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It all started with dancing goats!

The legend has it that Ethiopian shepards first noticed the effects of caffeine when they saw their goats become playful and dance after eating coffee berries. In the ancient Arab culture there was only one way a woman could legally divorce: If her husband didn't provide enough coffee. Two thirds of the world drinks coffee. Over 60% of Americans drink aproximetly 3.5 cups of coffee a day. Why? Coffee causes health problems, adicttion and bad physical appearance.
1.Heart disease. 2. Cholesterol. Heavy drinking of boiled coffee increases levels of lipoprotein which is bad cholesterol. Unfiltered coffee contains two cholesterol-raising compounds cafestol and kahweol. In fact there

was a study on December 24th of 1996 by department of human nutrition, agricultural university bomenweg, the netherlands that showed that Chronic
consumers of unfiltered, boiled coffee have higher levels of lipoprotein than filter coffee drinkers. Lipoprotein is made by the liver. And the way they did that is that they had 150 healthy Norwegians 40-42 years of age, who consumed five or more cups of boiled coffee per day and they were compared with matched filter coffee consumers in a cross-sectional study, as part of the Norwegian National Health Screening in 1992. And the result that they got was that the lipoprotein level in the liver after drinking boiled coffee was twice more than one on filtered coffee.

3. Blood vessels. Coffee negatively affects the blood vessel tone and function. 4. Heart rhythm disturbances. Coffee can cause rapid or irregular heartbeats. 5. Blood pressure. 6. Osteoporosis. Heavy coffee consumption (600 ml or more) can modestly increase the risk of osteoporosis, especially in women with a low calcium intake. 7. Heartburn. A cup of coffee can trigger the heartburn.

8. Sleep. Most are aware of the stimulatory effects of caffeine. High amounts of caffeine taken before going to sleep can cause difficulty falling asleep tendency to be awakened by sudden noises, and a decreased quality of sleep. 9. Caffeine is actually wrecking your skin too. Caffeine prevents you from holding on to water, so your skin looks sort of prune-like. It can get dry and get washed out. It needs to stay hydrated and coffee dehydrates. We need about six to eight glasses of water per day, but if you're drinking a lot of lattes to get through the day, you'll need to drink even more water to keep your skin looking pretty.


"I'm a bear without my morning cup of joe," and similar phrases are an increasingly common today's busy world, it shows us that the world has a growing caffeine addiction.

Caffeine addiction is the most widespread drug addiction in America, and perhaps the world. Although often used to add flavor and taste to drinks, caffeine is also commonly consumed for its stimulant properties. There is an artical on forbes by David DiSalvo written on July 26 2012 called What does caffeine really do to our brain? and on of the comments on that article was by Tamara Canady and it goes like this I tried to quit coffee once and I cried for three days from the headaches, the light headedness, body aches and an ongoing nauseated feeling. I would imagine this is how someone would feel trying to kick heroin. It was hell. I just couldnt take it any longer and quit quitting. I dont have to be good at everything. Basiclly how caffeine works is that in your brain there is something called adenosine and it only wants to hang out with certain receptors. When these two get together, you get sleepy. When caffeine shows up, it attaches to the receptors so that adenosine cannot. Your pituitary gland which is is a small endocrine system organ that controls a multitude of important functions in the body sees this and thinks there is an emergency so it tells the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline. In addition caffeine bums up your dopamine levels. And the result of all of that is CAFFEINE HIGH. Also I have one more example of affects of caffeine to show you. As for apperience the caffeine in coffee can dry out your mouth by slowing saliva production, which can lead to bad breath. A lack of saliva causes bad breath for a couple of reasons. One is that saliva helps kill bacteria found in your mouth, and the other is that saliva helps you digest food particles caught in your teeth and other areas of your mouth. If there is no longer enough saliva in your mouth because of caffeine, then the bacteria that cause bad breath will grow out of control. And of course it makes our teeth yellow so if you don't want to look like you haven't brushed your teeth for a couple of years you should have limits in drinking coffee All in all eventhough coffee is the second most tradeed thing on Earth, oil is the first. Guess humanity has a thing for black drippy liquids maybe it doesn't deserve to be in that place because it can be really bad for you if you don't have limits like Teddy Roosevelt who was the greatest American coffee drinker, consuming a gallon a day. and besides you can always avoid being tired during school or work by drinking water, excersising, thinking about things you're interested in like food, xbox, channing tatum or just taking a great power nap during break.

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