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Camdyn Dunn Keeps Fighting; Her Army of Supporters Keeps Helping - Branford, CT Patch

10/1/13 11:56 AM

Editor Jenn McCulloch





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Camdyn Dunn Keeps Fighting; Her Army of Supporters Keeps Helping

Baskets for Camdyn Dunn will be on sale until Thursday night.
By Nicole Ball Email the author April 7, 2011







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Today is a big day for eight-year-old Camdyn Dunn; a fundraiser to support her in a battle against stage four anaplastic large cell lymphoma will take place as well as potentially her last treatment of chemotherapy. This morning from Yale-New Haven Childrens Hospital, Rachel Dunn, mom of Camdyn, shared that her tiny fighter was finally taking a nap after having been up all night something she has grown accustomed to since her chemo treatments began in mid December. Tomorrow could be the last dose of chemo Camdyn takes since the process began (in total, she has gone through six rounds of chemo). A weary but supportive mom, Rachel commented that she was very grateful for the upcoming fundraiser a basket sale and the several pervious fundraisers that have helped her to make ends meets since caring for Camdyn became her fulltime job. As a single parent, Rachel had to quit her job, leaving her financial situation shaky. A pasta dinner to support Camdyn was a great success back in February and last week, proceeds from dinners purchased at Elis on the Hill went to support Camdyn. This time, the fundraising was part creative and part competitive, shares organizer Christine Baughman who has two daughters at John B. Sliney School school who are friends with Camdyn. For the past three weeks, every grade at Sliney has been preparing themed baskets to raffle off at the elementary school talent show tomorrow night held at Francis Walsh Intermediate School. There are 22 baskets filled to the brim waiting for good homes and more than 1,200, $1 tickets sold to hopeful winners. You can purchase raffle tickets for a basket at Sliney in the morning or at the talent show at WIS from 6 to 7 p.m. (the raffle will be pulled at intermission, 8 p.m.). Baughman shared that the two male second grade teachers, Peter Frye and Eric Jacobson competed to make the best sports themed baskets. Other baskskets feature a coffee theme, a pizza theme and one is even stuffed with a Kindle. Baughman said she had hoped that each grade would work together with teachers and room mothers organizing the creation of one basket per grade; now, just days before the raffle, there are one to two baskets per classroom. Page 1 of 4

Camdyn Dunn Keeps Fighting; Her Army of Supporters Keeps Helping - Branford, CT Patch

10/1/13 11:56 AM

Baughman who is a nurse by day and a PTA mom by choice, said of her idea to have the kids participate, I think its really important to get the kids involved because they dont understand whats going on. The kids feel like they are helping her and making a difference. What Baughman may not know is just how much the students are helping Camdyn. Whispering this morning as to not wake Camdyn, Rachel said apart from her daughter struggling through chemo, spinal taps, blood and platelet transfusions and painful neupogen injections (that stimulates bone marrow to regenerate), Camdyn desperately misses her friends. Rachael said Camdyns weakened immune system keeps her from visiting with friends and family and the separation has gotten so hard that Camdyn finds it hard to even talk to people on the phone because she cries. When a rare chance makes itself available if there is no fear of someone bringing something as simple as a common cold to Camdyn she does get to see her friends and is elated. How does she find the strength to have those moments of happiness? Rachel contemplated. She absolutely amazes me. Camdyns levels will continue to be tested after the last chemo treatment is administered today. If she can go home, Camdyn will still have to be kept isolated from large groups of people so she doesnt fall victim to a bug or virus. Rachel said a month down the road, after multiple echocardiograms are done to monitor her heart, Camdyn will then undergo a PET scan to show if there is any cancer left in her body. Rachel said, if all goes well and the PET scan is clean, it will be the first time she will exhale in about six months. If Camdyns blood counts return to normal, with no transfusions or injections, she can begin to live life again as a normal child. Two years from now, if she continues to progress, Camdyn will be in remission. Fighting one day at a time, Rachel said, I wont get excited until I get that final test in my hand. Meanwhile, back at Sliney, several of Camdyns friends showed off their favorite baskets and posed for photos yesterday morning. When told that Camdyn will get to see the photos, several pairs of thumbs went up into the air and seven little smiles lit up the whole school. Email me updates about this story. Enter your email address
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Janis D'Andrea
7:05 am on Thursday, April 7, 2011

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Angels and God's Blessings to you Camdyn and wishes for a complete recovery.

Nancy Kendrick
8:03 am on Thursday, April 7, 2011

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Keeping our fingers crossed for Camdyn! Christine has done a wonderful job with the Basket fundraiser- they are beautiful!!! Great job to all that helped out!

tricia and steve robinson

6:54 am on Thursday, April 14, 2011

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Yeah for Camdyn!!!!!! We're all praying for you, and we're with you our "little friend." There's a spot at soccer waiting for you when your ready.. All the kids miss you.. Another great job Christine.. Your a great friend,so proud of all that you do for our community...

9:09 pm on Tuesday, January 31, 2012

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That is me

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Camdyn Dunn Keeps Fighting; Her Army of Supporters Keeps Helping - Branford, CT Patch

10/1/13 11:56 AM


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Camdyn Dunn Keeps Fighting; Her Army of Supporters Keeps Helping - Branford, CT Patch

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Caring for Camdyn - Branford, CT Patch

10/1/13 11:57 AM

Editor Jenn McCulloch





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Caring for Camdyn

The community came out full-force to support an eight-year-old girl battling cancer.
By Nicole Ball Email the author January 30, 2011






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Everything about last nights fundraiser for eight-year-old Camdyn Dunn, who was recently diagnosed with anaplastic large cell lymphoma, was beautiful. People came out in droves, swelling the Italian American Club to capacity. Over an hour into the event, people were still lining up at the door waiting to purchase $15 dinner tickets for the event and some just stopped by to donate and leave. Amidst pink and white balloons, princess dcor and piles of pink cupcakes Branfords Iron Order Motorcycle Club arrived clad in black leather jackets. The group said they saw the flyer for Dunns fundraiser at the Parthenon Diner and wanted to help. Placing a $100 bill in Adam Browns hand (husband of Kristine Brown, co-organizer of the event) Staples said, All bikers have a soft spot for kids. We hope she gets well and were doing our part to speed that along and make it possible. Rachel Dunn, Camdyns mom, arrived with eyes welling, grateful for her friends Kristine Brown and Meredith Esposito who put together the fundraiser in just three weeks. Browns daughter, Mikayla, 9, and Esposito's daughter Samantha, 8, attend John B. Sliney Elementary School with Camdyn. Both girls said they enjoyed going to the beach with Camdyn and were sorry that she had gotten sick. In between hugging supporters, Rachel explained that Camdyn was at Yale-New Haven Hospital as the party was going on, receiving her third of six chemotherapy treatments. One year ago, Rachel said Camdyn started to get sick. She knew there was something off and after bringing Camdyn to a dermatologist, a simple skin test determined that she had cancer. Since Dec. 9, she has been in the hospital receiving treatments, which caused Rachel to leave her job. The fundraiser will help offset the single mothers expenses. Though Rachel says Camdyn hates the treatments, her spunky daughter remains in good spirits. She is really funny, said Rachel recalling a few incidents during the past month of Camdyns treatments. The doctor came into her room and said, Well be out of your hair in a minute, recalls Rachel. Camdyn, said Rachel, pulled off her wig and said, I dont have hair.

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Caring for Camdyn - Branford, CT Patch

10/1/13 11:57 AM

Camdyn has taught Rachel how to not be so serious and though before her daughters illness she never would have done this, the blonde-haired pair had a mother-daughter snowball fight in the healing garden outside the hospital. Rachel said she looks at her challenge minute by minute. I dont think about tomorrow. Bobby Velardi coached Camdyn in youth soccer for the Branford Soccer Club in spring 2010 and called her, the cutest little girl on the team. A happy child and all around great kid, Velardi said, she was one of my favorites. His daughter Samantha Velardi, 9, who attends Mary T. Murphy Elementary School, played soccer with Camdyn and said her friend was always ready to jump into a game. She was never shy, always excited, and would always want to be in the game. Emily Murphy, 10, a student at Sliney, attended an after-school program with Camdyn and said she was sad to learn about her friend becoming sick. Murphy said she is fearful about cancer but interim Sliney Principal, Rich Gusenburg, who donned a tall chef hat and manned the pasta trays at the event, assured that students have been working with social workers regarding any health questions. Anytime a child is sick, said Gusenburg, it sets you back a bit. The co-organizers, who buzzed around the entire night serving people and tending to requests, estimate that more than 200 people were in attendance throughout the evening. The total funds raised, not including the many raffle donations and food provided by area restaurants and community members, will most likely total more than $3,000 check back for a final total. Holding her head high and trying to be tough in a very difficult situation, Rachel said, You think know what motherhood is about Im just here for the ride. Camdyn is teaching me so much. Email me updates about this story. Enter your email address
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Nicole Ball
10:44 am on Monday, January 31, 2011

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I have received several requests from people interested in donating. You can send checks to: "CAMDYNS FUND" AT P.O. BOX 775, BRANFORD, CT 06405.

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Caring for Camdyn - Branford, CT Patch

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Camdyn Versus Cancer [Video] - Branford, CT Patch

10/1/13 11:54 AM

Editor Jenn McCulloch





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Camdyn Versus Cancer [Video]

Eight-year-old Camdyn Dunn continues her battle against cancer and shares her weekly chemo treatments with readers.
By Nicole Ball Email the author July 21, 2011





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Eight-year-old Camdyn Dunn isnt mad about having cancer. Instead, as she swivels in a chair at Yale-New Haven Hospitals Smilow Cancer center, she says shes mad that she missed the ice cream truck at camp because she had to receive her weekly chemotherapy treatment. Since May, Camdyn has been receiving six ounces of a chemotherapy drug once a week to keep her cancer at bay. Her mom, Rachel, said as she sat on the doctors table next to her daughter, It used to be six days a week, 24 hours a day, seven different chemos and now its just one, which is such a relief. Camdyn was first diagnosed with stage four anaplastic large-cell lymphoma back in December 2010. Doctors treated Camdyn intensely and Rachel said they were hopeful that she would receive her last chemo treatment in April.

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Camdyn Versus Cancer [Video] - Branford, CT Patch

10/1/13 11:54 AM

Around Mothers Day, Rachel learned that Camdyns cancer had come back in the form of skin lesions. Through consultation with Camdyns doctor, Paul Jubinsky, Rachel learned that Camdyn is in a small percentage of lymphoma patients who can not be cured but who can survive if given regular chemotherapy treatments. Though the battle is not over yet Camdyn will mostly likely need a bone marrow transfusion in the future life is getting back to normal (ish) for the blonde-haired mother and daughter duo. Camdyn has gotten used to traveling to the hospital weekly and has gotten her routine down to a science. She's so familiar with the weekly visits that she tells the nurses when shes ready for treatment and she assists them with tasks to make the experience more manageable. Shes just so determined to be so independent, Rachel said. Karen Clarke, RN, said Camdyn is her only patient who flushes her own port herself. A port, shared Camdyn, is the place where her body is accessed to receive chemotherapy. When the chemo is done, Camdyn flushes her port with a saline solution, which burns and can be tasted in her mouth. I dont know whats tougher, stated Rachel, the cancer or Camdyn? When Camdyn was first diagnosed, Rachel said she was devastated. Its horrifying. You feel, not hopeless, but you realize there are things bigger than you. I realized that there is something bigger than me that I cant stop to protect her. Though Rachel has had to learn to let Camdyn be Camdyn and let things take their course, she said she still treats her daughter a lot like she did before the cancer. She still gets time outs, said Rachel, because shes a normal kid. How shes kept going, towing Camdyn around to treatments and trying to keep life as normal as she can anticipating Camdy's return to fourth grade at John B. Sliney School in September, Rachel said she just does it. If it were myself, I dont think I would have stood up for myself but for Camdyn Id go through fire for her. Shes my little best friend. If interested in helping, please send donations to "CAMDYNS FUND" AT P.O. BOX 775, BRANFORD, CT 06405. Email me updates about this story. Enter your email address
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Janis D'Andrea
10:41 am on Thursday, July 21, 2011

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Thank you Camdyn for sharing your story and reminding us all how precious life is.This mother and daughter team is an extrodinary example of love, devotion,understanding and hope. I will be praying for you and wish you all the best. Angels and Gods Blessings

Jenn McCulloch
12:21 pm on Thursday, July 21, 2011

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We're thinking of you Camdyn. Thanks for sharing your story with us!

5:10 pm on Thursday, July 21, 2011

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My sister has brain cancer and goes thru chemo... Not half as brave as this little angel, I live in your town of Branford if you anything even just to talk, PO box 918 Branford ct. 06405 is my address my prayers are with you both. Stay strong xox

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Camdyn Versus Cancer [Video] - Branford, CT Patch

10/1/13 11:54 AM

Andy Campbell
5:36 pm on Thursday, July 21, 2011

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Bless you, young lady. We've been thinking of you, and this story is good news for your many friends, who miss you, and inspirational to us parents, as well. You be well, and your Mom, too.

Michael Hayes
7:16 pm on Friday, July 22, 2011

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Wow, what a brave little girl. Best of luck in your fight Camdyn. Nicole, great job!

Steve Malloney
8:27 pm on Monday, July 25, 2011

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It never ceases to amaze me how children have the ability to fight and overcome such horrible things. I see it every day in my practice. Camdyn is an inspiration to all children inflicted with this terrible disease! If you need ANYTHING or just want to talk, please call me Rachel. Miss you. Steve M (843) 504-4807.

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