #i1 si)k ...B .t 8as /o$5s 8ill to 1ake hi1 si)k> -h!F Be)ause he lo6e$ !ou an$ 1e so 1u)h that he 7ut it on :esus so that 8e $o not ha6e to ha6e si)kness> .saiah ( G( sa!s; BBut #e 8as 8oun$e$ "or our transgressions; #e 8as bruise$ "or our guilt an$ iniEuitiesG the )hastise1ent nee$"ul to obtain 7ea)e an$ 8ell&being "or us 8as u7on #i1; an$ 8ith the stri7es that 8oun$e$ #i1 8e are heale$ an$ 1a$e 8hole.B -E A9E #EALED AND MADE -#OLE> Do !ou kno8 8h! so1e o" us )annot re)ei6e the healing 8e nee$F Be)ause 8e )annot see it on :esus. . belie6e the $a! 8hen our s7irit e!es are o7ene$ an$ 8e begin to see our healing ba)k on :esus 8here it belongs is the $a! !ou an$ . are going to re)ei6e 8hate6er healing 8e nee$> -hen 8e begin to see our $isease ba)k on :esus 8here it belongs; healing 8ill be)o1e a realit! in our li6es> Begin to see it "or !oursel". Begin to see it "or other 7eo7le. -hen !ou begin to see it; it is going to )o1e to 7ass in !our li"e. *ou begin to see !our )ri77le$ bo$! ba)k on the bo$! o" :esus an$ that bo$! 8ill be 1a$e 8hole>

But be 7ersistent> ." !ou $o not re)ei6e healing the "irst ti1e !ou BthinkB !ou see !our $isease on :esus; kee7 tr!ing> @ee7 seeing !our $isease ba)k on :esus 8here it belongs> . ha6e a little note in 1! Bible 8hi)h sa!s; B#e took it; so there5s no sense in both o" us ha6ing it>B The "irst night . ga6e this talk; belie6ing "or 7eo7le to see their $iseases ba)k on :esus . sai$ 6er! )are"ull!; B." there is an!bo$! in the au$ien)e 8ho )an see their si)kness ba)k on :esus; . 8ant !ou to )o1e "or8ar$.B .t 8as a 6er! tense 1o1ent "or 1e be)ause . kne8 . 8as 6enturing into a ne8 real1 o" healing. A 1an )a1e "or8ar$ an$ . sai$; B-hat is !our 7roble1FB #e sai$; B. 8as in an in$ustrial a))i$ent so1e "ourteen or "i"teen !ears ago. M! shoul$er bla$e is "roAen; an$ . )an5t raise 1! ar1; but as !ou 8ere talking tonight; . began to see this on :esus; an$ be"ore long . sa8 :esus 8ith a "roAen shoul$er. Then . sa8 1!sel" s8inging 1! ar1 like . 8as thro8ing a baseball; an$ . ha6en5t been able to 1o6e it "or 1% !ears>B All the ti1e he 8as telling 1e this; he 7ut his "aith into a)tion an$ 8as s8inging his ar1 the 6er! 8a! he tol$ 1e he ha$ seen in his 6ision> /lor!; it 8as 8orking in healing as 8ell> Another 8o1an got e=)ite$ 8hen she sa8 hi1; be)ause she ha$ the sa1e 7roble1; an$ her ar1 8as totall! heale$ that night. Our "aith 8as reall! rising in this area o" healing; so .

ga6e this talk in another )it! an$ began to see 8hat it 8as $oing to 7eo7le an$ ho8 their s7irit e!es 8ere being o7ene$. Again . ga6e the sa1e in6itation an$ 8as 6er! )are"ul to sa!; BAt this ti1e . onl! 8ant those 8ho ha6e a)tuall! seen their 7roble1 ba)k on :esus to )o1e "or8ar$>B . aske$ the "irst 8o1an 8hat she sa8; an$ she sai$; B. see 1! eso7hagus "ull o" holes. . see 1! bo$! "ull o" arthritis. .56e got it in the elbo8s; in the knees; in the hi7s; an$ all o6er 1e.B Do !ou kno8 8hat she re)ei6e$F Nothing; be)ause she $i$ not see it on :esus. She sa8 it on hersel". She 8as looking at things in the natural. She 8as not looking at the1 on :esus. The ne=t 8o1an 8as in a 8heel )hair. . sai$; B#one!; 8hat $o !ou seeFB She sai$; T see 1!sel" 8alking all the 8a! a)ross this stage tonight.B . sai$; B*ou $oFB She sai$; B*es.B . sai$; B#o8 long has it been sin)e !ou 8alke$FB She sai$; B. ha6e ne6er 8alke$. . ha$ 7olio 8hen . 8as an in"ant an$ . ha6e ne6er 8alke$>B M! "aith 8as reall! on the line> But . belie6e that 8ith /o$ nothing is i17ossible> She )ontinue$; B. see 1! 7olio on the bo$! o" :esus>B Then; ?ust like Eli?ah sai$ unto Elisha; . sai$; B." !ou ha6e seen it on :esus; it shall be so unto thee.B Then . ga6e her the s)ri7ture . al8a!s gi6e; BSil6er an$ gol$ ha6e . noneH but su)h as . ha6e; gi6e . theeG .n the na1e o" :esus Christ o" NaAareth rise u7 an$ 8alkB

CA)ts G+D. S#E /OT 4' AND -AL@ED; be)ause she sa8 that she $i$ not ha6e 7olio an! 1ore be)ause it 8as ba)k on :esus 2;333 !ears ago 8here it belonge$. She $i$ not 8alk like !ou or . $o; but she 8as 8alking> Legs that ha$ ne6er 1o6e$ "ro1 the ti1e she 8as a tin! in"ant 8ere 8alking an$ taking ste7s a)ross an au$itoriu1> B! this ti1e; 1! "aith reall! 8ent u7; an$ . 8as rea$! to be)o1e a tiger. . kne8 that an!one 8ho )oul$ see 8hate6er their $isease 8as ba)k on :esus Christ 8oul$ be heale$> A 8o1an in her eighties 8ho 8as horribl! )ri77le$ 8ith rheu1atoi$ arthritis )a1e into one o" our 1eetings 8here . ga6e this sa1e talk; an$ . 8ante$ to shake the 6er! $e6il out o" her that )ause$ the horrible arthritis. She 8as the "irst one u7 at the en$ o" the talk; an$ her )ri77le$ "ingers straightene$ out; her ba)k straightene$ out; an$ e6er! bit o" that rheu1atoi$ arthritis le"t her> She bent o6er an$ tou)he$ her toes 8ith her "ingers. /lor! to /o$; she ha$ trul! seen it ba)k on the bo$! o" :esus 8here it belonge$> .n that sa1e ser6i)e 8e sa8 a Catholi) 1an 8ho 8as so )ri77le$ 8ith arthritis that it ha$ been !ears sin)e he )oul$ tie an$ untie his shoes. #e sat on the "ront ro8 t!ing an$ unt!ing his shoes $e1onstrating that he sa8 his $isease ba)k on :esus> -e 8ere 7ri6ilege$ to be the 7a)esetter s7eakers at the 'ittsburgh Charis1ati) Con"eren)e one !ear; an$

sensiti6it! to the #ol! S7irit reall! brought results. So1eti1es it 8ill go so against !our natural 1in$ that it 8ill be al1ost i17ossible "or !ou to a)t; but DO .T> A 8o1an )a1e o6er to 1e 7rior to the beginning o" the ser6i)e an$ sai$; BM! $aughter is $!ing. She has been in intensi6e )are "or "our 1onths. The $o)tors sai$ she )oul$ not e6en li6e until the en$ o" the ser6i)e; but . brought her an!8a!. -ill !ou )o1e an$ 7ra! "or herFB Nor1all! . 8oul$ ha6e taken o"" like a ro)ket; but /o$ )he)ke$ 1e an$ sai$; B/i6e her the -or$ "irst>B 9e1e1ber 8hat it sa!s in 'sal1 13,G23; B#e sent his 8or$ an$ heale$ the1 an$ $eli6ere$ the1 "ro1 their $estru)tion.B -e )oul$ not see this girl be)ause 8e 8ere sitting belo8 stage le6el; so 8hen 8e 8ent on to the stage; . sa8 her "or the "irst ti1e. M! "irst thought 8as; BOh; /o$; $on5t let her $ie $uring this ser6i)e.B . ne6er sa8 an!one 8ho looke$ so $ea$ 8ithout being $ea$ in 1! 8hole li"e> #er hea$ 8as hanging o6er to the si$e an$ her tongue 8as hanging out o" her 1outh. Charles took one look at her an$ thought she ha$ $ie$. #e sai$; B/o$; is the 1ira)le !ou 8ant tonight to ha6e us raise so1eone "ro1 the $ea$FB -e ha6e ne6er raise$ an!one "ro1 the $ea$ *ET; but 8e are rea$!.

All throughout the ser6i)e . looke$ at this 8o1an. #er hea$ ne6er )hange$ 7ositions. She ne6er o7ene$ her e!es. Nothing; absolutel! nothing ha77ene$> But 8hen . "inishe$ talking about; B." !ou see it; it shall be so unto !ou;B /o$ sai$; B/o $o8n an$ 1inister to her NO->B As Charles an$ . 8alke$ $o8n to this 8o1an; e6er!one at the )on"eren)e stoo$ to their "eet; 8on$ering 8hat 8as going to ha77en> . 8alke$ o6er to this 8o1an an$ sai$; BDi$ !ou hear 8hat . sai$FB A little 6oi)e )a1e ba)k to 1e an$ sai$; B4h huh.B . sai$; BDi$ !ou 4NDE9STAND 8hat . sai$FB The sa1e little 8eak 6oi)e ans8ere$; B4h huh>B . sai$; B-hat $o !ou seeFB She sai$; B. see 1!sel" )o17letel! heale$ tonight an$ 1! $isease ba)k on :esus>B CNote she 7ut a ti1e li1it on it>D . sai$; BEli?ah sai$; ." !ou see 1e 8hen . go; it shall be so unto thee; but i" not; it shall not be so;5 so . a1 belie6ing that !ou ha6e seen !our $isease ba)k on :esus.B On)e again . sai$; BSil6er an$ gol$ ha6e . none; but su)h as . ha6e; gi6e . theeG .n the na1e o" :esus Christ o" NaAareth; rise u7 an$ 8alk>B

She shot out o" that 8heel )hair "ull o" the 7o8er o" /o$; an$ 8alke$ all the 8a! $o8n the long aisle o" the DuEuesne 4ni6ersit! ballroo1 8ith Charles. The! 8alke$ all the 8a! $o8n an$ all the 8a! ba)k. This 8o1an ha$ been in the intensi6e )are se)tion o" the hos7ital be)ause she ha$ been he1orrhaging "or "our 1onths. The $o)tors sai$ she 8oul$ $ie be"ore the en$ o" the ser6i)e be)ause she 8as in su)h ba$ )on$ition; an$ here she 8as 8alking u7 an$ $o8n the aisle o" the ballroo1 ha6ing a ball> The ne=t $a! she 8as running all o6er the 1ountains 8here DuEuesne 4ni6ersit! is lo)ate$ sa!ing; B. $on5t e6en "eel 8eak>B S#E SA- #E9 S.C@NESS BAC@ ON T#E BOD* OF :ES4S> Mira)les ha77en 8hen 8e )an see our 7roble1s ba)k on :esus 8ho took the1 all "or us> -e 8ent on to another )it! 8here 8e 8ere on a )ir)ular stage. A 8o1an 8as brought "or8ar$ 8ho ha$ 1ulti7le s)lerosis. . sai$ to her; B-hat $o !ou seeFB She sai$; B. see 1!sel" heale$ o" 1ulti7le s)lerosis be)ause it5s on the bo$! o" :esus; an$ $o !ou kno8 8hat else . seeFB . sai$; BNo; 8hat $o !ou seeFB

She sai$; B. see 1!sel" running in )ir)les on this big stage.B . re7eate$ 8hat Eli?ah sai$; B." !ou see 1e 8hen . go; it shall be so unto !ou. *ou ha6e seen it in !our s7irit; no8 let us see it in the natural.B This 8o1an began running in )ir)les aroun$ the stage. . hel$ her ar1; but she al1ost shook 1! han$ o"" sa!ing; B. sa8 1!sel" running 8ith no hel7>B /lor!; hallelu?ah; she $i$n5t run aroun$ that )ir)ular stage on)e or t8i)e; but she 1ust ha6e run aroun$ it at least ten ti1es. -h!F Be)ause she 8ent into a ne8 $i1ension; un$ she sa8 the si)kness 8here it belonge$; ba)k on the bo$! o" :esus Christ> . )oul$ 8rite a )o17lete book on 7eo7le 8ho ha6e re)ei6e$ healing b! seeing their si)kness ba)k on :esus; but . belie6e 8e )an go into the 8orl$ be!on$ in 1an! other areas. . think o" 'astor Cho 8hen he 7rea)he$ to e17t! seats; but he ne6er sa8 one. #e 7rea)he$ 8ith his e!es )lose$; an$ sa8 e6er! seat "ille$. #e sa8 a 13;333 seat au$itoriu1 "ille$ to o6er"lo8ing 8ith 7eo7le; but i" he ha$ o7ene$ his e!es; $o !ou kno8 8hat he 8oul$ ha6e seenF Ma!be 1(; 1a!be 23; 1a!be 3 or ( as it gre8. #e ke7t his e!es shut. #e began seeing in his s7irit that great au$itoriu1 "ille$ to )a7a)it!. To$a! he has a )hur)h 8ith 1(3;333 1e1bers an$ is seeing in his s7irit a )hur)h o" (33;333> . belie6e that 8oul$ ne6er ha6e

ha77ene$ i" 'astor Cho ha$ o7ene$ his e!es an$ thought; BOh; there are onl! 1( 7eo7le in the san)tuar! to$a!.B #e )lose$ his e!es instea$ an$ sa8 in his s7irit. #e sa8 an au$itoriu1 o6er"lo8ing 8ith 7eo7le. #e sa8 an au$itoriu1 8ith 7eo7le stan$ing. #e $i$n5t see 8hat 8as a)tuall! there; be)ause he en6isione$ the lost )o1ing to :esus in un7re)e$ente$ nu1bers> /lor!> . 8ant to e17hasiAe that 8hen . talk about SEE.N/; . a1 not talking about i1agination; but about ha6ing "aith that a thing 8ill be so> .1aginations )an get !ou into trouble; but a "aith 6ision )an bring !ou ans8ers> At the Cit! o" Light 8hi)h 8e are buil$ing; /o$ has gi6en us a 6ision. . )an see the 8orl$5s greatest or)hestra at the Cit! o" Light. . see /o$ bringing in 1usi)ians "ro1 all o6er the )ountr! to 7la! at the Cit! o" Light. 9ight no8 8e )ertainl! $on5t ha6e it; but . kno8 it 8ill be a realit!; be)ause . ha6e seen it 8ith 1! s7irit e!es. . see our S)hool o" Ministr! o6er"lo8ing 8ith stu$ents. . see so 1an! stu$ents that 8e 8on5t ha6e enough roo1 "or the1. That is 8hat . see in 1! s7irit. .t is going to )o1e to 7ass. . belie6e that 8ith all 1! heart. . belie6e it 8ith 1! soul; an$ . belie6e it 8ith 1! 1in$> . belie6e 8e 8ill see the glor! o" /o$ in healing i" 8e 8ill onl! begin to o7en u7 our s7irit to see the things

/o$ has "or us instea$ o" 8hat the $e6il has "or us> Man! 7eo7le "in$ it easier to belie6e 8hat the $e6il 8ants us to see than 8hat /o$ has "or us; but it takes a little su7ernatural 6ision to look into an area an$ see 8hat /o$ has "or !ou> The $e6il 8ants to see !ou si)k an$ in 7o6ert!; but /o$ sai$; BBelo6e$; . 8ish abo6e all things that thou 1a!est 7ros7er an$ be in health; e6en as th! soul 7ros7erethB C... :ohn 2D. ." !ou nee$ healing < see that> ." !ou nee$ "inan)es < see that> ." !ou nee$ $eli6eran)e < see that> ." !ou nee$ a 1ate < see that> ." !ou nee$ !our husban$ or 8i"e sa6e$ < see that> ." !ou nee$ !our )hil$ren sa6e$ < en6ision the1 8ith Bibles un$er their ar1s; s7rea$ing the gos7el> This is a s7iritual an$ su7ernatural $i1ension that )an be 1ost re8ar$ingH ho8e6er; . $o 8ant to )aution !ou not to let !our i1agination get )arrie$ a8a!; an$ $on5t tr! to 6isualiAe so1ething that !ou )an5t line u7 8ith /o$5s -or$. Line it u7 8ith /o$5s -or$; an$ 8at)h it )o1e to 7ass that -#AT *O4 SEE .S -#AT *O4 /ET>


By Frances .t sur7rises 1an! 7eo7le to $is)o6er there are )on$itions to /o$5s healing 7o8er> E6en so; as !ou rea$ this; . 8ant !ou to re1e1ber at all ti1es that /OD .S SOVE9E./N> /o$ )an $o e=a)tl! 8hat he 8ants to $o; e=a)tl! 8hen he 8ants to $o it; an$ he )an $o it to 8ho1soe6er he 8ills> :ust about the ti1e 8e think 8e ha6e e6er!thing $o8n 7at an$ kno8 all there is to kno8 about a 7arti)ular 8a! o" healing; $o !ou kno8 8hat ha77ensF /o$ thro8s a 1onke! 8ren)h in the 8hole thing an$ sa!s; BNo8 look; . 8ant to sho8 !ou that . )an $o it another 8a! as 8ell>B #o8e6er; there are 1an! basi) gui$elines that 8e $o nee$ to "ollo8; an$ one is to un$erstan$ that in 1an! instan)es there are )on$itions. Throughout his -or$; /o$ is a /o$ o" BourB 7art an$ BhisB 7art. -e $o our 7art; an$ then /o$ $oes his 7art /o$ sa!s; B*ou $o this; an$ .5ll $o that>B Then he sa!s; B*ou $o T#.S; an$ .5ll $o T#AT>B

#e is a /o$ o" lo6e; a /o$ o" 1er)!; a /o$ o" gra)eG but he 7uts restri)tions on us be)ause 8e all nee$ rules to go b!> .t is the sa1e 8a! 8ith a )hil$. ." !ou brought u7 a )hil$ 8ith absolutel! no restri)tions 8hatsoe6er; !ou 8oul$ ha6e a 8il$ little ani1al o" so1e kin$; 8oul$n5t !ouF ." !ou let )hil$ren eat 8hat the! 8ante$ to eat; 8hat 8oul$ the! )hooseF Can$!; )an$!; )an$!; )an$!; )an$!; an$ that5s 7robabl! all> But b! the ti1e the! gre8 u7; the! 8oul$n5t ha6e an! teeth. The! 8oul$ be 6er! unhealth!H the! 8oul$ not ha6e strong bo$iesH an$ so; as 7arents; 8e ha6e to bring these )hil$ren u7 7ro7erl!. -e nee$ to see that the "oo$s the! eat are goo$ "or their bo$ies; so their bo$ies 8ill not be 8eak an$ si)kl!. #ere5s Mala)hi %G2 "ro1 the Li6ing Bible. BBut "or !ou 8ho "ear 1! na1e; the Sun o" 9ighteousness 8ill rise 8ith healing in his 8ings. An$ !ou 8ill go "ree; lea7ing 8ith ?o! like )al6es let out to 7asture.B -hat is the )on$ition that goes along 8ith that s)ri7tureF .t is onl! B"or !ou 8ho FEA9 1! na1e>B That is not the kin$ o" "ear the $e6il 7uts on us. .t is the one kin$ o" "ear that 8e all nee$ to ha6e in our li6es < the "ear an$ re6eren)e o" /o$. ." !ou 8ant healing in !our bo$!; Mala)hi %G2 sa!s one )on$ition is to "ear the Lor$>

There are 7eo7le in this 8orl$ to$a! 8ho $o not "ear the Lor$. There are 7eo7le 8ho )urse /o$ until the 6er! en$. *ou 1ight ask; BDoesn5t he e6er heal a sinnerFB *es; be)ause #E .S SOVE9E./N; he )an heal saint an$ sinner alike> One night at a 1ira)le rall!; an agnosti) 8as sitting in the bal)on!; 1aking "un o" 8hat he thought 8as nothing but a series o" B7ut&u7B healings> Charles 7ointe$ u7 to the bal)on! an$ sai$; BSo1eone in the bal)on! has a big lu17 un$er his ar1. .t has been 7aining !ou an$ !ou ha6e ?ust been heale$>B This sa1e 1an ha$ a tu1or the siAe o" a baseball un$er his ar1; an$ it instantl! $isa77eare$> #e )a1e running $o8n to the stage as "ast as he )oul$ an$ )hange$ his 1in$ about not belie6ing> Mira)les 8ill )ause a sinner to $o a ra$i)al turnaroun$ in a hurr!> 'ro6erbs G( sa!s in the A17li"ie$G BLean on; trust an$ be )on"i$ent in the Lor$ 8ith all !our heart an$ 1in$...M Does it sa!; BLean on the Lor$ 8ith a little bit o" !ouH lean on the Lor$ on Sun$a!; but $on5t 8orr! about Mon$a!; Tues$a! an$ Thurs$a!FB No; it sa!s; BLEAN ON; T94ST AND BE CONF.DENT .N T#E LO9D -.T# ALL *O49 #EA9T AND M.ND; AND DO NOT 9EL* ON *O49 O-N .NS./#T O9 4NDE9STAND.N/. .n ALL !our 8a!s kno8; re)ogniAe an$ a)kno8le$ge #i1; an$ #e 8ill $ire)t an$ 1ake straight an$ 7lain !our 7aths. Be not 8ise in !our o8n e!esH re6erentl! "ear

an$ 8orshi7 the Lor$; an$ turn Centirel!D a8a! "ro1 e6ilB C'ro6. G(&, A17.D. That last 6erse gi6es us the )on$itions; an$ then 6erse 0 gi6es us the re8ar$G B.t shall be health to !our ner6es an$ sine8s; an$ 1arro8 an$ 1oistening to !our bones.B BLearning to LeanB is go$l! 1e$i)ine> ." !ou 8ant !our ner6es heale$; obe! the abo6e )on$itions an$ see 8hat ha77ens> Best )ure . kno8 o"> The last 7hrase also reall! s7eaks 7lainl! to all o" us; be)ause it sa!s to turn ENT.9EL* a8a! "ro1 e6il. Not a little bit; but ALL the 8a!> .n the 8orl$ 8e li6e in to$a!; 8e are beset 8ith te17tations e6er! $a! o" our li6es> But 8hat $oes /o$ sa!F #E SA*S TO T49N ENT.9EL* A-A* F9OM EV.L> *ou )annot li6e in sin an$ e=7e)t the best "ro1 /o$. *ou )annot li6e o6er in the $e6il5s 8orksho7 a 7ortion o" the ti1e; an$ e=7e)t /o$5s abun$ant li"e to "lo8 all o6er !ou. *ou )annot li6e un$er the $e6il5s )ontrol an$ e=7e)t /o$5s blessings to o6ertake !ou an$ o6er)o1e !ou; be)ause he sa!s to turn entirel! a8a! "ro1 e6il. -ho has to $o the turningF -E DO> /o$ $oesn5t turn

!ou a8a!H /o$ gi6es !ou all the 7o8er !ou nee$H but he lea6es it u7 to !ou; an$ he sa!s "or *O4 to turn entirel! a8a! "ro1 e6il. There5s the )on$ition; an$ there5s the 7ro1ise. ." all the Bner6ous 8re)ksB in the 8orl$ 8oul$ ?ust lean on; trust in an$ rel! on /o$; an$ "ul"ill the rest o" that s)ri7ture; 8e 8oul$ ha6e "e8er ner6ous 8re)ks. -hat i" !ou 8ere a sinner an$ !ou ?ust got sa6e$F -oul$ !ou ha6e to get health! be"ore !ou )oul$ be)o1e a ChristianF No; but so1eti1es !ou ha6e to be)o1e a Christian be"ore !ou )an get health!> Be"ore . 8as sa6e$; . took nineteen grains o" th!roi$ e6er! $a!. The $o)tor tol$ 1e that . took 1ore th!roi$ than an! 7erson in 1e$i)al histor! ha$ e6er taken 7re6iousl!. .t ha$ been gi6en to 1e in an atte17t to )orre)t an a$renal insu""i)ien)! in 1! bo$!. . 8as a 6i)ti1 o" A$$ison5s $isease an$ b! three o5)lo)k in the a"ternoon . $i$n5t e6en look like a hu1an being. M! skin 8oul$ turn so gra! it 8as al1ost bla)k; an$ then . 8oul$ 7ass out> /o$ $ealt 8ith 1e one $a! in a hos7ital; an$ . began to seek hi1; e6en though . ha$ $i""i)ult! a$1itting that . 8as a sinner. Nine 1onths rolle$ aroun$ be"ore . 8as sa6e$H but 8hen . $i$ get sa6e$; . kne8 that . 8ante$ e6er!thing /o$ ha$ "or 1e. . 8ante$ to lean on hi1; trust hi1; rel! on hi1; an$ . )ertainl!

8ante$ to turn a8a! "ro1 e6er! e6il thing . kne8. /o$ sa8 1! heart; an$ the $a! . got sa6e$ he heale$ 1e instantl!> . ne6er took another grain o" th!roi$ "ro1 the $a! . 8as sa6e$ be)ause the healing 7o8er o" /o$ 8ent through 1! bo$!; an$ . 8as totall! an$ instantl! heale$ o" A$$ison5s $isease; 8hi)h is nor1all! "atal. . $i$n5t e6en realiAe it until 8eeks later 8hen . re1e1bere$ . ha$n5t taken an! 1e$i)ine> *ou 1a! 8on$er 8h! the! ga6e 1e th!roi$ instea$ o" )ortisone be)ause this 8as unusual in treating A$$ison5s $isease> The $o)tors sai$ 1! th!roi$ 8as $estro!e$ be)ause o" o6er$osing 1e 8ith )ortisoneH there"ore the su7er $oses o" th!roi$ 8ere 7res)ribe$. .n s7ite o" this; to$a! . ha6e a 7er"e)tl! nor1al th!roi$ glan$> /lor! to /o$> Let5s look at another )on$itional 7ro1ise. This one is "oun$ in 'sal1 120 CTLBDG Blessings on all 8ho re6eren)e an$ trust the Lor$ & ON ALL -#O OBE* #.M>B Di$ !ou kno8 !ou )an trust an$ re6eren)e the Lor$ an$ still be $isobe$ientF *es; !ou )an> . kno8 7eo7le 8ho go to 8orshi7 ser6i)es an$ sa!; B#allelu?ah; Lor$; . bless !ouH Lor$; . 7raise !ou;B an$ then 8alk out the $oor o" the )hur)h an$ right ba)k into sin. A lot o" 7eo7le $o that; 8ithout e6en realiAing 8hat the! are $oing. But the Bible sa!s; BBlessings on all 8ho re6eren)e an$ trust the Lor$ < on all 8ho OBE* hi1>B #ealing is one o" those blessings.

/o$ has a lot o" natural la8s. There is a ti1e to sta! a8ake; an$ there is a ti1e to go to slee7. There is a ti1e "or e6er!thing. /o$ e=7e)ts !ou to take )are o" !our bo$!. ." !ou 8ant to sta! health!; $on5t think that !ou )an sta! u7 night a"ter night 8ithout getting si)k or run $o8n. . nee$ eight hours o" slee7 < so1e 7eo7le nee$ a little 1ore; so1e nee$ a little less. But !ou )annot $isregar$ /o$5s health la8s an$ 1aintain a health! bo$!. There is a 7ri)e !ou ha6e to 7a! i" !ou $o> . s1oke$ "or ( !ears; an$ en$e$ u7 s1oking "i6e 7a)kages a $a!> *our bo$! su""ers 8hen !ou s1oke that 1an! !earsG it5s the 8orst thing in the 8orl$ "or !our )ir)ulator! s!ste1. Man! 7eo7le $ie o" lung )an)er an$ 1an! $ie o" har$ening o" the arteries be)ause the! ha6e not taken )are o" their bo$iesH the! ha6e gone on s1oking; s1oking; s1oking; regar$less o" 8hat /o$ an$ the go6ern1ent sa! about ho8 har1"ul it is. No8 that5s sill!; isn5t itF That5s ?ust like taking a kni"e an$ )utting !our throat a little bit ea)h $a!. 'rett! soon !ou5ll ha6e !our 8hole hea$ )ut o""> .n the Li6ing Bible; 'sal1 120 goes on to sa!; BTheir re8ar$ "or obe!ing the Lor$ 8ill be 7ros7erit! an$ ha77iness>B *our re8ar$ "or obe!ing the Lor$ 8ill be 7ros7erit! an$ ha77iness> .t e6en gi6es !ou so1e s7e)i"i)sG B*our 8i"e shall be )ontente$ in !our ho1e. An$ look at all those )hil$ren> There the! sit aroun$ the $inner table as 6igorous an$ health! as !oung oli6e trees. That is /o$5s re8ar$ to those 8ho

re6eren)e an$ trust hi1.B . lo6e 8hat the Bible sa!s in #ebre8s 11G+; BBut 8ithout "aith it is i17ossible to 7lease hi1G "or he that )o1eth to /o$ 1ust belie6e that he is; an$ that he is a re8ar$er o" the1 that $iligentl! seek hi1.B /o$ gi6es re8ar$s to those 8ho belie6e an$ trust hi1. /OD .S A 9E-A9DE9> . belie6e that $i6ine health is one o" the re8ar$s that /o$ 8ill gi6e !ou 8hen !ou $iligentl! seek hi1. . belie6e that healing is one o" those blessings that )o1e to 7eo7le 8ho $iligentl! seek hi1. There is 1ore; too> #e is going to re8ar$ !ou 8ith ha77iness. #e is going to re8ar$ !ou 8ith abun$ant li"e. #e is going to re8ar$ !ou 8ith "inan)es. #e is going to re8ar$ !ou 8ith a goo$&looking 8i"e or husban$> #ealing an$ health are t8o o" the 1ost i17ortant things 8e )oul$ e6er $esire. ." !ou ha$ to )hoose bet8een being health! an$ being 8ealth!; it 8oul$ be "ar 1ore i17ortant to be health!. .t 8oul$ $o !ou no goo$ at all to ha6e all the 1one! in the 8orl$; i" !ou 8ere al8a!s in 7ain. .n the 20th )ha7ter o" Deuterono1!; /o$ tea)hes us 1an! o" his )on$itions "or obtaining $i6ine health. .n the A17li"ie$; the "irst )on$ition liste$ is; B." !ou 8ill listen $iligentl! to the 6oi)e o" the Lor$ !our /o$.B

To Blisten $iligentl!B 1eans to listen 8ith !our 1in$; !our heart; !our bo$!; !our soul; 8ith EVE9*T#.N/ !ou56e got> An$ it $oesn5t 1ean listening to /o$ 8hile !ou5re listening to the TV; listening to the ra$io; an$ listening to so1ebo$! else at the sa1e ti1e. .t 1eans that 8hen !ou listen to /o$ !ou shut e6er!thing else out an$ ?ust listen to /o$ Al1ight!; be)ause so1eti1es /o$ sa!s things that are 6er! so"t an$ 6er! Euiet> The se)on$ 7art o" the )on$ition gi6en in Deuterono1! 20G1 CA17.D is; BBeing 8at)h"ul to $o all #is )o11an$1ents 8hi)h . )o11an$ !ou this $a!.B .t 8on5t $o !ou 6er! 1u)h goo$ i" !ou listen to /o$ but $on5t $o 8hat he sa!s> This ties ba)k 8ith the other 6erse that lists all those blessings 8hi)h )o1e to those 8ho obe! hi1. ." !ou are 8at)h"ul to $o all his )o11an$1ents 8hi)h . )o11an$ !ou this $a!; Moses sa!s; Bthe Lor$ !our /o$ 8ill set !ou high abo6e all the nations o" the earth; An$ all these blessings shall )o1e u7on !ou an$ o6ertake !ou.B *ou ha6e to listen to the 6oi)e o" the Lor$ !our /o$; an$ then !ou56e got to be a $oer o" the -or$ an$ not ?ust a hearer onl!. There are 1an! 7eo7le 8ho run "ro1 one 1eeting to another; "ro1 one )haris1ati) )on"eren)e to another; "ro1 one "ull gos7el 1eeting to another; "ro1 one )hur)h to another; "ro1 one s7e)ial s7eaker to

another; an$ 8ho ne6er get out to $o a thing the! ha6e learne$> . ho7e one o" the things this book 8ill tea)h !ou is to Euit being a )on"eren)e ho77er an$ get out there an$ $o so1ething "or the Lor$G that is one o" the 8a!s his blessings o" healing an$ health 8ill )o1e u7on !ou. Let5s look at a si1ilar 7assage in .saiah. #ere5s .saiah (0G+;, in The Li6ing BibleG BNo; the kin$ o" "ast . 8ant is that !ou sto7 o77ressing those 8ho 8ork "or !ou an$ treat the1 "airl! an$ gi6e the1 8hat the! earn. . 8ant !ou to share !our "oo$ 8ith the hungr! an$ bring right into !our o8n ho1es those 8ho are hel7less; 7oor an$ $estitute. Clothe those 8ho are )ol$ an$ $on5t hi$e "ro1 relati6es 8ho nee$ !our hel7. ." !ou $o these things; /o$ 8ill she$ his o8n glorious light u7on !ou. #e 8ill heal !ouH !our go$liness 8ill lea$ !ou "or8ar$; an$ goo$ness 8ill be a shiel$ be"ore !ou; an$ the glor! o" the Lor$ 8ill 7rote)t !ou "ro1 behin$.B /OD -.LL #EAL *O4> #e 8ill heal !ou i" !ou li6e the kin$ o" li"e he )alls us to li6e. #ere5s another "a1iliar 7assage that stresses this sa1e 7ointG B." !ou 8ill $iligentl! hearken to the 6oi)e o" the Lor$ !our /o$; an$ 8ill $o 8hat is right in #is sight; an$ 8ill listen to an$ obe! #is )o11an$1ents an$ kee7 all #is statutes; . 8ill 7ut none o" the $iseases u7on !ou 8hi)h . brought u7on the Eg!7tiansH "or . a1 the Lor$ -ho heals !ouB CE=o$us 1(G2+ A17.D. #ere again /o$ is telling us

that 8e nee$ to listen to hi1 an$ 8e nee$ to obe! hi1. Another 6er! 8ell&kno8n 7assage; Mala)hi G13 sa!sG BBring !e all the tithes into the storehouse; that there 1a! be 1eat in 1ine house; an$ 7ro6e 1e no8 here8ith; saith the Lor$ o" hosts; i" . 8ill not o7en !ou the 8in$o8s o" hea6en; an$ 7our !ou out a blessing; that there shall not be roo1 enough to re)ei6e it.B -e hear that 6erse o6er an$ o6er again. But look at the 6erse that "ollo8s it; be)ause it is the one that tells !ou 8hat ha77ens 8hen !ou $o 8hat Mala)hi G13 sa!s. .t sa!s; BAn$ . 8ill rebuke the $e6ourer "or !our sakes; an$ he shall not $estro! the "ruits o" !our groun$H neither shall !our 6ine )ast her "ruit be"ore the ti1e in the "iel$; saith the Lor$ o" hosts.B There is a blessing 7ro1ise "or 1an! in that 6erse> Let 1e sho8 !ou 8hat . 1ean. Se6eral !ears ago a 7astor )a1e u7 to 1e at the en$ o" a ser6i)e an$ sai$; B-e ha6e a 1issionar! "a1il! here 8ith t8o )hil$ren 8ho ha6e 1us)ular $!stro7h!. The! 8ant !ou to 7ra! "or the1.B Mus)ular $!stro7h! is an in)urable $isease 8hi)h $estro!s all the 1us)les an$ it is generall! "atal. -e belie6e that an in)urable $isease is )ause$ b! a s7irit; so 8hen 8e )o1e a)ross an in)urable $isease; 8e kno8 the s7irit nee$s to be )ast out.

Nor1all! . 8oul$ ha6e )ast out the s7irit o" 1us)ular $!stro7h!; but /o$ sai$ so1ething to 1e be"ore . starte$. #e sai$; BAsk the1 i" the! tithe>B -o8> That is a $i""i)ult Euestion to ask in a )hur)h 8here there 8ere 7robabl! 1233 7eo7le listening to e6er! 8or$ . sai$. .t takes real )ourage to ask a 1issionar! a Euestion like that 8here e6er!one 8ill hear the ans8er; but /o$ ha$ sai$; BAsk the1 i" the! tithe.B -ith "ear an$ tre1bling be"ore the Lor$; . sai$; BBrother; be"ore . la! han$s on !our )hil$ren; 1a! . ask !ou a EuestionFB B*es;B he ans8ere$. . sai$; BDo !ou titheFB B. ha6e tithe$ e6er sin)e . be)a1e a Christian;B he tol$ us. B#allelu?ah>B . sai$; BThen . 8ill stan$ on Mala)hi G11; 8hi)h is a 6erse so 1an! 7eo7le "orget about; an$ T 8ill rebuke the $e6ourer "or !our sakes; an$ he shall not $estro! the "ruits o" !our groun$H NE.T#E9 S#ALL *O49 V.NE CAST #E9 F94.T BEFO9E T#E T.ME .N T#E F.ELD; SA.T# T#E LO9D.5 . sai$; B/o$ is not going to let !our 6ine )ast her "ruit; he is not going to let !our )hil$ren $ie be"ore their ti1e. Be)ause !ou ha6e tithe$ an$ !ou ha6e been "aith"ul to /o$ in !our gi6ing; . la! han$s on these )hil$ren an$ s7eak healing in the na1e o" :esus.B

Then . )ast out the s7irit o" 1us)ular $!stro7h!. . $i$ not see an! 6isible e6i$en)e o" healing at that 1o1ent but the ne=t 1orning his little girl got out o" be$ all b! hersel" "or the "irst ti1e in !ears an$ 8ent Blea7ing 8ith ?o! like )al6es let out to 7asture.B #allelu?ah> -h! $i$ that 1an5s )hil$ren re)ei6e healingF Be)ause he ha$ been "aith"ul in his gi6ing to /o$ an$ /o$ is a re8ar$er o" the1 8ho $iligentl! seek hi1> -hat ?o! there 8as in their hearts be)ause obe$ien)e ha$ brought re8ar$s> There are 1an! $i""erent 8a!s to heal; an$ 1an! $i""erent )on$itions to 1eet; but kee7 in 1in$ that /o$ is so6ereignH /o$ )an $o an!thing he 8ants to. #e )an o6erri$e e6er! single one o" the )on$itions . ha6e 1entione$. #a6e !ou e6er thought 8hen !ou sa8 a rotten; stinking sinner get heale$; B-ell; /o$; the! ne6er ga6e !ou a ni)kel in their 8hole li"eH the!5re rotten; the! $on5t lo6e !ou; the! e6en use !our na1e in 6ain < an$ !ou heale$ the1>B #a6e !ou e6er Euestione$ /o$ about so1ething like thatF 9egar$less o" ho8 !ou "eel; re1e1ber /OD .S SOVE9E./N> #e $oesn5t $o it this 8a! be)ause !ou think he ought to $o it this 8a!; he $oes it #.S 8a! be)ause he is a so6ereign /o$> Let5s also re1e1ber to seek /o$ < not the healing>

C#A'TE9 2 ANO.NT.N/ -.T# O.L

By Charles Shortl! a"ter Fran)es an$ . re)ei6e$ the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit; 8e 8ere sharing the gos7el in .n$iana. At that ti1e Fran)es 8as the onl! s7eaker in our "a1il!; an$ . 8as the C'A 8ho tagge$ along 8ith her. She sa8 to it; though; that . ha$ the o77ortunit! to share a little testi1on! at ea)h ser6i)e 8here she s7oke. At this 1eeting; . began sharing 1! usual three& 1inute testi1on!; 8hen a hea6! anointing o" the #ol! S7irit "ell on 1e an$ "or about an hour s)ri7tures an$ threa$s o" gol$ "ro1 the -or$ o" /o$ "lo8e$ out o" 1e. The 1essage 8as so $i6inel! anointe$ that e6en little )hil$ren sat )o17letel! s7ellboun$ the entire ti1e 8ithout 1o6ing < it 8as a su7ernatural a)t o" /o$> T8o 7ul7it )hairs 8ere to 1! le"tH Fran)es 8as in one an$ the other 8as e17t!. The 7astor 8as sitting on the "ront ro8 o" 7e8s 8ith his 8i"e. Fran)es 8as a1aAe$ as she 8at)he$ the 8a! /o$5s 7o8er"ul anointing 8as )hanging her husban$. A"ter Euite a 8hile; Fran)es "elt the sheer slee6e o" her $ress 1o6e "ro1 a light breeAe a77arentl! )ause$ b! so1eone sitting $o8n ne=t to her. She

assu1e$ it 8as the 7astor 8ho ha$ )o1e u7 to re1in$ her that he ha$ )alle$ her to s7eak; an$ not 1e. A "e8 1ore 1inutes 8ent b!; then so1eone tugge$ at her slee6e; so she $e)i$e$ she ha$ better look to see 8hat the 7astor 8ante$. As she turne$; she 8as sho)ke$ to $is)o6er it 8asn5t the 7astor at all> -hat she sa8 sitting ne=t to her; rela=e$; 8ith his ar1s resting on the ar1s o" the )hair an$ his legs )rosse$; 8as :ES4S> #is "or1 8as )learl! 6isible; but he 8as trans7arent> A so"t but brilliant blue glo8 surroun$e$ his entire being> Fran)es sai$; B. 8as absolutel! o6er)o1e 8ith the 7resen)e o" /o$> . )oul$n5t take 1! e!es o"" o" hi1.B :esus looke$ at Fran)es; then 7ointe$ to the bottle o" oli6e oil on the stan$ ne=t to the 7ul7it an$ sai$; BThat is s!1boli) o" the #ol! S7irit.B Then he 7ointe$ to 1e an$ sai$; BThat5s the real oil> Be)ause the anointing is on hi1; let Charles s7eak tonight>B ." !ou 8ill re)all; oil in the Ol$ Testa1ent s!1boli)all! re"ers to the #ol! S7irit. A"ter al1ost an hour o" talking; . su$$enl! sto77e$ s7eaking an$ sai$; B*ou ha6e )o1e to hear Fran)es tonight; an$ . 1ust sto7>B so Fran)es; 8ith the glor! o" /o$ all o6er her; Eui)kl! ste77e$ to the 1i)ro7hone an$ tol$ the au$ien)e 8hat ha$ ?ust ha77ene$ an$ relate$ that :esus ha$ sai$ Charles

8as to s7eak be)ause the anointing 8as on hi1> For a "e8 1o1ents . struggle$ in the "lesh as . began s7eaking again; but soon the anointing began to "lo8> -hat a night it 8as> A"ter the ser6i)e; so1eone in the au$ien)e tol$ us that the! noti)e$ the struggle . 8as going through 8hen . 8as tr!ing to get starte$ again; so the! 7ra!e$ "or the anointing to return. The! re7orte$ that 8a6es o" 7o8er starte$ at the ba)k ro8 o" 7e8s an$ 1o6e$ "or8ar$; gaining 1o1entu1 until the! rea)he$ the 7ul7it an$ then "ell on 1e> -hat a night o" glor! an$ 7o8er> One o" the 1en in the )ongregation le"t the )hur)h aroun$ ele6en o5)lo)k an$ 8ent ra)ing u7 an$ $o8n the streets o" this s1all to8n; kno)king on $oors sa!ing; BThe #ol! S7irit has "allen> The #ol! S7irit has "allen>B Fla1es o" "ire 8ere re7orte$ to ha6e been seen )o1ing out o" his )oattails> A"ter8ar$s . began to 7on$er on the s)ri7ture about anointing 8ith oil an$ 7ra!ing "or the si)k. . sai$; B/o$; 8h! $o 8e nee$ to use oil; 8hi)h is onl! s!1boli) o" the #ol! S7irit; 8hen 8e ha6e re)ei6e$ the real #ol! S7irit 7o8er through the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7iritFB :a1es (G1 &1( is in the Ne8 Testa1ent; an$ it 8as 8ritten a"ter the $is)i7les re)ei6e$ the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit. B.s an! si)k a1ong !ouF let hi1 )all "or the el$ers o" the )hur)hH an$ let the1 7ra! o6er hi1; anointing hi1 8ith oil in the na1e o" the Lor$G An$ the 7ra!er

o" "aith shall sa6e the si)k; an$ the Lor$ shall raise hi1 u7H an$ i" he ha6e )o11itte$ sins; the! shall be "orgi6en hi1B C:a1es (G1%;1(D. . thought; B:esus; be"ore the $a! o" 'ente)ost !ou tol$ !our t8el6e a7ostles to go out t8o b! t8o an$ !ou ga6e the1 7o8er o6er un)lean s7irits. The! $i$ 8hat !ou tol$ the1 to $o; an$ !our -or$ sa!s; 5An$ the! 8ent out; an$ 7rea)he$ that 1en shoul$ re7ent. An$ the! )ast out 1an! $e6ils; an$ anointe$ 8ith oil 1an! that 8ere si)k; an$ heale$ the15 CMark +G12;1 D. B-h!; :esus; $o 8e nee$ to anoint 8ith oil to heal the si)k i" 8e ha6e the 7o8er to $o so through the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7iritFB The reason he ga6e 1e is thisG /o$ lo6es e6er! Christian eEuall!. #e $oes not lo6e those 8ho ha6e re)ei6e$ the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit an! 1ore than he lo6es the Christians 8ho ha6e not !et re)ei6e$ the en$ue1ent o" 7o8er 7ro1ise$. BAn$; behol$; . sen$ the 7ro1ise o" 1! Father u7on !ouG but tarr! !e in the )it! o" :erusale1; until !e be en$ue$ 8ith 7o8er "ro1 on highB CLuke 2%G%2D. Sin)e he lo6es us all alike; an$ 8ants us to be in health; he has 7ro6i$e$ a 8a! "or healing; other than the #ol! S7irit 7o8er "lo8ing "ro1 a S7irit&"ille$ Christian into a si)k bo$!. .nstea$ he 1a$e 7ro6isions "or those 8ho lo6e an$ ser6e hi1 to be able to ask #.M to $o the healing.

:esus sai$ in Mark 1+G1,;10; BAn$ these signs shall "ollo8 T#EM that belie6eH .n 1! na1e shall T#E* )ast out $e6ilsH the! shall s7eak 8ith ne8 tongues Cthat5s the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit 8ith the e6i$en)e o" s7eaking in other tonguesDH The! shall take u7 ser7entsH an$ i" the! $rink an! $ea$l! thing; it shall not hurt the1H T#E* shall la! han$s on the si)k; an$ the! shall re)o6er.B 'ra!er generall! is asking /o$ to $o so1ething. Noti)e in the abo6e s)ri7ture that :esus $i$ not tell us to 7ra!; but he tol$ us to $o the healing oursel6es b! the la!ing on o" han$s. -e $o anoint 8ith oil 8hen aske$; be)ause that 8ill also heal the si)k; but 8e 7ersonall! $o not "eel it is ne)essar! on)e !ou ha6e re)ei6e$ the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit; "or the 7o8er o" /o$ .N !ou 8ill "lo8 out o" !our han$s into the si)k bo$! or 1in$ an$ that 7o8er 8ill $o the healing. ." !ou ha6e not re)ei6e$ the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit; the en$ue1ent o" 7o8er; then !ou ha6e the authorit! o" the -or$ o" /o$ to AS@ /OD TO DO T#E -O9@ FO9 *O4; an$ he 8ill> /o$5s -or$ )an ne6er be li1ite$ to our hu1an un$erstan$ing; so there 1a! be 1an! other 8a!s /o$ uses the anointing 8ith oil in relation to healing the si)k. Other 1eanings than those . ha6e gi6en abo6e 1a! be re6eale$ to !ou. That5s great> Al8a!s $o 8hat /o$ lea$s !ou to $o; be)ause /o$ $oesn5t al8a!s $o it the 8a! 8e think it shoul$ be $one>

BBut /o$ hath )hosen the "oolish things o" the 8orl$ to )on"oun$ the 8iseH an$ /o$ hath )hosen the 8eak things o" the 8orl$ to )on"oun$ the things 8hi)h are 1ight!B C. Cor. 1G2,D. Fran)es lo6es to tell about a healing 8here /o$ $i$ see1 to use a "oolish thing to 7er"or1 a 1ight! 1ira)le. .n a s1all to8n in Louisiana; so1e la$ies )alle$ "or 7ra!er "or a "rien$ 8ho ha$ )an)er. The! ha$ been rea$ing in :a1es that the el$ers shoul$ anoint 8ith oil an$ 7ra! 8ith "aith "or healing; so the! $e)i$e$ to obe! /o$5s -or$. The 7astor 8as out o" his o""i)e at the ti1e; an$ there 8ere no el$ers a6ailable either. The! $e)i$e$ the! shoul$ $o so1ething; an$ sin)e there 8as no one else 7resent; the! "elt that ought to 1ake the1 el$ers. The! sto77e$ b! the gro)er! store on the 8a! to 7ra!; an$ bought a gallon o" )ooking oil. The la$! 8as in be$; an$ be)ause the Bible $i$n5t gi6e the e=a)t a1ount o" oil to use 8hen 7ra!ing "or the si)k; T#E* 'O49ED T#E -#OLE /ALLON OF O.L ALL OVE9 T#E 'OO9 -OMAN 8hile the! 8ere 7ra!ing the 7ra!er o" "aith> But /o$ honore$ their "aith; an$ totall! heale$ the 8o1an o" )an)er> /lor!> -e )ertainl! $on5t re)o11en$ a 8hole gallon o" oil; but it )ertainl! brought results in this )ase. ." !ou are su))ee$ing in getting the si)k heale$ or $eli6ere$ another 8a! than 8hat 8e re)o11en$; 7raise /o$; $on5t slo8 $o8n or )hange < kee7 $oing 8hat /o$ has le$ !ou to $o> #o8e6er; i" !ou are not

getting the1 all heale$; tr! so1e o" our 8a!s an$ see i" the! 8on5t 8ork "or !ou; too> AND DON5T FO9/ET & /OD .S SOVE9E./N>

C#A'TE9 13 #EAL.N/ T#9O4/# .NTE9CESSO9* '9A*E9

By Frances Do !ou re1e1ber the stor! in Matthe8 0; about the Centurion 8ho sai$ to :esus; BS7eak the 8or$ onl!; an$ 1! ser6ant shall be heale$FB 'eo7le are heale$ the sa1e 8a! to$a!> A "rien$ or a relati6e stan$s in a 7ra!er line "or so1eone 7ossibl! thousan$s o" 1iles a8a!; an$ the! are heale$ b! the 7o8er o" /o$; be)ause /o$ is o1ni7resent. .t is "as)inating to realiAe that /o$ )an be e6er!8here at e=a)tl! the sa1e ti1e> So1e !ears ago; . 8as in6ite$ to a non&)haris1ati) )hur)h near #ouston. At the en$ o" the ser6i)e; . began to share 8hat /o$ is $oing in the 8orl$ to$a!; as he 7ours out his S7irit on all "lesh> . tol$ the1 . sin)erel! belie6e that 8e are in the 6er! last ageH . $o not belie6e there 8ill be another generation be!on$ us < . belie6e :esus 8ill )o1e ba)k long be"ore this generation 7asses a8a!. So . began to share that this is 8h! . belie6e 8e see a greater out7ouring o" the S7irit o" /o$ no8 than 8e ha6e e6er seen in our entire li"e.

A"ter the 1eeting; a 8o1an )a1e u7 to 1e an$ sai$ she ha$ a "rien$ 8ho1 the $o)tors sai$ 8as $!ing. She 8as in intensi6e )are; in a hos7ital 1iles a8a!. She sai$; BDo !ou belie6e /o$ 8oul$ heal herFB . tol$ her that all . kno8 is 8hat the Bible sa!s; an$ it sa!s that :esus tol$ the Centurion; B 5/o th! 8a!H an$ as thou hast belie6e$; so be it $one unto thee.5 An$ his ser6ant 8as heale$ that sel"sa1e hourB CMatt. 0G1 D. . thought to 1!sel"; B-hat $o . ha6e to loseFB -hen . la! han$s on a si)k 7erson; . $o not ha6e an!thing to lose regar$less o" 8hether the! get heale$ or not; be)ause the Bible tells 1e to be $ea$ to sel". -hen !ou are $ea$ to sel"; !ou )annot 8orr! about !our re7utation. No $ea$ 7erson e6er sat u7 in a )asket an$ )o17laine$; BBut 8hat about 1! re7utationFB . began to 7ra! "or this 8o1an5s "rien$. . sai$; BFather; . $on5t e6en kno8 8ho she is. . )ertainl! $on5t kno8 8hat her 7roble1 is. But; /o$; . ask !ou to $o the su7ernatural an$ go out an$ tou)h her an$ 1ake her e6er! 8hit 8hole "ro1 the to7 o" her hea$ to the ti7 o" her toes.B Then . sai$; BThank !ou.B Those 8or$s are t8o o" the 1ost i17ortant 8or$s !ou 8ill e6er sa!. -hen !ou sa!; BThank !ou; :esus;B $o !ou kno8 8hat !ou are $oingF *ou are sa!ing; B:esus; . belie6e that !ou $i$ it; so . a1 going to sa!; 5Thank !ou>5 B ." 8e 9EALL* belie6e that /o$ has hear$ our 7ra!er; then 8e are ungrate"ul i" 8e $o not sa! thank !ou> E6en i" !ou 7ra! "or a thousan$ 7eo7le in a 7ra!er

line; sa! thank !ou a"ter ea)h one. E6er! ti1e !ou sa! thank !ou; !ou are telling /o$ B. belie6e that it is $one; an$ . re)ei6e it as a )o17lete$ 1ira)le in :esus5 na1e.B A"ter . 7ra!e$ "or the 8o1an5s "rien$; . sai$; BThank !ou; :esus;B but then . $i$ so1ething . ha$ ne6er $one 7re6iousl!. . looke$ at 1! 8at)h; an$ sai$; B.t is 11G ,.B . $i$n5t kno8 at the ti1e 8h! . sai$ it; but . $o to$a!> .n a hos7ital 1iles a8a!; so1ething else ha77ene$ at e=a)tl! 11G ,. :esus Christ 8alke$ into a hos7ital roo1> A la$! in intensi6e )are 8ho 8as su77ose$ to be $!ing o" )an)er i11e$iatel! got out o" be$> She 6er! )are"ull! took all the nee$les out o" her ar1; $is)onne)te$ the o=!gen; 8alke$ out into the hos7ital )orri$or an$ 8ent to the hea$ nurse> The sho)ke$ nurse sai$; B-hat ha77ene$ to !ouFB The 8o1an sai$; B:esus Christ 7ersonall! )a1e into 1! roo1 at 11G , an$ sai$; 5Shirle!; get out o" be$. *ou are heale$.5B The nurse sai$; BDi$ !ou ha6e a 6isionFB Shirle! sai$; BNo; :esus Christ 7ersonall! 8alke$ into 1! roo1>B -hat a lo6ing Father 8e ha6e> /o$5s su7ernatural 7o8er ha$ tou)he$ her the 6er! instant . 7ra!e$; an$

)on"ir1e$ it b! telling 1e to look at 1! 8at)h; so 8e 8oul$ kno8 that :esus 8ent into a)tion in ans8er to 7ra!er that sa1e instant in a hos7ital 1iles a8a!> So1eti1es 8e 1a! "eel it is easier to 7ra! "or so1eone 8hen 8e )an la! han$s on the1; an$ see the1; but start 7ra!ing 1ore 7ra!ers o" inter)ession "or 7eo7le at $istan)es; an$ 8at)h the 1ira)les /o$ begins to $o. Make a list right no8 an$ get bus! 7ra!ing>

C#A'TE9 11 #EAL.N/ T#9O4/# 4SE OF '9A*E9 CLOT#S

By Frances 'ra!er )loths are another instru1ent use$ to heal the si)k. So "ar as . kno8; the Bible onl! 1entions the1 on)e; but /o$ reall! shoul$n5t ha6e to tell us an! 1ore than that; be)ause i" it ha77ene$ on)e in the Bible; it )an ha77en again to$a!> A)ts 12G11;12 tells us that B/o$ 8rought s7e)ial 1ira)les b! the han$s o" 'aulG so that "ro1 his bo$! 8ere brought unto the si)k han$ker)hie"s or a7rons; an$ the $iseases $e7arte$ "ro1 the1; an$ the e6il s7irits 8ent out o" the1.B -e o"ten sen$ 7ra!er )loths "ro1 our o""i)e to 7eo7le 8ho 8rite an$ sa!; B. belie6e that i" !ou 7ra! o6er this han$ker)hie" Cor sen$ 1e a 7ra!er )lothD; . 8ill be heale$.B .t is $i""i)ult "or the natural 1in$ to un$erstan$; but there is 'O-E9 in a 7ie)e o" )loth 8hen the anointing o" /o$ rests on it> Tre1en$ous unli1ite$ $i6ine 7o8er )an be )ontaine$ in an!thing; so 8hen so1eone reEuests a 7ra!er )loth; 8e sen$ the1 a little 7ie)e o" 7ol!ester about t8o in)hes b! t8o

in)hes. This 8oul$ 1ean nothing; e=)e7t be"ore 8e 1ail it out; 8e la! han$s on it; 7ra! o6er it; an$ belie6e /o$ "or a 1ira)le> Be)ause 8e BEL.EVE those little 7ie)es o" )loth are anointe$; 1an! 7eo7le ha6e been heale$ 8hen 8e ha6e sent the1 out> One o" the 1ost e=)iting in)i$ents starte$ 8hen 8e re)ei6e$ a letter "ro1 a gran$1other in Fails8orth; Englan$. She ha$ hear$ about our healing 1inistr! an$ 8rote us a letter. .n it; she tol$ us about her gran$bab! 8ho ha$ been born 8ith a )ongenital hi7 $e"e)t; 7lus a huge 8aterhea$ Ch!$ro)e7halusD. A 8aterhea$ bab! rarel! li6es 6er! long be)ause that is a 6er! serious 1al"or1ation o" the bo$!; stri)tl! "ro1 the $e6il; an$ )ertainl! not gi6en b! /o$. B." !ou )an5t )o1e to Englan$;B she 8rote; B-oul$ !ou 7lease sen$ 1e a little 7ra!er )lothFB Englan$ is a long 8a! "ro1 #ouston; Te=as; so 8e an$ our entire o""i)e sta"" lai$ han$s on a little 7ie)e o" )loth. -e aske$ /o$ to let his healing 7o8er go into it; an$ along 8ith it; so that 8hen it 8as lai$ on the bab!; resurre)tion 7o8er 8oul$ go "ro1 the )loth into the bab!5s bo$!; an$ the bab! 8oul$ be totall! heale$ b! the 7o8er o" /o$> -e belie6e$ 8ith su7ernatural "aith as 8e 7ra!e$ o6er that little 7ie)e o" )loth an$ sent it on its $i6ine roa$. The bab! 8as aslee7 8hen it arri6e$; so the

gran$1other took the little 7ie)e o" )loth; rolle$ it u7 an$ stu)k it insi$e the bab!5s han$. That 8as her 7oint o" )onta)t> /ran$1a 8rote an$ tol$ us that the 6er! se)on$ that little 7ra!er )loth tou)he$ the insi$e o" the bab!5s "ist; the 8aterhea$ instantl! re$u)e$ to nor1al siAe. T#AT BAB* -AS NO LON/E9 A -ATE9#EAD. The )hil$ 8as totall! an$ instantl! su7ernaturall! heale$ b! the 7o8er o" /o$> Our letter to that English gran$1other ha$ to go all the 8a! a)ross the Atlanti) O)ean. E6en though it 8as ?ust in a 7a7er en6elo7e; the anointing o" /o$ sta!e$ on the 7ra!er )loth as it 8ent "ro1 #ouston; 7robabl! to Ne8 *ork; an$ then "ro1 Ne8 *ork to Lon$on an$ then on another kin$ o" )arrier "ro1 Lon$on to Fails8orth; Englan$. T#E 'O-E9 OF /OD -AS ST.LL T#E9E> 'robabl! a 8eek or ten $a!s ela7se$ bet8een the ti1e it 8as 7ra!e$ o6er an$ the ti1e it 8as 7ut in the han$ o" that )hil$; but the 7o8er ha$ not $i1inishe$> That 7o8er 8as as strong as 8hen 8e 7ra!e$; an$ so 8as the re)e7ti6e "aith o" the gran$1other> T8o 8eeks later the! took this )hil$ ba)k to the )lini) 8here it ha$ been 7re6iousl! treate$; an$ 8hen the $o)tor J&ra!e$ the bab!5s hi7s; he "oun$ t8o 7er"e)t hi7 so)kets. The )hil$ ha$ been born 8ithout an! hi7 so)kets at all; an$ no8 it ha$ t8o> The gran$1other relate$ that the $o)tor at the )lini) sai$; BThis is not the sa1e bab! 8e ha6e been treating. The 1e$i)al

re)or$s sho8 that the )hil$ has no hi7 so)kets. The 1e$i)al re)or$s sho8 that the )hil$ has a 8aterhea$. -hat $i$ !ou bring this one "orF This one has no 8aterhea$ an$ has t8o hi7 so)kets.B #allelu?ah> 'ra!er )loths )an also be use$ "or other things besi$e healing> -hile . 8as tea)hing about 7ra!er )loths at the Cit! o" Light S)hool o" Ministr!; one o" our stu$ents stoo$ an$ aske$ to share 7art o" her testi1on!. BThree !ears ago;B she sai$; B!ou ga6e 1e a 7ra!er )loth. *ou tol$ 1e to go ho1e; 7ut the 7ra!er )loth un$er 1! husban$5s 7illo8; an$ belie6e that he 8oul$ be sa6e$ be"ore the en$ o" the !ear.B B. 7ut the 7ra!er )loth un$er 1! husban$5s 7illo8 in :anuar!; an$ he 8as sa6e$ in No6e1ber o" that sa1e !ear.B BBe"ore that ti1e; . ha$n5t 8ante$ an!thing to $o 8ith 7ra!er )loths; be)ause . use$ to get letters "ro1 )ertain 1inistries sa!ing that the! 8oul$ sen$ 1e a 7ra!er )loth i" . 8oul$ sen$ the1 an o""ering.B BThat $a! . realiAe$ it 8as not a 7ie)e o" )loth that 8oul$ sa6e 1! husban$; but the anointing o" the #ol! S7irit. 'raise /o$; !ester$a! 8as the thir$ anni6ersar! o" his sal6ation; an$ he stoo$ in our )hur)h to testi"!.B '9A*E9 CLOT#S -O9@>

." !ou ha6e the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit; la! !our han$s on so1e little )loths; an$ start 7utting the1 8here the! are nee$e$> Man!; 1an! husban$s ha6e been sa6e$ through a 7ra!er )loth un$er their 1attress> 'eo7le ha6e 8ritten to us 8ho ha6e glue$ the1 un$er the seats o" tea)hers in s)hools; an$ the! insist this is 8hat has brought about the sal6ation o" the tea)her> . ne6er hear$ an!one talk o" 7utting the1 un$er stu$ents5 )hairs; but it 1ight be a goo$ i$ea> Also; 7lease re1e1ber that !ou $o not nee$ to ha6e so1e big e6angelist la! han$s on a 7ra!er )loth. *O4 #AVE EJACTL* T#E SAME 'O-E9 OF /OD. That is 8h! 8e are so e=)ite$ about this book. -e )an har$l! 8ait to see 8hat is going to ha77en as a result o" 8hat !ou5re rea$ing right no8> /et bus!>

C#A'TE9 12 OT#E9 -A*S TO #EAL T#E S.C@

By Frances Faith in Action One o" the 1ost i17ortant things 8e nee$ to re1e1ber at all ti1es is that /o$ $oes 8ant to heal us. O6er an$ o6er again in his -or$; he tells us about his healing 7o8er; an$ he 8ants us to a77ro7riate it "or to$a!. Matthe8 12G13;1 is an i17ortant s)ri7ture be)ause it talks about "aith in a)tion; 8hi)h is one o" the 1ost i17ortant 8a!s to bring about a healing. BAn$ behol$; there 8as a 1an 8hi)h ha$ his han$ 8ithere$ ... Then saith he to the 1an; Stret)h "orth thine han$. An$ he stret)he$ it "orthH an$ it 8as restore$ 8hole; like as the other.B That 8as FA.T# .N ACT.ON. :esus ga6e hi1 a s7e)i"i) task to $o. #e 8as 7robabl! sitting there 8ith an un$ersiAe$; $e"or1e$ little han$ an$ he )oul$ ha6e sai$; B:esus; . 8as born 8ith a 8ithere$ han$. Can5t !ou see . )an5t stret)h it outFB But he $i$n5t. #e $i$ e=a)tl! 8hat :esus tol$ hi1 to $o. As he )o17lete$ his "aith in a)tion; that ar1 8as totall! 1a$e 8hole> That sa1e stor! is tol$ in Mark G13&1( an$ Luke +G+&

13. E=a)tl! the sa1e stor!; but 8ith the $i""erent 7ers7e)ti6es o" ea)h o" the three 8riters. /o$ )oul$ ha6e e$ite$ the Bible an$ taken out an!thing he 8ante$ to take out; but he re7eate$ it so !ou 8oul$ belie6e those stories 8ere a)tuall! true. *ou 8ill note that there are so1e s)ri7tures in this book that 8e ha6e use$ o6er an$ o6er again so the! 8ill sti)k in !our 1in$ an$ !ou 8ill re1e1ber the1> B-hen he ha$ thus s7oken; Che ha$ ?ust "inishe$ telling the1 that he 8as the light o" the 8orl$D he s7at on the groun$; an$ 1a$e )la! o" the s7ittle; an$ he anointe$ the e!es o" the blin$ 1an 8ith the )la!; An$ sai$ unto hi1; /o; 8ash in the 7ool o" Siloa1; C8hi)h is b! inter7retation; Sent.D #e 8ent his 8a! there"ore; an$ 8ashe$; an$ )a1e seeingB C:ohn 2G+;,D. -hen $i$ the 1ira)le o))urF Di$ the 1ira)le o))ur 8hen :esus s7itF Di$ the 1ira)le o))ur 8hen :esus 1a$e the 1u$ 7ieF Or $i$ it o))ur 8hen the 1an 7ut his "aith into a)tionF -hen $i$ it o))urF -#EN #E '4T #.S FA.T# .NTO ACT.ON. :esus )oul$ ha6e s7it all o6er the 7la)e. :esus )oul$ ha6e 1a$e 1u$ 7ies "ro1 here to there; an$ he )oul$ ha6e 7ut the1 on the e!es o" e6er! 7erson there; but . $oubt that an!bo$! 8oul$ ha6e been heale$; until the! obe!e$ the )o11an$; B/o; 8ash in the 7ool o" Siloa1.B That 8oul$ be a ri$i)ulous )o11an$; be)ause the

1an 8as blin$. #o8 )oul$ he "in$ his 8a! $o8n to the 7ool o" Siloa1F #e ha$ been there lots o" ti1es; but not 8ithout hel7. /o$ )an al8a!s $o the su7ernatural. #e )an take a blin$ 1an right through e6er! street 8ithout getting hi1 run o6er. The blin$ 1an )oul$ ha6e sai$; B.t is a long 8a! to Siloa1. *ou )an ?ust tou)h 1e an$ . 8ill be heale$.B #e )oul$ ha6e sai$; B. $on5t kno8 ho8 to get there. . ne6er hear$ o" the 7la)e.B Or he )oul$ ha6e sai$; B. $on5t like the s1ell o" the 8ater $o8n there. S1ells like sul7hur>B #e )oul$ ha6e use$ all kin$s o" e=)uses; but 8hen he obe!e$ the )o11an$; 8ent $o8n an$ 8ashe$ the )la! o"" his e!es; he 8as heale$ b! the 7o8er o" /o$; be)ause he ha$ 7ut his "aith into a)tion. -e ha6e tol$ !ou stories all the 8a! through this book about 6arious 7eo7le 8ho 8ere heale$ be)ause the! 7ut their "aith into a)tion. The stor! o" Naa1an as tol$ in .. @ings (G1&1( is an e=)iting stor! o" "aith in a)tion. The Bible sa!s that Naa1an 8as a great 1an an$ honorable; an$ a 1ight! 1an o" 6alour; but he 8as a le7er. The $e6il 8ill atta)k an!bo$!. #e $oes not atta)k ?ust a 7oor nobo$! all the ti1e. #e goes to the to7 rank an$ hits the general an$ the 7ri6ates all the 8a! $o8n the line. There 8as a little ser6ant girl there 8ho1 /o$ use$ in this great 1an5s li"e. Most 7eo7le 8oul$ ha6e

thought a little ser6ant girl 8as at the botto1 o" the barrel; but she tol$ Naa1an ho8 he )oul$ be heale$. The 7erson 8ho ha$ the lo8est 7osition in the house 8as the one 8ho1 /o$ instru)te$. As 8e ha6e sai$ o6er an$ o6er; /o$ is no res7e)ter o" 7ersons. #e $oes not )are 8ho !ou are. #e ?ust )ares 8hether or not !ou are a6ailable an$ 8illing to $o 8hat he tells !ou to $o. Naa1an took along a lot o" sil6er an$ gol$ be)ause he 8as going to tr! an$ bu! his healing; but !ou )annot bu! a healing "ro1 /o$. /o$5s healing is absolutel! "ree. The 7ri)e 8as 7ai$ 2;333 !ears ago 8hen :esus $ie$ on the )ross> . ha6e a "eeling that 8hen Naa1an got to the $oor; he thought Elisha 8oul$ )o1e out an$ bo8 $o8n an$ sa!; B#ello; Mr. Bigshot. . a1 so gla$ !ou are here to$a!. . res7e)t the "a)t that !ou are a great 1an an$ a big general; an$ !ou ha6e a lot o" 1one! an$ a lot o" )hariots>B Elisha $i$n5t e6en )o1e out to greet hi1> Elisha 8as not being i17olite. . belie6e /o$ 8as tea)hing a lesson to Naa1an; be)ause Elisha sent a 1essenger an$ tol$ hi1 to go 8ash in the :or$an se6en ti1es an$ that he 8oul$ be 1a$e 8hole. Naa1an ha$ a big $e)ision to 1ake here. The :or$an 9i6er 8as not nearl! as ni)e as the ri6er that Naa1an ha$ in his o8n ba)k!ar$. -hat 8oul$ !ou think i" !ou ha$ gone 8ith !our best out"it on; !our 6er! best )lothes; the 6er! best o"

e6er!thing !ou ha$; an$ this 7ro7het 1erel! tells !ou to go $o8n to that 1u$$! ri6er an$ ?u17 in se6en ti1es. Not onl! one ti1e; but SEVEN T.MES> *ou 1ight ha6e rea)te$ e=a)tl! as Naa1an $i$> #e 8as 1a$> But 7raise the Lor$ "or the "a)t that Naa1an ha$ so1e s1art 7eo7le 8orking un$er hi1; an$ the! 8ent on to re1in$ hi1 that i" Elisha ha$ tol$ hi1 to $o so1e great thing he 8oul$ ha6e $one it. But Elisha ha$ aske$ hi1 to $o so1ething that 8as beneath his $ignit!> A lot o" 7eo7le ha6e the sa1e 7roble1; but Naa1an listene$ to his "rien$s an$ 8ent $o8n an$ $i77e$ hi1sel" se6en ti1es in the :or$an 8ith all o" his goo$ )lothes on. Can !ou i1agine the )leaning bill he ha$ 8hen he )a1e out o" that 1u$$! ri6erF But he 8as obe$ient. #allelu?ah; Naa1an $i77e$ hi1sel" not one ti1e; not t8o ti1es; not three ti1es; not "our ti1es; not "i6e ti1es; not si= ti1es; but se6en ti1es. *ES> There is that 7er"e)t nu1ber o" /o$> ." Naa1an ha$ ne6er $one a thing; he 8oul$ ha6e $ie$ a le7er; but be)ause he 8as 8illing to be obe$ient; he 8as 8illing to hu1ble hi1sel" an$ go $o8n there an$ $i7 hi1sel" in the 1u$$! 8ater; he 8as heale$ b! the 7o8er o" /o$> #e 7ut FA.T# .NTO ACT.ON> Faith is so1ething !ou 1ust 7ut into a)tion. .t is not a stationar! thing. There is no neutral in "aith. *ou are either going u7 or !ou are going $o8n. *our "aith 8ill ne6er sta! on the sa1e le6el. *ou get into the

-or$ o" /o$ e6er! $a!; an$ 8hat ha77ens to !our "aithF .t begins to go Bu7; an$ u7; an$ u7>B *ou sta! out o" the -or$ o" /o$ an$ 8hat ha77ens to !our "aithF .t begins to go B$o8n; an$ $o8n; an$ $o8n>B That is 8h! !ou 1ust 7ut !our "aith into a)tion. *ou 1ust rea$ !our Bible> Di$ !ou kno8 that Bible rea$ing is an Ba)t o" a)tionFB .t takes sta1ina; an$ it takes $is)i7line to get into the -or$ o" /o$ an$ rea$ the Bible; so 8e nee$ to kee7 our "aith in a)tion at all ti1es. ." !ou ne6er 8ent out an$ 7ut !our "aith in a)tion; an$ !ou ne6er 8ent out an$ 7ut this tea)hing in a)tion; $o !ou kno8 ho8 1u)h !ou 8oul$ a))o17lishF NOT#.N/; ABSOL4TEL* NOT#.N/> -hat 8ill ha77en 8hen !ou $oF EVE9*T#.N/; EVE9*T#.N/; EVE9*T#.N/> Under the Power So1e o" our greatest healings ha6e o))urre$ 8hile 7eo7le ha6e been slain b! the S7irit o" /o$> One in 7arti)ular that reall! thrills our hearts o))urre$ se6en !ears ago. A !oung la$! ha$ been brought to our 1eeting "ro1 an insane as!lu1. She ha$ been hea6il! se$ate$; but her 1other ha$ "aith to belie6e that i" 8e lai$ han$s on her she 8oul$ be heale$> She kne8 nothing about the 1eeting. She 8as so $rugge$; her 1in$ )oul$ not )o17rehen$ an!thing that 8as going on; but at the en$ o" the ser6i)e; the 1other brought her "or8ar$; an$ 8e lai$ han$s on

her. She "ell un$er the 7o8er o" /o$; an$ 8e ne6er sa8 her again until se6en !ears later. She tol$ her stor! like thisG B. $on5t re1e1ber a single thing about the 1eeting. . $on5t e6en re1e1ber being there. All . re1e1ber is 8aking u7 8hile l!ing on the "loor an$ seeing :esus 8ith his han$s outstret)he$ to 1e. .n that instant . 8as sa6e$; an$ then . began to s7eak in tongues; so1ething . kne8 nothing about> M! 1in$ 8as )o17letel! )lear an$ . ha6e ha$ no 7roble1s sin)e that ti1e 8hen . 8as slain b! the S7irit o" /o$; an$ a 1ira)le ha77ene$ in 1! li"e>B Sa6e$; ba7tiAe$ an$ heale$ all at one ti1e> /lor!> A"ter a 1eeting one night; a 7resi$ent o" the Full /os7el Business1en5s Fello8shi7 8as taking us to the 1otel 8hen his 8i"e sai$; B. got so in6ol6e$ in the ser6i)e tonight . "orgot to go u7 "or healing "or 1!sel".B Charles sai$; B-hat $o !ou nee$ :esus to $oFB She sai$; B. ha6e a s7inal bi"i$a )au$al 8hi)h has )ause$ 1e to ha6e 7ain all 1! li"e. As a 1atter o" "a)t; 1! 1other use$ to 8ra7 1e in a blanket an$ 7ut 1e in the o6en to tr! to alle6iate the intense 7ain.B Charles sai$; BAs soon as 8e get to the 1otel; 8e 8ill la! han$s on !ou.B

An$ that5s e=a)tl! 8hat 8e $i$; right in the lobb! o" the 1otel> She "ell un$er the 7o8er; an$ 8hile she 8as there; her bo$! 1o6e$ aroun$ on the "loor; an$ she sai$; B. "eel like so1ething is ha77ening insi$e o" 1e>B -hen she got u7 o"" the "loor; she sai$; BThe 7ain is gone; it5s ALL gone>B She sai$ she ha$ "elt like so1ething 8as being a$$e$ to her bo$! an$ hooke$ u7 8hile she 8as on the "loor> -e ha6e hear$ "ro1 her sin)e then an$ she is still on a )lou$ be)ause o" ho8 /o$ heale$ her 8hen she 8as un$er the 7o8er> T#E9E .S 'O-E9 4NDE9 T#E 'O-E9> Barren o!en

. ha6e that s7e)ial B"aith 8ithout a $oubtB 8hen so1eone is barren or in)a7able o" 7ro$u)ing a bab!. . lo6e to 1inister in this area; an$ there are little B#unter babiesB all aroun$ the 8orl$> . use t8o s)ri7tures; 'sal1 11 G2; B#e 1aketh the barren 8o1an to kee7 house; an$ to be a ?o!"ul 1other o" )hil$ren;B an$ E=o$us 2 G2+G BThere shall nothing )ast their !oung; nor be barren; in th! lan$G the nu1ber o" th! $a!s . 8ill "ul"ill.B Our "iles are "ull o" 8on$er"ul 1ira)les about barren )ou7les 8ho ha6e )on)ei6e$ an$ brought "orth health! )hil$ren e6en a"ter !ears o" in"ertilit!. Most o" the ti1e these )ou7les are slain b! the #ol! S7irit; an$ this is 8hen the healing takes 7la)e. /lor!>

By Charles Stro"e# A 1an ha$ been 7aral!Ae$ $o8n his right si$e "or three !earsH his leg 8as as sti"" as a boar$ an$ he )oul$ not ben$ his knee at allH his right ar1 8as totall! in)a7able o" 1o6ing an$ ha$ been $ra8n u7 against his 8aist 8ith the "ist so tightl! )lose$ that his han$ 8as 8hite "ro1 la)k o" )ir)ulation. As . starte$ to 1inister to hi1; the S7irit o" /o$ $es)en$e$ on 1e so 1ightil! that it 8as like a 8ar1 energ! "lo8ing through e6er! )ell o" 1! hea$ an$ shoul$ers; then /o$ s7oke three silent but $istin)t 8or$s into 1! brainG BS'.9.T OF DEAT#>B . $i$n5t un$erstan$ all that /o$ 1eant; but . kne8 it 8as /o$; an$ . kne8 that i" he sai$ it 8as a s7irit; . 8as to )ast the s7irit out. . also kne8 that :esus )alle$ s7irits b! 8hat the! $i$. -ithout taking ti1e to un$erstan$; . Eui)kl! boun$ Satan b! the 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit; an$ )o11an$e$ the Bs7irit o" $eathB to )o1e out in the na1e o" :esus> Then the B8or$ o" 8is$o1B began to o7erate; but . $i$n5t realiAe until later that /o$ 8as s7eaking to 1e b! this su7ernatural gi"t o" the S7irit to sho8 1e ho8 to heal stroke 6i)ti1s. . began to 1inister in a 8a! that 8as si1ilar to thera7!. First . sai$; BSa!; 5:esus . lo6e !ou>5B

#e re7eate$ 1! 8or$s; but not )learl!. #is 8i"e 8as e=)ite$ about that be)ause 7re6iousl! he )oul$ not s7eak> Then . took his i11obile ar1 an$ began to ben$ it ba)k an$ "orth at the elbo8. .t 8as 6er! sti"" at "irst; but began to li1ber ea)h ti1e . bent it. .t 8as not "roAen in 7la)e. Soon it 8as "ree; an$ he )oul$ 1o6e it; slightl! at "irst; but "inall! nearl! nor1all!. . $i$ the sa1e thing 8ith his leg. Then . began o7ening his "ist an$ ben$ing his "ingers ba)k an$ "orth. -ithin about "i6e 1inutes; he 8as able to li"t his ar1 an$ 8alk ben$ing his leg 8ithout an! hel7. -ithin "our $a!s he ha$ al1ost )o17letel! re)o6ere$. At another 1eeting; 8e $is)o6ere$ the le"t si$e o" a 8o1an5s "a)e 8as $ea$ "ro1 a stroke. The s7irit o" $eath 8as )o11an$e$ to )o1e out; an$ . ha$ her 7at her "a)e 8ith her han$ "or about "i6e 1inutes. The "eeling totall! )a1e ba)k into her "a)e. . )oul$ na1e s)ores 8ho ha6e been heale$ in si1ilar 8a!s; an$ !et so1e see1 not to i17ro6e. . 7ersonall! belie6e that the en6iron1ent into 8hi)h the! return has a lot to $o 8ith their i17ro6e1ent. ." the "a1il! or "rien$s e=7ress no "aith an$ gi6e no en)ourage& 1ent or ai$; the! regress i" healing has starte$. ." the! are 8ith so1eone 8ho has strong "aith an$ en)ourages an$ 8orks 8ith the1; . belie6e

tre1en$ous results 8ill o))ur. *ou )an heal stroke 6i)ti1s the sa1e 8a! . $o> Be 7atient an$ lo6ing 8ith the1 as !ou 1inister; but $o not s!17athiAe; be)ause s!17ath! is one o" the biggest killers in stroke )ases> . aske$ a S7irit&"ille$ 1e$i)al $o)tor 8hat ha77ens 8hen a 7erson has a stroke. #e sai$ usuall! the! ha6e a bloo$ )lot in a 6essel; or a ru7ture o" the 6essel; 8hi)h kee7s the o=!gen an$ "oo$ su77l! "ro1 going into a 7ortion o" the brain. As a result; the brain )ells be)o1e $or1ant or $ie. Thera7! 8ill so1eti1es bring a $or1ant )ell ba)k to a)ti6it!. -hat . belie6e no8 is that 8hen a Bs7irit o" $eathB is )ast out; the s7irit 8hi)h brought about the )lot lea6es an$ the "lo8 o" bloo$ to the )ells restores a)ti6it!. All !ou ha6e to $o is a77l! "aith an$ thera7! to re&e$u)ate the )o11uni)ation bet8een the brain an$ the 7aral!Ae$ 7ortion o" the bo$!. B! ben$ing the ar1; leg; an$ "ingers; as 8ell as using the tongue in s7eaking; the brain begins sen$ing signals an$ the li1bs res7on$. There is reall! nothing 8rong 8ith the ar1 or leg; but sin)e the brain )ell )annot sen$ signals; the ar1 or leg Euits "un)tioning. ." !ou are a $o)tor or nurse an$ this isn5t $es)ribe$ Euite right te)hni)all!; !ou )an still get the i$ea. Be )are"ul as !ou ben$ a li1b; be)ause i" the 7eo7le

are not heale$ !ou )oul$ hurt the1. Stroke 6i)ti1s o"ten )r! 8hen !ou talk 8ith the1. -hen !ou ben$ a li1b; it 1a! hurt; or the! 1a! a)t like it hurts. This reEuires e=tre1e sensiti6it! to the #ol! S7irit> . generall! tell stroke 6i)ti1s that . a1 going to )ast a s7irit o" 7ain out an$ that it 8ill not hurt the ne=t ti1e . ben$ it. So1eti1es . si17l! rebuke the 7ain i" . "eel it is not a s7irit. Al1ost al8a!s the 7ain lea6es the1. Ha$ Fe%er & Sin'# /o$ heale$ 1e o" ha! "e6er in 12,3; a"ter 1ore than thirt!&"i6e !ears o" su""ering. This he $i$ su7ernaturall!; but "ro1 ti1e to ti1e . ha$ a 7roble1 8ith sinus. So1e8here $uring the !ear o" 12,,; it be)a1e so se6ere . ha$ to take three 7ills a $a! 7lus a shot about e6er! three or "our 8eeks to kill the in"e)tion. Finall!; a"ter about a !ear o" this 8ith both o" us 7ra!ing night an$ $a! "or healing . sai$; B/o$; 7lease sho8 1e ho8 to get ri$ o" this>B Shortl! a"ter this 8e 8ere in the ho1e o" a 1e$i)al $o)tor in Flori$a eating lun)h; 8hen the $o)tor5s 8i"e sai$; B.51 sorr! . $on5t ha6e an! )o""ee or tea to gi6e !ou; but 8e all ha$ su)h se6ere sinus 7roble1s; 8e all Euit $rinking )o""ee an$ tea an$ starte$ $rinking a lot o" ?ui)es; an$ sinus le"t the entire "a1il! 8ithin three or "our 8eeks.B . sai$; BThank !ou; :esus>B

. Euit $rinking )o""ee an$ tea an$ starte$ $rinking all the orange an$ a77le ?ui)e 1! s!ste1 8oul$ take; an$ 8ithin a "e8 8eeks the sinus 7roble1 8as heale$> A singer "rien$ o" ours 8ent to a $o)tor "or a 7res)ri7tion "or a sinus in"e)tion. The $o)tor ga6e hi1 a sli7 an$ 8hen he looke$ at 8hat the $o)tor 8rote; he sai$; BBut $o)tor; . 8ant so1ething to $r! this stu"" u7>B The $o)tor ha$ 7res)ribe$ "ourteen glasses o" 8ater $ail!> #e took the 7res)ri7tion an$ it 8orke$> All healing )o1es "ro1 /o$ 8hether it5s un$er the hea$ing o" 7re6enti6e 1e$i)ine or )o11on sense> The healings in this 7arti)ular area see1 to be relate$ to 7ossibl! 7lain ol$ )o11on sense> Ma## Hea(in)# Ba)ks; ne)ks an$ knees are three areas o" the bo$! 8ith 8hi)h a lot o" 7eo7le ha6e 7roble1s. -hen 8e "eel the S7irit lea$ing us to 1inister in grou7s; 8e )all e6er!one "or8ar$ 8ho has a 7roble1 in 8hate6er area the S7irit has re6eale$ to us 8ill be heale$ at that ti1e. -e line the1 u7 shoul$er to shoul$er an$ then gi6e a 8or$ o" e=7lanation as to 8hat is going to ha77en. -e use the 7rin)i7le o" la!ing han$s on the si)k; an$ "aith in a)tion. -e tell the1 8e are going to la! han$s on their ne)ks Cor kneesD an$ as soon as 8e $o;

8e ask the1 to 1o6e their ne)ks 6igorousl! as soon as 8e ha6e tou)he$ the1. -e ha6e o"ten noti)e$ that the healing o))urs as soon as their "aith goes into a)tion; an$ 8e also noti)e that those 8ho $o not 1o6e their ne)ks $o not re)ei6e their healing> -e ha6e seen o6er one hun$re$ 7eo7le 8ith ne)k 7roble1s heale$ at one ti1e> The sa1e thing ha77ens to knees 8hen 7eo7le 7ut their "aith into a)tion> This )an ha77en in al1ost an! t!7e o" $isease. One night 8e sa8 1ore than t8o hun$re$ 7eo7le heale$ o" arthritis all at the sa1e ti1e. A soun$ )a1e o6er the au$itoriu1 like bones )ra)king; as the arthritis 8as heale$> Ba)k 7roble1s are in a $i""erent )ategor!; an$ 8e share about that in another )ha7ter. *ou 1a! not e6er 1inister to 1ore than one in$i6i$ual at a ti1e; but 8ho kno8s 8hat /o$ is going to $o in the near "uture in !our li"e < !ou 1a! be 1inistering to the 1asses; so !ou 8ill nee$ to kno8 ho8 to $o that; too> So!e Citie# to S'cce## -e ho7e 8e ha6e gi6en !ou so1e )lues as 8e share the $i""erent 8a!s to heal the si)k 8hi)h )an hel7 !ou as an in$i6i$ual 8ith a $esire to heal or be heale$> ." 8e aske$ the t!7i)al; a6erage Christian to 1inister

healing to an in$i6i$ual; the "irst thing he 8oul$ $o 8oul$ be to )lose his e!es as tightl! as he 7ossibl! )oul$. For so1e reason or other; 8e tr! to be Breligious;B or to i17ress /o$ in so1e 8a! 8ith ho8 su7er&s7iritual 8e are; so here are a "e8 little things to re1e1berG Being 7ious 8on5t heal the si)k> Being religious 8on5t heal the si)k> SEueeAing !our e!es shut 8on5t heal the si)k> Being a"rai$ to 1inister 8on5t heal the si)k> -e ha6en5t heale$ e6er!one that 8e56e 1inistere$ to; but 8e see 1ore an$ 1ore 7eo7le being heale$ all the ti1e; so get ri$ o" Bsel" so that !ou 8on5t 8orr! about 8hat 7eo7le think about !ou; an$ )o1e along an$ learn ho8 to heal the si)k; .N T#E NAME OF :ES4S> BE NAT49AL in 8hate6er !ou $o. Be 6er! natural. . ha6e a little Bs)ri7tureB 8ritten in the ba)k o" the Bible on the 8hite 7ages that sa!sG B@ee7 th! big 1outh shut 8hen . 7ra!>B The reason . sa! that is be)ause :esus tol$ us to be in one a))or$ an$ he sai$ i" t8o or 1ore o" us agree as tou)hing an!thing; it 8oul$ be $one "or us. ." . a1 1inistering healing to !ou; /o$ 1a! ha6e a s7e)ial 8or$ o" 8is$o1 or a 8or$ o" kno8le$ge that !ou nee$ to hear. But i" . a1 la!ing han$s on !ou; an$

!ou are sa!ing; BOh; :esus> Oh; :esus> Thank !ou; :esus> 'lease heal 1e; :esus>B !ou are not hearing a 8or$ . a1 sa!ing. *ou are not hearing the 6er! 8or$ that !ou nee$ to hear to be heale$> 'lus the hu1an 1in$ isn5t big enough to go in t8o )hannels at on)e. *O4 CANNOT T9ANSM.T AND 9ECE.VE AT T#E SAME T.ME. ." !ou are 7ra!ing an$ . a1 7ra!ing; ho8 )an !ou 7ossibl! agree 8ith 1e 8hen !ou $on5t kno8 8hat .51 sa!ingF An$ ho8 )an . 7ossibl! agree 8ith !ou 8hen . )an5t hear !ouF ." !ou 8ant to 7raise /o$ an$ lo6e /o$; $o it e6er! 8a! !ou )an> 'raise /o$ in !our nati6e language; 7ra! in tongues; )all on his na1e; s7eak the -or$; but 8hen !ou are being 1inistere$ to "or healing; ?ust kee7 !our ears tune$ in an$ Bkee7 th! big 1outh shut>B . ha6e a s7e)ial reason "or sa!ing this; be)ause 8e ha6e noti)e$ that 6er! "e8 7eo7le go un$er the 7o8er o" /o$ 8hen the! are talking or 7ra!ing in tongues as 8e la! han$s on the1. Neither $o the! get heale$> -e )ertainl! belie6e in 7raising an$ 8orshi7ing /o$; but it is not ti1el! 8hen !ou are $i6i$ing !our attention an$ not in )o17lete agree1ent> -e ha6e ha$ in$i6i$uals )o1e u7 an$ sa!; BThere5s a se6ere burning right in 1! han$s; right 8here the nail 8ent through :esus5 han$; an$ 8hen that burning )o1es in; . @NO- .56e got the healing 7o8er u7on 1e.B Let us al8a!s re1e1ber that :esus $i$n5t

tell us to 8at)h "or a burning sensation in our han$s; or an! s7e)ial kin$ o" "eeling; but he $i$ tell the belie6er to go out an$ la! han$s on the si)k an$ kno8 the! 8oul$ re)o6er> Don5t e6er $e7en$ on !our "eelings alone> There ha6e been 1an! ti1es 8hen 8e $i$ not B"eelB an! 7arti)ular anointing o" an! kin$; an$ !et 8e ha6e stoo$ on 8hat the -or$ o" /o$ sa!s; an$ not our "eelings; an$ great 1ira)les ha6e taken 7la)e. Looking "or "eelings instea$ o" healings )an rob !ou o" 8hat /o$ 8ants to $o through !ou. De6elo7 )o17assion; ho8e6er; an$ $on5t e6er be)o1e legalisti) or !ou5ll lea6e the lo6e o" /o$ out> Ask /o$ to gi6e !ou a s7e)ial lo6e "or those 8ho are si)k an$ hurting>


By Frances -hat $o !ou $o 8hen !ou ha6e $one e6er!thing !ou kno8 to $o to ha6e "aith to be heale$F -hat $o !ou $o 8hen it see1s that about e6er!one 8ho has e6er been use$ to heal the si)k has alrea$! 7ra!e$ "or !ou; an$ !ou5re still si)kF -hat $o !ou $o 8hen it see1s like all ho7e is gone an$ ti1e is running outF -hat 1ore )an !ou $o 8hen !ou ha6e see1ingl! alrea$! $one all that !ou kno8 to $oF -e ha6e seen the 7er)entage o" 7eo7le 8ho get heale$ in our ser6i)es in)rease $ra1ati)all! o6er the !ears. -e ha6e learne$ 1an! 8a!s to heal; an$ our "aith has in)rease$ 1ightil! be)ause 8e ha6e seen /o$5s 1ira)le 7o8er 8ork re7eate$l! as 8e ha6e use$ $i""erent 8a!s he has sho8n us to a77l! his healing 7o8er. *et; our kno8le$ge; un$erstan$ing; an$ $is)ern1ent; an$ our 7er"e)ting o" the o7eration o" the abilities gi6en through the #ol! S7irit ha6e not rea)he$ that o" :esus 8hen he 8as o7erating on this earth. -e urge those 8ho $on5t get heale$ 8hen 8e 1inister to the1 to ha6e others 1inister to the1

be)ause /o$ see1s to gi6e s7e)ial "aith to so1e "or a 7arti)ular healing; an$ to others "aith "or healing o" $i""erent si)knesses. ." 8e 1inister this !ear 8ithout su))ess; tr! us again the ne=t ti1e !ou see us be)ause /o$ 1a! ha6e a$$e$ ne8 "aith or ne8 8a!s to heal the si)k 8hi)h 8ill su))ee$ "or !ou. Man! !ears ago . $e6elo7e$ an ul)er on 1! leg $ue to 7hlebitis 8hi)h . a)Euire$ $uring 1! Bs1okingB $a!s. . ha6e been 7ra!e$ "or o6er an$ o6er b! the Bbest o" the1>B . ha6e Euote$ s)ri7tures an$ stoo$ on the -or$. Charles has )o11an$e$H . ha6e )o11an$e$. Charles has lai$ han$s on 1eH . ha6e lai$ han$s on 1!sel". 47on o))asion 8e ha$ 8hole )ongregations la! han$s on 1e "or healing; an$ nothing see1e$ to 8ork. -hen 8e "inishe$ the "inal tea)hing at the Cit! o" Light S)hool o" Ministr! on ho8 to heal the si)k; the $e6il reall! took a 8il$ "ling at 1! leg; an$ . )oul$n5t e6en stan$ u7> The 7ain in 1! leg 8as so intense . )oul$n5t stan$ it sitting u7; l!ing $o8n; or stan$ing u7> The in"e)tion ha$ s7rea$ to 1! entire leg; but in 1! s7irit . "elt )on$e1ne$ be)ause that healing 8oul$ not 1ani"est itsel"> . )alle$ :ohn Osteen; a belo6e$ brother in Christ; an$ tol$ hi1 the $o)tor 8ante$ 1e in the hos7ital i11e$iatel!. #e instantl! began to 7ra! an$ sai$; BFather; let her go to the hos7ital 8ith no )on$e1nation in her heart. -e kno8 that all healing )o1es "ro1 !ou; an$ 8e thank !ou that *O4 are the

one 8ho is going to )o17lete this healing; an$ 8e thank !ou in :esus5 na1e>B -ith no "eeling o" )on$e1nation; . i11e$iatel! 8ent to the hos7ital. A bone s7e)ialist )ut out the $isease$ tissue; an$ 1u)h to the sur7rise o" e6er!one; 1! leg heale$ in absolutel! re)or$ ti1e. The! ha$ a$6ise$ 1e that 1! sta! in the hos7ital 8oul$ be "or se6eral 8eeks. Charles ha$ a 8or$ o" kno8le$ge an$ tol$ the $o)tor that . 8oul$ be out in eight $a!s; an$ on the eighth $a! . )a1e out> As a result o" 1! 6isit; 1! hos7ital roo11ate a))e7te$ :esus; her husban$ an$ son got sa6e$; an$ the! all three 8ere "ille$ 8ith the #ol! S7irit E6en 1! $o)tor sai$; B/o$ has got to be in this>B #allelu?ah> So i" !ou56e trie$ an$ trie$ like . $i$; an$ nothing see1s to 8ork; go 8ithout )on$e1nation an$ seek 1e$i)al hel7> . $i$; an$ no8 1! leg is "ine>

C#A'TE9 1% BE.N/ SENS.T.VE TO T#E #OL* S'.9.T>

By Frances -e $on5t go through air7orts or $o8n the street looking "or 7eo7le to heal; be)ause 8e belie6e the #ol! S7irit 8ill $ra8 7eo7le to !ou 8ho1 he has alrea$! 7re7are$. -e si17l! 1inister healing 8hen 8e ha6e an o77ortunit!; 8hether it is to one in$i6i$ual or to 1ultitu$esH 8hether it is in a )hur)h or on the street. One ti1e 8e 8ere in the Atlanta air7ort; an$ as 8e 8ere 8alking to the gate; . sto77e$ in the la$ies5 rest& roo1. There 8as a la$! sitting there in a 8heel )hair; an$ the #ol! S7irit i17lante$ the thought into 1! 1in$ that . 8as to 1inister to her. . )ertainl! $o not $o this all the ti1eH . ?ust ha$ an i17ression that . shoul$ 7ra! "or her. Months later . re)ei6e$ a )li77ing "ro1 a ne8s7a7er sent to 1e b! a 8o1an 8ho kne8 us. 4n$er the hea$line o" SALL* :ONES #EALED B* 4N@NO-N -OMAN .N ATLANTA A.9'O9T; 8as an arti)le 8hi)h sai$ so1ething to this e""e)tG Sall! :ones; 8ho has been )ri77le$ "ro1 birth; 8ent into the rest&roo1 in Atlanta on a re)ent tri7. A 8o1an 8alke$ u7 to her

an$ sai$; BM! na1e is Fran)es #unter an$ .51 a Christian. Ma! . 7ra! "or !ouFB Sall! sai$; B.5ll take all the 7ra!er . )an get.B She relate$ that the 8o1an si17l! lai$ han$s on her an$ le"t the roo1. A"ter the 8o1an ha$ 8alke$ out the $oor; Sall! :ones sai$ she realiAe$ she 8as heale$; so she got u7 out o" the 8heel )hair to run an$ thank her; hut the 8o1an ha$ alrea$! $isa77eare$ into the )ro8$. Sall! has no i$ea 8ho the 8o1an 8as; other than her na1e> Be sensiti6e to the lea$ing o" the #ol! S7irit. Noti)e that . $i$ not ?ust go u7 an$ la! han$s on the 8o1an; but . intro$u)e$ 1!sel" an$ aske$ her i" . )oul$ 7ra!. Man! ti1es being sensiti6e to the #ol! S7irit )an also )o1e un$er the hea$ing o" the /.FT OF FA.T#; but 8e share these stories 8ith !ou to en)ourage !ou to listen "or e6en the s1allest little nu$ge "ro1 the #ol! S7irit. Se6eral !ears ago 8e 8ere in a 8estern to8n an$ 8ere stan$ing b! the book table; ?ust )asuall! talking to 7eo7le an$ "eeling the e=)ite1ent o" the 1eeting; 8hen a !oung 1an )a1e in )arr!ing a bo! 8ho looke$ about nine or ten !ears ol$. #e 8as also )arr!ing a 7air o" s1all )rut)hes. . aske$ the !oung 1an 8hat the 7roble1 8as 8ith the bo!. #e sai$; B9a! has a s7inal bi"i$a; an$ . trie$ to get his 7arents to bring hi1; but the! aren5t belie6ers; so . brought hi1 1!sel".B #e 8ent on to sa!; B#e has ne6er

8alke$ in his entire li"e; an$ . belie6e /o$ is going to heal hi1>B So1ething 8ithin 1! s7irit lea7e$> . sai$; B9a!; there 8ill be a ti1e $uring the ser6i)e tonight 8hen . 8ill )all out !our na1e. -hen . $o; . 8ant !ou to get u7 out o" !our seat an$ run to the "ront>B S7eaking those 8or$s in the natural )oul$ be a 7roble1; but the #ol! S7irit ha$ s7oken to 1e; an$ . 8as ?ust re7eating 8hat he ha$ sai$> . "orgot all about 9a! be)ause he 8as sitting so "ar ba)k . )oul$n5t see hi1; 8hen su$$enl! 7eo7le starte$ getting u7 out o" 8heel )hairs. . turne$ an$ looke$ "or 9a!; but sin)e . )oul$n5t see hi1; . sai$; B9a!; 8here6er !ou are; get u7 right no8 in the na1e o" :esus an$ 8alk>B 9a! ha$ been 8aiting all e6ening "or that )all> #ar$l! ha$ the 8or$s )o1e out o" 1! 1outh 8hen 9a! )a1e out o" 8hat see1e$ like no8here an$ )a1e running u7 to the "ront> Being sensiti6e to the #ol! S7irit; an$ being )on"i$ent o" the #ol! S7irit )an lea$ to e=)iting 1ira)les> A si1ilar in)i$ent o))urre$ in another )it! 8hen . sa8 a beauti"ul bla)k 8o1an being 7ushe$ into a 1eeting in a 8heel )hair. A nu$ge Cor sho6eD "ro1 the #ol! S7irit 7ro17te$ 1e to sa! to her; BDuring the ser6i)e to$a! . 8ill rea$ the 2 r$ 'sal1. -hen . get to the 7art 8here it sa!s; 5*ea; though . 8alk T#9O4/# the 6alle! o" the sha$o8 o" $eath; $on5t

!ou $are S.T there. . 8ant !ou to get u7 out o" that 8heel )hair an$ run as "ast as !ou )an aroun$ this )hur)h>B Little $i$ . realiAe 8hat the #ol! S7irit ha$ sai$> She ne6er took her e!es o"" o" 1e $uring the entire ser6i)e; but sat in that 8heel )hair 7oise$ an$ rea$! to go> To8ar$ the en$ o" the ser6i)e; . began to rea$ the 'sal1; an$ 8hen . got to the 7art about 8alking T#9O4/# the 6alle!; she $i$n5t sit there; she lea7e$ o6er the 7e$als o" the 8heel )hair an$ began shouting at the to7 o" her lungs as she ran aroun$ the )hur)h; out through the $oors; into the narthe=; an$ then $o8n another aisle an$ u7 another one> The onl! thing that "inall! sto77e$ her running an$ shouting 8as 8hen . 1et her in an aisle; tou)he$ her on the "orehea$; an$ she "ell un$er the 7o8er o" /o$; totall! heale$> She ne6er 8ent ba)k in her 8heel )hair again> -e sa8 her t8o !ears later; beauti"ull! health! be)ause . ha$ been sensiti6e to the #ol! S7irit; an$ she ha$ re)ei6e$ the gi"t o" "aith> *ou 1ight think it isn5t $igni"ie$ to run aroun$ a )hur)h s)rea1ing. . $on5t either; but i" !ou5$ been stu)k in a 8heel )hair "or !ears; ho8 8oul$ !ou rea)tF -e 8ere at a resort area one !ear an$ the last night o" a )rusa$e; "aith 8as reall! s7a8ne$ be)ause o" the 1ira)les that ha$ been ha77ening all 8eek; an$ the #ol! S7irit 6er! so"tl! 8his7ere$; BTell the1 that

tonight e6er!one in a 8heel )hair is going to get out an$ 8alk>B -hen . @NO- that .56e hear$ "ro1 the #ol! S7irit; . reall! get e=)ite$; so . share$ 8ith the au$ien)e in a$6an)e 8hat 8as going to ha77en. -hen the #ol! S7irit sai$; BNo8>B . si17l! sai$; B. 8ant e6er!one in 8heel )hairs to get u7 right no8 an$ 8alk to the "ront o" the au$itoriu1; in the na1e o" :esus>B The ne=t si=t! se)on$s 8ere 7robabl! the longest si=t! se)on$s o" 1! entire li"e; be)ause not one 7erson 1o6e$> Finall!; a"ter 8hat see1e$ to 1e an hour; although it 8as 7robabl! no longer than the si=t! se)on$s 1entione$; the 8o1an in the 8heel )hair )losest to the "ront; got u7 an$ began to 8alk to8ar$ the stage. She ha$ taken no 1ore than t8o or three ste7s; 8hen "aith be)a1e ali6e in the 7erson in the 8heel )hair behin$ her; an$ a 1an got u7 an$ began to 8alk> One b! one; one b! one; e6er! 7erson in a 8heel )hair got u7 an$ 8alke$ that night> There 8ere se6en> Then a little girl )a1e u7 8earing bra)es; an$ 8hen Charles lai$ han$s on her; the 1other took the bra)es o""; an$ the little girl began 8alking nor1all!> One o" the things that is so e=)iting about being sensiti6e to the #ol! S7irit is ho8 it 8ill start a "lo8 o" 1ira)les> #allelu?ah> Be sensiti6e to /o$ s7eaking to !ou. Listen to /o$5s 6oi)e. .t is "ar 1ore i17ortant than an!thing !ou

1ight learn about healing. Listen to /o$5s 6oi)e. ." he s7eaks to !ou; !ou 8ill kno8 that it is his 6oi)e; si17l! b! the S7irit an$ b! the -or$ o" /o$. ." !ou $on5t rea$ the -or$ o" /o$; !ou 8ill not re)ogniAe /o$5s 6oi)e an$ the $e6il 8ill tr! to $e)ei6e !ou. Don5t be )on)erne$ about the $e6il i" !ou are s7en$ing ti1e in the -or$ o" /o$. .t is so 6er! 6ital in healing the si)k or o7erating in an! o" the gi"ts o" the S7irit that !ou saturate !our 1in$ )ontinuall! in the -or$ o" /o$. Ne6er let it get )ol$. 9ea$ it o6er an$ o6er; be)ause e6er! ti1e !ou go ba)k through the Bible; there is a "reshness that )o1es an$ a ne8 re6elation o" /o$5s 1eaning. Be sensiti6e to /o$. Learn to be a)utel! a8are o" the 7resen)e o" /o$ at all ti1es so that !ou 8ill be a8are o" the slightest little nu$ge "ro1 the #ol! S7irit.


By Frances #ere is a sub?e)t 8hi)h is e=tre1el! interesting; e=)iting; 8il$; sti1ulating; "ull o" sus7ense an$ a)tion; but is also an e=tre1el! $angerous one> Not $angerous to !ou as an in$i6i$ual; be)ause !ou ha6e 1ore 7o8er than a $e1on; but $angerous be)ause 8e )an be)o1e o6erbalan)e$ 8hen 8e begin to $eal in this area. -hen . sa!; BDon5t get o6erbalan)e$;B . 1ean; $on5t sa!; B/o$ has )alle$ 1e into a $eli6eran)e 1inistr!>B -e are )alle$ to be like :esus. :esus 8as a balan)e$ in$i6i$ual. #e s7ent 'A9T o" his ti1e )asting out $e1onsH so !ou shoul$ s7en$ 'A9T o" !our ti1e )asting out $e1ons; but not ALL o" !our ti1e> Neither shoul$ !ou sa!; BCasting out $e1ons is not M* 1inistr!> Let so1eone else take )are o" that>B Be)ause a 7ortion o" !our 1inistr! .S )asting out $e1ons; an$ !ou $o not e6er ha6e to be a"rai$ as long as !ou re1e1ber that the one 8ho li6es in !ou is greater than he that is in the 8orl$> *ou ha6e 7o8er an$ authorit! o6er an! $e1on !ou )o1e u7 against. *ou al8a!s nee$ to re1e1ber that> :esus )ast out $e1onsH :esus heale$ the si)kH :esus taughtH :esus 7rea)he$ the gos7elH :esus stu$ie$ the

-or$ o" /o$. :esus $i$ 1an! things; so i" !ou 8ant to ha6e a 1inistr! that is balan)e$; an$ a 1inistr! ?ust like :esus ha$; then !ou go an$ $o like8ise. *ou $o ALL the things that :esus $i$> *ou 1ight sa!; B. a1 a la$!; an$ . a1 going to lea6e )asting out $e1ons to the 1en; be)ause . $o not 8ant to 8restle 8ith $e1ons.B *ou $o not ha6e to 8restle 8ith $e1ons. :esus si17l! sai$ that those 8ho belie6e shall use 1! authorit! < 1! na1e < to )ast out $e1ons. . )annot "in$ an!thing in the Bible that sa!s !ou ha6e to 8restle all night 8ith a $e1on. .t 1erel! sa!s; B.n 1! na1e shall the! )ast out $e6ils.B Matthe8 0G1+ sa!s :esus B)ast out the s7irits 8ith his 8or$.B . belie6e he use$ onl! a "e8 8or$s at 1ost to get the1 out. . belie6e 8hat the s)ri7ture sa!s; B/reater is he that is in !ou; than he that is in the 8orl$B C. :ohn %G%D. . belie6e no $e1on in this 8orl$ has as 1u)h 7o8er as . $o. Do !ou kno8 8h! . belie6e thatF Be)ause the -or$ sa!s so; an$ that )o6ers *O4 as 1u)h as it $oes 1e> 9e1e1ber that ea)h an$ e6er! belie6er has been 7ersonall! )o11issione$ b! the Lor$ :esus Christ. To be a belie6er; !ou ha6e to BEL.EVE that !ou ha6e the 7o8er 8ithin !ou to o6erri$e an!thing the $e6il 1ight thro8 at !ou. Listen to 8hat :esus sa!s in Luke 13G12; BBehol$; . gi6e unto !ou 7o8er to trea$ on ser7ents an$ s)or7ions; an$ o6er all the 7o8er o" the ene1!G an$

nothing shall b! an! 1eans hurt !ou.B The trouble 8ith 1ost o" us is that 8e $o not use the 7o8er that /o$ has gi6en us. The 7o8er is in us < 8e are en$ue$ 8ith it; 8e are )lothe$ 8ith it; but 8e are a"rai$ to rea)h u7 an$ tou)h it; or to ste7 out an$ 8alk on s7iritual 8ater. Don5t be a"rai$ to e=er)ise the authorit! :esus has gi6en !ou> *ou 8ill ne6er )ast out the "irst $e6il until !ou tr!. *ou 1ight e6en be "rightene$ the "irst ti1e> . )ertainl! 8as> The "irst ti1e . 8as e6er )alle$ on to )ast out a $e6il or run in the other $ire)tion; . stoo$ 1! groun$ an$ )ast out the $e6il. The 1an 8as an e=e)uti6e o" one o" the largest )o17anies in A1eri)a; an$ he la! on the "loor 8rithing like a snake. The $e1on 8as tr!ing to )hoke hi1; an$ a"ter it )a1e out; the 1an got u7; looke$ at 1e an$ a7ologiAe$. B. ne6er kne8 that thing 8as in 1e;B he sai$. #e 8as a 6er! 8ell& e$u)ate$ an$ su))ess"ul business1an; but a $e1on ha$ )ontrol o" his li"e> Let 1e tell !ou 8hat . $i$. . 8as shaking in 1! shoes; but 8hile the 1an 8as on the "loor; . ?ust stoo$ there an$ sai$; B:esus; :esus; :esus>B . ke7t re7eating the na1e o6er an$ o6er again si17l! be)ause . $i$n5t kno8 8hat else to $o> . ha$ alrea$! )o11an$e$ the s7irit to )o1e out. An$ that is all !ou reall! ha6e to $o; be)ause :esus sai$; B.N M* NAME shall the! )ast out $e6ilsH the! shall s7eak 8ith ne8 tonguesH The! shall take u7 ser7ents CThat $oes not 1ean going out

in the bushes an$ 7i)king u7 a rattlesnake; but i" !ou $o ha77en to "in$ one; it 1eans /o$ 8oul$ 7rote)t !ou i" !ou 8ere a))i$entall! bitten b! a snakeDH an$ i" the! $rink an! $ea$l! thing; it shall not hurt the1 C." !ou 8ere out on the 1ission "iel$ an$ so1eone sli77e$ so1e 7oison in !our 8ater; !ou 8oul$ not be har1e$; but $on5t think !ou )an $eliberatel! 7i)k u7 so1e str!)hnine an$ $rink it an$ )o1e out ali6e>DH the! shall la! han$s on the si)k; an$ the! shall re)o6er.B :esus is not $es)ribing ?ust a 7artial belie6er here. This isn5t so1eone 8ho thinks; B#ealing 7asse$ a8a! 8ith the $is)i7les.B This is an all&the&8a! belie6er; so1eone 8ho belie6es EVE9*T#.N/ the Bible sa!s. Let5s look no8 at an in)i$ent in 8hi)h :esus )ast out a $e6ilG BOne o" the 1en in the )ro8$ s7oke u7 an$ sai$; 5Tea)her; . brought 1! son "or !ou to heal < he )an5t talk be)ause he is 7ossesse$ b! a $e1on. An$ 8hene6er the $e1on is in )ontrol o" hi1 it $ashes hi1 to the groun$ an$ 1akes hi1 "oa1 at the 1outh an$ grin$ his teeth an$ be)o1e rigi$. So . begge$ !our $is)i7les to )ast out the $e1on; but the! )oul$n5t $o it5 :esus sai$ Cto his $is)i7lesD; 5Oh; 8hat tin! "aith !ou ha6e; ho8 1u)h longer 1ust . be 8ith !ou until !ou belie6eF #o8 1u)h longer 1ust . be 7atient 8ith !ouF Bring the bo! to 1e.5 So the! brought the bo!; but 8hen he sa8 :esus the $e1on )on6ulse$ the )hil$ horribl!; an$ he "ell to the groun$ 8rithing an$ "oa1ing at the 1outhB CMark 2G1,&23 TLBD.

Man! ti1es 8hen a $e1on&7ossesse$ 7erson )o1es into the 7resen)e o" a #ol! S7irit&"ille$ 7erson; he 8ill ha6e a seiAure; be)ause that $e1oni) s7irit kno8s that he is going to ha6e to go; an$ he5s 1a$. That $e6il kno8s that he has )o1e u7 against so1eone 8ho has 1ore 7o8er than he hasH so1eone 8ho kno8s his authorit! in Christ. The $e6il kno8s 8hether *O4 kno8 that !ou ha6e 1ore 7o8er than he has. *ou )an be a 8eak Christian an$ ha6e the 7o8er o" /o$ in !ou; but i" !ou $o not belie6e that !ou ha6e MO9E 7o8er than he has; that $e6il is going to sit there an$ laugh in !our "a)e. #e is going to sa!; B*ou ha6e it; but !ou are so $u1b that !ou $o not kno8 it. *ou ?ust $on5t realiAe that !ou ha6e that 1u)h 7o8er in !ou; so . a1 reall! s1arter than !ou are>B . ha6e ha$ 1an! $e1ons ba)k u7; an$ begin to sa!; BDon5t tou)h 1e> . hate !ou> Don5t )o1e near 1e>B The 7erson 8ill usuall! 7ut their ar1 a)ross their "a)e so as not to look at 1e; but $o !ou kno8 8hat . $oF . go a"ter the $e1on> Man! ti1es . ha6e 7ut 1! han$ o6er a 7erson5s 1outh an$ sai$; B.n the na1e o" :esus; shut u7>B An$ the $e1ons ha6e i11e$iatel! shut u7> :esus sai$ in Mark 1G2(; B#ol$ th! 7ea)e; an$ )o1e out o" hi1.B The! o"ten s7eak through a hu1an 6oi)e; be)ause the! are then )ontrolling the 7erson5s 1in$. . $on5t ha6e to listen to a $e1on; an$ neither $o !ou.

No $e1on is going to kee7 talking ba)k to 1e; be)ause . ha6e 1ore 7o8er than the $e1on has; an$ the $e1on kno8s that . kno8 it> .t takes authorit! to )ast out a $e1on; an$ *O4 #AVE TO @NO- T#AT *O4 #AVE T#AT A4T#O9.T*> Don5t be sur7rise$ i" !ou 8alk u7 to so1eone 8ho has a $e1on in hi1; an$ the $e1on begins to s)rea1 an$ holler; be)ause that5s 8hat so1e $e1ons $i$ 8hen the! sa8 :esus. -hen !ou @NO- !ou are on the 8inning si$e; the $e6il is a"rai$ o" !ou. -hen the s7irit )ause$ the )hil$ to "all to the groun$; Mark tells us that :esus aske$ the "ather; B#o8 long has he been this 8a!FB BAn$ he re7lie$; 5Sin)e he 8as 6er! s1all; an$ the $e1on o"ten 1akes hi1 "all into the "ire or into 8ater to kill hi1. Oh; ha6e 1er)! on us an$ $o so1ething i" !ou )an.5 5." . )anF5 :esus aske$. 5An!thing is 7ossible i" !ou ha6e "aith.5 The "ather instantl! re7lie$; 5. $o ha6e "aithH oh; hel7 1e to ha6e 1ore.5 -hen :esus sa8 the )ro8$ 8as gro8ing he rebuke$ the $e1on. 53 $e1on o" $ea"ness an$ $u1bness;5 he sai$; 5. )o11an$ !ou to )o1e out o" this )hil$ an$ enter hi1 no 1ore>5 Then the $e1on s)rea1e$ terribl! an$ )on6ulse$ the bo! again an$ le"t hi1H an$ the bo! la! there li17 an$ 1otionless; to all a77earan)e $ea$. A 1ur1ur ran through the )ro8$ < 5#e is $ea$.5 But :esus took hi1 b! the han$ an$ hel7e$ hi1 to his "eet an$ he stoo$ u7 an$ 8as all right>B CMark 2G21&2, TLBD.

The $e1ons at ti1es tore the bo$ies or thre8 the1 to the groun$ be"ore or as the! )a1e out. -e ha6e noti)e$ that 8hen 8e )ast $e1ons out; the 7erson 6er! "reEuentl! "alls un$er the 7o8er o" /o$; an$ be)ause o" the 7resen)e an$ 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit; the $e1ons $e7art. That is e=a)tl! 8hat ha77ene$ to the business e=e)uti6e in the stor! ?ust relate$. :ES4S -ON T#E BATTLE; AND SO CAN -E> Matthe8 20G10 sa!sG BAn$ :esus )a1e an$ s7ake unto the1; sa!ing; 5ALL 7o8er is gi6en unto 1e in hea6en an$ in earth.5B /o$ ga6e ALL 7o8er in #EAVEN an$ EA9T# to :esus; an$ then :esus turne$ right aroun$ an$ sai$; BNo8 *O4 go out an$ use 1! authorit! to )ast out $e6ils.B That5s right; he 8ants *O4 to go; but . 8oul$ suggest !ou ne6er tr! it 8ithout the na1e an$ the authorit! o" :esus; an$ the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit; be)ause . ha6e ne8s "or !ou < !ou )oul$ reall! run into 7roble1s> Let 1e share a 6er! "unn! stor! about so1e 7eo7le 8ho 8ere tr!ing to $o ?ust that> Se6eral !ears ago be"ore 8e re)ei6e$ the ba7tis1; . 8ent to a )a17& 1eeting 8here . hear$ the 8il$est stor! . ha$ e6er hear$. At that ti1e . $i$n5t e6en kno8 that $e1ons 8ere real; so it 8as Euite a sho)k to 1e 8hen . hear$ that an ol$ $e1on&7ossesse$ 8o1an ha$ been brought to the )a17&1eeting "or $eli6eran)e. A "e8 1en 8ent into a buil$ing "ar a8a! "ro1 the rest o"

the )a17&1eeting be)ause this is 8here the $eli6eran)e 8as to take 7la)e. The! 8ere in there "or ?ust a short 7erio$ o" ti1e 8hen the noise an$ ru)kus soon brought a lot o" other 1en 8ho got the sur7rise o" their li6es 8hen the! 8alke$ into the roo1> Can !ou guess; using !our 8il$est i1agination; 8hat she 8as $oingF She 8as 7i)king u7 strong; !oung 1en 8eighing "ro1 1(3 to 233 7oun$s; an$ thro8ing the1 a)ross the roo1> Do !ou kno8 8h! she )oul$ $o thisF Be)ause the 1en 8ere in there 8ithout the 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit. The! 8ere tr!ing to use their o8n 7h!si)al strength 8ithout the authorit! o" :esus> -hat ha77ene$F D.SASTE9; be)ause . )an assure !ou 8hen !ou get a tin!; $e1on&7ossesse$ 8o1an against 7eo7le 8ho $o not ha6e an! 7o8er; 8hat she )an $o to the1 is absolutel! a1aAing> De1ons lo6e to $o that> The! lo6e to $is7la! their 7o8er; but the! ha6e to run 8hen !ou use the na1e that is e=alte$ abo6e e6er! other na1e> The na1e o" :esus is abo6e $e1ons> The na1e o" :esus is abo6e )an)er> The na1e o" :esus is abo6e e7ile7s!. The na1e o" :esus is abo6e e6er! other na1e there is> That is a highl! e=alte$ na1e> The talk o" this entire )a17&1eeting 8as about this 8il$ )reature 8ho ha$ thro8n big 1en aroun$ a roo1; an$ 8ho ha$ been sent ho1e in the sa1e )on$ition in 8hi)h she arri6e$; be)ause none o" the1 ha$ the 7o8er that 8as greater than the one that 8as li6ing in her>

. re1e1ber ho8 "rightene$ . 8as> .51 sure the stor! enlarge$ b! the ti1e it 8ent aroun$ the )a17groun$s se6eral ti1es; but ne6ertheless; it 8as a real hair&)urling stor!> #o8 . 8ish . ha$ kno8n 8hat . $o to$a!> . 1erel! 8oul$ ha6e sai$; BOut in the na1e o" :esus;B an$ the $e1on 8oul$ ha6e ha$ to go. This re1in$s 1e o" one o" the beauti"ul stories in the Bible 8hi)h has a 6er! "unn! t8ist )on)erning )asting out $e1ons 8ithout 7o8er. The nineteenth )ha7ter o" A)ts tells us about the se6en sons o" S)e6a 8ho 8ent about sa!ing so1ething like thisG B-e a$?ure !ou b! :esus 8ho1 'aul 7rea)hes to )o1e out>B The $e1on in the 1an 8ho 8as 7ossesse$ sai$; B:esus . kno8; an$ 'aul . kno8; but 8ho are !ouFB #e kne8 that :esus an$ 'aul ha$ 7o8er an$ authorit!; but he kne8 these BS)e6asonsB $i$n5t; so the $e1on ?ust beat the1 to a 7ul7> The! got the beating o" their li"e> The $e1on 8as so 7o8er"ul; he e6en ri77e$ their )lothes o""> That is al1ost the sa1e thing that ha77ene$ to the 1en 8ho 8ere tr!ing to bring $eli6eran)e to this little ol$ la$!. The! got their )lothes torn an$ got the beating o" their li"e> .t 1ight soun$ "unn! 8hen 8e tell the stor!; but it )ertainl! 8as not hu1orous to the 1en 8ho 8ere in6ol6e$>

-e learn b! re7etition> That is 8h! 8e use Mark 1+G1, o6er an$ o6er again be)ause it is so 6ital that 8e re1e1ber this. .56e $is)o6ere$ i" !ou kee7 hearing the sa1e thing o6er an$ o6er again; it e6entuall! gets into !our s7iritH an$ su$$enl! !ou think; B-o8; . re1e1ber that no8. That is a 7art o" 1e>B The great )o11ission as relate$ in Matthe8 is the sa1e as 8hat Mark sai$; onl! Mark e=7an$e$ it> B/o !e into all the 8orl$; an$ 7rea)h the gos7el to e6er! )reature. #e that belie6eth an$ is ba7tiAe$ shall be sa6e$H but he that belie6eth not shall be $a1ne$. An$ these signs shall "ollo8 the1 that belie6eH .N M* NAME S#ALL T#E* CAST O4T DEV.LSH the! shall s7eak 8ith ne8 tonguesH The! shall take u7 ser7entsH an$ i" the! $rink an! $ea$l! thing; it shall not hurt the1H the! shall la! han$s on the si)k; an$ the! shall re)o6erB CMark 1+G1(&10D. .n 8hose na1e $o 8e )ast out $e6ils an$ heal the si)kF .n the na1e o" :esus> 9e1e1ber that it is AL-A*S in the na1e o" :esus. -e nee$ to be a8are o" the "a)t that :esus Christ li6es in us b! the 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit. :esus $oes not li6e out so1e8here "ort! 1iles a8a!. #e $oes not $ro7 b! !our house an$ $rag !ou un8illingl! $o8n the roa$ to eternal li"e or the "ul"illing o" the /reat Co11ission> :ES4S L.VES .N *O4> BChrist .N !ou; the ho7e o" glor!B CCol. 1G2,D. 9o1ans 0G11 sa!s; BBut i" the S7irit o" hi1 that raise$

u7 :esus "ro1 the $ea$ $8ell .N !ou; he that raise$ u7 Christ "ro1 the $ea$ shall also Eui)ken !our 1ortal bo$ies b! his S7irit that $8elleth .N !ou.B .t is the 7ositi6e; be!on$&a&sha$o8&o"&a&$oubt kno8le$ge that the #ol! S7irit li6es in us that is nee$e$> The sa1e resurre)tion 7o8er that brought :esus out o" the gra6e; is e=a)tl! the sa1e 7o8er 8hi)h in$8ells the S7irit&"ille$ hu1an> -e nee$ to get that "a)t into our s7irits; an$ realiAe that 8e ha6e e=a)tl! that sa1e resurre)tion 7o8er> -e $on5t ha6e a lesser 7o8er; a lesser 7oten)!; but -E #AVE T#AT SAME 9ES499ECT.ON 'O-E9 T#AT B9O4/#T :ES4S 9./#T O4T OF T#E /9AVE. . ha6e it; an$ *O4 ha6e it i" !ou ha6e been ba7tiAe$ 8ith the #ol! S7irit. Let5s a)t like it> .n a)ting on it; Matthe8 12G20;22 is i17ortant to kno8 in $ealing 8ith $e1ons. :esus sai$; BBut i" . )ast out $e6ils b! the S7irit o" /o$; then the king$o1 o" /o$ is )o1e unto !ou. Or else ho8 )an one enter into a strong 1an5s house; an$ s7oil his goo$s; e=)e7t he "irst bin$ the strong 1anF an$ then he 8ill s7oil his house.B First; Satan nee$s to be boun$ in that 7o8er"ul na1e o" :esus be"ore !ou $o an!thing else. -hen !ou $o this; it is as though !ou )ut the u1bili)al )or$ bet8een Satan an$ his $e1ons; an$ his little )ohorts are le"t 8ithout the sour)e o" their 7o8er. Satan is the 7rin)e o" the air; an$ he is the

)o11an$ing hea$ o" all "allen angels. So1e 7eo7le belie6e that $e1ons an$ "allen angels are t8o se7arate kin$s o" beings. Truth"ull!; it $oes not 1ake an! $i""eren)e 8hether !ou re"er to the1 as $e1ons; $e6ils; "allen angels or e6il s7irits; the! are all still un$er the )ontrol o" Satan; be)ause he is the ruler o" the e6il s7irit 8orl$> On)e his 7o8er is boun$ in the na1e o" :esus; an$ his authorit! is su7erse$e$ or )ontrolle$ b! the S7irit o" /o$ 8ithin us; then 8e )an )ast out the e6il s7irit; $e1on; or $e6il; 8hi)he6er !ou 7re"er to )all hi1; b! the authorit! o" :esus> Bringing this to a 7ra)ti)al le6el; 8e belie6e in)urable $iseases are )ause$ b! a s7irit in the 1a?orit! o" )ases. -hen a $o)tor sa!s there is no )ure; our s7iritual antennas 7i)k u7 the "a)t that it is a s7irit. For instan)e; be)ause )an)er is )onsi$ere$ in)urable; 8e belie6e it is )ause$ b! an e6il s7irit 8hi)h atta)ks the bo$!. Let 1e sho8 !ou ho8 . un$erstan$ the o7eration o" a $e1on o" )an)er. #e )annot get into !our s7irit i" !ou are a Christian; but he )an )ertainl! )o1e into an$ atta)k !our bo$! an$ !our 1in$. A $e1on takes a look at a 8o1an an$ sa!s; B-o8; . think . 8ill la! a little )an)er on her. She looks like a real goo$ 6i)ti1.B So he ?u17s into her bo$! Cnot her s7iritD an$ be"ore long the 8o1an $is)o6ers that she has )an)er o" the breast. She goes to the $o)tor. She 7ani)s>

The $o)tor sa!s; B-e 8ill )ut that )an)er out.B The $e1on goes right along into the o7erating roo1; an$ 7robabl! sits there laughing at the $o)tor; an$ 8at)hing hi1 )are"ull!. The 1inute the $o)tor inserts the kni"e; the $e1on sa!s; B-hoo7s; here . go> . 8ill go o6er to the other si$e.B Then . i1agine he ?ust sits there an$ laughs as the $o)tor o7erates; be)ause the $a1age o" the $e1on has been $one on one si$e. #e 8ill glee"ull! sa!; BThe! think the! ha6e 1e; but the! $on5t. .5ll ?ust ?u17 o6er on the other si$e>B Three !ears later the 8o1an goes ba)k; an$ the! "in$ )an)er on the other si$e. -h!F Be)ause the $e1on has not been )ast out; an$ !ou )an5t )ut a $e1on out in surger!. -hen the! $o the ne=t surger!; the $e1on sa!s; B-hoo7s; . belie6e . 8ill go into the sto1a)h this ti1e; or 1a!be .5ll go into the lungs>B De1ons 7robabl! )an 7lant a see$ su)h as )an)er into our "lesh; bones or bloo$; an$ ho6er outsi$e us; or e6en lea6e us; an$ the see$ 8ill )ontinue to 7ro$u)e "ast&gro8ing; $estru)ti6e )an)er )ells to $estro! our bo$ies. -hen a 1ale 7lants a s7er1 or see$ into the 8o1b o" a "e1ale; )ells $e6elo7 into an in"ant. The $e6il )ounter"eits an!thing goo$ 8ith ba$H there"ore; it5s logi)al that he 8oul$ 7lant killer see$s instea$ o" see$s o" li"e. .t is 6er! likel! that this is the 8a! 1an! $iseases )ause$ b! $e1ons are

i17lante$ into our bo$ies. -e; o" )ourse; kno8 "ro1 the Bible that $e1ons $o o))u7! hu1an bo$ies 8hen the! )an; so 1a!be the! bring the see$ an$ sta! 8ith it in the bo$!. -e are tol$ b! $o)tors an$ nurses that the 1arro8 o" the bones is the 1anu"a)turer o" bloo$; 8hi)h is li"e. -e kno8 that )an)er 7atients o"ten nee$ a ne8 su77l! o" bloo$. /enerall! 8hen 8e 1inister healing to a )an)er 6i)ti1; our 7ra!ers are so1ething like; BFather; 8e 7raise !ou "or the 7o8er !ou ha6e gi6en us o6er all the 7o8er o" the ene1! an$ "or the 7o8er an$ authorit! to heal the si)k. Satan; 8e bin$ !ou 8ith the 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit; in the na1e o" :esus. *ou s7irit o" )an)er; 8e )o11an$ !ou to )o1e out an$ not return. -e )urse !ou; see$ o" )an)er in this bo$!; an$ )o11an$ !ou to $ie. Marro8 o" the bones; 8e )o11an$ !ou to 7ro$u)e health! bloo$ an$ sen$ it "orth "or healing an$ health to this bo$!. .n the na1e o" :esus>B A "rien$ o" ours 8ho is a S7irit&"ille$ surgeon has 1an! 7atients re"erre$ to hi1 be)ause o" his e=)ellent re)or$ 8ith )an)er 7atients. -hen he gets in the o7erating roo1; he is the hea$ Bhon)hoB in there; so he la!s han$s on the 7atients an$ begins to 7ra! in tongues be"ore he o7erates; an$ then he )asts out the s7irit o" )an)er. #e has a great re)o6er! re)or$; be)ause on)e he )o11an$s an$ gets the s7irit out; it is not har$ to )ut out the "lesh that is

$isease$> A "rien$ o" ours 8ho is not onl! a su))ess"ul 1e$i)al $o)tor; but is S7irit&"ille$ an$ 1inisters healing in the 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit as 8ell; 8as talking 8ith us about in)urable $iseases being )ause$ b! e6il s7irits. #e 1a$e this state1ent to usG B.n this $a! an$ age in 8hi)h 8e are lan$ing 1en on the 1oon an$ are looking at DNA 1ole)ules through 1i)ros)o7es; . )onsi$er that those $iseases 8hi)h 8e )annot un$erstan$; an$ 8hi)h 8e )lai1 as in)urable; 1ust ha6e their origin else8here than in s)ien)e.B CDNA 1ole)ules are )hro1oso1es that )arr! the here$itar! "a)tors < genes < 8hi)h are 1a$e o" DNA.D -e belie6e that the Belse8here than in s)ien)eB is in the s7irit 8orl$ an$ the origin is $e1ons. BFor 8e are not "ighting against 7eo7le 1a$e o" "lesh an$ bloo$; but against 7ersons 8ithout bo$ies < the e6il rulers o" the unseen 8orl$; those 1ight! satani) beings an$ great e6il 7rin)es o" $arkness 8ho rule this 8orl$H an$ against huge nu1bers o" 8i)ke$ s7irits in the s7irit 8orl$B CE7h. +G12 TLBD. -e are not "ighting against 7eo7le> -e are "ighting against unseen 7o8ers. -e )annot "ight the1 in the natural as !ou 8oul$ another hu1an being. -hen !ou are "ighting against an e6il s7irit 8hi)h )auses a $isease; !ou are "ighting against an unseen 7rin)i7alit!. *ou are "ighting against so1ething !ou

)annot see. That is 8h! in the natural; 8e ha6e absolutel! no 7o8er or )ontrol o6er $e1ons. 9e1e1ber that it is onl! in the su7ernatural area 8here 8e 8in be)ause o" :esus> 9e1e1ber that the atta)k "ro1 the $e6il )o1es in one o" t8o 7la)es. .t )o1es either into !our bo$!; or it )o1es into !our 1in$. The $e6il 8ants !our 1in$; an$ he 8ill atta)k e6er! 8a! he )an to tr! to get )ontrol o" it. .t is nor1all! not !our s7irit that the $e6il atta)ks "irst; but i" !ou let hi1 get into !our bo$!; an$ !ou let hi1 into !our 1in$; then 8hat $o !ou think is going to ha77en to !our s7iritF *our s7irit is going to go right $o8n the $rain 8ith hi1> #e 8ants !our soul; but he atta)ks through !our 1in$. The best $e"ense is to start 7utting the -or$ o" /o$ into !our 1in$ so it 8ill 7er1eate !our s7irit. Then !ou )an use the -or$ as a tool to "ight o"" the atta)ks o" the $e6il; an$ !ou )an sit hi1 $o8n an$ sa!; BLook here; $e6il; .T .S -9.TTEN.....M There are 1an! $i""erent kin$s o" s7irits. Charles an$ . ne6er 1ess aroun$ telling the1 to na1e the1sel6es; be)ause there 8as onl! one 7la)e in the Bible 8here :esus e6er aske$ the1 to na1e the1sel6es; an$ the! sai$; BLegion.B :esus $i$ not )ontinue b! sa!ing; BLegion; na1e !oursel";B be)ause a legion )oul$ be a thousan$ or 7ossibl! thousan$s. Can !ou see :esus sitting there listening to thousan$s o" $e1ons na1ing the1sel6esF :esus ha$ 1ore i17ortant things to $o; an$ he use$ onl! a "e8 8or$s an$ the! )a1e out>

Our $aughter :oan )alle$ ho1e "ro1 )ollege one ti1e an$ sai$; B-e ha$ su)h an e=)iting Bible stu$! tonight; an$ so1eone ha$ the s7irit o" blab )ast out>B . sai$; BThe s7irit o" 8hatFB She sai$; BThe s7irit o" blab>B See1s to 1e so1eone nee$e$ to be tol$ to shut u7 an$ not talk so 1u)h> That also re1in$s 1e o" the la$! 8ho 8ante$ the s7irit o" B"atB )ast out. The e6angelist sai$; BThis kin$ goeth not out but b! 7ra!er an$ "asting>B 9e1e1ber 8hat . sai$ about balan)eF -e )an get too e=tre1e; an$ 8e )an 1anu"a)ture the na1es o" all $i""erent kin$s o" s7irits. . ha6e hear$ about the s7irits o" sunburn; "rostbite; )ol$ an$ hot an$ 1an! other interesting titles; but . $o not belie6e these shoul$ be )lasse$ un$er the hea$ing o" e6il s7irits or $e1ons> Let us al8a!s re1e1ber; ho8e6er; that there are 1an! s7irits that are legiti1ate. ." !ou 8ill noti)e; :esus )alle$ s7irits b! 8hat the! $i$; not b! na1es. One o" the s7irits 8e ha6e )ast out su))ess"ull! is a s7irit o" inheritan)e. At ti1es; a )urse 8ill ha6e been 7la)e$ u7on a "a1il!; an$ i" !ou 8ill tra)e their "a1il! histor! ba)k "ar enough; !ou 8ill "in$ so1e8here along the line the! 8ill sa!; BOh; .

re1e1ber 1! great gran$"ather ha$ a )urse 7la)e$ on hi1;B an$ that )urse )o1es $o8n to the 7resent generation. At a 1eeting on the 8est )oast; there 8as a !oung 1an 8ho 8as a 1e1ber o" a "a1il! o" t8ent!&"our )hil$ren. FO49TEEN -E9E DEAF> -hat $oes this sa! to !ou> This a77arentl! )a1e through a s7irit o" inheritan)e; be)ause there 8oul$ not ha6e been the sa1e set o" )ir)u1stan)es surroun$ing ea)h birth to 1ake these )hil$ren $ea". So there ha$ to be so1ething in the genes o" the "a1il!. -ho 1esses u7 the genesF The $e6il $oes> This s7irit o" inheritan)e ha$ )o1e $o8n through this "a1il!; so 8e lai$ han$s on hi1; boun$ Satan in the na1e o" :esus an$ b! the 7o8er o" /o$. A"ter that; 8e )ast out the s7irit o" inheritan)e an$ the $ea" s7irit. Then 8e aske$ /o$ to )reate ne8 ear $ru1s. #e 1ust ha6e ha$ $e"e)ti6e ear $ru1s; or none at all; be)ause "or the "irst ti1e in his li"e; the !oung 1an began to hear> But 8ith onl! ONE ear> #e )a1e ba)k the ne=t $a! an$ re7orte$ 8hat he ha$ $one the night be"ore. #e 8as so e=)ite$ about hearing that he 8ent into a restaurant 8here there 8ere 1an! 7eo7le "ro1 the )on6ention; an$ he 8ent "ro1 table to table sa!ing; BSa! so1ething; sa! so1ething; . )an hear>B

Then he got on the bus to go ho1e an$ sai$ to the $ri6er; B. )an hear>B Big $eal> -ellN1a!be it 8oul$ not be a big $eal to !ou; be)ause !ou ha6e hear$ all o" !our li"e; but to so1eone 8ho ha$ ne6er hear$ a soun$; that 8as 6er! e=)iting> #e ha$ al8a!s hooke$ his alar1 )lo)k to his leg 8ith an ele)tri) 8ire so it 8oul$ sho)k hi1 an$ 8ake hi1 u7; an$ the ne=t $a! he sai$; BOne o" the 1ost beauti"ul soun$s . e6er hear$ 8as the alar1 going o"">B Noti)e ho8 this 8as $one. First o" all; 8e boun$ Satan in the na1e o" :esus an$ b! the 7o8er o" /o$ CSee Matt. 12G22D. -e )ast out the s7irit o" inheritan)e an$ $ea"ness; an$ then 8e aske$ /o$ "or a )reati6e 1ira)le. :a1es sai$; B*e ask; an$ re)ei6e not; be)ause !e ask a1issB C:a1es %G D; an$ 1an! ti1es 7eo7le $o not "ollo8 the 8a!s o" :esus to heal the si)k. -e )oul$ ha6e 7ra!e$ an$ )o11an$e$ the s7irit o" inheritan)e to )o1e out; an$ then "orgotten to 7ra! that the )reati6e 1ira)le 8oul$ o))ur an$ he 8oul$ be gi6en a ne8 ear. *ou 8oul$ ha6e gotten ri$ o" the $e6il; but the 1an still 1ight not ha6e been able to hear be)ause o" the $e"e)t in the ears. Man! 1ira)les o" healing o))ur instantl! 8hen the $e1on )o1es out. B! the 8a!; the se)on$ ear 8as heale$ the se)on$ night> 'lease $on5t 1isun$erstan$ 8hat 8e sa! 8hen 8e are talking about $i""erent 8a!s to heal the si)k;

be)ause /OD .S AL-A*S SOVE9E./N; an$ e6en i" !ou 7ra!e$; B/o$ heal his toe;B an$ he $i$n5t e6en ha6e a toe; /o$ )oul$ heal 8hate6er 8as 8rong 8ith the 7erson. Or e6en i" there 8as nothing 8rong 8ith the toe; but the rest o" the bo$! ha$ so1e $e"e)t in it; /o$ )oul$ heal hi1; regar$less o" 8hat !ou 7ra!. 9e1e1ber /o$ is so6ereign; an$ /o$ )an $o e=a)tl! 8hat he 8ants to $o; but /o$ 8ants 4S to $o a lot 1ore than 8e ha6e been $oing u7 until no8> At one o" our ser6i)es; our son&in&la8 Bob 8as )alle$ into an a$?a)ent roo1 8here about "i"t! 7eo7le 8ere atte17ting to )ast a $e1on out o" a thirteen&!ear&ol$ girl. So1e o" the 1en 8ere tr!ing to hol$ this little girl on the "loor; 8hile others 8ere lou$l! s7eaking in tongues an$ !elling; BCo1e out o" her; !ou $e1on;B an$ others 8ere s)rea1ing; BNa1e !oursel";B o6er an$ o6er again. There 8as so 1u)h )on"usion that the 7oor )hil$ 8oul$ ha6e been s)are$ in the "lesh until she 8oul$n5t ha6e kno8n 8hat to $o i" she ha$ 8ante$ to. As a 7art o" our tea1; Bob 8as aske$ to hel7; so he took )harge an$ i11e$iatel! aske$ e6er!one to lea6e the roo1 e=)e7t the little girl an$ her "oster 1other an$ "ather. Then Bob gentl! began to talk to the little girl to )al1 her.

Be)ause o" his e=7erien)e in o7erating in the gi"ts o" the S7irit; Bob kne8 that /o$ )oul$ su77l! all his nee$s at a ti1e like this; so he aske$ hi1 "or a 8or$ o" kno8le$ge about the s7irit in the girl. /o$ s7oke onl! one 8or$ < a sur7rising 8or$ < LAO. Bob aske$ the girl 8hat LAO 1eant to her. She 8as astoun$e$; an$ sai$; B#o8 $i$ !ou kno8 about hi1FB Bob sai$ that /o$ ha$ tol$ hi1. Fear"ull! she sai$; BNobo$! kno8s about hi1 but 1e> #e is the one 8ho )a1e to 1e an$ o""ere$ 1e the 7o8er an$ he is the one 8ho tells 1e 8hat to $o. #is na1e is LAO; an$ he tells 1e ho8 to )ause 7eo7le to "loat u7 in the air an$ to 1ake "urniture an$ things "loat. #e tells 1e ho8 to $o su7ernatural things in 8it)h)ra"t.B She sai$; B.51 s)are$>B The little girl relate$ that 8hen she 8as onl! eight or nine !ears ol$ a s7irit o""ere$ her s7e)ial 7o8ers i" she 8oul$ turn her li"e o6er to hi1. :ust as E6e belie6e$ the lie o" the $e6il; this girl belie6e$ a lie an$ 1a$e a $eal 8ith Satan. At "irst she thought it 8as B"unB to be able to o7erate in this 7o8er; but as ti1e 8ent on she be)a1e "rightene$. Bob aske$ her i" she 8oul$ like to be "ree o" this $e6il

)ontrol o" her li"e. She sai$; BDo !ou reall! 1ean . )oul$ be "ree 8ithout hi1 $estro!ing 1e 8ith the sa1e 7o8ers he has gi6en to 1eFB Bob assure$ her that i" she reall! 8ante$ "ree$o1; he )oul$ bin$ the s7irit so that it )oul$ not use its 7o8ers o6er her. #e tol$ her that :esus sai$ in Luke 13G12; BBehol$; . gi6e unto !ou 7o8er to trea$ on ser7ents an$ s)or7ions; an$ o6er all the 7o8er o" the ene1!G an$ nothing shall b! an! 1eans hurt !ou.B She sai$; B. 8ant to be set "ree.B Bob 6er! so"tl!; but 8ith belie" an$ authorit!; )o11an$e$ the s7irit to )o1e out in the na1e o" :esus> An$ the s7irit )a1e out an$ she 8as )o17letel! set "ree "ro1 this tor1enting $e1on. -e sa8 her about a !ear later an$ she 8as a beauti"ul Christian; ha77!; an$ 8ith no "ear in her li"e> /lor! to /o$; he set her "ree> Through this 8or$ "ro1 /o$; the )on"i$en)e o" the little girl 8as 8on an$ she 8as 8illing to talk "reel! to Bob. -hat 8oul$ ha6e ha77ene$ i" Bob ha$ )o11an$e$ the s7irit in her to na1e itsel"F The Bible gi6es that ans8erG B*e are o" !our "ather the $e6il; an$ the lusts o" !our "ather !e 8ill $o. #e 8as a 1ur$erer "ro1 the beginning; an$ abo$e not in the truth; be)ause

there is no truth in hi1. -hen he s7eaketh a lie; he s7eaketh o" his o8nG "or he is a liar; an$ the "ather o" itB C:ohn 0G%%D. ." the $e6il )annot tell the truth; ho8 )an 8e ask hi1 or one o" his $e1ons to na1e itsel" an$ e=7e)t the truthF .sn5t it 1ore s)ri7tural to ask /o$F BOur 8or$s are 8ise be)ause the! are "ro1 /o$ ... But 8e kno8 about these things be)ause /o$ has sent his S7irit to tell us; an$ his S7irit sear)hes out an$ sho8s us all o" /o$5s $ee7est se)retsB C. Cor. 2G,;13 TLBD. 'lease $on5t "eel that 8e are )riti)iAing those 8ho su))ess"ull! e=or)ise $e1ons b! other 8a!s than 8e use. ." !ou ha6e su))ess 1aking $e1ons na1e the1sel6es; kee7 on $oing it> But $o tr! an easier 8a! o))asionall!; 8ill !ouF ." !ou ha6e su))ess 8restling 8ith a $e1on all night long; . su77ose it5s all right to )ontinue; but .5$ )ertainl! "in$ a short )ut so . )oul$ s7en$ 1ore ti1e talking about :esus rather than $e1ons. . belie6e /o$ is in hea6en )r!ing o6er )hur)hes 8here the! $o not la! han$s on 7eo7le on Sun$a! 1orning an$ belie6e "or their healing; be)ause /o$ 8ants !ou 8ell> -e 8ere at Bob Tilton5s -or$ o" Faith -orl$ Outrea)h Center in Dallas; Te=as; on a Christ1as

Sun$a!. The 7eo7le 8ere gi6ing testi1onies; but it see1e$ to 1e that al1ost e6er!one ga6e a testi1on! about 7ros7erit!> Finall!; at the en$; one la$! got u7 an$ sai$; B. 8as heale$ o" )an)er this !ear.B A"ter the ser6i)e . sai$ to Bob; BDon5t 6er! 1an! 7eo7le get heale$ in !our )hur)hFB #e sai$; BNot 1an!.B . sai$; B#o8 )o1eFB #e sai$; B. tea)h the1 ho8 to 8alk in $i6ine health so the! $on5t nee$ to get heale$.B /lor! to /o$> . think that is ho8 8e shoul$ be in )hur)hes. -e ought to 8alk in $i6ine health so 8e $on5t ha6e to be heale$; but 8e are tea)hing !ou these $i""erent 8a!s to heal the si)k so !ou )an go aroun$ the 8orl$; or in !our 7art o" the 8orl$; 8here the 7eo7le $on5t kno8 ho8 to 8alk in $i6ine health; an$ heal the1> The! 1a! ha6e ne6er e6en hear$ that there is healing in the na1e o" :esus> -hen /o$ sai$; BBelo6e$; . 8ish abo6e all things that thou 1a!est 7ros7er an$ be in health; e6en as th! soul 7ros7erethB C... :ohn 2D; he 1eant he 8ante$ us to 8alk in $i6ine health> /o$ 8ill o"ten $o the unusual 8hen !ou "irst re)ei6e the ba7tis1 or 8hen !ou "irst start to go out an$ la! han$s on the si)k. Di$ !ou kno8 thatF /o$ 7robabl! sa!s; B-ell; . a1 going to see i" the! reall! 1ean

business 8ith 1e.B .n our ho1eto8n area; shortl! a"ter 8e re)ei6e$ the ba7tis1; Charles an$ . 8ere s7eaking in a little )hur)h; an$ a 1an brought a la$! 8ho ha$ )an)er. 9e1e1ber; 8e ha$ ?ust re)ei6e$ the ba7tis1; an$ 8e ha$ not been raise$ in 'ente)ost. -e $i$ not un$erstan$ the su7ernatural> -e $i$ not un$erstan$ "alling un$er the 7o8er> These 8ere ne8 things to us; an$ !et it 8as so e=)iting to su$$enl! realiAe that 8hen !ou 7ut out !our han$; so1eone "ell o6er> To 8alk $o8n the aisle o" a )hur)h an$ see 7eo7le "all o6er un$er the 7o8er o" /o$ 8as a tre1en$ousl! thrilling an$ a8eso1e e=7erien)e> -e 8ere so e=)ite$ be)ause o" the things 8e ha$ begun to see :esus $o; that nothing )oul$ hol$ us ba)k> Charles an$ . lai$ han$s on this si)k 8o1an an$ 7ra!e$ "or her; an$ she 8ent un$er the 7o8er o" /o$> -e sai$; BThank !ou; :esus;B an$ she began to thro8 u7> .t $i$ not see1 to bother her in the least. NO9 D.D .T BOT#E9 4S; be)ause so1ething in our s7irits sai$; BThat 8hi)h is )o1ing out is the )an)er>B About t8o bu)kets "ull )a1e out; an$ all the ti1e 8e 8ere stan$ing there sa!ing; B#allelu?ah> /lor! to /o$>B ." !ou $on5t think it 8ill test !our "aith to see a 8hole 1oun$ o" horrible looking stu"" )o1e out; !ou ha$ better think again> /o$ 8ante$ to sho8 us that

he $oes things 8hate6er 8a! he 8ants to 8hether !ou think !ou are too la$!&like or not to stan$ there an$ see so1eone 6o1it> .t 8as the 1ost a8"ul&looking 1ess . e6er sa8; but glor! to /o$; the )an)er )a1e O4T o" her instea$ o" sta!ing .N her> /o$ $oesn5t al8a!s $o things like that; but in the beginning he )an )ertainl! test !our "aith> #e sai$; BAre !ou sure !ou 8ant to be in the healing 1inistr!F Are !ou sure this is 8hat !ou 8antFB Charles an$ . sai$; B*es;B an$ 8e ke7t right on> The sa1e thing ha77ene$ in a huge 1o$ernisti) )hur)h a"ter one great ser6i)e 8e hel$ there one night 8hen 1ore than se6en hun$re$ 7eo7le 8ere heale$ at one ti1e. One 1an 8ho ha$ ?ust been S7irit&"ille$ )a1e u7 to us an$ sai$; B#o8 $o . e=7lain to the ?anitors 8ho $on5t kno8 an!thing about the healing 7o8er o" /o$; 8h! all that )an)er 8as 6o1ite$ all o6er the "loor last night>B . ha6e hear$ that at so1e o" Ai1ee Se17le M)'herson5s 1eetings the! ha$ to )o1e in 8ith a 8heelbarro8 an$ sho6el u7 the )an)ers that "ell o"" 7eo7le. Don5t turn u7 !our nose at it> :ust 8ait until !ou are there an$ so1e )an)er lu17 "alls o"" in !our han$s> Do !ou kno8 8hat 8ill ha77en to !ouF The S7irit o" /o$ 8ill o6er)o1e !ou at that ti1e; an$ !ou 8ill look at that nast! )an)er an$ sa!; B#allelu?ah>B Be)ause it is $ea$ an$ ?ust l!ing in !our han$s> .t is

not li6ing on the bo$! o" so1eone else> -oul$ !ou like to la! han$s on so1eone an$ ha6e the )an)er )o1e o"" in !our han$sF . tell !ou; that is real li6ing> *ou 1ight think that going out to $inner at a real "an)! 7la)e; an$ ha6ing all kin$s o" steak an$ lobster to eat is reall! li6ing; but that is not 8hat li6ing is all about. 9eal li6ing is seeing the si)k heale$ an$ the $e1ons "lee e6en i" their e6i$en)e en$s u7 in !our han$s> -e rarel! see 7eo7le 6o1it 8hen the! are heale$ an$ $eli6ere$; but $on5t be sho)ke$ i" this $oes ha77en> -hen :esus arose "ro1 the $ea$; he le"t an eternall! $e"eate$ Satan behin$ hi1. Ne6er think o" Satan as an!thing e=)e7t a $e"eate$ "oe. Don5t get out there an$ think; B/reater is he that is looking at 1e through the e!es o" that girl 8ho has a $e1on in her than he that is in 1e. . think . ha$ better ba)k o"". . think . ha$ better run so1e7la)e else.B Don5t !ou $are e6er think like that. 9e1e1ber the $e6il is an eternall! $e"eate$ "oe> Again; . 8ant to issue a 8arning. The $eli6eran)e 1inistr! is e=)iting be)ause o" the tre1en$ous "ree$o1 it brings to 7eo7le. But $on5t e6er get so lo7si$e$ that !ou see a $e1on on e6er! $oor knob. -e ha6e ne8 )ar7et in the Cit! o" Light; an$ it is B"uAAingB all o6er the 7la)e. No8 that is not a $e1on o" B)ar7et "uAAB be)ause it is ?ust so1ething that ha77ens 8hen !ou get a ne8 )ar7et; an$ !ou $on5t 6a)uu1 it e6er! $a!> Do !ou see 8hat .51 sa!ingF

There is a real 6ali$ 7la)e; an$ a real 6ali$ ti1e; an$ a real 6ali$ $e1oni) s7irit "or !ou to )ast out. An$ there is a su""i)ient nu1ber o" real li6e e6il s7irits aroun$ so !ou $on5t ha6e to run aroun$ tr!ing to 1ake u7 $e1ons o" all kin$s> #ere5s a little 8arning that 1ight hel7 !ou. Fro1 ti1e to ti1e; a 1other 8ill bring her )hil$ to 1e an$ sa! so1ething like thisG BThis )hil$ is 7ossesse$ o" $e1ons. . )an5t $o an!thing 8ith hi1. #e nee$s $eli6eran)e>B She is hol$ing a s)rea1ing; ki)king; s)rat)hing )hil$; an$ he is so 8il$ . )an5t e6en get )lose to hi1. One $a! /o$ sho8e$ 1e 8h! so1e o" these )hil$ren rea)t like this. #o8 8oul$ !ou like to ha6e so1e 7o8er"ul e6angelist la! han$s on !ou "or so1ething !ou $i$n5t un$erstan$; shake !ou all o6er the 7la)e an$ )o11an$; BDe6il; !ou )o1e out o" hi1>B .t 8oul$ "righten !ou so 1u)h; !ou 8oul$ 7robabl! $e)i$e right on the s7ot that !ou 8oul$ ne6er let an!one else 7ra! "or !ou the rest o" !our li"e> -e sa8 an e=a17le o" this re)entl! 8hen a 1other o" a bo! about nine or ten trie$ to 7resent hi1 to 1e bo$il!. She sai$; B#e5s got %, $e1ons le"t in hi1. /et the1 out o" hi1>B . looke$ at the )hil$; an$ he onl! a77eare$ "rightene$ to 1e; but 8hen the )hil$ looke$ at 1e; he broke loose "ro1 his 1other an$ ran )o17letel!

aroun$ a huge au$itoriu1 so "ast that nobo$! )oul$ )at)h hi1. #e 8as s)rea1ing at the to7 o" his lungs; an$ !et . )oul$n5t see an!thing but a nor1al )hil$ 8ho 8as "rightene$. That5s 8hen /o$ s7oke an$ tol$ 1e that this )hil$ ha$ not been 7re7are$ "or a healing tou)h o" /o$; the lo6ing Father. /o$ aske$ 1e ho8 .5$ like it i" so1eone $ro77e$ 1e on the "loor an$ ha$ ten a$ults sit $o8n on to7 o" 1e to hol$ 1e $o8nF *ou5$ better belie6e .5$ begin "ighting an$ s)rat)hing an$ ki)king an$ $oing e6er!thing else . )oul$ think o" to get "ree; an$ .51 not $e1on 7ossesse$ at all. A 1an sa8 the sa1e thing . $i$; an$ the ne=t $a! he sat $o8n 8ith this sa1e )hil$ an$ 8ith great lo6e 7ra!e$ that the s)ars o" )areless $eli6eran)e 8oul$ be erase$ "ro1 his 1in$. This 7arti)ular )hil$ 8as beauti"ull! set "ree through lo6e; not $eli6eran)e. By Charles As Fran)es an$ . 8rite this book; 8e are )onstantl! kee7ing in our 1in$s that the 8a!s o" /o$ are 7ast "in$ing out; an$ that his 8is$o1 an$ 7o8er are be!on$ an! 7ossible 8a! o" e=7ressing; an$ that 8e ha6e )aught onl! a gli17se o" ho8 he $oes things. -e )an5t e6en begin to )o17rehen$ things /o$ takes "or grante$ < like )reating a uni6erse; an$ 7la)ing stars an$ 7lanets into an e=a)t orbit.

-e are si17l! $es)ribing an$ sharing 8ith !ou 8a!s that /o$ has 8orke$ an$ is 8orking in our 1inistr!; 1an! o" 8hi)h are strikingl! si1ilar to 8a!s he 8orke$ in e7iso$es re)or$e$ in his -or$. -e are $es)ribing 8a!s an$ e=a17les o" )asting out $e1ons. There are no $oubt hun$re$s o" 8a!s !ou )an go about it; but 8e kno8 it "inall! boils $o8n to the 7rin)i7le that it is $one b! the 7o8er o" /o$5s #ol! S7irit in us; an$ that it is $one in the na1e o" :esus; an$ that it is $one b! the authorit! o" :esus> E6er!thing else 8e $es)ribe is to en)ourage !ou an$ to tea)h !ou 8a!s o" going about 7er"or1ing the )o11ission o" :esus to "ree the o77resse$ so that the! )an be brought into the king$o1 o" light. A la$! 8ho ha$ 7ain in her ab$o1en "or three !ears ha$ been to 1an! kin$s o" $o)tors an$ none o" the1 )oul$ "in$ an! )ause "or the 7ain. She ha$ been 7ra!e$ "or in 1an! )haris1ati) 1eetings; an$ still the 7ain 7ersiste$. -e 7raise /o$ "or our 1e$i)al 7ro"ession; but . reasone$ that i" the $o)tors )oul$ not "in$ the )ause; it 1ust be a $e1on; be)ause $o)tors 8ithout the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit $o not ha6e the su7ernatural $is)ern1ent to kno8 that a s7irit )an )ause 7ain. . aske$ her to 7la)e her han$s 8here the 7ain 8as; an$ . lai$ 1! han$ on to7 o" hers; boun$ Satan; an$ )o11an$e$ the s7irit o" 7ain to )o1e out in the na1e o" :esus.

. sa8 her release$ "ro1 7ain; an$ so . aske$ her 8hat ha77ene$. /o$ 1ust ha6e o7ene$ her s7irit e!es; be)ause 8hen . sai$ BOutB she re7lie$; B-hat a77eare$ to be a large thing like a lee)h 8ith legs $ug into 1e )a1e out; turne$ o6er in the air an$ Aoo1e$ out into s7a)e a8a! "ro1 1e.B All 7ain instantl! le"t> 'raise :esus "or "reeing the )a7ti6es> A "e8 1onths later 8e 8ere 6isite$ b! a "rien$ 8ho sai$ his 8i"e ha$ a 7ain in her ab$o1en; that she ha$ been to 1an! $i""erent kin$s o" $o)tors an$ the! )oul$ "in$ no )ause or )ure; an$ that she ha$ been 7ra!e$ "or 1an! ti1es. The situation 8as e=a)tl! like the other la$!. The! li6e$ about %33 1iles a8a!; so . aske$ hi1 to )all his 8i"e on the 7hone. . e=7laine$ to her about the other $eli6eran)e. She 7la)e$ her han$ on the 7ain area; . boun$ Satan b! the 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit; an$ )o11an$e$ the s7irit o" 7ain to )o1e out; in :esus5 na1e. -hen . aske$; B-here is the 7ainFB she re7lie$; B. DON5T #AVE .T AN* MO9E>B /lor! to /o$; e6en $istan)e $oesn5t 1ake an! $i""eren)e 8hen the authorit! o" :esus is use$ to ri$ so1eone o" an ene1! o" /o$> B! the 8a!; both o" those "ro1 8ho1 a s7irit o" 7ain 8as )ast out 8ere S7irit&"ille$ Christians. .t is 7ossible that the $ea"; $u1b; blin$; or other s7irits :esus na1e$ )oul$ ha6e been )ast out o" a belie6er.

Again; 8e $o not belie6e a $e1on )an be in the s7irit o" a Christian; but that the! )an atta)k a bo$! or 1in$. -e kno8 o" no e6i$en)e that the $e1on a)tuall! has to B$8ell inB a 7erson to )ause a Bs7irit o" 7ainB or an! o" the other s7irits :esus na1e$. The! )an si17l! atta)k a 7art o" the bo$!; 7ossibl! e6en to i17lant )an)er into the bo$!. . 8as talking 8ith a 1an one $a! 8ho tol$ 1e that his right leg ha$ been a17utate$ abo6e the knee. That night he )a1e to 1e "or 7ra!er; an$ sai$ he ha$ 7ain in his right "oot. . starte$ to la! han$s on hi1 8hen . su$$enl! re1e1bere$ that he 8as the one 8ith no right leg or "oot. . sai$; B-hat $o !ou 1ean; 7ain in !our right "oot < . thought !ou tol$ 1e !ou $i$n5t ha6e oneFB #e sai$; BThat5s right. The $o)tors )all this a 7hanto1 7ain.B The thought i11e$iatel! )a1e into 1! 1in$ that there 8ere no hu1an ner6es le"t to signal 7ain to the brain; so it ha$ to be a 7hanto1 s7irit. . )o11an$e$ that 7hanto1 s7irit o" 7ain to )o1e out in the na1e o" :esus an$ b! the 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit; an$ .T .NSTANTL* LEFT> Then /o$ ga6e 1e a 8or$ o" kno8le$ge that the 7ain 8oul$ return t8i)e 1ore; an$ that he 8as to rebuke it ea)h ti1e; an$ a"ter that he 8oul$ ne6er ha6e it again.

The ne=t $a! he )a1e to 1e to sa!; B*ou 8ere e=a)tl! rightH it )a1e ba)k t8i)eH ea)h ti1e . rebuke$ it an$ it le"t>B .s all 7ain )ause$ b! a $e1onF No; be)ause i" !ou sti)k !our "inger on a hot sto6e or )ut it 8ith a kni"e; it 8ill 7ain !ou. ." this o))urs; )o11an$ it to be heale$ in the na1e o" :esus; an$ rebuke the 7ain. -hen :esus 8ent to 'eter5s 1other&in&la85s house; she 8as si)k o" a "e6er. :esus took her b! the han$ Ctou)he$ herD an$ in Luke it is re)or$e$ that he stoo$ o6er her; an$ rebuke$ the "e6erH an$ it le"t her CLuke %G 2D. Our $aughter; :oan; ha$ t8o 8is$o1 teeth 7ulle$ 8hen she 8as a teenage girl. B! the ti1e . )a1e ho1e "ro1 8ork; the e""e)t o" the No6o)ain ha$ 8orn o""; an$ :oan 8as )r!ing 8ith 7ain. . 7ut 1! han$s on her ?a8s an$ sai$; B'ain; . rebuke !ou in the na1e o" :esus.B The 7ain le"t an$ ne6er returne$. This 8as not a s7irit; ?ust an in?ur! through surger!. -e ha6e 1inistere$ in au$ien)es a)ross the 8orl$; an$ 8hen the 7o8er o" /o$ is "lo8ing an$ the 7eo7le are res7onsi6e to the sharing o" the -or$ o" /o$ an$ to the testi1onies o" his great 1ira)les; $e1ons si17l! )annot stan$ his 7resen)e. The! ?ust lea6e their hu1an habitations. One night in a large )ro8$; 7eo7le 8ere "alling

un$er the 7o8er b! the s)ores; the! 8ere getting heale$ in 1asses; the gi"t o" the 8or$ o" kno8le$ge 8as 8orking through us; an$ a hi$eous s)rea1 )a1e "orth "ro1 the ba)k o" the au$ien)e. So1eone ha$ brought an unsa6e$ "rien$ "ro1 a $an)e stu$io; an$ the $e1on )oul$ not stan$ the 7o8er o" /o$; so it le"t 8ithout being tol$ to $o so. .t is 6er! i17ortant that all o" us $o e6er!thing 8e )an to 8in those ensnare$ b! the thie" an$ the $estro!er be"ore the! are $estine$ to be "ore6er lost "ro1 the glor! /o$ has 7ro6i$e$ "or us. Oh; i" 8e )oul$ all get a 6ision o" 8hat /o$ 8ants "or us; an$ realiAe the 1ar6el o" it all 8hen 8e "ull! realiAe that 8e are a )hosen generation; a s7e)ial 7eo7le 8ho are )alle$ b! /o$. #e $oesn5t 8ant us boun$ b! the $e6il; he 8ants us set "ree b! his hol! an$ a8eso1e 7o8er> BThus saith the Lor$ /o$ o" .srael; Let 1! 7eo7le go ...B CE=. (G1D. /o$ 8as $eli6ering his 7eo7le "ro1 a $e6il&)ontrolle$ 'haraoh. An$ /o$ 8ants us to $eli6er his 7eo7le "ro1 a $e6il&)ontrolle$ 8orl$. One o" the 1ost beauti"ul $eli6eran)es . ha6e e6er seen ha77ene$ in our o""i)e. A !oung la$! 8as brought to 1e 8ho ha$ re7eate$l! atte17te$ sui)i$e. She 8as $eter1ine$ to kill hersel". She 8as totall! 7ossesse$ b! this )ontrolling $e1on o" sui)i$e. She ha$ been )ounsele$ b! S7irit&"ille$ ChristiansH she ha$ gone through inner healingH she ha$ been

7ra!e$ "or; an$ atte17ts ha$ been 1a$e to )ast the $e1on out; but she 8as still $eter1ine$ to kill hersel". She ha$ a bitterness to8ar$ li"e so strong that her $eter1ine$ $esire "or $estru)tion 7lainl! sho8e$ u7 in her "a)e> She ha$ been )on"ine$ to a 7s!)hiatri) 8ar$ o" the hos7ital; an$ e6en there atte17te$ sui)i$e; an$ ha$ e6en )o11itte$ a$ulter! in the hos7ital. As . began to 1inister to her 8ith a /o$&gi6en lo6e an$ )o17assion; . 6er! so"tl! tol$ her that /o$ lo6e$ her an$ 8ante$ her to li6e "or hi1 an$ be in hea6en 8ith hi1 "or eternit!. . tol$ her that the $e6il 8as the one 8ho 8as )ausing her to "eel so $e"eate$ an$ $e7resse$; an$ that /o$ )oul$ bring 7ea)e an$ ha77iness to her e6en here on earth. . e=7laine$ that hea6en 8as 8on$er"ul an$ beauti"ul; an$ then $es)ribe$ ho8 hell is horrible an$ tor1enting < e6en 1u)h 8orse than the BhellB she 8as li6ing in no8. Then . tol$ her that i" she 8oul$ ?ust ask :esus to "orgi6e her; he 8oul$ erase an$ re1o6e all o" this "ro1 her. She 8hiningl! sai$; B.51 so )on"use$ that . $on5t kno8 8hat to $o.B . e=7laine$ to her that she 8as not the one telling 1e

that she 8as )on"use$H that this 8as an e6il s7irit in her that 8as using her 1in$ an$ her 6oi)e. Again; s7eaking 6er! so"tl!; . e=7laine$ that the $e6il 8ante$ her to )o11it sui)i$e so that the 1ur$er o" hersel" 8oul$ take her into his eternal )ontrol in hell; an$ she 8oul$ ha6e no "urther o77ortunit! to be "ree$ "ro1 the $e6il5s )ontrol. Again . in6ite$ her to 1ake the si17le )hoi)e o" going to the tor1enting hell; or o" ha6ing eternal 7ea)e an$ ?o! in hea6en. Again she 8hi17ere$ an$ sai$; B. ?ust )an5t think.B She 8as sitting in a )hair an$ . 8as stan$ing in "ront o" her. . gentl! 7ut 1! "ingers un$er her )hin an$ li"te$ her hea$ so . )oul$ look into her e!es. The S7irit o" /o$ ha$ anointe$ 1e 8ith a su7ernatural lo6e an$ $esire to 8in her soul "ro1 the $e1on 8ho 8as tr!ing to rob her "ro1 /o$ 8ith this last $es7erate atte17t. . sai$; B.51 going to )o11an$ the s7irit that is talking to 1e out o" !our 1outh to )o1e out; an$ .T -.LL COME O4T; an$ then !ou )an think straight to 1ake !our )hoi)e "or :esus.B .n al1ost a 8his7er; but 8ith 7o8er an$ authorit!; . sai$; BDe6il; . bin$ !ou in the na1e o" :esus an$ b! the 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit; an$ )o11an$ !ou; !ou s7irit o" sui)i$e an$ !ou s7irit o" bitterness; )o1e out

o" her>B There 8as no !elling; no lou$ 6oi)e; no "ighting; no struggle; no 6o1iting; no resistan)e; no e6i$en)e o" seeing an!thing )o1e outH but in a so"t; belie6ing; kno8ing 6oi)e; the )o11an$ 8hi)h :esus tol$ us to use 8as gi6en; an$ the !oung la$!5s 8hole )ountenan)e )hange$ in an instant. A 7ea)e )a1e on her "a)e; a so"tness in her e!es; an$ a trans"or1ation )a1e u7on her so 1ight! that she har$l! looke$ like the sa1e bitter; $e6il&)ontrolle$ 8o1an 8ho sat there a 1o1ent be"ore. Then . si17l!; so"tl! sai$ to her; BSa!; :esus; "orgi6e 1! sins>B She re7eate$ those e6er&so&7o8er"ul 8or$s "ro1 her heart 8ith BherB 6oi)e 8hi)h 8as no8 )ontrolle$ b! her 1in$ instea$ o" b! the $e1on. B:esus; )o1e into 1! heart an$ 1ake 1e the kin$ o" 8o1an !ou 8ant 1e to be. Be 1! Sa6iorH be 1! Lor$. . lo6e !ou FatherH . lo6e !ou :esus>B She le"t the o""i)e a "e8 1inutes later; lo6ing :esus; lo6ing /o$ as her s7iritual Father; an$ 8ith a Bible an$ so1e o" our books in her han$. BAn$ the! )o1e to :esus; an$ see hi1 that 8as 7ossesse$ 8ith the $e6il; an$ ha$ the legion; sitting; an$ )lothe$; an$ in his right 1in$G an$ the! 8ere a"rai$B CMark (G1(D. T#AN@ *O4; :ES4S>

De7ression or o77ression is a state o" the 1in$; but )an be in"luen)e$ b! a $e1on. De1ons )an $eal 8ith the thoughts o" 1ankin$; an$ )onseEuentl! ha6e an abilit! to )ause !ou to think un)lean thoughts. There"ore; the! 1ust also be able to atta)k the 1in$ 8ith thoughts )ausing $e7ression or o77ression; generall! arising "ro1 so1e sel"ish attitu$e. B." !ou are angr!; $on5t sin b! nursing !our gru$ge. Don5t let the sun go $o8n 8ith !ou still angr! < get o6er it Eui)kl!H "or 8hen !ou are angr! !ou gi6e a 1ight! "oothol$ to the $e6ilB CE7h. %G2+ TLBD. The Bible tells us to get o6er anger < that 1eans 8e )an $o it i" 8e are 8illing. ." 8e are not 8illing; it gi6es a "oothol$ to $e1oni) a)ti6it! an$ )oul$ lea$ to 7ossession b! the $e1on through total )ontrol o" our 1in$ an$ e6entuall! our s7irit an$ soul. Then there )an be no $8elling o" Christ 8ithin us. The $e1onia) 8ho ha$ the legion )ast out; 8as ba)k in his right 1in$ a"ter8ar$s. This in$i)ates that the 7ossesse$ 1an ha$ his 1in$ )ontrolle$ b! the $e1on CMark (G1(D. -hat )auses 7eo7le to "ollo8 Satan an$ his e6il 8a!sF #o8 $o 7eo7le sub1it the1sel6es to a hating $e6il 8hen /o$ has so 1u)h "or usF -h! 8oul$ an!one e6en )onsi$er 1aking a $eliberate )hoi)e to sub1it the1sel6es to an eternit! o" tor1ent instea$ o" an eternal ho1e 8ith /o$F BThe thie" )o1eth not; but "or to steal; an$ to kill; an$

to $estro!G . a1 )o1e that the! 1ight ha6e li"e; an$ that the! 1ight ha6e it 1ore abun$antl!B C:ohn 13G13D. The tri)ker! o" Satan is to 7er6ert our 1in$s into belie6ing that his 8a! is best. ." 8e a))e7t his lies; it is the beginning o" the in6itation b! 1ankin$ "or a $e1on to kill an$ $estro! their souls b! stealing the1 a8a! "ro1 /o$. #e $oes this 7rin)i7all! through ba$ attitu$es; an$ BAD ATT.T4DES A9E NOT DEMONS; but the! gi6e a "oothol$ to $e1oni) a)ti6it!. Ba$ attitu$es $on5t nee$ to be )ast out like a s7irit; but 8e nee$ to o6er)o1e the1 b! the 7o8er o" /o$> The $e6il lie$ to E6e in the /ar$en o" E$en; an$ she ha$ the )hoi)e o" re?e)ting his te17tation; or belie6ing his lie. She ga6e a "oothol$ to the $e6il; an$ he stole her a8a! "ro1 /o$. Satan )le6erl! gaine$ this "oothol$ through her 1in$. #e )unningl! 7ut thoughts or 8or$s into her 1in$ an$ she belie6e$ hi1. -hen !ou are 1inistering to so1eone in the $eli6eran)e o" $e1ons; "irst talk 8ith the1 to see i" the! are sa6e$. Ask the1 i" the! reall! lo6e :esus an$ i" the! 8oul$ sa!; B:esus is Lor$ o" 1! li"e.B ." the! are trul! born again; the! 8ill be able to sa! that an$ 1ean it; but i" the! are not able to sa! it; !ou nee$ to $eal 8ith a $e1on. Other8ise; inEuire about attitu$es that are 8rong. MA*BE T#E* :4ST NEED TEAC#.N/ about their res7onsibilit! to get ri$ o" ba$

attitu$es. B#ere is the testG no one s7eaking b! the 7o8er o" the S7irit o" /o$ )an )urse :esus; an$ no one )an sa!; 5:esus is Lor$;5 an$ reall! 1ean it; unless the #ol! S7irit is hel7ing hi1B C. Cor. 12G TLBD. A 8o1an )a1e to Fran)es one night 8ith a 6er! sa$ stor!. She starte$ o"" b! sa!ing; B.56e been 7ra!e$ "or b! the best; so . $on5t kno8 8h! .51 )o1ing to !ou; but... .56e ha$ the $e1on o" s1oke )ast out> .56e ha$ the $e1on o" toba))o )ast out> .56e ha$ the $e1on o" ni)otine )ast out> .56e ha$ the $e1on o" )igarettes )ast out>B She )ontinue$; BDo !ou ha6e a 8or$ "ro1 the Lor$ "or 1eFB Fran)es sai$; B*es>B B-hat is itFB she aske$. Fran)es sai$; BIuit>B The 8o1an 8as ob6iousl! sho)ke$. But too 1an! ti1es 8e bla1e s7irits or $e1ons "or things that are si17l! our "ault. -e run "ro1 e6angelist to e6angelist; "ro1 7rea)her to 7rea)her; "ro1 )on"eren)e to )on"eren)e; asking "or $eli6eran)e at e6er! ser6i)e; 8hen the 7roble1 is reall! 6er! si17le. .t lies 8ithin oursel" < I4.T S.NN.N/> Thro8 those )igarettes a8a!; $on5t bu! an! 1ore;

an$ Euit bla1ing it on $e1ons> ."; 8ith all !our heart; 1in$; bo$! an$ soul; !ou 8ant to be obe$ient to all that /o$ an$ :esus 8ant !ou to $o; there 8ill ne6er be a $esire to sin. A $esire to sin is si17l! a 8a! o" e=7ressing !our $isbelie" that /o$5s 8a! is best. /o$ $oesn5t like that. But it $elights hi1 8hen !ou 8ant to $o 8hat 7leases hi1> B. a$6ise !ou to obe! onl! the #ol! S7irit5s instru)tions. #e 8ill tell !ou 8here to go an$ 8hat to $o; an$ then !ou 8on5t al8a!s be $oing the 8rong things !our e6il nature 8ants !ou to. For 8e naturall! lo6e to $o e6il things that are ?ust the o77osite "ro1 the things that the #ol! S7irit tells us to $oH an$ the goo$ things 8e 8ant to $o 8hen the S7irit has his 8a! 8ith us are ?ust the o77osite o" our natural $esires. These t8o "or)es 8ithin us are )onstantl! "ighting ea)h other to 8in )ontrol o6er us; an$ our 8ishes are ne6er "ree "ro1 their 7ressures.B B-hen !ou are gui$e$ b! the #ol! S7irit !ou nee$ no longer "or)e !oursel" to obe! :e8ish la8s.B BBut 8hen !ou "ollo8 !our o8n 8rong in)linations !our li6es 8ill 7ro$u)e these e6il resultsG i17ure thoughts; eagerness "or lust"ul 7leasure; i$olatr!; s7iritis1 Cthat is; en)ouraging the a)ti6it! o" $e1onsD; hatre$ an$ "ighting; ?ealous! an$ anger; )onstant e""ort to get the best "or !oursel"; )o17laints an$ )riti)is1s; the "eeling that e6er!one else is 8rong e=)e7t those in !our o8n little grou7 < an$

there 8ill be 8rong $o)trine; en6!; 1ur$er; $runkenness; 8il$ 7arties; an$ all that sort o" thing. Let 1e tell !ou again as . ha6e be"ore; that an!one li6ing that sort o" li"e 8ill not inherit the king$o1 o" /o$B C/al. (G1+&21 TLBD. Do !ou noti)e "ro1 that 7art o" /o$5s -or$ that these are attitu$es 8hi)h )o1e into our 1in$ be)ause our ol$ sel"&nature 8ants its 8a!F That is the si17lest 8a! . kno8 to tell !ou ho8 the $e6il gets a "oothol$ on !our 1in$ in his $ri6e to take !our soul a8a! "ro1 /o$. The 8a! to a6oi$ the tra7 the $e6il sets is si17l! set "orth in the rest o" that )ha7terG BBut 8hen the #ol! S7irit )ontrols our li6es he 8ill 7ro$u)e this kin$ o" "ruit in usG lo6e; ?o!; 7ea)e; 7atien)e; kin$ness; goo$ness; "aith"ulness; gentleness an$ sel"&)ontrolH an$ here there is no )on"li)t 8ith :e8ish la8s. Those 8ho belong to Christ ha6e naile$ their natural e6il $esires to his )ross an$ )ru)i"ie$ the1 there. ." 8e are li6ing no8 b! the #ol! S7irit5s 7o8er; let us "ollo8 the #ol! S7irit5s lea$ing in e6er! 7art o" our li6es. Then 8e 8on5t nee$ to look "or honors an$ 7o7ularit!; 8hi)h lea$ to ?ealous! an$ har$ "eelingsB C/al (G22&2+ TLBD. -hen 8e let thoughts )ontrar! to /o$5s nature enter into our 1in$s; these thoughts begin to $e6elo7 an$ be)o1e a 7art o" us. Our inner $esires either in6ite the #ol! S7irit or Satan5s ol$ nature in us to )ontrol our thoughts.

Sto7 thinking about the negati6e; e6il ol$ nature an$ !ou )an sto7 1ost $e1ons "ro1 ha6ing a)ti6it! in !our 1in$. The! $on5t i11e$iatel! 7ossess !ou; but the! begin to )ontrol !ou little b! little until !ou no longer $esire /o$5s 8a!s. BSub1it !oursel6es there"ore to /o$. 9esist the $e6il; an$ he 8ill "lee "ro1 !ou. Dra8 nigh to /o$; an$ he 8ill $ra8 nigh to !ou. Cleanse !our han$s; !e sinnersH an$ 7uri"! !our hearts; !e $ouble 1in$e$B C:a1es %G,;0D. -ho is to $o thatF -e are. One $a! be"ore Fran)es an$ . 8ere 1arrie$; . 8as $ri6ing "ro1 one 7art o" #ouston to another 8hile . 8as 8orking as a Certi"ie$ 'ubli) A))ountant. The sun 8as shining; . 8as ha77!; . 8as singing songs o" 7raise to /o$; an$ the 8hole 8orl$ 8as thrilling to li6e in. . sto77e$ in the bright sunlight at a 7arking lot; got out o" the )ar an$ starte$ to8ar$ a )a"eteria "or lun)h. M! li"e ha$ been totall! surren$ere$ to /o$ an$ . ha$ s7ent o6er a thousan$ e=)iting hours 1e$itating in the Bible the 7ast "e8 1onths. E6er!thing 8as beauti"ul an$ 7er"e)t> But as . ste77e$ out o" the )ar; a $arkness; a $e7ression )a1e o6er 1e an$ it "elt like e6er!thing 8as 8rong; that all lo6e le"t 1e; all ?o! an$ 7ea)e le"t; an$ that 1! 8hole 8orl$ ha$ )a6e$ in on 1e.

. $i$n5t kno8 8hat ha$ ha77ene$. .t 8as so su$$en an$ 1! 1in$ trie$ in a "lash o" a se)on$ to kno8 8hat ha$ ha77ene$. But; be)ause 1! 1in$ ha$ been saturate$ 8ith the -or$ o" /o$; an$ 8as )ontrolle$ b! the #ol! S7irit; an$ 1! $esires 8ere to 7lease /o$ an$ not 1!sel"; a s)ri7ture )a1e Eui)kl! into 1! 1in$. . sai$; B/o$; i" that is the $e6il; get hi1 out o" here an$ $ra8 )lose to 1e>B .nstantl!; like a "lash o" lightning; all the $arkness; the $e7ression; the e17tiness le"t 1e like a 8in$. The e6il s7irit 8hi)h ha$ so 6i)iousl! atta)ke$ 1! 1in$ )oul$ a)tuall! be sense$ like a 8in$ 8hi)h "or an instant rose out o" 1e slo8l! an$ then it a))elerate$ to a tre1en$ous s7ee$ an$ $isa77eare$ into s7a)e. Satan ha$ sent a $e1on a"ter 1e to tr! to get into 1! s7irit to )ontrol 1e an$ to steal 1e a8a! "ro1 the /o$ . lo6e$ so 1u)h. But; Bthe 8or$ o" /o$ is Eui)k; an$ 7o8er"ul; an$ shar7er than an! t8o&e$ge$ s8or$; 7ier)ing e6en to the $i6i$ing asun$er o" soul an$ s7irit; an$ o" the ?oints an$ 1arro8; an$ is a $is)erner o" the thoughts an$ intents o" the heartB C#eb. %G12D. The great 8ea7on against $e1ons is the -or$ o" /o$. That is one reason 8e shoul$ 1e$itate $a! an$

night in his -or$; an$ think about hi1 an$ 8hat 8ill 7lease hi1H not think about 8hat 8e )an get "or oursel6es. BFor though 8e 8alk in the "lesh; 8e $o not 8ar a"ter the "leshG CFor the 8ea7ons o" our 8ar"are are not )arnal; but 1ight! through /o$ to the 7ulling $o8n o" strong hol$sHD Casting $o8n i1aginations; an$ e6er! high thing that e=alteth itsel" against the kno8le$ge o" /o$; an$ bringing into )a7ti6it! e6er! thought to the obe$ien)e o" ChristB C.. Cor. 13G &(D. The "irst ti1e a $e1on atta)ks !our thoughts is the ti1e to get ri$ o" it> Don5t let it get a "oothol$ on !our 1in$ or !our thoughts. 're6enti6e 1e$i)ine is better than ha6ing to take 1e$i)ation "or a )ure. The -or$ o" /o$ is the i11uniAation 8e nee$ to 7rote)t us "ro1 $e1oni) in"luen)e; )ontrol or 7ossession. -e nee$ to ha6e the nature o" /o$ i17lante$ in us as an ino)ulation against the in"e)tion the $e6il 7la)es in our thoughts an$ inner $esires. De1ons are in6isible; bo$iless )reatures that ha6e the abilit! to 1o6e about 8here6er Satan sen$s the1; an$ the! )an ho6er o6er us; surroun$ us; atta)k us; 7ut thoughts into our 1in$s; 7ut $iseases into our bo$ies; or e6en )ause us to lose our 1in$s an$ be)o1e insane. The! )an be 7resent at our birth; or as 8e are "or1e$ in the bell! o" our 1others; an$ )ause $e"e)ts in our "or1ation. Being s7irits 8ho li6e "ore6er; the! )an

trans"er "ro1 one generation to another an$ thus )ause $iseases or $e"e)ts 8hi)h 1a! be in the "or1 o" genes or $e"or1ations. The! )o1e against our "lesh to tr! to )ontrol our souls. -e 1ust use all the un$erstan$ing 8e )an get; an$ allo8 the #ol! S7irit to tea)h us ho8 to get ri$ o" the1; in 8hate6er 8a! the! atta)k. *our ?ob an$ our ?ob is to liberate our "ello8 hu1an beings "ro1 the in"luen)e an$ )ontrol o" Satan an$ his $e1on ai$es; an$ to tea)h the1 ho8 to re1ain F9EE> B#eal the si)k; )leanse the le7ers; raise the $ea$; CAST O4T DEV.LSG "reel! !e ha6e re)ei6e$; "reel! gi6eB CMatt. 13G0D. . belie6e that /o$ is 7re7aring a bo$! o" 7eo7le to go out in 1ight! 7o8er. -h!F #is heart is )r!ing out be)ause he kno8s that 7eo7le nee$ to be heale$ an$ $eli6ere$> /o$ is sa!ing to his 7eo7le; B. 8ant a bun)h o" belie6ers 8ho are 8illing to go out an$ kno8 the! are not 8restling against hu1an beings; but against 7rin)i7alities an$ 7o8ers. The! are going to go out in the na1e o" :esus an$ la! han$s on the si)k 8ith results "or 1e> An$ the! are going to be 6i)torious>B Do !ou kno8 there are 7eo7le )r!ing all o6er the 8orl$; BSo1ebo$! tea)h 1e the gos7el. So1ebo$!

tea)h 1e ho8 !ou )an get heale$.B That is 8h! it is so eas! to heal the si)k 8hen !ou go o6erseas. /lor! to /o$; the! ?ust )o1e belie6ing> An$ the! $o lo6e to heal the si)k> A "rien$ o" ours ?ust returne$ "ro1 #aiti 8here he sai$ 1an! o" the 7astors $o not e6en o8n a Bible; be)ause the! $o not kno8 ho8 to rea$; but !ou gi6e the1 a s)ri7ture like; BThe! shall la! han$s on the si)k; an$ the! shall re)o6erB or BAn$ these signs shall "ollo8 the1 that belie6eH .n 1! na1e shall the! )ast out $e6ilsB an$ the! go on the run> The! take a s)ri7ture like one o" those; la! han$s on the si)k an$ tre1en$ous healings take 7la)e> On)e the! hear the -or$; the! get it into their s7irits an$ ne6er tr! to $is7ro6e it; the! onl! tr! to a)t u7on it> . )an har$l! 8ait until rea$ers 7ut these 7rin)i7les into 7ra)ti)e; an$ letters start )o1ing ba)k here sa!ing; B. 8ent here an$ . 8ent there; an$ . 8as in this "oreign )ountr!; an$ . 8as in that "oreign )ountr!; an$ 7eo7le got heale$ all o6er the 7la)e>B *ou 1ight think that is not a realit!; but 8ith 1! heart an$ soul . belie6e it is> . belie6e /o$ is going to take 7eo7le 8ho ACT; to 7la)es the! ne6er $rea1e$ o" in their entire li"e; an$ begin using the1 to heal the si)k> T#.S MEANS *O4>

C#A'TE9 1+ T#E /.FT OF FA.T#

By Frances One 1orning as 8e 8ere 7re7aring to tea)h on $i""erent 8a!s to heal the si)k; the Lor$ s7oke to 1e an$ sai$ so1ething 8hi)h . belie6e )an $i6inel! )hange !our li"e an$ !our 1inistr! 8here healing is )on)erne$. Can ea)h an$ e6er! one o" us ha6e the 7o8er to heal the si)kF *es; the -or$ sa!s that the abilit! to heal is 8ithin ea)h an$ e6er! belie6er> CMark 1+G10D. But !ou 1a! sa!; B. $on5t ha6e the gi"t o" healing; be)ause it hasn5t been gi6en to 1e b! the #ol! S7irit; an$ he gi6es the gi"ts as he 8ills>B /o$ s7oke to 1e an$ sai$; BThe #ol! S7irit gi6es gi"ts as he 8ills; an$ #E /.VES T#EM TO 5-#OSOEVE9 -.LL>5B #e is not going to gi6e !ou a gi"t i" !ou5re not going to use it> #e is not going to let the gi"t o" "aith $ro7 $o8n on !ou i" !ou are going to be a s7iritual )hi)ken an$ not $o 8hat he tells !ou to $o. #e is not going to gi6e !ou the gi"t o" "aith to tell so1eone to rise u7 out o" a 8heel )hair; i" !our

ans8er is going to be; B/o$; !ou56e got to be ki$$ing; be)ause . 1ight be e1barrasse$ i" it $i$n5t 8ork>B The gi"t o" "aith is one o" the e=)iting gi"ts 7resente$ to us b! the #ol! S7irit. .t is not a gi"t that is 7resent at all ti1es; but a gi"t that 1akes !ou rise o6er su7ernatural barriers 8ithout an! $oubt an$ 7er"or1 a 1ira)le> The gi"t o" "aith 8ill 1ake !ou su)h a 1ight! 7erson o" 6alour that !ou )an har$l! belie6e 8hen it5s all o6er that !ou 8ere the one 8ho $i$ it> The gi"t o" "aith trans"or1s !ou "or a 7erio$ o" ti1e into a su7ernatural 7erson. The e=)iting stor! in the thir$ )ha7ter o" A)ts 7oints this out 8hen 'eter sai$; BSil6er an$ gol$ ha6e . noneH but su)h as . ha6e gi6e . theeG .n the na1e o" :esus Christ o" NaAareth rise u7 an$ 8alk>B The gi"t o" "aith ha$ "allen on 'eter; an$ he be)a1e a su7ernatural 7erson; "or the -or$ sa!s; BAn$ he took hi1 b! the right han$ an$ li"te$ hi1 u7G an$ i11e$iatel! his "eet an$ ankle bones re)ei6e$ strength.B The gi"t o" "aith 8as 7oure$ out u7on 'eter; an$ ALSO ACTED 4'ON B* #.M; be)ause he 8as one o" those 8ho B8ill>B The gi"t o" "aith is so1ething !ou 8ill i11e$iatel! sense 8hen it "alls> For one brie" 1o1ent; the $e6il 8ill take his last "ling an$ there 1a! be a "li)ker o" $oubt in !our 1in$; but ste7 out in "aith; an$ be)o1e a su7ernatural 7erson> -e 8ere not raise$ in 'ente)ost; so until 8e re)ei6e$ the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit; 8e ha$ seen onl! a

"e8 healings. A"ter the ba7tis1; healings began to in)rease until /o$ su$$enl! $ro77e$ us into the 1ira)le 1inistr! in El 'aso; Te=as; an$ as a result 8e 8rote the book; S.NCE :ES4S 'ASSED B*. One $a! in Louis6ille; @entu)k!; a Catholi) )ou7le 8as rea$ing this book. The! )oul$ har$l! belie6e that /o$ 8as still $oing su7ernatural things to$a!. But the! ha$ a little bo! 8ho ha$ )erebral 7als!. #e ha$ ne6er 8alke$ 8ithout bra)es an$ )rut)hes in his entire li"e. #e ha$ ne6er )ra8le$; be)ause he ha$ no 1otor )oor$ination. The 1ore the! rea$; the 1ore "aith began to rise u7 in the1> Coul$ their "i6e&!ear&ol$ be heale$ in the 23th )entur!F The! re1e1bere$ the! ha$ seen an a$ in a ne8s 7a7er that 8e 8ere ha6ing a 1ira)le ser6i)e in Louis6ille at E6angel Taberna)le. E=)ite1ent "ille$ the air as the! 1a$e 7lans to )o1e. The! li6e$ on a "ar1; so the! got u7 at AM an$ 1ilke$ their )o8s. E6er!one $resse$ in a hurr!; got into the )ar an$ $ro6e about one hun$re$ an$ t8ent! slo8&1o6ing 1iles to get to the )hur)h b! 0 AM be)ause the! $i$n5t 8ant to 1iss the 1ira)le ser6i)e; regar$less o" 8hat ti1e it 8as to start. All the! talke$ about on the 8a! to Louis6ille 8as :e""ie5s healing> Ne6er a negati6e state1ent> All 7ositi6e talk> :EFF.E -AS /O.N/ TO BE #EALED> The! 8ere $isa77ointe$ 8hen the! got there be)ause the! $is)o6ere$ the 1ira)le ser6i)e 8as s)he$ule$ "or that night; an$ the! )oul$n5t sta! be)ause the

)o8s ha$ to be 1ilke$ againH ho8e6er; 8e 7ro1ise$ the1 that 8e 8oul$ 7ra! "or :e""ie so1eti1e $uring the 1orning ser6i)e. -e looke$ at that )ri77le$ little bo$!; an$ our "aith 8asn5t 6er! high. .t 8as a s1all 1orning )ro8$ 8ithout great nu1bers o" belie6ers to hel7 buil$ our "aith; 8hen su$$enl! the healing 7o8er o" /o$ began to "lo8 like a ri6er; an$ /o$ $ro77e$ the su7ernatural gi"t o" "aith $o8n on both o" us; on :e""ie5s 7arents; an$ also on a little "i6e&!ear&ol$ bo!. . ran into the au$ien)e; 7i)ke$ :e""ie u7; an$ tol$ his 7arents to )o1e "or8ar$. . hel$ :e""ie on 1! la7; an$ aske$ hi1 an i17ortant Euestion; BDo !ou belie6e /o$ )an heal !ouFB :e""ie looke$ at 1e like . ha$ lost 1! 1in$; be)ause all the 8a! to Louis6ille his 7arents ha$ been telling hi1 he 8as going to be heale$; an$ here . 8as asking hi1 i" he thought that /o$ )oul$ heal hi1> #e sai$; BOh; !es; he5s going to heal 1e to$a!>B No hesitation; no $oubt; no Euestioning; no nothing; ?ust absolute "aith 8ithout a $oubt> The gi"t o" "aith 8as )hurning u7 in us. -e lai$ han$s on :e""ie; an$ then Charles turne$ to his 7arents an$ aske$ the1 i" the! 8oul$ like to take his bra)es o""; an$ ?ust as soon as the! sai$ B*es;B the! both "ell un$er the 7o8er; so Charles re1o6e$ :e""ie5s bra)es.

#e took :e""ie o"" o" 1! la7; hel$ hi1 in a stan$ing 7osition; an$ 8ith no hesitation at all sai$; B:e""ie; in the na1e o" :esus; 94N>B #e $i$n5t tell hi1 to 8alkH he tol$ hi1 to run> An$ there 8ere three ste7s $o8n "ro1 the 7lat"or1 to the "loor. :e""ie ne6er hesitate$. #e lea7e$ $o8n the three ste7s an$ began to run> #e ne6er $oubte$ that he )oul$ run> #e ne6er $oubte$ that he 8as heale$> #e ?ust ran as "ast as he )oul$> Not too 8ell "or the "irst 23 to 3 "eet; but gra$uall! in)reasing in s7ee$ an$ abilit!> For those "irst "e8 ste7s; his hi7s 8ere )rooke$; an$ his gait unstea$!; but be"ore long he rea)he$ the ba)k an$ turne$ aroun$. . sai$; B9un ba)k here :e""ie>B an$ he took o"" an$ ran "or the 7ul7it as "ast as he )oul$. . ste77e$ $o8n to the "loor le6el 8ith 1! ar1s outstret)he$; an$ 8hen he 8as about si= "eet a8a!; he 1a$e a "l!ing lea7; )li1be$ right u7 1e like . 8as a la$$er; an$ 8ra77e$ his little legs aroun$ 1! 8aistline> This 8as the )ri77le$ )hil$ 8ho ha$ ne6er 8alke$ 8ithout bra)es in his entire li"e>

T#E /.FT OF FA.T# 8as not onl! gi6en; but re)ei6e$ b! ALL> -e ate lun)h 8ith :e""ie an$ his 7arents an$ the! ga6e us his bra)es be)ause the! kne8 he 8oul$ ne6er nee$ the1 again. The! still sit in the "o!er o" our ho1e as a beauti"ul; 1o$ern testi1on! o" the 7o8er o" /o$> #e 8ent sho77ing in his sto)king "eet an$ got his "irst 7air o" #ush 'u77ies; so1ething he ha$ 8ante$ all his li"e> -hen 8e 8ere 8ith :e""ie a !ear later; he ha$ gaine$ t8ent!&"i6e 7oun$s. .n one !ear his shoe siAe ha$ gone "ro1 a )hil$ren5s siAe ele6en to a B1an5sB siAe three; an$ he 1a$e the honor roll in s)hool. /o$ ha$ heale$ hi1 )o17letel!; 1in$; bo$! an$ s7irit> -hat 8oul$ ha6e ha77ene$ i" 8e ha$n5t e=er)ise$ the gi"t o" "aithF . belie6e that :e""ie 8oul$ ne6er ha6e been heale$> . belie6e that i" Charles ha$ sat ba)k an$ sai$; B. )an5t ask that )hil$ to 8alk be)ause he5s ne6er 8alke$ 8ithout bra)es;B that :e""ie 8oul$ still be in bra)es to$a!. The gi"t o" "aith is so1ething that ?ust 8ells u7 an$ 8ells u7 8ithin !ou; an$ 8hene6er it $oes; ste7 out like a 8il$ tiger; an$ $o 8hate6er /o$ sa!s to $o. So1e o" our greatest healings ha6e )o1e through the

gi"t o" "aith; an$ the sa1e things )an ha77en to !ou> -e 8ere in Callo8a! /ar$ens; /eorgia; at a )on6ention o" the Full /os7el Business Men. As 8e entere$ the roo1; Dr. Doug Fo8ler; a surgeon "ro1 :a)kson6ille; Flori$a; 8as gi6ing a 7ro7he)! that en$e$ so1ething like this; BTonight . a1 going to $o )reati6e 1ira)les> . a1 going to 7ut 7arts in bo$ies that are not there> Thus saith the Lor$>B #allelu?ah; $i$ 8e e6er get e=)ite$> -e 7robabl! got 1ore than naturall! or nor1all! e=)ite$ be)ause it 8as su)h an unusual 7ro7he)! to )o1e out o" a 1e$i)al $o)tor 8ho kno8s 8hat it takes "or a )reati6e 1ira)le; be)ause $o)tors kno8 that )reati6e 1ira)les $on5t ha77en on o7erating tables 8here the! take things out; but 8here it is har$ to get so1ething ba)k in that isn5t there. The "irst thing 8e $i$ that night 8as to gro8 out short ar1s to $e1onstrate the S7irit an$ 7o8er C. Cor. 2G%D. The ushers brought u7 a 1an 8ho ha$ one ar1 that 8as 7robabl! eight or nine in)hes shorter than the other one. -e aske$ hi1 8hat )ause$ this; an$ he sai$; B-hen . 8as about t8el6e !ears ol$; 1! ar1 8as al1ost se6ere$ at the shoul$er; an$ the! se8e$ it ba)k on. .t li6e$; but it ne6er gre8 a"ter that>B Both o" us "elt so1ething e=7lo$e 8ithin us> -e ha$ both hear$ the 7ro7he)! about ne8 7arts; an$ 8e both 8ante$ to 1inister to the 1an instantl!;

be)ause BOT# OF 4S 9ECE.VED T#E /.FT OF FA.T# si1ultaneousl!> -hen t8o 7eo7le re)ei6e it; that is so1ething ele)tri"!ing> There he stoo$ 8ith one "ort!&!ear&ol$ ar1; an$ one t8el6e&!ear&ol$ ar1. Charles hel$ the t8o ar1s out; an$ 8ith three 1e$i)al $o)tors stan$ing behin$ us; Charles )o11an$e$ the 1us)le; tissue; 6eins; 1arro8; liga1ents; skin; bone an$ other 7arts to be 7ut in; an$ in "ront o" so1e thirteen hun$re$ 7eo7le he )o11an$e$ that ar1 to /9O-; /9O-; /9O-> There 8as no $oubt or unbelie" in either o" us> The ar1 res7on$e$ to the )o11an$ gi6en through the gi"t o" "aith; an$ it began to gro8; gro8; /9O-> Those three 1e$i)al $o)tors began to )r! unrestraine$l! be)ause the! kne8 8hat an i17ossibilit! it 8as to see 8hat the! 8ere a)tuall! seeing> .n a77ro=i1atel! "i"teen se)on$s; /o$ ha$ 7ut ne8 7arts into that ar1. /OD D.D .T A/A.N> -hat ha77ene$ as a resultF A 8o1an got so e=)ite$; that she )a1e right out o" her 8heel )hair> She "orgot she )oul$n5t 8alk. The gi"t o" "aith ha$ ignite$ "ro1 us to her> A 8o1an 8as heale$ o" ner6e $ea"ness be)ause the gi"t o" "aith s7rea$ a)ross the au$itoriu1> The ar1 gre8 to "ull siAe an$ length; B4T T#E #AND

-AS ST.LL T#E #AND OF A T-ELVE&*EA9&OLD BO*> That $i$n5t "aAe us one single bit. -e 8ere still o7erating un$er the su7ernatural anointing an$ 7o8er o" the gi"t o" "aith; an$ as 8e )o11an$e$ the han$ to gro8 to nor1al siAe; that t8el6e&!ear&ol$ han$ un"ol$e$ like a rose to be the sa1e siAe as the "ort!&!ear&ol$ han$ on the other ar1. -h!F Be)ause the gi"t o" "aith "ell so6ereignl! that night> An$ t8o or$inar! 7eo7le be)a1e su7ernatural 7eo7le o" /o$> An$ so )an !ou> By Charles /o$ s7eaks to his 7eo7le in 1an! $i""erent 8a!s. So1eti1es 8hen he s7eaks; it is in su)h a see1ingl! or$inar!; hu1an 8a! that 8e har$l! kno8 it is /o$. E6er!one has at one ti1e or another 8on$ere$ i" it 8as /o$ s7eaking; or ?ust the thought o" the hu1an in6ol6e$. The gi"t o" "aith o7erates $i""erentl!> .t 8ill )o1e through /o$ s7eaking or through re6elation kno8le$ge> This )an o))ur 8hen !ou are 7ra!ing "or the si)k; 8hether it is one or one hun$re$; an$ su$$enl! !ou 6er! si17l! Bkno8B that the healing 8ill take 7la)e. .n the )ase o" :e""ie; it is $i""i)ult to tell ho8 /o$

s7oke; be)ause 8e 8ere so ne8 in the o7eration o" the gi"ts o" the S7irit. There 8as a su$$en 1o1ent 8hen 8e ha$ the 7ositi6e assuran)e in our hearts that 8e 8ere to take o"" the bra)es. To re1o6e bra)es 8ithout 7ositi6el! hearing "ro1 /o$ is so1eti1es $angerousH it shoul$ onl! be $one 8hen !ou ha6e that B"aith assuran)e.B 'resu17tion )an $o har1 < "aith )an heal> There are ti1es 8hen the gi"t o" "aith an$ the 8or$ o" kno8le$ge 8ill o7erate han$&in&han$; although the! $o not al8a!s $o so. -hen /o$ gi6es a 8or$ o" kno8le$ge; 8hi)h is through a 8or$ or a "eeling in the bo$!; it )an be relie$ on to be 133O a))urateH ho8e6er; this is $i""erent than the o7eration o"; an$ the re)ei6ing o"; the gi"t o" "aith. -hen !ou are o7erating )o17letel! in the S7irit; both o" these )an be relie$ on )o17letel!H ho8e6er; the gi"t o" "aith a))o17an!ing a 8or$ o" kno8le$ge 8ill 1ake an ele)tri"!ing )harge o" "aith&8ithout&a&$oubt surge through !our s7irit. Nothing that !ou )an "eel; but a heart kno8le$ge o" 8hat is ha77ening> Se6eral !ears ago 8hile 8e 8ere 1inistering in El 'aso; Te=as; /o$ s7oke to both o" us at e=a)tl! the sa1e 1o1ent an$ tol$ us 8e 8ere to ha6e a 1ira)le ser6i)e on the "ollo8ing Tues$a! night. -e ha$ ne6er ha$ a 1ira)le ser6i)e in our entire li"e> -e ha$ ?ust re)ei6e$ the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit shortl! be"ore this; but 8e @NE- it 8as /o$ 8ho s7oke> -e bol$l! announ)e$ 8hat /o$ ha$ s7oken to our hearts be)ause the gi"t o" "aith ha$ $ro77e$ on

us an$ 8e kne8 that 8e )oul$ $e7en$ on /o$ $oing 1ira)les. There 8as no $oubt; no hesitation; no hol$ing ba)k; no Euestioning; no nothing; e=)e7t bol$ness to 7ro)lai1 8hat /o$ 8as going to $o. The gi"t o" "aith is not in o7eration at all ti1es; an$ is not so1ething "or 8hi)h !ou )an B7ra! through.B .t is so1ething that /o$ so6ereignl! $ro7s as 8e 8ills; at a s7e)i"i) ti1e an$ "or a s7e)i"i) 7ur7ose. -e shoul$ al8a!s be sensiti6e to the S7irit o" /o$; so that 8e $o not 7ass u7 so1e o" the 8on$er"ul things o" the su7ernatural that /o$ has "or us. This gi"t $oes not o7erate "or healings onl!; but "or 1an! other areas o" our li6es. The gi"t o" "aith 8ill gi6e us unusual $aring an$ )on"i$en)e in business $ealings. The gi"t o" "aith 8as in o7eration 8hen 8e 1arrie$ 8ithout kno8ing ea)h other; onl! that /o$ tol$ us to be 1arrie$> CSee M* LOVE AFFA.9 -.T# C#A9LESD. 'eter o7erate$ in the gi"t o" "aith 8hen he 8alke$ on the 8ater. :esus o7erate$ in the gi"t o" "aith 8hen he turne$ 8ater into 8ine < he also o7erate$ in the gi"t o" 1ira)les si1ultaneousl!. There ha6e been ti1es 8hen the gi"t o" "aith $ro7s on 7eo7le 8e ha6e 7ra!e$ "or an$ it $oes not $ro7 on us. This is ?ust as 6ali$ as i" it ha$ $ro77e$ on us; an$ 8e are ?ust as sur7rise$ at the res7onse an$ beha6ior o" in$i6i$uals as the! are sur7rise$ at us> A la$! )a1e "or8ar$ one night in Minnea7olis "or healing o" a )o17oun$ "ra)ture. She ha$ broken her

leg one 8eek 7rior to the ser6i)e; the $o)tor ha$ 7ut her in a )ast an$ tol$ her it 8oul$ be si= 8eeks be"ore it )oul$ be re1o6e$. -e 1inistere$ to her in the 7ra!er line b! si17l! la!ing han$s on the )ast an$ )o11an$ing the leg to be heale$. The gi"t o" "aith "ell so6ereignl! u7on her> She 8as so 7ositi6e that /o$ ha$ heale$ her that as soon as she arri6e$ ho1e that night she soake$ the )ast o"" in the bathtub> The ne=t night she )a1e ba)k to testi"!; an$ 8hat a testi1on! she ga6e> Not in 8or$s; but in a)tion> She ?u17e$ u7 an$ $o8n on the leg as har$ as she )oul$ to 7ro6e she 8as totall! heale$> -e $i$ not o7erate in the gi"t o" "aith. B4T S#E D.D> #O-EVE9>>> The ne=t $a! 8e 8ere in Den6er an$ be"ore the ser6i)e a girl about thirteen !ears ol$ 8alking on )rut)hes; )a1e u7 to the book table. Su$$enl! the gi"t o" "aith began to o7erate be)ause 8hen . sa8 her; . re1e1bere$ 8hat ha$ ha77ene$ ?ust one night be"ore> . @NE- S#E -O4LD BE #EALED> . $on5t kno8 ho8 . kne8; but . kne8> . Euestione$ her to see i" she 8ante$ to be heale$ be"ore or a"ter the ser6i)e> At "irst she sai$ she 8oul$ 8ait until a"ter the ser6i)e; but then she sai$; BNo; . 8ant to be heale$ BEFO9E the ser6i)e>B . si17l! ran 1! han$s o6er the "oot an$ ankle an$ sai$; B.n the na1e o" :esus; bones; . )o11an$ !ou to be heale$.B Noti)e that . s7oke $ire)tl! to the bones. M! s7irit 8as lea7ing be)ause o" the gi"t o" "aith; so .

sai$; BTest it to see 8hat /o$ has $one>B She ste77e$ on it; gentl! an$ gingerl!; an$ a sho)ke$ look )a1e on her "a)e> She 7resse$ $o8n a little har$er; then a little har$er; an$ soon she began to )r! 8ith ?o!> She )a1e on the stage be"ore the 8hole )hur)h that 1orning; an$ again that night; to $an)e be"ore the Lor$ an$ tell o" his 1ight! a)t> -as . sur7rise$F No; be)ause the gi"t o" "aith 8as in o7erationH there"ore; . )oul$ tell her to a)t 8ithout a 1o1ent5s $oubt> .5ll tell !ou one thing; though; 8e are thrille$ an$ e=)ite$ e6er! ti1e /o$ $oes a 1ira)le> Along the sa1e lines; . ha$ s7oken at our Cit! o" Light Christian Center )hur)h ser6i)e; 8hen the anointing o" /o$ )a1e on 1e strongl! in e6er& in)reasing 7o8er. Fran)es re)ei6e$ the gi"t o" "aith an$ ran to the "ront. She sai$; BCharles; tell EVE9*ONE 8ho nee$s healing to )o1e "or8ar$ right no8>B .n 1! s7irit . @NE- that an!one . tou)he$ 8oul$ be heale$. The "irst one 8as a 8o1an 8ho ha$ )o1e "ro1 Cali"ornia 8ith a se6ere knee 7roble1 8hi)h the $o)tors )oul$ not $iagnose. She 8as $is)ourage$ be)ause it see1e$ as though nothing )oul$ be $one. . 8as so "ull o" the gi"t o" "aith; . ?ust tou)he$ her knee; an$ she thre8 the )rut)hes as high as she )oul$ an$ starte$ running < "ree "ro1 7ain> Ne=t . ran to a t8el6e&!ear&ol$ girl nearb! 8ho ha$

"ra)ture$ her "oot an$ ankle the $a! be"ore. 'rior to the ser6i)e; her 1other ha$ tol$ us she )oul$ not e6en bear a tin! a1ount o" 7ressure on it 8ithout )r!ing. E6en 8ith 7ain 7ills; she 8as in e=)ru)iating 7ain. She 8as also on )rut)hes; but 8hen . si17l! tou)he$ her "oot an$ sai$; BBe heale$ in the na1e o" :esus;B . @NE- S#E -AS> -h!F Be)ause the gi"t o" "aith $ro77e$ on us a"ter 7rea)hing the -or$ to the 7eo7le> The little girl hesitate$ to 7ut her "oot $o8n; but "inall! she gingerl! tou)he$ the )ar7et. A look o" sur7rise )a1e o6er her "a)e> Then she 7resse$ a little 1ore; an$ a little 1ore; an$ a little 1ore; until su$$enl! she sai$; BMa1a; it $oesn5t hurt an! 1ore>B Ma1a Eui)kl! took o"" the Bhal" )ast; an$ the little girl took o"" on a run. She ran )o17letel! aroun$ the big )ir)ular $o1e an$ that night she )a1e ba)k 8earing tennis shoes; 7la!ing as nor1all! as an!one. #er 1other )a1e u7 to us at the e6ening ser6i)e be)ause 8hen the! ha$ gotten ho1e her husban$ 8as 6er! u7set about the 8hole thing an$ sai$; BThose 'ente)ostals ha6e ?ust 7s!)he$ !ou out. *ou $i$n5t get heale$>B As a result; he 8as insistent that the little girl go ba)k to the $o)tor to ha6e it )he)ke$; an$ the 1other $i$ not kno8 8hat to $o. She sai$; B-ill it sho8 a la)k o" "aith i" . take her ba)k to the $o)torFB Fran)es sai$; B#e 8on5t belie6e !ou. #e 8on5t belie6e

1e; but #E -.LL BEL.EVE T#E DOCTO9; so go ahea$; be)ause /o$5s healings 8ill stan$ the test.B The ne=t 1orning the 1other took the little girl to the $o)tor. The little girl 8as so e=)ite$; she ?ust blurte$ out; BDo)tor; :esus heale$ 1! ankle !ester$a! at )hur)h>B The $o)tor sai$; B-e5ll see about that>B #e J&ra!e$ it; an$ a"ter e=a1ining it sai$; B*ou are right; be)ause !ou ha6e ha$ a 1ira)le>B Later; the unsa6e$ husban$ 8as hear$ telling his sister; BDo !ou kno8 8hat ha77ene$ !ester$a!F /o$ heale$ our little girl5s "oot 8hile she 8as at )hur)h>B :esus heals so that 7eo7le 8ill belie6e that he is the Son o" /o$; an$ is the onl! 8a! into eternal li"e. /lor!> Be a8are o" the gi"t o" "aith at all ti1es; so that 8hen the glor! begins to "all; !ou5ll be right there> 'eter an$ :ohn ha$ the gi"t o" "aith $ro7 on the1 8hen the! 8ent u7 to the te17le one $a!. The 1an 8ho ha$ 7robabl! begge$ al1s o" :esus 8as there; an$ it 8oul$ ha6e been eas! "or the1 to think; B:esus $i$n5t heal this 1an; so 8h! shoul$ 8e tr!FB But the! $i$n5t> -h!F Be)ause the gi"t o" "aith )a1e u7on the1; an$ 8ithout an! $oubt; as 'eter "astene$ his e!es u7on hi1 8ith :ohn; sai$; BLook on us ...B Then 'eter sai$; BSil6er an$ gol$ ha6e . noneH but su)h as . ha6e gi6e . theeG .n the na1e o" :esus Christ o"

NaAareth rise u7 an$ 8alkB CA)ts G%;+D. This 8as an illustration o" the 8orking o" the gi"t o" "aith. The sa1e thing )an ha77en to !ou; so BE ALE9T> *ou $on5t e6en ha6e to be in a )hur)h ser6i)e 8hen the gi"t o" "aith "alls. During lun)h ti1e one $a!; three o" us re1aine$ in an au$itoriu1 8here 8e 8ere hol$ing a 1eeting. -e looke$ u7 an$ sa8 a )ou7le entering; 7ushing a little girl in a tin! 8heel )hair. The gi"t o" "aith )a1e u7on both o" us at the sa1e ti1e> -e 8ent $ire)tl! to the1 an$ inEuire$ as to 8hat the 7roble1 8as. The! tol$ us the )hil$ ha$ been atta)ke$ b! a $isease 8hi)h )ause$ the 1us)les to be)o1e useless. Alrea$! she )oul$ not 1o6e her legs; an$ it 8as beginning in her ar1s. A "rien$ ha$ been to our ser6i)es the night be"ore an$ sa8 :esus healing the si)k. She )alle$ the1 an$ sai$; B*ou56e got to take Belin$a> She5ll be heale$; . kno8 she 8ill>B Their "aith ignite$; an$ su$$enl! the! belie6e$ that i" the! )oul$ get the "ort! 1iles to the ser6i)e; their little girl )oul$ be heale$> -e sai$ to the )hil$; BDo !ou belie6e /o$ 8ill heal !ouFB -ithout an! $oubt; she instantl! sai$; B. #AVE FA.T# .N /OD>B -e sai$; BThen; .N T#E NAME OF :ES4S; STAND 4'

AND -AL@>B She shot out o" the 8heel )hair as though she 8as a ro)ket taking o""; an$ FELL FLAT ON #E9 FACE> Di$ our "aith "all "lat 8ith herF NO> -h!F Be)ause /o$ $ro77e$ the gi"t o" "aith on us> -e 7i)ke$ her u7 o"" the "loor; stoo$ her on her "eet; an$ sai$; BNO-; -AL@; .N :ES4S5 NAME>B She took one ste7; AND S#E D.DN5T FALL DO-N> She took another ste7; AND S#E D.DN5T FALL DO-N> 'rett! soon she starte$ 8alking all o6er the 7la)e; an$ her 7arents took the 8heel )hair ba)k to the )ar so she 8oul$n5t e6en see it again. That a"ternoon she $an)e$ "or :esus on the stage o" the au$itoriu1> ... An$ there 8as an interesting 7osts)ri7t to the healing> Fi6e !ears 7re6iousl!; the 8i"e o" a Christian book store o8ner in AlbuEuerEue )a1e to a 1eeting; 8ith the sa1e in)urable $isease little Belin$a ha$. She 8as on )rut)hes 8ith her legs $angling like the! $i$n5t ha6e an! bones in the1. The! looke$ like a rubber $oll5s legs. Bobbie 8as the "irst one at the 1eeting; an$ sat right in the 1i$$le o" the "ront ro8. -hen she )a1e in; she sai$; B. belie6e 8hen !ou 7ra! "or 1e; .5ll be

heale$>B An$ 8hile 8e 8ere 1aking 7re7arations "or the 1eeting; she ke7t sa!ing e=)ite$l!; BTonight5s 1! night to be heale$>B She )a1e u7 on )rut)hes an$ 8hen 8e 7ra!e$; she "ell un$er the 7o8er. She sai$ that Fran)es thre8 the )rut)hes a)ross the roo1 an$ sai$; B*ou5ll ne6er nee$ the1 again>B All 8e re1e1ber is she looke$ so 7atheti) on the "loor; struggling to get u7 8ith those legs o" rubber. Finall! she 1a$e it; an$ although she 8as 8alking; she $i$n5t look like she 8as heale$. But 8e look not 8ith the natural e!es; but 8ith e!es o" "aith. She ha$ )o1e to the 1eeting to tell us o" her healing; little realiAing there 8oul$ be a little girl there 8ith the sa1e $isease. She sai$; BThe onl! thing . ha6en5t been able to $o is $an)e;B so Charles sai$; BCo1e on; let5s $an)e right no8>B An$ she an$ Charles $an)e$ be"ore the Lor$ as all o" us 7raise$ an$ 8orshi7e$ /o$ "or her healing. Man! 7eo7le 8on$er i" /o$5s healings last> O" )ourse the! $o> Bobbie 8alks 7er"e)tl! to$a!> There are ti1es 8hen !ou nee$ to heal 8ithout the gi"t o" "aith; but 8hen those beauti"ul; hol! ti1es )o1e an$ /o$ literall! $u17s the gi"t o" "aith on !ou; ste7 out 8ithout a $oubt an$ ACT I4.C@L* AND -.T# F4LL CONF.DENCE> -hen the gi"t o" "aith is "ull! gi6en; !ou ste7 out o"

the $i1ension o" the hu1an li1itations an$ ste7 into the $i1ension o" Al1ight! /o$> BFor 8ith /o$ nothing shall be i17ossible CLuke 1G ,D B... AND NOT#.N/ S#ALL BE .M'OSS.BLE 4NTO *O4BCMatt. 1,G23D.


By Charles /o$ $oes )reati6e 1ira)les> #e 1akes 7h!si)al things out o" things that $o not e=ist. #e sai$; Let there be light...B an$ light )a1e into being C/en. 1G D. BAn$ /o$ C9EA TED great 8hales; an$ e6er! li6ing )reature that 1o6eth ...B C/en. 1G21D. /o$ e=ten$e$ hi1sel"; 8ith all his 7o8ers; into us through :esus; so his sa1e 7o8er through us )an C9EATE 7arts "or bo$ies 8hi)h be)o1e $e"e)ti6e. -hen !ou bu! a )ar or an a77lian)e; !ou nee$ to )onsi$er the a6ailabilit! o" ne8 7arts 8hen the ol$ ones 8ear out. /o$ lo6es us an$ )ares "or us 1u)h 1ore than a )ar 1anu"a)turer )ares "or his )ars; so he 7ro6i$es a 1eans o" re7la)ing $e"e)ti6e or 8orn& out 7arts "or our bo$ies. *ou; too; )an )all into being those things 8hi)h $o not e=ist; using the 7o8er o" /o$ in the na1e o" :esus> The Bible tells us that /o$ BEui)keneth the $ea$; an$ )alleth those things 8hi)h be not as though the! 8ereB C9o1. %G1,D. A))or$ing to The Li6ing BibleG B/o$ 8ill a))e7t all 7eo7le in e6er! nation 8ho trust /o$ as Abraha1

$i$. An$ this 7ro1ise is "ro1 /o$ hi1sel"; 8ho 1akes the $ea$ li6e again an$ s7eaks o" "uture e6ents 8ith as 1u)h )ertaint! as though the! 8ere alrea$! 7astB C9o1. %G1, TLBD. Shortl! a"ter Fran)es an$ . re)ei6e$ the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit; . 8as rea$ing the Li6ing Bible an$ the #ol! S7irit 1a$e a s)ri7ture )o1e ali6e to 1e> B:esus no8 returne$ to the Sea o" /alilee; an$ )li1be$ a hill an$ sat there. An$ a 6ast )ro8$ brought hi1 their la1e; blin$; 1ai1e$; an$ those 8ho )oul$n5t s7eak; an$ 1an! others; an$ lai$ the1 be"ore :esus; an$ he heale$ the1 all. -hat a s7e)ta)le it 8as> Those 8ho ha$n5t been able to sa! a 8or$ be"ore 8ere talking e=)ite$l!; an$ those 8ith 1issing ar1s an$ legs ha$ ne8 onesH the )ri77le$ 8ere 8alking an$ ?u17ing aroun$; an$ those 8ho ha$ been blin$ 8ere gaAing about the1> The )ro8$ ?ust 1ar6ele$; an$ 7raise$ the /o$ o" .sraelB CMatt. 1(G22& 1 TLBD. . 8ent to 1! C'A o""i)e a"ter rea$ing that stor! an$ )oul$n5t get it o"" 1! 1in$. . )alle$ Fran)es an$ sai$; B/o$ is going to $o )reati6e 1ira)les in our 1inistr!H he is going to gro8 out li1bs that aren5t there> -e are going to see real legs gro8 8here 8oo$en legs are no8> M! "aith 8as ignite$ as 8e talke$ about a)tuall! e=7erien)ing su)h 7heno1enal things as that> About a 1onth or t8o later; 8e 8ere in Flori$a at a non S7irit&"ille$ )hur)h 8hen the 7astor sai$ 8e 8oul$ ha6e to )on)lu$e our ser6i)e b! 2 'M be)ause

his 7eo7le 8oul$ 8alk out i" 8e hel$ the1 too long. /o$ began $is7la!ing his a1aAing 7o8er; an$ so1e8here aroun$ 11 'M the glor! o" /o$ "ell on a "ourteen&!ear&ol$ bo!. -e sai$; B-hat 8oul$ !ou like :esus to $o "or !ouFB #e stu)k out his han$ an$ sho8e$ us a 1issing thu1b; )ut o"" at the ba)k ?oint; an$ sai$ he 8ante$ /o$ to gro8 hi1 a ne8 thu1b> #allelu?ah> Di$ 8e e6er get e=)ite$> A"ter ?ust ha6ing $is)o6ere$ that s)ri7ture; /o$ 8as gi6ing us an o77ortunit! to 7ut it into 7ra)ti)e; an$ to )all into being that 8hi)h $i$ not e=ist> B! this ti1e; the au$ien)e 8as 8il$ 8ith e=)ite1ent as the! 8ere 8at)hing the s7e)ta)ular 1ira)les /o$ 8as $oing; one right a"ter the other. The! 8ere no longer sitting> The! 8ere not onl! stan$ing on the 7e8s; but so1e 8ere stan$ing on the ba)ks o" 7e8s; hol$ing onto the ones stan$ing on the 7e8s> -e $i$n5t e6en kno8 8hat the gi"t o" "aith 8as; but 8e kne8 8hat /o$ ha$ sai$ to us about gro8ing ne8 7arts> -e ha$ hi1 hol$ out both han$s so 8e )oul$ see the $i""eren)e; an$ 8e began )o11an$ing the thu1b to gro8 in :esus5 na1e> -e 8ere al1ost shouting; B/9O-> /9O-> /9O->B Su$$enl!; it began to gro8> *ou )oul$ see the en$ o"

it 1o6ing out slo8l! alongsi$e the other thu1b. The 7eo7le 8ere s)rea1ing> An$ so 8ere 8e> Be)ause /o$ 8as re&ena)ting his "irst earthl! 1ira)les o" )reation> .n a 1atter o" ?ust a "e8 1o1ents; 1a!be a 1inute; the thu1b 8as "ull&gro8n; ?ust like the other> .t ha$ nor1al knu)kles; an$ a 7la)e "or a thu1bnail; but there 8as no nail on it. E=7e)tantl! 8e sai$; BLet5s ask /o$ "or a thu1bnail>B #allelu?ah> -h! notF /o$ is in that kin$ o" )reati6e 7art&1aking business. -ith about se6ent!&"i6e 7eo7le looking; 8e bol$l! )o11an$e$ a thu1bnail to gro8; in :esus5 na1e> An$ it $i$> -e 8at)he$ it as it slo8l! gre8 out; but 8ere reall! sur7rise$ 8hen it )ontinue$ gro8ing 7ast the en$ o" the thu1b> .t )ur6e$ o6er the en$ an$ ba)k $o8n the un$ersi$e o" the thu1b; like a talon> Aroun$ it 8as a so"t blue glo8. -e all e=)ite$l! $is)usse$ the unusual 8a! it ha$ "or1e$; an$ looke$ )losel! at it "or se6eral 1inutes> /oo$ ne8s tra6els "ast; an$ the ne=t 1orning 1an! 8ere 8aiting "or the bo! to )o1e to )hur)h an$ 8ere e=)ite$ to see 8hat /o$ ha$ $one. The ne8 thu1b 8as 7er"e)t> B4T T#E9E -AS NO EV.DENCE OF T#E T#4MBNA.L &:4ST T#E 'LACE FO9 .T> -e )oul$n5t un$erstan$ 8hat ha$ ha77ene$; be)ause so 1an! o" us ha$ a)tuall! seen it there. As 8e thought about it; 8e re)alle$ 6isions "ro1 /o$ 8here a blue glo8 surroun$e$ the 7erson or ob?e)t

1a$e 6isible in the s7irit; but not 7h!si)all!. -e )an onl! assu1e that this 8as a 6ision o" /o$; 8here he let about se6ent!&"i6e 7eo7le see the sa1e thing < in the s7irit> Shortl! a"ter this; our gran$son brought a little neighbor bo! o6er to his house one night 8hile 8e 8ere there. The bo! ha$ one "oot about a hal" in)h shorter than the other. -e )o11an$e$ it to gro8 out; but sa8 no e6i$en)e o" )hange. #o8e6er; the ne=t 1orning the bo! )a1e running o6er; e=)lai1ing that both "eet 8ere the sa1e length an$ the sa1e siAe> The leg 8hi)h ha$ been a77ro=i1atel! one&hal" the siAe o" the "ull&siAe leg; ha$ "ille$ out $uring the night an$ 8as also a nor1al leg> .n -is)onsin se6eral !ears ago a thirteen&!ear&ol$ girl )a1e to a 1ira)le ser6i)e e=7e)ting a B./ 1ira)le. She ha$ been to an ortho$ontist be)ause o" )rooke$; o6erla77ing; 7rotru$ing teeth. The! 8ere ba$l! )o6ere$ 8ith tartar; an$ her gu1s 8ere so"t an$ blee$ing. The "ees "or )orre)ti6e 8ork 8ere so great that the "a1il! )oul$ not a""or$ to ha6e the 1u)h&nee$e$ 8ork $one. -hile 8e 8ere 8orshi7ing /o$ an$ 7raising :esus in song; the little girl turne$ to her 1other an$ e=)lai1e$; BMother; 1! teeth are 1o6ing>B #er 1other got so e=)ite$ she $i$n5t e6en sto7 to look> She ?ust sai$; B/et u7 there as "ast as !ou )an>B The girl ran to the "ront; but the glor! o" /o$ 8as so

u7on her that be"ore she got on the stage; she "ell un$er the 7o8er o" /o$; an$ la! there "or about thirt! 1inutes. -hen she got u7; her teeth 8ere so 7er"e)t that Fran)es sai$ the! looke$ like an ear o" )orn 8ith 7er"e)tl! straight ro8s> To 1e it looke$ like /o$ ha$ )reate$ a "ull set o" ne8 teeth out o" hea6enl! 7earls> The! 8ere 7er"e)tl! sha7e$ an$ her gu1s 8ere beauti"ul an$ health!> -e )oul$ har$l! belie6e 8hat 8e 8ere seeing> -e aske$ i" there 8as a $entist 7resent; an$ a !oung 1an 8ho ha$ $ri6en "our hours to get there ran u7 to us. -hen he looke$ in her 1outh; he sai$; B. ha6e ne6er seen su)h a 7er"e)t an$ beauti"ul set o" teeth in 1! li"e>B /o$ ha$ $one another )reati6e 1ira)le; an$; ?ust as he sai$ in /enesis 1G2(; a"ter he ha$ 1a$e the beast an$ the )attle an$ other )ree7ing things a"ter his kin$; BAn$ /o$ sa8 that .T -AS /OOD.B The gi"t o" the 8or$ o" kno8le$ge is al8a!s e=)iting to e=7erien)e; but es7e)iall! 8hen use$ in )on?un)tion 8ith a )reati6e 1ira)le> One night $uring a 1ira)le ser6i)e; 1! gu1s an$ "a)e "elt like . ha$ been to a $entist an$ ha$ a shot o" No6o)ain to $ea$en the 7ain. . re)ogniAe$ this as a signal "ro1 /o$ that he 8as healing so1eone 8ith a tooth

7roble1. -hen . announ)e$ this to the au$ien)e; "i6e 7eo7le )a1e "or8ar$. /o$ ha$ "ille$ the )a6ities in the teeth o" t8o o" the1H he ha$ heale$ t8o 8ith abs)essesH an$ the "i"th one sai$ she ha$ been to the $entist that $a!; T#AT #E #AD DEADENED #E9 MO4T# -.T# NOVOCA.N; ha$ "ille$ t8o teeth an$ 7re7are$ the other three "or 1ore 8ork the ne=t $a!> /o$ ha$ "ille$ the other three teeth 7er"e)tl! an$ the $ea$ "eeling ha$ le"t her "a)e> /lor! to /o$ 8ho $oes the i17ossible to$a! <)reati6e 1ira)les "or the 1asses> -hile 8e 8ere on that sa1e tri7; a "illing )a1e out o" one o" Fran)es5 teeth. She sho8e$ it to 1e; . e=a1ine$ it an$ thre8 it into a 8aste basket. -hen 8e returne$ ho1e; she 8ent to the $entist to ha6e the "illing re7la)e$. As she 8as 7arking; she sai$; B/o$; !ou "ille$ all those other teeth. -h! $o . ha6e to 8aste all this ti1e going to a $entist to ha6e 1ine "ille$FB The te)hni)ian sat her in the $entist )hair an$ sai$; B-hat is the 7roble1FB Fran)es sai$; BThe "illing )a1e out o" a tooth.B The te)hni)ian e=a1ine$ it; an$ sai$; B-hi)h tooth $o !ou 1eanFB Fran)es sho8e$ her again; an$ then again; but the te)hni)ian )oul$ not lo)ate 8here the "illing ha$ )o1e out> She )alle$ the $entist in an$ the! re7eate$ the sa1e routine; an$ he )oul$ "in$ no 1issing "illing. /o$ is a great an$ lo6ing /o$ o" sur7rises> #o8 8e 7raise hi1>

During a 6isit to Australia; a tele6ision station sent a )re8 to )o6er one o" our 1ira)le ser6i)es. The 6er! "irst thing the! 8ante$ to kno8 8as; B-hat is a 1ira)leFB The! ha$ ne6er seen /o$ $o 1ira)les; an$ 8ere e=)ite$ about 8hat 8as going to ha77en; e6en i" the! 8ere not Christians. -e e=7laine$ to the1 that there 8ere 1an! healings that !ou )oul$ not see or 7hotogra7h; but there 8ere )ertain t!7es o" 1ira)les that !ou )oul$ a)tuall! see 8hile the! 8ere ha77ening. -e tol$ the1 to "eel at libert! to inter6ie8 the in$i6i$uals be"orehan$; $uring an$ a"ter the healing; an$ e6en 7hotogra7h it as it took 7la)e. B#o8 8ell he kne8 their thoughts> But he sai$ to the 1an 8ith the $e"or1e$ han$; 5Co1e an$ stan$ here 8here e6er!one )an seeB5CLuke +G0 TLBD. :esus )alle$ into being so1ething that $i$ not e=ist; an$ ha$ e6en tol$ the1 that it 8oul$ ha77en be"ore the healing took 7la)e. The Australian 1ira)le ser6i)e 8as un$er8a!> The )a1eras 8ere rolling. -e ha$ e6er!one 1easure their ar1s; an$ then the ushers sele)te$ a "e8 "ro1 the au$ien)e 8ho ha$ enough $i""eren)e in the length o" their ar1s to be seen "ro1 the stage. The "irst one 8as a si17le a$?ust1ent; an$ it 8as a))o17lishe$ 6er! Eui)kl!> The ne=t 7erson 8as a la$! 8hose le"t ar1 8as about

t8o in)hes shorter than the right. -e aske$ her 8hat )ause$ the ar1 to be short. #er re7l! sho)ke$ us; be)ause she sai$ the $o)tor ha$ re1o6e$ about t8o in)hes o" bone "ro1 the ar1> 9ight on national tele6ision . looke$ u7 to /o$ an$ sai$; B/o$; !ou ha$ better be here "or this one>B /o$ ha$ better be there "or e6er! 1ira)le; or the! 8on5t ha77en; but in this )ase . 8ante$ to 1ake sure he 8as there> But /o$ is "aith"ul an$ 8ants to $e1onstrate his 7o8er so 7eo7le 8ill belie6e that he is a li6ing /o$> As 8e )o11an$e$ that ar1 to gro8; it $ i$ so < at ?ust the right s7ee$ "or all o" Australia to see /o$ in a)tion on a tele6ision s)reen> /o$ ha$ 7ut in t8o in)hes o" bone; 1arro8; tissue; ner6es; 1us)les; an$ 8hate6er else it takes to e=ten$ an ar1 t8o in)hes. #e ha$ $one a )reati6e 1ira)le as 8e )o11an$e$ the ar1 to gro8 in :esus5 na1e> ." that )reati6e 1ira)le ha$ ha77ene$ in the s!nagogue t8o thousan$ !ears ago; it 8oul$ 7ossibl! ha6e been in Luke +G0; or so1e other e=)iting s)ri7ture> One Thurs$a! night in #ouston; 8e )o11an$e$ a ne8 7art to be "or1e$ in a la$!; an$ e=a)tl! one 1onth later she returne$ an$ re7orte$ she 8ent to the hos7ital the ne=t Mon$a! "or surger! a"ter 8e ha$ 7ra!e$ "or her an$ re)ei6e$ an interesting $iagnosis "ro1 the $o)torG B*ou 8on5t nee$ surger! be)ause there see1s to be a NE- uterus>B ." /o$ )an

7ut a star into a "i=e$ 7osition; he )an 7ut a ne8 uterus into one o" his )hil$ren> One night in Oregon a 1an )a1e "or healing 8ho ha$ one lung 8hi)h ha$ been )olla7se$ b! a surgeon se6en !ears be"ore. -e lai$ our han$s on hi1; )o11an$e$ a ne8 lung to a77ear; an$ )o11an$e$ his breathing to be nor1al. The ne=t 1orning he tol$ us e=)ite$l! that he 8as "illing that lung 8ith air as easil! as the other. -e talke$ 8ith hi1 se6eral ti1es later; an$ he sai$ it 8as great to ha6e t8o 7er"e)t lungs> #allelu?ah> One night the S7irit o" /o$ le$ us to ask ho8 1an! ha$ ne6er seen so1eone "all in the S7irit; or go un$er the 7o8er. O6er hal" o" the au$ien)e sai$ the! ha$ not; so 8e aske$ "or t8ent! 6olunteers 8ho 8ante$ a tou)h "ro1 /o$ to )o1e "or8ar$> -e ha$ "elt le$ to ask this Euestion be)ause 8e ha$ 7ra!e$ "or so1eone at the 6er! beginning o" the ser6i)e. -hen that 7erson "ell un$er the 7o8er; a gas7 8ent u7 all o6er the au$ien)e; so 8e kne8 this 8as so1ething that not e6er!one 7resent ha$ seen be"ore. .t $i$n5t sur7rise us 8hen hal" the au$ien)e arose to )o1e "or8ar$. There 8as a li1ite$ a1ount o" 1inistering roo1; so 8e line$ u7 about t8ent! a)ross the "ront o" the au$ien)e; an$ then 8e tou)he$ ea)h one on the "orehea$ gentl! an$ si17l! sai$; B:esus; tou)h the1>B E6er! single one o" the1 "ell ba)k8ar$s to the "loor;

an$ a sur7rising thing ha77ene$> Nor1all! 7eo7le get right ba)k u7; but this ti1e the! all )ontinue$ to sta! right there. -e "inall! starte$ singing an$ 7raising /o$; be)ause 1o1entaril! it looke$ as though the! 8ere going to sta! there all night> Su$$enl! a !oung 8o1an on the "loor starte$ laughing hilariousl!> She 7ut her han$ o6er her 1outh; but )oul$n5t sto7> Soon a $igni"ie$ business1an ne=t to her on the "loor $i$ e=a)tl! the sa1e thing> First he 7ut his han$ o6er his 1outh; but be"ore long; he 8as laughing al1ost h!steri)all!; )o17letel! unable to sto7. Then another; an$ another; until it 8asn5t long be"ore all those un$er the 7o8er an$ the entire au$ien)e 8ere $oing e=a)tl! the sa1e thing> The! 8ere all laughing hilariousl! as 8a6e a"ter 8a6e o" hol! laughter s7rea$ o6er e6er!one> Finall!; the "irst !oung la$! 8ho ha$ gone $o8n un$er the 7o8er got u7; still laughing energeti)all!; ran o6er to another la$!; an$ starte$ beating her on the shoul$er> -e kne8 she 8asn5t angr!; but )oul$n5t un$erstan$ 8hat she 8as $oing> -hen 8e "inall! got her settle$ $o8n so she )oul$ talk; she e=7laine$ that her aunt ha$ B"or)e$B her to )o1e to the 1eeting against her $esire. She ha$ one ar1 8hi)h ha$ atro7hie$ be)ause o" an in)urable $isease; an$ she )oul$ not e6en li"t it. She 8as a nurse; so she )oul$n5t 8ork be)ause o" this. She 8as $e1onstrating to her aunt b! hitting her that /o$ ha$ heale$ her; be)ause she 8as laughing so har$ she )oul$n5t talk>

-hile e6er!one 8as still laughing; a 1an sai$ to his 8i"e 8hose glasses ha$ "allen o"" 8hen she 8ent un$er the 7o8er; B#one!; !our e!e got heale$> .t isn5t )rosse$ an! 1ore>B A si=teen&!ear&ol$ girl 8as 8at)hing all this; an$ 8hile she 8as laughing; she began to "eel 1o6e1ent in her "oot. She ha$ al8a!s ha$ to bu! t8o 7air o" shoes; be)ause she ha$ one "oot s1aller than the other; an$ right in "ront o" her e!es; the s1aller "oot gre8 to the sa1e length as the other one> #allelu?ah> But the biggest sur7rise )a1e the ne=t 1orning 8hen a la$! 8ho ha$ been 8orking at the book table re7orte$ that $uring the 7erio$ o" hol! laughter; /o$ ha$ restore$ a breast 8hi)h ha$ been 7artiall! re1o6e$ in surger!> #allelu?ah> -e 8ere sharing this 8ith Dr. Lester Su1rall shortl! a"ter that an$ sai$; B-e $i$n5t kno8 there 8as 7o8er in hol! laughter.B #e sai$; BT#E9E .S 'O-E9 .N AN*T#.N/ T#AT .S #OL*>B -hat ha$ ha77ene$F -hat 1etho$s $i$ /o$ use to heal all these 7eo7le an$ s)ores o" others $uring that one night o" real glor!F The -O9D OF @NO-LED/E )ause$ us to )all the1 "or8ar$. The #OL* LA4/#TE9 8as gi6en b! the S7irit as a

healing bal1. The /.FTS OF #EAL.N/ 8ere in o7eration. -e LA.D #ANDS ON T#EM. The $i6ine 7resen)e o" the #OL* S'.9.T brought 7o8er to heal. FA.T# ignite$ a1ong the 7eo7le as /o$ began to allo8 his 7o8er to "lo8 su7ernaturall!. #o8 $o !ou heal the si)k in a situation like thatF All 8e )an sa! is 8hen the S7irit is 1o6ing; 1o6e right 8ith hi1>>> -e all think that the 1ost e=)iting healing that e6er ha77ens is the one that ha77ens to us; an$ .51 no $i""erent than !ou. . 8ant to share 8hat /o$ $i$ in 1! li"e in the 8a! o" a )reati6e 1ira)le> So1e se6en !ears ago . $es7eratel! nee$e$ a B./ healing. . ha$ an enlarge$ heart 8ith a hole in it. M! bloo$ 7ressure 8as 22(N1%3 a"ter 1e$i)ation> . ha6e a 6er! high 7ain toleran)e; an$ that is 8h!; i" . e6er $o get si)k; . a1 una8are o" the "a)t that . a)tuall! a1 si)k. . totall! belie6e in /o$ an$ his healing 7o8er; so . "orget to noti)e so1e s!17to1s that 1ight o))asionall! )o1e u7on 1e. . )annot hel7 but think o" ho8 1an! ti1es 1! bloo$ 7ressure ha$ sk!ro)kete$ an$ gi6en 1e su)h hea$a)hes that . thought 1! hea$ 8as going to blo8 o""; an$ !et . still $i$ not e6en think there 8as an!thing 8rong 8ith 1e. . 8oul$ sa! to Charles;

B#one!; . ha6e a horrible hea$a)he; an$ !ou @NO- . ne6er ha6e hea$a)hes>B Then one $a! Charles ans8ere$ 1e an$ sai$; B#one!; $i$ it e6er $a8n on !ou ho8 1an! ti1es !ou56e been sa!ing that latel!FB The 8eek that Bob an$ :oan 8ere to be 1arrie$; the $e6il took a real 7oke at 1e; an$ . ha$ gone to be$ be)ause . ha$ 1ore 7ain than . )oul$ 7ossibl! stan$. M! hea$ "elt like it 8as bursting o7en. . ha$ been in be$ "or %0 hours 8hen Charles got 1a$ at the $e6il> #e ?u17e$ on to7 o" the be$; an$ . ha6e ne6er seen Charles s7eak 8ith su)h great authorit! in 1! entire li"e. #e reall! !elle$ at the $e6il> /o$ ha$ ?ust s7oken to hi1 to take authorit! o6er the heart; an$ 8hen /o$ s7eaks to Charles; he a)ts 8ith great 7o8er an$ "aith. A te)hni)ian 8as taking 1! bloo$ 7ressure; an$ 8hen Charles took authorit! o6er the heart; he s7oke to it an$ sai$ 8or$s to this e""e)tG BDe6il; !ou take !our han$s o"" 1! s8eetheart> #eart; in the na1e o" :esus; . take authorit! an$ $o1inion o6er !ou; an$ . )o11an$ !ou to re$u)e to nor1al siAe> Bloo$ 7ressure; . )o11an$ !ou to go $o8n to nor1al; in the na1e o" :esus> #ole in the heart; . )o11an$ !ou in the na1e o" :esus to be heale$; 9./#T NO->B Charles sai$ he 8as s7eaking to an ene1! he hate$ 8ho 8as atta)king his belo6e$ an$ he reall! 1eant business. #e 8asn5t ?ust sa!ing 8or$s> An$ /o$ $i$ a su7ernatural 1ira)le> #e brought the

bloo$ 7ressure $o8n to 1%3N03 in a 1atter o" t8el6e 1inutes; an$ it has re1aine$ there to this 6er! $a!> M! horrible hea$a)he )o17letel! $isa77eare$; an$ . ha6e ne6er ha$ one sin)e then> The 1ost e=)iting thing; ho8e6er; is the "a)t that 8hen J&ra!s 8ere 1a$e a"ter this; there 8as no 1ore hole in the heart; nor 8as it enlarge$. As a 1atter o" "a)t; the $o)tor sho8e$ 1e the J&ra! 1a$e be"ore the healing; an$ the one a"ter the healing; an$ sai$; BFran)es; !ou ha6e the heart o" a si=teen&!ear ol$ girl>B Charles is a 6er! strong; but s8eet; 1il$&1annere$ 7erson; but he s)are$ 1e so that night 8hen he ?u17e$ u7 on the be$ an$ starte$ !elling an$ 7ointing at 1! heart that . 8as a"rai$ not to get heale$> . ha6e ne6er seen Charles the real tiger he 8as that night; but the gi"t o" "aith reall! "ell on hi1; an$ /o$ $i$ a )reati6e 1ira)le> /lor! to /o$> .t5s not ho8 lou$ !ou !ell; but it is i17ortant that !ou belie6e in !our heart an$ s7eak 8ith authorit! be)ause that is the 8a! :esus sai$ to $o it. -e gi6e /o$ all the 7raise an$ honor be)ause that ne8 heart is 8hat has ke7t 1e running all these !ears "or the Lor$> Let5s look ba)k o6er these e=a17les an$ s)ri7tures an$ see Bho8 to heal the si)kB to obtain a )reati6e 1ira)le.

There are ti1es 8hen 8e si17l! ask /o$ "or a ne8 7art "or a bo$!; an$ he res7on$s. -e $on5t li1it /o$ in an! 8a!; be)ause he has $e1onstrate$ hun$re$s o" ti1es that he heals in 1an! $i""erent an$ uniEue 8a!s; an$ 8e are astoun$e$ at the ease 8ith 8hi)h he $oes it. :esus $i$ it. The $is)i7les $i$ it. As !ou see b! these "e8 e=a17les; Fran)es an$ Charles $i$ it. An$ so )an !ou> There are ti1es 8hen 8e )o11an$ a 7art to be "or1e$ in a bo$!; an$ su$$enl! so1ething a77ears that 8as not there be"ore> BThrough "aith 8e un$erstan$ that the 8orl$s 8ere "ra1e$ b! the 8or$ o" /o$; so that things 8hi)h are seen 8ere not 1a$e o" things 8hi)h $o a77earB C#eb. 11G D. /enerall! 8e also la! han$s on those to 8ho1 8e are 1inistering. Most o" the ti1e the! "all un$er the 7o8er. :ust as /o$ s7eaks things into e=isten)e; 8e )an $o the sa1e be)ause he li6es in us b! the 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit. -e 1ust belie6e that 8e ha6e the 7o8er o" /o$ an$ the authorit! o" :esus to a77l! this 7o8er. -e 1ust belie6e that 8e are $oing the 8ill o" the FatherH that 8e are $oing it "or his 7leasure an$ his glor!. -e 1ust be 8illing to 8alk on s7iritual 8ater an$ ne6er be )on)erne$ 8ith 8hat others think about us.

-e 1ust a)t u7on 8hat the -or$ o" /o$ $e)lares that others ha6e $one; an$ belie6e that B... #e that belie6eth on 1e; the 8orks that . $o shall he $o alsoH an$ greater 8orks that these shall he $oH be)ause . go unto 1! Father. An$ 8hatsoe6er !e shall ask in 1! na1e; that 8ill . $o; that the Father 1a! be glori"ie$ in the SonB C:ohn 1%G12;1 D. -e 1ust not let our trust in /o$ "alter 8hen 8e start to8ar$ a 1ira)le < kee7 going no 1atter ho8 little !ou un$erstan$ about 8hat /o$ is $oingH 1o6e ra7i$l! 8hen the S7irit is $oing unusual things. O7erate in a )o1bination o" the gi"ts o" the S7irit; be)ause the! are the tools 8hi)h /o$ gi6es us to 7er"or1 the su7ernatural. BE=7e)t /o$ to a)t>BC's. %2G11 TLBD. -at)h "or o77ortunities to glori"! /o$ an$ :esus b! $oing those things 8hi)h sho8 that :esus is the 8a!; the truth; an$ the li"e; so that 7eo7le 8ill 8ant to ser6e /o$. Be bol$> S7eak 8ith authorit!H o7erate in lo6e> BFaith ... 8orketh b! lo6eB C/al. (G+D. Li6e like !ou reall! belie6e !ou are the bo$! o" Christ> ." !ou a)tuall! belie6e that !ou are the $8elling 7la)e o" /o$5s #ol! S7irit; that !ou are en$ue$ 8ith #.S 7o8er; that :esus li6es in !ou; then !ou shoul$ be 8illing to DO T#E .M'OSS.BLE ?ust "or

hi1> Don5t li1it !our healing 1etho$s to 7ra!er; or the 8a! so1eone else has $one it. :esus $i$n5t> #e 8as original in al1ost e6er! a)t he $i$. CALL .NTO BE.N/ 'A9TS -#.C# DO NOT EJ.ST>

C#A'TE9 10 /9O-.N/ O4T A9MS AND LE/S

By Frances There are 1an! )o11on; or$inar!; unusual; an$ uniEue 8a!s to heal the si)k. /o$ has tol$ us onl! a "e8 o" the1; an$ 8e ne6er atte17t to li1it /o$ an$ 7ut hi1 in a bo=. #e sur7rises us )onstantl! be)ause al1ost e6er! ti1e 8e 1inister healing; or tea)h on healing the si)k; /o$ sho8s us so1ething ne8; so that a$$s to our kno8le$ge an$ /o$ 1ulti7lies the nu1ber o" healings. .t is so1e8hat like $e6elo7ing an auto1obile. .t 8oul$ ha6e been har$ to in6ent an auto1obile i" a 8heel ha$ not been in6ente$ !ears be"ore. The! alrea$! ha$ the 8heel so all the! ha$ to $o 8as get a 1otor an$ hook it u7 to the 8heel> .t is the sa1e 8ith healing> *ou learn a little an$ !ou a$$ that to 8hat !ou alrea$! kno8. Then !ou learn a little 1ore; an$ !ou a$$ a little 1ore kno8le$ge. ." !ou 8ill ?ust kee7 on healing the si)k; !ou 8ill kee7 learning 1ore about ho8 to heal. -hen $o !ou heal the si)kF -hen !ou "eel like itF No> -hen !ou think there is a s7e)ial anointing on !ouF No> *ou la! han$s 8hen there is an o77ortunit!. -hether !our 1inistr! is 7rea)hing; 1inistering sal6ation or the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol!

S7irit; healing; )asting out $e6ils; o7erating in the su7ernatural gi"ts o" the s7irit; or 8hate6er; it is al8a!s !our ?ob to use the tools /o$ gi6es !ou at an! 7arti)ular 1o1ent. ." !ou 8ill let /o$ 8ork through !ou; an$ ha6e the "ree$o1 to $o things e6en i" !ou $on5t ha6e an! i$ea as to 8hether !ou 8ill su))ee$ or not; an$ !ou ?ust ?u17 out o" the boat an$ start 8alking on the 8ater like 'eter $i$; !ou 8ill be absolutel! a1aAe$ that /o$ 8ill honor that a)t o" "aith> *ou literall! ha6e to learn to 8alk on 8ater s7irituall! to heal the si)k. -hen !ou are 8illing to ste7 out o" the boat; :esus 8ill be there. .n the )haris1ati) 8orl$; gro8ing out ar1s an$ legs is 6er! )o11on; an$ is $one in big an$ s1all 1eetings all o6er the 8orl$. The 6er! "irst ti1e . e6er sa8 this t!7e o" 1ira)le $one; . 8ill ha6e to be honest 8ith !ou; .T T49NED ME OFF> . reall! thought the e6angelist 8as 7ulling so1e kin$ o" a tri)k. 'robabl! the thing that in"luen)e$ 1e the 1ost 8as the "a)t that it see1e$ like e6er!one in the au$ien)e ha$ a short ar1 or leg; an$ . kne8 this 8asn5t 7ossible> Sin)e then; 8e ha6e "oun$ out that o6er eight! 7er)ent o" the 8orl$5s 7o7ulation ha6e ba)k 7roble1s; an$ this is one o" the greatest single ail1ents in the 8orl$> #o8e6er; about a 1onth a"ter that; /o$ brought the sa1e e6angelist to #ouston; an$ 8e 8ere sitting on

the 7lat"or1 8ith hi1 8hen a la$! )a1e u7 8ho ha$ an ar1 about three or "our in)hes short; an$ it gre8 out 9./#T 4NDE9 M* NOSE> . $i$n5t $oubt an! 1ore> 9ight a"ter this; 8e 1et a S7irit&"ille$ )hiro7ra)tor; Dr. :a)k #er$; o" #arrisburg; 'enns!l6ania; an$ he tol$ us about the 7er)entage o" ba)k 7roble1s; an$ this began to 1ake us think that there 8as so1e great healing 7otential "ro1 gro8ing out an ar1 or a leg; so 8e began to e=7eri1ent. -e thought; B." it 8ill 8ork "or one e6angelist; it 8ill 8ork "or us>B .n the beginning; 8e reall! !elle$ lou$ an$ long; an$ 7ra!e$ an$ 7ra!e$; but little b! little 8e began to see results> The gro8ing out o" ar1s 8as not ?ust a 7h!si)al 1ira)le that !ou )oul$ see; but it 8as /o$5s 8a! o" a$?usting or healing a ba)k 7roble1. One night 8e ha$ eight ba)ks heale$ all at one ti1e> -hen 7eo7le began telling us ho8 the 7ain le"t their ba)ks the 1inute their ar1s or legs gre8 out; 8e began to sit u7 an$ take noti)e o" 8hat /o$ 8as $oing; an$ 8e began to a77re)iate 1ore an$ 1ore the bene"its an$ 1agnitu$e o" this 1ira)le> Co8bo! 9al7h M)9ae ha$ three s1ashe$ $is)s in his ba)k 8hen he )a1e to his "irst 1ira)le ser6i)e. . 7ointe$ hi1 out in the bal)on! an$ sai$; B*our ba)k has ?ust been heale$>B .nstantl! he "elt the 8ar1 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit go $o8n all the 8a! through his s7ine; an$ he 8as totall! heale$> 47 to that ti1e he ha$ been 8earing a B)orsetB to ri$e; but he has

not ha$ to 8ear one sin)e the night o" his healing. #o8e6er; another 6er! interesting thing ha77ene$> #e 8as so 8oun$ u7 a"ter the ser6i)e that he )oul$n5t go to slee7; so he starte$ to rea$ the Bible. #e 7ut on his glasses 8hi)h he ha$ 8orn "or 1 !ears but #E CO4LDN5T SEE> Alar1e$; he sai$; B/o$; !ou $i$n5t heal 1! ba)k ?ust to let 1e go blin$; $i$ !ouFB #e took the glasses o"" to )lean the1 an$ $is)o6ere$ his 6ision 8as 7er"e)t -.T#O4T T#E /LASSES> /o$ ha$ heale$ his e!es at the sa1e ti1e he heale$ his ba)k. -e $i$n5t asso)iate the t8o healings until /o$ began to sho8 us a relationshi7 bet8een ba)k healings an$ other healings. Coul$ the ba)k a$?ust1ent ha6e relie6e$ an o7ti)al ner6e or a$?uste$ an e!e 1us)le to bring ba)k the 6isionF Another night a 1an )a1e "or 7ra!er 8ho ha$ been in an a))i$ent about thirt!&se6en !ears 7re6iousl!; in 8hi)h his ba)k ha$ been se6erel! in?ure$. So1eone 8ho 8as 8ith hi1 suggeste$ that he ought to ha6e his ear 7ra!e$ "or at the sa1e ti1e be)ause he 8as stone&$ea" in one ear. Charles aske$ hi1 8hat )ause$ the $ea"ness an$ he sai$; B.t ha77ene$ the sa1e ti1e 1! ba)k 8as in?ure$>B Nor1all!; Charles 8oul$ ha6e 7ut his "ingers in his ears an$ )o11an$e$ the $ea" s7irit to )o1e out; or he 8oul$ ha6e sai$; BO7en; in the na1e o" :esus;B but be"ore he )oul$ $o that; /o$ )learl! s7oke to hi1 an$

sai$; B/ro8 out his leg an$ he )an hear>B Talk about )on"oun$ing the 8ise 8ith "oolish things < 8ho e6er hear$ o" gro8ing a leg out to heal a $ea" earF -e )ertainl! ha$ not; but Charles 8as obe$ient. #e sai$; BSit $o8nH /o$ sai$ to gro8 !our leg out an$ !ou )an hear>B .51 gla$ he $i$n5t ha6e ti1e to think that o6er be)ause he 1ight ha6e thought Charles 8as )raA!. Charles 1easure$ his legs an$ one 8as about three in)hes shorter than the other. #e )o11an$e$ the ba)k to be heale$; an$ COMMANDED #.S M4SCLES; NE9VES; AND TENDONS TO BE AD:4STED; an$ his leg to gro8. The leg gre8 Eui)kl! to "ull length; an$ Charles teste$ his ear. #E CO4LD #EA9 'E9FECTL*> #e 8ent all o6er the )hur)h telling e6er!one he )oul$ hear 8ith his $ea" ear. #e 8as so e=)ite$ about hearing that he "orgot to )he)k his ba)k "or about an hour; an$ then $is)o6ere$ his ba)k 8as heale$; too> A77arentl! the in?ur! ha$ 7in)he$ or $a1age$ a ner6e to his ear an$ )ause$ ner6e $ea"ness. This 8as a ne8 insight "or us into /o$5s healing 8orl$> :ust about a 8eek later a !oung la$! )a1e to be heale$ o" total $ea"ness in one ear. She sai$ it 8as a $ea$ ner6e; so Charles )he)ke$ her ar1s. One 8as nearl! an in)h short; so he use$ the sa1e )o11an$s he $i$ 8ith the 1an. #er ar1 gre8 out an$ instantl! she )oul$ hear 7er"e)tl!. #un$re$s ha6e been heale$ this sa1e 8a! sin)e 8e

$is)o6ere$ there is ob6iousl! a )onne)tion bet8een ner6e $ea"ness an$ ba)k 7roble1s> Sin)e gro8ing out ar1s an$ legs see1s so )o11on7la)e to us; 8e o6erlooke$ the 6ast "iel$ o" healings that belongs in this t!7e o" healing. /o$ has been re6ealing 1ore an$ 1ore 1ira)les relating to ba)k; 1us)le; an$ ner6e a$?ust1ents. -e 8ere in -ashington re)entl!; an$ a 1an brought a thirteen&!ear&bo! to 9al7h Cthe )o8bo!D "or healing o" be$&8etting. As 9al7h began to 7ra!; /o$ s7oke to hi1 an$ sai$; B/ro8 out his leg an$ he5ll be heale$>B This reall! sho)ke$ 9al7h; but instea$ o" 7ra!ing as he ha$ originall! 7lanne$; he sat the bo! $o8n on a )hair; 1easure$ his legs; an$ $is)o6ere$ one 8as a77ro=i1atel! t8o in)hes shorter than the other. The leg gre8 out. -e 8ant !ou to think about that healing. .sn5t it logi)al that this )oul$ )ause 7ressure on the ki$ne!s or bla$$erF -e talke$ to $o)tors an$ )hiro7ra)tors sin)e then an$ the! agree that this )oul$ 6er! easil! )ause be$&8etting> -e kno8 8ithout ha6ing 1e$i)al kno8le$ge; that ner6es an$ 1us)les are use$ in a bo$! to e""e)t nor1al "un)tions; so i" a ner6e or 1us)le is boun$ or 7in)he$; it )an )ause a bo$! $e"e)t or 1al"un)tion. This )oul$ )ause a bla$$er or ki$ne! 7roble1. -e ha6e talke$ to 1e$i)al $o)tors an$ )hiro7ra)tors;

not to learn ho8 to be $o)tors be)ause 8e are not Euali"ie$ "or that; nor $o 8e inten$ to 7ra)ti)e 1e$i)ine; but to $is)uss so1e o" these 8a!s /o$ is healing b! ba)k; 1us)le; ner6e or other a$?ust1ents. A )hiro7ra)tor "rien$ reall! got e=)ite$ 8hen 8e s7ent so1e ti1e talking 8ith hi1 about the s7e)i"i) 8a!s /o$ has heale$ through this 1etho$. #e 7ointe$ out to us so1e o" their 7ro"ession5s "in$ings relating to s7inal 1isalign1ents. One o" the things he tol$ us 8as that the ner6ous s!ste1 )ontrols an$ )oor$inates all organs an$ stru)tures o" the hu1an bo$!; an$ that 1isalign1ents o" s7inal 6ertebrae an$ $is)s 1a! )ause irritation to the ner6ous s!ste1 an$ a""e)t the stru)tures; organs; an$ "un)tions 8hi)h 1a! result in the )on$itions 8e 8ere 1entioning an$ 1an! others. For e=a17le; he relate$ that 8hat is labele$ 6ertebra Nu1ber 2C; se)on$ "ro1 to7 o" the s7ine; )ontrols the e!es; o7ti) ner6es; au$itor! ner6es; sinuses; 1astoi$ bones; tongue; an$ "orehea$. -e $on5t kno8 8hether all $o)tors agree 8ith this or not; but 8e ha6e noti)e$ that 8hen /o$ 1akes an a$?ust1ent in u77er or lo8er s7inal areas; hun$re$s o" ba)ks ha6e been heale$; an$ other healings su)h as Co8bo! 9al7h5s e!es o))urre$ 8hen the ba)k 8as heale$. -e "eel that 8e shoul$ take noti)e o" 8hat /o$ is $oing through a$?ust1ents; an$ 8hat $o)tors an$ )hiro7ra)tors alrea$! kno8. This sa1e )hiro7ra)tor sai$ that 8e 8oul$ 7robabl! be a1aAe$ i" 8e kne8 ho8 1an! 7roble1s 8hi)h

ha6e not e6en sho8n u7 !et; are 7re6ente$ b! ba)ks being a$?uste$ in our 1eetings. One thing 8e kno8 "or sure is that our ignoran)e o" 8hat takes 7la)e 8hen /o$ a$?usts a ba)k; 1us)les; ner6es; or 8hate6er else he $oes; $oes not result in our 1aking a bun)h o" $a1aging 1istakes; be)ause 8e are not $oing it < /o$ is> By Charles *ou 1a! ha6e ne6er seen an ar1 or a leg gro8 out. ." not; !ou5re in "or a real treat> One o" the 1ost e=)iting 1ira)les !ou 8ill e6er see is to 8at)h the 7o8er o" /o$ a)tuall! 1o6e a 7art o" the bo$!; right in "ront o" !our e!es. This is also 7erha7s the si17lest an$ 1ost )o11onl! 7er"or1e$ o" all 1ira)les. .t is tre1en$ous to )on6in)e a sinner or a 7erson 8ho has not !et re)ei6e$ the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit o" the realit! o" the 7o8er o" a li6ing /o$ 8ho has not "orgotten ho8 to heal the si)k. *ou 1ight 8ant to tr! it on !oursel"> Stan$ u7 straight; 7ut !our "eet together so that !our toes are e6en; an$ look straight "or8ar$. E=ten$ !our ar1s in "ront o" !ou 8ith the 7al1s "a)ing ea)h other; about a hal"&in)h a7art; an$ then 7ush or stret)h !our ar1s straight out as "ar as !ou )an. -hile !our ar1s are stret)he$; bring !our han$s tightl! together an$ hol$ the1 together until !ou

ben$ !our elbo8s so that !ou )an see the en$s o" !our "ingers. ." the length o" !our ar1s is une6en; the "ingers on !our long ar1 8ill )o1e out "arther than those on !our short ar1. No8 !ou are rea$! to gro8 out !our o8n ar1. Stret)h !our ar1s out in "ront o" !ou again; letting !our han$s lightl! tou)h ea)h other; but $on5t hol$ the1 tightl! together. *ou 1ight 8ant to sa! so1ething like this; BAr1; in the na1e o" :esus; . )o11an$ !ou to gro8. S7ine; 1us)les; ner6es; liga1ents an$ ten$ons; be a$?uste$ in the na1e o" :esus.B Then sa!; BThank !ou; Father; . belie6e it is $one;B an$ stan$ there "or a "e8 1o1ents an$ 8at)h the 1ira)le as it gro8s> *ou shoul$ see the short ar1 gro8 to eEual the length o" the other; an$ 1a!be e6en "eel the a$?ust1ent. No8 $o it to so1eone else> ." !ou 8ant to tr! it on legs; ha6e a 7erson sit ere)t in a straight )hair an$ sti)k their "eet "or8ar$. *ou )an o"ten see the a$?ust1ent nee$e$ b! looking at the botto1s o" the shoes; or b! 7utting !our thu1bs on the ankle bones. #ol$ the "eet lightl! in !our han$s an$ then )o11an$ the ba)k to align itsel" an$ the 1us)les; ner6es an$ ten$ons to 1o6e into 7la)e an$ )o11an$ the short leg to gro8 in the na1e o" :esus; an$ b! the 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit. *ou $o all the 8ork; an$ /o$ gets all the glor!> /enerall! i" there is an u77er ba)k or ne)k 7roble1; the ar1s 8ill nee$ a$?usting; an$ i" it is a lo8er ba)k 7roble1; the legs 8ill be une6en. Che)k !our ba)k; or the ba)k o" the

7erson to 8ho1 !ou are 1inistering; b! ben$ing it; an$ see i" it $i$n5t get heale$ 8hen the ar1 or leg gre8 out. There are ti1es 8hen !ou nee$ to a$?ust both the ar1s an$ legs. No8 !ou are rea$! to start being a )o11on; or$inar!; e6er!&$a! 1ira)le 8orker "or :esus; re1e1bering that he is the Master an$ !ou are his ser6ant to $o #.S goo$ 8ill. .t5s "un an$ e=)iting to 8at)h /o$5s 7o8er $o this t!7e o" healing; an$ it is a 6er! e""e)ti6e 8itness to $e1onstrate /o$5s 7o8er. Then; a"ter /o$ has $one the 1ira)le; $on5t "orget the 7ur7oseG so that 7eo7le 8ill belie6e that :esus is the 8a! into eternal li"e. /ET T#EM SAVED> Or i" the! are sa6e$; use this $e1onstration o" the S7irit an$ o" 7o8er "or 1inistr! as !ou tea)h on the ba7tis1 8ith the #ol! S7irit; or "or 8hate6er 7ur7ose !ou "eel i17resse$ o" the S7irit that is nee$e$ at the ti1e. 9e1e1ber; :esus $i$n5t )o1e ?ust to heal the si)kH he )a1e so that the! 8oul$ belie6e in his na1e an$ a))e7t hi1 an$ be sa6e$> -e 8ere talking one night to a !oung e6angelist 8ho 8orks 8ith )ollege stu$ents. #e 8alke$ into a "raternit! house an$ sai$; B." !ou )oul$ ha6e one 8ish; 8hat 8oul$ that 8ish beFB A !oung bla)k stu$ent ?u17e$ u7 an$ sai$; BTo ha6e 1! t8o legs the sa1e length>B #e 8as 8earing a built&u7 shoe; be)ause one leg 8as about si= in)hes shorter than the other. The !oung e6angelist ha$ ?ust re)ei6e$ the ba7tis1 shortl! be"ore this; but he sat the 1an $o8n; an$ the leg gre8 a "ull si= in)hes at his )o11an$>

-hat a night o" sal6ation it 8as "or that "raternit!> Mira)les 8ill $o 8hat 8or$s 8on5t> ." there is a $e"e)ti6e s7inal $is) or so1e other $e"e)ti6e 7art; this 1ust be $i6inel! heale$; or else surger! 1a! be ne)essar!. A 1e$i)al $o)tor or )hiro7ra)tor )an o"ten restore nor1al )on$itions b! a$?usting the seg1ents o" the s7inal )olu1n. /o$ )an $o this; too; an$ )an $o a 1u)h 1ore 7er1anent a$?usting; be)ause o" the healing he )an $o at the sa1e ti1e. /o$ o"ten 7uts in ne8 7arts 8hen nee$e$; an$ he $oesn5t e6en )harge e=tra "or that ser6i)e> -e ha6e also $is)o6ere$ that the a$?ust1ent is not al8a!s in the s7inal )olu1n; but is so1eti1es an a$?ust1ent o" ner6es; 1us)les; ten$ons; liga1ents; or )artilages. A $o)tor 1ight $es)ribe this better; but 8hat it 1eans is that 7arts nee$ to be 7ut ba)k into their 7ro7er 7la)e b! a$?ust1ents o" so1e kin$. One la$! ha$ a ?a8bone 8hi)h 8as not Bhinge$B right; an$ e6er! ti1e she bit $o8n; it 8oul$ 7ain her. This ha$ been a li"e&long 7roble1. . )o11an$e$ the bone to align itsel" an$ the ner6es an$ 1us)les an$ bones to be a$?uste$ an$ release$. The ?a8bone 1o6e$ slightl! an$ the 7ain le"t. She ha$ a $i""i)ult ti1e belie6ing that a li"eti1e o" 7ain le"t in a "e8 se)on$s. /o$ is so goo$> -e ha6e )o11an$e$ ?a8s to go into 7la)e 8hen )hil$ren ha6e Bo6erbitesB an$ ha6e seen ?a8s 1o6e

into 7la)e an$ teeth line u7. This hasn5t 8orke$ e6er! ti1e; but 8e are going to kee7 tr!ing e6er! 8a! 8e kno8 to get as 1an! as 7ossible heale$ < all to the glor! o" /o$ an$ in the na1e o" :esus> A !oung la$! )a1e to one o" our ser6i)es 8ho ha$ ne6er been to an! kin$ o" a healing ser6i)e an$ 8as utterl! astoun$e$ as 7ossibl! three or "our hun$re$ 7eo7le 8ere heale$ that night. She )a1e to 1e a"ter the ser6i)e an$ sai$; B. looke$ at all o" these 7eo7le getting heale$ but . looke$ at all these 7eo7le 8ho ha6e this 7o8er to heal; an$ al1ost all o" the1 8ear glasses. Sin)e the! )an heal the si)k; 8h! $o the! 8ear glassesFB . $i$n5t reall! kno8 8hat to sa!; but . later aske$ /o$ 8h! this is true> One ti1e Mel Tari; 8ho 8rote the book L.@E A M./#T* -.ND; 6isite$ our ho1e. #e share$ about ho8 /o$ tol$ hi1 to go a)ross a $ee7 ri6er an$ 8itness to so1e 7eo7le; so he an$ his tea1 8alke$ o6er on to7 o" the 8ater> That 8as e=)iting to 1e. #allelu?ah> . sai$; BAre !ou still 8alking on 8ater o6er thereFB #e sai$; BNo; it hasn5t ha77ene$ in se6en !ears.B . sai$; B-h!FB #e sai$; BThe! built a bri$ge u7strea1 a little 8a!s; an$ !ou $o not ha6e to 8alk on 8aterH !ou )an go to

the bri$ge an$ get a)ross.B . thought about that in relation to glasses. . $on5t reall! nee$ to be heale$; be)ause 8ith glasses; . ha6e tre1en$ous 6ision. . ha6e 7er"e)t $istant 6ision; but 8hen . start to rea$; the 8or$s blur; so . 8ear glasses so that . )an rea$. But 8h! $on5t . get heale$F 'robabl! one o" the big reasons is that . $on5t reall! nee$ to be heale$. ." glasses ha$ not been in6ente$; an$ . )oul$n5t see; . 8oul$ get real serious 8ith /o$> -e ha$ not "oun$ an ans8er other than that one "or e!e 7roble1s; but re)entl! 8hile 8e 8ere 1inistering in Cana$a; an o7hthal1ologist Ce!e $o)torD e=)ite$l! aske$ Fran)es a Euestion that 1a! be lea$ing to a tre1en$ous a$6an)e in the nu1ber o" e!e healings 8e )an see /o$ $o. #e ha$ hear$ us tea)h on gro8ing out ar1s an$ legs; an$ ho8 /o$ 8as healing ner6e $ea"ness b! a ba)k a$?ust1ent. #e sai$; BDo !ou kno8 8h! so 1an! 7eo7le 8ear glassesFB Fran)es sai$ she kne8 8h! she $i$ < to see> #e sai$; BMost 7eo7le 8ho nee$ glasses ha6e e!e 1us)les o" une6en length an$ the glasses are )orre)ti6e "or that. ." /o$ su7ernaturall! a$?usts the length o" ar1s an$ legs; or a$?usts 1us)les an$ ner6es in a s7ine; 8h! )an5t he $o the sa1e thing 8ith e!e 1us)lesFB -hat a s7irit re6elation this brought to us> -e ha6e ?ust returne$ "ro1 a tri7 8here 8e 8ere on tele6ision an$ ha$ the o77ortunit! to ask the 6ie8ing au$ien)e i" the! 8oul$ hel7 us in an e=7eri1ent. -e

aske$ the1 to stan$ 8ith their ar1s stret)he$ out; an$ 8e 7ra!e$ an$ )o11an$e$ the e!e 1us)les to a$?ust to the )orre)t length "or 7er"e)t 6ision "or e6er!one 8ho nee$e$ it> Four tele7hone )alls )a1e ba)k in i11e$iatel!> One 8as a 8o1an 8ho 8as blin$ in one e!e an$ ha$ onl! ten 7er)ent 6ision in the other; an$ 8hen she stoo$ an$ re)ei6e$ the 7ra!er; she re)ei6e$ sight in both e!es an$ )oul$ rea$ the Bible> A 1an re7orte$ his sight 8as gone in one e!e; an$ $uring the 7ra!er; his sight returne$> T8o other )alls re7orting e!e healings 8ere not Euite so $ra1ati); but in$i)ate$ that this )oul$ be the ke! unlo)king the $oor to 1an! e!e healings. -e 8ere on a 7lane on our 8a! to Cali"ornia an$ 8ere talking to a nurse. -e began sharing about ba)ks; an$ ar1s an$ legs gro8ing out an$ she share$ an interesting thought 8ith us. She sai$ 8hene6er her 1other "elt like she 8as )at)hing a )ol$; she i11e$iatel! 8ent to a )hiro7ra)tor "or an a$?ust1ent; an$ NEVE9 #AD A COLD> -e $e)i$e$ that i" the $e6il e6er sneaks u7 on us again to atte17t to 7ut a )ol$ on us; 8e 8ill ask /o$ to gi6e us a goo$ hea6enl! )hiro7ra)ti) treat1ent> Another interesting 1ira)le "ro1 gro8ing out o" ar1sG a singer )a1e "or 7ra!er "or lu17s 8hi)h ha$ "or1e$ insi$e her throat. *ou )oul$ see "ear that it 8as )an)er 8ritten all o6er her "a)e. . starte$ to la!

han$s on her an$ )o11an$ the lu17s to lea6e; 8hen a Euiet 8or$ "ro1 /o$ )a1e as a thought. . teste$ her ar1s an$ sure enough the! 8ere une6en; so ?ust as /o$ ha$ tol$ 1e to $o; . )o11an$e$ the ner6es an$ 1us)les to rela= an$ go into 7la)e. #er ar1 gre8 out e6en; an$ . sai$; BVi)ki; . $are !ou to "in$ those lu17s>B -hat ?o! she ha$ 8hen she )oul$ "in$ no lu17s> -e are going to share 8ith !ou se6eral other healings 8hi)h /o$ has $one through the a$?ust1ents 8hi)h o"ten result "ro1 gro8ing out ar1s an$ legs. . 8oke u7 one 1orning 8ith a )harle! horse in the to7 1us)le o" 1! shoul$er. . si17l! stret)he$ out 1! ar1s an$ )o11an$e$ the 1us)le to rela=; an$ one o" the 1ost beauti"ul e=7erien)es o" 1! li"e ha77ene$. .t 8as like the han$ o" :esus release$ the 1us)le an$ the )ra17 gentl! "a$e$ a8a! in a 1o1ent o" ti1e. The hol! 7resen)e "elt in 1! shoul$er 8as as o6er8hel1ing as . belie6e the burning bush 8as to Moses> All 1! li"e 8hen . 7ur)hase$ a suit; the buttons $i$ not 1at)h the button holes b! about an in)h be)ause one shoul$er 8as lo8er than the other. . ha$ the tailor 7ut a 7a$ in the shoul$er; an$ it 8as ne6er as )o1"ortable as the other shoul$er. One $a! . ?ust thought to /o$ that . $i$n5t reall! ha6e to )ontinue 8ith that 7roble1; an$ be)ause he is so 7ersonal an$ real to us; . stoo$ straight; sEuare$ 1! shoul$ers;

an$ )o11an$e$ the1 to be a$?uste$. . "orgot about this until . 7ur)hase$ 1! ne=t suit; an$ sure enough; the buttons 1at)he$ the button holes 7er"e)tl!. Oh; the beaut! o" /o$5s 7ersonal lo6e "or his 7eo7le. The $e6il thre8 1e at the "loor one night an$ . "ell un)ons)ious. -hen . )a1e to; 1! "a)e 7ushe$ against the )ar7et "loor; an$ . stoo$ u7; but 1! han$ an$ elbo8 8ere in 7ain. The 7ain sta!e$ 8ith 1e a )ou7le o" 1onths; es7e)iall! as . t8iste$ the elbo8 slightl!. One $a! . 8as 8ith a $o)tor "rien$ an$ . aske$ hi1 about this. #e 1a$e a Eui)k e=a1ination; an$ sai$ this 8as a tennis elbo8; an$ that he )oul$ gi6e 1e a shot o" )ortisone to alle6iate the 7ain. . thanke$ hi1; an$ sai$; BNo8 . kno8 8hat to $o.B . 8ent to 1! )ar; sat in the "ront seat; stret)he$ "orth 1! han$s; an$ )o11an$e$ the ?a11e$ ten$on to stret)h out to nor1al; an$ it $i$> . ha6e ne6er ha$ a 7ain sin)e then. The $o)tor ha$ tol$ 1e that 8hen . "ell; it ?a11e$; or shortene$; the ten$on "ro1 1! han$ to 1! elbo8. .t5s no 8on$er the! )all :esus the /9EAT '#*S.C.AN> -e ha6e seen 1us)le s7as1s sto7; "roAen elbo8s 8ork nor1all!; "atigue in the shoul$er an$ ne)k 1us)les rela=; hea$a)hes; 7ain in ar1s; han$s; shoul$ers an$ other 7arts o" the bo$! be relie6e$; bo$ies go into tra)tion as /o$ a$?usts the bones; 1us)les; an$ ner6es or 8hate6er else he $oes. All o" these an$ s)ores o" other healings an$ blessings are "ree gi"ts "ro1 /o$ as his 1ight! 7o8er a$?usts the right 7arts; an$ it is all .N T#E NAME OF :ES4S>

/o$ is sho8ing the entire bo$! o" Christ; not ?ust e6angelists or 1inisters in a healing 1inistr!; the si17li)it! o" a77li)ation o" his a8eso1e 7o8er so that the 1ultitu$es 8ill not onl! re)ei6e healing; but 8ill be "reel! gi6ing to those aroun$ the1; ?ust as /o$ has so "reel! gi6en to us. Thousan$s ha6e been heale$ ?ust in our 1inistr! b! this 1eans o" healing; an$ no $oubt hun$re$s o" thousan$s ha6e re)ei6e$ healing through others 8ho ha6e learne$ that the! too )an heal the si)k. -e "eel in our s7irits that /o$ is sa!ing that healings 8ill soon be $one b! the 1illions throughout the 8orl$ b! 7eo7le ?ust like !ou> *ou 8ill ne6er kno8 until !ou tr!; but /o$ is 7re7aring the bri$e o" Christ "or that soon&)o1ing return; an$ he 8ill $o it largel! through the $e1onstration o" his S7irit an$ his 7o8er. -e 8ant !ou to be a li6ing 7art o" this e=)iting 1o6e o" /o$ "or the last $a!s> Start gro8ing out ar1s an$ legs> .NST94CT.ONS FO9 /9O-.N/ O4T LE/S 1. E=7lain to the 7erson that 8hile the ba)k is being heale$; the legs 8ill a77ear to gro8; so 8at)h the thu1bs as the 7o8er o" /o$ is release$. 2. The 7erson to be heale$ shoul$ sit ere)t in a straight ba)k )hair 8ith their hi7s tightl! against the ba)k o" the )hair.

. #a6e the 7erson e=ten$ legs as straight "or8ar$ as )o1"ortabl! 7ossible. Do not "or)e legs 8hen se6ere 7ain is )ause$. %. #ol$ "eet so that !our "ingers su77ort the legs "ro1 beneathH the thu1bs shoul$ be 7ositione$ so that the insi$e ti7 o" the thu1bs are e=a)tl! on to7 o" the 7eak o" the insi$e ankle bones on both legs. Thu1bs shoul$ be hel$ 7arallel an$ 7er7en$i)ular; 7ointe$ straight at the "loor.

C#A'TE9 12 /O .NTO ALL T#E -O9LD ... #EAL T#E S.C@

By Frances BAs . 8as at this great height; . )oul$ behol$ the 8hole 8orl$. . 8at)he$ these 7eo7le as the! 8ere going to an$ "ro o6er the "a)e o" the earth. Su$$enl! there 8as a 1an in A"ri)a an$ in a 1o1ent he 8as trans7orte$ b! the S7irit o" /o$; an$ 7erha7s he 8as in 9ussia; or China or A1eri)a or so1e other 7la)e; an$ 6i)e 6ersa. All o6er the 8orl$ these 7eo7le 8ent; an$ the! )a1e through "ire; an$ through 7estilen)e; an$ through "a1ine. Neither "ire nor 7erse)ution; nothing see1e$ to sto7 the1.B BAs the! 1ar)he$ "orth in e6er!thing the! $i$ as the 1inistr! o" Christ in the en$ ti1es; these 7eo7le 8ere 1inistering to the 1ultitu$es o6er the "a)e o" the earth. Tens o" thousan$s; e6en 1illions see1e$ to )o1e to the Lor$ :esus Christ as these 7eo7le stoo$ "orth an$ ga6e the 1essage o" the king$o1; o" the )o1ing king$o1; in this last hour.B T8ent! !ears ago that e=)iting 6ision 8as gi6en; an$ 8e see it )o1ing to "ul"ill1ent to$a! as 1en an$ 8o1en are taking great ste7s "or8ar$ to be a1ong the 1ultitu$es 8ho are sharing the /oo$ Ne8s to the

8orl$> .n No6e1ber o" 12,, . ha$ a $rea1; 8hi)h "or 1e is an unusual ha77ening; be)ause . nor1all! $o not $rea1. . $rea1e$ that . 8as in a 7lane ,;333 "eet in the air; 8hi)h is nothing out&o"&the&or$inar!; be)ause 8e "l! all the ti1e. There 8as so1ething 6er! uniEue about this ri$e; ho8e6er; be)ause . 8as stan$ing in the O'EN $oor8a! o" the 7lane; 8ith 1! knees bent; an$ 1! toes hanging o6er the $oor8a! o" the 7lane. . hear$ a so"t 6oi)e sa!; B:u17; .5ll )at)h !ou>B . looke$ $o8n> Thirt!&se6en thousan$ "eet in the air is a long 8a!> E6en in a $rea1; )ol$ shi6ers 8ent u7 an$ $o8n 1! s7ine> . kne8 it 8as /o$; an$ !et instantl! . thought about the $e6il te17ting :esus. B." !ou are the Son o" /o$; ?u17 o""> For the s)ri7tures sa! that /o$ 8ill sen$ his angels to guar$ !ou an$ to kee7 !ou "ro1 )rashing to the 7a6e1ent belo8>B CLuke %G2 TLBD. . looke$ $o8n on)e 1ore an$ it see1e$ e6en "urther this ti1e> Again; the 6oi)e sai$; B:u17; .5ll )at)h !ou. Don5t !ou trust 1eFB .t see1e$ as though . 8restle$ all night long; stan$ing in the o7en $oor o" the 7lane; an$ all night long the sa1e 6oi)e ke7t sa!ing o6er an$ o6er again;

B:u17; .5ll )at)h !ou. Don5t !ou trust 1eFB E6er! ti1e . hear$ that 6oi)e . looke$ at ho8 "ar abo6e the earth 8e 8ere; an$ ,;333 "eet is a long 8a! $o8n> *et in 1! heart . kne8 it 8as the 6oi)e o" /o$; but . )oul$n5t un$erstan$ it. Su$$enl! . )a1e to a )on)lusion be)ause . thought; B-hat $i""eren)e $oes it 1akeF ." it5s the $e6il; .5ll be s7lattere$ all o6er the groun$; but .5ll be in hea6en instantl!> An$ i" it5s /o$; an$ .51 $isobe$ient; he 1ight not e6er talk to 1e again.B There 8as that su$$en kno8le$ge that . #AD to ?u17; so . let go an$ ?u17e$ right out into the unkno8n> .NSTANTL* . 8as on the earth> There 8as absolutel! no ti1e la7se bet8een the ?u17 an$ lan$ing on the earth. There 8as no sensation o" "alling; no sensation o" an!thing; ?ust ?u17ing; an$ being instantl! there> On)e 1ore . hear$ the so"t; still 6oi)e o" /o$ sa!; BSee; . tol$ !ou that !ou )oul$ trust 1e>B /o$ ha$ tol$ us in a $rea1 that 8e 8ere going to take a giant ste7 < a bigger ste7 than 8e ha$ e6er taken be"ore in our li6es; but that he 8oul$ be there at the en$ o" the ste7 to )at)h us> -e belie6e through that $rea1 that /o$ is telling the entire bo$! o" Christ to take a giant ste7 an$ begin to $o things the! ne6er $rea1e$ o" $oing; an$ /o$ 8ill

be there 8aiting "or !ou> /o$ is )alling !ou to take a giant ste7 be)ause he 8ants to 1ake a giant out o" !ou 8ho 8ill )rush the $e6il un$er his 6er! "eet> An$ it5s not going to ha77en be)ause o" ONE big giant; it5s going to ha77en be)ause o" 1ulti7lie$ hun$re$s o" thousan$s; 7erha7s e6en 1illions o" Christians 8ho are going to ste7 out an$ begin la!ing han$s on the si)k; an$ healing the1> BAn$ this is the 1ira)le o" it < this is the glorious 1ira)le o" it < those 7eo7le 8oul$ stret)h "orth their han$s e=a)tl! as the Lor$ $i$; an$ it see1e$ as i" there 8as this sa1e liEui$ "ire in their han$s. As the! stret)he$ "orth their han$s; the! sai$; 5A))or$ing to 1! 8or$; be thou 1a$e 8hole.5 B T8ent! !ears ago those 8or$s 8ere s7oken> Note the si1ilarit! to the )ha7ter entitle$ BA Vision is a Mira)leB "ro1 the book 8e 8rote in 12,+ entitle$ .M'OSS.BLE M.9ACLESG F.VE *EA9S A/O; . -O4LDN5T #AVE BEL.EVED T#.S; B4T NO- . DO> The "inal night o" a Delight"ull! Charis1ati) Christian -alk Se1inar in Calgar!; Cana$a; 8as a night o" 7o8er like 8e56e ne6er seen in our entire 1inistr!. Faith 8as at to7 le6el be)ause o" the se1inar

tea)hings. That night5s sub?e)t 8as 1arriage; an$ as Charles 8as talking about honest! in 1arriage; . "elt su)h a tre1en$ous 8a6e o" 7o8er . nearl! "ell o6er. . grabbe$ the 7o$iu1 an$ looke$ o6er at Charles to see i" he "elt the sa1e thing . $i$. . )oul$n5t belie6e 1! e!es> Out o" the en$s o" his "ingers 8ere shooting "la1es o" blue "ire about "our in)hes long; an$ as . looke$ at the1; /o$ s7oke to 1e an$ sai$; BThe healing anointing is u7on Charles. The "irst thirt! 7eo7le 8ho rea)h the altar 8ill be instantl! heale$>B . ha$ to interru7t Charles> The 7o8er 8as in)reasing to su)h an e=tent . kne8 /o$ ha$ so1ething s7e)ial> . re7eate$ to the au$ien)e 8hat /o$ ha$ sai$; an$ it looke$ like the entire au$itoriu1 turne$ u7si$e $o8n. . ne6er sa8 si)k an$ )ri77le$ 7eo7le 1o6e so "ast in 1! entire li"e> As Charles ran o"" the stage to la! han$s on the1; the 7o8er o" /o$ 8as so strong the! "ell in 8a6es as he ran through the )ro8$. -hen he 8as about hal"&8a! a)ross the "ront o" the au$itoriu1; he raise$ his han$s to tou)h so1e; an$ about thirt! to "ort! 7eo7le "ell un$er the 7o8er at the sa1e ti1e. 'eo7le began 8ee7ing all o6er the au$itoriu1 as the! "elt the 7o8er o" /o$ in a 8a! the! ha$ ne6er "elt it be"ore. Bob an$ :oan 8ere o""stage at this 7arti)ular 1o1ent; but the! "elt so1ething su7ernatural )o1e

through the lou$s7eaker. Bob sai$; B. hear$ Fran)es; sa!; 5/et out o" the 8a! an$ let Charles through;5 then . hear$ the 8or$ 5"ire>5 . )a1e running out as "ast as . )oul$; 8on$ering i" there ha$ been a bo1b o" so1e kin$ or other. There 8as <A #OL* /#OST BOMB> Charles 8as 7lo8ing through the )ro8$ an$ 7eo7le 8ere "alling all o6er the 7la)e>B :oan sai$; B. ke7t hearing 5let hi1 through; let hi1 through; there5s "ire on his han$s;5 so . ran to the )urtain at the ba)k o" the stage. The 7o8er o" /o$ 8as so strong it "elt e=a)tl! like a soli$ 8all o" /o$5s beauti"ul 7o8er; an$ . broke into tears; )o17letel! o6er)o1e b! the o6er8hel1ing 7resen)e o" /o$.B B! this ti1e Charles ha$ gone al1ost a)ross the au$itoriu1; an$ the "la1es began to $i1inish; an$ "inall! the! $isa77eare$. #e )a1e ba)k u7 onto the stage; an$ aske$ the 7eo7le to raise their han$s i" the! @NE- the! 8ere heale$. More than 133 han$s 8ere raise$; as /o$ ga6e e6en 1ore than he ha$ 7ro1ise$. .t is i17ossible to e=7lain ho8 !ou "eel in a 1o1ent like this. . 8as so a8e$ b! 8hat . ha$ seen an$ hear$ that . ?ust stoo$ there 8on$ering 8hat 8as going to ha77en ne=t> . $i$n5t ha6e to 8ait but ?ust a "e8 se)on$s an$ then . sa8 things . ha$ ne6er seen in 1! entire li"e. The :ubilee Au$itoriu1 is a large au$itoriu1 8ith t8o bal)onies; an$ an e=tre1el! high )eiling. As . looke$

out o6er the 7eo7le; there a77eare$ a huge $o6e 8ith a 8ings7rea$ o" about "i"t! "eet ho6ering on the le"t& han$ si$e o" the au$itoriu1. .t 8as not 8hite> .nstea$; it 8as Blike as o" "ire.B The $o6e looke$ e=a)tl! as i" it ha$ been )ar6e$ right out o" "ire> .t 8as re$; orange an$ !ello8> . ha6e ne6er "elt the a8eso1e 7resen)e o" /o$ as . $i$ at that 1o1ent; then a sho)king thing began to ha77en> The Euills "ro1 the 8ings o" the $o6e began "l!ing out a)ross the au$ien)e an$ lan$ing on 6arious 7eo7le. .t looke$ like sk!ro)kets e=7lo$ing as the Euills "le8 "aster an$ "aster a)ross the au$itoriu1. /o$ s7oke again an$ sai$; BThere is 7er6ersion in the se=ual li"e o" 1arrie$ )ou7les here. There is a$ulter! in 1arriages here; an$ . a1 sen$ing the "ire o" 1! #ol! S7irit to burn it out.B Men an$ 8o1en began 8ee7ing as the! )rie$ out; B/o$ sa6e 1e>B The 7resen)e o" /o$ 8as a realit! to 1an! 7eo7le 8ho ha$ ne6er be"ore "elt his 7resen)e.

The )on6i)ting 7o8er o" the #ol! S7irit 8as u7on 1an! 1arriages ... then; As su$$enl! as it ha$ a77eare$; the $o6e $isa77eare$> .t 8as instantl! re7la)e$ b! a 8hite $o6e. . tol$ the au$ien)e the $o6e Blike as o" "ireB ha$ $isa77eare$ an$ ha$ been re7la)e$ b! a 8hite one; an$ 8aite$ "or another 1essage "ro1 /o$ be)ause . $i$n5t un$erstan$ this at all. /o$ ga6e Charles the 1essage this ti1e an$ he sai$; B. ha6e sent 1! 8hite $o6e as a s!1bol o" 7uri"i)ation. *our 1arriages ha6e been )leanse$ an$ 7uri"ie$. @ee7 the1 that 8a!>B The 8hite $o6e 8as gone> #un$re$s o" 7eo7le a))e7te$ :esus as a result o" this a8e&ins7iring 1o1ent an$ 1an! 8ere ba7tiAe$ in the #ol! S7irit an$ heale$ at the sa1e ti1e. .t 8as esti1ate$ that aroun$ 1;033 7eo7le "ell un$er the 7o8er o" /o$ this one night. -e 1a! ne6er again stan$ in the Shekinah glor! o" /o$ until 8e get to hea6en; but our li6es 8ill ne6er be the sa1e again as a result o" this night. So1e 7eo7le 1ight not belie6e itH 1a!be !ou 8on5t;

but 8e ha6e to; be)ause 8e 8ere there> An .M'OSS.BLE M.9ACLE; but it ha77ene$> These are the $a!s 8hen the "ire "ro1 hea6en is being 7oure$ out> Oh "or that $a! 8hen liEui$ "ire 8ill )o1e "orth "ro1 the han$s o" ALL S7irit&"ille$ belie6ers> Mira)les are ha77ening; the #ol! S7irit is gi6ing 6isions; an$ the 1ultitu$es are rising u7 to bring glor! to /o$> This is !ou < an$ this is 1e> Let us )at)h the 6ision a"resh an$ ane8>

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