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Macro Integrated Training and Review Center -Refresher

Signals, Spectra and Processing

Note: Use Mongol 2 PencilNo erasure (Any erasure means invalidation of the answer involved) Signals, Spectra and Processing 1. It is the extraction of information from a signal and signal transformation. a. signal- extraction b. signal analysis c. signal processing d. signal evaluation 2. It is a signal whose amplitude varies continuously for all time. a. digital signal b. analog signal c. time variant signal d. time invariant signal 3.What periodicity does sine wave signal exhibit? a. aperiodic b. odd periodic c. even periodic d. periodic table 4. It is the property that states that the compression of a function in the time domain by a certain the expansion of its Fourier Transform in the frequency domain by the same factor a. scaling property b. time shifting property c.multiplying property d. convolution property 5.It is an operation used to measure the similarity of signals or functions. a. convolution b. correlation c. cancellation d. comparison 6. This operation provides time domain structure of noisy signal and often used to discover periodic components of noisy signals. a. decorrelation b. cross-correlation c. time correlation d. autocorrelation 7.In a Digital Filter design, this technique is the simplest and generally gives poor attenuation in the stopband. a. frequency sampling b. Windowing c. Dooring d. Equiripple 8. This Data compression scheme assigned frequently used characters fewer bits and the seldom used characters more bits. a. Fourier Encoding b. Huffman Encoding c. Delta Encoding d. LZW Compression 9.If the sampling does not satisfy the Nyquist criterion, the adjacent periods of the analog spectrum will overlap causing a distorted spectrum. The effect is called_________. a. flickering b.intersymbol interference 1 Synchros., Gyros and Servos factor is equivalent to

Macro Integrated Training and Review Center -Refresher c. crosstalk d. aliasing distortion

Signals, Spectra and Processing

10. A_____is a function that is defined for all time t contained in some interval on the real line a. continuous-time b. dioscrete time c. delta dirac d. signum 11.What characteristics of the signal provides a measure of the extent of significant spectral content of the signal for positive frequencies? a. beamwidth b. bandwidth c. spectral density d. all of these 12. This Fourier Transform property states that if a function is shifted in the positive direction by a certain amount of to, the effect is multiplying its Fourier transform by the factor e(-j2fto) . a. cconvolution in the time domain b. time scaling c. time shifting d. linearity 13.A ________is a frequency selective device that is used to limit the spectrum of the signal to some specified band of frequencies. a. converter b. filter c. discrete signal d. amplifier 14.______defines the distribution of energy per unit bandwidth as a function of frequency. a. bandwidth b. correlation c. spectral density d. specific gravity 15. It is generally the representation of a signal consisting of components of various frequencies in the frequency domain is called: a. spectrum b. bandwidth c. envelope d. response 16. Convolution relates three signals: the input signal, the output signal and the ________. a. step response b. frequency response c. impulse response d. stability of the system 17.Which of the following is not a method of data compression? a. Huffman encoding b. Delta Encoding c. JPEG d. Winzip 18. ______is a compression for digital video sequences such as used in computer video and digital television networks a.JPEG b. MPEG 2 Synchros., Gyros and Servos

Macro Integrated Training and Review Center-Refresher c. MP3 d. LZW

Signals, Spectra and Processing

19. In Analog to Digital conversion, it is known as the step size or the resolution being the least significant bit voltage. a. quantization error b. quantization interval c. quantization unit d. quantization voltage 20. What is the typical sampling frequency used in voice telephony? a. 8 KHz b. 10 KHz c. 12 KHz d. 14 KHz 21. This type of basic signal has the form of a spike of infinite amplitude but of short duration. a. unit step b. unit ramp c. unit impulse d. rectangular pulse 22.If a signal undergoes time reversal and amplitude reversal and the result is the same as the original signal, then the signal is _________. a. even symmetric b. odd symmetric c. asymmetric d. no symmetry Synchros, Gyros and Servos 23. It is the name given to the variety of rotary, electromechanical, position sensing devices? a. synchro b. gyro c. servo d. motor 24. _________resembles small electric motor in size and appearance and operates like a variable transformer. a. synchro b. gyro c. servo d. motor 25.It is a system in which a precise movement of a large load is controlled by a relatively weak control signal. a. synchro b. servo c. gyro d. motor 26. It is referred to any rapidly spinning object. a. yoyo b. gyroscope c. gyro d. b and c 27.A synchro system consists of two or more synchros interconnected electrically. What are these synchro systems? 1. torque ynchro system 2. control synchro system 3. military standard synchros 3 Synchros., Gyros and Servos

Macro Integrated Training and Review Center -Refresher 4. prestandard navy synchros a. 1 and 2

Signals, Spectra and Processing

b. 3 and 4

c. 1, 2 and 3

d. 1, 2, 3 and 4

28. What is the primary purpose of a synchro system? a. precise and rapid transmission of data between stations b. accurate measurement of distances c. to introduced stability to the system d. gives additional mobility 29.What are the two general classification of synchro systems? a. lift and drag b. feedback and control c. torque and control d. velocity and torque 30.In a synchro system there are two designation codes, which of the 2 designation codes is indicated by 5DG on a synchro nameplate? a. Military standard b. Navy Prestandard c. Airforce superstandard d. ROTC non standard 31.What are the 2 major components of a synchro? a. rotor and stator b. winding and bolts c. transformer and armature d. poles and shafts

32. This is a very important method used in synchro receivers to prevent the rotor from spinning or oscillating, a. jumping b. precession c. corresponding d. damping 33. In synchro systems, it is the term given to the positions of rotors of a synchro transmitter and synchro receiver when both rotors are on 0 or displaced by 0 by the same angle. a. angular displacement b. correspondence c. dependence d. damping 34.When will a synchro generate more heat than it is design to handle? a. when underload b. when overshoot c. when overload d. when exposed to fire 35. Since syncho resembles a motor, when can be a maximum voltage is induced in the stator coil? a. when the stator coil rotates b. when the rotor coil is aligned with the stator coil c. when both coils rotates d. when the rotor coil is magnetized by the stator coil 36.What leads in a simple synchro system are connected to the ac power line? a. rotor leads b.stator leads c. housing leads d. jumper

Synchros., Gyros and Servos

Macro Integrated Training and Review Center-Refresher

Signals, Spectra and Processing

37.________is a synchro device that compares two signals, the electrical signal applied to its stator and the mechanical signal applied to its rotor. a. control synchros b. control transformers c. differential synchros d. differential transformers 38.____________forms the basis for understanding all synchro operations. a. Electromagnetic theory b. magnetic theory c. Lenz law d. Huygens principle 39. It is the name given to the electrical output of the control transformer a. error signal b. correct signal c. differential signal d. error free signal 40. It is a low voltage used in multispeed -synchro systems that contain control transformers (CT) to prevent false synchronization a. sticky voltage b. paste voltage c. stick off voltage d. error voltage 41. What should you do with a synchro that has a bad set of bearings? a. clean it b. repair it c. replace it d. just let it operate 42. What basic requirement of a closed loop system enables present load position to be sensed? a. feedback b. anti twinkler circuit c. squelch circuit d. filter 43. What are the classifications of servo systems by functions? 1. position 2. velocity 3. acceleration 4. time a. 1 and 2 b. 1,2 and 3 c. 2,3 and 4

d. 1, 2 , 3 and 4

44. In a servo system, there are series of overshoots which are known as ___________. a. eating b. climbing c. hunting d. resting 45. This principle is used to stabilize a system to minimize or eliminate the problem of overshoot. a. clamping b. fanning c. damping d. lagging 5 Synchros., Gyros and Servos

Macro Integrated Training and Review Center -Refresher

Signals, Spectra and Processing

46. It is a servo characteristics defined as the time between the input of a signal and the actual movement of the load. a. Time lag b. Time lead c. timing d. overshoot 47. If a position servo system tends to oscillate whenever new position is selected then the system is_______. a. undamped b. underdamped c. overdamped d. normally damped 48. Why is damping needed in a practical servo system? a. to minimize oscillations b. to increase the servos sensitivity c. to prevent error signal from amplifying d. to control relatively weak signal 49. It is a method of damping that anticipates the amount of overshot. This form of damping corrects the overshot by introducing a voltage in the error detector that is proportional to the rate of change of the error signal. a. Error-free damping b. Error rate damping c. Magnetic clutch damping d. overdamping 50. One of the simplest position sensor device band is generally used because of the small size, high accuracy and output which can be either ac or dc. a. rheostat b. potentiometer c. LEDs d. LDR 51. It is the property of gyro causing it to tilt in a direction perpendicular to the direction of any outside force. a. Recession b. Tecession c. Precession d. Post session 52. In a gyro, it is the tendency of a spinning wheel to remain in fixed position in space. a. mobility b. rigidity c. accuracy d. alternativity 53. A universally mounted gyro has how many gimbals? a. one b. two c. three d. four

54. In what direction will a gyro precess in response to an outside force? a. perpendicular to the force b. perpendicular to the spin axis c. parallel to the force d. parallel to the spin axis 55.What are the factors that determine the rigidity of the gyro?(April, 2004) 1. rotor speed 6 Synchros., Gyros and Servos

Macro Integrated Training and Review Center-Refresher 2. weight 3. shape a. 1 only

Signals, Spectra and Processing

b. 1 and 2 only

c. 2 and 3 only d. four d. four

d. 1 , 2 and 3

56. A universally mounted gyro has how many degrees of freedom? A. one b. two c. three 57. How many degrees of freedom does a rate gyro usually have? a. one b. two c. three

58. Accelerometer is a device used to detect and measure any acceleration along a particular axis, what physical property is the basis for the operation of accelerometer? a. energy b. inertia c. momentum d. impulse 59. What gyro characteristics provide the basis for the operation of rate gyro? a. decision b. precession c. weight d. spin 60. What type of systems primarily used accelerometers? a. digital systems b. navigation systems c. satellite systems d. broadcasting system 61. These devices are similar to synchros and are used to perform mathematical computations. They are used extensively in radar sets, direction and target equipment. a. revolvers b. resolvers c. rotators d. stators 62. Of the following term, which accurately describes a synchro? a. position sensing b. electromechanical c. rotary d. all of the above 63. Control systems are used in what particular application. a. light load b. heavy load c. medium load d. all of the above 64. It is the measure of the amount of load a machine can turn. a. radian force b. load factor c. torque d. tension 65. What type of current is eliminated by synchro capacitors?(Nov, 2003) a. loss b. rotor c. stator d. magnetizing stator 7 Synchros., Gyros and Servos

Macro Integrated Training and Review Center -Refresher

Signals, Spectra and Processing

66. DC generators that are designed to act as high gain amplifiers with power outputs up to 10 000 times larger than the power input. a. servos b. synchros c. amplidyne d. amplifiers 67. A resolver performs which of the following mathematical functions a. algebraic b. trigonometric c. differentiation d. integration

68.What is defined as a device that gives an indication usually in the form of a voltage that is proportional to the acceleration to which it is subjected? (April, 2004) a. inertia meter b. accelerometer c. Speedometer d. voltmeter 69.What characteristics of the error signal determines the direction in which the load is driven in a DC servo system? a. amplitude b. frequency c. polarity d. phase 70.A simple synchro transmission system requires how many number of synchro devices? b. two c. three d. four 71. It is the part of the synchro which brings current through the rotor a. terminal board b. slip ring c. stator d. brush 72. Factors that determines the performance of a servo system. a. acceleration and speed b. inertia and oscillation c. amplification and damping d. overshooting and feedback signal 73.The major components of a synchro includes. a. rotor b. stator c. Shaft d. Both a nd b

74. Damping minimizes overshooting of signal, what type of response is fast enough but not to cause overshooting. a. overdamped b. critically damped c. underdamped d. undamped 75.Who discovered the principle of gyros? a. Leon Focult b. Tiger Focult c. Leonard Focult d. John Davis Focult

Synchros., Gyros and Servos

Macro Integrated Training and Review Center-Refresher

Signals, Spectra and Processing

Synchros., Gyros and Servos

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