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Ways to Improve Attitude

Changing Facts to Improve Opinions Influencing the Experience Of Group Membership Role-Playing Listening Skills Discussion Skills A Good Boss Persuasion

Changing Facts to Improve Opinions

Developing Favorable attitudes by the method of

Changing certain aspects of the facts to be interpreted.

E.g. One instance a Bell was used as signal for rest pause.

It was a source of Disturbance .Because Employee ,many of whom were just out High School where class bells had been used, saw it as Regimentation.(Sol). Exchange Bell for Chimes. Employee Grumble about food in the company restaurant, Complain about Heat. Properly trained Supervisors are in the best position to discover how their employees feel about things, and change the working Conditions.

Influencing the Experience Of Group Membership

Attitudes are greatly influenced by an experience of

belonging to a Group , anything a company can do to make employees feel they are a Vital part of it should make for better attitudes toward the Company The following are few of many possibilities
1. 2. 3. 4.

Stock Purchase or Profit-sharing plans properly administered. Concern for the welfare of Employee ,Like Clean Rest Room, Medical Aid and so on. Setting up Regulations and Benefits that apply similarly to all Employees. The immediate supervisor can do much to make employees feel they group members.

Role-playing is used in various kinds of training situations, one

of its functions being that of Developing attitudes consistent with the training objectives.

E.g. An employee was suspended by his immediate supervisor and waiting for Manger Approval. The supervisor was reluctant to dismiss him union usually came to his rescue. because the

The manager handle this situation, he asked three supervisors involved to take the role of union members while the three union representatives were asked to take the role of management.

Role-Playing (contd..)
The union representatives ,in the role of management ,

recommended dismissal; The supervisors , in the role of union representatives , recommended full pay for the suspension period and one more chance. The six Participants returned to real-life roles and try to agree on action.
The manager felt the role-playing laid the ground


for improved communication between the union representatives and the supervisor.

Listening Skills
The employee who expressed dissatisfaction with her

wages , the real problem was Loneliness (stand alone). The Supervisor discovered this because he was understanding and listened to the various ideals and feelings the employee expressed. The fact that the employee felt free to express her feelings led her to clarify them, and with this clarification there was a change in her feelings and in the attitudes associated with the feelings.

Discussion Skills
The group may offer even better opportunities to listen,

particularly when members agree and support one another. A supervisor will find that if he holds a group meeting for the sole purpose of hearing complaints the members will become less hostile (of an enemy) and a solve problem may be discovered In addition to clarifying attitudes and correcting misunderstanding ,discussions also introduce group membership forces.

A Good Boss
A boss can influence an employees attitude toward the

company so that the employees opinions on Variety of matters will be directly related to the kind of supervision he Receives.

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