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cycles in general.

lwp,18 October 2002


Cycles and Resonances : General discussion

Dear Life, please hurry... Grind me to crumbles Between the palms of your hands. Shove me into a heap In your cupped hand, And lift me close to your mouth. Blow me in among the trees, Down across all the upturned eyes of life; Tracheaea and seed leaves. Its so cold closer to the moon, Im so in love with the Earth.
Sandro Key-berg (Transl. Lennart Bruce)

Natural vs Machine Natural systems often demonstrate a harmonic structure, but these natural systems do it quite differently from man-generated frequencies. By natural systems I am referring to complex interactive systems which minimise energy output. Examples include not only living organisms, but also weather patterns, water flow, geological and geomorphological features, and the orbits of planets round the sun. Firstly, there is always a float in the frequency of a natural system. Due to the catastrophic effects of infinite driven resonance (e.g. Tacoma Narows bridge disaster - see, natural systems do not oscillate a single frequency, but rather occupy a band of frequencies. They can occupy just a single (moving) frequency in this range (e.g. heart rate variability), or occupy the entire range in a continuously changing pattern of frequency distribution (e.g. earth cavity resonance). Secondly, natural systems always exhibit chaotic properties. They not only tend towards quasi-periodic behaviour, but also show apparently random variations, underlying which is a pattern with fractal properties, and/or which shows the presence of a strange attractor (see The balance between these two - the chaotic (occupying the realm of real irrational numbers) and the harmonic (occupying the realm of integer relationships) is fundamental to the health of the natural system. If chaos dominates, then there is no stability, no structure, and the system will self-destruct because it is not coherent. An example of this would be a solar system with excessively elliptical orbits - the planets would not be able to exert as much stabilising influence on each other, and their orbits would eventually intersect. On the other hand, if harmonic resonance dominates, then frequencies become stuck in excessively rigid and narrow bands, and again, the system will self-destruct because there is no give. This might not be a problem for a planetary system which is subject to very little external perturbation, but a living organism would be unable to respond to changes in its environment, and would soon perish. Its physiology has become crystalline and hard rather than malleable and adaptable. An example of this was discovered by Fritz-Albert Popp (The Field, LynneMcTaggart, p51), who found that each living cell emits quanta of electromagnetic energy - he called these biophotons. Just as a Kirlian photograph (generally) shows higher luminescence as health increases, Popp found that the degree if bioluminescence is, generally speaking, an indicator of health. He noticed that cancer patients had a lack of biophotons in their cells their light was going out, they had insufficient resonance. Cancer is a classic disease of lack of resonance, leading to incoherence - cells are no longer regulated by their surrounding media, and start to go off and do their own thing, as if they think they are fetal cells again. They have insufficient light. On the other hand, Popp found that the cells of MS patients had excessive resonance - they were drowning in light. They have insufficient adaptability, and so cannot tolerate small changes in environment. In energetic terms, they have become crystalline. Because there is such strong resonance (which locally approximates coherence), their cells are in the short-term capable of regenerating locally, but eventually this ability to regenerate is worn out, and the disease progresses. Experientially, I can relate this to massive the chi release which can follow hyperventilation. There is a feeling of paralysis, as if the limbs and fingers are several times their physical size, and a strange stone-like quality with numb pins and needle-like tingling. Cycles and Resonances - draft version Andrew Cook, September 2002 Page 1 of 8

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This interplay between chaos and harmonic resonance occurs on all levels - cellular, structural, and emotional. And, because of the principle of duality; as one pattern dominates in one area of life (e.g. cellular or systemic), so the other polarity will by way of compensation make its presence more strongly felt, in some other way. The relationship between chaos and resonance is also an important aspect of modern theories of consciousness. e.g. Steven Hameroff - see, and also for a more(!) technical version. Danah Zohar (Quantum Consciousness, Publ. Flamingo) equates the particle manifestation of quantum states as rational deterministic forms of thought, commonly applied in the West, and the waveform manifestation as thought patterns based on the concept of relationship and interconnectivity. The particle is non-malleable, whereas the frequency of the waveform is observer-dependent. It also dominates the central tenets of Chinese medicine : Life, as well as needing diversity and division to express, multiply and reproduce itrself, also needs a kind of fundamental unity in order not to err (from Essence, Spirit, Blood and Qi. Claude Larre and Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallee, Publ. Monkey Press). Heaven is creative and Earth is receptive. As in all Yin-Yang principles, the translation into physical meaning (i.e. Chaos and resonance) presents an ambiguity - each Yin or Yang polarity containing its opposite. This is possibly true also in reality. Is it the division of a base frequency into smaller and smaller harmonics which produces the high cellular frequencies? Or is it the beat effect (see below) of multiple, slightly different, high frequencies which produces the lower frequencies? My sense of the natural order is that both occur simultaneously, and a healthy system meets itself strongly, each pattern interweaving with the other. This generates a state of coherence - which from the point of view of the Heartmath research (DREF XXX) is a corollary of a loving emotional stete, and from the perspective of Hameroff and Zohar is a prerequisite for consciousnes, via Bose-Einstein condensates in the microtubular structures of cells. Another, more archetypal way of looking at this might be the polarities of Heaven and Earth - or as the Chinese would say - the creative and receptive. Heaven might say Be still, for I am the Light Resonances coming from infinity and subdividing down to infintesimal atoms. But life requires movement. Earth, the receptive takes these minute movements and returns them - the minutiae of the structured matter of the physical world returns through the natural chaos of the Earth to meet the harmonics of light.... A passage from the film Amistad describes this process (and also embodies Kidney energy - the store of primal Chi) ... I will call into the past, far back into the beginning of time and ask my ancestors to come and be present with me now I will reach back and draw them into me and they must come for at this moment I am the whole reason they have existed at all I also wonder how much this resonant-chaotic polarity manifests in the physical and energetic bodies. Its presence in physiology is very clear, considering the interplay between rhythmic expression of autonomic balance, cardiovascular activity and craniosacral rhythm(s). It is also easy to see its presence in alternate energy layers. I was struck several years ago by the fact that energy bodies are often seen by clairvoyants as being alternately structured and diffuse, and being strongly inter-connected in this way (see the visionary artwork of Alex Grey on ) - so we have : Layer Physical body (physiological and anatomical) Etheric (Qi) Emotional Mental Lower Astral Upper Astral Form Fractal/chaotic AND quasi-periodic (where chaos and coherence meet) Cristalline (also provides template for physical body) Fractal Crystalline Fractal Crystalline Next major influence up Physical AND Emotional (this is the point of connection) Mental (e.g. Direction of Qi) Lower Astral Upper Astral

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Emotions, although definable and categorisable have a soft miscible quality, and, although not amorphous, have fluid properties. On the other hand, the feel of mental activity is hard, and in excess can create a sensation of solidity in the space around the head. The etheric is a frequency-dominated matrix, and connection with it in the mid-tide often produces the feeling of working with a semi-solid meccano-like framework. John Davidson, in his book Subtle Energy describes how each vertebra has been found to resonate with a certain (vibrational, or sound) frequency. If multiple frequencies are superimposed, this produces a three-dimensional pattern of waves and troughs (see below). In the case of the spine, this creates a form very much like an embryonic human, complete with organs and genitalia.... Distance-based resonances Body resonances : there are strong harmonics (physical location) for the Chakras (2, 4, 12, 24), and for the Acupuncture points (72) (pers. comm., Ray Tomes - see Harmonics are integer subunits of a baseline wavelength. It is possible to make a guitar string resonate at twice its normal frequency by halving its vibrational length, by creating a vibrational node at the 12th fret. The likelihood of a particular harmonic to occur is related to the number of different integers which can be created from that harmionic, and so is strongly related to prime factorials. For instance, a harmonic ratio 1:73 is unlikely, since 73 is a prime number, and so only that one frequency is possible. However, the ratio 1:72 provides factors 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, giving possible subharmonics of 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, and so is much more likely to occur - because it can also be formed by subharmonics of the subharmonics. Some of the most likely harmonics up to 360 are shown below, with the particularly important ones marked in bold 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (2x2) 6 (2x3), 10 (2x5) 12 (2x2x3) 18 (2x3x3) 24 (2x2x2x3) 36 (2x2x3x3) 60 (2x2x3x5) 72 (2x2x2x3x3) 120 (2x2x2x3x5) 180 (2x2x3x3x5) 240 (2x2x2x2x3x5) 360 (2x2x2x3x3x5) 360 (2x2x2x3x3x5) ... 7560 (2x2x2x2x3x3x3x5x5x7) ...

In particular, notice how the numbers 4 (seasons), 12 (months/yr, inches/foot) and 360 (days in a year), plus other numbers relevant to traditional timekeeping and measuring systems (3, 24, 36, 60, 240) are common. In summary, a harmonic is an integer division of a baseline (slow) frequency, and a resonance is where two such frequencies strongly coincide. On the other hand, chaotic patterns are epitomised by the (n+1) pattern Golden section number phi (=1.618). This number is peculiar in that 1/1.618 = 0.618, and 1.618 x 1.618 = 2.618. This is the perfect n,n+1 relationship. In fact, any two numbers can be considered to have an n,n+1 relationship which can potentially lead to a fractal pattern. In this way, similar but slightly different frequencies tend to encourage a chaotic/fractal (and hence self-similar) pattern to emerge. If you superpose frequencies, the resultant beat frequency is the difference. Taking the above example, if we have two frequencies, say 75 Hz and 72 Hz, then they are very similar, and will tend to entrain each other when in a natural system. However, they also are slightly different, and they will also produce a modulated beat of (75-72) = 3 Hz. Thus, natural waveforms tend to produce lower frequency beats because they often occur in

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multiple similar but not identical frequencies. An example of a low frequency being created by two higher frequencies is shown in Figure XXX. One characteristic of the CRI is that it has a (usually) distinct pause in its midpoint, which can be used to determine cranial bone lesion patterns. I have attempted to reproduce this stepped shape (figure XXX) but it is impossible to reproduce a symmetrical mid-slope plateau using relatively simple wave additions. I doubt that such a robust physiological waveform is produced from such sensitive interactions as are mathematically necessary. The most likely explanation I can think of is that whatever drives the motion goes through a neutral phase, in which its progress has no effect on tissue patterns. For the pressurestat model (or an model in which the CRI is driven by filling/emptying of CSF), this might imply that there is a neutral position in which either fluid is not produced/reabsorbed (although this has an implicit suggestion that the production and reabsorption mechanisms are hard-coupled), or the tissues have a neutral band of tension which briefly resists any shape/volume changes due to change in ICP. Alternatively, if the CRI is driven by a membrane mechanism, then again, there is a suggestion that a neutral position allows internal membrane motion without creating directional structural tension - i.e. There is a capacity for movement of membranes at each place in the system which overcomes any requirement for the entire system to move. For example, you can move the skin on your forehead a certain distance because it has a small amount of free float. When that slack is taken up, any firther force will move the head (or cause muscular resistance). From a mechanical and engineering viewpoint, this option is the most likely, again pointing towards a membranous driving force rather than one caused by changes in ICP. Time-based resonances When looking at very large distances (e.g. outer space) then distance and time are synonymous, since they are defined by the speed of light. Resonant times for the solar system fall into approximately 160, 80, 6 and 3 minute cycles (based on the speed of light travelling between planets, pers. comm., Ray Tomes), with a minimum period wave experienced on Earth of a duration of just under 2 minutes. This corresponds to the Long Tide of 100 seconds. Also note the Pc 4 frequency band below. Geomagnetic pulsations (i.e. variations in the Earths geomagnetic field) have peaks at (Figure XXX) Peak time (Mins) 75 6.67 Peak Time (Secs) Range (mins) 60-120 4-10 100-130 Range (Secs) Aeronomy pulsation class Pc 5 Pc 4

400 110

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16.5 0.95 10-20 0.8-1.5 Pc 3 Pc 1

There are also cavity resonance frequencies, with the well known Schumann frequency (7.5 to 8 Hz) being the slowest, typically ranging up to 30 Hz, and in lower amplitudes up to 300 Hz. The Pc 3,4,5 waves (Oulu Space physics notes, have various sources, which have varying occurrencies and properties. Pc 3 waves occur during daylight hours, and are related to shock waves as the solar wind interacts with the Earths magnetic field. Pc 4 and 5 waves are related to activity on the edge of the bow-wave (i.e. are sourced at evening, night and dawn locations), many of them being plasma injections from the solar wind. It is important to note (when comparing them to biological cycles) that geomagnetic waveforms longer than 0.5 seconds (<2 Hz) are not continuous - they occur in bursts. Research by Cyril Smith (unpublished report, 1999) shows that acupuncture points have specific frequency ranges, and homoeopathic potencies which coincide with that normal frequency range are capable of moving the central vibrational frequency. This gives some clue as to how both homoeopathy and acupuncture may affect the human body. Typical frequencies being measured were overlain - i.e. (at least) two very different frequencies are associated with the same acupuncture point. For instance, GB44 has frequencies in the range 5.0E-2 Hz (20 secs) and 2.5E6 Hz, and SI1 has frequencies 2.5E-2 Hz (40 secs) and 1.25E6 Hz. The ratio between these common frequencies for a single acupoint is 1 : 4.9E+7, and this 1:50 million ratio appears to hold for all acupuncture points. Interestingly, the homoeopathic remedies which had frequencies matching the acupuncture points had similar modes of action to the acupuncture point itself. Also note that the lower frequency band lies in the CSR range. The range of lower frequencies found for all acupuncture points has a wide field, being between 5.5E-4 Hz (or 1820 seconds) and about 0.1 seconds, although a small number of acupuncture points have much higher frequencies (up to 6000 Hz). Smith found that the Chakras have remarkably similar frequencies, between 0.25 Hz and 80 Hz, and the lower Chakras fall within the earth cavity resonance range, the Heart Chakra itself being almost exactly the Schumann frequency, at 7.8 Hz. The other universal feature found by Cyril Smith (Proc Intl Conf of the Information Soc IS99, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 12-14 Oct 99 ISBN 961-6303-18-X, Conf on Biology and Cognitive Sciences pp 36-39) is that each frequency point has a frequency float of 2.5% - representing the chaotic range over which that point normally oscillates. Smith calculated that this gives at least 840 distinct frequencies over the measured human frequency bandwidth - a startling thought for a CST practitioner used to thinking in terms of a maximum of 4 frequency bands. Of course, the frequencies quoted above are electromagnetic, though there is definitely some coupling between EM activity and more palpable physical phenomena (such as pressure waves within the arteries - discussed in detail in later chapters). It is also important that CST works on the lower end of this frequency range. Lower frequency waves have the properties of Being capable of entraining other waves more powerfully Acting as carrier waves for higher frequencies Providing a basis for higher frequency harmonics (i.e. integer subdivisions) Cyril Smith considered that the ratio 1:50 million was significant, since it is also the ratio between the speed of light (approx 3E8 m/s) and the speed of electrical propogation through healthy connective tissue (approx 6 m/s). If the connective tissue is constricted, as it would be in the area of an energy cyst, then its electrical conductance decreases, and so the velocity of propogation also decreases. This creates a frequency shift (reduction) - defintely local to the energy cyst, and possibly in the entire organism. The subsequent effect on observed frequencies would depend on how the affected frequencies are anchored by robust physiological coherence. As electrical propogation in tissue becomes slower, the ratio between the two frequency bands increases. If the upper frequency band is anchored, this means that the lower frequency will decrease. If the lower frequency is anchored, the upper band will increase in frequency. In either case, if the change in propogation velocity exceeds 2.5% (or 5% if both can float away from a central point), the bands will start to resonate with a different signalling system in the organism. This could be definitive of pathology. There are also open questions as to the effect of bacteria and viruses from a vibrational point of view - especially considering the work of Rife ( ). Recent parallel work by Jaques Benvenists - see has shown that the effects of enzymes and pathogens can be created simply in vitro by applying an electromagnetic field of a specific frequency. Both Cyril Smith (refs above) and Dr GJ Hyland (e.g. Ref : Mobile Phones and Health Inquiry Paper presented at Non-Ionising Radiation Conference, International Radiation Protection Association, Cologne Sep 27-Oct 1 1999) are concerned about the effect of mobile phones, not just because the carrier frequencies fall in the range 5-16

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Hz, but the information frequencies (microwave or GHz range) are in the same bandwidth as individual cells. The maicrowave EM activity of cells (also described by Popp as Biophotons - see Section XXX) has been known since the research of H. Frohlich in the 1950s, but mainstream biologists have dismissed the possibility of these frequencies being involved in signalling between (or even within) cells. Research on cell intelligence by Guenter Albrecht-Buehler (presented with animated movies of cell activity on shows definitively that cells do behave and communicate with each other in an apparently intelligent and self-conscious manner. The relationship beween the Schumann waves (or more precisely, the Earth cavity resonance frequency band plus the Pc 1 frequency band) is that it occupies the same frequency band as the heart. In particular, when a person enters a loving state (unconditional gratitude, connection and appreciation), a frequency analysis of the EKG data shows a very powerful and characteristic harmonic lineup, with peak frequencies in the range 1-30 Hz, which is not shown in any other emotional or physiological state. It is also worth mentioning that the research of Lawrence Edwards (The Vortex of Life, Publ Floris, and showed that the hearts seven spiral layers of cardiac muscle produce a seven-fold oscillation in the shape of the ventricles for every heartbeat. Assuming that the heart would ideally resonate with the Schumann frequencies, then the minimum Schumann frequency of 7.48 Hz (Heart Chakra = 7.8 Hz) gives an ideal heartbeat of 64 (67) bpm, with and 2/3 resonances at 32 (33) and 43 (45) bpm. Any frequency higher than these would correspond to a higher earth cavity resonance frequency. The maximum recorded non-pathological human heartrate is of the order of 220 bpm (in olympic downhill skiiing), equivalent to an earth cavity resonance of 25.6 Hz. This clearly places the cardiac muscle cycle exactly in the dominant earth cavity resonance frequency band (7.48 Hz - 30 Hz) , with a 15% safety margin either side. This begs an interesting question... Do hearts beat at the rate they do because the Earth cavity resonance creates a pattern they can resonate to, or is the Earth cavity resonance driven by the beating hearts of billions of living beings? The answer is probably both. There is substantial evidence of the effects of sunspot activity (solar storms) on human emotions (DREF XXX). What again of the reverse was true... That human thoughts might affect sunspot activity....? This might seem like sheer madness, were it not for an experiment carried out by Buryl Payne several years ago. He coordinated peace meditations round the world at specific times during a sunspot activity peak. The result was a measured simultaneous drop in sunspot activity, with a probability of random occurrence of less than 1 in 10,000. To buy a copy of the reports online, see (Is the Sun a Concious Being?, The Sun and Humanity: A Giant Biofeedback Loop?, and The Global Peace Meditations -The Power of Thought to Calm the Sun). Scientific research in Russia has demonstrated that many normal components of human tissue, such as albuminous molecules, DNA, RNA, membrane oscillations, cell component oscillations and enzyme transitions oscillate in the frequency range 100-1020 Hz. (Extract from Ukranian research by Don Maisch, published somewhere on Frequencies in the range 5-16 Hz were found to be particularly important, since the resonant frequencies of major organs such as the brain and heart fall into this range. Work by Valerie Hunt ( completes this picture. Up until recently, the common wisdom was that neurons could not signal faster than about 2000 Hz. Valerie noted that EM recordings from within the biofield (i.e. around but not touching the human body) contained data up to 500,000 Hz. This was usually discarded as noise, but she found patterns in it which appeared to be significant. She contacted a medical clairvoyant, and calibrated the electromagnetic patterns with aura colours - with such a level of repeatability that she has made a small radio receiver (Aurameter) which is capable of making surprisingly accurate diagnoses of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Of course her work was criticised, not least because such high frequencies were considered to have no possible connection with the activity of the brain. Since then, a company in the US has investigated eye photoreceptor cell mechanisms and found that these cells act as liquid crystal (electrolytic) semiconductor gates, capable of passing signals at a rate of 500,000 Hz. They also noticed all neurons have a similar structure, and have been granted US patent #5,946,185 on this biological semiconductor. For a summary of the implications of this work, see Homoeostasis ... There is some evidence that the human body operates not only within specific frequency bands, but also can detect when the stimulating medium is applied outside the normal physiological range. It was shown that if the concentration of somatostatin (DREF 396) is substantially greater than the normal physiological range, the body will not respond to it. This has significance for EMF pollution effects (i.e. the dosage is not necessarily proportional to the effect). It also has resonances with cranial palpation, where too great a force or too heavy an intention will prevent movement. Cycles and Resonances - draft version Andrew Cook, September 2002 Page 6 of 8

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The internal working of human body is also determined by chaos, resonance and harmonics. These chaotic resonating systems can float slightly off balance, but will tend to come back to balance again naturally - which is another way of describing homoeostasis. The point is that they are many, many physiological systems working in parallel, which find a natural balance with each other - they may appear to be causally connected, but the connection is not necessarily so strong. A very good example of this is the tendency for breath cycles to flip between several different possible driving oscillators. An excited rest state brings the breath down to a 4 second cycle, in tune with the parasympathetic frequency (panic brings the breath almost in time with the heart beat). A deeper relaxed state can drop the breath cycle to 10 seconds - the Sympathetic state, or to coincide with the first long cranial rhythm. These three cycles can act in total unison for minutes at a time. Resonance and the circulations of blood and CSF There are several factors which contribute to the total resonant behaviour of the vascular system. The arteries and veins are elastic, and surrounded by pressurised fluid-filled elastic chambers, and so they passively contain the blood pressure, and provide a reactive force. If you fill a balloon with water and then hit it, you will notice that it vibrates because the elastic absorbs and then reflects the pressure pulse. The Aorta in particular behaves like this, and its resonant frequency is of great importance to health. Yogic texts refer to a particular frequency (XXX Hz) within the Aorta being related to Kundalini activity. (DREF XXX Hiroshi Motoyama) An excellent demonstration of resonance can be found in the solar system. All chaotic periodic systems (orbits of planets being inherently unstable!) will tend to hunt around minor perturbations until they fall into a resonant motion which encourages stability within the system as a whole. So, we have planetary orbits and periodicities which fall near both golden section and integer multiples (harmonics) - often the integer multiples are golden section (or Fibonacci series) numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, etc., or harmonic multiples - i.e. 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 36, 72, 360, etc... The moon rotates once on its axis per rotation around the earth, Venus appears to be stationary in the sky exactly five times every eight years, and so on. Remarkably (Robin Heath - Sun-Earth-Moon) all of the major earth-lunar-solar relationships can be described by n,n+1 relationships typical of a chaotic system. Perhaps not surprisingly, the Astronomical Society refused his properly researched paper as being meaningless coincidence, whilst accepting the results of a computer modelling exercise which essentially said the same thing - that the planetary orbits are stable by virtue of chaotic strange attractors. I guess its not what you say, but how you say it that counts. The irrational number phi (related to the square root of 5) is particularly important. It is derived from the Fibonacci Series used by the Ancient Greeks to define perfect proportion, and is present in all natural forms, the most famous being the Nautilus shell. Strangely, the human face and body can be described morphologically almost totally by using the number phi (0.618034.. ), and this proportion was used by the great classical artists, as well as by modern plastic surgeons - this was recently the subject of both a New Scientist article and a television documentary. Numerical modelling indicates that phi always ends up as part of the most stable natural outcomes of a chaotic system seeking its own centre of balance. Internal resonance, primarily within the secondary arteries to capilliaries (rather than the Aorta) is driven and regulated not only by the heart, but by autonomic nerve activity, which periodically constricts and dilates the arterial vessels. The parasympathetic system does this at a frequency of about 0.5 to 0.3 Hz (2 to 3 seconds per cycle), and the sympathetic system provides a background wave of about 0.1 Hz (10 seconds per cycle). This background frequency has a strong effect on the heart rate - in that it changes the frequency of the heart beat in a periodic fashion, producing "Heart Rate Variability" (HRV). HRV is a measure of the different frequencies which define the heart rate over a period of minutes, and has been found to have some very interesting clinical features a) Diabetics show a flat HRV - their heart beats like a metronome, rather than exhibiting normal variability. This may be indicate some relationship between the presence of HRV, and the movement of Chi. In Acupuncture terms, "Chi follows blood, blood follows Chi". The Spleen/Pancreas complex supplies Chi to the "energetic heart" - which is not necessarily equivalent to the physical heart - in the normal 12-channel cycle. Maybe one facet the Chi/blood that is being referred to is the Sympathetic tone of the arterial system. Severe heart problems are associated with a HRV of about 0.3 Hz or greater, with a loss of the long (0.1 Hz) and very long (down to 0.003Hz) HRV cycles. People who have had heart operations and transplants almost never display these lower frequencies.


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c) Positive mental/emotional states - in particular a sense of loving aware presence - are associated with an increase in dominance of the 0.1 Hz HRV frequency (XXX Heartmath). I have found no reference in the literature so far to longer frequency correlations with mental state. This may be due to the fact that 0.1 Hz is measurable for biofeedback, whereas the longer cycles are not so easily used for this purpose.

Chaotic turbulence within the arteries (and maybe the veins) also creates a high frequency resonance at each branching of the vascular system. This turbulence adds to the total pattern of resonance within the blood system, and creates a standing wave and resonant vibrational pattern with quite distinct properties. One form of diagnosis used in traditional Chinese medicine is "pulse diagnosis". In this, the radial pulse is characterised according to its quality, and is considered to reflect the condition of the energetic (meridien) balance of the body. Particular pulse qualities have been empirically found to be related to specific contitions and imbalances of the body. This form of diagnosis allows a snapshot to be taken of the pattern of vibrational interaction within the arterial system, and as such, different qualities (i.e. pressure pulse/vibrational patterns) may easily reflect the state of a distant part of the body. Again, here we have a possible connection between the frequency spectrum of blood pressure/flow/pulse wave, and the state of energy (Chi). It is important to keep in mind a distinction between the higher frequency and local pressure pulse characteristics found at the radial artery, and the longer period cycles associated with the HRV spectrum. The vibratory implications of this Chi-Circulation connection also make the Bowen Technique and Trager work more understandable. One aspect of chaos is that it allows rapid change within well defined limits, given the slightest of impulses. This is the well known "butterfly's wing in Peking causing a storm in New York" effect. The butterfly's wing does not change the total weather pattern of the earth beyond its nornal range, but does affect the way that the pressures, winds and rainfall are distributed at any one time. Similarly, quite tiny changes in the internal condition of a small part the body can allow transient global resonant patterns to develop internally. This is probably the source of "therapeutic pulsing" - internal pulsations of the body, not necessarily in time with the heart pulse. These pulsations begin and reach a crescendo when tissues are about to release, and are a well known phenomenon in the practice of CST. Imbalanced changes to the general or local physiological state of the body at virtually any point - may set up uncomfortable resonances within the heart itself - resulting in Arrhythmas and pounding heart beats. Some specific areas of the body will be more likely to have this effect, due to their direct connection to the tissues around the heart, or the standing wave frequency set up between them and the heart. Techniques such as reflexology may work (at least partially) by restriction of blood capilliaries in an area which causes chaotic resonance effects in another "reflex" area of the system. If arteries were totally passive, then they ought to expand as the blood pressure wave travels through them. Instead they contract and squeeze in response to the blood pressure pulse. This is again suggestive that blood vessels themselves are at least partially responsible for the pulse wave which we call the heart beat. Their contraction is coordinated by autonomic activity - and specifically sympathetic connectivity. Changes in the autonomic balance affect the ways in which the veasular system resonates, and so directly affect heart rate variability, as well as the ability of the circulatory system to function. It makes sense that the blood is pumped by a universally distributed pump rather than just from one place, in terms of limiting strain on the heart, in terms of evolutionary development of the arterial system, and in terms of maximising the ability if the body to respond to local oxygen demand. It also makes sense to optimise this on a daily basis. If I can behave in such a way that my heart only has to work at (say) 50% of the effort for the same amount of blood circulation, this has huge implications for health. Once the body gets into coherent rhythmicity, systems start to support each other. This is particularly measurable in the cardiovascular system. When a state of unconditional peaceful love is experienced, the body begins to act in a coherent manner - heart rate frequency spectra align, and the blood almost pumps itself by internal resonance.

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