NY B30 PA Police Reports 2 of 2 FDR - McGarry - SGT Michael 320

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TO: Inspector Barbara McClancy

FROM Sergeant Michael McGarry
DATE: November 15, 2001
SUBJECT: Chronicle of Response & Rescue Efforts-September 11, 2001

COPY TO: Lt. E. Gutch, Lt. Murphy, file

On September 11, 2001, this writer was assigned to LaGuardia Airport, as the patrol sergeant for
the 6x2 tour. At approximately 08:50 hours this writer overheard radio transmissions, which
indicated that there was a disaster some where in the Port district. Shortly there after I observed
a large amount of smoke emanating from one of the towers to the World Trade Center. This
writer reported my observations and overheard transmissions to the police desk. I was instructed
to return to the police desk for deployment to the World Trade Center. I returned to the police
desk and shortly there after responded to the World Trade Center with Inspector Joseph Morris,
Lieutenant Emiliano Sepulveda and the following Police Officers: Police Officer's F.
Encarnacion #18555, G. Gersitz #21565, L. Guamieri #33460, J. Hampden #39215, J. LaSala
#21234, J. Liguori #32186, F. Maley #26576, S. Russell #22366, J. Schmitt #37548, R. Vazquez
#19969, R. Arnott #41446 (TRB), T. Kennedy #32184 (TRB.)

When we arrived near the World Trade Center Inspector Morris informed us that he was
responding to the Command Center. Lt. Sepulveda and this writer placed our vehicles in a
secure area and gathered our men for deployment to the incident site. It was now approximately
09:20 hours. Lt. Sepulveda, this writer and the LaGuardia Police Officers responded near the
comer of Vesey and West Street. Once on scene, this writer, along with Lt. Sepulveda and the
LaGuardia officers spread out and assisted the injured. Also, we attempted to find other police
supervisors, who could assist us in gaining control on the disaster scene. Within a short period of
time (approximately 3/< of an hour) one of the buildings to the World Trade Center collapsed.
During this time period there were numerous explosions, which caused us to leave and re-enter
the incident area. It was during this time period that I lost sight of Lt. Sepulveda. During the
next few hours I met up with various members of the JFK, PATH, Bus Terminal, and other Port
Authority commands, who responded to the disaster scene. This writer and members of the
LaGuardia command continued to assist the injured and helped in the recovery of victims (placed
in body bags supplied by NYPD-ESU, NYFD-EMS. At approximately 10:30 hours the North
Tower collapsed. Shortly there after, I met up with Lt. Murphy (Staff Lieutenant, JFK..)
Detective Molina (JFK Command) gave me a Port Authority service weapon and a S&W Off-
Duty weapon. After a telephone check with the CPD, by Detective Molina, it was determined
that the service weapon belonged to Officer Howard (JFK Command) and the Off-duty weapon
belonged to Officer Reichel (JFK Command). Officer Howard's service weapon was secured in
the PATH- ESU vehicle and Officer Reichel's off-duty weapon was returned to him. At
Pride Service Distinction
approximately 17:30 hours Building #7 collapsed. During this period of time an assembly area
was set up in the Community College on West Street. This writer assembled all of the
LaGuardia officers, along with their emergency equipment, for possible re-entry into the disaster
site. Due to the extent of damage at the disaster site re-entry was not possible. Also, I again
assisted NYPD-ESU and various NYFD units with injured personnel.

Between 20:30 and 21:00 hours Inspector Morris addressed those Port Authority Police
personnel assembled at the College. We were given an up-date on the disaster scene and
instructed to assemble our forces for return to our commands. This writer instructed the
LaGuardia officers to return to there command, gathering as much of their equipment as possible.
I returned to the LaGuardia command with JFK Officers. Once back at the LaGuardia command
I met up with Lt. Sepulveda.

Once back at the JFK command I was taken to JFK Medical (Blg.#198) where P.A. doctors
cleaned my nose, ears and mouth.

To the best of my knowledge the times and locations listed above are correct.

Michael McGarry
Police Sergeant
JFK Command


Pride Service Distinction

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