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Spring 2013

CBM Happenings
childrens bible ministries

Volume 46

Number 2

So lets not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we dont give up. Gal 6:9
This verse is a great reminder for us to keep our eyes fixed on what we have been called to do no matter what! God never promised that life would be easy; in fact, we are reminded to keep alert. Since our last newsletter, CBM has certainly had some incredible challenges which we have had to navigate through. Three weeks before our SURVIVAL camp started, we had Mike Buckley, NZ Director our main computer server fail. I thought, No problems. We have been backing up our systems 3 times a day. However, upon closer inspection, a contractor had failed to set up the backup correctly and hence we realised, to our dismay, not only had the server crashed, we had l ost all of our data! We have had to rebuild our databases as well as reload the accounts back to the server and on and on it goes! Unbelievably, one week later, to the day, we had a fire at CBM Headquarters which spread into the ceiling and roof. Thankfully the fire brigade were travelling back from another job and they responded within one minute after the call, which minimised the damage from what could have been a disastrous outcome.

The following week we were off to camp to teach on being authentic in our faith. We were relying FULLY on Gods grace to keep us focussed on the task at hand. We all felt we had a pre-run to Survival Camp. We saw God do an amazing work in the young peoples lives, even though we felt we were on empty. Truly, in our weakness, He powerfully came through. Many came into an authentic and real friendship with Jesus and many others were challenged to get real and continue to grow in that friendship.
A dear friend said, You must be doing something right! We will not be detered from our calling... Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. Hebrews 12:1. Can you believe it, CBM has run the race for 50 years !

International Happenings
If you havent caught up on the news, we are well into our House of Love Project.... a home for children with disabilities. In the last newsletter we shared with you that we had started this project- here it is! The children will live in the home full-time, will be loved, educated and spiritually fed 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Please pray with us as we are trusting the Lord for the remaining money. God has alread provided over $190,000. We are trusting God for 200 gifts of $500 Please pray and consider how you can partner with us.

P hilippines

In May, Hugh and Jean had a very fruitful time in both countries, and it was great to see so many people purchasing the new Vietnamese curriculum. However, it was a big shock to learn that the lady who has for


many years been the central person in children's ministry in Vietnam died of cancer a short time after our visit. Please pray that someone will take up her mantle. In Bandung, Indonesia, we renewed fellowship with Retty Stanley (CBM graduate '95) and spoke at a large meeting on parenting that she had organised. We also met up for the first time with Tea Seroya who has been doing a lot of computerised artwork for us over the last three years.

Pacific Island Training

n June, we had the joy in giving teacher training to two new countries in the Pacific. Lyn, Ian, Todd and Donna spent a week in both Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. The people were so hungry for good training and also for good resources. People quickly snapped up the curriculum and music we had taken and we returned with more orders to fill and send back.

teach the whole school through music, Bible verses and stories. The principal of one school was so impressed with the teaching that he bought our curriculum based solely on what hed seen!


n Vanuatu, there were between 70 and 80 people each night. During the day, we visited schools and were able to

n the Solomon Islands numbers were between 60 and 70

each night. Training in different locations around the world

always brings its challenges but one night that stands out was watching Todd and Ian teach in the dark with only two cell phone lights as Donna and Lyn roamed among the participants shining a little bit of light for them to fill in their notes! We were invited to run an outreach programme in a remote, crime riddled village. The three hour programme was in an open-sided village church with all the children sitting and waiting as we arrived. After playing games, singing, teaching a verse, sharing a story on forgiveness and doing an art project, all in the heat of the day, the team was literally dripping!

hank you to those of you who upheld the team in prayer.

Students w

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Poverty, lack of employment and parentless children abound, so it was encouraging to see the young men who attended our training were full of vision and deeply touched when we demonstrated the story of Benny Finds A New Life . They realised the great importance of leading children to Jesus, as many die from HIV/AIDS. People could not afford to buy our curriculum, but after an email to New Zealand, they were told friends on the other side of the world would help by subsidisng the cost.


It was amazing to watch the leadership of a big denomination totally transformed in their understanding of what God wants to do in the lives of children. Instead of giving out the certificates to the 140 who attended the training, they will be awarded at their annual Church Conference in October so that everyone will see the new emphasis they intend to make in discipling children. It will also whet the appetite for the hundreds of other teachers who need to be trained.


In our last newsletter we asked the question: IS IT WORTHWHILE? That question was regarding the time and expense we sow into Africa. The answer is a resounding YES! We met Rachel who has a vision for reaching children in Francophone countries when we spoke in Cameroon several years ago. Her persistence in prayer and fasting paid off when she miraculously obtained a visa to enter Chad and met with pastors all over the country in preparation for our recent visit. Of the 140 people in our five day course, 80% were men! Although a very poor country, they came prepared to buy everything we had to offer and we had to air freight another 52 sets of curriculum on top of the 63 we were able to provide. Our printed training notes were treated with much care as they will be used to inspire many others throughout the country. Travel to Africa and air freighting curriculum is very expensive, however it is well worth it. Much appreciation was shown by those in Ghana and Uganda and overall 420 people representing hundreds of churches have a whole new focus in their ministry. For Ian Fletcher, who went with Jean Morley this year, it was a life changing experience and one he is very happy to repeat!

DAVID TAMANG has been working with Binu Pradhan in our North
East India Branch for over a year now. Binu wants him to attend our International Training Course in 2014 to gain further skills and knowledge before returning as a full staff member. David is involved in all kinds of childrens outreach and camps and on his return will become more involved in multiplying the ministry through training teachers.

MRS INDRANI CHINIR is being sent

for training by the Council of Baptist Churches in North East India as part of our partnership with them. She will be the first person to come to us from the state of Manipur. We are trusting she will have the same impact on her state as former CBM students have had in Nagaland, Meghalaya and Assam.

Huge thanks to our friends at MMM (Mobile Mission Maintenance) for helping us renovate and upgrade the kitchen at camp. It looks amazing!! Thank you to Frank Cooper who has taken care of the electrical work. You have blessed us with your incredible skills and expertise.
Each camp we see more and more new faces from leaders to children. What a thrill it is to be part of a team who are actively leading so many to the Lord. We are so blessed to see growth in our dynamic younger team leading the camp alongside us. Many of these young adults have grown up through camp and are now teaching, leading worship, and most importantly, mentoring the children. We are also thrilled to see so many 15-17 year olds attending as Junior Leaders. They have a tremendous opportunity to develop their leadership skills and also continue to grow in their relationship with the Lord. If you or someone you know would like to be a Leader or Kitchen Helper, please phone us @ 09-6305271 and speak to Judy.


ca m p f e e d b a c k

I just wanted to thank you and CBM for the wonderful camp you organised in the recent holidays. My child had a wonderful time and is very keen to go again. You all do a wonderful job creating memories for these kids that will last a lifetime. These memories will be an anchor for the kids as they get older and when times get tough these memories will take them back to a point in time where God was very real. The word thank you doesnt seem enough to express how grateful I am for the work you do. Keep it up and be encouraged.


aturday September 7th was the final training day for NZ training in 2013. This was our Master Storytelling seminar and we had 50 keen people attending. There was much hilarity around the building as people put into practice all they had learnt to deliver a short story using their voice in a dynamic and engaging way. e have been very pleased with the response to the new one-day format of training. Well be continuing with this format next year. Each day has a slightly different focus and each is self-contained. For those who decide to complete all four of our basic training days (this doesnt include the preschool day) we will award a certificate of completion. The training days dont have to be completed in order or even within the same year.

Mark your diaries for next years training

*Dates and Topics 2014:

First Things First 22nd February How-To Day 5th April Tool Time 28th June Master Storytelling 6th Sept Preschool Training 8th March *Dates are subject to change

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to attend a useful course ch su en be s ha his the good u and keep up yo s es bl od G may here on see your rewards t no ay m u Yo work. heaven! you mansions in g in ild bu is od G earth I am sure

. The programme was really awesome, very helpful and informative especially for me, a first time teacher.

Great tips and techniques. Very well useful and effective.

I have n seminar re ever attended I have lear garding chi ldr the to do w ith nt practical th en before. ings the hildr en. Th y o u f o rcp utting on ank this done programm e .

**ATTENTION** Database Rebuild

Due to losing our data, we would appreciate it if you would drop us an email or phone call with your most current information. If you would prefer the Autumn newsletter via email please let us know at ASAP! Thanks so much!
Childrens Bible Ministries NZ

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Special Appeal
I am enclosing $_____ towards international student fees for David Tamang Reference DT 12 3016 0551118 01 I am enclosing $_____ towards international student fees for Indrani Chinir Reference IC 12 3016 0551118 01
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Childrens Bible Ministries PO Box 8774, Symonds St, Auckland 1150 Phone: (09) 630 5271 Fax: (09) 630 4373 Email: Website:

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