Smart Fce Unit 1

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People & Relationships

PART A. Vocabulary Structure/ Pre-speaking & Pre-writing Activities

Tip : To describe a person generally, refer to this persons physical appearance, personality, activities/interests, hobbies and habits.

1. Appearance (What does one look like?) A. Choose the correct words to ll the blanks in
the table below. conservative, wiry, oval, average, elderly, balding, bushy, torn, dreadlocked, shabby, spiky, slender, freckled APPEARANCE ht 1. Height 2. Build average ta ............. tall/short, of ................................/ m medium height slender thin/plump, slim, ................................, th skinny, overweight, muscular s in his/her teens, teenager, adolescent, in his/her early/mid/late 30s, adult, elderly middle-aged, ................................ . oval long/round/................................/......... freckled ......................./ wrinkled face,almondshaped eyes,crooked nose,moustache dark, blonde, fair, grey, shiny, ............. balding wiry ..................., ................................, ...... .. . bushy spiky .........................., ................................, . ...... dreadlocked greasy, ................................, wavy formal/informal, trendy, eccentric, brand shabby name, ................................, ................. n .. torn conservative .............., casual, ................................, worn out

C. Now look at the photo and choose words from the

table in Ex. A to complete the description below.

3. Age 4. Face/ ce/ face e features tures ures

5. Hair/ r/ hairstyle yle e

My friend Amber is a tall and ......slim....... (0) woman mid in her ............................. (1) 20s. She takes after her mother; in fact, shes her spitting image. Shes pretty, she round/oval/long has a(n) ............................. (2) face, nice features and blonde/fair wavy ............................. (3) hair which she often wears in a pony tail. Shes elegant and fond of wearing either formal informal ............................. (4) or ............................. (5) clothes depending on the occasion. One more thing, she is very interested in following the fashion without being a fashion victim herself.

6. Clothes hes s


Expressions describing someones physical appearance. Choose the correct words.

0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

She has the same eyes like/as her mother. She looks as/like her sister. He is the spitting picture/image g of his father. She takes after/of her mother. Mother and daughter look like/alike. He looks very same/similar to his father.

Now briey describe your best friend. Refer to his/her physical appearance only. A friend of yours has a problem and you want to help him/her. Ask questions to nd out what his/her problem is.


2. Personality (What is someone like?) D.

Expressions Match the expressions below. ..g... i ........ c ........ h ........ d ........ b ........ e ........ a ........ f ........ a) sbs condence/morale/ self-esteem b) to a compromise


Antonyms (Opposites) Complete the table with the antonyms of the given adjectives. cruel, indiscreet, arrogant, hot-tempered, deceitful, unreliable Personality

0. fall

1. keep 2. nd 3. take 4. have 5. come 6. talk 7. boost 8. stand

c) faults d) arguments e) behind sbs back f) on his own feet g) in love h) sb for granted i) in touch

Positive Qualities 0. calm 1. honest 2. compassionate 3. modest 4. tactful 5. trustworthy

Negative Qualities 0. hot-tempered deceitful 1. ................................... cruel 2. ................................... arrogant 3. ................................... ............. /proud/selsh indiscreet 4. ................................... unreliable 5. ...................................

Tip : When describing someone use an example to support your idea/opinion. Tip : Adjectives and abstract nouns can help us describe someones character/personality and behaviour.


E. Form the opposites of the following adjectives

and their nouns using the given prexes. in un dis ir im

Justifying adjectives Underline the correct words to complete the sentences according to the example that follows. 0. One problem he has is his unpopularity/ unfaithfulness; nobody seems to like him. 1. Shes a(n) decisive/indecisive sort of person; her ability/inability to make quick decisions in difcult situations is one of her positive qualities. 2. My brother tries to establish his own identity by rebelling against conventions. That is why he tends to be somewhat indiscreet/aggressive. 3. My friend is a very ambitious/reserved type of person who always achieves the goals he sets. Im sure hell be promoted to a higher position. 4. She tends to be supercial/stubborn sometimes; she doesnt think deeply and has little understanding of anything serious or important.

Positive and Negative Adjectives 0. ( secure in 1. (........) consistent dis 2. (........) honest ir 3. (........) responsible un / dis able 4. (....../......) im patient 5. (........)

Positive and Negative Abstract nouns 0. ( security in ) consistency 1. (.......) ................... dis honesty 2. (.......) ) ................... ir 3. (.......) ................... ) responsibility in / dis ) ability 4. (....../......) ................... im patience 6. (.......) ) ...................


Collocations Underline the negative adjectives.

0. have/build/project a(n) well-balanced, charming, introvert/extrovert, unstable, strong personality 1. form/develop/destroy rm, lifelong, mutual, fragile, long lasting friendships 2. cause/experience/ignore conicting, tender, genuine feelings 3. develop/establish/spoil intimate/close, rewarding, hostile, constructive relationships


Useful Phrasal Verbs concerning Relationships Fill in the blanks with the suitable particles. by , on, out , up (x3), off , down (x2)

3. Interests/Activities, Hobbies, Habits K. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words. 0.

0. You should never let your best friend ...down... by talking behind his/her back. Gossip ruins friendships. (disappoint) 1. Whenever your friends are in need you should stand by ......... them. (support) out a lot, when we were 2. My brother and I used to fall ......... younger. (quarrel) up with my colleague any longer; hes so 3. I cant put .......... rude to me. (tolerate) 4. They had a big argument with their classmates but up . (end a quarrel) soon they made it .......... on 5. Hes such a quarrelsome type that he never gets .......... with others. (have a good relationship) up to my uncle. 6. When I was young, I used to look ......... (admire and respect) off . 7. Relationships and friendships may break ......... (end) 8. Hes very arrogant; he tends to look down .......... on weak students and laugh at them.(dislike) Dannys very adventurous. He likes ....taking... (0) risks of and thats why hes fond ....................... (1) extreme sports.

Are you athletic? What kind of sports do you like playing?




Idioms Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given to complete the idioms below.

on k (2) f tb ll O Neds very keen ....................... football. One of his hobbies is collecting badges of different football teams. Whats your favourite hobby?



Personality My cousin Fred is not the sort of person who picks a ....quarrel.... (0) (quarrelsome) with others over trivial counts matters. He ........................... (1) (countable) on his friends and never neglects or deserts them. If he feels condence (2) (condent) slips, he gives that their ........................... priorities them courage to go ahead, set new ........................... (3) (prioritise) and goals and try to achieve them. critical Moreover, he avoids being ........................... (4) (criticism) of others because such a thing ruins friendships. Last but not least, hes very popular among his friends and peers because he has a good sense of humour .................(5) (humorous). However, sometimes he tends to be quite sensitive and takes everything to heart. smoking (3). When Mary was a teenager she started .................. effort (4) to Since then she has made a great ..................... give this bad habit up but unfortunately she has failed. is However, she ....................... (5) still trying.

Mention two bad habits teenagers may pick up and give reasons why. Now briey describe your favourite teachers personality.

PART B. Practise your skills Listening FCE Part 4

Tip : Always read the questions carefully before the listening test begins.

A. Pre-listening activity
Answer the questions Do you always do what your friends do? Why? Why not? Do you ask your parents advice whenever you are in a difcult situation? Why? Why not? What makes you sometimes feel depressed?

L o ok!
nuclear family: a family unit consisting of father, mother and children extended family: uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents as well as parents, brothers and sisters

B. Listening Test
You will hear a psychologist talking on television about teenagers. For questions 1 - 7, choose the best answer A,B, or C.

1. Children see the world through their parents eyes means that children at pre-school age A. challenge their parents authority. B. have their own way. C. are under their parents total control. 2. Young children are like paper on which A. there are different drawings and sketches. B. nothing is written. B C. there are some words printed. 3. Even from an early age children can have A. the inability to form relationships. B. the strength to decide for themselves. C. the ability to judge things somehow. 4. When children become teenagers, things get A. more complicated to cope with. B. easier to nd practical solutions for. C. uninteresting and crucial. 5. When teenagers belong to a peer group, they feel they have to A. ignore the groups ideas and codes. B. show unquestioning obedience to certain sets of rules. C. compete with one another.

6. Being in a peer group, teenagers learn how A. to socialise with others. B. to show off their abilities. C. to be critical of others. 7. Lack of communication between parents and teenage children may make teens A. see things from a different angle. B. nd effective solutions on their own. C C. have shocking experiences.

Improve your speaking skills (common mistakes)
Spot the mistakes in the given sentences below and correct them. There may be two mistakes in one sentence. 1. They seem to enjoy each other company. interested i i g in indoor activities. 2. They are very much interesting who 3. I feel its good to have a friend which hi has the same as interests like you do. from 4. Working mothers, apart of doing the housework, can of also take care in i their children. 5. The elderly have a lot of experience and can give g with on you their opinion at t how to react and deal of different situations.
others frustrated

6. Old people often seem to be frustrating and depressed because they feel neglected. well 7. I get on g good with my friends and we have a good time together. alike 8. Father and son look so much like. like 9. She looks alike her mother. are from 10. There is ve of us in my family. I come to a large family.

Part 1 (3 minutes)
Questions about yourself Family and Relationships 1. Can you tell me a few things about your family? 2. Is there a member of your family you dont get on well with? Why? Why not? 3. Where do you turn to when you need advice? Why? 4. Can you describe your best friend?

Find information on the Internet about : A famous person you admire. Work in a group, write a short summary and present your work in class.

Tip : Be calm and condent. during the exam

Part 2 (4 minutes)
Comparing pictures


Before you start, read the Speaking Helpline. Use as many phrases as you can to speak about the pictures.

Exam Tip In part 2 of the Speaking exam you will be asked to look at two pictures to compare (nd the similarities and the differences) and then comment on them. (1 minute) When you nish talking about your set of photos, the examiner will ask the other candidate a question about these photos. The candidate has to give a short response. (20 seconds)

Speaking Helpline

Both pictures show... One similarity between the pictures is (that)... Another similarity is ... What both pictures have in common is... One main difference between the two photos is (that)... Another difference is (that)... In the rst picture....while/whereas in the second picture...

Other useful phrases

They seem to be (verb) + ing while the others.... They look as if they are...On the other hand the...appear to be... I may be wrong but I think they.... I get the impression that....


Learning how to compare pictures

Exam Practice (Candidate 1) Here are your two photographs. They show nuclear families. Compare them and say how these people might spend their free time. How might these people spend their free time? Picture A

B. Set 1(Pictures A,B)

Before you do the speaking test look at the pictures on the right and write down the similarities and differences between them.

Points to refer to relationship interests feelings

Si imilarities Both photos show

nuclear families having fun

Differe ences Picture A ______________ family of four outdoors ______________ cycling ______________ Picture B _________ ______________ _ of three family indoors ______________ bowling alley ______________ _______________

Picture B

(Candidate 2) Do you think that only children are spoiled?

Note: Now listen to a speaking test model.

C. Set 2 (Pictures C, D)
Before you do the speaking test look at the pictures on the right and write down the similarities and differences between them. Exam Practice (Candidate 2) Here are your two photographs. They show people being involved in different activities. Compare them and say in what way the life of such groups is different. Picture D In what way is the life of such groups of people different? Picture C

Points to refer to age interests feelings location relationship Differe ences Picture C youngsters ______________ carefree/full of energy ______________ exciting/active life ______________ Picture D elderly people ______________ creative ______________ ______________ lead a quiet life _______________

Si imilarities Both photos show people____ outdoors, having ______________ a good time ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

(Candidate 1) How do the elderly usually spend their leisure time?

Note: Now listen to a speaking test model.

Part 4

(4 minutes) Further questions on the topic. Discuss the questions with your partner. 4. What is the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren like? Tip : In Part 4, the examiner will ask you to discuss some questions on the topic introduced in Part 3.

1. Is Generation Gap the main reason for arguments between parents and children? 2. Why do old people often feel lonely? 3. What qualities should a good friend have? Give reasons.


An article: A description of a person A
Exam Tip : An article can be written for a magazine or newspaper. It can include information, a description (of a person, place or an object), your opinion on a topic or a review of a lm, play etc. It can be written in a formal, semi-formal or informal style depending on who the target reader is. But an article is often written in a semi-formal style. Give your article a catchy title. Write an opening that catches a readers attention.

Not e : Formal Style often use of the passive voice advanced vocabulary formal expressions longer, more complicated sentences no descriptions of feelings no contractions - no exclamation marks formal linking words/phrases (e.g.However, furthermore....) Semi-formal Style personal/friendly tone less use of short forms careful use of idioms non-colloquial languange direct or indirect questions Informal Style use of idioms/idiomatic expressions use of short forms/contractions colloquial languange (e.g. Whats up?) friendly tone

B. Use the given linking words to join the

sentences below. as well as, although, however, both, for example 1. Shes generally an easy-going person. However .........................., she tends to be very angry 2. whenever someone insults or hurts her. Although ........................... Ted has a strong personality, he sometimes has a tendency to be insecure and reserved. as well as My grandmother is very patient ........................... polite. both They are ........................... conscientious and helpful towards their colleagues. My cousin is a very responsible person. For example ..........................., he has good judgement and the ability to act correctly and make decisions on his own.

3. 4. 5.

A. Read the following sentences and decide

1. 2. 3. 4. which of them are formal (F), informal (INF) or semi-formal(SF). He is thought to be a remarkably charismatic leader with great powers of persuasion. F Its up to her to decide whose side she will be on. INF She likes wearing casual clothes just like me and hates wearing formal clothes. INF She is highly respected by others for her genuine leadership abilities, her excellent manners and the integrity of her character. F Shes patient, tactful and a person that all her friends admire and respect. SF Exam Tip : Appropriate linking words/phrases should be used to join your sentences and ideas to make your article ow. Useful Linking Words/Phrases To express contrast: however, yet, but, although/ even though, in spite of (the fact)/despite (the fact), while/nevertheless To add more points: moreover, besides (this), also, too, both...and, as well (as), what is more To give examples: such as, like, particularly, in particular, especially

C. Read your task.

Task You read this announcement in an international magazine for young people. Write an article about a person you most admire and send it to the magazine. You may win a prize! Write between 120 and 180 words.

The Person I admire


D. Answer the questions.

1. Whos going to read it? a) Middle-aged people b) Youngsters 2. What style would you use? Semi-formal 3. Should you always give a title to your article? 4. Whats the purpose of your article? 5. How many paragraphs would you divide your article into? 6. Whats the aim of the introduction? a) Attract the readers interest b) Tell your opinion 7. What would you write about in the main body?


D. Read the model article.

Model Article

G. Read the set phrases below before you do

your task. Useful set phrases Introduction Paragraph 1 I wouldnt ever think/imagine that ... a person one can always remember Main Body Paragraphs 2 & 3 Looking at her/him one can... He/She looks like his/her... He/She sometimes tends/seems/appears to be... He/She has a tendency to... He/She has a reputation for being... He/Shes rather/somewhat... His/Her positive/negative attitude of... Conclusion Paragraph 4 To put it briey,.../ Briey,... Concluding,/ Summing up,... To conclude,/ To sum up,...

The Person I admire most

When I rst met Ruby at school, I couldnt imagine what good friends we could become. I believe that we have developed this special friendship because we are very much alike. Ruby is a tall, thin, young woman in her early 20s. Shes the spitting image of her mother with almondshaped eyes and gorgeous long, fair hair. Shes fond of wearing trendy clothes and following the fashion just as I am. I admit she has all the qualities of a good friend. Shes both sociable and helpful, willing to offer her advice. Whats more, no one can deny her excellent sense of humour and her positive attitude; she is not the sort of person who picks quarrels over trivial matters. Another thing I most admire about her is her loyalty. I can always remember her standing by me and boosting my condence whenever I felt peer pressured. Her only annoying habit is that she tends to spend long hours on the phone. To put it briey, Ruby is a person everyone can admire and Im very lucky to have her for a friend.

H. Your Task
Great News Would you like to win a plane ticket for the Champion League Football Finals in Barcelona? Then take part in the competition of The World of Teens magazine. Write a short article on The most inuential teacher Ive ever had. Write about a teachers personality and explain how his/her action and character have been important to you. Write between 120 and 180 words. Tip : Remember! You should never exceed the word limit.

E. How to plan an article

Look at the plan below, read the points carefully and nd them in the model. Then underline and number them.

Paragraphs Introduction Paragraph 1 Name of the person place you rst met Main Body Paragraph 2 Appearance

Points met at school special friendship

in her early twenties tall-thin spitting image of her mother long, fair hair wears trendy clothes sociable helpful easy-going sense of humour loyal talks on the phone long hours person everyone can admire

Paragraph 3 Personality/Activities/ Hobbies

Conclusion Paragraph 4 Feelings about the person


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