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Tutorial for the test pressure calculation

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Tutorial for the test pressure calculation with PED Professional

To start the test pressure calculation, click on the symbol "Test pressure" in the toolbar or in the left quick start menu under the register "Tools" in the software PED.

Project data

Please enter the general data about the project, as the project name and optional description.

Design data

Now the design data like wall thickness, temperature and pressure are entered

Wall thickness emin in mm: Design temp. TS in C: Design pressure Pd at Td in bar:

minimum wall thickness of the component. Maximum allowable temperature in C. Design pressure Pd in bar at design temperature Td

Max. allowable pressure Ps in bar: Maximal allowable pressure of the equipment.

mk:@MSITStore:C:\PROGRA~1\PEDPRO~1\HELPFI~1\PED_MA~2.CHM::/Tutori... 06/03/2013

Tutorial for the test pressure calculation

Pgina 2 de 4

The values are shown in the drawings.

Material properties

In the next section, you can either enter a material and select the appropriate material type from the list or choose a material with the associated parameters from the PED Professional material database. If you configured a special database connection for your material database the settings could be entered by clicking on "Configure database". In all other cases, the default database is used

After the selection of a material from the database, the material type is automatically determined. You can change these proposals at any time or enter them completely by hand. List of materials

The type of material is crucial for determining the calculation.

Testing group

Choose the testing group of your pressure equipment. Click on help to get additional information.

Choose your material group, if your pressure equipment belongs to testing group 4. Enter the corrosion allowance if needed.


Formulas for calculating the design strengths and the test pressure. The correct formulas will be shown after choosing the material type (3) and the material and testing group (4).

Allowable design strengths

The values for the tensile strength (Rm) and for the proof strength (Rp) are filled after choosing a material from the database or could be manually filled in. After every change the test pressure is calculated.

Parameters relevant to the calculation are highlighted in blue.

mk:@MSITStore:C:\PROGRA~1\PEDPRO~1\HELPFI~1\PED_MA~2.CHM::/Tutori... 06/03/2013

Tutorial for the test pressure calculation

Pgina 3 de 4

Results of the test pressure calculation

Here are the results of the calculation with the formulas from (5).


Exceptions and special cases


You find all the important program features in the footer:

Load data

Previously stored data on disk can be re-opened and amended

Current data will be overwritten! Save data Reset data Data will be saved to disk under a chosen filename. The current data will be reset after a security check to the standard data

Current data will be overwritten! Help Print (German) Print (English) Opens help, where you are in this moment. Start's the preview of the German report. This presentation can be output to a printer or be saved as pdf file. Start's the preview of the English report. This presentation can be output to a printer or be saved as pdf file.


mk:@MSITStore:C:\PROGRA~1\PEDPRO~1\HELPFI~1\PED_MA~2.CHM::/Tutori... 06/03/2013

Tutorial for the test pressure calculation

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mk:@MSITStore:C:\PROGRA~1\PEDPRO~1\HELPFI~1\PED_MA~2.CHM::/Tutori... 06/03/2013

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