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DAILY LESSON PLAN (Rancangan Pengajaran Harian)

Date Time Year /Class Number of students Subject Topic Learning Area Pre-requisite knowledge : 27 July 2010 : 11.30 am 12.30 am :3C : 20 : Mathematics : Fractions : Introduction To Fractions : Pupils already know:i. Fractions based in their experience in daily life. Thinking skills Integration Moral Value Learning objectives Learning outcomes : Recognise, analysis, generation idea : Communication in English : Cooperation, hardworking : Pupils will be taught to : : Pupils will be able to :i. Recognise one whole, one half, one quarter and three quarters. ii. Say fractions parts, one whole, one half, one quarter and three quarters context. iii. Read fractions, parts, one whole, one half, one quarter and three quarters in context. iv. To shaded the region based on the fractions given in exercise sheet. v. 95 % of pupils can do the Exercise Sheet by following teacher instruction.
Comment [w8]: Behavior Comment [w9]: Behavior Comment [w10]: Behavior Comment [w11]: Criteria / condition Comment [w12]: Degree Comment [w6]: To inject the moral value during the group activity Comment [w4]: Konsep pecahan diperkenalkan kepada pelajar buat kali pertama Comment [w5]: Membahagikan kek semasa hari jadi Comment [w3]: Jumlah pelajar dibahagikan kepada 4 kumpulan dalam group aktiviti. Setiap kumpulan 5 orang. Comment [w1]: Tarikh melaksanakan P & P Comment [w2]: Jumlah masa satu jam dalam P & P ini

2.1.1. Understand and use the vocabulary related to fractions.

Comment [w7]: Audience

STAGES Set Induction (5 minutes)



REMARKS Thinking skills :Recognise & analysis

Comment [w13]: M3-Classroom-Student centered Comment [w14]: M3-Classroom-Teacher centered Comment [w15]: M3-Classroom-student centered

-Introduce what is fractions 1. Pictures of cake in PowerPoint to be shown. -Introduce one whole Pupils required to sing a happy birthday song. -Pupils are asked : 1. How to cut the cake & share with 2 students ? 2. How to cut the cake & share with 4 students ? Introduce to one whole cake

Materials: PowerPoint LCD projector Laptop

2. One of the pupils required to draw the cake on the white board and show how to cut it. 3. The methods shown in PowerPoint:

Development Stage 1 (15 minutes)

Recognise, say and read fractions parts, one half, one quarter and three quarters

1. Introduces the fractions to students: One half = and quarter = A fraction = a part of a whole

Thinking skills :Recognise & analysis

Comment [w16]: M3- Classroom-teacher centered

Materials: PowerPoint LCD projector

2. Pupils are explained to and and how to name the fractions (numerator & denominator).


3. Repeat the activity above by showing picture of cake with : Three quarter = 4. Other example chocolate bar with fractions , , ,1 and to say and name it. Exploration Stage 2 (20 minutes) Recognise, say and read fractions parts, one half, one quarter and three quarters Pupils are divided into 4 groups. 1. Each group was given an envelope. Each envelope consists of 4 pieces of picture of fractions. 2. A colour paper with the catagory , , and 1 was given to each group. 3. The pupils are required to match and paste the pictures of fractions to the colour paper. Application Stage 3 (15 minutes) Evaluation 1. Exercise sheet (shade the region) distributes to every pupils and to complete it in the class. 2. Pupils answer the interactive questions in PowerPoint-VBA on fractions. 3. The answers are discussed with pupils in classroom. Thinking skills:Recognize & analysis Materials: PowerPoint presentation Exercise Sheet 1
Comment [w20]: M3-Classroom-Student centered- VBA interactive questions

Thinking skills:Recognize & analysis

Comment [w17]: M3-Class Room-Tasking centered. Nilai bekerjasama dalam pembelajaran konsep pecahan

Materials: Envelope Colour paper pictures of fractions

Comment [w18]: Kaedah pengukuhan supaya semua pelajar dapat menguasai konsep pecahan yang asas ini Comment [w19]: M3-Classroom student centered. Penilaian untuk memastikan sama ada semua pelajar menguasai topic ini. Refleksi pelajar dalam P & P tersebut

Closure (5 minutes)

Summary & Review Pupils are asked : 1. What they have learned in today lesson ? 2. Are they feeling happy in today lesson?

1. Review the concept of fractions in text book to enhance the idea of fractions to pupils . 2. A Video Clip Introduction To Fractions for pupils to review as a summary of what they have learned today.

Materials: PowerPoint LCD projector Laptop

Comment [w23]: M3-Classroom-Student centered Comment [w24]: M3-Class Room-Student centered Comment [w21]: Aspek kognitif

Comment [w22]: Aspek sosial

Exercise Sheet
Name : ___________________________ Date :___________________ Class : ____________________________

Shade the region of the biscuit base on the fraction values.

One Quarter :

One Half :

Three Quarters :

One Whole : 1

Introduction To Fractions-Year 3
Match and paste the pictures given according to the fractions values. GROUP:
Paste The Picture Here Paste The Picture Here

Students Name: 1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. __________________ 4. __________________ 5. __________________

Paste The Picture Here

Paste The Picture Here

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