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Hotel Sultan, Jakarta 3-4 July 2013 University of Indonesia, Depok, 5 July 2013
In partnership with

Symposium Agenda Wednesday 3 July: Thursday 4 July: Friday 5 July: APRU Knowledge-Action workshop (by invitation only) Opening, key-note speeches, and plenaries Venue: Hotel Sultan, Jakarta Parallel sessions Venue: Central Library, the Chrystal of Knowledge, University of Indonesia campus

Saturday 6 July: Post-symposia field trip to Pramuka islands 1. Opening and registration The International Symposium on Coastal Cities, Marine Resources and Climate Change in the Coral Triangle will be held in Hotel Sultan, Jakarta on 3-4 July 2013 and in Central Library, the Chrystal of Knowledge, University of Indonesia campus on 5 July 2013. The opening of the symposium will start at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, 4 July 2013, and registration will take place at Hotel Sultan from 8:30 9:00 a.m. that same day. For international participants staying at Hotel Sultan, registration desk will be available on the 3 July 2013.

2. Venue Symposium on 4 July 2013, will be held in: The Ballroom of The Sultan Hotel Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, 10270, Indonesia Phone: +62 21 570 3600 Fax: +62 21 573 3089 Symposium on 5 July 2013, will be held in: The central library The Crystal of Knowledge University of Indonesia (UI) For participants staying at the Sultan Hotel, a bus will depart the hotel at 7.00 AM and return from UI to the Hotel at 17.30. Three rooms are available for the parallel session: Ruang Apung (the floating room), just outside the Library building Ruang Sidang 5B, 5th floor of Library building Ruang Sidang 5C, 5th floor of Library building

There will be an information desk available in Ruang Apung during the day. An exhibition will be held in the ground floor of the Library building (just in front of Korean Restaurant). The library itself is the center of activities for students of UI. Facilities include book store, post office, bank, and several cafes and restaurants (including Starbucks). Participants staying at Wisma Makara can reach the Central Library by Yellow Bus. The closest bus stop to Wisma Makara is at Asrama Mahasiswa. Participants can take the Yellow Bus with the red sign (bis kuning merah) to Mesjid UI bus stop and walk to the library.


Contact persons in Indonesia are as follows:

Dr. Nurul L Winarni Executive Secretary Cell Phone: +62-812 1033716 Email: Maya D. Prasetyaningrum Venue and accommodation Cell Phone: +62-815 9508773 Email:



Oral presentation Parallel oral presentation times will be on Friday, July 5. Presentations should be in english All presenters of oral session must provide presentation slides to the committee at the registration desk on Thursday, July 4. All presenters must arrive and confirm their presence with the session chair 20 min before the beginning of their session. All sessions will start promptly. Presentation duration must not exceed 15 minutes in length unless otherwise stated in the schedule. Poster presentation Posters should be written in english. Each poster should have a clear title and the names of all authors so as to be legible from a distance. All posters must be printed ahead of time. No printers will be available at the meeting venue. All poster presenters are requested to have their posters placed in pre-assigned spots by 9:00am Thursday, July 4. Presentation times will be during lunch time on Friday 5. All presenters are requested to be at their posters during these times. Size of poster : approximately 84 cm wide x 118 cm tall (A0) Format : Portrait

General information on getting to Indonesia All foreign participants are requested to arrange their own travel from the airport to the hotel. Jakarta is serviced by the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport which takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour by taxi to the hotel (depending on the traffic). Taxis are available at the designated points on the arrivals level and they use a meter. Recommended taxis are Blue Bird taxi. The fare is the metered charge plus airport surcharges. Direction to The Sultan Hotel 8&q=Hotel+Sultan&fb=1&hq=Hotel+Sultan&cid=0,0,5277937031686822370&ei=XvymUcLr FMSLrQeYg4H4AQ&ved=0CMcBEPwSMAA Figure 1. Location of The Sultan hotel, relative to the airport Participants staying at Wisma Makara should also take taxi. Wisma Makara is located in Depok, Jawa Barat and will take longer to get to (approximately 2-3 hours). Jakarta is warm and humid all year round, with only slight variations between the average daily maximum of 31 degrees Celsius and average nightly minimum of 23 degrees Celsius. Current weather conditions can be found at: Electricity is 220 volts/50 cycles. Standard outlets are plugs with two rounded pins. The currency in Indonesia is the Rupiah (Rp). The current exchange rate as at 30 June 2013 is approximately US $1.00 = Rp. 9,910. You can exchange currency at the airport. Jakarta has a vast range of food available at hundreds of eating complexes located all over the city, from modest street-side foodstalls and traveling vendors to the high-class expensive restaurants. There are two malls close to the Sultan Hotel which provide various restaurants, The Pacific Place and the FX.


10. Symposium Program

3 July 2012 15.00-18.00 19.00 International Participants arrive. Registration desk will be open at the hotel. APRU Knowledge-Action workshop: research-policy partnerships in action (by invitation only) Welcome reception (by invitation only) Opening speech by Dr Jatna RCCC Opening speech by Dr Chris Tremewan, APRU Secretary General Registration Welcoming speech President of University of Indonesia APRU, the role in education and policy in climate change Dr Chris Tremewan, APRU Secretary General Opening speech Rachmat Witoelar, Presidents Special Envoy for Climate Change and Chairman of the National Council for Climate Change (DNPI Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim) Signing of Collaboration Agreement between University of Indonesia and Ministy of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Coffee break Key-note speeches: Marine Resources, challenges in adaptation toward sustainable cities Chair: Dr. Jatna Supriatna, Chairman of Research Center for Climate Change University of Indonesia (RCCC-UI) Climate change and challenges in marine resources in Indonesia Sharif Cicip Sutardjo, Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries National policy in climate change adaptation Prof. Dr. Bhaltazar Kambuaya, MBA, Minister of Environment Jakarta, facing sea-level rise and climate change Joko Widodo, Governor of DKI Jakarta Discussion Key-note speeches: Law and policy in climate change, application for marine and coastal environment, Chair: Dr. Triarko Nurlambang Coral governance at the national scale Victor Nikijuluw, National Coordinating Committee Coral Triangle Initiative Indonesia 5

8.30 9.00 9.00 9.10 9.10 9.20 9.20 9.45 9.45 9.50 9.50 10.05

Day 1, 4 July 2012

10.05 10.35 10.35 10.55 10.55 11.15 11.15 11.30 11.30 11.45

11.45 12.00

12.00 12.20

12.20 12.35 12.35 12.45 12.45 13.45 13.45 15.30

15.30 15.45 15.45 15.55

15.55 16.05

16.05 16.15

16.15 16.25

16.25 17.00 17.00 18.00

Environmental Policy in Response to Climate Change Deputi Bidang Pengendalian Kerusakan Lingkungan dan Perubahan Iklim, Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup Deputy on Control of Environmental Damage and Climate Change, Ministry of Environment Climate Change, Energy Security, and Environmental Sustainability: ASEAN Perspectives - Cheng-Guan Michael Quah, Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore and Director, NUS Energy Office; Executive Advisor, NUS Enterprise Climate Change Mitigation Strategy in Indonesia Farhan Helmy, Secretary to Mitigation Task Force, National Council for Climate Change Discussion Lunch Panel discussion: Partners perceptions in climate change adaptation program for coastal cities and marine resources Chair, Dr Jatna Supriatna (RCCC-UI) 1) Fitting local needs and funding 2) Effectiveness of donors funding in finding practical solutions 3) Award-winning climate change program 4) Can you name the panelists and the institutions Coffee Break Panel discussion: Coastal cities, coral reefs, and small island management in adaptation to climate change Chair: Prof Jim Falk (APRU) Coastal and small island management for adaptation to climate change Dr. Sudirman Saad, Director General for Marine, Coastal, and Small Islands, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Blue carbon: strengthening partnership in Coral Triangle Initiatives Prof. Max Rompas, Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Updates on Coral Triangle research at Indonesian context Prof. Suharsono, Research Center on Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) The role of Ecosystem Services provided by the surf break, in the Local Economy of Uluwatu, Bali, Indonesia Chris Margules, School of Earth and Environmental Science, James Cook University, Darwin, Australia Discussion Panel discussion: International Collaboration Opportunities with APRU Member Universities, Chair: Dr Richard Drobnick,APRU Senior Strategic Advisor on Sustainability and Climate Change and Global Health 6

APRU university representatives 18.00 Closing

Day 2, 5 July 2013

7.00 Ruang sidang 5B

8.30 8.45 8.45 9.15 9.15 9.30

9.30 9.45

9.45 10.00 Ruang Sidang 5C 08.30 8.45 8.45 9.00

9.00 9.15 9.15 9.30 9.30 9.45

Bus departing Sultan Hotel to UI Parallel Session: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change: regional to local scale, Chair: Harry Alexander, SH, LLM., Legal Advisor for RCCC-UI Climate Change Adaptation Strategy in Indonesia -- Ir. Wahyuningsih Darajati, MSc, Environmental Director, National Planning Board (Bappenas) Coastal cities and built environment in response to climate change and sea-level rise Prof. Abimanyu T. Alamsyah, Vice Chairman, RCCC-UI Climate Change and LULUCF: Indonesia Experience Muhammad Farid, Secretary to Forestry and Land Conversion Task Force, National Council for Climate Change The Implementation of MARPOL Annex VI on regulations for the prevention of Air Pollution from Ships and its Implications for Indonesia Mary George,Faculty of Law and The Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences University of Malaya Discussion Parallel Session: Population and vulnerability to climate change Dr. Budi HaryantoHead of Research Division, RCCC-UI Climate change and health, dr. Irene Susilo, Head of Health Agency Office, West Sumatra Province Health indicator to climate change Lukman Hakim, Global Fund Malaria, Ministry of Health Health vulnerability to vector-borne diseases in response to climate change Dr. Budi Haryanto, RCCC-UI Climate Mitigation and Urban Growth Management in Jakarta Aisa Tobing, Head of Jakarta Research Council Climate change and sustainable agriculture for coastal cities in the Indonesian Archipelago, Dr. Ir. Hasroel Thayib, Center of Environmental 7

9.45 10.00 Ruang Apung

8.30 10.00

10.00 10.15 Ruang Apung 10.15 10.30

10.30 10.45

10.45 11.00

11.00 11.15

11.15 11.30

11.15 11.30 Ruang Sidang 5B 10.15 10.30

Science University of Indonesia dan RCCC-UI Discussion Parallel Session: Rules, Policies and Implementations on Marine and Fisheries Sector Sub-topic: Coastal development Policy and Implementation on Climate Adaptation in Indonesias Coastal Areas, Director on Coastal and Ocean Affairs, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Implementation of Coastal Protection in Indonesia, Research and Development Center for Water Resource, Ministry of Public Works Nature-based hybrid-engineering measures, Dr. Bregje van WeesenbeeckDeltares, Netherlands (Deltares, Netherlands) Discussion Coffee break Parallel Session: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change: Coastal and small islands Chair: Dr. Anom Bowolaksono, RCCC-UI Incorporating Civil Military strategy in Protecting Nature and Adapting to Climate Change: Case Study in East Kalimantan -- Djanadi Bimo Prakoso),Postgraduate of the Environmental Science, University of Indonesia Coping with flood risks: A lesson learnt from Kampung Kamal Muara, North Jakarta A. Dimastanto, Department of Architecture, University of Indonesia Reshaping Urban Ecology of Jakarta in Mitigating and Adapting the Climate Change Hayati Sari Hasibuan, Postgraduate of the Environmental Science, University of Indonesia Restoration of Urban Forest in the Small Island: A Lesson Learned from Serangan Island, Bali Meliza Worobai, Postgraduate of Conservation Biology, University of Indonesia Qualitative methods in vulnerability assessment for policy-making: Case study Kampong Kebon Bawang, North Jakarta Raka W. Suryandaru, Ikatan Ahli Perencana (IAP) DKI Jakarta, Indonesia Discussion Parallel Session: Education, community resilience, and enterpreneurship in climate change Chair, Dr Jeremy Piggott, APRU Inter disciplinary research and education training for global change Penny Dockry, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California 8

10.30 10.45 10.45 11.00

11.00 11.15 11.15 11.30 Ruang Sidang 5C

10.15 10.30

10.30 10.45 10.45 11.00

11.00 11.15 11.15 11.30 11.30 13.30 Ruang Apung

13.30 15.30

San Diego University of Indonesia facing climate change through green metric ranking Prof. Riri Fitri Sari, University of Indonesia Improving effectiveness of coral reef management in Indonesia by incorporating human dimension Jensi Sartin, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University Incorporating local wisdom sasi into marine zoning to increase the resilience of a Marine Protected Area network in Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia, Purwanto, The Nature Conservancy Indonesia Program Discussion Parallel session: The impacts of climate change to natural and man-made environment. Chair: Prof. A. Harsono, Research Center for Oceanologi, University of Indonesia Modelling Climate Change and Its Impact Over Borneo Region Using Observational Based Data and Coupled Regional Climate Models A.S. Husain, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Climate change impact chains in tropical coasts: a review. Florie Chazarin, Center for International Forestry Research A Study on the Preparation for and Management of Disaster Risks and its Impacts on the Hotel and Accommodations Sector: The Case of Baler, Philippines. Eli Paolo S. Frenoza, Asian Institute of Tourism, University of the Philippines, Diliman Re-visiting Data Rich Dynamical Downscaling Simulations, Shie-Yui Liong, National University of Singapore Discussion Friday Break, Lunch with concurrent poster sessions Panel discussion: Rules, Policies and Implementations on Marine and Fisheries Sector Sub topic: Pollution Community-based Household Waste Management, Head of Sub Directorate of Prevention of Pollution on Coastal and Small Island Resource, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Challenges and Opportunities: a household waste management in terms of climate change adaptation Dr. Alan Koropitan, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia Marine debris management on marine and coastal ecosystem for climate change adaptation Dr. Ario Damar, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine 9

Ruang Sidang 5B 13.30 13.45 13.45 14.00

14.00 14.15

14.15 14.30

14.30 14.45

14.45 15.00

15.00 15.15 15.15 15.30

15.30 15.45 Ruang Sidang 5C 13.30 13.45

13.45 14.00

14.00 14.15

Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia From Waste to Energy, ITB Discussion Parallel session: Coastal and coral reef research and management. Chair: Dr. Mufti Patria Research Priorities to Predict Climate Change Effects in Marine Systems Robert Day, Department of Zoology, The University of Melbourne, Australia Development of an Integrated Decision Support System for Sustainable Coastal Resource Use and Conservation Ariel C. Blanco, Department of Geodetic Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman Technical procedures for the study of sponges and cnidarians (hydroids and antipatharians) Heard Runtuwene, Department of Environmental Science, University of Indonesia The Catastrophic Abundance Of Coral Disease in Seribu Islands, North Of Jakarta, Indonesia Ofri Johan, Research Center and Development Agency, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Climate envelope models for reef flat gleaning fisheries Benjamin Vallejo Jr, Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology, University of the Philippines, Philippines Mitra Bahari: Its contribution to address the impacts of climate change on coastal areas in Indonesia M. Fedi A. Sondita, National Secretariate of Mitra Bahari/Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia Azizan A. Samah title Local Community, Corral Reef and Island Restoration: Case Study on Serangan Island, Bali Revina Indra Putri, Postgraduate of Conservaton Biology, University of Indonesia Discussion Parallel session: The impacts of climate change to natural and man-made environment. Chair: Dr. Asep Saefumillah Developing sustainable practices to mitigate impacts of climate change on natural and managed tropical peatlands Sanjay Swarup, National University of Singapore Sea-Level rise: Implications For Coastal Water Resources in Indonesian Islands Soekisno, Environmental Studies, Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program, University of Indonesia, Indonesia Settlement pattern of salt farmers as a response to the impact of 10

14.15 14.30

14.30 14.45

14.45 15.00

15.00 15.30

15.30 15.45

15.45 16.00 16.00 16.15 16.15 17.00 17.30

environmental changes in Pinggir Papas Village, Sumenep Miftahul Huda, Environmental Science, Doctoral Program, University of Indonesia, Indonesia Surabaya city development and coastal region conservation: multi temporal and spectral analysis of satellite imageries Sigit Deni Sasmito, Center for International Forestry Research Climate Change and Multiple Stressors: Predicting Impacts on Ecosystems. Jeremy Piggott, Association of Pacific Rim Universities, National University of Singapore Zoning Regulations for Flood Zone in Urban Kampung Area, Case Study : Kamal Muara, North Jakarta Luh Kitty Katherina, Association of Urban and Regional Planning, Indonesia Sustainable Marine Tourism Management: A Case Study in Wakatobi Regency, Southeastern Sulawesi Audrey Tangkudung, Postgraduate program in Environmental Studies, University of Indonesia Sustainable Development Strategies of Integrated River Basin and Coastal Ocean Management of Jakarta Bay to adapted Climate Change Arief Budi Purwanto, Department of Environmental Science, University of Indonesia, Indonesia Discussion Coffee Break Ruang Apung: General conclusion and closing Bus leaving from UI to Sultan Hotel

11. Post-Symposia Field Trip 6 July The trip includes a visit to Pulau Pramuka. Participants will be able to see the captive breeding of turtle, coral transplantation, fish-pond and if lucky Brahminy Kite (the bird of prey that is the symbol for Jakarta). Snorkeling equipment will be available upon request.


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