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Hong Kong Society of Rugby Football Union Referees (HKSRFUR)

General Meeting of the HKSRFUR Monday 21 October 2013. 7:00 pm at POC AGENDA 1 1.1 1.2 Opening, Apologies, New Members, Visitors & Returning Members Opening Comments: Nil Apologies: Les Millard, Patrick Kwok, Andy Birch, Peter Hudson, Mike Shaw, Melvin Byres, Robert Chater, Gabriel Lee, Michael Chan, Graeme Martin, Olivier Tsui. New Members: Nil Visitors: Nil Returning Members: Nil In Attendance: Refer Attendance List Matters Arising from Previous Minutes Dated 20 May 2013 A motion to accept the Minutes was proposed by Stan Harman& seconded by Peter White. Presidents Report Ensure Assignr availability is updated on Mondays & email appropriate referee manager if any changes. Members that have not paid their membership by 2 November 2013 forfeit their rights to HKSRFUR 7s tickets & appointments to 7s duties. Weekly Report is available weekly on the website. Members with Assignr Accounts receive push email advising of posting. Referee abuse is raised with the HKRU to manage. Members are expected to document facts & report them to WN. Pitch encroachment is raised with the HKRU (Nigel Francis is leading discussions at the HKRU board & Colts meetings). Bottom line is that referees will need to lead the management of the matter along with the Club officials & coaches as appropriate (stop the game with time still running & manage it until resolved before proceeding with game if necessary). Congratulations to Matt Roden who has been confirmed as new Referee Manager responsible for League & Youth. BF continues responsibility for Prem grade & PK for Minis. Treasurers Report Christmas party is scheduled for 18 Dec 2013 at the POC. 7s ticket information expected within next 4 weeks. Price expected to remain the same as last year. Only paid up members by 7 November 2013 will qualify for 7s tickets or appointment to 7s duties. Coaching & Assessment Board Chairmans Report Refer 6.1 RDO below WN

1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 2.1


3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5



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Hong Kong Society of Rugby Football Union Referees (HKSRFUR)

6 6.1 Referee Development Officer Report CAB & RDO items identified in games to date. Specifically, players coming off their feet, bridging, & not rolling away. RDO to deliver training at post GM Education Session tonight. Tournaments Refer website & Weekly Report for details. Membership 102 registered members, 74 active & 36 social. Some with unpaid membership not covered by insurance. Kit First order of kit arriving 1 Nov & will be distributed at appropriate time. Existing kit is being distributed & swapped for old kit. Contact AB-B for whistles, flags & cards. BF

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10 Website & Assignr 10.1 Nil 11 Mini Rugby By email & wall notice. Also covered by WN. The HKMRFU has two festivals scheduled in the next two weeks: 1) TMS Regional Festival - Tuen Mun Tang Shui Kin Sports Ground Sunday 27th, October 2013. Time 8.30am - 12.30pm. 2) DeA Tigers Festival - Kings Park Sports Ground, Sunday 3rd, November 2013. Time 8am - 5pm Under the guidance of the HKRFU, 1. The HKMRFU, have introduction 'No Push Scrums' in U11s. 2. Also after video analysis of last years U11s, the HKMRFU has introduced a modified kicking game in U11s. 2.1. Kicks out of hand in general play, are limited to inside the 15m (22). 2.2. Penalty kicks for touch are still an option from any part of the ground. 3. These law amendments and modifications are all included in V5.1 of the Mini Rugby Laws and can be downloaded from the HKRFU website or from the Teamsnap Platform! To date, the Head Coaches of U9, U10 & U11s have been briefed on the refereeing hotspots for this years festivals. The new scrum engagement cadence has been explained, plus coach/parent conduct. The HKMRFU will monitor incidents of referee abuse and will report such incidents to the HKSRFUR EXCOM.



Hong Kong Society of Rugby Football Union Referees (HKSRFUR)

My apologies for being absent at tonight's meeting


Communications Nil.


13 AOB 13.1 Posters at games: WN to revisit concept. 13.2 Management of concussion: Ensure player safety & remove players as appropriate. JF had a player on the weekend who continued to sneak back onto the pitch that ended up in hospital for two days. 13.3 NL5 games are subject to U19 Laws. 13.4 Womens 10s substitution: According to one club, it has been agreed as 5 rolling subs vs unlimited rolling subs. BF to look into & revert. 13.5 Schools Assignr listing of payments: Appreciation & thanks from Dawn Isaac plus recommendation for fees be shown for all appropriate games. Matt Rodden to lead process improvement. 13.6 Non contested scum laws to be followed & only change is no push (attacking hooker still has to hook, offside lines are the ball, # 8 can pick ball up etc). 13.7 Next GM is Monday 18 November 2013. 13.8 Christmas party is Wednesday 18 December at the POC. Meeting ended at 8:00 pm

Ricky Short Secretary

Hong Kong Society of Rugby Football Union Referees (HKSRFUR) Attendee List
NAME Admin, HKSRFUR Allen, Jeremy Archer, Ramon Arkey, Tony Au, Albert Axiotes, Nick Bindley, Geoffrey Birch, Andy Blois-Brooke, Alexander Booth, Tony Byatt, James Byres, Melvin Chan, Willy Chaytor, Robert Chow, Doris Chuan, Leo Cotter, William Dewick, Martin Dhar, Karan Durbridge, Colin Esser, Robert Fienberg, Bernard Findlay, John Fitzgerald, Edward Fox, Nicholas Gelderblom, Reon Green, Steven Haley, Paul Hao, Liu Harding, Russ Harman, Stan Heyes, Martin Holden, David Hudson, Peter Isaac, Dawn Jang, Richard Present Apologies Present Present Apologies Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Apologies Present Apologies Apologies Present Apologies Present Present Apologies Present Present 16-Sep-13 21-Oct-13

Hong Kong Society of Rugby Football Union Referees (HKSRFUR)

Kean, Steve Knight, Gerold Kong, Amy Kwok, Patrick Kwong, Kelvin LAW, David Lee, Gabriel Lehner, Steph Leonard, Randal LEONARD, Sally Leung, Clifton Lo, Sidney Long, Nicholas Lothian, Tobi MAK, Bruce MARTIN, Graeme Michael, Chan Millard, Les Myrans, Lottie Needham, Warren Ng, Alex Patton, Robert Pratt, Malcolm Rodden, Matt Rowlands, Dewi SALAMON, George Sargant, Murray SCHATS, Pieter Sew, Sabrina Shaw, Mike shearer, dougie Short, Ricky Tan, Albert Taylor, Michael Thomas, Mui Tiller, Pat Tim, Woodward Tracy, Andy Tranent, Andrew Present Present Present Present Present Present Apologies Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Apologies Present Present Present Apologies Present Present Apologies Apologies Apologies Apologies Present Apologies Present Apologies Present Present Apologies Present Present

Hong Kong Society of Rugby Football Union Referees (HKSRFUR)

Treloar, Andy Tsui, Oliver White, Peter Wong, Brian Wong, Tony Wu, Macro YAP, Eugene Ybema, Ralph Yeung, Ricco Yip, Gary NOT IN ASSIGNR Gaudin, Ken Francis, Nigel Present Present Present Present Present Apologies Present Present Present Apologies Present Present Present Present

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