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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region 1 Division of Pangasinan 1 Lingayen

Buenlag National High School

Buenlag Calasiao Pangasinan

Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. Somebody has to corroborate your evidence; otherwise, it will not stand as defense in court. What is the meaning of the underlined word? a. Witness b. confirm c. collaborate d .negate 2. There are many forms of transportation such as bus, car, train that can get you to school. What is the meaning of the underlined word? a. system for moving people or things b. toys c. animals d. times 3. The man was sent to a penitentiary, or prison, for stealing cars. What is the meaning of the underlined word? a. paradise b. prison c. hotels d. heaven 4. The events for the conference were listed in a chronological order. They began with the first event of the day and ended with closing ceremonies in the evening. What is the meaning of the underlined word? a. Out of order b. messed up c. broken d. in order 5. The lanky dog was not fat, even though he ate a lot. What is the meaning of the underlined word?. a. Skinny b. big c. Fat d. Furry 6. The young wrestler struggled to defeat his adversary who is the current Southeast Asian Games Champion. What is the meaning of the underlined word? a. Partner b. Partner c. Opponent d. Colleague 7. The stench of the old shoes was like the smell of garbage. What is the meaning of the underlined word? a. Freshness b. Stink c .Sweetness d. Fragrance 8. It includes the orally handed down stories, customs and beliefs of the whole group of people from generation to generation. a. Short story b. Novel c. Comedy d. Folklore 9. Refers to actions that will have occurred before another event or time in the future. a. Future perfect tense b. Past tense c. Simple present tense d. Past perfect tense 10. It is a graphic representation of a definition of a word. a. verbal analogy b. sequence c. word map d. word association 11. The member of the panel discussion that facilitates the discussion.

a. secretary b. audience c. leader d. moderator 12. The number of members in a panel discussion. a. five b. six c. four d. eight 13. The member of a panel discussion who takes down notes during the discussion. a. panel secretary b. moderator c. audience d. leader 14. The Author of white Heron. a. Robert frost b. Sarah Jewett c. Edgar Allan Poe d. Rachel Carson 15. The Author the poem Runaway. a. Robert Frost b. Katherine Mansfield c. Washington Irving d. Frances B. Watts. Braille is a special tactile form of printing used to enable blind people to read. It consists of a series of raised dots that a person can feel with the fingertips, and each letter of the alphabet is represented by one to six dots. The six dots form a rectangle if all are present, but most letters use only some of the dots. The letter A, for example, is one dot in the upper left corner of the rectangle. The Braille system was actually a by-product of the Napoleonic wars of the 19th century. Napoleon wanted to devise a code that could be read at night, and a soldier invented a system of raised dots. Napoleon rejected it as too complicated, but Louis Braille simplified it for use by the blind. It is still used today. 16. Napoleon was interested in Braille because a. He was blind. b. He wanted to help the blind. c. He couldn't read. d. He wanted a code that could be read at night. 17. The word tactile, as used in this passage, most nearly means a. A sharp object. b. Words on a printed page. c. Something that is sticky. d. Something that can be felt with the fingers. 18. How many raised dots are used to form each letter of the alphabet in Braille? a. Three b. Six c. From one to six d. None 19. What was Louis Braille's contribution to the invention of this reading system? a. He taught blind people how to read. b. He urged Napoleon to have it developed. c. He named it. d. He simplified someone else's complicated idea.
20. A bar code consists of a printed series of wide, vertical lines that represent a numerical code. The Universal Product Code (UPC) is the standard bar-code format that lists the manufacturers identification number and a product identification number. An optical scanner

can read the bar code and the attached computer can match the product number with a list in its database.

According to this passage, a bar code a. is the same thing as a UPC. b. is an optical scanner. c. is put on products to discourage forgery. d. represents a numerical code. 21. Alexander Hamilton established the first Bank of the United States in 1791. Its purpose was to help finance industrial expansion. However, many politicians opposed national banks. Because of this opposition, the bank was closed in 1811. According to this passage: a. Politicians opposed industrial expansion. b. The Bank of the United States was one of many national banks established in the 18th century. c. The purpose of the bank was to finance industrial expansion. d. The bank closed in 1811 owing to a lack of customers. 22. Scientists believe that a black hole is created when a supernova from a large star collapses on itself. This collapse causes a gravitational field that grows more and more intense until nothing can escape from its pull, not even light. It is thought that the universe may end as a black hole. According to this passage: a. A black hole emits light. b. A supernova is a black hole. c. The gravitational field of a black hole allows nothing to escape. d. The universe was created by a black hole. 23. The supply-and-demand theory of economics states that, when people want a product (demand) and the product is scarce (supply), the price of the product will go up; when people dont want a product or when the product is plentiful, the price will go down.

According to this passage:

a. Supply and demand is always constant. b. The price of a product can change depending on supply and demand. c. Demand drives the price of a product down. d. People lose interest in scarce products.

24. By next year, I (graduate) from college. a. will have graduate b. will have graduated c. will has graduated d. graduated 25. By next week I (submit) my reports. a. will has submitted b. submitted c. will have submitted d. submits 26. They are the visitors who came from Baguio. The clause who came from Baguio is a. adjective clause b. restrictive clause c. relative pronouns d. both a and b 27. The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky. a. Personification b. metonymy c. Simile d. metaphor 28. Time is a thief. a. Personification b. apostrophe c. Simile d. metaphor 29. The river swallowed the earth as the water continued to rise higher and higher. a. Personification b. simile b. apostrophe d. metaphor 30. Time flew and before we knew it, it was time for me to go home. a. metaphor b. simile c. apostrophe d. Personification 31. You were as brave as a lion. a. Personification b. apostrophe c. Simile d. metaphor 32. He is older than the hills. a. Simile b. metaphor c. Hyperbole d. personification 33. My computer throws a fit every time I try to use it. a. metaphor b. Simile c. Hyperbole d. personification 34. I am so thirsty, that my throat is as dry as a bone. a. metaphor b. simile c. hyperbole d Personification 35. He is the apple of my eye. a. Personification b. metonymy c. Simile d. metaphor 36. I had to walk 15 miles to school in the snow, uphill. a. Simile b. metaphor c. Hyperbole d. personification 37. Her brain is the size of a pea. a. metaphor b.hyperbole c. apostrophe d Personification 38. That joke is so old, the last time I heard it I was riding on a dinosaur. a. hyperbole c. simile b. apostrophe d. Personification Paragraph organization A. Seeing the GNP grows by 5% is an optimistic projection that the country is economically turning around. B. One of the reasons for the bullish business climate is the continuos oil explosion. C. The reason for the slow growing economic growth of the country is caused by the frequent brown-outs. D. If the Philippines are to succeed continually, political and bureaucratic delays must be checked.

39. Among the above choices, what should be the first sentence in organizing a paragraph? a. A b. B c. C d. D 40. What is the second sentence? a. A b. B c. C d. D 41. What is the third sentence? a. A c. C 42What is the fourth? a. A c. C

b. B d. D b. B d. D

A. He should decide wisely on his plan, his purpose in investing his retirement money. B. The little amount he gets should be placed in an earning venture to, at least, support his basic needs. C. A retiring employee expects a comfortable amount of retirement pay when he leaves his service. D. As much as possible, he should invest his money on something that entails the risk. 43. Among the above choices, what should be the first sentence in organizing a paragraph? a. A b. B c. C d. D 44. What is the second sentence? a. A b. B c. C d. D 45. What is the third sentence? a. A b. B c. C d. D 46.What is the fourth sentence? a. A b. B c. C d. D A. Anyone who commits an offense should be punished. B. Deprivation of the right of suffrage is one punishment. C. Another is disqualification from holding an office. D. Election offense committed against the Omnibus Election Code is punishable under the law. 47. Among the above choices, what should be the first sentence in organizing a paragraph? a. A b. B c. C d. D 48. What is the second sentence? a. A b. B c. C d. D

49. What is the third sentence? a. A c. C 50. What is the fourth sentence?. a. A c. C

b. B d. D b. B d. D

Prepared by: Miriam Margaret E. Jimenez Noted by: Jessie F.Parayno Principal I

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