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A New Lifestyle for World Harmony

Pure Mind, Pure Land

Ven. Jian Hu Chung Tai Chan Monastery, Taiwan

Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale, California & Buddha Jewel Monastery, Seattle, Washington, USA

Harmony on Earth?
Paradise, Heaven, Utopia, Eden In Buddhism: Pure Land, nirvana, Buddha Land What makes a Pure Land? People: in harmony, free from sorrows and delusion, beyond death and rebirth Place: no suffering, crimes, injustice, poverty In Zen Buddhism, we believe Pure Land can be realized here on earth.

Buddhism in China
Buddhism has been a great force for harmony, inner peace, culture, and art

Mount Emei, Sichuan Province, China

Buddhism in China

Yungang Grottoes, Shanxi Province, China, 460~525 CE

Buddhism in China

Five Bodhisattvas, 534~550 CE, Chung Tai Museum

Buddhism in China

Diamond Sutra (in Chinese), the oldest dated printed book in the world

Buddhism in China

Thunder Peak Pagoda by West Lake, Zhejiang Province, China

A Chung Tai Story

Everyone coming together do something worthwhile the power of harmony

Founder, Grand Master Wei Chueh

Chinese Zen, or Chan lineage


Vimalakirti Sutra

When our minds are pure, our land is pure.

Case 1: If our land is impure, then our minds are impure. What are the problems of our current world? What are the causes? Case 2: To build a Pure Land, we need to purify our mind. How to purify our mind? How does pure mind lead to Pure Land?

Fundamental Buddhist Principles

I. Pure mind (bodhi mind, pure awareness) II. Causality (cause and effect, karma) III.Dependent Origination (interdependence) IV. Emptiness
These are the tools for understanding and solving our problems.

Pure Mind

Zen Story
Three-feet long chopsticks

(or, how people eat in heaven and hell)

I. Pure Mind
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. Speak or act with an impure mind And suffering will follow you As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart. The Buddha, Dhammapada (1:1)

I. Pure Mind
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. Speak or act with an pure mind And happiness will follow you As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart. The Buddha, Dhammapada (1:2)

I. Pure Pure Mind Mind

What is an impure mind? A mind is impure if it is polluted with the Three Poisons: 1. Greed (desire, craving) 2. Anger (hatred, annoyance) 3. Ignorance (delusion, misunderstanding)

The Three Poisons are in all of us.

I. Pure Mind
What is a pure mind? A mind free of the Three Poisons SHARING instead of GREED KINDNESS instead of ANGER WISDOM instead of IGNORANCE This is the bodhi mind, our true nature, which is also present in everyone.


I. PureMind Mind Pure

What is pure mind ? ? What isaa pure mind ofof the Three Poisons A A mind mindfree free the Three Poisons instead of GREED SHARING SHARING instead of GREED instead ANGER KINDNESS KINDNESS instead ofof ANGER insteadof ofIGNORANCE IGNORANCE WISDOM WISDOM instead This is the bodhi mind, our true nature, which is This is the bodhi mind, our true nature, also present in everyone.

which is also present in everyone.

II. Causality
Cause and effect: Fundamental principle of nature Karma: Action Must consider consequences of our actions Impure mind bad karma suffering Pure mind good karma happiness

II. Causality
Analysis of Problems and Suffering
Family Education Crimes & War Business & Economy Starvation, waste of food, meat eating, Global warming

Zen Story
Master Zihu caught a thief

II. CausalityFamily Problems

Desire: can become overly demanding of ones spouse or children. Anger: impatience with them Ignorance: failure to understand what they are going through. Result: frequent misunderstanding, frustration, conflicts, miscommunication

II. CausalityEducation Problems

Greed: purpose of education is to make money? Anger: rebellious against learning, teachers Ignorance: what the true value of education is.

II. CausalityEducation Problems

Incredible food, napkin, paper waste at every high school Unable to deal with pressure and stress (high school suicides) Do not write well (West & East), twitterese Unhealthy food served in cafeterias California budget: make us dumber, not safer 1980: 17% on education, 3% on prisons Now: 9% on education, 10% on prisons Failure to see education as long-term investment on the well-being of a society

II. CausalityCrimes & War

Greed Wanting money, control, land, resources, people Hatred Personal or national vengeance Ignorance Misunderstanding of each others intentions and needs

II. CausalityCrimes & War

E.g. Taiwan & China

Same peoples, same culture, same language, same heritage

60 years of cold war, endless time and resources wasted (1.5hr flight whole day) Finally, hope of cooperation this year Buddhism: China Taiwan (1940s) Now, Taiwan China (2010?)

II. CausalityCrimes & War

Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By compassion alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal.
The Buddha, Dhammapada 1:5

II. CausalityBusiness & Economy

Greed and deceit: maximize profit as 1st priority Corporal corruption: blinded by profit Enron, Lehman Brothers, Bernard Madoff, Washington Mutual Bank (option ARM) Anger: crushing opponents Lawsuits Unethical tactics Ignorance: What customers really want Success profit by any means

II. Causality Hunger II. Causality World World Hunger && Over-eating Over-eating
1 billion people overweight 1 billion people hungry Greed: eating for flavor, not need Ignorance: School cafeteria promote unhealthy eating habits Animal suffering Where food come from, how they are made More later

II. Causality Vicious Cycle II. CausalityVicious Cycle

Greed dissatisfaction more greed Hatred vengeance more hatred Ignorance foolish behavior suffering anger In all cases, the problems start with selfish interest, and ignorance of others needs.

II. CausalityVicious Cycle



II. Causality Vicious Cycle II. CausalityVicious Cycle



II. Causality Vicious Cycle II. CausalityVicious Cycle


Foolish behavior

II. Causality Vicious Cycle II. CausalityVicious Cycle

Anger Vengeance




Foolish behavior

II. Causality Vicious Cycle II. CausalityVicious Cycle

Anger Vengeance




Foolish behavior

II. Causality Vicious Cycle II. CausalityVicious Cycle

Anger Vengeance




Foolish behavior

II. Causality Vicious Cycle II. CausalityVicious Cycle

Anger Vengeance




Foolish behavior

II. CausalityPositive Cycle

Reverse the negative cycle with: Pure mind, right understanding Sharing, kindness, wisdom Why?

To rid of suffering
To attain happiness and harmony

Why dont we do it?

Zen Story
Nobody confined me. Third Patriarch of China

II. Causality Vicious Cycle II. CausalityVicious Cycle

Anger Vengeance




Foolish behavior

II. CausalityPositive Cycle






Benevolent behavior

Dependent Origination

III. Dependent Origination

Also known as: Conditional co-arising Interdependence Interconnectivity Understand the causal relationships we have with all things in life The key to turn suffering into happiness

III. Dependent Origination

This is here because that is here This exists because that exists. This is gone because that is gone. This perishes because that perishes.
The Buddha

III. Dependent Origination Business

Maximize own profit: greed and ignorance Google, and Twitter: maximize customer experience TOMS shoes: charity is part of biz model 75 Green Businesses Disciple donates large % profit from green biz to Zen center Take into account interdependence, should we maximize: mutual benefit? Customer satisfaction? Self and the environment?

III. Dependent Origination Economy

MicroFinance (Muhammud Yunas): based on trust, helping the most needed, empowering local people, self-sustaining (*e.g. two Berkeley girls help China)
Sustainable economy must take responsibility for the environmental Zero or positive impact for all our endeavors Denmark experience: world leader in wind and renewable technology

III. Dependent Origination Education

The purpose of education To make $$$? Confucius: become a virtuous person, serve the country Buddhism: Education for enlightenment and service Pu Tai Schools (ElementaryHigh School) Education of mindfulness and right understanding Core: Respect, kindness, harmony, and truth Knowledge: languages, culture, science, world-view

III. Dependent Origination III. Dependent Origination Education War & Crimes
War on terrorism:
Fighting hatred with hatred (vicious cycle) Do not get to root of the problem

Three Cups of Tea story of Greg Mortenson

Fight terrorism one school at a time Iraq war costs $2 billion a week, how many schools would that build? Counter hatred with compassion and wisdom

III. Dependent Origination Global Warming

American way of lifethe good life ? The way we eat The way we use and waste resources The way we dispose and pollute self-destruction and destruction of earth Not sustainable Not true expression of equality and freedom

III. Dependent Origination Global Warming

Current (U.S.) utility policy demanded: cheap, reliable, ubiquitous energy for users Which ignored: energy efficiency, CO2 emission, better energy management, clean fuel alternatives, and enormous problems for our children Problems: air pollution, asthma, acid rain, deforestation, bio-diversity loss, global warming Dirty Fuels System Thomas Friedman

III. Dependent Origination Global Warming

Fuels from hell: coal, natural gas, oil From underground, limited, pollute earth Fuels from heaven: solar, wind, hydro From above ground, unlimited, clean Clean Fuels System Smart grid energy management Little or no poisonous waste to nature Everyones responsibility Energy 2.0: every household an electric generator

III. Dependent Origination Buddhism on Environment

Be like the honeybee That draws the nectar from the flower Without diminishing its beauty and fragrance
The Buddha

III. Dependent Origination Buddhism on Environment

Master Sengzao: The sky and the earth are of my same root; all things are of my same body.
Strict regulations on cutting trees Encourage creation of parks, forests, bridges Many Zen teaching takes place while planting trees Prohibits polluting the environment. E.g. spitting on living grass or water source is prohibited.

III. Dependent Origination Buddhism on Environment

Killing land becomes barren, weaken useful herbs
Stealing frost and hail, locust and pests, famine Carnal indulgence wind, rain, and dust calamities Lying surroundings become stinky and dirty

III. Dependent Origination Buddhism on Environment

When eating meat, think of it as eating the flesh of your own child. Lankavatara Sutra, the Buddha
The Buddha once sacrificed himself for a pregnant deer, which moved a king to forbid hunting in Deer Park. The great Buddhist King, Ashoka, widely planted forests, forbid meat in the royal kitchen, and set up animal hospitals.

III. Dependent Origination Buddhism on Environment

Chung Tai Chan Monastery
Community of nearly 2000 people, monastic and lay Simple, thrift, sharing, reuse everything lifestyle Wash garments by hand, sun-dried Organic veggie farm: 40~70% of food

Kitchen waste becomes fertilizer and soap

III. Dependent Origination Buddhism on Environment

Chung Tai Chan Monastery

Carpool network across Taiwan

New green classroom building at Pu Tai School

223 Solar panels provide 110% electricity at Calif. (20k sq ft) center Annual Green Action Day, with interfaith panel

III. Dependent Origination Buddhism on Environment

Spiritual health physical health & environmental health Inner Pure Land External Pure Land Silent meditation: key to purity & peace

III. Dependent Origination Meat-Eating and World Hunger

Junk food cheap, health food expensive Demand for cheap meat great strain on environment and great suffering for animals Top killers in developed countries: heart diseases, cancer, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure (not crime or terrorists)

Exorbitant medical expenses

III. Dependent Origination Meat-Eating and World Hunger

Greed: excessive demand from environment Ignorance: total disregard for: Environment Other living beings Natural course of things The effect of our actions Buddhism: view food as medicine

III. Dependent Origination Mindfulness Eating

This offering is the fruit of manys work and care Reflecting on my conduct, am I worthy of a share? Be wary of the poisons, the foremost being greed Seeing food as medicine, I take only what I need Solely for cultivation, to realize the Buddha Way With gratitude I accept, this offering today.
Five contemplations before a meal

III. Dependent Origination Meat Eating & Health

Great demand for animal flesh Mega-farms (factory farming) Many diseases: bird-flu, hoof & month, SARS, Mad Cow, Salmonella and E. coli, H1N1, etc.

Fat, cholesterol causes heart diseases, cancer, stroke, high blood pressure, etc.

Crowded space for cheap meat

Grow faster for cheap meat

Massive manure pollutes water, land, and air

Growth hormones, antibiotics, enter human body

Exorbitant medical expenses

Human suffering

III. Dependent Origination Meat Eating & Animal Suffering

Greed Great demand for animal flesh Natural lifespan of chickens: 7 years; farms: 6 weeks Hens forced to lays 260 eggs/yr instead 20 Mega-farms Crowded space, grow faster Growth drugs and excessive demand for eggs, milk, and flesh Weak heart, lungs, and organs, chronic pain Unethical treatment, great animal suffering In-fighting, debeaking, branding

Never see sunlight or turn around; living in own feces

Many diseases

Massive extermination: 23 million chickens/day killed for food (U.S.)

Feeding dead animals to themselves

Cows forced to milk 10x natural capacity

III. Dependent Origination Meat Eating & Earth

Greed Great demand for animal flesh Mega-farms, factory farming Produce methane and other green house gases

Feed animals grains instead of grass

Meat eater uses 20x resources vs. a vegetarian (50% crops for livestocks)

Deforestation, extinction of species (1 acre lost every second)

Nitrogen fertilizers depletes soil and pollutes earth

1 billion people malnourished, largest % ever in human history

Earth suffers: livestock industry pollutes more than transportation

3x the damage to earth: trees lost, burning, livestock farming

III. Dependent Origination Meat Eating

So many inter-related problems with one false belief: we are meat-eaters. The question is not whether animals can reason or talk, but: CAN THEY SUFFER? With that we destroy our health, the health of life forms on earth, and the health of the planet.

III. Dependent OriginationGo Vegetarian

Sharp claws Sharp front teeth (tearing) No flat molar Small salivary glands Strong acid in stomach Intestine 3~6x body length Handle fat & cholesterol

Flattened nails or hooves Blunt front teeth Flat molar (grinding) Well-devd salivary glands 20 times weaker acid Intestine 10~12x body length ??

Flattened nails Blunt front teeth Flat molar (grinding) Well-devd salivary glands 20 times weaker acid

Intestine 10~11x body length


III. Dependent Origination Go Vegetarian

Anatomically, physiologically, and historically, humans are primarily herbivores (studies from Stanford, Harvard, etc.) If difficult to change eating habits, start with Go Vegetarian One Day A Week

III. Dependent Origination Go Vegetarian

The biggest step people can take to help combat global warming would be to stop eating meat. Chairman of IPCC, United Nations The meat industry contributes more than 18% of all the greenhouse gases, more than all air, land, and water traffic combined. United Nations Actually, it causes much more: 51% of all GHGthe biggest contributor to global warming. World Watch

III. Dependent Origination Go Vegetarian

If everyone goes vegetarian for just one day, the US would save: 100 billion gallons of water 1.5 billion pounds of crops fed to livestock 70 million gallons of gas Reduce 1.2 million tons of CO2 Etc. Starting on the right foot, everything falls into place: healthier, ethical, no animal cruelty, eco-friendly, solves world hunger.

III. Dependent Origination Go Vegetarian

Solution for energy crisis: difficult, high-tech
Change from Dirty Fuels System to Clean Fuels System requires countries, local governments, utilities, businesses, and households to work together

Solution for livestock problem: simple, no-tech

Go vegetarian (1-day, 2-day, 3 day a week)

But both requires everyone to get involved


It is neither this nor that, but it can be this or that.
EmptinessSnap out of fixed concepts and beliefs Green house gases are not badthey are crucial for our survivaljust keep in balance Problems are not bad, they make us wiser

Less is more Benefit the self by benefitting others the Bodhisattva Way When the self is empty, the self becomes infinite, all-embracing, completely open

Zen Story
These budding green bamboos Are the body of the Buddha; Those vibrant yellow flowers Demonstrate the prajna wisdom. Nature continuously speak the Dharma to us. Master Huizhong, Tang Dynasty

Emptiness Learning from Nature

Lotus effect: self-cleaning wall paint
Algae (diatom): grow bio-silicon cells Green plants: turn CO2 into starch; CO2 bio-degradable plastics Learn from shells (mineral scaling), starfish (bio-lenses), sea sponge (fiber-optics), bacteria (batteries), spider (silk), locust (collision avoidance), gecko (self-clean adhesives) . (ref: Janine Benyus, Biomimicry)

Emptiness Learning from Nature

Green chemistry, instead of (harmful) industrial chemistry Fertile agriculture: earth more fertile even as we take from it (ecosystems do this naturally; perma-culture)

Integral approachmany functions together, minimal resources

3.8 billion years of R&D, 10+ million species are our teachers Are we on top of the food-chain? Crisis Hope (wisdom of emptiness)

Zen Story

Bodhidharma and the Pearl

VI. From pure mind to Pure Land

V. From pure mind to Pure Land

Pure mind, pure awareness

Right understanding
Pure actions (karma)

Pure world (harmony)

VI. From pure mind to Pure Land

Key concept: turn from a mind that is self-centered to a mind that is centered on sharing (well-being of others)
But is this satisfying on a personal level?

VI. From pure mind to Pure Land

A mind that is not focused on the self is, ironically, the happiest.
Healthy mind physical health, inner peace, harmony with others, Pure Land.

At all levels: person, family, business, society, politics, global affairs

VI. From pure mind to Pure VI. From pure mind to Pure Land Land
Family level: communication and understanding

Business: fulfill peoples needs first, profit model follows

Society: focus on education, giving back what I gained Globally: governments cooperate to serve citizens of the world

Result: A lifestyle that makes world harmony possible.

Zen Story
Layman Pang
Pang: Difficult! Its like spreading ten buckets of sesame seeds on top of a tree! Wife: Easy! I see the Buddhas meaning on every blade of grass. Daughter: Neither easy nor difficult; when Im hungry, I eat; when Im tired, I sleep.

VI. From pure mind to Pure Land

The right way is actually, the most natural way
When the starting point is right, everything falls into place. Prajna wisdom: The highest form of giving is non-giving: to give without thinking that youre giving

The perfection of kindness is when nothing can cause angerthe mind is always at peace.

VI. From pure mind to Pure Land

Example: Chung Tai Chan Monastery
Puli, Taiwan, founded by Grand Master Wei Chueh A Buddhist community of 100+ monasteries and Zen centers, 1200+ monastics, and hundreds of thousands of disciples Living according to the bodhisattva principle: attain enlightened wisdom and to share that wisdom

Pure Mind, Pure Land A New Lifestyle for World Harmony

(Actually, this way of life existed since the dawn of civilization)

Many thanks to Ven. Jian Wei, Ven. Jian Tan, Ven. Jian Ying, Ven. Jian Zong, Jian Shu, and Ven. Jian Ren feedback and suggestions; and Diana Ma for technical consultation. Most of the photos are taken by Ven. Jian Nian Powerpoint design by Charlene Tse

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