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Please ensure you have read the Terms and Conditions before submitting this application form Your application WILL NOT be considered unless you are already holding an offer for your course. Please enter your student reference (G Number) below.

Family name: University Application ID No: G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Given name:

Country of residence: Course applied for: Level applied for: Undergraduate Postgraduate Taught


Name of the Scholarship you are applying for: ________________________________________________

Please complete the following questionnaire using no more than a total of 1 000 words:

What is your greatest achievement to date?

What do you think you would contribute to life at UCLan?

What are your ambitions for your professional life, after University?

If awarded a UCLan Excellence Award, you will act as an Ambassador for the University. Tell us how you will use this role to raise the Universitys profile and to help other international students studying at University of Central Lancashire.



Please submit your completed scholarship application form to, ensuring you include the wording, SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION, in the subject line.



These scholarships do not apply to research students, distance learning courses or off-shore delivery programmes These scholarships are only available to applicants whose fee status is overseas Applicants must be privately funded (ie, all tuition fees to be paid by themselves or their family) Applicants must not be in possession of another award which contributes to tuition fee payment The chosen course must be of at least one academic years duration and must lead to an academic award of the University of Central Lancashire Applicants must not have previously received a competitive scholarship from the University The scholarships are not available to those employed by UCLan The scholarships are not available to students already enrolled on a UCLan programme that progresses to a programme on the Preston campus Students must be holding an unconditional offer by 30 June 2012 The decision of the Scholarship Panel is final It is not possible to give feedback to unsuccessful applicants Successful candidates must confirm acceptance of the award within seven days of its award. If this is not received, UCLan reserve the right to award the scholarship to another applicant. In accepting a scholarship successful candidates are agreeing to participate in University promotions (including at least, Scholarship Award Ceremony, web profiles, blogs, photo shoots and filming) Successful candidates will be expected to act as ambassadors for the University The University has the right to withdraw the award if any of the above terms and conditions are not met If a scholarship winner withdraws from study during the academic year 2012/13 the scholarship will be withdrawn and the student will become liable for the full amount of tuition fees due

Further opportunities for funding can be found at and on the individual country pages

ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE After the 30 June 2012 deadline, all applications received meeting the primary criteria will be put forward to the Scholarship Panel for final consideration. The Scholarship Panel will comprise two senior members of the International Office and two academic members of staff. Decisions will be based on a scoring system of 12 marks in total; three points being available for responses to each of the sections as follows: 0 poor student offers basic facts and no personal input 1 average standard responses given 2 good evidence of applied thought to responses 3 very good shows evidence of commitment to academic life

A zero score in any of the above categories will result in the application being disregarded.

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