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theSun | WEDNESDAY JULY 29 2009 11


Hotel files complaint USM student

over illegal operators discovers new
THE management of a hotel international tourist desti-
in Batu Ferringhi has filed a
complaint against illegal beach
activity operators.
nation and is a consistent
source of embarrassment and
persistent thorn in our side,”
scuttle fly species
In an email to the state he said. by Bernard Cheah back to the laboratory and
government on July 20, the The manager said the flies emerged from them.
manager said the self-ap- situation had declined with The flies were sent to fly
in Batu Ferringhi.
pointed “beach boys” (or beach the arrival of Middle Eastern tivity operators A NEW species of scuttle fly expert Dr Henry Disney at the
touts) and illegal water sport travellers this month, with Illegal beach ac has been discovered at Uni- Cambridge University Mus-
operators were often seen illegal structures and adver- activities on the beach. versiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, eum of Zoology, who identi-
soliciting visitors to the beach tising boards and banners our premises and that as such In response, State Tourism which may have the potential fied them as a new species to
for business, which has had an mushrooming on the beach, we are unable to control Dev-elopment Committee to be a biological agent in science.
adverse impact on the safety especially in front of the their activities along a public chairman Danny Law Heng controlling termite infestation, The discovery was pub-
and image of the beach as a hotels. beach.” Kiang said the council was researchers say. lished in the latest issue
tourist destination. “The proximity of their sig- He said numerous com- looking for a suitable location The species – of the Sociobiology
“The beachfront of hotels nage projects a false impres- plaints had been made to to relocate the operators. misotermes mind- journal and was named
is so unkempt that it appears sion that the resorts condone the Penang Island Municipal “Some of them have been enim – was found misotermes mindeni to
as if it is unregulated by the such activities. Secondly, these Council and the Land Office. here for more than 10 years. parasitising in the reflect USM’s Minden
authorities. It gives a negative operators are aware that their He hoped the relevant We are trying to legalise them, mould-building campus where it was
perception of Penang as an operation areas lie outside authorities would regulate if possible,” he said. termite marcoter- first discovered.
mes gilvus by PhD Neoh’s supervi-
student Neoh Kok sor, Prof Lee Chow
Boon last Nov- Yang of USM’s
ember while Urban Entomol-

Uproar over selective

he studied the ogy Laboratory,
population of Vector Control
secondary spe- Research Unit,
cies termites at School of Bio-
the university. logical Science,
“These ter- explained that
mites were differ- the fly’s larva

demolition of illegal cabins

ent from normal would grow
ones as they have within the
large heads and head of the termite until it is
small mandibles. They are ready to pupate.
also less aggressive,” Neoh “The larva will then move
said. to the termite’s abdomen,
He said the parasited ter- contract intensively and apply
by Maria J. Dass Last year, when the Pakatan letters to residents in areas where mites died after he took them sideways pressure by using Rakyat government took over, it illegal cabins have been erected in its spiracles to break the
embarked on a blitz to clear the the past to garner their response termite’s abdominal
CABINS dotting localities in Se- illegal cabins but agreed to leave to whether the cabins should go wall. The body fluid
langor were once the subject of those accepted by the public, or be handed to residents associa- will ooze out of the
controversy when political parties on condition that the keys were tions and other organisations for wall perforation,
set them up in open spaces includ- handed to the local authority the benefit of the local commu- causing the termite
ing playgrounds and vacant land which would ensure they were nity. to die.
in the state. used for the intended purpose by Selangor executive councilor “Thus, a dry
In some areas, residents cried the community and not by any for local government, research micro-environment
foul over the encroachment into political party for its own benefit. and development Ronnie Liu is created to enable
their playgrounds, while in oth- However, cabin owners who said: “Based on the feedback we the fly larva to pu-
ers, people used the cabins as refused to hand over their keys get, we will either demolish the pate inside its host’s
operation centres for residents are crying foul that their cabins cabins or allow residents to use body,” Lee said.
associations. had been demolished, while the them for other purposes.” He said the fly
At that time, politicians from cabins of those who had complied However, it will strictly be is not harmful to
parties aligned to the previous with the ruling were left intact. for community use or for use by humans. “Instead, it
state administration argued that “This move seems to be leg- non-governmental organisations is indirectly a ‘ben-
they were serving the people from alising illegal structures,” said or those such as Rela, he said, eficial’ insect.”
these cabins and that it made Aftar Singh, a former Subang Jaya adding that several cabins had “At this stage, we
them easily accessible to their municipal councillor and the MIC already been demolished upon are unable to con-
constituents. Puchong Perdana chairman. The the request of residents. firm whether this
However, in early 2007, a cabin from which he operated a Asked about the demolition of fly will have a role
scuffle between residents of community centre and library in cabins based on whether or not in managing termite
Bandar Bukit Puchong and Putra Perdana had recently been keys had been handed over, Liu infestation,” Lee
political party members in the demolished. said: “This is because it is being said, but did not rule
area resulted in the issue gain- “Why the double standards?” used as a centre by a political out the possibility.
ing wide attention. he asked. party and we will not allow this, “We are continuing
The then state administration “It’s acceptable for the local because if we do then there will our research.”
later said political parties were authorities to go out to demolish be others mushrooming in open
free to set up service centres and illegal cabins, but why only target areas in the state.”
work from the cabins despite the Lee (left) and Neoh
those to which keys have not been He said the policy applied to
fact that they were not welcome in show the misotermes
handed over?” both ruling and opposition parties
some areas. mindenim.
Local authorities will send out in the state.

Toyota Eco Rangers turns one

aims to inculcate a sense of The Best Tree Planting workshop. trees have been planted and
responsibility to the environ- award went to SMK Bangsar, “Participants learned the nurseries established in the
ment,” UWM Toyota Motor while the Best Nurturing different types of fertilisers schools.
executive director Aminar and Environmental Practices such as the natural takakura “The target of 100 trees
Rashid Salleh said. award went to SMK (P) Sri compost, the care and nurture for each school may not be
“The programme provides Aman. SMK SS17 Subang Jaya of different types of trees and achievable for certain schools
an experiential learning plat- was the recipient of the Best how to develop a concept due to space constraints, so
form for the participants and Reporting award. paper with a landscape map the remaining trees can be
promotes a holistic education,” The programme, a collabo- to plant 100 trees in their extended to the immediate
Education Ministry deputy ration between UMW Toyota, schools,” Aminar said. community or parks,” Aminar
director-general Datuk Noor Yayasan Anak Warisan Alam The 22 schools received said.
(From left) Aminar and Rezan Bapoo Hashim said at (Yawa) and the Education grants of RM500 each to start SMK (P) Sri Aman teacher
Noor Rezan share a light the awards ceremony at SMK Ministry, is part of Toyota’s their tree planting effort, Yeo Yen Fern, who supervised
moment with the team (P) Sri Aman recently. corporate social responsibil- including a starter kit for the programme at her school,
from SMK (P) Sri Aman. Twenty-two participating ity efforts and an extension of weeding and pruning as well said: “We have a herb garden
schools received the Green Toyota Eco Youth. as measurement tools, a test now and are planning to plant
by Meena L. Ramadas senting awards to participating Merit award that recognised The programme was kit and fertiliser recipes. trees like jelutong, penaga lilin schools for their environmen- their efforts. launched on June 9 last year UMW Toyota and Yawa and flowering plants to create
tal efforts. The top three schools with an Eco Camp where two monitored each school’s a ‘mini’ forest. I am really
UMW TOYOTA Motor cel- “We have established that demonstrated the best secondary school students progress, providing advice happy we won. The students
ebrated the first anniversary of the Toyota Eco Rangers progress were SMK Setapak along with a teacher from and garnering feedback. put in a lot of effort. They
its tree-planting programme, programme, a sustainable Indah, SMK Putrajaya and each school participated in The programme spans stayed back for two-and-a-half
Toyota Eco Rangers, by pre- tree planting programme that SMK (P) Sri Aman. a three-day environmental three years and to date, 755 hours every Tuesday.”

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