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Section 1 Audio script: Guide- Good morning, welcome to the Tourist Bus of Barcelona.

We'll start our route in the Barcelona's Modern Arts Museum. And now, in your left you can see the Magic Fountains most evenings in the summer. There's a show every half hour. Tourist- What time does the next show start? Guide- Let me see. Theres one starting in five minutes, at 9:30 Tourist- And how long does it take? Guide- About half an hour. Please be back at the bus by 10:15. Tourist- Excuse me, did you say the Olympic stadium was near here? Guide- That's right, the sport stadium we visited this afternoon, please, be careful of pickpocket and look after your money and valuables. Tourist- And how much does it cost to see the fountains? Guide- Nothing, it's free.

Fill in the gaps with correct information from the conversation that you listen to. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. The tourists are going to visit the city of _____1_____. They are travelling in a _____2_____. The tour will start from _____3_____. In their left they could see _____4_____. There is a show for _____5_____. The next show will start at _____6_____. The tourists are requested to come back to the bus before _____7_____. There is _____8_____ stadium nearby. They need to pay ____9_____ to see the _____10_____.

Section 2 Audio script: ADAM: She has no discrimination. She takes to all the animals--all of them! She thinks they are all treasures, every new one is welcome. When the brontosaurus came striding into camp, she regarded it as an acquisition, I considered it a calamity; that is a good sample of the lack of harmony that prevails in our views of things. She wanted to domesticate it, I wanted to make it a present of the homestead and move out. She believed it could be tamed by kind treatment and would be a good pet; I said a pet twenty-one feet high and eighty-four feet long would be no proper thing to have about the place, because, even with the best intentions and without meaning any harm, it could sit down on the house and mash it, for any one could see by the look of its eye that it was absent-minded. Still, her heart was set upon having that monster, and she couldn't give it up. She thought we could start a dairy with it, and wanted me to help milk it; but I wouldn't; it was too risky. The sex wasn't right, and we hadn't any ladder anyway. Then she wanted to ride it, and look at the scenery. Thirty or forty feet of its tail was

lying on the ground, like a fallen tree, and she thought she could climb it, but she was mistaken; when she got to the steep place it was too slick and down she came, and would have hurt herself but for me. Was she satisfied now? No. Nothing ever satisfies her but demonstration; untested theories are not in her line, and she won't have them. It is the right spirit, I concede it; it attracts me; I feel the influence of it; if I were with her more I think I should take it up myself. Well, she had one theory remaining about this colossus: she thought that if we could tame it and make him friendly we could stand in the river and use him for a bridge. It turned out that he was already plenty tame enough--at least as far as she was concerned--so she tried her theory, but it failed: every time she got him properly placed in the river and went ashore to cross over him, he came out and followed her around like a pet mountain. Like the other animals. They all do that. Read the following statements and write true, false or not given against the statements. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. The animal that the speaker thinks to pet is very huge. The animal belongs to the prehistoric age. She has many other pets at her place. The pet is 84 feet high. The speaker wants to ride the pet once tamed. Nothing ever satisfies her but demonstration. They had an innovative plan to cross the river. The animal seemed to be already tamed enough. Their plan was executed with success. The tail of the animal was 30-40 feet long and lying on ground.

Section 3 Audio script: Waiter- Good morning, do you have a reservation madam? Customer- Yes, a table for two. My name is Alice Gray. Waiter- Would you like smoking or non smoking? Customer- Non-smoking, please Waiter- Fine, Madam. Would you follow me please? Waiter- Would you like to see the menu? Customer- yes, I'd like to see the menu Waiter- Are you ready to order? Customer- yes, I'd like to an appetizer and Mediterranean salad And then Duck stuffed served with orange sauce. Waiter- Would you like anything to drink? Customer- A bottle of a red wine Waiter- And Would you like any dessert? Customer- yes, I'd like to dessert a Strawberry with whipped cream Waiter- And Would you like something else?

Customer- yes, A cappuccino, please Waiter- Ok Madam, I'll be with you in a minute

Supply the gaps with correct information. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. The name of the customer is _____21_____. The booking is for _____22_____. She prefers to have a table in the _____23_____. She ordered _____24_____, _____25_____ and then _____26_____ with orange sauce. She ordered _____27_____ for drink. She wanted to have _____28_____ with _____29_____ as dessert. Finally she ordered a _____30_____.

Section 4 Audio script:

Winston Churchill: I spoke the other day of the colossal military disaster which occurred when the French High Command failed to withdraw the northern Armies from Belgium at the moment when they knew that the French front was decisively broken at Sedan and on the Meuse. This delay entailed the loss of fifteen or sixteen French divisions and threw out of action for the critical period the whole of the British Expeditionary Force. Our Army and 120,000 French troops were indeed rescued by the British Navy from Dunkirk but only with the loss of their cannon, vehicles and modern equipment. This loss inevitably took some weeks to repair, and in the first two of those weeks the battle in France has been lost. When we consider the heroic resistance made by the French Army against heavy odds in this battle, the enormous losses inflicted upon the enemy and the evident exhaustion of the enemy, it may well be the thought that these 25 divisions of the best-trained and best-equipped troops might have turned the scale. However, General Weygand had to fight without them. Only three British divisions or their equivalent were able to stand in the line with their French comrades. They have suffered severely, but they have fought well. We sent every man we could to France as fast as we could re-equip and transport their formations. I am not reciting these facts for the purpose of recrimination. That I judge to be utterly futile and even harmful. We cannot afford it. I recite them in order to explain why it was we did not have, as we could have had, between twelve and fourteen British divisions fighting in the line in this great battle instead of only three. Now I put all this aside. I put it on the shelf, from which the historians, when they have time, will select their documents to tell their stories. We have to think of the future and not of the past. This also applies in a small way to our own affairs at home. There are many who would hold an inquest in the House of Commons on the conduct of

the Governments-and of Parliaments, for they are in it, too-during the years which led up to this catastrophe. They seek to indict those who were responsible for the guidance of our affairs. This also would be a foolish and pernicious process. There are too many in it. Let each man search his conscience and search his speeches. I frequently search mine. Of this I am quite sure, that if we open a quarrel between the past and the present, we shall find that we have lost the future. Therefore, I cannot accept the drawing of any distinctions between Members of the present Government. It was formed at a moment of crisis in order to unite all the Parties and all sections of opinion. It has received the almost unanimous support of both Houses of Parliament. Its Members are going to stand together, and, subject to the authority of the House of Commons, we are going to govern the country and fight the war. It is absolutely necessary at a time like this that every Minister who tries each day to do his duty shall be respected; and their subordinates must know that their chiefs are not threatened men, men who are here today and gone tomorrow, but that their directions must be punctually and faithfully obeyed. Without this concentrated power we cannot face what lies before us. I should not think it would be very advantageous for the House to prolong this Debate this afternoon under conditions of public stress. Many facts are not clear that will be clear in a short time. We are to have a secret Session on Thursday, and I should think that would be a better opportunity for the many earnest expressions of opinion which Members will desire to make and for the House to discuss vital matters without having everything read the next morning by our dangerous foes.

Choose the correct alternative to complete the statements made by the great leader. A. Only _____31_____ British divisions or their equivalent were able to stand in the line

with their French comrades.

a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 B. We are to have a secret Session on _____32_____. a. Thursday b. Saturday c. Friday d. Monday C. Our Army and _____33_____ French troops were indeed rescued by the British Navy

from Dunkirk. a. 130,000 b. 120,000

c. 110,000 d. 100,000 D. The French High Command failed to withdraw the northern Armies from_____34_____. a. France b. Germany c. Belgium d. Denmark E. I am not reciting these facts for the purpose of_____35_____. a. Recrimination b. Discrimination c. Crimination d. Naturalization F. I cannot accept the drawing of any distinctions between Members of the

present_____36_____. a. Army b. Battalion c. Government d. Party G. General _____37_____ had to fight without them. a. Churchill b. Weygand c. William d. Officer H. The French front was decisively broken at Sedan and on_____38_____. a. the Meuse b. the City c. the Parliament d. the Capital I. There are many who would hold an inquest in the House of Commons on the conduct of the Governments-and of _____39_____. a. Parliaments b. Royal palace c. Army d. Navy J. That I judge to be utterly futile and even_____40_____. a. Fruitful b. Harmful c. Beneficial

d. Harmless

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