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RELEVANCE OF RETIREMENT HOMES - Elders discover the luxury of independence.

She grew up listening to her grandparents' stories over dinner, three generations gathered in the house they shared, as in nearly every Indian family she knew. But, now that Uma Paranjpe is a grandmother, she finds herself living alone in a small apartment, her children abroad, her grandchildren far from her cooking and her stories. And she's thrilled. "Grandparents also want their own independence," said the 62-year-old widow, who lives in a bustling retirement community in Pune. "We want freedom. We would like to travel, to pursue our hobbies."

A cultural revolution is under way in India, led by an unlikely grey-haired vanguard that is dramatically changing what it means to be old here, and what it means to be a family. In a country where family is society's strongest cultural anchor, the thought of the elderly living alone has long been anathema, but many old people today are embracing the notion. With the economy booming, children are moving away for jobs, leaving elderly parents on their own. While some lament the breakdown in family as a sign of cultural decline, others-especially the well-off-are happy to devote their old age to themselves instead of their grandchildren.

The new retirement communities are so far available only for the rich. There's nothing between the high-end faux Florida facilities and bleak government-run homes for those with nowhere else to go. Roughly, a dozen development companies across the country

offer sparkling facilities complete with badminton courts, lap pools and game rooms to the wealthiest sliver of the country's 80 million people over 60.

"I don't think my son or my daughter will look after me-and I'm damn happy about it," said Minoo Shroff, 72, who lives in a housing complex for seniors in Pune, a pleasant city popular with retirees because it's more temperate than much of the rest of India. "I'm independent, they're independent."

Seniors in India traditionally occupy a role somewhere between family pillar and dependent hanger-on, with some 71% of the elderly living with their children or grandchildren, according to the 2001 national census. Grandparents can be revered keepers of family lore or ghostly presences cooking nearly forgotten recipes. But, from teeming cities to sleepy villages, caring for one's parents is, to most Indians, a duty as important as caring for one's children, and home after home across the country is crowded with the same mix of generations. The arrangement is one borne out of custom and financial necessity-the Indian government provides no Social Security-type benefits and less than 10% of the population receives even a small pension.

Experts say the new prosperity flooding into India is weakening the joint family system, where the next generation lived with the last, because the pace of life is speeding up and getting westernized. "The younger generation is very busy. They don't have time to spend with older people," said Harvinder Bakshi of HelpAge India, an activist group for the elderly. "The joint family system is disintegrating." Newspapers frequently carry lurid stories of children abandoning their parents to the street, and activists have

called on the government to open more affordable old-age homes. Bakshi says his group, a major one, gets a half-dozen calls a month about abandoned seniors, which he does not think is an alarming trend.

But according to a contradictory opinion, even the expensive retirement homes cannot make up for the joy of growing old among family. "I miss that bonding, that security, that comfort, the love, the shelter. We don't feel that here," said Madhukar Gokarn, 73. She and her husband live in an exclusive retirement community called Golden Nest in Pune, but her afternoon walks on the building's roof are small consolation for what she has lost. "Who wouldn't want to be with their own children as long as possible?"

Shashank Paranjape, the real-estate developer generally credited with introducing retirement homes to India, opened his first project, Athashri, in 2003 in Pune as a complex explicitly modelled on western retirement homes. With roughly 1,000 residents in four branches, Athashri is a thriving community that looks as though it were plucked straight from Florida, right down to the earlybird specials-spicy lentils and rice. Paranjape plans retirement homes in five more Indian cities, but he and other developers face major hurdles. To most Indians, communities exclusively of old people seem as impractical as neighbourhoods of children would be. Also, the buy-in prices of Rs30-50 lakh, rule out the vast majority of the population, although with the economy growing every year, developers are betting the market will increase.

For scores of elderly men and women, life and often death, happen in isolation, away from their near and dear. The twilight years of the elderly are turning to be traumatic ridden with a sense of neglect and loneliness. In an era of nuclear families and working couples, increasing numbers of the aged are desperately reaching out for surrogate support systems. The retirement communities 3

buzz with card games, book clubs and music lessons-activities all but unthinkable in generations past, when old age was spent helping with grandchildren and household chores.

Factors contributing to the need and increase in number of homes for the aged and retired.

Old age homes are meant for senior citizens who are unable to stay with their families or are destitute. For older people who have nowhere to go and no one to support them, old age homes provide a safe haven. These homes also create a family like atmosphere among the residents. Senior citizens experience a sense of security and friendship when they share their joys and sorrows with each other.

It is a reality that families are getting more and more nuclear, with the spouses working, which leaves little time to take care of their own children, let alone elderly parents. Transition in society, changing economy, living styles, breaking away of traditional familial and social bonding, changing livelihoods and movement of people has left the elders feeling abandoned and unable to cope up Though there are still debates on the need for homes for the retired and aged, they are here to stay and cannot be wished away. The elderly require special care. They are knowledgeable, experienced and stand testimony to the cultural and social heritage of the nation. Most of our beloved grandparents spend an old age of loneliness and insecurity. They spend their second childhood in their old age. They too want to be loved and looked after in their old age, they become like attention seeking children. 4

Most of them feel that they cannot cope up with the changing times. But they realise that their children have to go on and so do not wish to be a burden for them. So they set out in search for a more independent and happy old age. The elderly population of the country has been significantly and adversely affected by the changing social structures. Increasingly lesser urban space, poor urban governance and civic management, migrating rural young population, changing value systems are all contributing to the disintegration of the joint family system, leaving the elderly to care for themselves. Changing demographic patterns in the country and the world are also important contributing factors. The dependency ratio, which describes the number of elderly that must be looked after or funded by persons of working age, is doubling in developed countries but tripling in less developed countries.

The emerging demographic profile and socio-economic scenario of the country indicate that matters will worsen dramatically in the years to come. The steady elongation of life expectancy and declining birth rates are increasing lots of aged persons.

Interest and hobbies

Aging is only in the mind, you are as old as you want to be. Many centers offer organized activities. While some of these activities may charge a small fee, many of these are free. Centers often post a schedule of activities in senior citizen center lobbies. Activities might include the following:

Arts and crafts - Local artists and craftsmen frequently volunteer their talents and time to teach crafts to the elderly. Fees often involve paying for supplies. These classes may last over a period of several weeks. Some centers feature the finished projects at art fairs as well. 5

Exercise classes - Yoga, tai chi, stretching classes, chair exercises, and water exercises all offer low-impact physical fitness alternatives, and these are wonderful group activities. Field trips - Centers often organize day and weekend trips to outlet malls, shopping malls, theater productions, festivals, and sporting events. Dances - Whether you want to step back in time and move to the beat of the big bands, or tap your feet to a square dance call, many senior centers focus on keeping their members active by providing dances, often on a monthly basis. Bingo and other games - Centers often organize game nights, with tables set up to host bingo, bridge, and other card games. Auctions - Some seniors love to attend and participate in auctions. These auctions could include products contributed by local merchants, handmade pieces contributed by the senior citizens themselves, and other items. Bus trips - For many elderly, transportation is limited to catching rides from neighbors, family, and friends. Many senior citizen centers run shuttle buses to local shopping centers, community centers, and scheduled community events. Gardening - Residents often adopt areas of the community to beautify. Pet Lovers - Animal lovers take an opportunity to share their love and concern for animals by volunteering at local shelters. Sewing Organizations - Share your interest of sewing with others. Sewing organizations such offer wonderful group elderly activities for sewing enthusiasts. Needlepoint Associations - Love to crochet and/or knit? Look for other needlepoint lovers. Reading is a wonderful exercise for the human brain that interests many. Conduction of computer courses for senior citizens so that they are able to use the internet, send and receive e-mails, store information related to investments and handle their bank accounts. Meditation and pranayama for a healthy mind, body and soul. 6

Passion for golf, a game of cards with friends, listening to favorite music, interest in pets or cooking, etc. Search for likeminded people to talk and to pursue group activities. Offering services to teach a particular hobby or share their experiences with a group or club of youngsters. Discussions and debates on politics, religion, news, etc also engross quite a few. Listening to music, attending music festivals, participating in musical activities help to turn the focus from retirement to aesthetics. Mental activity like solving crossword puzzles, etc

What is the relevance of Old Age Homes in India?

Many factors have contributed to the alienation of the elders.

Migration of young couples from the rural areas to cities in search of better employment opportunities to fend for themselves. Elders who have been in control of the household for a long time are unwilling to give up the responsibility to their children. Youngsters on their part are sometimes resentful of the attitude of their parents. Many youngsters have moved to places far away from their native homes and in the recent past to many countries abroad. So even if they want to they cannot accommodate their parents in their own homes. Several NRIs parents dont wish to join them abroad out of attachment to the native land and familiarity to the surroundings. Elders are sometimes too incapacitated or unwell to look after themselves or get medical care especially in an emergency. Lots of people do not wish to become a burden on their children during their old age. 7

All these have made the old age homes seem more relevant in the Indian context than ever before. An individual slogs all through his life for the family and with a view that a day would come when he can just relax in his armchair and read his favorite book and tell tales of his youthful days to the younger generation. He will term those days as "And they lived happily ever after". Alas! he forgets that the day of his rest is someone else's busy day and the loved one won't even owe a second for him.

Vicissitudes of life have contributed to the misery of elders with none to depend on, no means of income, no emotional security making them destitute with a question, about how to carry on with their lives. The growing intolerance among youth, coupled with their inability to adjust with the elderly, is just one of the prime reasons for the rise in the number of old age homes in India.

The fading joint family system in India and other innumerable factors have given rise to west-inspired phenomena of old age homes. Surprising cost of living and scanty return on savings have almost pushed these senior citizens on roads.

They have started walking out of their own home in search of a journey that promises peace, joy and celebration of life with a group of people who share the same boat of life (the wrecked one). Why can't life just begin after retirement, than end? Help them lead the last few days of their life that doesn't trigger loneliness.

Aims and objectives of Old Age Homes

To provide care to the aged who are abandoned. To provide hospice for terminally ill patients. To provide geriatric services for the aged.

A good number of elderly persons have sufficient income for their living but no relatives to take care of them in their old age and sickness. Another good number of old people have no income, no relatives to support and are living in a miserable state, being old and sick, mostly bedridden they are in good need of food, shelter, medical aid, loving care, emotional support and respect. The residents are provided with nutritious food, medical aid and other needs. Old age homes provide the facilities for relaxation and recreation, attend to their spiritual needs, Thus they have a feeling of wantedness, belongingness, self worth and dignity.

What are the types of Old Age Homes in India?

There are two types of Old Age Homes in India. One is the "Free" type which cares for the destitute old people who have no one else to care for them. They are given shelter, food, clothing and medical care. The second type is the "Paid" home where care is provided for a fee. Nowadays, such "Retirement" homes have become very popular in India and they are well worth considering.

Retirement Home
For many older people who don't have a roof over their heads or a place to call their own, old age homes & day care centres are safe havens where they can live their lives with dignity and interact with their peers.

A rising trend is being noticed among the urban elderly also, who move out of their homes and into habitats especially catering to their needs, in order to spend their later years in comfort to address this need for age-friendly habitats, by building integrated housing and care facilities for the elderly, which are working towards helping transform old age homes into composite shelters which go beyond providing simply a roof and meeting the basic needs of the elderly. It envisions residential complexes for elders offering a broader range of services and comfort, such as those provided in Tamaraikulam Elders village, Cuddalore (TN) and Kalyan Ashram, Kolkata.

Ripeness is all - King Lear, Shakespeare LIFE EXPECTANCY is steadily increasing, but cities are no longer safe nor friendly neighbors a certainty. Alternative housing for the aged is a practical lifestyle solution. A growing number of financially independent senior citizens now prefer to stay in retirement resorts instead of languishing in the quintessential old-age homes that they feel are overcrowded and unsafe.


Also Insecurity, loneliness and lack of companionship some of lifes hard-to-swallow problems become a daily reality for these elderly persons whose children either settle abroad, or in some other state, for better career opportunities. The concept of retirement resorts or complexes is gradually emerging as the most viable option among the senior members of society who are financially independent. They want to live with dignity and, above all, want to be secure.

Townships and residential colonies exclusively for senior citizens are now coming up in the state where they can relocate and spend the sunset of their lives without bothering about paying electricity bills, cooking and getting prompt medical care. It is this combination of physical and emotional satisfaction that todays retirement homes strive to provide. From an era where old-age homes were synonymous with charitable institutions for the indigent and orphaned elderly, we moved some years ago to the far more refined paid homes, where amenities were good and services like on-site medical check-ups and transport arrangements were provided. Now, retirement homes are set to enter a third phase of evolution. No doubt the best place for elders is their own home, but here are some alternatives for those who are lonely and sad.

What is a retirement home?

A retirement home is a multi-residence housing facility intended for senior citizens. The usual pattern is that each person or couple in the home has an apartment-style room or suite of rooms. Additional facilities are provided within the building. Often this includes facilities for meals, gathering, recreation, and some form of health or hospice care. The level of facilities varies enormously. A place


in a retirement home can be paid for on a rental basis, like an apartment, or can be bought in perpetuity on the same basis as a condominium. A retirement home differs from a nursing home primarily in the level of medical care given.

After working actively in life, it would be wise now to permit others to do all the hard work for a change, and to know that you can get the work done without any hassle, with nothing to worry about; food, shelter, housekeeping, health care, etc all being taken care of small luxuries beyond expectations. Retirement home is not just a place to live but to live life fully, to enjoy the lifestyle one has dreamt of, complete with facilities and services that match ones thoughts.

Retirement homes are for people who are alone or feel lonely, who desire company of their own age group or likeminded people, who wish to have food of their own choice and live life the way they want without any hassles of property taxes, society charges, housekeeping charges, etc.

A retirement home is for the people who have enjoyed 50 summers and over and is dedicated to better the services, needs and fulfill desire of members to live their lives with zest, activity, independence and in harmony with nature. Retirement homes generally allow admittance of females once they have crossed their 55 th birthday and males once they have crossed their 60 th birthday. Maintaining an ideal strength for proper management, upkeep and proper service of elders limits the number of members in a retirement home. In addition they have an equal number of support staff for smooth functioning and a daily floating population.


The retirement home may be a specialized township with complete self services to sustain its residents proving effective in reducing the infrastructure burden of the city, municipality and government. This reduces the burden of local bodies, creates productive jobs for retiree populace like organic farming in the kitchen garden, cottage industry, etc and improves the living standard by creating clean surroundings. Young and old alike share a desire for a purposeful living and contribute their share in life to the world around them and feel connected. Intergenerational programmes in retirement homes act as bridges needed to facilitate healthy ageing a process desired to begin early in life.

When mother nurtures a daughter, they both laugh; but when daughter nurtures her mother, they both cry. This reality is evident but painful to admit. Its easier for one father to take care of ten children than for ten children to look after one father. Parents are always there to take care of their children, but the same may not be true of children always. Children like their parents but love their own independence. The pilgrimage on this earth dawns with a realization that we all shall one day grow old. Biological ageing is irreversible. The world adult population is growing at a very fast pace and shall only increase in future. In nuclear families, children desire to be independent and parents themselves do not desire to be dependent on them. Each desires to live the way he or she wants. Thus retirement homes are a solution which enables elders to live life with dignity, happiness and joy. It allows the senior citizens to be at peace with themselves, neighbours, own children and relatives. Retirement home is the need of the hour. 13

Senior citizens have every right to and should lead a healthy and happy life. Planning for a secure future must begin early in life. Old age brings some limitations, but with positive thinking and future planning one can make ones life richer not only for self but even for their own family and society at large.

The guiding principle is to work together in retirement by solving problems with compassion and bettering human life by improving quality of life of all individuals. As a welfare measure the retirement home is planned for self sufficiency and is designed to improve the well being of the senior citizens.

The vision is to give the senior citizens of society dedicated complete home services in a small self contained town atmosphere. To provide opportunity for sharing knowledge and experience of talented elders by voluntary services and offer resident members complete care with dignity a home of vibrant retirees. Enabling elders to participate in some of the social service activities which in turn helps society.

A perfect plan to enjoy bliss forever; retirement homes enable one to lead a planned carefree happy life. We would rather classify retirement homes as a boon. It gives the opportunity to the aged to be in comfort of people of similar age and experience.

It gives a sense of belonging to the Old in the society where the so called ones have either neglected them or have no time for them. For children of aged parents who seek career opportunities away from their hometown or town they dwell in and who do not have anyone to take care of their elders, can resort to such homes to ensure that their loved ones are not left alone and are taken care of.

For couples who do not have any children or relatives, such homes give a place to spend their last few years of life in company of likeminded people. Retirement homes help the aged to remain healthy with timely day to day activities. One tends to live longer when one feels secured and happy. 14


Aged Population Analysis

In 1950, there were 205 million aged (over 60) in the world, which increased to 606 million in 2000. The number of aged people has trebled in the last 50 years or so, and is projected to do the same in the next 50 years, projected to 2 billion in 2050.

And, two thirds of the worlds elderly population lives in the developing countries. Coming to India, the elderly constitute over 12% of the total population, and growing.

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1950 2000 2050

aged population projection

The graph showing aged population projection in the world till 2050.


Today we have nearly 80 million aged persons, and this is expected to rise to 198 million by 2030. Around 90% of these are from the unorganized sector and almost 80% from the rural areas, with nearly 40% constituting the below poverty population, and 50% aged Women. population below poverty line unorganized sector 10% organized sector population above poverty line


60% 90%

India is home to over 76.6 million people over the age of 60. Size: 1,129,866,154 Growth: 1.38% Birth: 22.69 births/1,000 population Death: 6.58 deaths/1,000 population Life expectancy: 68.59 years Life expectancy (m): 66.28 years Life expectancy (f): 71.


Age Structure
0-14 years 15-64 years 65-0ver years 31.5% (male 189,238,487/female 172,168,306) 63.3% (male 374,157,581/female 352,868,003) 5.2% (male 28,285,796/female 31,277,725)

Pie diagram showing ratio of male and female population above 65 years

Pie diagram showing ratio of different age groups.

Population projection (in millions)

Year 60+ 2000 45 2005 51 2010 58 2015 65 2020 76 17

Population ageing- the Scenario

The issue of the senior citizens is the emerging global challenge of the 21st century. The global population ageing is 690 million people Today, as per the United Nations Population Division figures of 2006, there are 690 million people over the age of sixty years. This means that 11% of the total world population are senior citizens. The United Nations defines senior citizens as those above the age of 60 years. This population will grow to 2 billion people by 2050,that is 22% of the total world population.

In India, population ageing, as per 2001 Census of India, is 7.44% of the total Indian population which is equal to 75,622,321 senior citizens. By 2030, this figure will reach nearly 20 crores.

Compared to developing countries, India can be considered Young, with a vast majority of working age population, and so the dependency ratio is not very unfavorable. But this Population Dividend will gradually disappear within the next four to five decades, and the country will face the same type of situation that the developed countries are witnessing today, of a rapidly ageing society. This advantage gives us the time to plan and introduce initiatives and programmes to address these issues and prepare the society for this demographic transition.

The challenge is to ensure that the elderly are able to lead a healthy, stress-free and comfortable life ahead. They should have every opportunity to pursue the activities of their choice and be able to contribute to society even after retirement. It is the right of 18

the elderly to be treated with respect and dignity and not be abused or exploited. The elderly form a rich repository of knowledge and experience, which no society can afford to ignore. They should not be marginalized, but should be encouraged to lead an active and participatory life even after retirement.

To work towards A Society for all Ages is the message given by the UN Declaration on Ageing, known as the Madrid Declaratio n, 2002,the Plan of Action, Shanghai and also the Macao Plan of Action. The National Plan for Older Persons (NPOP) adopted by the Government of India in 1999 and the plans adopted by the various states also assert the need to ensure that the elderly lead a life of dignity, care and support. In this, apart from the government, the NGOs and also the civic society have to play a very important role.

One important fall out of the extended life span that is engaging the attention of both the developed and developing countries is the economic security of the elderly, and the pension load on the exchequer, maintenance, care, prevention of crime and abuse, which are the important issues that have been dealt with in the Constitution and various legislations.

Finally, the need of the day is to encourage Active, Healthy, Participatory and Qualitative Ageing. Hence, retirement homes seem to be an apt solution. The ultimate aim of proper housing is to provide the resident with a safe haven where one can live with independence, dignity, enthusiasm and zest for life. Also retirement homes allow scope for sociability and freedom from maintenance responsibilities.


Architecture in homes for the elderly

Do we really want to spend the last phase of our lives in a hospital-like building, conceived only for functionality? Or would we prefer a more familiar environment that radiates hominess and pleasure? Care is increasingly becoming an architectural challenge. The conventional home for the elderly has served its turn and is being replaced by more modern arrangements combining both living and care functions. In this type of environment, people preserve their independence as much as possible and apply for the enabled care services when needed. Architects need no longer restrict their plans to functionality, efficiency, and economic profit. They must integrate social aspects as well.

Residents, not patients

The increasing emphasis on social aspects in health care is a major challenge. People want to spend their old age in a cosy, homelike place, not someplace where they are treated like bothersome patients. 20

Anonymous entrance halls, blind passages, and the lack of transition zones between collective and private spaces are not designs that help people to feel at home. The elderly want their rest home to radiate hominess and be recognizable as a personal residence.

Smart Design

The architecture of an retirement home is something that needs utmost attention, considering the age of its occupants Flexibility and forecasting are two other challenges for architects. The most important factor to be considered while planning a retirement home is the 'circulation'. This situation will provide high flexibility not only in the design and construction, but also in the interior and exterior appearance of the building. They allow an easy shift in the use of a building. A building originally meant for care, is easily converted into a residential unit. Architects hold an important key in meeting the needs of a challenging era. A retirement home needs to be designed in such a manner that its residents are comfortable in every way possible, for dayto-day living. Skid-free flooring, low-jerk elevators and wheelchair-enabled bathrooms, handrails, and glare-free surfaces, are some of the basic things. Door openings, passages, corridors, etc, have to be wide enough to accommodate equipment like wheel chairs. The rooms have to be very well lit. This will enhance the limited visibility that old people normally possess. 21

While planning the interiors, colors and decor have to be used sensibly. 'Cool colors' such as greens and blues, would be preferred choices over 'warm colors' such as red or yellow. The ventilation has to be designed depending on the climatic conditions of the location of the retirement home. A well designed landscape around the building and indoor gardens are sure to lift the spirit of human being. The environment should bring cheer to the elderly persons with plenty of greenery, gardens, and parks for the inmates to walk around, sit quietly and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. These retirement homes have to be senior citizen friendly with a few steps to climb, friendly toilets and airy rooms.

Location of Retirement Home

A retirement home should have calm, pollution free environment and all other basic necessities just as any comfortable housing project. It could be located in a rural or urban setting depending on the type of people expected to live in it. While some people may like quiet surroundings, others may prefer an urban area where they have quick access to facilities in the city.


Designing Retirement Homes

Retirement Homes could be the dormitory type, independent rooms or cottages depending on the social and economic status of those who are going to live in the homes. The rooms should be well-ventilated. As much as possible all facilities in the home should be at the ground floor level. If upper floors have to be built then a sloping ramp has to be provided which would also facilitate easy passage of wheel chair when needed. The toilets and bathrooms should have rough flooring so that the elders do not slip. Suitable railings should be provided for support. A room should be set apart where sick people needing short-term treatment could be housed. Recreation rooms and rooms for medical care should be built.

Requirements for Medical Care

All medicines and medical accessories that may be needed for treatment of the residents should be stored as per the advice of a senior physician. For e.g.: Oxygen cylinders, suction apparatus and intra-venous sets should be readily available. Transport facilities should be available in case there is a need to rush them to the hospital for intensive care.


Recreational facilities that could be provided in a retirement home

Recreational and reading facilities such as televisions, video players, newspapers and books should be available. Depending on the extent of the physical activity of the residents other facilities for active sports such as: tennis, table tennis, squash can be provided. Depending on the need card tables and other entertainment facilities can be provided. In today's context computers with internet connections are more a necessity than an option especially to receive and send email to the near and dear. The ability to browse the World Wide Web will allow the residents to be informed and mentally active. Interaction with the outside world - It is through the visitors, their visits to the local temple, the television, their reading etc that they maintain an interaction with the outside world.

Visual considerations in interior design of retirement home

Right colors for interiors

With an environment that seems so appealing, why is there such a negative stigma placed on retirement homes? The idea of spending our retirement in a retirement home is perceived by our society as an undesirable option. Three out of one hundred Indians over the age of 65 suffer from depression (National Institute of Mental Health, 2000). 24

Why is the depression rate among the elderly almost four times greater among those living in nursing homes? It could be the work of chance in that many of the residents in nursing homes already have a mental health problem that has made them unable to provide for themselves.

Having prior difficulties could make these residents more susceptible to the normal adjustment problems that come along with relocating to a new living environment. Or perhaps it is because the environments nursing homes create are not specifically geared towards the needs of the elderly.

There are many factors that could contribute to depression among the aging including illness, loss of close family members, or financial problems. Unfortunately these are problems that are uncontrollable, but there are things that we can control that may provide a more agreeable environment for those living in retirement homes. Aesthetically pleasing and functional through color change, lighting, and spatial arrangement, the number of depression diagnoses would decrease among the elderly residing in retirement homes. Through motion pictures and photographs we have some idea of what it might be like to live in a world that is colored in shades of gray. However, it would be much more difficult to imagine a world where there were colors, but they were indistinguishable in many cases and shades of certain colors were nonexistent.

This is the type of colored world that many people progressively experience after the age of forty caused by a condition called presbyopia. The process occurs so gradually that most people do not notice the colors and lights getting dimmer. This could be an explanation of why nursing homes are thought to be so drab by the elderly yet so pleasant to us (those unaffected yet). Rooms decorated in blues may seem to be just shades of dirty gray to the aging. It has been shown in several studies that the colors in our surroundings affect our moods. 25

Females feel more depression in walls painted with white and gray, while males reported more depression in walls colored with colors orange or purple. Therefore, it would be safe to assume that the drab colors seen by the aging in nursing homes might negatively affect their mental state. An effort should be made to decorate the interior in colors more suitable to the presbyopic eye, even though the combinations may not be as pleasing to the younger eye. Using colors that the residents actually see might increase positive feelings towards the atmosphere and the home altogether.


Another factor in the retirement home environment that may contribute to unhappiness among the elderly is illumination levels. Soft glowing lights create a pleasant atmosphere for those of us unaffected by vision deterioration, but for most of the residents, the low level of light can lead to a frustrating battle for clarity. Due to the normal aging process, the lens in our eye becomes less able to accommodate and focus on objects in dimly lit surroundings. This makes it more difficult to do everyday tasks like read the newspaper, watch television, or write a letter. By providing appropriately lit surroundings, we might lessen the awareness of vision problems and aid in a decrease of depressive feelings about old age.


Spatial Arrangement

Along with specific color choices and lighting, spatial arrangement can improve the living environment in retirement homes for the residents. Age-related vision problems can affect more than color vision or illumination levels. Because of the changes in vision it is important to arrange a room, especially the private rooms, in a way that is most comfortable and suitable for the specific needs of the individual. Also because of visual problems, daily tasks may become more difficult, so the room should be arranged to make these tasks easier. By making these difficult tasks more manageable, it could give residents their feelings of independence. The percentage of people over 65 increasing every year and the life expectancy age increasing, more should be done to accommodate them and make their retirement more enjoyable.

Problems faced by elderly people

It is commonly accepted that men over 65 years and women over 60 years be defined as elderly. The process of aging is often confused with ill health. Normal aging causes very little in the way of disability. It is a false assumption that the connection between aging and disability is normal. We have to assume that disability is due to ill health until proved otherwise. It is therefore important to adopt a more curative approach rather than merely accept the condition as a consequence of old age.


However, the inevitability of the aging process does bring into play the following factors, which can potentially restrict ones life.

1. Inability to reach The inability to reach such items as switches or shelves may be partly the result of lack of dexterity in joints and nervous control of body movements. The fact that older people tend to be shorter than the rest of the population is also relevant as the aging process can cause a loss of upto 35mm height.

2. Increased tendency to fall Falls can be caused by external hazards; this can be prevented by sensitive architectural design, which eliminates trip hazards and uses good lighting and contrasts in color and texture. It is especially important for partially sighted people that changes in level and direction are clearly indicated in bright colors. Falls, however, can also result from illness, causing a sudden loss of balance or collapse.

3. Decline in sensory input With advancing age there is commonly some decline in ones ability to see or hear. The decline in sight necessitates sensitivity in the design of the built environment by the use of bright lighting and visual contrast, and provision of signs, notice boards and clocks which can be easily read. This means that any signage should be adequately large with contrasting print, and should be set low enough to allow for the generally short stature of the elderly person. The decline in hearing


implies attention to the design of the acoustic environment, as radios and televisions will tend to be set by many residents at a higher volume.

4. Incontinence Incontinence is not normal and may well be a symptom of another condition, such as dementia or depression. It can be caused by the inability to find the toilet when required. A tendency towards incontinence can therefore be aggravated by poor location of toilets; for example by the need to negotiate a flight of stairs or a long walk down a corridor. This condition in turn can lead to anxiety and depression.

5. Immobility Though many elderly people remain independent, mobility problems are very common as a result of stiffening joints or a fall. Many elderly people will through a process of time be prone to spend time either on wheelchair or bed.

6. Mental Frailty Mental frailty remains a major factor among the disability of elder people. Designing of the built environment sensitive to mental frailty is a more complex and subtle problem. Mental function in elderly people is most commonly impaired by: Dementia Common symptoms of dementia are: Loss of memory and the ability to think clearly 29

Loss of ability to make judgements Loss of emotional function and control Loss of ability to think of results of actions Wandering A move to a new environment commonly worsens the mental state. The lack of a routine can aggravate failing memory. Elderly people will tend not to go out to work and therefore have more time on their hands during their retirement years. External efforts to introduce some form of routine are therefore important. The important factor is to provide a contrast between one day and the next. Without this it is possible for anyone with the slightest tendency to mental frailty to lose track of the hours and days and slip into confusion.

Confusion Confusion occurs when a person appears to become out of touch with his surrounding and becomes forgetful or unable to manage his own affairs. Due to this problem, the person is unable to distinguish between similar looking things, say rooms and therefore to ensure that he can locate his own room, individuality must be maintained.

Depression True depressive illness is common in old people: its rate of occurance may be as high as 10%. Depression is curable.


Despite the restrictions of aging, our basic human needs and desires remain. Architects should be aware of these factors, create environment which does not contribute to or aggravate restrictions, but instead gives unobstructive support, making it possible to maintain a lifestyle in privacy, dignity and without undue dependence. Therefore, given the right support, elderly people can still live as normal lives as the level of backup services and the correct environment will allow.

Participation of the residents in the running of the home

The residents should be encouraged to participate in the day to day activities of the home which may be anything from cooking to maintaining the cleanliness of the home. They could also periodically organize celebrations of various festivals and social events.
Gardening is one of the good options for them as most of them enjoy doing it.

Basic Areas

Transport systems: Bus facility should be provided for the convenience of the user. It should be easily accessible from the road.


Use of solar energy: Solar panels should be properly planned to get maximum use of solar energy available. This will reduce the electric costs and add to efficiency of the scheme.

Life span of the building: The construction methods and materials used should be durable enough for long life of the structure. Proper maintenance facilities should be provided.

Guidelines for planning home for elderly

A. Kerbs and Crossings

1) Pavement should be dropped to be flush with roadway at a gradient not greater than 1:12 on both sides of necessary and convenient crossing points. 2) 3) 4) Width should not be less than 1200mm. Krebs ramps should never lead to a zebra crossing points. Warning blocks to be provided on the kerbed side edge of the slope so that a person with vision impairment does not accidentally walk onto the road. 32

B. Parking
1) 2) Parking should be within 30meters of the main entrance of the building. There is a lower car ownership among the elderly than among the rest of the adult population. 3) The advent of illness or any disability may leave a resident unable to drive. 4) Resident may stop driving especially if the site is located for shopping and transport facilities. 5) As a population of residents does age there may be more visitors to the site such as friends, relatives. 6) There will also be increase in the number of service staff e.g. doctors, personal care staff, nursing staff etc. 7) Car parking provision therefore calls for flexible and realistic consideration. 8) For one bedroom centre schemes for elderly the ratio of car space to dwelling should be 1:4. 9) The design should allow the shortest possible distance between the residents parking space and their dwelling. 10) A minimum of one disabled users car space per 15 dwelling should be 33 Parking space for individuals with physical disabilities. Use of sign boards in parking for disabled.

allowed. 11) Accessible parking lots with minimum width of 3600 mm should be provided. 12) A parking space open on one side allowing room for individuals on wheel chair , crutches etc. to get in and out of an automobile onto a level surface is adequate. It should have a min width of 2700mm preferably 2800mm for ambulant disabled and min 3000mm preferably 3300mm for wheelchair users. 13) Parking space for individuals with physical disabilities or head-on parking space should be 3.6m to 3.8m wide and the length of the aisle should be 7.3m, 6.1m and 6.5m for head-on, 90 degree and 60 degree parking respectively. 14) The parking should have the international signage painted on the ground and also on a signpost/board put near it. 15) There should be directional signs guiding people to the accessible parking. 16) Wheel stoppers to be provided to prevent vehicles to occupy space on the pedestrian pathway.


C. Ramps
1) 2) Gentle slope (1:12 minimum).ramp access 1:20 preferred gradient 1:12. Many people cannot manage a slope of 1: 12 for 30 ft. so it becomes necessary to provide a slope of 1:16 or 1:20. 3) Landings (every 750mm of vertical rise) or at every 10m to 12m for purpose of rest and safely, 4) 5) If the length is 3500mm the min. width should be 1500mm Handrails on both sides at a height of 850mm 900mm both end to be rounded and grouted and extend 300mm beyond top and bottom of ramp. 6) Landing (every 750mm of vertical rise) or at every 10m to 12m for purpose of rest and safety. 7) 8) If the length is 3500mm the min width should be 1500mm. Handrails on both sides at a height of 850mm 900mm both end to be rounded and grouted and extended 300mm beyond top and bottom of ramp. 9) Surfaces (ramp + landing) should be firm and slip resistant. Landings

10) A ramp shall have a level platform at the top, which is least 1800mm long if the door swings out onto the platform or towards the ramp. 11) Ramp should be accompanied by a flight of easygoing steps. 12) For visually impaired people, ramps may be color contrasting with the landing.


D. Steps and Stairs

1) Uniform risers: 150mm and tread: 300mm with maximum pitch 35deg. 2) Stairs edge should have bright contrasting colors: 50mm min. 3) The maximum width of a flight between landings to be 1200mm. 4) Landing should be 1200mm deep, clear of any door swing. 5) The steps should have an unobstructed width of at least 1200mm 6) Have continuous handrails on both sides including the wall (if any) at 850-900mm. 7) Distance between main entrance and elevators to be kept between 9m to 24m. Stairway

Detail of nosing 36

E. Handrails
1) Handrails should be circular in sections with a diameter of 40-45mm. 2) At least 45mm clear of the surface to which they are attached at the height of 850-900mm from the floor, extend by at least 300mm beyond the head and foot of the flight and ramp in the line of travel and grouted in the ground.

Elevation of center handrail


Detail of handrail


F. Corridors
1) Corridors should have an unobstructed width of 1500mm-1800mm. 2) If less than 1500mm, turning spaces should be located at intervals of 30m 3) Minimum length of any corridor used by resident 30m. 4) Handrails to be fixed on both sides of the corridor. 5) Doors in circulation areas minimum clear opening width 813mm. 6) Level difference should be beveled. 7) Threshold should not be more than 12mm. 8) All protruding objects more than 100mm from the wall to be placed either in a niche or above 2100mm from the floor. 9) To be well lit.

One way passage

Two way passage 38

G. Doors
1) All doors should have a clear opening of 900mm. 2) Be fitted with a lever action locks and D-handles of circular sections 3) Be fitted with vision panels at least between 900mm and 1500mm from floor level. 4) Be colored contrast with the surrounding wall and should not be heavier than 22N to open. 5) A distance of 450mm should be provided beyond the leading edge of door to enable a wheel chair user to maneuver and to reach the handle. 6) Kick plates are recommended 400mm from bottom to avoid abuse due to crutches wheel chair foot plates, etc.

H. Toilets
1) A min of one toilet compartments for public use should have enough floor space for wheel chair users to enter and exit. 2) Clear floor space (1750mm x 1550mm min) 3) Should have door of clear opening of at least 900mm with the door swing outwards or be folding or sliding type. 4) Should have slip resistant flooring. 5) Be provided with a horizontal pull bar at least 600mm long on the inside and 140mm long on the outside at a height of 700mm. Handrail 11/2 in dia 13 above the seat. 39

6) Grab bars must be provided because many disabled people rely heavily upon grab bars and handrails to maintain balance and prevent serious faIls. 7) Size and shape of grab bars: 8) There are alternate shapes of handrails as long as they allow an opposing grip similar to that provided by a circular section of 1-1/4 in to 1-1/2 in (32 mm to 38 mm).

Small toilet room with shower

I. Water Closet (W.C)

1) Have clear space of not less than 900mm wide next to the water closet. 2) Be placed between 460mm to 480mm from the centerline of the WC to the adjacent wall and have a clear dimension of 800mm from edge of the WC to the rear wall to facilitate side transfer. 3) The top of the WC to the rear wall to facilitate side transfer. 4) Have a back support. 5) Grab bars at the rear and the adjacent wall. 6) On the transfer side swing up grab bars shall be provided.


Standard dimensions of WC.

J. Washbasin
1) Be of dimensions 520mm and 410mm, mounted such that the top edge is between 800mm-900mm from the floor; have a knee space of at least 760mm wide by 200mm deep by 650-680mm high. 2) Lever type handles for taps are recommended. 3) Mirrors bottom edge to be 1000mm from the floor and mirror may be inclined at an angle.


K. Urinals
1) All urinals should have grab bars. 2) A stall type urinal is recommended. 3) Grab bars may be installed on each side and in the front of the urinal. The front bar is to provide chest support; the sidebars are for the user to hold on while standing. 4) Accessible toilet shall be provided with a switch that activates an emergency alarm.


5) For benefits of vision- impaired persons ,all toilets to have male or female mark on plates , with raised alphabets and put on wall next to door.

L. Lifts
1) Floor space: minimum space for wheel chairs 1400 x 1400mm or more. 2) Doors: clear door opening 900mm wide. 3) Door closing mechanism: adjustable to give adequate entry time. 4) Call and control button: at a reach of 900mm-1000mm at least 450mm from any corner.

Elevator car with side opening

Elevator car with center opening 43

Number of residents
1) The environment of an organization and its living conditions evolve with its functioning and expansion. 2) The number of residents is a major factor for determining this. 3) As the number of residents grows, the home behaves lesser and lesser like a family. 4) The Homes have found the need to introduce rules and regulations as the numbers grow, to avoid chaos and disturbance in their functioning. 5) In contrast, the Homes with lesser number of residents, even up to 50-60 residents, function a lot more like conventional families, where rules do exist but these are discussed, resisted, debated and it is still possible to exert a moral authority rather than a written rule. 6) Most of the organizations studied have largely been able to balance the two and provide a caring family atmosphere, yet without becoming haphazard in their functioning.

People required to work in a retirement home

1) A home for the aged will need an administrator who will be responsible for the running of the home. 2) Supporting staff such as clerks, cashier cum accountant, nursing staff, maids and a cook are the basic required staff for the efficient running of a retirement home. 3) A medical officer will be needed to attend to the health needs of the inmates. If the home is very close to a hospital where emergencies can be treated then, it may be enough to avail the services of a doctor, who works there part-time. 44

4) A nutritionist can play an important role by providing special attention to the nutritional requirements of the residents. At least a part-time nutritionist should be appointed. 5) Wherever possible nursing staff and health care workers trained in geriatric care should be appointed.

Qualifications of staff

1) For nursing and medical staff as well as administration qualified staff is necessary. 2) The only qualifications required to take care of the elders, and assist them are love, acceptance and patience. 3) In many cases, the locals from the village or town are employed as staff. 4) The number of staff range from 2 for the smallest home having 6 residents to about 10 workers in the largest consisting of about 100 aged people. 5) Besides administration and nursing which need qualified staff, responsibilities include, cooking, laundry, cleaning duties, caretaking duties, general assistance and help, driving and security.


Seniors Housing

1. The entry/exit (or front door) is the critical transfer point from the least public area of the development to the least private area of the dwelling unit. 2. It will ensure the privacy of unit activities and contribute strongly to the sense of home. 3. It must be a place, not just a door in a wall which opens directly in to the living area or other such space as shown in the fig.

Accessibility The entry/exit area should be directly accessible to the following less private area of the unit:

1. Food preparation 2. Living area 3. Storage and utility


The entry/exit area should be indirectly accessible (minor intermediate activity or a circulation path) to more private areas of the unit:

1. Dining 2. Private outdoor 3. Personal hygiene 4. Sleeping and dressing

The entry/exit area should have both visual and audio contact with visitors outside the entry door; but visitors should not have visual contact and only controlled audio contact into the entry area of the dwelling unit. This maximizes the ability of the resident to keep out unwanted visitors and allows the resident to control the space just outside the unit.

Orientation The orientation of this activity toward view and sunlight is governed by more essential concerns related to building type and the functional organization of other activities.

Furnishings The furnishings and equipment necessary for this area are as follows: Storage for outer wear, that is, coats, boot, umbrellas, etc. A place to sit while putting on outwears.


General Living
Each dwelling unit should have an area or areas which are organized and furnish able for a wide range of activities, such as the following:

1. Conversation 2. Entertaining 3. Reading 4. Television viewing

Accessibility Direct physical accessibility should be provided to the following areas: 1. Entry/exit area - planning can be too open; therefore, there should be a definite spatial distinction between living area and entry/exit 2. Private outdoor area - for the extension of general living activities 3. Dining area - where these spaces are combined, accessibility should not impair either activity.

Indirect physical accessibility should exist between the following areas: 1. Food preparation area 2. Personal hygiene area for visitor use (this accessibility should not impair the privacy of the sleeping and 48

dressing areas) 3. Storage and utility areas 4. Sleeping and dressing areas

Visual and audio contact with equally active areas (entry/exit and private outdoor) should be encouraged. The visual and audio relationship between the dining and living areas will vary with the location of the dining area. Visual and audio contact to sleeping and dressing and personal hygiene spaces should be minimized. Visual and audio contact to the food preparation area should be either minimized.

Orientation Living spaces will be occupied many hours of the day and should, therefore, be provided with interesting views out of the unit. Windows should be located so that a seated person can see out. In first and second-floor units, windows should also be carefully located to avoid loss of internal privacy from outside of the unit. On upper floors, close views from one unit to another should be avoided. Sunlight is important to both physical and mental conditions; therefore, planning should ensure that living spaces will receive some sunlight during each sunny day probably no less than 30 percent of the day. Northern orientations should be avoided.


Furnishability Furniture that should be accommodated in the living area should include the following items: 1. One couch, 3 feet by 6 feet -10 inches Two easy chairs, 2 feet-6 inches by 3 feet 2. One television set, 1 foot-4 inches by 2 feet-8 inches One table, I foot-6 inches by 2 feet-6 inches

The location of doors, windows, and other openings should be carefully considered so as not to unnecessarily limit furniture arrangement. A substantial amount of uninterrupted wall length is required. The following specific design criteria should be used: 1. 60 inches minimum clearance should be provided between facing seating. 2. 30 inches minimum clearance is required for use of a desk. 3. 60 inches minimum distance is necessary between the television set and seating.

Spatial Characteristics The living area is likely to become the focus of the dwelling unit for many residents. Good planning effectively accommodates the living activity while also accounting for circulation, doors, windows, and furniture. The living area should be of sufficient size as to allow some excess in floor area for such temporary activities as exercise. A width of less than 12 feet is difficult to utilize effectively. It has also been found that rectangular rather than square space is easier to furnish and to zone for different activities. Consideration should be given in dwelling units of larger than standard size to subdividing the living activities area into two 50

separate areas this approach is particularly effective where there are two residents in a unit who wish to carry on different activities simultaneously.

Food Preparation

The physical characteristics of the aged hamper the normal functions of food preparation, cooking, food and utensil storage, trash disposal, dish washing and drying and eating. If appropriate physical design adaptation is not made to the food preparation space and facilities, cooking and related activities will become unpleasant, tedious, and possibly dangerous. The net effect will be the creation of the psychological barrier which deters the user from cooking and eating. This situation is particularly unacceptable because dietary problems can become acute for the aged.

Accessibility 1. The food preparation area should be directly accessible to the main entry/exit of the dwelling unit to facilitate carrying of bundles. 2. It should also be directly accessible to the dining area.If the dining area is outside the kitchen, a small eating surface in the kitchen for breakfast or light meals should be provided. 3. The table height should be usable from a wheelchair. 51

4. The food preparation area should be indirectly accessible to but visually screened from the living, sleeping, personal hygiene and private outdoor areas of the dwelling unit. 5. Visual and audio contact to the entry/exit area should be maintained while audio contact to the living, sleeping and personal hygiene areas should be minimized.

Orientation 1. Often food preparation areas are located at the rear of dwelling units, but where possible, this should be avoided. 2. The kitchen should be located on an outside wall with an interesting view from a window and it should have morning sunlight if possible.

Furnishings and equipment The necessary equipment for food preparation and related activities is as follows: 1. Ventilation, both mechanical and natural, to eliminate heat and odors 2. Sinks and associated work space 3. Cooking unit and oven with associated work space 4. Refrigerator and freezer with associated loading and unloading counter space 5. Storage consisting of wall and base cabinets and pantry 6. Dishwasher (optional, but should be included where possible) 7. Dining counter (where formal dining space is outside the kitchen)


An L or U-shaped kitchen is preferable to the Pullman or corridor type kitchen. The corridor type is inconvenient for elderly people who, with advancing age and motor and sensory losses, find it difficult to repeatedly turn from one counter to another as they work.

Equipment should be placed so that there is sufficient operating room between it and any adjacent corner cabinet. At least 12 inches from the edge of the sink and range and 15 inches at the side of the refrigerator are recommended. A minimum of 42 inches should be provided between base cabinets or appliances opposite each other. This same minimum clearance applies when a wall, storage wall, or work table is opposite a base cabinet. There should be no through circulation in the kitchen work area.

Spatial characteristics 1. To ensure that this space is enjoyable to work in, it is necessary to provide adequate artificial light at all work areas and to create a spatial volume of appropriate scale. 2. These criteria can be translated to mean that the ceiling height should be no lower than 7 feet-6 inches. 3. Color should be used carefully and be tied to visual identification. 4. Where ductless range hoods are used, another means of ventilation should be used to carry away cooking heat. 5. Where main dining is combined with food preparation, there should be clear spatial distribution between them, perhaps even a difference in ceiling height.


1. There must be a permanent dining place within each dwelling unit for independent elderly residents. 2. This place may be within or outside of the food preparation area. 3. Secondary activities will naturally occur within this area, such as table games, paperwork and hobbies.

Accessibility Because of the array of activities that will be carried out, the dining area should have direct accessibility to the following areas: 1. Food preparation area, to facilitate serving of food and cleaning of dishes 2. Living area

The dining area may have only indirect (minor intervening activity or circulation path) accessibility to the following areas: 1. Entry/exit area Private outdoor area: 2. These relationships should be subordinated to the requirements of relationship to the food preparation and living areas.

There should be no direct accessibility between the dining activity and the following areas: 1. Sleeping and dressing areas Personal hygiene areas 2. There should be direct visual and audio accessibility between the dining and the food preparation areas. 54

3. Dependent upon unit organization, there may be a direct relationship between the dining and living areas; however, in such a case there should be no visual connection between the food preparation and living area through the dining area. 4. Visual and audio contact between the dining area and very private areas such as the sleeping and dressing and personal hygiene areas should be minimal or entirely eliminated.

Orientation 1. Wherever possible, the dining area should have views out of the dwelling unit and should also have morning sunlight. 2. Where the orientation is western, it is important to control the harsh effects of the setting sun. 3. Other functional relationships must be achieved such as entry/exit to the living and food preparation areas, and the food preparation area to the dining area.

Furnishings Each dining space must contain sufficient space to accommodate four people. It is desirable that sufficient space be available to expand this accommodation to six persons for special circumstances. Appropriate space should be provided for the storage of china and large dining articles. The following minimum clearances from the edge of the table should be provided: 1. 36 inches for chairs plus access thereto. 2. 42 inches for chairs plus access and passage 42 inches for serving from behind chair


3. 30 inches for passage. 4. 48 inches from table to base cabinet (in kitchen)

In sizing a separate dining room, provision should be made for circulation through the room in addition to space for dining.

Spatial characteristics The dining activity space may be located separately or combined with living or food preparation spaces. Because of economic considerations, a separate dining space seems unlikely, but, nevertheless, it is desirable that developments offer both arrangements to provide a variety and choice in responding to the differences between formal or informal lifestyles of various tenants. The ceiling height of the dining space in a dwelling unit may be raised or lowered for spatial effect; it should, however, be no lower than 7 feet-6 inches. The dining table location should be permanent, requiring no rearrangement of furniture at mealtimes, and use of this space should not infringe upon other activities. Wall area should be available for hanging pictures and the like. It should be possible to see the outdoors from the dining table. Where cabinets are used to separate the food preparation area from the dining area, some of the cabinets should open from both sides to facilitate table setting.


Sleeping and Dressing

An efficient bedroom is important for any household, but for older people it is absolutely necessary. This is partly because of the need for rest periods, but as people grow older, many also become more susceptible to illness and are bedridden.

Accessibility This activity is one of the most private in the dwelling unit. In dwelling units containing two residents it is essential that one resident be able to carry on normal living activities (including entertaining visitors) without serious loss of privacy to the other person in the bedroom. Because of this basic need, direct physical accessibility should exist only between the sleeping and dressing area and the following areas: a. Personal hygiene area b. Personal clothing storage

The bathroom may also be accessible through a hall. In some cases, provision for personal living activities may be located within the bedroom. Direct accessibility to private outdoor space may also be acceptable under some circumstances. 57

Indirect accessibility should exist to the following areas: 1. Food preparation area Storage and utility area No direct accessibility should exist between the sleeping and dressing area and the following areas: 1. Entry/exit area, for protection of privacy Living area 2. Living area 3. Dining area

It is desirable that a circulation space serve as a buffer between the sleeping and rest of the dwelling unit. Like the living area this area should have excellent views from its windows. This space requires at least 30% exposure to the sunlight.

Furnishings In addition to sleeping and dressing functions, the bedroom should have provisions for such passive living activities as:

1. Television viewing 2. Reading 3. Computer use


Furniture Two twin beds, 33 X 66, or one double bed 49 x 66, one dresser 16 X 44, one chair 16 X 16, one table 16 X 26, one portable TV set A secondary bedroom for single occupancy should have circulation space and accommodate furniture of the following sizes: One twin bed 33X 66, one dresser 16X36, one chair 16X16. The location of doors, windows, and closets should be planned to allow for the best placement of the bed and other furniture. For reasonable access to and use of bedroom furniture and equipment, the following min clearances should be observed: 1. 42 inches at one side or foot of bed, for dressing 2. 24 inches clearance for least used side of double bed 3. 6 inches clearance from side of bed to side of dresser or chest of drawers. 4. 36 inches clearance in front of dresser, closet. 5. 24 inches clearance between twin beds 6. 18 inches clearance between twin bed and wall for ease of bed making.

Balcony 1. Balconies should be recessed behind the main entrance of the building because this technique provides a strong sense of enclosure, privacy, and security. 2. Where this is not possible, and where there are adjoining balconies or the balcony is exposed to broad public view,


balconies should be provided with screening walls or devices at their sides that achieve privacy and security.

Personal Hygiene

Bathrooms for elderly residents should be given great care in design as this space can, if poorly conceived, cause both serious health hazards.

Generally aged people have lack of mobility and slow reaction time. It is necessary that the hygiene spaces should be inherently safe from sharp edges and slippery floor surfaces and do not require excessive bending, leaning or twisting to carry out necessary.

Accessibility In addition to more frequent than normal use during the day, frequent use of the bathroom at night is common. Therefore, consideration should be given to direct accessibility between the bedroom and the bathroom. This accessibility would not require passage: through an intervening circulation space. The route should be direct, unobstructed, and of sufficient width for a wheelchair to use easily. Indirect accessibility should also exist between the bathroom and the more general living areas of the unit. Visual and audio contact between the bathroom and other areas should be minimized. 60

Orientation The designer should make sure that no loss of privacy occurs. Windows should not be located over bathtubs.

Furnishings and Equipment All personal hygiene spaces should have the following equipment: 1. Lavatory basin (preferred in a vanity countertop) Water closet 2. Bath or shower 3. Appropriate grab bars 4. Storage space and minor 5. Toilet-paper holder 6. Towel bars

It is essential for the successful functioning of the bathroom or lavatory that certain minimum clear working areas are provided around fixtures. These requirements are as follows:

Lavatory basins: 3 feet-6 inches by 3 feet-6 inches; the sink should be centered on one dimension and at the extreme of the other. Water closet: 2 feet-6 inches by 4 feet-4 inches; the water closet should be centered on the 2 feet-6 inches dimension and located at the extreme of the 4 feet-4 inches dimension. 61


Min height of the counter required for comfort of Heights of grab bars in the bathroom wheel chair user.


Studio room for wheel chair users with 5 turning radius.

Double occupancy bed room for adults.


People who use wheel chairs and seniors usually wish to sit down while preparing food. The work surface must be lower than the usual 36high counter. Min clear knee, work and floor space required.

Use of a wider, lower work surface.

Lowered counter segment for work surface.




A small garden oasis has to be created as an addition to modern and comfortable old peoples housing. A concept should be developed - the garden to have many uses for the residents who can only walk a limited distance, for example the open space has as few contours as possible in order to be usable for disabled residents. The courtyards particular attraction lies mainly in the large differences in height within the small plot. Small, step free circular path can be provided. Seating in the sun and the shade must be provided. An aromatic and herb garden with benches, a barbecue and a flower table with wheel chair access in a small area complete the garden for the residents. The height of planters parapet, so that the old people as well as wheel chair users feel comfortable for gardening is mentioned below.


Barriers identified at different areas

A) Entrance Foyer

1. Steps, porch 2. Threshold 3. Door 4. Entrance doorknob 5. Carpeting or rugs 6. Lack of space

B) Kitchen

1. Inadequate space 2. Lack of shelving 3. Lack of shelving at proper height 4. Inaccessible sinks 5. Difficult-to-reach storage areas 6. Countertops at improper heights 7. Wall receptacles, switches, thermostats 68

8. Floor coverings

C) Outdoors

1. Steps to the ground, high thresholds 2. Soft ground 3. No rest areas 4. No protection from the rain or sun 5. Improper lighting
6. Lack of security

Rain Water Harvesting

Harvesting system Broadly rainwater can be harvested for two purposes: 1. Storing rainwater for ready use in containers above or below ground 2. Charged into the soil for withdrawal later

(groundwater recharging) 69

From where to harvest rain Rainwater harvesting can be harvested from the following surfaces:

Rooftops - If buildings with impervious roofs are already in place, the catchment area is effectively available free of charge and they provide a supply at the point of consumption.

Paved and unpaved areas i.e., landscapes, open fields, parks, storm water drains, roads and pavements and other open areas can be effectively used to harvest the runoff. The main advantage in using ground as collecting surface is that water can be collected from a larger area. This is particularly advantageous in areas of low rainfall.


Waterbodies - The potential of lakes, tanks and ponds to store rainwater is immense. The harvested rainwater can not only be used to meet water requirements of the city, it also recharges groundwater aquifers.

Stormwater drains - Most of the residential colonies have proper network of stormwater drains. If maintained neatly, these offer a simple and cost effective means for harvesting rainwater.

Why harvest rainwater? It's a shame to let runoff go to waste when it can be used indoors and/or for irrigation. The benefits of rainwater harvesting can include:

Relief of strain on other water supply Ability to build or farm in areas with no other water supply Cleaner water Increased independence and water security Lower water supply cost Reduced flood flows Reduced topsoil loss Improved plant growth Greater sensitivity to and connection with natural cycles 71

What is rain water harvesting? The principle of collecting and using precipitation from a catchments surface. An old technology is gaining popularity in a new way. Rain water harvesting is enjoying a renaissance of sorts in the world, but it traces its history to biblical times. Extensive rain water harvesting apparatus existed 4000 years ago in the Palestine and Greece. In ancient Rome, residences were built with individual cisterns and paved courtyards to capture rain water to augment water from city's aqueducts. As early as the third millennium BC, farming communities in Baluchistan and Kutch impounded rain water and used it for irrigation dams.

Artifical recharge to ground water Artificial recharge to ground water is a process by which the ground water reservoir is augmented at a rate exceeding that obtaining under natural conditions or replenishment. Any man-made scheme or facility that adds water to an aquifer may be considered to be an artificial recharge system.

Rain water harvesting techniques There are two main techniques of rain water harvesting: 1. Storage of rainwater on surface for future use. 2. Recharge to ground water.

The storage of rain water on surface is a traditional technique and structures used were underground tanks, ponds, check dams, weirs etc. Recharge to ground water is a new concept of rain water harvesting and the structures generally used are: 72

Pits: Recharge pits are constructed for recharging the shallow aquifer. These are constructed 1 to 2 m, wide and to 3 m. deep which are back filled with boulders, gravels, coarse sand.

Trenches: These are constructed when the permeable strata is available at shallow depth. Trench may be 0.5 to 1 m. wide, 1 to 1.5m. deep and 10 to 20 m. long depending up availability of water. These are back filled with filter materials.

Dug wells: Existing dug wells may be utilized as recharge structure and water should pass through filter media before putting into dug well.

Hand pumps: The existing hand pumps may be used for recharging the shallow/deep aquifers, if the availability of water is limited. Water should pass through filter media before diverting it into hand pumps.

Recharge wells: Recharge wells of 100 to 300 mm. diameter are generally constructed for recharging the deeper aquifers and water is passed through filter media to avoid choking of recharge wells.

Recharge Shafts: For recharging the shallow aquifers which are located below clayey surface, recharge shafts of 0.5 to 3 m. diameter and 10 to 15 m. deep are constructed and back filled with boulders, gravels & coarse sand.

Lateral shafts with bore wells: For recharging the upper as well as deeper aquifers lateral shafts of 1.5 to 2 m. wide & 10 to 30 m. long depending upon availability of water with one or two bore wells are constructed. The lateral shaft is back filled with boulders, gravels & coarse sand.


Spreading techniques: When a permeable stratum starts from top then this technique is used. Spread the water in streams/Nalas by making check dams, nala bunds, cement plugs, gabion structures or a percolation pond may be constructed.

Methods of artificial recharge in urban areas Water spreading Recharge through pits, trenches, wells, shafts Rooftop collection of rainwater Road top collection of rainwater Induced recharge from surface water bodies.

Computation of artificial recharge from roof top rainwater collection:

Factors taken for computation

Individual Houses

Multistoried building 500 sq. m. 275 cu. m.

Roof top area Total quantity available for recharge per annum Water available for 5

100 sq. m. 55 cu. m

100 days

500 days

member Family 74

Niwara Old Age Home (Also known as David Sassoon Infirm Asylum)
On the banks of river Mutha, amidst lush green surroundings stands Niwara: DAVID SASSON INFIRM ASYLUM, PUNE, a 147 year old social institution catering to the needs of the destitute. Enveloped in lush green surrounding one feels transported to another world, right in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the Pune city. Here one finds peace, tranquillity and the spirit of selfless social service one gets to be a part of.

INTRODUCTION PROJECT: NIWARA LOCATION OF SITE: 96, New Sadashiv Peth, Pune 411 030. The access to the site is from the secondary road (Senadatta Peth) which is 6m wide.

CREATORS: Group of some prominent socially conscious visionaries from Pune such as Shrimant Sardar Natu, Raste, Kibe, Justice G K Gokhale, Justice M G Ranade and Sir David Sasson.



SITE AREA: 18,824 Sq. M.

BUILT UP AREA: 4353.03 Sq. M.

GROUND COVER: 3420.48 Sq. M. DAVID SASSOON INFIRM ASYLUM NIWARA, is run as a public charitable trust, solely catering to the welfare of old men and women above 60 years of age, who are without any close family members (spouse, son, daughter), without any source of livelihood, and without any other support. Once admitted they are looked after till their last day. All necessities like food, clothes, medical care and comfortable rooms to live in are taken care of.

The campus sprawls over 5 acres of land. FOUNDATION DATE: 9th August 1863.

THE CAMPUS In the campus one sees a beautiful blend of old world charm and modern architecture. Recently, in the northern part, the old residential cottages got replaced by a new building with 8 dormitories on the ground floor and 9 on the first floor. These large rooms have 8 beds each with convenient toilets and bathrooms. 76

Recently constructed new building

Plenty of windows providing natural light and ventilation

G+1 Structure

Spacious Lobby 77

On the ground floor, there is a spacious lobby which is a hub of activities, a drying balcony, storage room and a doctors clini c. A new kitchen is also in operation, with a dining room where 80 to 100 people can have meals at a time.

Each Dormitory houses minimum 8 & maximum 10 residents where each resident is provided with one single bed and a small storage cabinet. Each Dorm has one TV.

In the G+1 new building, the first floor is accessed by a staircase as well as a ramp as seen in the picture above.


The Gulmohar tree near the dorm provides for a shaded sitting area where the inmates relax, converse and mingle.

This is a temple near the dormitory where the residents pray.

Ramp with railing leading upto the dining hall.

The Dining hall spacious with plenty of natural light and ventilation. 79

Solar energy is tapped for heating water for bathing as well as for the laundry machine. There are also solar street lights along with halogen lamps. The emergency lights in all rooms run on solar energy.

NIWARA ashram can proudly boast of its huge shady trees and lush green vegetation. One sees large plantation of bananas and coconut trees, some mango trees are also found with vegetable patches all around. Flowering plants and ornamental shrubs add to the peaceful ambience. Inmates can stroll around in peace. Solar Panel installed for heating water

Coconut Palms

Papaya trees

Ornamental Plants


RESIDENTS . Total capacity of accommodation is 150 people. There are around 140 inmates currently staying on the campus. 80 women and rest men. The residents live in as an extended family, each contributing and sharing responsibility, according to ones ability and physical strength. Activities, such as cleaning the campus, looking after plants, helping in kitchen activities, etc are undertaken by the residents.

One of the residents helping out in the kitchen activities.

Although no provision of a resident doctor is there, twice a week honorary doctors visit the institution and or services of doctor are need based. According to their advice, inmates are treated, or taken to hospital if needed. They are associated with Dinanath Mangeskar hospital(at a distance of 4km) and Sanjeevan hospital.

A separate wing at a nominal charge is available for physical dependant persons, whose family are unable to nurse them constantly for 24 hours at home due to various constraints. Also old age bed ridden inmates are shifted to this nursing On campus nursing home for assisted living home on the campus where care is provided by trained nurses round the clock.



Site located at Sadashiv Peth, off Lal Bahadur Shastri marg, opposite to a blood bank.

River Mutha flows near the site.

There is a Vaikunth crematorium near the site.

Topography - It is a flat land. Pale green shaded dormitories with imposing stone work wall superstructure complete the landscape.

Watchman at the entrance controls the movement of people and vehicles.

Parking capacity for 10 cars and around 100 2-wheelers in the campus. Parking area provision in front of the meeting hall for 10 cars. The area is shaded by many trees especially the big peepal tree beneath which people can meet, sit & converse.

Pathways are paved with antiskid tiles and shahabad tiles.


ZONING OF THE SITE Site entrance is from the east side. On the right side of the entrance is the Administration office, while on the left side is the Doctors examination room.

A tar road leads to the gymnasium from the main entrance, so that the outside members using the gymnasium can easily reach there without disturbing the inmates on the premises.

Administration Office on the right side of the entrance

The tar road leading to the parking area in front of the meeting hall & gymnasium



The planning is simple and scattered, the dormitories and the wards are not directly seen from the entrance. The spaces are divided as:

Administration office

Meeting room

Computer room




Dining area




Washing area Legal advisory room

Administration office Located near the entrance on the right side, has a foyer having benches for visitors to sit and the walls are covered with notice boards. This section of the office is divided into two parts with the help of cupboards such as the meeting room and office space.

Temple A temple is located at the north east corner for the pious who would like to visit the same. It also has an access from the outside as well as from the campus. Normally the outside gate is closed for security reasons

Rehabilitation Centre NIWARA has another wing since last 18 odd years, known as Rehabilitation Centre. This is another endeavor to be of help to the Society. Many a times, you have an elder in the family, stricken by paralysis or some other impairment, and is bed-ridden. There is hardly anyone at home who can do nursing of these invalids. NIWARA admits such patients in the premises and provides nursing services of every description to them. The idea is that the family get at least some relief. The patients are cleansed, bathed or 85

sponged; cloths are periodically changed; wounds are nursed; medicines are administered; food, snacks, tea, coffee, milk are served regularly. All this for 24 hours a day. NIWARA tries to nurse these patients and also nourishes them on the road to recovery. This facility is overwhelmingly patronized by the society.


The Physiotherapy Unit

Inside The Physiotherapy Unit

Old men need physiotherapeutic attention one day or the other and patients admitted in the rehabilitation centre need such services on priority. That was how the idea of having a well-equipped centre of their own was mooted. With this necessity in view, the 86

physiotherapy centre was launched, in revered memory of late Dr. Abasaheb Natu who held Secretary ship for almost half a century. From diathermy to wax bath, equipment of every type has been installed here. The facility is thrown open to the public as an out-patient-department. The income thus generated from the outsiders is used for running the old age home. The inmates can use this facility for free.


There is a homeopathic clinic for the inmates of Niwara. This is also available to other people at large, at a very nominal fee.


Niwara can boast of having a GYM well equipped with modern gadgets for fitness & scientific exercising. Members above 50 years of age enjoy special concessions in fees, whereas inmates can take advantage of the GYM at will, and at no cost. Like Homeopathy clinic, and Physiotherapy Centre this GYM is open for public also. Response to this activity is every-increasing.


The Gymnasium

Inside the Gymnasium

Spastic Polio Physiotherapy

Niwara has started a new center from April 2007 for Pediatric Spastic Polio Physiotherapy. The hall for treatment is on ground floor which is very convenient for patients and their relatives. It is attended by well experienced physiotherapy experts.


Meeting Hall & Extension Thereof

Of late, Niwara Meeting Hall has been acclaimed as a good place for holding brief meetings, seminars, activities, even marriage bureau here.

Many an organizations, NGOs hold their gatherings in the spacious twin Niwara meeting hall, capable of accommodating upto 400 visitors.

This facility earns decent income for the institution.


The Meeting Hall

Extension of the Meeting Hall

Auto Rickshaw

To carry out day to day activities of Niwara, the management of Niwara bought private auto rickshaw to travel between hospitals and back to Niwara.

SERVICES Support services include:


The Kitchen

The store attached to the kitchen

Kitchen - It is combined with the dining area without any partition, with a store room attached to the kitchen. Staff of 5 - 6 people works in the kitchen.

The Pantry for preparing tea & snacks & prepping for the meals prepared in the main kitchen.

The Store House for kitchen supplies 91

Dining area - The hall is laid with tables and benches, roof is sloping and is covered with AC sheets. Both male and female inmates eat together. A ramp is provided at the entrance for ease of climb in. Windows on both sides of the wall provide proper light and ventilation to the dining area.

The Dining Hall

Ramp leading to the dining hall opposite the dormitory

Laundry - Laundry space is provided at the back of the campus near the dormitories.

Separate water tank is provided for washing the clothes. Clothes are dried in the set back. Washing machines are operated by the inmates to wash their clothes.

The Laundry Machine Entertainment - Niwara has provision of good entertainment which includes television, interaction with society with gymnasium, grocery, bhajans kirtans, storytelling arranged frequently. Niwara also celebrates all festivals. An occasional 92

change in the food such as ice-cream, bhel, idli-dosa makes the atmosphere livelier. The inmates are taken on excursions once a year.


Computer Room

Laxmi Pujan

Water storage PMC water is provided for use of the inmates, some of the water supply lines run through the rear side of the buildings. An elevated water tank also exists which gets filled with water from a bore well, for use in cleaning and gardening. This bore is on the campus site. Solar panels are used for heating water and these are placed on the tanks at the ground floor near the laundry section.

Drainage Drainage lines run under the approach road. All soil and waste water pipes as well as rain down pipes run through the exterior walls and are seen on the exterior faade. Man holes are provided at every change in direction, gradient and alignment at intervals of 10 to 15 m.



Electricity is provided by MSEDCL. Electric wiring is not concealed. All electrical points flush with the wall with the height of 1200 mm above floor level. The electric meter room is placed at the entrance, which is open from 3 sides and covered from the top. Inverter back up for lighting is in place. No generator back up exists as of date.


Entire campus is planned on ground level, the buildings are constructed with stone load bearing walls, finished with plaster. Roofs have wooden trusses with Mangalore tiles. The passages are covered with A C / G I sheets.

The new structure has been made from 230 mm thick external brick walls and neeru finished, which is now ground plus 1 storied structure with 2 dormitories, where the ground level is occupied by women and the 1 st floor by men with convenient toilets and bathrooms. This structure has a 21 m ramp to access the first floor.

Flooring is of shahabad stone in old structures, whereas kotah and marble mosaic tiles are used in the new dwellings.


Doors and windows in old structures are made from teakwood, whereas the new structures have flush doors and MS windows.

Sloping roof is provided everywhere.

Simple scattered planning.

Easily accessible ramps at the entrances of each ward and dormitory, which facilitates easy movement of the users.

Ramps are provided with proper railing and non slippery Shahabad flooring.

Pathways are paved with antiskid tiles.


Entrance steps have proper railing and the nosing of the steps, are flushed to the riser.

The railing is round as it offers proper grip.

The passages are wide enough and have non slippery flooring.


Minimum door widths of 750 mm.

No more than 3 steps are provided at the entrances.

Both kinds of toilets are provided European and Indian.

Grab bars are provided in the newly constructed building.

Ceramic tiles are used for flooring in the recently constructed building.

Ceramic tiles are used in the bathrooms.

Oil paints are used on all internal walls for easy maintenance.

Only white wash is given to the internal walls in some parts.

Provision of grab bars in toilet


New building in the campus is externally cladded with stone cladding.

White wash provided in some parts.

Green oil paint is mostly used for the external faade.

Roofing material Mangalore tiles are placed on GI sheets covering the sloping roofs.

OPENINGS The openings are rectangular in shape which blends with the rectangular faade of the building. Openings are planned in such a way that it forms a grid pattern in front elevation to give the building a formal look.


Positive points of the design 1) Provisions of ramps have made the movement very convenient.


2) The volume of spaces is comfortable for people to stay in dormitories.

3) The site being near the main road is easily accessible to one and all.

4) There is enough light and ventilation for all the units.

5) Majority of inmates are contended, living in Niwara.

6) Niwara works with a sole aim of providing a respectful living for the elders who have no relatives to look after them.

Negative Positive points of the design

1) Not much consideration given to landscaping in spite of availability of space.

2) Toilet blocks are placed outside the dormitories.

3) No grab bars provision in the toilets of old blocks.

4) Parking space is insufficient.



Project: Athashri (I & II) at Pashan, Pune

Client: Paranjape Schemes Construction Ltd. & Athashri Foundation.

Architects: Ar. Anirudha Vaidya & associates

Approximate built-up area: Phase I = 1,37,800 sq.ft. Phase II = 1,45,000 sq.ft. Clubhouse = 3500 sq.ft.

Established: In 2002 99

Location: Located ahead of Pashan chowk on Pashan Sus road in Sus Village, a quiet and peaceful area. A hillock in the back on the west side provides a serene atmosphere to the whole estate. The place is around 25 km from Pune railway station.

Area: 5 acres approximately. It is a rectangular elongated plot.

Site: The site is contoured and elongated. The entrance road is on one side of the site. There is a 7.5 m concrete road running through phase I & II of the condominium.

Design Brief: The challenge was to design exclusive units for senior citizens and the site was a sloping one. Location and site plan of Athashri Pashan Unique housing complex only for elderly - A haven for senior citizens in Pune

A Pune based construction company, Paranjape Schemes, has launched `Athashree', a housing scheme that promises to make living a hassle free experience for senior citizens, at a time when the break up of the joint family and the pressures of urban living has resulted in their increasing marginalisation from the mainstream.


This has been brought in two phases; phase I comprises 188-condominium and phase II comprises 144 condominium totalling to 332 members project at Pashan, a verdant green area overlooking the picturesque Pashan lake on the outskirts of the city and providing all facilities that eliminates the need for the its occupants to move out of the complete township.

Facilities on offer

Lifts which easily accommodate stretchers in case of medical emergencies, wheel-chair friendly structures, a canteen facility to eliminate the chore of cooking, fitness centre with yoga and physiotherapy, medical store, a temple, a club house, mini amphitheatre and round-the-clock room service and security. Athashri Entrance Gate & Security Cabin The township has its own personal transport to take its occupants for a day out in town so that there is no waiting for public transport and no dependence on errant drivers. At Athashree, which means a new beginning, the whole intention is to make life fun for these folks. Athashri Continuing Care Units ASTHA The first ever residential project dedicated to senior citizens, Athashri Astha, caters to the needs of the elderly, creating for them a home away from home. It is only for senior citizens who require assistance in their day-to-day chores, but is way different from an old age home or a hospital. Astha are single room units that are an innovation in geriatric care, they are the perfect solution for 101

senior citizens who are physically incapable of managing the simple tasks of day-to-day living; yet their condition does not require hospitalization. Athashri Aastha a place of assisted living for the elderly that comes with round the clock nursing and household facilities for its inmates. It is meant for the elderly who require assistance - be it for the household chores, outdoor activities or nursing care.

Aastha a property launched recently in the premises of Athashris Pashan campus. It comes with 25 well furnished rooms with a double bed and sitting arrangement with capacity for couple accommodation. Athashri Aastha Assisted Living Units

Probably the first-of-its-kind in the country. The Aastha campus has three nurses in three shifts and two ward boys on each of the three floors along with two doctors in day and night shifts to look after the inmates. The nursing staff is trained as personal caregivers by Athashri Foundation formed to look after all Athashri units.

The Aastha complex is equipped with a stretcher lift, TV lounges on each floor Visitors Parking in front of Athashri Aastha and a library. It also has internet facility that can be used by the residents to


interact with their family members abroad and telephone connections in their rooms. Healthy meals according to their needs, which include fruits are also provided.

A typical routine at Aastha involves reading newspapers in the morning followed by breakfast, watching TV or walking in the campus, chit-chatting with neighbours till lunch and then rest till evening. A few volunteers some residents of Athashri read out to those staying in Aastha. Evenings usually involve watching movies or reading. Common

celebration of birthdays, anniversaries, picnics to nearby places is also frequently arranged for the residents.

Rooms in Aastha cannot be purchased, but are given on rent. They are available on six-monthly and annual rental basis, Stretcher Lift near the entrance in Athashri Aastha

which can be renewed as needed. Those willing may even stay permanently by paying due charges. The facilities included in the rent are lodging, food, nursing care, housekeeping, transport, internet and primary medical help. The foundation also has tie-ups with Deenanath Mangeshkar hospital, Ratna hospital, Joshi hospital and so on, in case a resident needs medical support. Reception & waiting lobby at the entrance on the ground floor in Athashri Aastha 103

These units have a dedicated area for display of a special range of geriatric care products that ensure the comforts, convenience and dignity of physically challenged senior citizens. The units focus on providing occupational therapy to the residents in order to make them feel that they are the contributing members of the society.

Doctors consulting room & resident managers office on the ground floor in Athashri Aastha


The site is basically divided into four parts, namely: 1. Commercial area (shops) and Astha (Assisted living

2. Phase I 3. Club house with Temple. 4. Phase II

Athashri Phase I 104

Entrance to Athashri

Athashri Entrance Plaza

Concept: The concept evolved after making a detailed study of the daily routine of senior citizens. For Phase I, an E shaped layout of buildings or wings, with two large courtyards and two smaller ones, all the wings being connected to each other, was planned. Phase two was planned as a C - shaped structure with one large courtyard. The Clubhouse and pool with garden is in the centre, flanked by the two structures.


Athashri I & II - Layout Plan

Athashri - Avenue

Athashri - Entrance Lounge 106

Athashri I - Courtyard Atrium

Athashri I Stretcher Lift


This special residential project for Senior Citizens (First of this kind in SARC countries) at Pashan, Pune for Athashri Foundation is unique in concept; and caters to all functional, recreational & emotional needs of senior citizens. It is meticulously designed for:

168 home units in Phase I and 165 in Phase II. Entrance arch with security gate. Spacious entrance lounge with reception and intercom in each building. A dining lounge, entertainment room, lecture hall, library, guest room and doctors room, are some of the facilities designed for, with suitable interior details. 107

Athashri I Dining Lounge

Ample of natural light & ventilation in the dining hall

Amphitheatre in one of the courtyards. It is on the east side of the dining hall.

Athashri - Top View of Amphitheatre 108

Large courtyards housing an amphitheatre, garden with lotus pond, and falling waters in the third one. Smaller courtyards with skylights for interaction between residents. Entire terraces of both buildings are landscaped with kiosks and seating. The complex boasts of a clubhouse with a gymnasium, physiotherapy room, billiards room, swimming pool equipped with grab bars, changing rooms, and a large multipurpose hall for card & carom tables, which doubles up as yoga and meditation hall.

Courtyard with lotus pond & badminton court It lies on the west side of the dining hall.

Lotus pond in the courtyard


Landscaping well paved pathways, benches for relaxing, bollard lights along the path to assist visibility at night

Badminton court in the courtyard for the young at heart & fitness freaks

Covered passages to shelter the elderly against the rain as they step out of the building

Covered passage with railing to assist in walking and to keep out the rain and sun while still providing a view of the landscaped courtyard 110

Most important of all, the whole complex is wheel chair enabled with ramps, and special lifts including a stretcher lift which reaches the terrace. The project is designed to be eco-friendly in nature. Development density & community connectivity are important factors as well as sharing facilities. Double loaded corridors in the buildings, with normal passenger lifts and an exclusive lift for moving in a stretcher.

East facing temple in Athashri

Club House amidst landscaped garden

Club House & pool with garden in the centre of the site.

ENGINEERING SERVICES Water storage Water from municipal supply line is collected in an underground tank and then

pumped to overhead water tanks. 10% of the water is provided as a safety for fire fighting in an emergency.

Fire fighting services 111

Drainage There is a main drain line running under the main road. All the waste is directed through this main drain with manholes provided at each turn and at intervals of 10 15 m.

Exposed waste water pipe in the absence of a duct

In view of the age of the residents, the riser height is kept low & stagnant water is avoided by providing gutter along the side of the stairs for surface water run off.

Path side gutters provided for surface water run off so that water does not collect at a place in order to avoid accidents due to slippery surfaces.

Electricity All electric wires are concealed; there is a meter room on the ground level. All electric points are flush with the walls and are at a height of 700 1050 mm.
Power back up is provided by gen-set apart from MSEDCL electricity connectivity.


Parking Adequate parking for the members and visitors is provided.

Parking sheds are provided in addition to stilt parking though many of the parking spaces remain unoccupied

A strip on the side of the cemented road is laden with pavers so that in case of repair work of service lines running below, the road is not dug up. Also it indirectly demarcates the parking area alongside the road.

Two bus parking spaces are provided for society owned buses for travel within the city.

Transportation Nearest bus stop, around 0.5 km away. Society owned bus for point to point travel within the city. Auto rickshaw available outside the condominium. Residents can use own vehicles.


A permanent in house ambulance on standby in case of any emergency.

As the site is an elongated sloping one, some residents find it difficult to walk and call for the in house golf cart to drive them up & down.

Architectural Adaptations Toilets within the units are disabled friendly. Anti-skid floor tiles and grab bars are provided in the toilets. Openings are wider for wheel chair mobility. Grab bars are also provided in passages, within the units and other strategic locations to provide safety to aged residents and give an ease of movement and independence around the complex.


Provision of Grab Bars at strategic locations

Grab bars provided in the passages & corridors

Grab bars provided in the garden and in the pool

Grab bars provided at the stairways in the garden, at the entrances of the buildings, etc

Grab bars provided on the terrace


The building facade reflects simple features giving it a traditional look. Sections have been worked out to create maximum visual connectivity and cross

ventilation. Play of light and shadow are the main salient feature. Terraces are aesthetically designed and landscaped using planter beds and

observation kiosks.

Ample of natural light and ventilation in the stairway aids good visibility

Athashri - Terrace Garden aesthetically designed with planter beds

Observation kiosks on the terrace


Lighting on the terrace to aid night vision

Hillock on the west makes for a fantastic view from the terrace

View from the terrace of Athashri phase II


Positive points of the design Providing ramps have made movement of the elderly very convenient. The site being on the side road is easily accessible to all. Enough light and ventilation is provided for each of the units. Provision of guest rooms is available. Landscape is a well thought of for walking, recreation and play. Openings are wide for ease of wheel chair mobility.




Multipurpose Hall of the club house

Gymnasium and Physiotherapy Room in the club house

Billiards room in the club house

Entertainment Room


Vermicompost Pits

Electrical Transformer

Generator Backup Set

Street lighting done for the internal road

Properly enclosed meter room

The area in front of the lift & staircase in the stilt parking is encased with a door to move in and out for safety reasons. 120

Maintenance office on stilt parking level

Laundry room on stilt parking level

Potable water tank near the filtration room on stilt parking level

Water filtration room

Road side gutter for surface run off and speed breakers provided to avoid accidents

Security Cabin at the entrance allows guests only after seeking permission of the residents. 121

Grocery and medical shops at the entrance

HDFC Bank in the vicinity

Negative points of the design

Multi-storied building with floors one above the other makes the residents depend on the lifts. Lot of maintenance is involved with the up keep in a multi storied building. Compact planning.


Matoshri Vruddhashram - Aurangabad


Project: Matoshri Vruddhashram Location: Nakshatrawadi, Aurangabad Client: Tapadia charitable trust Architect: Yojna Architects Site Area: 12,000 sq m Built up area: 1743 sq m 123


Seven Kilometers from Aurangabad city which is a quiet and serene place, at the base of hills, hidden under well natural greenery, is a sprawling Ashram for elderly people of all walks of life. Vruddha means elderly, aged and ashram means heritage/home. Home for elderly is the Vruddhashram. There are retired freedom fighters, teachers, bank officials, police officials, farmers, educationist etc. all retired as inmates.

Styled Matoshri Vruddhashram of Jeevanbai Tapadia Charitable Trust is the brainchil d of Mr. Jugalkishore Chhaganlal Tapadia, a visionary, who wanted to serve elderly and needy citizens. It is presently efficiently managed by his unassuming wife Mrs. Padma Tapadia, a trustee, who is totally dedicated to the cause.

Lined by shady trees are the black tarmac roads inside the Ashram with spotlessly clean surroundings and the natural splendor. It can accommodate and cater for 100 entrants from Maharashtra State of India with age restrictions of above 55 years for females and above 60 years for males. There are certain formalities and documentation to be completed prior to admission of a person. The rules are explained to them to maintain peace, harmony and sanctity of the Ashram.

Jeevanbai Tapadia Charitable Trust took this project as a challenge and shouldered the entire responsibility of the Ashram. Managed exclusively from own resources and few offers from citizens and visitors at times, the inmates are provided with food, 124

accommodation, clothing, medical aids, religious freedom and healthy activity, absolutely free of cost to keep them fit and agile to enjoy their remaining lives in a free and worriless environment Maharashtras prestigious home for elderly people is unfolding outside Aurangabad. It has its own water supply, sewerage network, biogas and gobar gas plant, vegetable and fruit gardens in addition to all essential day to day needs.


Shri. Jugalkishor Chaganlal Tapadia, Shri. Chaganlal Kishanlal Tapadia, Mrs. Padma Jugalkishor Tapadia, Shri. Dattaprasad Parasram Mundada and Shri. Deelip Ramlal Sarda

As a public charitable trust it is devoted wholly to the welfare of the old men and women who have no home to live in and no source of livelihood. Institution established on 5th September, 1997. There are retired freedom fighters, teachers, bank officials, police officials, farmers, educationist etc. all retired as inmates. Accomodation is for 108 inmates.


The site is located in Nakshatrawadi, which is around 7 km from Aurangabad city on Paithan road.


The site is lined by shady trees and it is spotless with clean surroundings and natural splendour. The roads are tarred in the ashram. The site is situated at the base of a hill, hidden under natural green canopy. The topography of site a flat site. The Ashram has a proper water conservation system, with a well and a bore well. There are two vegetable gardens and about 150 trees of various types of fruits. Benches are provided in the gardens. One finds mango, coconut and neem trees. These trees are planted along the periphery of the site due to which the ashram is not seen directly from the road. There are interaction spaces provided between dormitories. All pathways are lined with shrubs. Provision for parking twenty five 4- wheelers and fifty 2 wheelers.


Well maintained security at the entrance controls the movement of people and vehicles.



Entrance to the site is on the east side. On the right side of the entrance

are administration office, waiting, dispensary, library and multi-purpose hall. There is a tar road leading to the gymnasium from the main entrance, so

that the outsiders using the gymnasium can easily reach there without disturbance to the inmates on the premises. The dormitory consists of 16 beds. There are also few independent, self contained rooms that can be shared

by two persons.


Entire campus is on the ground floor. The plan is simple and linear in design A tar road forms the main access to the site and internal roads connecting all the blocks. The dormitories and wards are not seen directly from the entrance. There are 4 dormitories accommodating 16 persons each and 12 special rooms with 2 persons each. The other spaces are divided as - Administration office, Meeting room, Dormitory, Special rooms, Bhajan hall, Library, Kitchen, Dining area, Meeting hall, Clinic 127

Site Plan Administration Office:

This is a separate block consisting of reception, waiting, and administration office; there is a provision of a library room, multi-purpose hall, TV room and a clinic. It is G+1 storied structure with proper landscape in the front. The entrance to the office block has a ramp as well as stairs. The administration office includes the house in charge and the administration manager. There is a bed provided in the clinic. In case of serious cases patients are shifted to the nearby Bajaj hospital. The TV hall and the library are combined. 128

Admin & community space ground floor plan

Admin and community area first floor plan 129

Meeting Hall

The meeting hall is a place for seminars, meetings and other social activities. It is capable of accommodating unto 200 people. Besides, almost every other day there are programs of entertainment, music, drama, bhajans (religious poetry) rendered by artists from different places, for the benefit of the inmates.

Medical Aid

An independent hospital within the premises takes care of old age problems by expert doctors. Regular medical checkup, eye, nose, throat and other aliments are attended to. Wheel chair, hearing aids, spectacles and ayurvedic medicines are provided free of cost to needy. Lions club, government hospital, Chatrapati Shahu Ayurvedic Hospital extend helping hand in the matter when requested.

There is a provision for the relation to take home very seriously sick inmate and give medical treatment. However, in case of no relative coming forward, the sick inmate is admitted in government hospital. On the inmates demise, the Ashram performs last rites. In case the inmate desired to donate a particular organ on his death the same is fulfilled. 130


Each spacious, well ventilated and self contained dormitory caters for 16 inmates with beds, mattresses, mosquito nets, pillows with cover, bed sheets, blankets, chairs and walking sticks. Hot water is provided through solar heater. Each inmate is provided with glass, plate, spoon, cup, jug, mug, bucket, soap for washing and bathing separately, tooth powder, slippers, hair oil, towel, scarf etc. Almost 56 items are provided for their day to day use free of cost. Lockers are provided to each inmate to keep their personal belongings. Care has been taken to have a cozy saloon to give haircuts once in month and regular shaving.

There are few independent, self contained rooms to be shared by two at a negligible rent of Rs. 1000/- per month and are provided with all the above mentioned items. Spotlessly clean toilets, fans, lighting and emergency lightening arrangements are provided. The inmates can take a stroll and breathe fresh air amidst indigenous plantation.

There are 4 dormitories and two special units with 12 rooms per unit. There are 15 beds in each dormitory and two beds in each special room. This currently accommodates 108 residents in the entire campus. There are toilets attached to each special room and there are two WCs and open bath provided for the dormitory. There is a linear inner passage of 1.5 metre. Width between two rows of beds. Cupboard is provided near each bed. Due to windows on both opposite sides of the walls, adequate natural light reaches the interior. A small patch of garden is provided outside each special room. A seating arrangement outside each unit provides space for interaction.



Special units 132



Kitchen, Dining

Dining hall is provided in between two dormitories. It accommodates only 30 people at a time. The kitchen attached is small, about 12 sq m. There is no proper segregation between the kitchen and store. Washing area is provided outside the kitchen.

Dining & Kitchen Plan 133

The dining halls are separate for gents and ladies. Cooking is undertaken by lady inmates. No outsider cook is employed. Gents help ladies in cooking by chopping, collecting vegetables from garden, grinding. Everything is done on self service basis.


Invertors have been installed everywhere. Earthworm vermin-culture is prepared and used for gardening. Mosquito nets are provided for all inmates. Also table lamps are issued to all inmates.

A large assembly hall caters for library, television, board games, playing instruments, cards, chess and various music systems for the inmates to relax and keep busy with their respective interests. Library is well stocked and caters for newspapers, magazines, novels, periodicals, religious and historical literary volumes. There are number of inmates, who show keen interest in reading.

Extra Curricular Activities

Republic Day of India is celebrated on 26th January and Independence Day on 15th of August each year. Inmates are issued with two sets of uniform like clothing each year to symbolize


oneness amongst them. Flag hoisting ceremony is conducted in presence of some well known literary / public figure. Picnics are planned twice a year to nearby places of interest in a hired transport when they come out with their talent which gives an impetus to their happiness and desire to live long.

Religious festivals like Lord Ganesh Chaturthy for 10 days in September and Navratri for 9 days in November are celebrated each year. For all such activities, the inmates are given various organizational responsibilities. They are formed in groups. This gives them a feeling of positive contribution and makes them feel happy, competitive, young and healthy. Their moral remains high.

Self sufficiency of vruddhashram (Home for elderly)

Since water is in plenty, a trough is constructed outside the fence for thirsty animals and people passing through. This abundance of water caters for two vegetable gardens and about 150 trees of various types of fruits. In addition, it is used to grow fodder for the Ashrams buffaloes, especially kept for milk used every day. Washing machine, water coolers are operated on this water. Refrigerators and solars are operative daily. A flour mill is installed near the kitchen for grinding wheat for bread and other cereals. Manure is prepared out of earthworms, rubbish and leftovers for gardening purpose.



Water storage All water supply lines are not concealed; they run through the building faade. There is water conservation system in operation along with a well and a bore well. Solar panels placed on the roof top are used for heating the water. There are two overhead water storage tanks, one above the administration block and the other above the kitchen. Water from the Aurangabad municipal corporation line is collected in these tanks and distributed within the campus to various areas.

Drainage There is a main drainage line which runs under the main road leading to the site. All waste water is drained in to man holes which are connected to the main drainage line outside the campus.

Electricity Electric wires are not concealed. All electric points are flush with the wall at a height of 1200 mm above floor level. There is a meter room placed near the entrance which is not seen because it is covered by trees from all sides.



Entire campus is planned on ground level with four dormitories and twenty four special rooms with independent toilets. The layout has a simple planning. There is a combination of flat and sloping roof throughout the campus. All the dwelling units have sloping roof, while the administration office and recreational facilities have flat roof. All the columns are projected outside the wall which is one of the elevation feature used and the projections are coloured in different colour. (Cyan colour is given to the projections while the walls are in white paint). Rectangular openings are used everywhere. Continuous band of chajjas or roof projection is used as weather shed. Beam depth 450 mm. All passages have shahabad flooring. Only one ramp is provided (in the administration building). There are no ramps for residences.


Provision of toilets Indian WCs are provided in the toilets. Railings are not provided in any toilet. 137

The tap fixtures and other sanitary fittings are not provided according to the anthropometrical data of the users. The common bathing area is without partitions.


Internal finishes Simple mosaic tiles are used for flooring in all dormitories and special rooms. The passages have shahabad tile flooring. Ceramic tiles are used in the bathrooms. Oil paint is used on all internal walls for easy maintenance.

External finishes Distemper is used for all exterior finish Cyan and white paint is used for all the external facade. Roofing material R.C.C sloping roofs.


All blocks have enough cross ventilation, because of sufficient open space around each individual block. 138

The blocks are totally segregated from one another. Provisions of windows on opposite walls provide adequate light and ventilation in the blocks.


Positive features of the design The volume of space is comfortable for people to stay in the dormitories and special rooms. The site being on the main road is easily accessible to all. The landscape is well planned and laid out. There is natural light and proper ventilation for all blocks. Lots of greenery in the campus provides a healthy feel for its inmates and visitors alike. Proper parking facility is provided at the entrance.

Negative features of the design There is no proper provision of bath rooms to the dormitories. There is absence of grab bars in the toilets and the passages. The library being a silent place for reading, has a TV running without any separation, which is not acceptable. No separate seating is provided in the library. Area provision of the dining hall is very less compared to the number of inmates using the same. There is no provision of ramps in the blocks, except for the administration block. 139

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