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Architectural Thesis 9 & 10

Architect Junar Pakingan Tablan, uap

Thesis General Guidelines

Rationale Architectural Thesis is the culminating stage of extensive five-year architectural studies. At this stage, the students acquired skills and knowledge would be comprehensively challenged by an actual architectural research and/ or design endeavor.

Research Topic Selection The student researcher/s may identify topics among the following areas: 1. Architectural Planning and Design site selection and site analysis space programming building volume design structural and construction conceptualization building utilities conceptualization building material management conceptualization interior and landscape design acoustic and lighting design

Building Material Innovation and Production introduction of new building material prototype of the innovated or newly introduced material with necessary standard tests to prove its significance and usage Proper prototyping documentation 3. Building Construction and Technology System new or innovated construction method or system system anatomy and model including complete documentation Building Laws and Professional Practice issues and concerns in present day building laws and professional norms present the necessary statistical course of actions


4. practice 5.

Architectural Heritage Preservation and Restoration heritage building or site preservation and restoration scheming authenticated and verified data to establish the necessity of preservation and ensure the direction of restoration plans. 6. community Urban and Community Development Planning urban planning, urban renewal and community development planning comprehensive output in parallel to an actual urban design and development plan

Presentation Techniques and Requirements

Architectural Thesis 9 & 10 Thesis Outline/ Minimum Contents Title Page Letter of Transmittal Approval Sheet Abstract Acknowledgment Dedication Table of contents List of Tables List of Figures List of Appendices

Architect Junar Pakingan Tablan, uap

Part I: The Proposed Problem Chapter I. The Problem and Its Background Introduction Background of the Study Statement of the Problem Objectives Significance of the Study Scope and Limitation Assumption and Hypothesis Conceptual Framework Definitions of Terms Acronyms Chapter II. Review of Related Literature and Studies Related Literature Related Studies/ Project Chapter III. Research Methodology Research Design Methods and Techniques Used Subjects of the Study Research Instruments Validation of Research Instruments Administration of Instruments Chapter IV. Presentation and Analysis of Data Analysis and Interpretation of the Proposal Needs Identification Restatement of the Problem Recommendation Project Study Market Study Socio-Economic Study Income Generation Technical Study Financial Study Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Chapter V. Conclusions and Recommendations Part II. Site Identification and Analysis Chapter VI. Macro Site Analysis Introduction Physical Structure

Architectural Thesis 9 & 10

Architect Junar Pakingan Tablan, uap

Transportation System Utility Systems (Water, Power/ Electricity, Communications, Drainage and Garbage Disposal, Fire Protection) Population and Social Development Area Growth Pattern and Influence Visual Appeal and Attractions Commercial and Industrial Developments (Shopping centers, Banks, Offices, etc.) Chapter VII. Micro Site Analysis Site Inventory Exact Location and Boundaries Size and Shape Climate Analysis Wind and Solar Analysis Traffic Flow Analysis Circulation Analysis Proximity Analysis Sensory Analysis Land Use and Zoning Requirements Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis Site Evaluation Geography, Topography Suitability Visibility Accessibility Future Highway and Street Routings Parking Availability Traffic Counts Land Cost and Taxes Site Maps Chapter VIII. Proposed Components Schematic design Building Massing Part III. Architectural Design Proposal Chapter IX. Design Program Chapter X. Concept Development Chapter XI. Synthesis Chapter XII. Presentation Appendices Design Standards Related Documents Letters Certificates Actual Photo of Defense Presentation Materials References Students Profile Paper Format Page Layout 1.25 at left. Margins 1 at top, bottom and right and

Architectural Thesis 9 & 10 Orientation text paper Size Font Paragraph Spacing Tabs Page Number Presentation plastic cover Final cover Initial

Architect Junar Pakingan Tablan, uap Landscape with two columns for general and working drawings 8.5 by 13 Substance 20 white bond Tahoma Regular size 11 for general text Justified alignment Before 0 pt, After 0 pt 1double line spacing 0.75 Bottom-right corner of page Font Tahoma Regular size 10 1 set black cover hardbound with & CD soft copy Due on __________________ 3 sets black cover hardbound with plastic & CD soft copy Due on __________________

Book Binding Last Name Thesis Proposal Title Month/ Year

Title Page

Architectural Thesis 9 & 10

Architect Junar Pakingan Tablan, uap

A Thesis Proposal Presented to the Faculty of ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT School of Architecture, Industrial Design & the Built Environment Mapua Institute of Technology Architect Junar Pakingan Tablan, uap Adviser

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Architectural Design 9/ 10 AR049/ AR049S for the Degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURE

Presented by Last Name, First Name Middle Initial Student Number

Month Year

Approval Sheet This is to certify that I have supervised the preparation of and have read the Proposed Title prepared by Last Name, First Name Middle Initial and that the said

Architectural Thesis 9 & 10

Architect Junar Pakingan Tablan, uap

thesis proposal has been recommended for acceptance and approval for oral defense by the Thesis Evaluation Committee.

_____________________________ Architect Junar Pakingan Tablan, uap Adviser

As members of the Thesis Evaluation Committee, we certify that we have reviewed and examined this thesis proposal with the grade of __________ and hereby recommend that it be accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements in Architectural Design 9 AR049/ 049S for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Architecture.

_________________________ Panel Member 1

_________________________ Panel Member 2

_________________________ Committee Chair

This thesis proposal is hereby approved and accepted by the School of Architecture, Industrial Design and the Built Environment in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Architecture.

_________________________ Arch. Gloria B. Teodoro, fuap, piep Dean School of Architecture, Industrial Design and the Built Environment

For Tables label it this way: Table No. Title (Font Tahoma Bold size 11) Label


Architectural Thesis 9 & 10

Architect Junar Pakingan Tablan, uap

Data Data Thick line 1.5 pt Line spacing: Single

Data Data Thin line Space before: 0 pt 1.0 pt Space after: 0 pt

For figures, illustrations, graphs:

21/ 51%

20/ 49%


Title (Font Tahoma Bold size 11)

Femal e Figure No.

References Journals Author, A.A., B. B. Author and C. C. Author (year). Full title of article. Name of the journal, Volume number (number), pages. Books Author, A. A., B. B. Author and C. C. Author (year). Full title of article<optional> Editor, A. A.<optional>. Book Title, edition, Publisher, Place of Publication.

Oral Defense Time Limit presentation and answer) Visual Aids Attire Refreshment 60 mins. (1 hr.): 10 mins. for preparation 20 mins. for 30 mins. for discussion (question and Power Point, drawing Boards, Scale Model Formal/ Business suit Shall be prepared by the student proponent

Thesis Project 1. Introduction 2. Motivation 3. Objectives and Scope and Limitations

Architectural Thesis 9 & 10 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Architect Junar Pakingan Tablan, uap

Description of the research work Conclusions/Summary of the work List of Case studies List of references/literature case studies for thesis research work Identification of the project site

Introduction Briefly explain the Architectural/technological/social relevance or significance of the research work of your thesis topic. Be precise and include only relevant background material in the introduction. Provide information on past works by way of giving appropriate references. It should not exceed two pages. Motivation Develop further on the background material provided in the introduction and bring the subject of thesis in the chosen area of research in to focus. Emphasize, based on the content status, the importance of the research problem identified. Should broadly indicate the existing drawbacks and why further research is required to eliminate the drawbacks and find new architectural solutions. Identification of these should be brief and can be out of the scope of the Thesis subject but has to be relevant. You can enumerate those technical challenges one has to address to solve the problems/drawbacks posed herein to place emphasis on the quality of the research work. This should not exceed two pages. Objectives and Scope and Limitations State precisely the questions for which the answers are sought through this thesis work. Define the conceptual, analytical, experimental and/or methodological boundaries within which the exercise will be carried out. Admit with clarity the limitation of such a research and difficulties involved. It should not exceed two pages. Description of the research work Keeping in mind the limitations and difficulties, identify the precise architecturally relevant area and extent of research that is attempted by you. Detailed explanations of the drawbacks/problems identified for which you are seeking possible architectural solutions. Explain in detail how the case studies will help in resolving the drawbacks/problems identified. Clear the role of literature studies/observations/experiments/questionnaires. Define with clarity the detailed methodology to be adopted that will lead you towards the Architectural solutions. Explain in detail how you are specifically equipped to deal with the research and find Architectural solutions. It should not exceed 10-12 pages.

Architectural Thesis 9 & 10 Conclusions/Summary of the work

Architect Junar Pakingan Tablan, uap

Highlight major conclusions you are working towards. Clearly bring out not only the generally useful advantages arising out of the work but also the architectural advancement you are seeking through this Thesis work. If there are no conclusions at the moment, then enumerate the possible contributions of the work. Maximum two pages. List of Case studies List the probable Case Studies and the relevant areas of study possible in them. Indicate clearly why you have chosen the particular case for study. Make a mention of the ease/difficulty of approach and obtaining information from the case studies. Also give the time frame required for each case study. It should not exceed one page. List of references/literature studies for thesis research work List the publications/books you have already identified for your literature study. List only published or accepted books/papers. Never claim contents of the publications/books as your own. Always give credit where it is due. Maximum one page. Identification of Project site The student has to identify a possible and suitable site for the proposal where the conclusions and solutions can be carried out. The project site may or may not be a live project but should definitely be suitable for the chosen project. Maximum one page.

Backgroundof the study This segment consists of statements on what led the investigator to launch the study. A historical background may be given. Situations that may have spurred the researcher to undertake the study are included. The background of the study may have been generated by some empirical observations, the

Architectural Thesis 9 & 10

Architect Junar Pakingan Tablan, uap

need to explore the problem and some other relevant conditions. Begin this section with a clear description of the background of the study and the social, institutional context which will frame the project. Be careful to describe as clearly as possible the problem intended to be addressed and refer to the relevant literature in the field. This section describes the history of the problem. That is, it is an overview of factors which have led to the problem, comprise the problem and historical significance relative to the problem. This should take between one (1) to one and a half () pages. (Salvador et al.)

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