September 2012 - 5

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Venus will place little planets in your path this month, try and maintain your sanity and tolerance. Best colour s are aqua and green.
Mamma Goose mentioned this some months ago and I must confess I had written it off as her isolated is-zue! (you will need a Kath and Kim accent on that last bit). Mamma Goose always seems to know best doesn't she! Mrs Hedges parents coincidentally went on the same cruise my parents were on earlier in the year, half way around the world. Of course they meet and through chit chatting worked out that Mamma Mrs Hedges was at a demo I did for her daughter! She is on my newsletter mail out! The second lesson I learnt here was to make sure you always behave yourself, you never know who your Mamma Goose is going to meet! This month we had the Asian cooking class which was a sell out on the Gold Coast! Preparing for this cooking class has made my Taste of Asia cook book my BF. It is wonderfully surprising how easy this cuisine is to do...a silly assumption that Asian cooking is all hot woks and stir fry! The Hot and Sour prawns a testament to that! A regular in our house is the chicken and corn soup....see....brilliant! Following on from the cooking class I headed off to the Paradise Kids Fundraiser lunch box ideas! As you all know by know I am a firm believer in patting oneself on the back, and that I will do over the puff pastry I made to make the infamous, vegetarian sausage rolls. How completely satisfying to roll and turn, roll and turn, roll and turn, then see those little layers pop open in a hot oven.... Who needs 50 shades, seriously! The recipe makes a large batch so I took half to the fundraiser and had half for dinner. My lot loved them, Man of The House choked on my spectacular puff pastry when I let him know they were vegetarian! He investigated the filling thoroughly to try and figure out how this was possible. Yes, back to the fundraiser. It was a wonderful morning and it inspired me to use rice paper wraps to wrap up salad for the kids lunches, a break from sandwiches. Hey, and good luck with the September school holidays yall!

he answer is actually in the stars. Man of the house read out a snippet from stars in the weekend paper and I innocently asked whose star sign that was his! His eyes then scanned to find mine and he skip- read through and then turned the page! All done! I kept thinking about that and it struck me that there in, is the difference between Mars and Venus. When I read the stars, I read Cancer first (Man of The House and Miss A3) followed by Leo (Master A4) then Aquarius (mine). Well unless I am really mad with Man of The House, then I will read cancer last. Hah, that ought to show him! In all honesty I have no idea why I don't just read my stars and to heck with the rest. Oh and apparently Pluto is at work in our love sector and I am safe in my awesomeness for the month....phew! Mrs Hedges had a Varoma demo this month and I had highlighted that I need to share some of my everyday recipes with you all....I feared they may be to plain Jane, but alas no! If you want everyday I will share everyday. Actually

Blueberry, Basil and Gin Watermelon and Sparkling Wine Pomegranate, Lime and Vodka Chocolate and Rum

use ice and fresh fruit and of course sugar and egg white. In the case of pomegranate, freeze some juice and use in place of ice. For chocolate based sorbets add cacao powder to warmed water or milk, mix, then freeze. Which will you choose?

recipes to try

Andrews So Easy Smoothie

3 bananas (peel off) 6 strawberries (tops off) handful of ice 500gm skim milk place all ingredients in TM bowl and blend speed 9, 20 seconds. serves 4 tweak it... one at a time! -add a spoon of milo -add 2 scoops of protein powder -add a slop of coconut yoghurt -swap the fruit entirely!

Chicken and Corn Soup

Vegetarian Sausage Rolls

Ingredients 1 onion , peeled and halved 2 tbsp parsley 100 g walnuts 95 g organic rolled oats 3 eggs 150 g feta cheese 1 tbsp Tamari or Soy sauce 45 g organic breadcrumbs Rough Puff Pastry or 3 sheets Butter Puff Pastry Sesame seeds (optional)

Best Ever Tomato Sauce

Ingredients 2 cloves garlic 1 brown onion peeled and halved 1 red apple cored and halved 400 g ripe tomatoes halved 3 ripe plums, washed and de-stoned 100 g brown sugar 2 tablespoons tomato paste 100 g apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons treacle or honey 1 bay leaf


1-2 cloves garlic 15 g cooking oil 1 piece chicken thigh fillet about 100g cut into strips (optional) 1 can 420g creamed corn 2 heaped tsp corn starch mixed with 1/2 MC water dissolved in 50g water 1 tsp chicken stock or veg stock concentrate 1 egg 500 g boiled water shallots to serve

A Toni Tip.... if you are steaming rice, potatoes or pasta in your TM basket, pop some eggs in the Varoma receptacle to steam some boiled eggs. I put mine on for 15 minutes in the receptacle then turn up to the speed 3. I have them ready for lunches or snacks in the fridge. They also come in handy for last minute salads.

Preparation Preparation Place garlic in TM bowl and chop it for 5 sec, speed 6 then scrape garlic down add oil and saute for 2 mins, 100 degree, speed 1 add chicken and cook for 2 mins at 100 degrees, speed soft spoon, reverse & add creamed corn, chicken stock (or vegetable stock) and boiled water and cook for 4 mins, 100 degree, speed 1. Set 1 minute, 100 degrees, speed 1, slowly add corn starch mixture through opening then the egg. Serve with chopped shallots to garnish. Pre-heat oven to 200C Place onion and herbs into TM bowl and chop for 6 seconds, speed 6. Add walnuts, oats and chop for 3 seconds, speed 6. Scrape down. Add eggs, cheese, tamari, breadcrumbs and mix to combine for 20 seconds, speed 5. Cut just thawed puff pastry in half on a working bench. Place 1/6th of the mixture onto the long edge of the pastry and roll, cut into four equal portions, brush the tops with whole milk and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Place sausage rolls on a lined baking tray, brush with beaten egg and score with knife. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake for 20 minutes at 200C until crisp and golden.

Preparation Place garlic, onion and apple into TM bowl and chop for 3 seconds, speed 7. Add tomatoes and plums and mix for 30 seconds, speed 7. Add all other ingredients and cook for 30 minutes, 100C, speed 1 with MC in place. To thicken sauce cook for another 14 minutes, Varoma temperature, speed 1. To reduce spatter, but allow reduction of liquid, replace MC with steamer basket. Remove bay leaf, and blend for 1 minute, speed 8. Pour into hot sterilized jars, or sanitized squeezie bottle. Will last 3 months. store in fridge once opened.


Rough Puff Pastry


instead of plums use

EDCB pg. 121

red grapes

monthly mutterings
I am very fortunate that each year I am able to take the children to the EKKA. Brother Craig and Renae show cattle so it is an opportunity to catch up with them. This year we caught the train in and it was fantastic. Settle down all you naysayers, It was great to sit with the kids and chatter and people traffic and no Brisbane parking to worry about! I take a few hungy in my purse for the days outing...and I don't have the entry fee to pay! After a few rides, a few show bags, a few nibblies the money has found its way into the pockets of the showies! How the average family could or would afford to do this each year is a mystery to me! I will say that my Gapesy in-laws are somewhat renowned for there prize winning entries in varied shows along the East Coast, among them fruit cakes, eggs, decorated biscuits and cattle! I have decided that come EKKA 2013 I will submit and entry into cake section! Stay posted on my result!


My little man hit a milestone 7. I realise this is not a traditional milestone however we have been counting down the days to take Master A4 out of his car seat! Oh the back seat looks so spacious without it! He had a brilliant day. He requested caramel cupcakes to take for the class and I willingly obliged as his choice for a big birthday dinner was...da dah, the southport sharks buffet! We offer the children to have a major birthday gift from us or a party, this year he chose a party. As I started making plans for a brilliant superhero themed extravaganza, he decided, bugger entertaining his friends when gokarting was what he really wanted to do! So off we went go-karting! I must say the boy is a thrill seeker! Man of the house has a mix of pride and fear at how he went full tilt around the course!


Our awesome pooch Pippa (a Bichon Frise) has been on home cooking for 9 months and loving it. As he is a white curly fluff ball, he did have the unfortunate infliction of red staining around his mouth and feet. A girlfriend put me onto a powder you mix into his food for a month and it kills the bacteria in his saliva that causes the staining. Well Pipps now has a regrowth look that is very in at the moment! His red fur simply needs to grow out. We may even be able to enter Pipps into the EKKA next year too!

I phoned my Yo Bro to see if he would apply with me to go on the Amazing Race as a team. After some time to think it over he came back with an ok! Filling out the application form has been a wonderful experience and reading his application a great insight. I would nearly recommend it as a form of therapy for anyone looking for some! My strength is mind over matter fear (heights etc), while my no go area is anything icky food related! I would love the opportunity to challenge myself and am so blessed Man of The House is happy to let me give it a go! So heres fingers and toes that our application is a standout! I am sure you will hear if we get a call to grab our passports and go!

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars
Og Mandino


September Customer


Promotion for
Existing Customers
Bowl and Blade Set Offer* For Existing Thermomix Customers Who Host a Demo from 1st September to 10th October 2012*.
Receive a reduced price TM31 bowl and blade set including lid, lid seal, measuring cup, buttery and simmering basket.

Cookbook Offer -

Purchase a Thermomix in September and receive a free Fast and Easy Indian Cooking cookbook*!
This book is guaranteed to spice up your cooking repertoire with recipes for every occasion. Let us take you through the very basics of Indian Cooking then show you how to whip up an exciting, delectable meal from start to nish.

Original Price Existing customers hosting a demo If theres a TM purchase at your demo $395 $395

Saving $200 off $270 off

Reduced Price for Host $195 $125

*Conditions apply. Contact your Consultant for more information.

*Conditions apply. Contact your Consultant for more information.

Who doesnt enjoy a traditional curry? This book is authored by 2 consultants in the UK and they are of Indian background. The sides alone are blow your mind...things like chutneys and accompaniments to main dishes. To receive this free is a great gift from Thermomix! Continuing on from last month is the second bowl and blade set for current owners. What is better than one 1 Thermomix? Two bowls for sure! I will also remind owners that they are eligible for a Thermoserver whenever you host a demo, for $39 delivered

The Cooking Class for the month is a specialty class that also raises money for the Tasmanian Devils. There is a cookbook by the same title and that is available online or at the cooking class. October will see us in full swing of basic cooking classes again so I will keep you posted for that! Have a wonderful month, and slip slop slap (slip on comfy clothes, slop on a Adult Only Sorbet, and slap yourself on the back for being you!).

Antonia Gapes 0402 308 149

dont just imagine, make it happen

Bon Appetite,

An Indian Cookbook for customers purchasing in September....

direct to you. These bowls are not for the exclusive use of thermomix food but are exclusive to Thermomix! They are patented by Thermomix for exclusive rewards hosting a Thermomix demo. Ones online sell for hundreds! I use mine for BBQs to keep the pesky flies off the food!

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