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Exhibit C ltem 7

C.Psych. Drl DeannaDrahovzal,


Lapolnt Beaulieu,Arocats C,entre Montcalm,2O0RueMonElm, SuiE 3(X Gatineau,QC,JfY 385 T:BL*TTh\8TZ



Beaulieu: To Me. Marie-Josee Be: Frands Rrler, D.O.B:ilI I am nniting thls leftr to assistin my d'ent's appficatbn for rehabilitation support folbwing what seems to be a traumadc bnin injury fIBl) that occurred durtq a motor-\,ehicle acckient (MVA) in Marcfr 2011. I have known Mr. Rrller In the context of indivkttnl prychotherapy dnce July of 2fi)8. Our sessbns ocanrred on a blweekly basis,on and ofi, for 22 sessionsin total until Juneof 2010. I begBnseeing Mr. tufler again in June 2Ol2on a probonb basis(afEr he lost his job ard 'ras in his IWA) for monthty with Mr. Fullerto date. follot*.ups; slnce his MVA"there have been 7 sessions HavirE known Mr- tuller bodr bEbre and after hk It \tA I can speakb the diftrenrcs that I hane seen in hls symptom and behavioural presentatbns. Mr. Fuller inifrally sot4ht treatmeflt due to syrnptoms of aruiety and trauma, induding panh attacfts,paranoid thinkirg about helpirg profussionals,hoarding significant anoHance behaviour,socbl isolation, low self+egard, and bouts of bw mmd. Mr. fuller has alurayspresented as yery intetligen! personable,as wel as tangentiat In hls speakirE-I observed drastic differenceE however, in other aspectsof his behaviour,which't wish b ondine in this letter. When comparirg Mr- Fulle/s presentationsduring the times I saw him beforc the MVA (July2(m until Jnne venus the times I w him afurthe MVA (Juneto December,20!21, 2O1Ol, t noticedthe fullowirg: o Hb la:l of rmotiotsltty has increased. Mr. Fullerhas been showing Eats and ortherstrorg emotbm in our sessiom,whkh he did rpt do bebre. He no b4er reports lis ustal rynrpbrrr d andsty (e4-, panic attads, hoar.firE, avoidance)Mr. Fulhr H stngled urith amiety, most libly retated to a hisbry of tnurna. lt is urusual for symptornsof arubty sudr as his to remit srddenly wfthout tteatmenl Hedoeg houwer, erperience anrbtywhen he 6 otrtdde his trsualroutine, an aruietythat dH notoca.r before,

Page1 of2

Exhibit G ltem 7 Page 2

o .

llb l6rd of trust ln othcr+ rpecfficellv hddt| pr*lgon l* b htficr. Mr. Fuller is less$daly isobted now, as tE has been makirg various dtempts tD readl ott b odrers in his comrunity. He dH notreport readtirtg outto odrers before- ln fact, he usedto be *enrely isohd and misilndul, llbly a resh of hb aruiety and Fst Eiruma. Another enmple b that Mr. tuller gare permissbn forthe dpraglstto talk to varbus helprrCprsfussbnab on hls befraF, as uell as to spl to hb son br help. B6re, Mr. Fulbr dE not even prryide an emerBpncT corilact numberl Hc l:gor|s meny problrml ln tldlfiq thetssr not bsuesfur hhn bcfuG- Specifically,Mr, Fuller rcports bw uorlirg rnefnory, drffiailtr/ rustainhg attentbn, proHers udtr exeoltive functbnitg, forgetfulnes+ problems pe-rse!ratin&ard mahrg rnany simple rnbnates in daily tasks orwritirE!

It is rny underslardhg that drastlc chargesln emotionality and aruiety, aswe[ as problenrs in thinldry can be rehted b Symp'toors of a TBLand can ocsur after a deby, sometlmeSup to a year ortuo. Haing known Mr. Fullerslnca 2(X)8,I can saywtth confidene ttat *tere rras a marlcedcharge in his behaviour and reported sym@ms ftom the dme ftaw trtm in JurreZcl0 b the time 1saw hlm in June Zl12- Other than ocanrrirg a TBI during hts l\ruA, there does not appar b be arryodrer expbnadorrsof any another fastors that could reasonablyetgbln hls dnr6e in behaviour. My hope b tnt Mr. Fulhr will receive compensrtbn b support hb rchabiFtation. Most unfortrnately, the difficuhies fnt Mr. Fuller has been eperiencing reeMngsupport haw been defiaing fur him to saythe least" Your support wlll no doub't be imraltnble b Mr. Fullerl lf you havearry questlong pleasedo not hesitat to contact me dlrectly a|f

'u,mrrfiter, Dr. Hulley

Page 2 ofz

Exhibit G ltem 8


Re flll,Lf,hncb Dffi:-

EG{: (FelrtII.sII}
SAAQ 'hrr* lglt7z,-z frr IEGIS DES BE\ES DU QIITEEC


2. McdfoelfifiorY sr*e;ncd; pSy@OLOGICAL SfMpTOMS ctidimc& ftcting6d cr.qyiting is a cftG ftclingvcry incf rnd *orftlcss ( no oc will wd to hiro c ami& wift hi-), d tirncsfirrtc !i6s6[ cryingfuuo'qpr.E$ tEEsq, cubc incaneitive b ryha in scarcy ovcrlod (ouwdca #<EI* QcaAg"O ddly h;s*bg mAc*f rcw o of idusfve nolry +a"csf **;l*.-a vcry vivid flrqfthrdrr dmics fi@ lbc pa* tt* rc rmdrrnPERSXSIENT MooD SYMPTOMS: PruG b ftcfir'g dowasiocsttg ll,fi/A Irdcc poc to @a odrsc wtich hc csrrrotcompl ltis rcstbd in trcing rcbcdcd wiltin hir offpc duing ftt fuv dEF hc s01latEadcdhis sEdpte blbwingftc LfVA ltir hasa&ctud his fticodship* PERSISIE\IT PHTSIOIOGiICALIMPAIRMENTS: s"a,l discdittnin/achc ofiet u*pitd rea anddso {.dtr parfohl arcr Worscpta waehg a odhcr affiies- I^es fuquat ovcrtina cmsmdnnitis- F* rlo logthgrhg otrhiE[pffils 6iboe lhE]fi/eEfldty trlgucd" gsf b 6bcp.15:50'Ei@ biloming uy aclivity. tf &b bd "lccp bc bcctincr bceaslndy ffibhot Yc&cer oftd @ wlii* nas mrc iaitidly rocrwUg ftc ldVA rceulfingin eqpfiqg lffngr aAmsfY.rea4ringrp. ,. Fcdrtra$ lbinaEdbb rvhcain cmwdcdanoisy aqvinimcm. mcdclf ruory_Ugtc Eid@ ltrrs was. r hng pcr.irdh EfriEhwaldng fte sragen he bld b @6 bc abb 6 Edk d niidain hir hahce. Ttis hls irywred vlifrfina Grc.maryfith c!fit A*qea encdtc dccrerred. Eas bd I hd 30 hE Fning $b!p, Folhdngthr rccidcrEb FilH awalcnfiu dcqvih Sdt-.s hasdb m*oEls rudcs qs, in bg!, @d eding cold.Thb ir rcw lcs frqpan Sbcll hrd bccn rcdcrr Ed fiftfrGd frIb?ingftc rccitu fair hrs iryarcd wifr tim- Stilt hrrcryvivil drcdng.

Exhibit G ltem 8 Page 2

PBSTSTE{T PENSOD.IAUTT ALTERATIDIS: lilcr; freiw ovctrll, h co bs mce rggrEsdve if overdcilrnd och. u whcah e ceowdcd ryte wilt a bt ofCimb- tr'bo rrrnc$*bh$ he hasE EEFd rccd b crry. itCstroblarifrTdy Ed h* dahSigDificdy OsocrpC drnrllli,rd Scace ofEft bciry crrr, dbcfug Efuc&. . htFlt frsd by aa -6 eiryb -\ rhich hc *roghs wiftruqsiectytdk4irc wi6d fDoflhg qrty, oonftgcdStnrwtdhs *astalkiag abmt Blftcrs mDirccodd fir/hss sarc dfte 6cpasoCWi*ve rriting" hca*d dsiifity c ncodb bcor o c affiyb ftc rolurioo of ewryting e,tra hocagd @d*rtrrcrc rF.infrlgrc. Spadforgmey tn ftings be dF notnccd Dcccaeedml ffiy. PEBSIE.IT NETJBOTffiCAL PROBLBA Fcr e pcld oftinc fr,frhcwrr obscrving hinsofffim a di*ncc. Thlehssrcsohrcdl'fininizs &ivhg bccusehc calrhrrtoonEt ohisahtncss or ffiE rtir'l SionrireiorucSftdling &s rfirt ae ac* tbrre, hing frEt dmm bcdthd is not 6qc. FhiftrScaitivity b tlupcrer BhcdYisioa, erycnptlyrvtco tbEgucdDilbbvisi@urtea ftigucd fuiDgfrc mnilfis bloeiDg fts amidan T!fu hasiry,ovea DimiuisfrcdnigfrtvidmTwibhiogwhichbasiryrovodwiftrim.,tnf pcrcis8,Assmiabdwifrffiing tegrrbrcakiog c6, mddiqg Scorilivbyo s@d md noise,



Exhibit C ltern 9

Ilr. Surn rrrnrry, Mcdcrl Frycldcrqfrt

CONFIDENTIAL Mr. SssieTrc1lannir Ir RceomccBrsin ryry.Cniuic ,3mcu

tu: tr9-777-7174 J
Dcarlvf& Tnponic,




EC$I: (Aurbec)rurJll

rhtr JDu,ce cceftis .vcry oqpcrdivc pdicd oa a ugcd basis. Ilis is rqdrpd b6g6rse ! ll -tnl toq9 lyfr- hIlE did not scct ncaticsl ddm yer abod-onc btroring m }',{VA nd SAia (fut I{E alstEguaii$ ffiffiffc fi-@Dfs-atlic o dcay Hs dsno- I u hoping ftir yonr &@ would be -to rble b Feidc objcctivo cvidcae ofbrain iujury to ftrp*t hir ..r"; 566p11 haE go to trc lcvd of @ qtal lvfr- hllcr is dso vcry iroc$cd ;1 in rctabilimm- Hc is riagtc ;J il -'g"$"i fuityneaby. "1o'r-IIc was rccadcd uftils his hcad was tnrncil sidaways 6 rfirch 2011.Altbougb ftere was Do rndq drrnegcto hir vlhiclq hc did suftr qmgonr cmdfu wift a mcnsion, includfog loes of @lciotlscss ad omolcncc, aswcll at paiu i! his tcft Souldcr. IJffird6Cy,L Aa not rognize 6d hs^*zc F4n Uured d fte time ma asmea Sc syr@mo *'ro rded o rosing 53 job wiftin dayaof ttc ld\lA ud chngiag aorn'a ftii to d"y jo lr-r*rg onty wfl" -ig't "i|ff. fuFviqping did bc 8ffi to b@Ec arnrc ofnerri*inU iq*n6 A, pofitnity -n ot -,*." "ftict rcmrningto hispcviourwoftimpoaefrlc, od orrdditrg-o mywCIE, dq,-rt g. .Pcluim issoc! (baseiton histay): . losgofnrrrmt cootioat rcaonstrcoccs '. refrcd irulocls oflodsl *F" inttFiiionwi&knc of i*Eracsr of c=ur, rdDccd taat.cfficicacy, in+nliryto rustdn ' ettr.rtirrr fug @Ughtg lcrn . rogilfrhs ad;nfuiioa frstF-' ocnory . gl6n6rirfirrnrri.r/rrr.OTyfo6cdng FdFsyb boc obrccd witf, a activity od Dtcd 6fu' Uivitics ' cdreac . dmfutttco otddcotrlir u$al rtrtr iodtdinc Icft !ilb of fice md Pd. ly IGeEmcr Gffi"nfrt-hav. becgu" u6gc topftica 'o ocqlmelrturdlPa"t . mcrruhdlctopqh.iu hfr qpcraqnity

Exhibit C ltem 9 Page 2

gurc' atr'-incd poggblcsciarG EevW f,lddtaj''lrl ofmrjcnuoadcgnuF,bitiag cuotimal odur*q rmdcm.mdnff of cofrcim, frcqucd gp in mcouy, rryciitive jaw f'rli'i noftacG, cepccialtywtca asl4, rcmlting b bsfoEatrcft sincefu acrrid{, ba has derzelopcd a frod idolcrmce (coec-..) wtich rosutb iD n infrrrmd md pfilrrash fuldcdicdions vihinBl2 *hcahcrcmcmbcrs b talcil hMcdblIfi$ry: &cachbirewli& "fbc{s his rycr cfrtmitires (nuacfcshrvce wcro ilisplaccd/dmageal rcducing yulge or-moiim crncing uomfuess) -r1 vituin Bl2 asgocidEilwift patially vegaadiet -himy ofinnmcicc +i*ory of pauic atE& associed wift cxccgsivewrmy about a potrdial job loss md pasttmrtic eriiib dl pic to ftc I{V*{' No mc['rortios siacc ftc lvfVA-

Ofidcrcst ThiBpdicaf haspast wo* eapcdcoccsift dcsigningjobs @mau Rcscrucc Dwelrymcnt)- Ee hpean iec$ iD alsvdopinga wayto assistpersonswith disabilitice - ;l sdtablcwot

..rij.-:,-, r'F i.';

Exhibit C ltem i0

21 Angoe, 2Ol2 COI.IFIDEhITIAL VIATdAIL lvIs"JosirmcDotm4 Cqardo O6crr, Socictsdc I'aSorrc antnnrobibauebcc Ssvie u.Accirlcutrs crscp@Ic2500 sca Tcrninns Acbcs (A$ce) GIK IA2 RE: FgI&In,, Fnrdr

ME ICAL RIFIORT: ThiEpdcrt is wasscca5 t*y mn fu coccms with filnaiming blloping a lt{mr Vchislc Acclht which b* placc6 lvlrch 2OfI. h this accidcat hc wasrcaradcd by a movingvrn twics tb wrigb ofhis osa whidc. Tbcrcwas mrgh fa rl4his vchidc *rs movcdfim a aop ryprrcirncl5r fiftEctrftcL Onc ca dcduccfta &cle sas tikcly a coupto his mipitel bcs od comaoup injwy to tlc futAcrycal lobcsashc pescm wfth qm@s trmatic tr*n injuy md possiblc sccodry pdtid cqk sqincs
"in;{* fu a pcdod hng comgb fu tbc drivq of 6e ru 1o wElk b his vchidc md -bes ofcmncnncss hroct o his wiodorr 3s rfric wes rrhthe rccalb rhca bc qaincd conrofoFincss. {etcn lr rcglbcd c@sciilsacs he *rs in a cufrrcd strE hc dddt lilow*tl was brypcnhgwith rrrrncria dbt cttdtslcatrmg b thc rcci&d (he did rccrll cf,cnts lezftng to thc Eidcat ktErtrt dsyl hc dd bm' md bc war going b sqk a h*&c, Dilrsce, ucr*ir, ssrcrc mlcncc -wi&in hrtf n botr bc bcgn to ryeacc Icff sidcd nccL ed fuHcr nin- IIc rns ftrccd to rEn hG b slccp. IIc dcil fr f &19 hous straight md ffohewilh diz"'rnEssmd cuimlngpch bfueghc'(trrhc! TbhF.r'cfrcwas vctypc!:dltEd hseg !t hlst a dcr of drJ,s.Itfuclc lcccs3 Tls dso Hc'cutincd b br/s 'Bimitrcly fu e of fitting tiBA Hc rlso H dtrohy wi6 balmca rccrtb EB rhod ovq in @ Tc& Pcnlod 6e kihtco r fining &wn 6s drirl. B ffi rs iftrn wrs E Eq&qolka Wiltd Cd t1ag8 sfica rbe rtrc no ttpatr of crrthqgrrcs" IIE dso hd paiods in vfrih hi! viia wwtd brc comfbFty blErEd d hc cqdd trd rcs rb hc rrs rcdng. NB. Thil FobkrD vift yili@ cutinrcs to ccu, brl b lcs freqrcril norw.ITr GF c@ti@ b fidigDc r!ily. Ec dcrntaad 'i'E|'.g in his crs, ahno* rtrciug Itfioc rg ceiso& wes within 6e h$ weds Ec d$ dcrck4cC r Ectalb tg5b in his Eod wtic&hls rincc rcsolvcdImcdirE qzlft'rns nsqeCing t*di" t h.lod"d 6" *.r"linlc

Exhibit C ltem {0 Page 2

SEgs in dcppdErn: flbwing thc ridco{ dl hc did +rt AoE goingb rut wasslccp.In qftr dthb hc war vcry fuigrEd rtib d Fd- Whcnhfujob codc4 tic h.d Srci difrcdty in rtuftg b a daysbifr Ed ftrcd himsclft walk b $sy rwlka -inscascd padng (rcstBsclgi

PcrsisH chmps sire the sitbrt ud oocctlb dEcfing all activitft:s -foUlcmr withumcy ifierftrcs wilt rcding (hc cmH no lcngFrEd cg. fuglls whcrGbc is h the ' '- (nGAgnGDTyI Edb*wld hEcprergldhgtbc s@B lincs bccosc bo& bccosc hsbd!orn.rro*J' of,tcqrdiw bcp tsck ofurhcre hc wre) tcr'rttg ( Ee rzs aho untblc to frlbwtraidng vilcos d h hs colftt ' bad rc @ory dvidcoo bc jO istcrvicms, sid ccvcrsdios (rcsts iB hd amaeywftcCl fcgrls hc is &iying o suftcrc bc bas pdd his ca, od hGbss dc$inaim @, (now bas a chcc[ing nnfrDsto c@Ftosdc) lcfrtc sw 4c{rcrrt m @ightwhc {host oc }Gr le xfiGa dghg vofucr red irrohing ilGc calls o ncobcrs of a political frt hc had ditrcolty rOcd!fiqg hfu +cccb- Hc bad not niliccd rhir mrr bccansc Irrty, h dicd ofrninirnd sod"r intrracifon- Duing fris vohntccr vtd(, hc slso Ddiccd trrlr hc xould fugct lhc nrnc 65fa1f,s hc was spcaking b rs wdl rs tbc coFt of lhc cetl Hc was vcry fock by hon' poa his pcr*moccwas. Thq smc poblcrns occurrcd fuing iroviews od scid inEracfimsb Pcqtc rtho tncre hirn d fris tiDE ;1PcEd b htunlhd hil ryccch was rubling; pobhds wifr sq{ tnding -silcs thc MVA bc has had pcnim Pcrsigrrt fistel tobc aXf drr cofnitirc eifns -qdiry irycrtdadfuitics tm obscsdvcty frcuscdo onsacdnittrc$ttrrg inlrcglcctofdcr srchas thc bourchd CtDryfod qcrrlivc fiEcdo), -bcs of pwios .bility to bc awarc of orrcrg usk pcrbrnmcc is Erph lessc,ffcirr cmotinal rcryo*vcocss- dod[rytuil - sasc ofbeing void of cmdisrr -hss ofml job iGvicm ud {dE Aimoftyunaamang sirl cucsrcsrting in dimshywift rnicirtCrrwring of social Sibrtios -poblcos rifr ssstdnEd dcrtio {cfuccd spccd of idrrmrtiorrtcuwy troccsEirg +is lift has bccmc ycry rwtinbd bccilsc bc ftds vcry rncmfutaHc d$sidE gfffi frrniriar rqfinc Oh signs srggeding hein iqirr:n <vib ofmrscle dqky u lcfr ridc ofhca{ c*ccirlty bB lwcr htf of frce -iseascd FiD inlcGshmldcl mdrmrvhich nrybc rdded towcalocss sincbc b rwrerh"'hc c@ot do ar mch ar hc uscd o with hi! hG ra ad hc msy bc dropphg thin$ wilt his lcfr ao. l*c cdcr Porsfoic sips of urttnl sciac divtn . . jc# frr uo rt sE, nost reccdy tm gup tcsg trtfoh of ddaly in a nefrr reh -$Edc ttccb rgn ltcsc e-'r rcsubinhir gu ttdIg fu codfond ouhrsE in thc pe*ycr wtbl 6d nd m pir b 6c It|.A -5 cdlodB f rn4b:d fu occurd wtile b was Sill in lbc rmddre sdrcslrd h hi,n tdEg sced nny frm Sc tr corrttr.I! &l hE was holtih ffir e gmd fiicnd. Ttc drbstip rrs ft&d ''ilit he bdE ud:llrbod 6c bctrvia Grccmdryb fu b8b qpy. tddf ffrrrr* of c"rradm -ficqscd rdm -iartnccs dcryiEg fu no rcrro

Exhibit C ltem 10 Page 3

-fiEqqcd gps inmcmcy whilc reedingrbehing vidco/&iving ftiEflily *c'pativeFw lnrylmcrts iadrrding srying with hk jrsvfucn falling aslccp.this ryccs tDhare rcshcd b daF"gi to b ted wihin ftrreemartrs offtc hdVA

Odra ctmscs sincc ltc eccidcnt - Ocvclrycdt ofpcrsifut inflmcd $sccssing skin hsicnq ul frking rash urftich hss rcocutly iryon:dc.tcestpqtialty sim arvoiding tbc ccn4lm of caftinc iB cofts md cbocole


Sncrn l{sll6y, prn


Exhibit G ltem {1
225 PrcstoDStreef Othwa, ONIOR7Rl Teb (613)4&lJl118 Far (613)6ElH420

Request Consultation

(IfivE ddsilcd ncssagc? Ycs)

?r,,:;l,-; { Oa

tleerc sectbb petient (whou I rcw ou 11-Apr-20llt) in conruftrfion relFrdhg:

tl l l > . )


,{ d

t+r\e, *ta - 7

r l*-f

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] ot / . .o ( -k/

" -2*-i A'*rn I

d.-{"n r'rf


3c /t, uJ

0 /""/

&JJ. t)


Af@:ldffitu, Copy to:


Psrcrcat ly Et[RAdvutrge

,t4 @

Exhibit G ltem 11 Page 2

Attachment - Lab : Detrilt

Hid :

Psgul of
oltttr!Ptorldr Er. Lfr*Bd fpp|lrillftdGLtr CDbPtqtdd* llear Dotf

Fr&, FnAIrcB So( EcrtBfft THdrldtr'

AccrlarlS .|E$nEg SlrtFid




. ' 5L' '

' dl- 116




:...r].;i .. .i,!


'; .,.'.:'ii:,, :l<2.gtmrlt-

i.'':: i :lffiiEffi*i$Effi#


LDL cl{otEsTEn4 CALC.

Fonrad by EHB,ffinrtr3t


Erhibit C ltem {1 Page 3

ffi :

of PagtEZ
OrHiqftoltia; Ai.L&x, lt!.t Dfgof srba 2012-(E-qr fccrOq{fo

Fd*, FBAlrrs Sr Dc.t.Bdb ItHE|[rXrdq




S-lr Fhl



lurcrrd bynf,LAnvrrtryo


Afiachment - Labs : Detalls

Exhibit G ltem {t Page 4

P|riir FrI-,FRAltr1s S-( bdEbnr
or5itgelliiOc Dr. titucr,li*| lpl*uailcdcdo*r cciP.qilrr llor

Pag D6f $rrlcr 2nZ{8.1 Aslrfutllo

* I t l&rb

St-rl FnC


o1. PHOSPflAffSE

J ', ' .';_11 --:...-:r :i:al!-la !:;1i1:.,;i1,'-':?' 'e ,' t .nL 1a-,^
J '_.!!! - -rr. ..1.


IEIATOOflII O44 .:.-.:] - '.'St038-0I9n -:.;l* E0-87 fi








xoNocr'tTEs. 05-, i,:;,''' : .ir0.fl1{}8(hdlEl|. r,ffi .i.'' @ ';',;i

BASCIPHII- 0.00 -;-':






Exhibit G ltem 12



5 5


( 5)


qrowN,H#rrrr. n/owt


wbnelrcw? s1rAEqXlt*ry,ryr BF,GISTBATION



tt!@ 3 oomoo o[Gcrr (APPLI TABIS rnd FR{NY} Trb I roodto rrycrlr. Tt n !*fu prtirdto rcpcdrha rtcryou bvc r*l ft.o- CiY?I poir tn crcn csrcctrn-wcrThlattpcd lbGo dil bd$G h{lr dl 3.


Spdl'WORLIP buknrtds. Tbc rcorcb tbc numbcrof lcncrsin ccrcctod:r @-L- R'- O-W-). REICAI.L

rJ t

A* frr fu 3 objcctsryGed .bcrc. Giv. I poir fu cachcqrctL (NOIE: rccrll cruc bc clld if rII 3 objc* mt rroca bcscd r tubgregi$rdion)

l,IanpaTENCXL'mdTrATCHRcacrtbcblbviry: qhlr." anoE, andr,
Followa3 ilSpc@d 'Teb aPrPcrin Frrdgbthr'r4 trd it i! hd4,.Dd prt I o lhc for.' Rcrd od obsytE b[owing; "Oor ynrr c'ycr"' 'Vric r receoca" 'Cqyfu illosirtdcsign"

(Zpofulr) (l poLc)



C3 Pottr) (1 point) (1 Psid) 0 eoid)


rorAlscoRe\:==-,/ Tl-15 S [a1

e&Fd A fo*t l|F, FolerhIE rdl.c&$ !A Abi{bl 3d:


\ No cosuctioPoblcm

f3 6 c4tr Frdid nctotl fu Fdn|ft roFri,Grnts ofFfu

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