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SGD 1 tanggal: Sabtu 12 Oktober 2013 SGD 2 tanggal: Jumat 18 Oktober 2013

STEP 1 Micro skills : basic skill such as listening question and speaking skill, to general

General Practitioner : a doctor based in the community who treats patients with minor or chronic illnesses and refers those with serious conditions to a hospital. seorang dokter yang berbasis di masyarakat yang merawat pasien dengan penyakit ringan atau kronis dan mengacu orang dengan kondisi serius ke rumah sakit. (Oxford Dictionary)


: Medicine

a patient's account of their medical history.

(Oxford Dictionary)


: the ability to understand and share the feelings of


(Oxford Dictionary)



feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit. (Oxford Dictionary)

attending behaviour : attitude to face the patient effective listening skill : skill to be a good listener

STEP 2 Communication 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is definition of communication What is the purpose? What is the advantage? What is the obstacle? How to apply effective communication? How to develop effective communication? Why we need effective communication? what are characteristic effective communication? who involved in effective communication and when?

Anamnesis 1. 2. 3. 4. what is definition of anamnesis? What are characteristic of good anamnesis? how to do good anamnesis with systematic step? what is problem to do anamnesis?

Micro skill 1. 2. 3. 4. what is definition of micro skill? Why we need micro skill? What kind of micro skill? How to apply it?

Attending Behaviour 1. 2. 3. 4. what is definition of attending behaviour? What is the function attending behaviour? What kind of attending behaviour? How to apply it?

STEP 3 Communication 1. What is definition of communication? hubungan interaksi antar individu ke individu, individu ke kelompok , kelompok ke kelompok. 2. What is the purpose? to ask and giving information to approach each other relation memenuhi kepentingan sesaat 3. What is the advantage? add more link, friend, info Solving problems Increase confident 4. What is the obstacle? Less confident Culture and language Fund Distance Timing adaptation 5. How to apply effective communication? To the point Easy to understand by using simple language Eye contact and giving attention 6. How to develop effective communication? Sering berkomunikasi

Beroganisasi Mengikuti seminar Berlatih sendiri 7. Why we need effective communication for patient? Agar apa yg kita sampaikan lebih mudah dipahami oleh pasien 8. what are characteristic effective communication? To the point Easy to understand using simple language 9. who involved in effective communication and when? Doctor and patient Ketika checkup medis Anamnesis 1. what is definition of anamnesis? Proses mengumpulkan data dengan interview terhadap pasien unutk mengetahui problem pasien 2. What are characteristic of good anamnesis? Mudah dipahami Valid sesuai yang dialami pasien 3. how to do good anamnesis with systematic step? Knowing patient problem by interview 4. what is problem to do anamnesis? Micro skill 1. 2. 3. 4. what is definition of micro skill? Why we need micro skill? What kind of micro skill? How to apply it?

Attending Behaviour 5. 6. 7. 8. what is definition of attending behaviour? What is the function attending behaviour? What kind of attending behaviour? How to apply it?

STEP 4 Concept Mapping

Communication skiil


effective communication


attendinng behaviour

effective listening skill

accuracy information


STEP 5 Learning Issue Communication 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is definition of communication What is the purpose? What is the advantage? What is the obstacle? How to apply effective communication? How to develop effective communication? Why we need effective communication? what are characteristic effective communication? who involved in effective communication and when?

Anamnesis 1. 2. 3. 4. what is definition of anamnesis? What are characteristic of good anamnesis? how to do good anamnesis with systematic step? what is problem to do anamnesis?

Micro skill 1. 2. 3. 4. what is definition of micro skill? Why we need micro skill? What kind of micro skill? How to apply it?

Attending Behaviour 1. what is definition of attending behaviour? 2. What is the function attending behaviour?

3. What kind of attending behaviour? 4. How to apply it?

STEP 6 Belajar Mandiri

STEP 7 Communication 1. What is definition of communication

definisi komunikasi adalah Sebuah proses penyampaian pikiran-pikiran atau informasi dari seseorang kepada orang lain melalui suatu cara tertentu sehingga orang lain tersebut mengerti betul apa yang dimaksud oleh penyampai pikiran-pikiran atau informasi definition of communication is "A process of delivering the thoughts or information from one person to another through a certain way so that other people understand very well what is meant by the transmitter of thoughts or information (Komaruddin, 1994; Schermerhorn, Hunt & Osborn, 1994; Koontz & Weihrich, 1988) di kutip di KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF DOKTER-PASIEN.
KONSIL KEDOKTERAN INDONESIA Indonesian Medical Council Jakarta 2006)

2. What is the purpose?

Tujuan dari komunikasi efektif antara dokter dan pasiennya adalah untuk mengarahkan proses penggalian riwayat penyakit lebih akurat untuk dokter, lebih memberikan dukungan pada pasien, dengan demikian lebih efektif dan efisien bagi keduanya The purpose of effective communication between physicians and patients is to lead the process of extracting more accurate medical history to doctors, give more support to the patient, thus more effective and efficient for both (Kurtz, S., Silverman, J. & Drapper, J. (1998). Teaching and Learning Communication Skills in Medicine. Oxon: Radcliffe Medical Press.)

3. What is the advantage?

1. Meningkatkan kepuasan pasien dalam menerima pelayanan

medis dari dokter atau institusi pelayanan medis.

2. Meningkatkan kepercayaan pasien kepada dokter yang

merupakan dasar hubungan dokter-pasien yang baik. 3. Meningkatkan keberhasilan diagnosis terapi dan tindakan medis. 4. Meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan ketegaran pada pasien fase terminal dalam menghadapi penyakitnya. 1. Improve patient satisfaction in receiving medical care from a doctor or medical care institution. 2. Increase confidence in the doctor patient relationship which is the basis of a good doctor-patient. 3. Improve the success of treatment and diagnosis of medical action. 4. Increase self-confidence and perseverance in the terminal phase patients in the face of illness. (Kurtz, S., Silverman, J. & Drapper, J. (1998). Teaching and Learning Communication Skills in Medicine. Oxon: Radcliffe Medical Press.)

4. What is the obstacle?

5. How to apply effective communication?

Ada empat langkah yang terangkum dalam satu kata untuk melakukan komunikasi, yaitu SAJI. S = Salam A = Ajak Bicara J = Jelaskan I = Ingatkan There are four steps are summarized in a single word to communicate, that is SAJI. S = Greetings A = Invite Talk J = Explain I = Remind (Poernomo, Ieda SS, Program Family Health Nutrition, Depkes RI, 1999) di kutip di KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF DOKTER-PASIEN. KONSIL
KEDOKTERAN INDONESIA Indonesian Medical Council Jakarta 2006)

6. How to develop effective communication? 7. Why we need effective communication? 8. what are characteristic effective communication? 9. who involved in effective communication and when?

Buku ini dimaksudkan sebagai penambahan pengetahuan bagi pembaca mengenai komunikasi, khususnya dalam hubungan dokterpasien di ruang praktik perorangan, poliklinik, rumah sakit, puskesmas dalam keadaan biasa, bukan yang bersifat gawat darurat. This book is intended as an addition to the reader regarding the communication of knowledge, particularly in the physician-patient relationship in a private practice, clinics, hospitals, health centers under ordinary circumstances, that is not an emergency. (di kutip di KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF DOKTER-PASIEN. KONSIL
KEDOKTERAN INDONESIA Indonesian Medical Council Jakarta 2006)
Anamnesis 1. what is definition of anamnesis?

Merupakan dasar keterampilan klinik yang merupakan suatu proses inter-personal, dan sering dikaitkan dengan proses diagnosis, pengobatan maupun peningkatan kesehatan seseorang atau sekelompok Is the basis of clinical skills is an interpersonal process, and is often associated with the diagnosis, treatment and health improvement a person or group of
(Kuliah Pakar-Komunikasi Dokter-Pasien. 2013. DR, dr. H. Imam Djamaluddin, M.Epid)

2. What are characteristic of good anamnesis?

3. how to do good anamnesis with systematic step? Keluhan utama adalah keluhan yang membuat seseorang datang ke tempat pelayanan kesehatan untuk mencari pertolongan, misalnya : demam, sesak nafas, nyeri pinggang, dll. Keluhan utama ini sebaiknya tidak lebih dari satu keluhan. Riwayat Penyakit terdahulu, Riwayat Kesehatan keluarga, Riwayat pribadi / sosial

dilanjutkan anamnesis secara sistematis dengan menggunakan tujuh butir mutiara anamnesis, yaitu : 1. Lokasi (dimana ? menyebar atau tidak ?) 2. Onset / awitan dan kronologis (kapan terjadinya? berapa lama?) 3. Kuantitas keluhan (ringan atau berat, seberapa sering terjadi ?) 4. Kualitas keluhan (rasa seperti apa ?) 5. Faktor-faktor yang memperberat keluhan. 6. Faktor-faktor yang meringankan keluhan. 7. Analisis sistem yang menyertai keluhan utama

The main complaint is a complaint that makes a person come to the health facility to seek help, such as: fever, shortness of breath, back pain, etc.. The main complaint should be no more than one complaint

anamnesis followed systematically by using the seven pearls anamnesis, namely: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Location (where? Spread or not?) Onset / onset and chronological (when did it happen? How long?) Quantity complaints (mild or severe, how often?) Quality complaints (taste like?) The factors that aggravate the complaint. The factors which alleviate complaints. Systems analysis that accompanies the main complaint

(HISTORY TAKING ANAMNESIS. Dhani Redhono*, Wachid Putranto*, Veronika Ika Budiastut. FK. UNS.)
4. what is problem to do anamnesis?

Micro skill 1. 2. 3. 4. what is definition of micro skill? Why we need micro skill? What kind of micro skill? How to apply it?

Attending Behaviour 1. what is definition of attending behaviour? 2. What is the function attending behaviour? 3. What kind of attending behaviour?

4. How to apply it?

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