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All rights reserved (c)Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) Material from this publication may be used

with acknowledgement given to the CMEV For further information please Contact: Centre for Policy Alternatives 24/2, 28th Lane, Off Flower Road, Colombo 07 Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 2565304-6, Fax: +94 11 471460 E-mail: Web: October 2013

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Executive Summary Pre Election Monitoring Press release (field visit report) 2nd Press release 3rd Press release 4th Press release 5th Press release 6th Press release Mullaitivu District Pre-Poll Report (Situation Report) Joint Statement issued by Main Elections Observation Missions in Sri Lanka 7th Press release Pre- Election Tabulation Figures Pre-Election Charts according to Tabulation Figures Photographs of CMEV taken during NPC Election campaign

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04 - 06

08 - 16 16 - 17 18 19 20 21 22 - 25 26 27 - 29 30 - 33 34 - 37 38 - 41

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Election Day Monitoring 1st Press release 2nd press release Election Day incidents Summary by Polling Division Election Day Violence Tabulation Figures Election Day Violence Charts according to Tabulation Figures A comparison of voter turnout of recent three elections Profile of Voter Turnout of Recent Elections Media coverage of CMEV 43 - 45 46 - 48 49 - 65 66 69 70 - 72 73 74 75 - 77

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Executive Summary ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Introduction: Context The Northern Provincial Council election, the first provincial election in the province for 25 years was held on the 21st of September 2013. The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) won a resounding victory, securing 30 out of the 38 seats in the Council a four -fifths majority. The United Peoples Freedom Alliance (UPFA) won 07 seats and the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) won 01. Voter turnout was recorded at 67.52% with 7.5% of the ballots cast being rejected. Given its potential for a full- fledged return to civilian administration in the Northern Province and accordingly, its significant bearing on democracy, reconciliation and unity in post-war Sri Lanka four years after the military defeat of the LTTE, the election was welcomed nationally and internationally. First referred to by the president in an interview with the Hindu newspaper in July 2012, in which he said that the election would be held by September 2013, the holding of the election by that date was by no means assured. Groups within the ruling UPFA government such as the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) and the National Freedom Front (NFF) were at the forefront of attempts, eventually, unsuccessful, to suspend the holding of the election as well as to remove the land and police powers granted to provincial councils under the constitution. The holding of the election, which was also welcomed in the March 2013 resolution on Sri Lanka in the UN Human Rights Council (UNHCR), is widely believed to be attributable to international pressure from India in particular and a pledge made to the government of Japan that the election would be held by September 2013. Indian involvement to this effect was acknowledged by the newly elected TNA Chief Minister, C.V. Wigneshwaran following a meeting with Indian Foreign Minister Salman Kurshid in Colombo, soon after he was elected. It is believed that Indian support for the holding of the November 2013 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Colombo, was employed as a key source of leverage in this respect. Monitoring CMEV commenced its monitoring of the election on 1st September 2013 through the deployment of field monitors in each of the provinces polling divisions. Field monitors were trained and asked to swear a pledge of independence and impartiality before being deployed to the field. Once deployed, they were supported by staff based at the headquarters of CMEV in Colombo. The latter further corroborated incidents reported from the field before releasing communiqus to the media. On election day CMEV had, in addition to its field monitors a total of 283 monitors of which 27 were in 12 mobile teams and 240 were stationed in polling centres throughout the period of polling. CMEV is one of two national election monitoring organizations permitted by the Elections Commissioner to station observers in polling centres throughout the period of polling. CMEV recorded 27 Major Incidents of election-related violence during the Page 5

campaign and 57 Minor Incidents. In most cases (20), the alleged perpetrator identified by party affiliation was the UPFA. On Election Day, CMEV covered 616 polling stations or 71.68% out of a total of 851 polling stations 830 in the north and 21 for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Puttalam. Of the 34 Major Incidents recorded on Polling Day, the UPFA was identified as the alleged perpetrator in 13 incidents. In the majority of such incidents- 18- the party affiliation of the perpetrators was not identified. Observations As elaborated in the attached situation and incidents reports, militarization was and continues to be the major impediment to the enjoyment of civil, political and socio-economic rights in the province. The exercise of the franchise is no exception to this. CMEV as well as other monitors recorded a number of complaints of threat and intimidation allegedly by members of the security forces including the Civil Defence Force, Their involvement in the campaigns of ruling party candidates four in particular were mentioned in this regard- and even intimidating presence on election day. Militarization was underscored in the remarks made by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights at the end of her visit to Sri Lanka just under a month before the election 25-31 August 2013- and as required by the March 2013 resolution on Sri Lanka in the Council, in her oral remarks to the Council just after the election. The High Commissioner expressed her grave concern that civilians who had met with her had been questioned by the military before and after their meeting with her. The extent of militarization in the daily lives of the civilian population and the political objectives it serves, attests to its embedding and institutionalization in the context in which the election campaign and polling was held. In this respect militarization clearly undermined the integrity of the electoral process, with the overall voter turnout figure and result representing a popular backlash in defiance against it.

De- militarization of the north has been called for in the Final Report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC). CMEV unequivocally endorses this recommendation and calls upon the government to implement it as a key element of the post-war reconciliation process and an unquestionably necessary one in a post conflict situation defined in terms of the sources of conflict being neither sustained, nor re-produced. Another egregious violation of the law and challenge to the integrity of the electoral process was the flagrant abuse of state resources by the ruling party throughout the campaign and on polling day. This is by no means peculiar to the Northern Province and has plagued elections of every type throughout Sri Lanka with the exception of elections conducted after the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution was promulgated in 2001 and the independent oversight commissions for the police and public service it provided for, established. The jettisoning of the Seventeenth Amendment and its replacement by the Eighteenth Amendment provides an enabling environment for this abuse, which in turn saps at public confidence and trust in the electoral process, the basic mechanism of choice and change in a functioning democracy. The Eighteenth Amendment effectively gives the president free rein over key agencies of the state responsible for governance including the police and public service as well as removes terms limits on the office of the president. Constituent organizations of CMEV such as the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) took the lead on behalf of civil society in defending the Seventeenth Amendment and in opposing the Eighteenth. Electoral violence and malpractice was a catalyst for the Seventeenth Amendment and we call upon the government to reinstitute the Seventeenth Amendment, the independent oversight commissions which serve as checks and balances on the exercise of executive power and authority in particular. We note that this is underscored in the LLRC report as well. Concern, which CMEV also shares, was raised during the campaign period over the involvement of the Governor of the Province in the election Page 6

campaign of the UPFA. This compounded the controversy over the role and powers of the Governor and the impact of this on meaningful devolution in practice in the wider context of devolution in the Northern Province. It raises serious issues with regard to the conduct of state officials in elections, especially of key officials who have to work with elected representatives from a variety of political parties and most importantly in a situation in which the relationship with elected officials is of fundamental importance to the workings of the constitutionally ordained scheme of devolution. CMEV hopes that state officials will at all times demonstrate in word and deed a commitment to uphold the constitution of the country with independence and impartiality and without fear or favour. Moreover, their failure to do so must result in disciplinary measures and when warranted, after due process, removal from office. CMEV is also concerned about restrictions placed on the media, the blocking of certain websites and the publication of misinformation. CMEV notes that before the election was announced and the campaign commenced, the distribution centre of the regional newspaper Uthayan was destroyed in Killinochchi and later in Jaffna, its printing press. The free flow of information and exchange of ideas is integral to the process of choice and change an election constitutes in a functioning democracy and must be upheld. Once again this underscores the importance of the Seventeenth Amendment and the empowered Election Commission it allows for in protecting and strengthening the fundamental rights of the electorate. CMEV recognizes the work done by the Department of Elections and other monitoring organizations on voter education and the system of voting. We note however that the 7.5% figure for rejected ballots is high and urge that in future elections a concerted effort is made by the authorities as well as political parties to address this well in advance of the commencement of the election campaign. CMEV welcomes the decision of the Election Commissioner to mix ballot boxes from different administrative divisions at the counting stage so as

to make attempts at the identification and tracking of ballot papers and location even more difficult. We note with extreme regret, however, that monitors were once again not allowed into the count. This is a major impediment to comprehensive civil society monitoring of the electoral process. We call upon the Commissioner and politicians to recognize the importance of local monitors and accordingly, accord them recognition in election laws with clear and comprehensive elaboration of their role and functions in light with international standards. Acknowledgements CMEV wishes to acknowledge the work of the Commissioner of Elections, his officials in Colombo and throughout the Northern Province, as well as the Police in the holding of the Northern Provincial Council Election. Furthermore, the cooperation and assistance extended to CMEV greatly assisted us in our work. CMEV also acknowledges the financial support of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) which made its monitoring of this historic election possible. Finally, we salute the voters of the Northern Province for braving threat and intimidation in large numbers and overcoming a host of other challenges to exercise their franchise. This ensured that though the integrity of the electoral process was undermined, the final result reflected the overall wishes of the electorate.

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Pre- Election Monitoring ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Northern Provincial Council Election - 2013

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Background There is the lower incidence of election related violence in the Northern Province as compared to the other two provinces in which elections are being held on the 21st of September 2013. This is probably attributable to there being only one major rally in the province as of 4th September and election campaigns are yet to intensify. The most common sentiment expressed by community groups was that they did not see elections as having a significant long -term impact on their quality of life. Whist some said that it was important to participate in the electoral process, other interviewees from villages such as Ellukadu and Muhumali in Killinochchi district stated that villagers are pre occupied with day to day activities - they struggle to meet basic needs and are least interested in voting. This sentiment was echoed in several parts of the Mullaitivu district. Key areas of Concern Although the level of enthusiasm for elections, specific concerns and the experience of individuals varied from one district to the other and even between urban and rural areas in the same district, there were several recurring themes which were common across all districts and which have been highlighted below. A. Military Involvement in the Electoral process Although senior military and government officials maintain that the number of troops in the Northern Province has been reduced, CMEV monitors observed that the military was a constant presence in daily activities within the Province. CMEV observed especially large numbers of military personnel in the Mullaitivu district as
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No: 24/2, 28th Lane, Off Flower Road, Colombo 07 Tel: +94 11 2565304 6, 5552746, 5552749, Fax: +94 114714460 Website:

Northern Provincial Council Election 2013 Communiqu No 1 13th September 2013 The Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) officially commenced the deployment of field monitors in the five districts of the Northern Province on 1st September 2013. Prior to this, the CMEV secretariat in Colombo monitored incidents of election violence through media reports and volunteers on the ground and from 2nd to 4th September 2013, CMEV conducted a field visit to the districts of Killinochchi, Mullaitivu and Jaffna. The field visit focused on peoples attitudes towards elections in general and the obstacles, if any, to ensuring a free and fair election in the unique socio-political circumstances prevalent in these districts. This report is based on interviews conducted with Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Social Workers, Youth Groups and religious leaders during the course of the field visit and is supported by desk research. In order to ensure their safety, the names of those who were interviewed have been withheld. The Report also includes incidents reported by CMEV field monitors and complaints made directly to the CMEV secretariat in Colombo.

compared to Jaffna and Killinochchi Districts. Multiple forms of military involvement in the daily activities of civilians, which have a direct impact on the electoral process, are detailed below. 1. Role of Civil Security Department in the Northern Province The National Home Guard Service was established as a Voluntary Service in the mid 1980's to protect the border/ threatened villages was re-structured to establish the Civil Security Department by Gazette notification No. 1462/20 dated 13th September 2006. The current role of the Civil Security Department (CSD) is as follows: Agriculture Projects Manufacturing of Bricks Poultry Farms Assisting the Department of Archaeology in restoring archaeological sites Development of Roads and Towns Conducting of Primary Schools/ Pre Schools. Providing Security to Government Institutions (such as Courts, Banks, Wild Life Conservation etc.) Functioning of Garment Factories and the Blacksmiths Workshop. Training of Private Security Personnel. Special Tasks given by the Ministry of Defense. CBOs and civil society activists in Killinochchi stated that job opportunities have been provided in CDS run farms and for preschool teachers who are paid by the CDS to teach in pre schools in the district. Several individuals alleged that recruitment of farmers and preschool teachers are overseen
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by two well know UPFA candidates in the Killinochchi district. In addition to the concern regarding the increased involvement of military- quasi military state functionaries in civilian administration, CMEV representatives were also made to understand that there are serious concerns that the military involvement also has a party-political dimension to it. A consistent complaint heard across the Killinochchi district was that job opportunities are provided on the basis of party political affiliation rather than merit and that on many occasions candidates who had the required qualification have been rejected and candidates with lesser qualifications and experience have been recruited as they enjoyed political patronage. When CMEV questioned the interviewees as to why individuals were applying for jobs with these military units whilst simultaneously raising concerns about the militarization in the Northern Province, the most common response was that many of these appointments came with attractive salaries- it is reported that the pre-school teachers were paid Rs. 18, 000 a month. In a context where many individuals- especially in the Mullaitivu and Killinochchi districts- are struggling to find livelihood opportunities to sustain their families, interviewees stated that it was hard to ignore such employment opportunities. 2. Army Surveillance Another common concern of people in all three districts was of being monitored by Military Intelligence. Movements of visitors and local gatherings are closely monitored. A social worker in the Mullaitivu district reported that military

persons in civil attire attend even parent - teacher meetings. A social worker in Killinochchi reported that village functions and meetings are closely monitored by military groups. Even if intelligence officials do not participate in a meeting, villagers are subsequently questioned regarding the meetings they attend and especially about discussions they have with outsiders or visitors. In Jaffna an individual informed CMEV that the surveillance was so sophisticated that intelligence officials obtained a copy of a drama staged by a Youth Group from the person hired to video the event and subsequently questioned several members of the Youth Group on the contents of the drama. This degree of surveillance has created an atmosphere offer and intimidation among people in the North Province. Coupled with allegations that the military is supporting UPFA candidates, this stifles political space and the room for political discussion. People residing in the Northern Province do not enjoy the freedom to express their views and thoughts due to the pressure of being monitored and harassed. Therefore the available political space in the province, post-war, is at best limited. 3. The Role of Civil Security Committees (CSC) The Civil Security Committee (CSC) stems from a body, which was originally created at the Grama Niladhari Division level to operate as a social welfare organization. Initially when these committees were formed they comprised of civilians, however, subsequently the Police and the military too volunteered to take part in the process. Several individuals alleged that CSCs are used to gather
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intelligence. CMEV interviewed a member of a CSC in the Killinochchi district who said "there is no work done in terms of providing services, but what's really going on is that, they (military) just want to gather information from us". Persons who are invited to join the CSC are mostly those who are active in social work. Therefore, focusing on them and on their work is key to intelligence and information gathering in the community. The member of the CSC further affirmed that, most often than not, if they met with anyone deemed suspicious by the military, the military would wait to find out the nature of the meeting and the information exchanged. 4. Direct Involvement of Military Personnel in Campaigning. An eye- witness in the Navanthurai area reported that the military was engaged in the election campaign of UPFA candidate M. Remedius. The individual alleged that he saw military personnel putting up posters of Mr. Remedius in the early hours of the 25th of August 2013. A villager from Navanthurai reported that at a function conducted by the military on the 26th of August 2013 to distribute temporary shelter equipment to villagers, Mr Remedius was engaged in election campaigning and that large hoardings of the candidate were visible in the background during the function.

B. Issues Relating to the Electoral List

The 2012 electoral list will be used for the forthcoming NPC election. The Northern Province consists of two Electoral Districts. The Jaffna Electoral district includes both the Jaffna and Killinochchi administrative districts whilst the Vanni Electoral district is comprised of the Mannar, Mullaitivu and Vavuniya administrative districts. The Centre for Policy Alternatives in a field report published in May 2013 highlighted the need to ensure the rights of the displaced at the time of the annual revision of the electoral register. In June 2013, the government took steps to enact the Registration of Electors (Special Provisions) Act No.27 of 2013 with a view to restoring the right to franchise of persons who were living in displacement when the revision of the 2012 electoral register commenced, by registering such persons in a Supplementary Electoral List. However the number of persons who have actually been included in the supplementary electoral list is relatively low.
Jaffna Electoral District Jaffna District No. Of registered voters as per the 2012 electoral list. 426,703 Killinochchi District 68,589 Vanni Electoral District Mullaitivu District 52,409 Vavuniya District 94,367 Mannar District 72,420

No. of registered voters in the supplementary electoral list. Total No. of persons eligible to vote at NPC election.











(Sources: The Department of Elections Sri Lanka) This has resulted in a large number of persons who resettled during the past two years being deprived of their right to vote. In the Pudukuduirippu East Grama Niladhari Division Mullaitivu districtwhere approximately 300 families reside, only 150 persons have been registered to vote as per the 2012 electoral list and only a further 47 persons were registered on the supplementary electoral list. Many individuals who are unable to vote in the upcoming NPC election stated that they were either unaware of the process to register formally displaced persons in the supplementary electoral list or that they had been informed that only those whose names appeared on the 2011 electoral list but were removed from the 2012 electoral list, could apply to be re-registered. C. Lack of Awareness amongst voters

This was another common theme that was repeated by various actors especially in the Vanni. As this is the first time in 25 years a Provincial Council election is taking place in the Northern Province, even in areas with highly literate populations who have participated in several elections, there is confusion as to how to use
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preference votes. CBOs in Killinochchi stated that in remote villages such as Thirunagar, Barathipuram and Selvanagar, communities have been informed by certain UPFA candidates and Samurdhi officers that their ballots could be traced, including party preference, with the use of information technology. Implicit in this statement is the threat that individuals who obtain state welfare will not be provided with such facilities in the future if they do not vote for the UPFA. This threat is even more serious when considering that many of these individuals do not have access to livelihood opportunities and are completely dependent on state welfare. It was further alleged that especially in the Killinochchi district that individuals directly working under CSD (farmers, preschool teachers) have been informed by CSD officers that they are only eligible for postal votes and that they should hand over their voting card to CSD officers once they receive them. They were further informed that in any event their vote had been taken care of. D. Abuse of Government Property/ Resources. The Samurdhi Authority comes directly under the purview of the Ministry of Economic Development. Since its inception there have been allegations of use of Samurdhi officers for election propaganda activities by the government. A similar pattern was observed in the Northern Province where there were constant complaints that Samurdhi officers were engaged in door to door propaganda activities for the UPFA and were also used as tools to recruit people to attend election meetings organized by UPFA candidates. (See also above Military Involvement in the Electoral process and below Election Related Violence) Serious concern was also raised about the activities of the

Governor of the Northern Province. Because the NPC does not have an elected Board of Ministers the provincial administrative service is completely under the control of the Governor. Allegations of misuse of government property by the Governor include; Use of the Northern Governor's official residence for meetings of the UPFA candidates, addressing election meetings in support of the UPFA candidates and use of government servants in the Northern Province to campaign for the UPFA. CMEV notes with concern that the Governors misuse of his official position has been characterized as a legitimate exercise of his functions and have in fact been given wide publicity by state media outlets. CMEV would like to place on record that it is a wellestablished principle of Sri Lankan law that public officials (elected or unelected) hold the power/ resources allocated to them in trust for the general public of Sri Lanka and not for their own personal benefit. Using such public power for the benefit of one political party or group of individuals is a violation of this public trust. E. Election Related Violence The number of serious incident of violence in the Northern Province has been relatively lower than those reported from the Central Province and the North Western Province. However several important trends need to be highlighted; Firstly unlike the Central and North Western Provinces the Northern Province has a heavy military presence (discussed above). The fact that these incidents -such as particular candidates brandishing fire arms publicly and with relative impunity- occur despite the heavy military presence is cause for serious concern. Several civil society members interviewed in Jaffna pointed out that such incidents are cause for fear and resignation amongst the general public that the perpetrators of violence are above the law
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because they are tacitly supported by the military. This fear on the part of the general public (and even members of political parties) dissuades them from logging complaints directly with the Police which in turn leads to a low level of official incidents being reported. Secondly the number of serious incidents reported to election monitors has increased in the first and second week of September. This gives rise to the fear that as the date of the election draws closer and the campaign is more vigorously contested there is a greater possibility of it turning more violent. Thirdly there have been several reports alleging that Police officers have not recorded the complaint made by victims of attacks in any of the information books (i.e. C.I.Bs or E.I.Bs) but have instead used a separate exercise book. There is also a lack of awareness amongst the general public and even amongst candidates that Police officers have to record complaints of incidents in an information book and that the complainant is entitled to a reference number. Some of the more serious incidents reported thus far are detailed below; 1. On 14th August 2013 at 9.00 p.m:Northern Province,Jaffna Electoral District, Kayts Electorate, at Ottreipanayadi, 40 Houses Scheme,Delft. As reported by Mr. Karthigesu Nadarasa Kanagaratnam (TNA Candidate), 3 persons named Mr. Ranasinghe Ariyasena, Mr. Simon Jesudasan and Mr. Jesudasan Anthony were assaulted, allegedly by EPDP supporters Rajip, Sudhan , Mohandas, Edward Raja, Ranjan, and a CTB driver Appan. The latter allegedly fled after the assault by van (bearing registration No. NP 253-5112). Mr. Ranasinha Ariyadasa who was hurt in this incident was
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admitted to the Delft hospital on the 17th August. He said he was hospitalized for 4 days and discharged on 21st August at which point he lodged a complaint with the Delft Police Station. However according to Ariyadasa the Police took down this complaint only in Sinhala and requested that he sign this complaint. When the CMEV contacted Sergeant Mr. Basnayake of the Delft Police he denied having received such a complaint. Mr. Daniel Rexian (Rajip) who is Chairman of the Delft Pradeshiya Sabha and allegedly a member of the group of attackers, when contacted for comment denied any involvement in this incident. Ms. P. Juliet, a worker of the hospital, when contacted stated that while the above mentioned person had indeed been admitted to hospital he had given a different reason for his injuries (a fall from a roof). She confirmed that the Police had also arrived and taken notes. 2. On the 20th August 2013Northern Province, Jaffna District, Jaffna Minsaranilayaveethy (Power Station road).Father of UPFA NPC candidate, Mr. Angajan Ramanathan attacked the vehicle of the TNA candidate Mr.S.Thambiraasa, while he was travelling in Minsaranilayaveethy (power station road) in Jaffna. The former also attempted to take photographs of Mr. Thambiraasas vehicle and shop in Jaffna town. Supporters of Mr. Angajan led by his father allegedly attacked the vehicle of the TNA candidate with clubs. Further Mr. Thambiraasa and his family alleged that they received death threats from Mr. Angajan Ramanathans father stating that he wanted the TNA candidate Mr. S. Thambiraasa to withdraw from contesting in the election. Even though a complaint was lodged in the Jaffna police

station, the police failed to take the suspect into custody. The suspect denied the allegations. It is reported that the police together with the support of an army intelligence unit provided security to the suspect.Mr. S.Thambirassa had video evidence of the incident, which is available at 3. On 27th August 2013Northern Province, Jaffna District, Chavakachcheri. A clash broke out between Jaffna District Chief organizer of SLFP and UPFA candidate, Mr. Angajan Ramanathans supporters led by his father and UPFA candidate Mr. A. Sarvananthans supporters at Chavakachcheri. According to Mr. A. Sarvananthans supporters, a group of Mr. AngajanRamanathan supporters entered their office and attacked them.29 year old Mr. KanagalingamNanthakumar from Kachchai Palavi North, received severe injuries from the clash and was admitted to Chavakatchcheri base hospital along with Mr. VishwarajaVishwaruban and a few others who received minor injuries. After the incident a large amount of military personnel were deployed in the area and conducted further inquiries into this shooting incident. The Jaffna police on the 28th of August 2013 arrested Mr. Ramanadhan, father of Jaffna Chief organizer of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) and UPFA candidate, over the shooting which had taken place on the earlier date. He was produced before Chavakachcheri courts on the 29th August 2013 after which he was committed to 14 days detention. Further the Chavakachcheri Magistrate ordered the police to investigate the attack on Mr Angajans security guards. Later Mr. Ramanathan was admitted to Jaffna hospital as he
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complained of a chest pain. Further inquiries into this case will be taken up on the 13th of September 2013.

4. On 05th September 2013at 10.10p.m: Northern Province,Vanni Electoral district. As reported by the CMEV Monitor the premises of a government office (the National Youth Services Council in Mannar) has been allocated for an election campaign meeting of the UPFA candidate Mr. Abbas Abdul Rifkan Bathiudeen following the request of Minister Rishad Bathiudeen. Several Government Officers attended this meeting. 5. On 07th September 2013, Northern Province, Jaffna District. Valampuri (a Tamil language provincial newspaper) in circulation within the Northern Province has published an advertisement stating that 5,000 insurance policies will be distributed amongst the fishing community in the Jaffna peninsula. According to these advertisements, the insurance cover is provided by the Siras Foundation which is established under the leadership of Mr. Abdul Hameed Nauman Siras Mohammed. This individual is a UPFA candidate in the Northern Provincial Council election. Additionally, the advertisement states that after the granting of the said insurance policies, the insurance cover will be maintained under the sponsorship of the Government. 6. On 08th September 2013 at 10.00 a.m: Northern Province, Jaffna Electoral District, Point-Pedro at Maradankerny Village. As reported by Mr. S. Sugirdan, (TNA candidate) a

group of between 15 -20 people arrived in a bus (bearing registration No. 29 -7102) and engaged in campaigning on behalf of the UPFA Candidate Mr. Aiyature Sri Rangeshwaran, (Candidate No. 05.) He alleges that Samurdhi officers and volunteer teachers were involved in this campaign. 7. On 09th September 2013 at 8.00p.m: Northern Province,Jaffna Electoral District, Point-Pedro Electorate, Kattaikadumulliyan. As reported by Mr. Yakopu Wimaladas (PNG) one person has come to a house, broken the fence, and forcefully painted the symbol of the TNA in black and pasted 3 posters bearing the number 14 without the consent of the owners. Though the owner of the house informed the police they have only taken a note without reporting it as a complaint. Persons claiming to be from the Intelligence Unit have taken photos of the premises. When contacted, the TNA candidate contesting under number 14, Mr. Chandralingam Sugirthan said he was not aware of such an incident and completely denied involvement. 8. On 09th September 2013 at 04.35p.m: Northern Province,Jaffna Electoral District, Kaytes th electorate,Ambigeynagar, 7 step, Velanai. As reported by Mr. Karthigesu Nadarasa Kanagaratnam (TNA Candidate, Jaffna District), while supporters of the TNA were distributing leaflets in the area, EPDP supporters Mr. Kandasamy Mayuran and Mr. Karthegesu Sinnathamby have forcefully thrown away the leaflets and threatened to kill them if they continued. When the Police arrived on the scene the accused have fled. Police have taken notes. When contacted by the CMEV, Sergeant Mr. Wickramaratne of

Kaytes Police station denied knowledge of such an incident. 9. On 09th September 2013 Northern Province, Killinochchi District, Postal Voting Center, Zonal Education Office, NallurMahaVidyalaya, (Poonagari Education Zone). As informed by a teacher to CMEV, the Certifying officer of the Postal voting center at the Zonal Education Office, Poonakary Maha Vidyalaya, Killinochchi had acted in violation of elections law. The Certifying officer (Divisional Education Director) allegedly checked the completed ballots of those casting postal votes and allegedly also turned away several school teachers, claiming that they were ineligible for postal voting. However, CMEV was informed by the aggrieved parties that many who were turned away had in fact received written confirmation that they were eligible for postal voting. CMEV immediately made a formal complaint in this regard to Mr. A. M. M. Kabeer, Assistant Commissioner of Elections (Actg), Killinochchi. He confirmed that he had received such a complaint from different sources and that a team was dispatched to the particular center to investigate this incident. Mr. Kabeer informed the CMEV that they did not receive enough evidence to substantiate the allegation. On 10th September 2013 at 9.45 p.m: Northern Province, Jaffna Electorate. Unidentified Persons on a motorcycle attacked Ms. Ananthy Sasitharan (TNA candidate) near the five-junction in Jaffna (on the Jaffna Manipay Road) while she was returning after campaigning. Ms. Ananthys vehicle was damaged by the motorcyclist who threw a heavy object against the glass window of the vehicle on the side where Ms Ananthy was seated. The object missed the window of the van and she escaped without injuries. According to Ms. Ananthy three VIP vehicles with escorts passed by her moving vehicle at which point her driver slowed down to give
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way to the VIP convoy. The motorcyclist approached from behind to carry out the attack. Ms. Ananthy when contacted by CMEV (At about 9.30 a.m on the 11th September 2013) stated that she has not made a complaint regarding this to the Police, due to fear.
No: 24/2, 28th Lane, Off Flower Road, Colombo 07 Tel: +94 11 2565304 6, 5552746, 5552749, Fax: +94 114714460 Website: DR. P. Saravanamuttu Co Convenor Mr.Sunil Jayasekara Co-Convenor Mr. Udaya Kalupathirana CoConvenor

Northern Provincial Council Election 2013

Communiqu No 2
As at 4.30 pm on Sunday 15th September, the following reports of election related violence in the Northern Provincial Council election have been received by CMEV: 13th September 2013, Kodikamaam Electorate, Jaffna Electoral District, Northern Province: CMEV field monitor reported that CID officers had questioned TNA supporters about leaflets they were distributing and had informed the police to arrest them. Police arrested 04 supporters of TNA candidate Mr. Chandralingam Sugeerdhan (Candidate No 14). When contacted Kesawan Sajanthan (Candidate No 13) confirmed the incident and mentioned that the police had informed them that they were in breach of election law. Kodikamam Police Station confirmed the incident. On 13th September 2013, A32 Road, Maravanpuli Junction, Chavakachcheri Electorate, Jaffna Electoral District, Northern Province. Ten supporters of Mr. Kajadeepan (Candidate No. 17), TNA were campaigning in the above mentioned area when at around 5pm an unidentified group accosted them and beat them with poles. The attackers fled the area in a vehicle (No: 59-3641). Gnanaprakasham Kishor and Raj Kumar Rajindan were admitted to the Chavakachcheri Page 17

Hospital (Ward Number 6) at 7.55 p.m. When contacted, Police Sergeant Arjan Sunil confirmed that such incident had occurred and that the Police was investigating it further. On 14th September 2013, in the Point-Pedro electorate, Jaffna Electoral District, Northern Province: According to eyewitnesses who wish to remain anonymous for security reasons, on the 14th a number of individuals attached to military intelligence and the EPDP obstructed a TNA meeting. They had told people not to attend the TNA meeting, which eventually took place in the vicinity of the community hall where it was originally scheduled, because of military and EPDP actions. When contacted by CMEV, TNA candidate Mr. Sugeerdhan said that the EPDP and some personnel attached to Intelligence had obstructed the rally. When contacted, Sub -Inspector R.P. Lalith of the Point Pedro Police said that the owner of the land of Bharathi Community Hall, Uduththurai, had withdrawn the written permission he had given for the use of his premises for the rally. Accordingly, a separate venue had to be arranged for the meeting. Police denied receiving any information regarding allegations of damage to a loudspeaker unit in this incident. 15th September 2013, Siruppiddi South, Kopai Electarate, Jaffna Electoral District, Northern Province: Banana and beetroot cultivations belonging to TNA supporters living in Siruppiddy area have been destroyed. When CMEV monitors spoke to the villagers, they named UPFA supporters as the perpetrators on the grounds that the latter have been demanding an end to TNA election rallies. One of the affected villagers, Mr. Uthayarasa, estimated that he has lost at least Rs. 20,000 due to vandalism on his banana cultivation. Achchuweli police confirmed that they have received such a complaint from two villagers (Aiyanpillay Rathnasamy Complain No. MOIB 234-39 and Manikkam Udayakumar MOIB 236-40) and had sent Police Officers to

the locations. CMEV observed that the police had recorded this incident elsewhere and not in the EIB book. Villagers however allege that supporters of UPFA candidate Mr. Abdul Hameed Nauman Siras Mohammed are responsible for this attack. CMEV contacted the latter. He denied any involvement in the incident and stated that he had provided considerable assistance to the people of Siruppiddy village.

DR. P. Saravanamuttu Co Convenor

Mr.Sunil Jayasekara Co-Convenor

Mr. Udaya Kalupathirana CoConvenor

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but that he had not done so. Police further stated that they were unaware that this was an election related incident or that officers attached to Military intelligence units were involved.

No: 24/2, 28th Lane, Off Flower Road, Colombo 07 Tel: +94 11 2565304 6, 5552746, 5552749, Fax: +94 114714460 Website: DR. P. Saravanamuttu Co Convenor Northern Provincial Council Election 2013 Media Communiqu No. 03 On 17thSeptember 2013 at 12.45 a.m: Northern Province, Jaffna Electoral District, and Karainagar Electorate at Kovalam. The residence of Karainagar Pradeshiya Sabha Chairman Velayudam Anaimugan (TNA) was stoned at about 12.45 a.m by a group of unknown persons. Mr. Anaimugan stated that while he was returning from the TNA election meeting held near the Sivakamy Amman Temple at about around 10.30 p.m the previous night (16th September 2013) he observed 06 people on 03 Motor cycles in front of his house. Upon seeing him approach these individuals had allegedly fled the location. Mr. Anaimugan stated that he was only able to note the registration number of one motor cycle (VI 6465) but identified several persons in the group as officers attached to the Army intelligence. Mr. Velayudam Anaimugan has informed the Police emergency unit about this incident but has not logged a formal complaint. When contacted by CMEV the Kayts Police station confirmed that they received a complaint that the Karainagar Pradeshiya Sabha Chairmans house had been attacked and had deployed a mobile police team to investigate at about 1.30 a.m. The police further stated that as the complainant refused to give a statement at the time he was asked to make a statement at the Kayts police station within the course of the day Page 19 Mr.Sunil Jayasekara Co-Convenor Mr. Udaya Kalupathirana CoConvenor

No: 24/2, 28th Lane, Off Flower Road, Colombo 07 Tel: +94 11 2565304 6, 5552746, 5552749, Fax: +94 114714460 Website: Northern Provincial Council Election 2013 Media Communiqu No. 04 On 18th September 2013 at 11.30 a.m: Northern Province, Jaffna Electoral District, Chavakachchari Electorate at Mirisuvil Durgaiamman Kovil, Chavakachchari. Mr. Arunachalam Balakumaran, Member of Chavachacheri Urban Council (TNA) - a witness to the incident- reported that, around 12.00 p.m, a group of 25 to 30 people were distributing UPFA propaganda material near the Mirisuvil Durgaiamman Kovil in Chavakachchari. Mr. Arunachalam Balakumaran alleged that this group was connected to the military and that two military officers in uniform were also seen providing protection to the group distributing UPFA hand bills. Mr. Arunachalam Balakumaran contacted CMEV at around 2.20 p.m at which point he stated that he was been chased by a group connected to Military. It was alleged that the Army attacked the group of persons who were with him and were campaigning for TNA. CMEV was also told by Mr. Arunachalam Balakumaran that the OIC of Kodigaman Police station, Mr. Edirisinghe, was present at the Marathankulam Pilleyar Kovil, the place where the victims sought refuge. CMEV contacted Kodigaman Police Station and was informed that the OIC

had gone to investigate an incident with a mobile team. CMEV then contacted the OIC Edirisinghe, who asked us to get back to him in a short while. Although CMEV tried several times to contact OIC Edirisinghe, we were unable to contact him until 4.30 p.m. At this point the OIC stated that, a minor incident had occurred near the Marathankulam Pilleyar Kovil but as there was no official complaint lodged with the Police he could not release any information. He further stated that he had asked the relevant persons to come to the Kodigaman Police Station to make a statement. The Police reiterated that there was no involvement of the military in this incident. CMEV has been unable to contact Mr. Arunachalam Balakumaran since this afternoon for further comment.

DR. P. Saravanamuttu Co Convenor

Mr.Sunil Jayasekara Co-Convenor

Mr. Udaya Kalupathirana CoConvenor

Page 20

No: 24/2, 28th Lane, Off Flower Road, Colombo 07 Tel: +94 11 2565304 6, 5552746, 5552749, Fax: +94 114714460 Website:

and Mudiappu Remediaas UPFA, No 18. Achchuveli Police visited the location and removed all posters. A formal complaint has been lodged with regard to this incident. The Police have recorded it in the Mobile Information Book (MOIB. 249/47) rather than the EIB Book. According to Sergeant Thusitha of the Achchuveli Police investigations are ongoing. He further noted that the incident has been identified as one of mischief and not one that is election related. On 19th September 2013, Wadukkodai Electorate, Jaffna District, Northen Province. CMEV Monitors reported that last night, in the villages of Santhei, Thillalai, Ponnalai, supporters of UPFA candidates Naumaan Siras and Angajan Ramanathan as well as EPDP supporters, were seen roaming the streets. He further reported that on account of the tension arising from this, some villagers had indicated that they will not be voting. Mannar Electorate in Mannar Electoral District in Northern Province As reported to CMEV Field Monitor, villagers of Uthayapuram, Vangalaipada, Pesalai, have yet to receive polling cards.

Northern Provincial Council Election 2013 Media Communiqu No. 05 On 19th September 2013, Kollankalati, Kankasanthurai Electorate, Northern Province CMEV Field Monitor reported that the majority of villagers in Kollankalatti are in fear on account of unidentified groups roaming the village. He reported that sections of the community were considering not voting. Some of them had attended the Point Pedro TNA rally two days ago and were concerned that they could suffer similar repercussions. Property of TNA supporters was destroyed in Point Pedro after a TNA rally there. On September 19th 2013, Avarankaal, Kopai Electorate, Jaffna Electoral District, Northern Province Villagers in Avarankaal reported to the CMEV monitor that a Sinhala speaking group was roaming the village at around midnight: they allegedly defaced TNA posters on the parapet wall of the house of the sister of Mr Ariyakuttu Paransothi, TNA candidate, Jaffna District which also serves as the candidates party office. They are also alleged to have drawn the image of a betel leaf on the verendah of that house and of pasting posters of Abdul Hameed Nauman Siras Mohemad (UPFA, NO 04)

DR. P. Saravanamuttu Co Convenor

Mr.Sunil Jayasekara Co-Convenor

Mr. Udaya Kalupathirana CoConvenor

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CMEV that no official complaint of the incident has been lodged with them. CMEV is particularly concerned about the alleged involvement of the military as the perpetrators of this attack. Throughout the campaign, there have been a number of allegations of threat and intimidation of voters and electioneering on behalf of particular candidates by military personnel in uniform and by Military Intelligence and Civil Defence personnel. Since the campaign concluded at midnight on Wednesday 18 September, the number of such incidents reported to CMEV has increased CMEV unreservedly condemns any military involvement in the electoral process- the basic mechanism of choice and change in a functioning democracy. Such involvement seriously undermines the integrity of the process and in the context of this election, gravely undermines reconciliation and unity in the country. CMEV calls upon the Election Commissioner and all relevant authorities to ensure that this involvement ceases and that all allegations in respect of incidents of violence and malpractice are investigated and the culprits brought to book. The protection and the strengthening of the institutions and processes of electoral democracy in the country, demand no less.

No:24/2, 28th Lane, Off Flower Road, Colombo 07 Tel: +94 11 2565304 6, 5552746, 5552749, Fax: +94 114714460 Website: Northern Provincial Council Election 2013 Media Communiqu No. 06 On 20th September 2013, Chulipuram, Vadukkodai Electorate, Jaffna District, Northen Province. As reported by CMEV Field Monitor, the residence and campaign office of Ananthi Sasidharan (TNA Candidate No1 Jaffna District) in Tholipuram in the Chulipuram area was attacked, allegedly, by a group of military personnel at around midnight on 19th September. Some of the attackers were reported to have spoken in Sinhala and were also identified to CMEV as military personnel, on account of their clothing. Nine (09) persons including lawyer Sugash who went to assist the victims, were injured in the incident. Ms Sasidharan was able to escape the attack with her children. When CMEV contacted the Jaffna Police Headquarters around 12.45am, the Police told CMEV that they were not aware of such an incident and directed CMEV to the Vadukkodai Police. However once CMEV contacted the Vadukkodai Police around 01.05am, they said that they had been told that the Chulipuram area is not in their division. However when contacted again, the police informed CMEV that a team of police officers had been deployed to the location. As at 8am, the police also informed

DR. P. Saravanamuttu Co Convenor

Mr.Sunil Jayasekara Co-Convenor

Mr. Udaya Kalupathirana CoConvenor

Page 22

Northern Provincial Council Elections 2013 Mullaitivu District Pre-Poll Report

Summary: There is widespread disillusionment with the election process, which may lead to low voter turnout. Unacceptably long distances to polling centres will deter others, since even where buses are being provided these services will be minimal and are not free. The Election Commissioners Office is doing its best under difficult circumstances but is handicapped by an outdated system in need of reform, compounded by inadequate funds. Yet, the systematic misuse of state resources, notably of the Ministry of Economic Development, to benefit pro-government candidates, and the deliberate violation of election law through combining development activities with election campaigning have irreparably flawed the democratic process in Mullaitivu District. Military interference in the electoral process is mostly indirect, though incidents of coercion to attend meetings of UPFA candidates have been reported. Description: 1. The general view of voters is that this election has no real meaning in the present context because (a) their basic needs of livelihoods, land and freedom from fear and control have not been met, and (b) the Northern Provincial Council will have no autonomy, with the Chief Minister serving as a messenger of the Governor, who in turn is the messenger of the President. 2. A campaign of deliberate disinformation has been carried out by vested interests to convince rural voters that (a) voting against the Government will only result in cessation of all development activities because funds will not be released by
Page 23

the central government, (b) the Government (and military) will be able to find out which party and candidate each person voted for, and there will be serious consequences as a result, and (c) the (Supreme) Court has ruled that the TNA will be disqualified so all votes for them will be worthless. On the positive side, the Election Commissioners Office has conducted voter education workshops in each of the 136 villages, and has reassured voters. However, Minister Basil Rajapakshas most recent statements that development initiatives will be jeopardised if the TNA wins has further fuelled voters fears. 3. Transportation to and from polling centres is a serious issue for many voters in the district. At least 3500 voters will have to travel over 5km to reach their respective polling centres. The furthest distance is from Amaithipuram, where voters live 24km away from the Puthvedduvan school where they are expected to cast their ballots. The Elections Commissioners Office has arranged for a single bus each for 10 of the worstaffected areas, but voters will have to pay the bus fare. Others may have to walk up to 4km each way in the blazing to participate in a process in which they have little faith. 4. The lack of identity cards is a concern for some voters. CMEV has been reliably informed that a significant percentage of the approximately 500 voters in Kuravil in the Pudukudiyirippu DS Division may not have valid IDs. In addition, some recent returnees who have only their Manik Farm identity cards will not be able to vote. Also, since the 2012 list is being used, a significant number of current residents whose names are only on the 2013 list will not be eligible. In Pudukudiriyippu DSD alone it is estimated that around 1000 persons have lost their voting rights as a result.

5. The systematic misuse of state resources and direct violation of election law to benefit UPFA candidates are so serious as to mar the electoral process irrevocably. The Ministry of Economic Development is the main culprit. UPFA candidates who are former senior employees of the ministry serving at Deputy Project Director Level have access to Ministry vehicles and staff for campaign work. 172 Samurdhi Development Officers were hired in the district in violation of election law, and their role in the current context is clear. In addition, 150 CPRs hired under the Re-Awakening Project, it is widely alleged, actively support the UPFA campaign at the village level.

The stage and access area clearly indicated that it was in fact a UPFA meeting

The location of the meeting was in the Helambawewa Army Camp

Maheweli Authority and NHDA banners are being taken down by government staff.

Page 24

to walk a long way back home. 7. Military and Police support of UPFA candidates was blatant. In Mullaitivu town the main UPFA candidates office is next to the Mullaitivu SPs Office, and they are allowed to keep large cut outs, posters and banners on the road even after all campaigning has stopped. Police is deployed at UPFA rallies and tamashas, such as the musical show sponsored by UPFA candidate Satheesh Kumar in Pudukudiriyippu on 18 Sep 2013. Other parties too violated the end-of-campaign regulation, for instance the Muslim Congress held a meeting at Mulliyawalai on 19 Sep 2013.

The plaque unveiled on 18 Sep 2013.

6. A blatant example of such abuse is the handing over of 110 (or 500, the number varies depending on the government source!) houses by the Hon Minister of Economic Development to residents of Helambawewa on 18 Sept 2013. While the Mahaweli Authority, the NHDA and other government departments were involved, and the event itself was staged adjoining the Helambawewa Army Camp with full military (and MI) presence, the stage was decked in blue with blue flags everywhere. Villagers were provided with lunch packets after the meeting which clearly took on political tones and referred explicitly to the NPC elections. CMEV spoke to two separate groups of women going home with their lunch packets, and their common response [in Sinhala] was We are coming from the Betel Leaf meeting. One woman added, They want us to vote for them, and we will, but now we have

Sri Lanka Muslim Congress meeting held at Mulliyawalai on 19 Sep 2013

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However, the overall picture of the Mullaitivu District is one in which the UPFA candidates are free to violate any and every regulation with impunity. On 19 Sep 2013, CMEV observed UPFA candidate No 6 campaigning in Mullaitivu town itself.

The blatant display of UPFA posters and cut-outs even on 20 Sep 2013, adjacent to the Mullaitivu SP JanakaGunathilakas office in the heart of the town

8. The militarys involvement is generally less direct, but their control is pervasive. CMEV spoke to a group of women who complained that the Armyat Thanneeroottu had asked them to attend a rally organised by UPFA candidate Satheesh Kumar, saying that they will be given loans. Many had gone even by three-wheeler and come away disappointed. Fear of repercussions prevent people from even commenting on the military, but it is agreed that, in relation to the election, the situation is better than in Jaffna.

A poster for UPFA candidate 6, a former Deputy Project Director of the Ministry of Economic Development, adorns the 591 Brigade welcome board in an area that boasts of 24 hour police and military presence.

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Joint Statement issued by Main Elections Observation Missions in Sri Lanka

Mr. Mahinda Deshapriya, Commissioner of Elections, Elections Secretariat, P.O. Box 02, Sarana Mawatha, Rajagiriya, 10107. 18th September 2013 Dear Sir Request to Make a Public Statement Ensuring the Secrecy of Ballots Cast in the Forthcoming Provincial Council Elections As you are aware, there have been several reports of incidents of voters being told by various individuals that ballots cast at the forthcoming election- including party preference and candidate preference can be traced. This practice has been especially prevalent in the Northern Province and specifically in remote villages such Thirunagar, Barathipuram and Selvanagar in the Killinochchi District. Ensuring the secrecy of ballots is an essential prerequisite for the conduct of a free and fair election as it minimises the possibility of voters being influenced. As you will appreciate in the context of allegations of voter buying and intimidation, ensuring that individuals are able to cast their vote freely and without compulsion is of paramount importance. As such, we call on you to make a public statement to the effect that ballots are specifically designed to prevent anyone from linking

a specific voter to a ballot and that there is no possible way for another person to decipher to which political party and candidate(s) a particular person cast his/her ballot. We urge you to request heads of all print and electronic media institutions- including state owned media institutions- to give to such statement the widest possible coverage in both the Sinhala and Tamil languages. We will be releasing this letter to the media in the public interest. Please be assured of our cooperation Thanking you Yours sincerely

Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu CMEV Mr. Rohana Hettiarachchi Paffrel Mr. Keerthi Tennekoon Caffe Mr. Shan Wijetunge Transparency International, Sri Lanka

Page 27

of the following UPFA candidates; 1. Mudiappu Remidios- candidate No. 18 2. Abdul Hameed Nafman Siras Mohamed- candidate No. 04 No:24/2, 28th Lane, Off Flower Road, Colombo 07 Tel: +94 11 2565304 6, 5552746, 5552749, Fax: +94 114714460 Website: Northern Provincial Council Election 2013 Media Communiqu No. 07 20-09-2013/ 08.10h/ Northern Province/ Mannar District/ Mannar Electorate/ Pesalai UPFA party office As reported by CMEV monitor in the area, UPFA Mannar District candidate No 6, Mr. Robert Pieris, organized dry rations to be distributed on the night of 20th September 2013. On 20th September 2013 from 6.00 8.00 pm : Northern Province: Jaffna District, Electorate, Chavakachchari, Kodikamam area: Villagers from Palavi and Katchai have reported to CMEV monitors that a large number of youths are roaming these villages. The villagers reported their fear that the presence of the youths could result in electoral violence and malpractice. CMEV urges relevant authorities to take immediate action to prevent any such violence or malpractice. 3. Kodeswaran Rushangan- candidate No. 12 4. Nadarajah Thamilalagan- candidate No. 14 5. Naganathi Ponnampalam candidate No. 16 New posters of the following TNA candidates were seen: 1. Iynkaranatsan Ponnuthurai 2. Tharmalingam Sitharthan 3. Emmanuel Arnold There were also fresh posters of Democratic National Alliance (DNA) candidates, mainly down the Uduvil Road. The candidates are: 1. Senathirajah Krishnakumar 2. Kankaratnam Loganathan 3. Sivasunthari Manokaram Additionally it was noted that the deployment of army personnel has increased noticeably. The increase of military personnel was visible along the following roads: Manipay/ Jaffna Main road, Sangilipai Main road, Savalkaddu road and, Anaikoddai road. It was stressed that members of the military moved freely and frequently on the said roads, thus making the presence of the army felt more strongly. On 19th September 2013 at 12.30 pm in Northern Province, Jaffna Electoral District, Kangkesan Thurai Electorate. CMEV monitor reported that he went to Arasadi Road, Kollangalati, where he witnessed military personnel using black oil to deface posters Page 28

20-09-2013/ 11.00 a.m/ Northern Province/ Jaffna District/ Manipay Electorate CMEV received a report of posters of UPFA candidates on the sides of the following roads; Manipay Road, Uduvil Road, Anaikoddai Road, Sangilipai Road, Maradanamadam Road, Chunnakam Road. The said posters were

of all candidates. Thereafter no posters were visible in the area. Whilst the military was so engaged, vehicles (registration No NP KW 1603 and CP PE4685) belonging to UPFA candidate Shiras and with posters of the candidate displayed on them, were seen at the same place. On 19th September 2013 at 12.53 p.m: Northern Province Jaffna Electoral District,Odupidi Electorate. As reported by a CMEV monitor in Odupidi, from the 10th of September 2013 a significant military presence has been observed in the area. On the main roads of Odupidi and on by roads, a significant number of military personnel have been deployed. 19-09-2013/ 20.00h/ Northern Province/ Mannar District/ Mannar Electorate/ Tharapurram As reported by CMEV monitor in the area, villagers from Vellankulam and Ganeshapuram were transported from these villages to Tharapuram by UPFA supporters and given dry rations. It was noted further that the villagers were transported in 3 CTB buses. The CMEV monitor further confirms that the distribution of dry rations was organized by UPFA candidate No. 4, Mr. Abbas Abdul Rifkhan. 19-09-2013/ 20.15h/ Northern Province/ Mannar District/ Mannar Electorate/ Pesalai As reported by CMEV monitor in the area, UPFA supporters were provided with dry rations to be distributed amongst the people of the 4th and the 8th housing colonies of Pesalai. Currently the dry rations are stored at the residences of two of party supporters identified as Rani and Stephen whose full names were not revealed for security concerns. They live down K. V. Road, Pesalai. The rations are to be distributed on the night of the 20th. 19-09-2013/ 23.15h/ Northern Mullaithivu Electorate/ Muliavilai Province/ Mullaithivu District/

Sivalingam Sathish Kumar contesting under number 03 in Mullaithivu district, was held at the garden premises of a UPFA supporter Mr. Thiyagaraja Arulvendan near the Katta-Vinayagar Kovil (Hindu temple). About 35-40 persons have attended the meeting. A villager, Mr. Kanapathypillay Dushyanthan of Mulliyawallai Central, Mulliyawallai informed CMEV about the meeting. He stated that the meeting had started around 10 pm and by the time he had called CMEV, around 11.15pm, the meeting was still going on.

19-09-2013/ 23.17/ Northern Province/ Mannar District/ Mannar Electorate/ Mannar town, Tharapurram, Puthukkudiyairuppu As reported by CMEV monitor posters of the following UPFA, TNA, UNP and SLMC candidates, respectively were put up in the aforementioned areas: UPFA 1. Candidate No. 04 Mr. Abdul Abbas Rifkhan 2. Candidate No. 06 Mr. Robert Pieris TNA 1. Candidate No. 03 Mr. Irudayanathan Charles Nirmalanathan UNP 1. Candidate No. 02 Mr. Abdul Kaseem Rahumathulla SLMC Candidate No. 08 Habib Mohamed Rayees The aforementioned posters appeared mostly in the following areas: Karisal, Olaiththuduwai, Puthukkudiyairuppu, Thottaweli, and Tharapurram Page 29

It was reported that an election meeting of the UPFA candidate Mr.

19-09-2013/ 23.53h/ Northern Province/ Vavuniya District/ Vavuniya Electorate/ Cinna Cippikulam, Cheddikulam As reported by CMEV monitor, UPFA candidate No 7, Mr. Mohideen Kani Sego Munajithu and around 8 to 10 supporters of the UPFA have done house-to-house visits and handed cash to residents in the Cinna Cippikulam village within the Cheddikulam DS Division in Vavuniya. The report also indicates that the campaigning was carried out in the vehicle bearing registration number NP-JP 7100. 20-09-2013/07.39h/ Northern Province/ Jaffna District UPFA candidate Mr. Angajan Ramanathan still continues his campaigning via short messaging system, conducted through a message centre identified by the number +46701326101. This was reported by a CMEV monitor who received the text message.

DR. P. Saravanamuttu Co Convenor

Mr.Sunil Jayasekara Co-Convenor

Mr. Udaya Kalupathirana CoConvenor

Page 30

Pre Election Violations

Table I

Source: Centre for Monitoring Election Violence

Page 31

Pre Election Violations

Table II

Source: Centre for Monitoring Election Violence

Page 32

Pre Election Violations

Table III

Source: Centre for Monitoring Election Violence

Page 33

Pre Election Violations

Table IV

Source: Centre for Monitoring Election Violence

Page 34

Major Incidents 32% Minor Incidents 68%

Figure 01

Muder 11% 26% 41% Attempted Muder Hurt Grievous Hurt Assault 3% 7% Threat & Intimidation 4% 4% 4% Misuse of State Resoueces Robbery Arson Abduction 9% 9% 82% Mischief Threat election offence other

Figure 02

Damage to Property

Figure 03

Page 35

Total Number of Incidents Alleged Perpetrators by Party (84)

Number of Incident 60 54

Major Incidents-Alleged Perpetrators by Party (27)

25 20 20 15 10 6 5 0 1 ITAK 0 DUA 0 DP 0 SLMC 0 INDE 1 PNG


40 Number of Incident UPFA UNP Political Party

Figure 05

30 40 35 Number of Incident 20 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 UPFA UNP ITAK DUA DP SLMC INDE 1 PNG

Minor Incidents- Alleged Perpetrators by Party (57)


13 10 9

8 2 4 1 1

2 0

3 1 1 1









Political Party

Political Party

Figure 04
Page 36

Figure 06

Profile of Alleged Major Violations by Party (27)

Figure 07
12 10 10 Number of Incidents 8 6 4 Murder Attempted Murder Grievous Hurt Hurt

Assault Threat & Intimidation Misuse of State Resoueces

2 0

1 1 1

1 1

Robbery Arson Abduction


ITAK Category of Offences and parties

Party Not Given

Damage to Property

Profile of Alleged Minor Violations by Party (57)

35 30 Number of Incidents 25 20 15 10 5 0 UPFA UNP ITAK DUA DP SLMC PNG Category of offences and parties 1 2 1 2 8 1 1 3 Mischief Threat Election Offence 31

Other 2 1

Figure 08

Page 37




Number of Incidents






10 8 8


6 4 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 4

Figure 09

Electorate Page 38

Motorbike damaged during an attack on the residence of Ananthy Shashitharan, TNA Candidate, NPC Election 2013

S.Krishnakumar, Jaffna group leader of the Democratic Party who was injured during an attack by unidentified persons NPC Election 2013

Candidate posters at a bus halt, in the Musali area in Mannar, displayed during the pre-election period. NPC Election 2013

Slogans drawn in the Arippu region of Mannar, during pre-election campaign. NPC Election 2013

Page 39

Poster displayed on Election day in the Wadukkodai area of Jaffna, NPC Election 2013

Symbols displayed on the Manippai- Maraathanarumadam Road, Jaffna, NPC Election 2013

Damaged campaign office premises of the UPFA Candidate Siras Mohamad, at Arukalmadam in Jaffna, NPC Election 2013

Extensive damage to an agricultural cultivation belonging to a supporter of the TNA, in Kopai, NPC Election 2013 Page 40

Wadukkodai road being used for election campaign, NPC Election 2013.

Threatening leaflets which were distributed on Election day in Chavakacheri, NPC Election 2013.

Posters displayed on the walls of the Kumulamunai school, Manipai, NPC Election 2013.

Poster which was displayed all around Jaffna on Election Day, NPC Election 2013.

Page 41

A34 Road in Mankulum, Mullaitvu used for display of symbols, NPC Election 2013.

More damages incurred during the attack on the residence of Ananthy Shashitharan, TNA Candidate, NPC Election 2013.

Symbols on a road in Mullaitivu, NPC Election 2013.

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Election Day Monitoring ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Northern Provincial Council Election - 2013

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CMEV was formed in 1997 by the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA), the Free Media Movement (FMM) and the Coalition against Political Violence as an independent and non partisan organisation to monitor the incidence of election related violence. Currently, CMEV is made up on CPA, FMM and INFORM Human Rights Documentation Centre. Some of the main incidents include No: 24/2, 28th Lane, Off Flower Road, Colombo 07 Tel: +94 11 2565304 6, 5552746, 5552749, Fax: +94 114714460 Northern Provincial Council Election 2013 21st September 2013 - 1200 pm Communiqu No 8 Northern Province, No 50,Kokkupaddayam Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School Silvavathura polling station, Mannar Electorate, Mannar District As reported by CMEV mobile observer, Mannar district candidate of Our Nation Party, Abdul Salam Mohomad Hilmy contesting under No.01 has been allegedly assaulted by the body guards of Minister Rishad Bathiudeen near the gate of the polling station No. 50 Kokkupaddayam Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School at around 10.30am. The victim has lodged a complaint (CIB-104-84) with the Silavathura Police at around 11.05am. The OIC of this police station is investigating the incident. The victim was taken to the Pesalai hospital for treatment. Threat and intimidation No. 9 Sinnapoovarasankulam G. T. M. School polling station, Vavuniya District, Vavuniya Electorate At 9.04 am two persons had come to polling station No. 9 Sinnapoovarasankulam G. T. M. School in the Vavuniya District on a motorcycle bearing the number NP HS 7187 and been standing in front of the station for a long period of time. A group of youth at the polling stationreported to the CMEV monitor who was at the site that they had gone to the polling station to cast their vote but recognised the two persons as army soldiers and therefore had not voted. The youth claimed that the two men had been there for over two hours and that many voters had come to the polling station but had turned back without casting their vote.

CMEV has received complaints of a number of incidents on election day since polls opened at 7 am, including an assault, intimidation of voters, campaigning near polling stations and distribution of food items while canvassing. As of twelve noon there had been a moderate turnout in urban areas in Jaffna. However, CMEV has also received reports that there has been low turnout in other areas, including in Mullaitivu districts. In these areas voters had to travel significant distances, up to 22 km to get to polling stations. CMEV had raised this issue with the Election Commissioner who provided assurances that transport would be provided free of charge but as of 12 noon transport is very limited or not available. Specific incidents where voters have been intimidated, allegedly by UPFA politicians and the military have resulted in fear among voters in these locations. On election day, September 21st, CMEV deployed 240 election monitors at individual polling stations in addition to 17 field monitors and 8 mobile units. All CMEV reports and communiqus and the CMEV Incidents Google Map can be accessed online at

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Intelligence were preventing the public from entering the polling stations. No. 42 Thampaddi Government Tamil Mix School (G.T.M.S) polling station, Jaffna District, Kayts Electorate CMEV monitors received complaints from villagers in Thampaddi at around 10.05 am that the Pradeshya Saba Chairman Daniel Rexian (Rajip) who had come to the village together with a group of people (who were not from the village) had started to threaten the public near the polling station. CMEV monitors were present at polling station No. 42 Thampaddi Government Tamil Mix School (G.T.M.S) between 9.30 am 10.00 am. While the CMEV monitors were present in the polling station the situation remained calm. However as soon as they left was when the incident took place. CMEV has received reports that on the 19th and 20th of September this group had threatened community leaders, religious leaders and other community members who were told not to vote and to pass the message to others in the village as well. Individuals complained to CMEV that Pradeshiya Sabha Chairman Daniel Rexian from the UPFA had personally threatened them. People in the village alleged that a motorbike bearing registration number NP-VK 9353 was seen roaming in Thampaddi village area. By around 10.00 am, out of 758 voters in Thamppaddi village so far only around 70 voters had cast their vote. Other Election Related Offenses

No. 16 Udayarkaddu Maha Vidyalayam polling station, Mullaithivu District, Mullaithivu Electorate A CMEV monitor reported two vehicles (Jaguar bearing registration number 301-2996 and Hi-ace van bearing registration number 59-1143) marked with stickers bearing the number 8 were parked directly in front of polling station No. 16 Udayarkaddu Maha Vidyalayam. Supporters of Mullaitivu district UPFA candidate Sriskandaraja Arul Jenipod contesting under No.8 were openly distributing cards marked (X) against number 8. This incident took place in the presence of the Police around 11.00 am. No. 22 Oddusuddan Hindu Tamil Mixed School polling station, Mullaitivu District, Mullaitivu Electorate CMEV monitors observed around 11.00 am the unofficial transporting of voters from Periyasalampan to polling station No. 22 Oddusuddan Hindu Tamil Mixed School (3 km away from the polling station). CMEV monitors picked up cards of Mullaitivu district UPFA candidate A. Sivalingam Shatheesh Kumar contesting under No.3 from the ground where the bus was parked. No. 8 Mallavi Central College Polling Station, Mullaitivu District, Mullaitivu electorate. As reported by a CMEV monitor, at 11.05am inmates of Rehabilitation Centers for suspected former LTTE combatants had gathered around the Mallavi Central College and engaged in canvassing and requesting voters to vote for UPFA.

No 4, 5, 6, 7 polling stations, Jaffna District, Vaddukoddai Electorate Members of the public in Karainagar alleged that from 7.15am onwards, in areas close to polling station No.4 of J/ Karainagar Yarlton College (Hall no. 1) ; No.5 of J/ Karainagar Yarlton College (Junior Division Hall No.2 ) ; No.6 of J/ Karainagar Yarlton College (Hall No.2) and Polling Station No.7 of J/Karainagar Yarlton College (Hall No.3) in the Jaffna District, men in plain clothes wearing sarongs whom they suspected to be Military

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No. 15, 16, 17, 18 polling station, Jaffna District, Udupiddy Electorate At around 11.45am, a CMEV monitor reported that TNA supporters had given arrack and cigarettes to voters who came to polling stations No 15 and 16 J/Valvai Sivakuru Vidyalaya Hall No. 1 and 2, polling stations No. 17 and 18 Valvai Mahalir Maha vidyalaya Hall No 1 and 2 and polling station No. 19 Valvai American Mission Tamil School to cast their vote for the TNA.

station and dispersed the crowd. CMEV field monitor observed that TNA posters stating Preference of Tamil will be TNA was displayed at the Arippu sub post office. Posters that read Wake up Tamils were also pasted on walls close to the polling station. CMEV monitor also observed TNA posters of Candidate No. 5 Mr. Christhothram Vimalasegaram, and Candidate No.1 Mr. Anthony Soosairatnam Premouse Siraiva were pasted on a partition wall next to the post office. No 31 MU/Kiri Ibban Vewa Vidyalayam polling station, Mullaithivu District, Mullaithivu Electorate At 9.20am a CMEV monitor observed a van bearing the registration number 56-0694 transporting people to the polling station. The CMEV monitor also observed that about 200m away from the polling station around 100 or more people were gathered and about 15 motorcycles and a few other vehicles were parked around the area. At a house 200m away from the polling station a person was seated at a desk and was engaged in what seemed like preparation of a list. No. 33 Mv/ Mavilankeny R.C.T.M.S Murungan polling station, Mannar District, Mannar Electorate CMEV monitors observed a van bearing registration number 56-3493 transporting voters to polling station No. 33 Mv/ Mavilankeny R.C.T.M.S Murungan. The van was plastered with campaign posters of Mr. Abbas Abdul Rifkan - UPFA Candidate No 4 from the Mannar District. No. 4 Nadakandal Government Tamil Mixed school polling station, Mullaitivu District, Mullaitivu Electorate CMEV Monitor reported that 2 private buses appeared to be operating between a 3km distance from Nadakandal Government Tamil Mixed School. The CMEV monitor observed that no bus had come to the polling station from Moontrumpurippu (10km away) transporting voters as promised by Election Commissioner. Hence very few voters came to vote Page 46

No. 8. Mannar Karisal Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School polling Station, Mannar District, Mannar Electorate As reported by a CMEV monitor in the area, since 6.25 am near the Karisal Muslim mosque, which is located close to Mannar Karisal Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School polling station in the Mannar District, a group of supporters attached to UPFA have been distributing beef and other food provisions to the people in the area, whilst an announcement had been made through a PA system that emphasised the importance of voting for the Betel Leaf (UPFA symbol).

No.9, Mannar Pudukudiirippu Government Muslim Mixed School polling station, Mannar District, Mannar Electorate As reported by a CMEV monitor in the area, since 6.00 am UPFA supporters have been distributing dry food provisions in Pudukudiirippu among people who were supposed to go to the Mannar Pudukudiirippu Government Muslim Mixed School polling station to cast their vote. Whilst distributing was going on people were requested to vote for the Betel Leaf (UPFA symbol). No 47 Mannar /Arippu R.C.T.M.S. Arippu polling station, Mannar District, Mannar Electorate. At 8.10 am, a group close to about 50 people were gathered around the Mannar /Arippu R.C.T.M.S. Arippu school gate (polling station No. 47). The gathering of people, other than voters and individuals approved by the Election Commissioner within 500m of a polling station is an election offense. CMEV monitors observed a police team arriving at the polling

as there was no bus service available. There are 548 registered voters in Moontrupurippu. According to the CMEV monitor by 12.00 noon less than 10% voters had exercised their vote. Pre poll incidents Killinochchi District Killinochchi Electorate/Killinochchi Town TNA Chief Organizer Sritharans Party Office It was reported to CMEV that at around 10.30pm on September 20th, Killinochchi electorate TNA Chief Organizer and Member of Parliament S. Sritharans Party Office was surrounded by a large number of unidentified persons including police officers in uniform. They reportedly remained there for a long period of time, so as to make the people inside feel harassed. Roughly around 15 TNA supporters had been at the office during this time. It was reported that, the incident was informed to the Police Emergency Service 119, however no action to curb the situation was taken. Around 11.15 p.m CMEV Mobile Team had arrived at the scene after which the crowd had dispersed. In an interview with Mr. Sritharan, he alleged suspects were the intelligence groups attached to the military.

No: 24/2, 28th Lane, Off Flower Road, Colombo 07 Tel: +94 11 2565304 6, 5552746, 5552749, Fax: +94 114714460 Website: Northern Provincial Council Election 2013 21st September 2013 Conclusion of Polls 1600 The North Provincial Council Elections saw a relatively high turnout as compared to previous elections. While the number of incidents recorded on election day was not of a high frequency, polling day and the campaign period saw a series of electoral malpractices and violations which seriously undermined the free and fair nature of the electoral process. On election day there were a number of violations including acts of arson, assault and intimidation, transportation of voters and campaigning, and an assault of an election monitor. During the campaign period CMEV highlighted a number of key problems including misuse of state resources, high military presence and involvement in support of the Government, and persons in civilian clothing and unidentified groups intimidating opposition political parties and potential voters. On election day CMEV deployed 240 election monitors at individual polling stations in addition to 17 field monitors and 8 mobile units. All CMEV reports and communiqus and the CMEV Incidents Google Map

DR. P. Saravanamuttu Co Convenor

Mr.Sunil Jayasekara Co-Convenor

Mr. Udaya Kalupathirana CoConvenor

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can be accessed online at CMEV was formed in 1997 by the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA), the Free Media Movement (FMM) and the Coalition against Political Violence as an independent and non partisan organisation to monitor the incidence of election related violence. Currently, CMEV is made up on CPA, FMM and INFORM Human Rights Documentation Centre.

No 5, Thirunelvely Muththuthambi Maha Vidyalaya Hall No.2 polling station, Jaffna District, Nallur Electorate The Chairman of Nallur Pradeshiya Sabha, TNA PS member of Nallur PS Selvaraja Kajendran was assaulted by a police officer (No.862757) who arrived at the polling station in a Mahindra Jeep. The incident took place after the victim came out of the polling station after casting his vote at around 1.30pm. The victim did not receive any injuries from the assault. No. 19 K/Santhapuram Kalaimagal Vidyalaya, Killinochchi District, Killinochchi Electorate A day observer for the Campaign For Free and Fair Election, N. Gunerasa was attacked near polling station No. 19, Samthapuram Kalaimagal Vidyalaya in Killinochchi District at around 2.00 pm. The victim is currently being treated at Ward No. 06 at the Killinochchi Hospital. CMEV interviewed spokesperson of CAFFE Mr. Keerthi Tennakoon who stated that the attacker was identified as Chandran, an EPDP activist. No. 38 Maruthankeny Hindu Tamil Mixed School, Jaffna District, Point Pedro Electorate Maruthankerny At 11.00 am, CMEV monitor reported that P. Sanjeevan, the Chairman of the Point Pedro Pradeshiya Sabha and a member of the TNA complained that supporters of EPDP were blocking the path of the people who were on their way to vote and were telling the people to vote for UPFA. The election is being conducted at the Maruthankerny Hindu Tamil Mixed School, and EPDP/UPFA supporters were blocking the path leading to the polling station from both sides and threatening the people. Police had been on duty at this polling station but had not taken any measures to bring this situation under control. Voters Page 48

List of key incidents from 12.00 noon to 4.00pm as reported by CMEV: About 5 km away from No. 1 Ambalpuram Government Tamil Mixed School polling station, Mullaitivu District, Mullaitivu Electorate The house of ITAKs polling agent Adaikkappal Poobalan and his wife Poobalan Indra, a PAFFREL day observer attached to the Natangal polling station was burnt down completely today between 2.303.00pm. Their house is located in Pali Nagar, 5 km away from the Ambalpuram Government Tamil Mixed School polling station in Mullaitivu. This incident had taken place while they were both away from home. Their three children aged 8, 13 and 14 were also away from the house during the incident. The victim Asaikkappal Poobalan alleges that the attack was organised and carried out by the supporters of Mullaithivu district UPFA candidate Adasivam Kanagaratnam. The victim alleges that since he is a polling agent of ITAK this incident may have taken place. TNA supporter Mr. Rathis has informed a CMEV monitor that he was threatened by Rathnaraja from Amapuram, K.Krishnakumar from Vannivilangkulam and Brindha from Kolavilangkulam all supporters of Mullaithivu district UPFA candidate Adasivam Kanagaratnam. Due to these threats victim Adaikkappal Poobalan alleges that the attack was organised and carried out by the supporters of Mullaithivu district UPFA candidate Adasivam Kanagaratnam.

alleged that the group harassing the voters was under the influence of alcohol.

and assaulted his brother. Later, Father Dhavaraj had questioned the police as to why they assaulted the brother and then the police had

Illavai, No 21, Illavai Meihandan Maha Vidyalaya polling station, Jaffna District, Kankesanthurai Electorate It was reported to a CMEV monitor that between 10.30 am and 12.30pm, army officers in civil attire and newly recruited Samurdhi officers were engaged in canvassing in Kankesanthuri close to polling station 21 in Illavalai, requesting voters to cast their vote for Jaffna District UPFA candidate Mr. Angajan Ramanadan contesting under No 1.

apologised. A police complaint was not made.

No.29, Jaffna Siruppidy Government Tamil Mixed School Polling Station, Jaffna District, Kopay Electorate At around 7.00 am, CMEV monitors observed that there was one ballot box in the polling station, which did not have three stickers that are supposed to be pasted on every ballot box. As of 2.45 pm there was still no sticker on the ballot box

Near Al- Aksa Maha Vidyalayam, No 14, V/Al- Aksa Maha Vidyalayam Chalambaikulam polling station, Vavuniya, District, Vavuniya electorate. As reported by a CMEV monitor, at 12.15 pm some voters have been transported in a van bearing the registration number 58-7007, which displayed the posters of UPFA candidate Muttu Mohamed (Candidate number 03). DR. P. Saravanamuttu Co Convenor Mr.Sunil Jayasekara Co-Convenor Mr. Udaya Kalupathirana CoConvenor

No. 47 Mn/Arippu Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School polling station, Mannar District, Mannar Electorate Father Dhavaraj had gone to cast his vote at the Mn/Arippu R.C.T.M.S polling station. Since the polling station was overcrowded, a number of voters, including Father Dhavaraj had gathered in a house close to the polling station. The ASP and OIC of Silaavathurai Police came to the house where the voters gathered, suspecting that there was election canvassing going on in the building. The Police questioned the gathering as to why they are not casting the vote. The latter had argued with the police and a police officer pushed Father Dhavaraj Page 49

Election Day Incidents Summary ______________________________________________________________________________















J/St. James Boys School, Main Street, Jaffna.(Hall No.01), PS No. 05 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 8 voters were unable to vote as they failed to submit valid identification documents including National Identity Cards. J/Colombuthurai St. Joseph Vidyalaya (Hall No.01), PS No.24 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, between 80-90 voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. J/Thampaddi Government Tamil Mix School, PS No. 42CMEV monitors received complaints from villagers in Thampaddi at around 10.05 am that the Pradeshya Saba Chairman Daniel Rexian (Rajip) who had come to the village together with a group of people (who were not from the village) had threatened the public near the polling station.

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J/Valanai Central College Polling Station, PS No.26 - as reported by the CMEV monitor in the area at around 12.25pm, a Police Officer (Piyasena, Police No 17171) attached to this polling center reportedly exerted undue influence on the Senior Preceding Officer (SPO) and others on duty. Point-Pedro 35054 43 35 05 J/Chempiyanpattu Government Tamil Mixed School, PS No. 36 - As reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 7 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. J/Uduthurai Maha Vidyalayam (Hall No.01), PS No-39 - As reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 25 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents J/Maruthankerny Hindu Tamil Mixed School, PS No.38 - As reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 09 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. J/Alvai Sinnathampy Vidyalaya, (Hall No. 02), PS No. 09 supporters of Jaffna District UPFA candidate Agiladas Sivakolundu (Candidate No.2) were campaigning for the UPFA. J/Maruthankeny Hindu Tamil Mixed School, Maruthankerny PS No.38 - at 11.00 am, as informed by P. Sanjeevan, the Chairman of the Point Pedro Pradeshiya Sabha, supporters of the EPDP were blocking access to the polling station, and campaigning for the UPFA whilst polling had commenced. The EPDP/UPFA supporters blocked the path leading to the polling station on both sides and threatened the people. Police on duty at this polling station did not taken any measures to bring this situation under control. Voters alleged that the group harassing the voters was under the influence of alcohol.

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J/Vaddukoddai Central Primary School, PS no. 27- As reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 16 voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. J/Karainagar Sundramoorthy Nayanar Vidyalaya, (Hall No 02), PS No. 13 - As reported by the CMEV monitor, many of the voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. J/Karainagar Yarlton College.(Hall No. 01) PS No 4, Karainagar Yarlton College(Junior Division),(Hall No.02), PS No.5, Karainagara Yarlton College. (Hall No.02)PS No. 6 Members of the public in Karainagar alleged that from 7.15am onwards, in areas close to polling station No.4 of J/ Karainagar Yarlton College (Hall no. 1) ; No.5 of J/ Karainagar Yarlton College (Junior Division Hall No.2 ) ; No.6 of J/ Karainagar Yarlton College (Hall No.2) and Polling Station No.7 of J/Karainagar Yarlton College (Hall No.3) in the Jaffna District, men in sarongs whom they suspected to be Military Intelligence, were preventing the public from entering the polling stations. J/Karaveddy Gnanasariyar College. (Hall No.02), PS No. 40 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 15 voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. J/Karaveddy Manickavasagar Vidyalya, PS No. 51 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 02 voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. J/Kottawattai American Mission Tamil Mixed School, PS No.27 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 08 voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents.






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J/Thondamanaru Veerakaththipillai Maha Vidyalaya(Hall No.01),PS No. 13 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 03 voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. J/Kapputhu Egampara Vidyalaya, PS No. 05 - as reported by the CMEV monitor a voter was unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. J/Kamparmalai Vidyalayam, PS No.10 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 12 voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. J/Nelliyadi Madhya Maha Vidyalaya. (Hall No.01), PS No. 37 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 07 voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents Valvai Mahalir Maha vidyalaya Hall No 1, J/Valvai Sivakuru Vidyalaya Hall No. 1 and 2, Valvai American Mission Tamil School- PS No.15, 16, 17, 18 polling station as reported by CMEV monitors, TNA supporters had given arrack and cigarettes to voters who came to the above mentioned polling stations and requested them to vote for the TNA. J/Uduppiddy Girls College, (Hall No 01), PS No. 07 - as reported by the CMEV monitors, around 2.15pm outside of the Polling Station, unidentified persons took the polling cards of 2 women who had come to vote. However the SPO has taken necessary measures and the public was able to vote. Chavakachcheri 49479 51 40 03 J/Meesalai Vigneswara Vidyalaya, PS No. 11 - as reported by the monitor, more than 07 voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. J/Meesalai Veerasingam Central College, (Hall No. 01), PS No. 12 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 03 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents.

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J/Kaithady Muthukumarasamy vidyalaya,(Hall No.02), PS No.03 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 25 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. J/Ramanathan College, Maruthanarmadam, (Hall No.01), PS No.25 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 05 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. J/Uduvil Girls College. (Hall No.01), PS No.33 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 21 voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. J/Suthumalai South Sinmaya Barathi Senior Vidyalaya, (Hall No.01), PS No. 02 - as reported by CMEV monitor, around 1.00pm, UPFA supporters were intimidating voters and urged voters to vote for Mr. Naganathi Ponnambalam (candidate No. 16). Due to this incident a voter was unable to cast his vote. J/Anaikoddai Balasubramaniya Vidyalaya(Hall No.1) PS No. 07 - few people came to vote with identity cards that did not belong to them. Offocials did not allow them to vote.





J/Erlalai Saiva Mahajana Vidyalaya, PS No. 57 - as reported by CMEV monitors, military personnel in civil clothes were seen n the vicinity of the polling station. J/Nallur Station Church of Ceylon Tamil Mixed School.(Hall No.02),PS No. 36 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 12 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. J/Periyapulam Maha Vidyalaya.(Hall No.03), PS No.49 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 05 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents.

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J/Kokuvil West Church of Ceylon Tamil Mixed School(Hall No.01), PS No. 16 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 02 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. Kopai 53616 60 34 03 J/Urumpirai Chandrodhaya Vidyalaya. (Hall No. 02), PS No. 46 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 02 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. J/Siruppidy Government Tamil Mixed School Polling Station, PS No. 29 - as reported by the CMEV mobile monitor, a group of people took the polling cards of 2 voters while 2 police officers were standing near the main gate. Though people complained about the incident, police officers did not act. J/Siruppidy Government Tamil Mixed School Polling Station, PS No. 29 - at around 7.00 am, CMEV monitors observed that there was one ballot box in the polling station, which did not have the three required stickers pasted on them. When monitored at 2.45 pm there was still no sticker on the ballot box. J/Mathagal Vickneswara Vidyalaya. (Hall No.01), PS No. 02 - as reported by the CMEV station monitor, more than 15 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. J/ Alaveddy American Mission Tamil Mixed School, PS No. 16 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, nearly 50 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. J/ Madagal St. Josephs Roman Catholic School, PS No. 01 Supporters of N.V. Subramanium, TNA Candidate ( No. 16) were returning to their homes after voting. The army had checked them. One supporter was assaulted and his mobile phone taken.
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J/Illavalai Meihandan Maha Vidyala (Hall No. 02), PS No. 21 - A group of youth were standing near the PS with polling cards for a long time period of time. J/Illavai Meihandan Maha Vidyalaya polling station, PS No. 21 - It was reported to a CMEV monitor that between 10.30 am and 12.30pm, army officers in civil attire and newly recruited Samurdhi officers were engaged in canvassing for Jaffna District UPFA candidate Mr. Angajan Ramanadan in Kankesanthurai, close to polling stations.











K/St.Theresa Ladies College, Kilinochchi, PS No. 31 - as reported by CMEV monitor, more than 07 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. K/Akkarayankulam Maha Vidyalaya, PS No.05 - as reported by the CMEV mobile monitor, a voter was unable to vote due to his name not being on the electoral list. K/Shanthipuram polling station, PS No. 04 - as reported by CMEV monitor, supporters of Geethangali Naguleshwaran, UPFA (Candidate No. 04) were campaigning on her behalf. K/ St. Theresa Ladies College, Kilinochchi, PS No. 31 - as reported by CMEV monitor around 10.30 am, members attached to Independent Group no. 2, had asked their supporters to vote UPFA. V/Ganeshapuram Vinayagar Vidyalayam Hall No. 02, PS. No.51 - as reported by CMEV monitor, more than 20 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. V/Sinnappoovarasankulam Government School, PS No. 09 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, at around 10.40am one voter was hurt in the eye by a piece of iron in an incident of police misfiring.

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V/Sampathnuwara School, PS No.07 - as reported by CMEV monitor, a tractor (bearing no.H.G.9195) belonging to the Medavachchiya Pradeshiya Sabha transported voters to the polling station. V/Sinnasippikulam Muslim Vidyalayam, PS No. 79 - as reported by CMEV monitor, supporters of UPFA candidates were distributing promotional materials among voters near the gate of the polling station. V/Empowerment complex, Hall No. 01, Thekkawatta, PS No. 35 - though majority of voters were Tamil there were insufficient Tamil speaking officials in the polling stations. Due to this, some of the voters faced difficulties in casting their ballot. V/Maradammaduwa G.S.M. School, PS No. 72- as reported by the CMEV monitor, a voter was unable to vote because of a lack of valid identification documents. V/Sinnapoovarasankulam G. T. M. School polling station, PS No.09 - at 9.04 am, two persons came to the polling station on a motorcycle bearing the number NP HS 7187 and remained there for some time. A group of youth at the polling station reported to the CMEV monitor that the two persons were military personnel and that they had therefore turned back without voting. The youth claimed that the two men had been there for over two hours and that many voters had come to the polling station but had turned back without voting due to this reason. V/Thavasiyakulam Government School, PS No. 54 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, between 12.50 pm 3.10pm, 20 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. V/Sinnnasippikulam Tharul Ulum Muslim Vidyalayam, PS NO.79 - as reported by CMEV monitor, more than 13 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents.

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V/Muslim Maha Vidyalaya (Hall no. 02), PS No.40 - as reported by CMEV monitor, the betel leaf symbol was drawn outside the polling station. V/Al- Aksa Maha Vidyalayam polling station, PS No 14 - as reported by a CMEV monitor, at 12.15 pm some voters were transported in a van bearing the registration number 58-7007, which displayed the posters of UPFA candidate Muttu Mohamed (Candidate number 03). V/Ganeshapuram Vinayagar Vidyalayam, (Hall No. 01), PS No. 50 - as reported by CMEV monitor, more than 03 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents.






Mn/St. Lucias Maha Vidyalaya. Hall No. 02, Pallimunai, PS No. 27 - as reported by CMEV monitor, a voter was unable to vote as he/she did not have valid identification documents. Mn/St. Mary Girls School Polling Station, PS No. 06 a group of people were engaging with the election campaign near the polling station Mn/St.Xaviers Girls College Polling Station (Hall No. 01), PS No. 18 - at 9.20 am a cmev monitor observed that about 22m away from the polling station around hundred or more people were gathered and about 15 motor cycles and a few other vehicles were parked around the area. At a house 200 m away from the polling station a person was seated at a desk and was engaged in what seemed like preparation of a list.

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Mn/Arippu Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School, Arippu, PS No. 47 - as reported by CMEV mobile monitor, a group of people gathered near the polling stations and obstructed voter access. Mn/Sooriyakaddaikadu Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School, Nanattan, PS No.41 - a group of 15 -20 voters entered the polling station without valid identification documents. SPO intervened and sent them back. Mn/Nochchikulam Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School, Uylankulam, PS No. 29 - as reported by CMEV monitor, more than 03 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. Mn/Kokkupaddayam polling station, PS No. 50 - as reported by CMEV monitor, a supporter of Abdul Salam Mohomad Hilmy, candidate of TNA (candidate no.01), contesting NPC representing Our Nation Party , was allegedly assaulted by a supporter of Minister Rishard Badurdeen near the gate of this polling station at around 10.30am. The victim has lodged a complaint (CIB-104-84) with the Silavathura Police at around 11.05am. Mn/ Murunkan Maha Vidyalaya, Hall No. 02, Murunkan, PS No.36 - as reported by CMEV station monitor, more than 05 voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents.

Mn/Pandaraveli Government Muslim Mixed School, Silavathurai, PS No. 48 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, at around 8.20am -8.50, PE 6663 dolphin van, a car bearing no. KR 9836, HB 6315, a three wheel AAJ 9308, QQ 8684 three wheel, A Dimo Batta PT3395, were seen transporting voters to the polling stations.

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Mn/Eluthoor Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School, Hall No. 01, PS No. 12 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 40 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. Mn/Andankulam Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School, PS No. 67 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 12 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. Mn/Thullukudiruppu Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School, Pesalai, PS No. 04 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 06 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. Mn/Al-Mina Maha Vidyalaya, Tharapuram, PS No. 10 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 15 voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. Mn/ St. Annes Madya Maha Vidyalaya, (Hall No. 03), Vankalai, PS No.44 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 02 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. Mn/Marichchukaddy Govt. Muslim Mixed School, Marichchukaddy, PS No. 52 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 14 voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. Mn/St.Annes Madya Maha Vidyalaya, (Hall No. 02), PS No. 43 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, a voter was unable to cast his/her vote as he/she did not have valid identification documents.

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Mn/Karisal Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School polling Station, PS No. 08 - as reported by the CMEV monitor in the area, from 6.25 am, near the Karisal Mosque, which is located close to the polling station, a group of UPFA supporters distributed beef and other food provisions to the people in the area. At the same time an announcement was broadcast emphasizing the importance of voting for the Betel Leaf (UPFA symbol).

Mn/Pudukudiirippu Government Muslim Mixed School polling station, PS No. 09 - as reported by the CMEV monitor in the area, from 6.00 am, UPFA supporters distributed dry food provisions in Pudukudiirippu among people who were supposed to go to the Mannar Pudukudiirippu Government Muslim Mixed School polling station to cast their vote. Whilst distributing was going on, supporters of UPFA were requested to vote for the Betel Leaf (UPFA symbol). Mn/ Mavilankeny R.C.T.M.S Murungan polling station, PS No. 33 - CMEV monitors observed a van bearing registration number 56-3493 transporting voters to polling station No. 33 Mv/ Mavilankeny R.C.T.M.S Murungan. The van was plastered with campaign posters of Mr. Abbas Abdul Rifkan - UPFA (Candidate No 4) from the Mannar District.

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Mn/Arippu R.C.T.M.S. Arippu polling station, PS No. 47 at 8.10 am, a group of about 50 people was gathered around the Arippu R.C.T.M.S. Arippu school gate. CMEV monitors observed a police team arriving at the polling station and dispersed the crowd. CMEV field monitor observed that TNA posters stating Preference of Tamil will be TNA was displayed at the Arippu sub post office. Posters that read Wake up Tamils were also pasted on walls close to the polling station. CMEV monitor also observed TNA posters of Candidate No. 5 , Mr. Christhothram Vimalasegaram, and Candidate No.1, Mr. Anthony Soosairatnam Premouse Siraiva pasted on a partition wall next to the post office. Mn/Arippu Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School polling station, PS No. 47 - as reported to CMEV at around 9.30am, Fr. Dhavaraj went to vote at the Mn/Arippu R.C.T.M.S polling station. Since the polling station was overcrowded, a number of voters, including Father Dhavaraj had gathered in a house close to the polling station. The ASP and OIC of Silaavathurai Police came to the house where the voters gathered, suspecting that there was election canvassing going on in the building. The Police questioned the gathering as to why they had not voted. An argument took place, the police and the people and a police officer pushed Father Dhavaraj and assaulted his brother. Later, Father Dhavaraj questioned the police as to why they assaulted the brother and the police had apologized. A police complaint was not made.






Mu/Vinayagapuram Govt. Tamil Mixed School, PS No.05 as reported by CMEV monitor, more than 16 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents.

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Mu/Nadakandal Government Tamil Mixed School, PS No. 04 - as one voter has been impersonated by another person, original voter lost his right to vote Mu/Amballaperumal Kulam Govt. Tamil Mixed School, PS No. 10 - as reported by CMEV monitor, more than 07 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. Mu/Pudukudirippu Central College, (Hall No.2), PS No.14 as reported by the CMEV mobile monitor at around 3.40 pm, supporters of TNA candidate Kandiah Sivanesan were distributing cards with his name. Mu/Yogapuram Maha Vidyalayam PS No.09 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 15 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. Mu/Kokkilai Government Tamil Mixed School, PS No. 29 as reported by the CMEV monitor, the SPO of the polling station did not allow the CMEV monitors into polling centres till 9 am. Mu/Thunukkai Government Tamil Mixed School, PS No. 06 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 11 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. Mu/Vallipunam Secondary High School, (Hall No. 02), PS No.15 - as reported to CMEV, around 10.30 am a group of 15 people canvassed on behalf of the TNA. Mu/Kumulamunai Maha Vidyalaya, PS No.50 - as observed by CMEV monitors, leaflets of Sivalingam Sathish Kumar, candidate of UPFA (candidate No 03) - Athasivam Kanakaratnam of UPFA, (candidate no. 03) and Kandiah Sivanesan of TNA (candidate no.01) seen scattered around the polling station including near the main gate of the polling station.

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Mu/Uylankulam Govt. Tamil Mixed School, PS No. 07- as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 17 voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. Mu/Mankulam Maha Vidyalayam, PS No.25 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 34 voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. Mu/Karippadamurippu Govt. Tamil Mixed School, PS No. 23 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 09 voters were unable to cast their vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. Mu/Olumadu Tamil Vidyalayam, PS No.24 - as reported by the CMEV station monitor, more than 07 voters were unable to cast their vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. Mu/Kokkuthoduvai Government Tamil Mixed School, PS No. 30 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 18 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. Mu/Kokkilai Government Tamil Mixed School, PS No. 29 as reported by CMEV station monitor, more than 21 voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. Mu/Thaneerootu Hindu Board Tamil Mixed School, PS No. 49 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 02 voters were unable to vote as they did not have valid identification documents. Mu/Mulliyawalai Tamil Vidyalayam, PS No. 44 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 11 voter were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. Mu/Mullivaikkal East Tamil Mixed Tamil School, PS No. 39 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 13 voters were unable to cast their vote as they did not have valid identification documents.

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Mu/Mullaitivu Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed Vidyalayam, PS No. 37 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 17 voters were unable to cast their vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. Mu/Kanukkerny Rural Development Society Hall, PS No. 48 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, more than 06 voters were unable to vote, as they did not have valid identification documents. Mu/Udayarkaddu Maha Vidyalayam polling station, PS No. 16 - a CMEV monitor reported two vehicles (Jaguar bearing registration number 301-2996 and Hi-ace van bearing registration number 59-1143) marked with stickers bearing the number 8 were parked directly in front of polling station. Supporters of Mullaitivu district UPFA candidate Sriskandaraja Arul Jenipod contesting under No.8 were openly distributing cards marked (X) against number 8. This incident took place in the presence of the Police around 11.00 am. Mu/Mallavi Central College Polling Station, PS No.08 - as reported by the CMEV monitor, at 11.05am inmates of Rehabilitation Centres, suspected former LTTE combatants, gathered around the Mallavi Central College and engaged in canvassing and requesting voters to vote for UPFA. Mu/KiriIbban Vewa Vidyalayam polling station, PS No.31 at 9.20am a CMEV monitor observed a van bearing the registration number 56-0694 transporting people to the polling station Mu/Thaneerootu Hindu Board Tamil Mixed School, PS No. 49 - as reported by CMEV monitor, a person who entered to the polling station engaged in small scale impersonation.

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Mu/Nadakandal Government Tamil Mixed school polling station, PS No.04 - CMEV Monitor reported that 2 private buses appeared to be operating between a 3km distance from Nadakandal Government Tamil Mixed School. The CMEV monitor observed that no buses had arrived at the polling station from Moontrumpurippu (10km away) transporting voters as promised by Election Commissioner. Hence very few voters cast their ballot as there was no bus service available.

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Ambaalpuram Government Tamil Mixed School polling station, PS No. 01 - The house of ITAKs polling agent Adaikkappal Poobalan and his wife Poobalan Indra, a PAFFREL day observer attached to the Natangal polling station, was burnt down completely between 2.30- 3.00pm. Their house is located in Pali Nagar, 5 km away from the Ambalpuram Government Tamil Mixed School polling station in Mullaitivu. This incident had taken place while they were both away from home. Their three children aged 8, 13 and 14 respectively, were also away from the house during the time of the incident. The victim Asaikkappal Poobalan alleges that the attack was organised and carried out by the supporters of Mullaithivu district UPFA candidate Adasivam Kanagaratnam. The victim alleges that since Poobalan is a polling agent of ITAK this may have caused the incident. TNA supporter Mr. Rathis informed a CMEV monitor that he was threatened by Rathnaraja from Amapuram, K.Krishnakumar from Vannivilangkulam and Brindha from Kolavilangkulam all supporters of Mullaithivu district UPFA candidate Adasivam Kanagaratnam. Due to these threats, victim Adaikkappal Poobalan alleges that the attack was organised and carried out by the supporters of Mullaithivu district UPFA candidate Adasivam Kanagaratnam.






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0% Major Incidents 34%

Minor Incidents 66%

Figure 10

Total Number of Incidents-Alleged Perpetrators by Party (101)


Complaints Made by CMEV (96)

20% 6% 5%


Figure 11
Page 68

Figure 12


Number of Incidents



21 20

15 12 10

6 5 5 3 3 3 3 2 0 0 5 5

Electorate Figure 13
Page 69

Attempted Stuffing & Impersonation 6% Intimid. Presense 50% Election Official Related 17%

Voter Related 3% Seizing Polling Cards 3%

Small Scale Impersonation 3% Systematic Impersonation 3%

Misuse of State Resources 3%

Figure 14
Assault 9% Arson 3%

Page 70

A Comparison of Voter Turnout of Recent three Elections _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Electorate 2013 P.C Election Total No of Total Polled (%) Votes 21,548 54,195 61,196 51,722 53,616 37,926 35,054 49,479 42,466 28,610 435,812 68,600 75,737 94,644 53,683 923,212 14,604 (67.77%) 30,257 (66.95%) 26,021 (42.52%) 35,116 (67.89%) 34,606 (64.54%) 23,266 (61.35%) 22,482 (64.14%) 29,793 (60.21%) 28,424 (66.93%) 20,303 (70.96%) 264,872 (60.77%) 49,265 (71.81%) 54,346 (71.76%) 65,410 (69.11%) 38,002 (70.79%) 350,216 (51.11%) 2010 General Election Total No of Total Polled (%) Votes 53,111 63,991 69,082 71,114 65,798 56,426 48,613 65,141 72,558 64,714 630,548 90,811 85,332 112,924 68,729 988,344 10,273 (19.34%) 17,236 (26.94%) 13,170 (19.06%) 18,918 (26.60%) 17,705 (26.91%) 11,832 (20.97%) 11,112 (22.86%) 16,656 (25.57%) 15,091 (20.80%) 11,200 (17.31%) 143,193 (22.70%) 11,019 (12.13%) 30,359 (35.58%) 48,646 (43.08%) 11,362 (16.53%) 244,579 (24.7%) 2010 Presidential Election Total No of Total Polled (%) Votes 53,111 63,991 69,082 71,114 65,798 56,426 48,613 65,141 72,558 64,714 630,548 90,811 85,322 112,924 68,729 988,344 10,321 (19.43%) 19,436 (30.37%) 14,933 (21.62%) 22,475 (31.60%) 21,133 (32.12%) 13,955 (24.73%) 12,828 (26.39%) 19,450 (29.86%) 16,948 (23.36%) 12,414 (19.18%) 163,893 (25.99%) 6,566 (7.23%) 29,172 (34.19%) 49,498 (43.83%) 9,625 (14.00%) 258754(26.18%)

Kayts Vaddukkoddai Kankasanthurai Manipay Kopay Uduppiddy Point-Pedro Chavakachchery Nallur Jaffna Sub Total Killinochchi Mannar Vavuniya Mullaitive Grand Total

Page 71

Profile of Voter Turnout of Recent Elections

80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00%

30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00%




2013 Provincial Council Election - 2010 General Election - 2010 Presidential election

Page 72

Media Coverage of CMEV _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Tamils dominate vote in Sri Lanka PC polls U.N. calls on Sri Lanka to begin credible inquiry into alleged war crimes and ongoing abuses Northern Provincial Council Elections- September 2013 Election Violence Update: CMEV maps 32 incidents of election violence Sri Lanka : Polarized Mandate Election Violence Update: CMEV maps 32 incidents of election violence Some of the incidents, as reported by the Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) 35% voter turnout recorded in Sri Lanka provincial council elections

Page 73 CMEV predicts low voter turnout in North A crucial election SriLanka PC elections: CMEV reports more violence and intimidation against TNA House of TNA politician in Kaarainakar stoned Sri Lanka election watchdogs condemn attack on TNA candidate's house and election monitors Northern Provincial Council Election 2013: Mullaitivu District Situation Report By CMEV Canadian Tamil Congress calls for free and fair Northern Provincial elections in Sri Lanka The Attackers Of The TNA Karainagar Pradeshiya Sabha Chairman Identified As Army Intelligence Officers

Page 74

Foreign Election observers left for North

Foreign Election observers arrived in Sri Lanka to leave for North

Monitors say election related violence is rising Northern Province Election Violence: CMEV Update Northern Province Election Violence: CMEV Update Over 5,000 polls monitors

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