Ouestionnare From Manish Pandey Rohit Lunawat Group

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Questionnaire 1. Kindly put a tick mark against your annual income bracket.

a) Up to 2, 50,000 c) From 5, 00,001-7, 50,000 b) From 2, 50,001-5, 00,000 d) Above 7, 50,000

2. How often do you use Internet for information prior to a purchase? (Kindly put a tick mark) a) b) c) d) Very often Often Sometimes Rarely

3. How often do you use Internet for shopping? (Kindly put a tick mark) a) b) c) d) e) Very often Often Sometimes Rarely Never

4. Thinking generally about online shopping, how aware do you think you are about your consumer rights when shopping online? (Kindly put a tick mark) a) a) b) c) d) Very aware Fairly aware Slightly aware Not at all aware Dont know/Not sure

5. Have you been satisfied with the products that you have purchased online? (Kindly put a tick mark) a) b) c) d) Very satisfied- no problems Satisfied Somewhat satisfied Not satisfied- many problems

6. Which e-retailer do you prefer? (You can also tick more than one option) a) b) c) d) e) eBay Amazon Naaptol Flipkart Others (please specify)__________________

7. Which payment option do you prefer most while shopping online? (Kindly put a tick mark) a) b) c) d) Credit card Debit card E-banking (Core banking solution/fund transfer) Master card

8. What would encourage you to shop with a new ONLINE brand? (Please select more than one option if necessary) a) b) c) d) e) f) Strong visual appeal Discount or special online offers Social media coverage - through facebook, twitter, blogs etc. Brand/Product review Friend recommendation Other please specify_______________

9. Select an approximate maximum amount you would spend on a single online purchase? a) b) c) d) e) Less than Rs 1000 1000-10000 10000-15000 15000-25000 25000 & above

10. Approximately how many times during the past six months did you book railway e-ticket through irctc website? (Kindly put a tick mark) a) b) c) d) None 1-2 times 3-5 times 6 times or more

11. How important are the following factors (Rank from 1 to 6) in your decision to purchase goods from internet? a) Prices b) Security c) Good descriptions of goods d) Guarantees and Warrantees e) Delivery time f) Privacy of the information 4 3 5 1 6 2

12. Please tick mark your level of agreement to the following questions S.NO Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree

1 2 3 4 5

I think shopping on the internet saves time It is a great advantage to be able to shop at any time of the day on the internet Shopping online is risky It is more difficult to shop on the internet The description of products shown on the web sites are very accurate

13. Which best describes your preference? (Kindly put a tick mark) a) b) c) d) e) Prefer taking courses that use no information technology. Prefer taking courses that use limited information technology. Prefer taking courses that use a moderate level of information technology. Prefer taking courses that use information technology extensively. Prefer taking courses that use information technology exclusively.

14. How often do you use course or learning management system (Online)? (Kindly put a tick mark) a) b) c) d) e) Never Daily Weekly Monthly Several times per week.

15. Are you using a course or learning management system for any of your subject of M.P State civil service exam? (Kindly put a tick mark) a) No b) Yes 16. What is your skill level using course or learning management system? (Kindly put a tick mark) a) b) c) d) e) Not at all skilled Not very skilled Fairly skilled Very skilled Expert

17. Describe your overall experience using course or learning management system? (Kindly put a tick mark) a) b) c) d) e) Very negative Negative Neutral Positive Very positive.

18. Do (Kindly put a tick mark) a) b) c) d) e) Never Very seldom Neither seldom or often Often. Very often.

19. What is your opinion about the following statements? (Kindly put a tick mark) S.NO Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree

1 2 3

I get more actively involved in courses The use of IT in my course improves my learning. IT makes doing my course activities more convenient By the time I graduate, the IT I have used in my course will have adequately prepared me for the workplace

20. How often do you contribute e-content to the following for competitive exam, work, and recreation? (Kindly put a tick mark) S.NO Never Daily Weekly Monthly Several times per week

1 2 3

Wikis (Wikipedia, course wiki, etc) Blogs Video Websites (You tube etc)

21. Have you ever taken a course that used learning management system (A system that provides tools such as online syllabi, sample exams or test papers)? (Kindly put a tick mark) a) No b) Yes c) Dont know 22. Which option do you prefer most? a) Online training/Lectures b) Class lectures

23. Which e-learning program you want to join?

a) Paid subscription b) Free subscription

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