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An Analysis of the Gonduct of

Dr.X, M.D.(OOOOO) And le Gollige dee m6dedns du Qu6bec

Proparcd For
Dr: R6jean H6beG M.D. Ministre de la sant6 et des eerwices socieux gouvernementdu Qu6bec

Octobrs 16th 2fJ13

List of Exhibits

to the Ministre de la santdet des The following lists the Exhibits includedwith theAnalysispresented gouvernement 2013. du Qu6bec, on Octobre16th services sociaux,

Exhib itA 19pages. to the Collge desmddecins du Qu6bec, Junel0 submission to the Colldgedesmddecins This Exhibit hasnot beenincludedin the copy of theAnalysissubmitted of the original copy.This Exhibit hasnot beenincludedin the du Qudbec, asthey are in possession to SAAQ asthey areakeadyin possession of a copy. copy of theAnalysissubmitted

Exhibit B Lettersfrom the Colldgedesmddecins du Qu6bec Item I Letterof acknowledgement DatedJuly l5th 2013 DatedSept4th 2013 Item 2 Response to referral Item 3 Dismissalof complaint DatedSept20th2013

2 pages I page 2 pages

Exhibit G in a package returned by Dr X in response to my Registered This Exhibit lists all documents contained (see Exhibit C Item l3). Lefferof JunelOth2013 Exhibit G ltem 1 2 pages Clinical Notes 14:07 13:30 2013-01-1614:07 RV 2013-01-16 Opened 2013-08-03 13:44 Print Date 2013-08-03 13:44:16 SignOff 2013but was not seenbv me at that time. This document was transmitted to Dr Hullev in Januarv Exhibit C ltem 2 Notes I page Consultation 2013-05-31 15:30 2013-05-13 15:49 RV Opened 13:44 PrintDate 2013-08-03 13:44:18 SignOff 2013-08-03 This document wastransmitted to Dr Hullev on June3rd 2013andwas seenby me at that time. ExhibitC ltem 3 For Payment I page Request Opened no data RV no data 2013-07-20 Print Date 2013-08-03 13:44:20 SignOff 07:53 This notereferences my letterof Junel0th (Item 13below). List of Exhibits PageI of4 Pages F. J. Fuller

Exhibit G ltem 4 Gamma Blood work-up 3 pages Date of Service2012-03 -30 This document was part of my initial submission to Dr X. This initial documentation package was prepared with the assistance of Dr Hulley. The blood testswere orderedby Dr. Latimer.I provideda copy of theseto Dr X. He appears to havelater obtained a second copy direct from Dr. Latimer. ExhibitG ltem 5 MRI Results Dateof confirmation 2013-05-07 20:22:07 Exhibit G ltem 6 EEG Results Date

4 pages

I page

Exhbit G ltem 7 Dr Drahovzal to Beaulieu 2 pages Dated2012-12-05 This document was part of my initial submission to Dr X. This initial documentation package was prepared with the assistance of Dr Hulley. Exhbit G ltem 8 Dr Hulley to RegiedesRentes 2 pages Dated2012-10-23 This document was part of my initial submission to Dr X. This initial documentation package was prepared with the assistance of Dr Hulley. Exhibit G ltem 9 Dr Hulley to La Resource 2 pages Dated2012-10-04 In this submission Dr Hulley soughtto refer me to La Resource for rehabilitation. La Resource refused to acceptthe referraldespitemy beinga citizenof Qudbec andDr Hulley makingthis fact clearto them. This document was part of my initial submission to Dr X. This initial documentation package was prepared with the assistance of Dr Hulley. Exhbit G ltem 1O Dr Hulley to DurandSAAQ 3 pages Dated2012-08-24 This document was part of my initial submission to Dr X. This initial documentation package was prepared with the assistance of Dr Hulley.

List of Exhibits

Page2of4 Pages

F. J. Fuller

Exh b itC l temll 4 pages request Dr Latimer consultation Dated2012-04-ll Includescopy of bloodworkup He sawme on that datethentherewas a wait for bloodwork,thenhe saw me againandgavereferral. package was to Dr X. This initial documentation was part of my initial submission This document prepared with the assistance of Dr Hulley. Exhbit G ltem 12 I page Mental StateExamination package was part to was of my initial submission Dr X. This initial documentation This document prepared of Dr Hulley. with the assistance Exhbit G ltem 13 FullertoX Dated 2013-06-10 Exhbit G ltem 14 Fullerto Hulley Dated2013-05-12 Exhbit C ltem 15 Fullerto X Dated2013-03-26 Exhbit G ltem 16 Fullerto X Dated2013-02-09

I page

2 pages

2 pages

3 pages

Exhbit G ltem 17 2 pages Larsonto Fuller (emailcopy) Dated2012-10-10 package was to Dr X. This initial documentation was part of my initial submission This document prepared of Dr Hulley. with the assistance Exhbit C ltem 18 4 pages Dr Hulley to Regies Dated2012-ll-14 package was to Dr X. This initial documentation was part of my initial submission This document prepared of Dr Hulley. with the assistance

Exhibit D SAAQ to Fuller 2013-10-03 Dated

I page

List of Exhibits

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F. J. Fuller

Exhibit E I pagecomposite of threeimages Imagesof pustules, lesionsand facial atrophy.Imagereproduction paper on reduces apparent image contrast. Additional imagesof a higherquality are available on the web at

Exhibit F Item I Googlesearch resultson medico-legal Item2 Wikipediaentry on medico-legal Item 3 Wikipediaentry on Medicaljurisprudence

I page I page I page

Exhibit G Item I Redbookentry on list of itemsto present to Dr X Item2 Dr. Hulley to SAAQ 2pages Dated July 26th2013. Dr Hulley had requested I ask for a sleepdeprivedEEG. This request was madebut not endorsed by Dr X. Item 2 indicates Dr. Hulley communicating this lapseon the part of Dr X to SAAQ. Item I shows the list of itemsdeveloped with Dr. Hulley'sassistance for presentation to Dr. X, Dr. Hulleys recomended itemsthat I communicate to Dr. X (Greenarrow).This includescommunication of suspected DAI injury (Blue arrow) and a noteon the sleepdeprivedEEG (Redarrow) which is interposed with notestakenduringthe meetingwith Dr. X and includesnotestakenof his directionsin regardto scheduling and of the needto forwardDr Hulley'scurrentmail address and email address to "Dr Hallermand"which is my understanding of the personI was dealingwith. Thereareadditional notationsinterspersed in this notebooksetofentries as I cannotafford a new notebook and therefore makesureI utilize everyavailableblank space.

Exhibit H Fullerto CdmQ I page DatedAugust 30th2013 This letterreflectsan attemptto locatea physician.It is my understanding that the Law Societyhasa referralserviceandthis letterwaswritten out of the possibilitythat the Colldgedesmdecins du might offer something similarto assist me in locating a physician. Qu6bec

Exhib itJ InventoryAugust 202013 3 pages DatedAugust 20th2013 This is an exampleof a document I prepare beforeeachmeetingwith my Doctorsto ensure that I do not forgetany item of information.It is includedhereas it makesreference to my dismayat discovering that my recollectionof the interaction with Dr. X was not supported by the clinical record providedto me by Dr. X.

List of Exhibits

Page4 of4 Pages

F. J. Fuller

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