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Petro-politics complicates
no longer contested. In hindsight, had treaties were signed the concept of
the ICJ decision gone the other way, the EEZ had yet to emerge but it was
Malaysia would be required to adjust generally agreed by many that it would
its sea-bed boundary. Although Indo- make sense for states to draw just one
nesia has agreed to abide by the ICJ boundary at sea as it does on land.
judgment, clearly it does not appear Although this dual regime is practised
to accept it. by some states, it establishes two dif-

territorial spat
Indonesia’s political quest to estab- ferent jurisdictional regimes when a
lish an archipelagic state that is legally single line regime for the sea bed and
recognised by the international com- the water column would be a more
munity was a long struggle to which acceptable and practical approach. A
Comment credit must be given to their diplomats dual-regime between Indonesia and
by BA Hamzah for their tenacity and perseverance. Australia, for example, was so fraught
Nonetheless, without support from with administrative and enforcement
the neighbouring states like Malaysia, problems that it has become dysfunc-
WITH the conclusion of the presiden- built into the negotiations to save face archipelagos and may include other is- the concept would have been stillborn. tional. In my view, one single maritime
tial election in Indonesia on July 8, the by demonstrating tangible benefits like lands. The law permits an archipelagic Our record shows that Malaysia went boundary for Malaysia and Indonesia
situation in the Celebes Sea looks calm. economic opportunities. Evidently, state to draw straight baselines to join out of its way to rally support for Indo- makes plenty of political sense and
The challenge to Indonesia and Malay- both parties have their eyes on the their outermost islands with the main nesia to become an archipelagic state, it can be more effective for policing
sia is to ensure that the undercurrents hydrocarbon potential in the Celebes islands in accordance with certain a fact that many younger generations or other forms of enforcement activi-
which have pervaded the campaign Sea where overlapping concessions established principles. The passage in Indonesia are not aware of or have ties. Indonesia is no stranger to single
are reined in and that the rules of en- have been awarded to multinational of this law has made Indonesia one taken for granted. Those who know, maritime boundary lines; in 1977 Indo-
gagement adopted by both navies are oil companies. The overlap has compli- of the largest maritime states in the choose to remain silent. nesia and India agreed to a single line
also revised to prevent trigger-happy cated maritime boundary delimitation world where land and the water body One favour that Malaysia did was maritime boundary in the Andaman
and overzealous commanders from which is straightforward if the estab- are integrated as one in the traditional to quickly agree in 1969 – to sign three Sea and Bay of Bengal.
spoiling the atmosphere. lished rules are adhered to. As usual, Malay lebensraum concept of tanah sea-bed treaties with Indonesia in the The spat in the Celebes Sea if it
The harsh words during the presi- the devil is in the politics, in this case, dan air (land and water). Strait of Malacca, off Tanjung Datu is badly managed could undermine
dential election should not be allowed petro-politics. When Indonesia unilaterally de- in Sarawak and off the East Cost of resolution of more important security
to mar efforts by the Malaysia-Indo- Both states should leverage on clared itself to be an archipelagic state Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur cited the 1958 and non-security problems facing both
nesia Joint Committee on Maritime their vast experience in managing in 1960, it did not include the islands Geneva Convention on the law of the countries and the region. The war
Boundary Delimitation to seek an eq- similar disputes. of Sipadan and Ligitan as base points. sea as its basis and with Indonesia’s against terrorism, poverty, recession,
uitable solution to end many years of By agreeing to temporarily suspend But in 1998 Indonesia included them agreement, the principle of straight drug and human trafficking and others
squabbles. Since its inception in 2005 sovereignty in the disputed area for before removing them in 2008 follow- baseline for maritime boundary de- will suffer serious setbacks without
this committee has met 13 times not economic benefits, the states are able ing the International Court of Justice limitation was adopted. When Malay- concerted effort. No single state has
only to discuss the crisis in the Celebes to defuse tension. A joint development decision in December 2002 rejecting sia incorporated these boundaries in enough resources to deal with the
Sea but also other unresolved mari- mechanism in the Celebes Sea that the Indonesian assertion that it has its 1979 map on the continental shelf, global security and economic threats
time boundaries between Malaysia lasts for fifty years, for example, is a sovereignty over the islands. Instead, Indonesia protested in 1980. Jakarta on its own. Notwithstanding this, in the
and Indonesia. Hopefully, a satisfactory win-win situation for both parties. the ICJ awarded them to Malaysia not only questioned the basis of these Celebes Sea, I have reasons to believe
package deal can be found soon. The dispute in the Celebes Sea because Malaysia could demonstrate treaties but also the principles agreed that diplomats, policy planners, gener-
Resolving maritime boundaries is should be understood in diplomatic and that it has, over a long period of to in 1969. For example, Indonesia als, admirals and politicians can draw
time-consuming and can be complex historical context. Contrary to recent time, continuously asserted effective questioned the use of some features on their wisdom to fix this; after all,
without give and take or trade-offs. comments, the crisis can be traced administration of the said islands; the in the Strait of Malacca in Malaysia’s they had resolved more difficult state
When the outcome is seen as defend- back to 1960 when Indonesia applied a principle of effectivite was applied in baseline system. relations in the past.
ing the territorial integrity in a zero law based on the 1960 Djuanda Decla- this case. With this affirmative deci- That is not all. Indonesia has placed
sum term, the way forward can be ration for an archipelagic state status. sion, one would have thought that the pressure on Malaysia for an exclusive BA Hamzah is senior research fellow,
treacherous as it leaves very little The 1982 Law of the Sea Convention sea bed boundary that Malaysia drew economic zone boundary in the Strait Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences,
space for serious negotiations to take defines an archipelagic state as a state in the Celebes Sea in 1979 by using of Malacca as well as off Tanjung Datu University of Malaya. Comments: let-
place. A win-win mechanism must be constituted wholly by one or more the two islands as base points was in Sarawak. In 1969 when the sea bed

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