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Arizona State University Office Phone: (480) 727-3611

P.O. Box 878809

Tempe AZ, 85287-8809
YAN QI Email:∼yqi04

To obtain a full-time research and/or development position in information technology, especially database
systems, information retrieval and processing.

• Ph.D in Computer Science. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. Expected, 2009.
– Thesis: “An Efficient Query Execution Engine for Supporting Exploration and Expert Feedback
in Resolving Conflicts during Integration of Metadata”
– Specialization: Data integration, Information retrieval
– GPA: 3.8/4.0
• M.S in Computer Science. University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, 2004.
– Major: Computer Science
– Thesis: “Small Sample Neural Network”
– Specialization: Neural computing, Evolutionary computing
– GPA: 3.6/4.0
• B.S in Computer Science. University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, 2001.
– Major: Computer Science
– Thesis: “Emotion-based Image Retrieval Engine”
– Specialization: Image processing and retrieval
– GPA: 3.7/4.0

Research Assistant – CSE Department of ASU, Aug, 2004 - Present
• Research and development on rank-aware SPARQL query engine. The goal is achieved by extending
RDF model in Jena to support association of confidence values with statements, and modifying SPARQL
language query engine in ARQ for an efficient query processing to obtain top-K ranked results.
• Research and development on the tDAR (the Digital Archaeological Record) project. Technologies
involved in this project include Java, Struts2, Hibernate, Spring, JSP, JavaScript etc; the research
of tDAR is related to data integration, ontology analysis, database management system etc. (tDAR:
• Research and development on the table summarization with the help of taxonomy; the goal is to imple-
ment a system (i.e., AlphaSum), which aims to obtain OLAP-like navigable summaries from large RDB
tables. The involved technologies include C++, SQL etc. (AlphaSum:
• Research and development on data integration systems; the goal is to capture value and structural con-
flicts in the integrated data and assist users in resolving conflicts through an interactive, feedback-based
process. Research funded by an NSF grant on scientific data integration. Involved technologies include
Java GUI programming, graph algorithm design and implementation. (FICSR:
and K-Shortest Paths:
• Research and development on rank-aware twig-query processing on the integrated data and metadata
with conflicts: introduced a sum-max monotonicity property of twig-query in terms of ranked structural-
joins, and leveraged this property to develop a self-punctuating, horizon-based ranked join (HR-Join)
operator for ranked twig-query execution on data graphs. The implementation employed multiple-
threads technique in C++. (HR-Join:
• Research and development on an algorithm (CUTS) for topic segmentation of text streams; the goal is
to track topic development patterns in a given text information stream and identify topic boundaries
and topic development tendencies in the stream. CUTS is implemented with Java and Matlab mixed
programming (CUTS: CUTS has been embedded in the MAISON system
• Research and development on real-time message filtering systems; the goal is to efficiently filter and
match XML messages against local data, leveraging a novel cluster-domain matching scheme.

Selected Course Projects – CSE Department of ASU, Aug, 2004 - May, 2006
• Extending PRIX for Similarity-based XML Query (graduate course on Multimedia and Web
Databases) was implemented using JAVA. Cooperated with 3 graduate students. (
• GoogleME (graduate course on Semantic Web Mining) uses semantic data mining techniques to pro-
vide an enhanced searching mechanism based on Google’s search results. Cooperated with 2 graduate
students. (
• MPS (graduate course on Distributed and Multiprocessor Operating Systems) is a message passing
system for the distributed computing.

Research Assistant – Computer Science Department of University of Science and Tech-

nology of China, Feb, 2002 - May, 2004
• Research and development of an interactive genetic algorithm for image retrieval. The focus of the
research was learning of the user preferences to improve retrieval performance.
• Research and development of a neural network model to compute the force on bridge cables to measure
the health condition of a cable-stayed bridge.

Teaching Assistant – Computer Science Department of University of Science and Tech-

nology of China, Sep, 2001 - Jan, 2002
• I was a teaching assistant of the course ‘UML’. My tasks included teaching recitation classes, giving
quizzes and holding office hours every week.

Research Intern, NEC Labs America, Cupertino, CA
• May, 2008 to Aug, 2008 – Research and development on the extraction and matching of taxonomies in
facet-based deep web.
• June, 2007 to Sep, 2007 – Research and development on the OLAP operations over heterogeneous data

Efficient and effective XML data integration
1. Huiping Cao, Yan Qi, K. Selçuk Candan, Maria Luisa Sapino. XML Data Integration: Schema Extrac-
tion and Mapping. To appear in book Advanced Applications and Structures in XML Processing: Label
Streams, Semantics Utilization and Data Query Technologies, New York, US, IGI Global.
2. Yan Qi, Huiping Cao, K. Selçuk Candan, Maria Luisa Sapino. XML Data Integration: Merging, Query
Processing and Conflict Resolution. To appear in book Advanced Applications and Structures in XML
Processing: Label Streams, Semantics Utilization and Data Query Technologies, New York, US, IGI
Feedback based data integration, exploration and query processing (also see 7,8,9,10,11)
3. K. Selçuk Candan, Huiping Cao, Yan Qi, Maria Luisa Sapino. System Support for Exploration and
Expert Feedback in Resolving Conflicts during Integration of Metadata. The International Journal on
Very Large Data Bases Publisher Springer Berlin, August 07, 2008.

Topic segmentation of text streams (also see 12,13)
4. Syed Toufeeq Ahmed, K. Selçuk Candan, Sangwoo Han, Yan Qi. Topic Development Pattern Analysis
based Adaptation of Information Spaces to Facilitate Accesses to Digital Libraries by Users who are
Blind. Accepted by Special issue on Adaptive Hypermedia of the New Review in Hypermedia and
Database summarization with the help of taxonomies
5. K. Selçuk Candan, Huiping Cao, Yan Qi, Maria Luisa Sapino. AlphaSum: Size-Constrained Table
Summarization using Value Lattices. 12th International Conference on Extending Database Technology
(EDBT) Saint Petersburg, Russia, March 24-26 2009.
6. K. Selçuk Candan, Huiping Cao, Yan Qi, Maria Luisa Sapino. Table Summarization with the Help of
Domain Lattices. Poster. In CIKM ’08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM CIKM International Conference
on Information and Knowledge Management, Napa, USA, 2008.
Feedback based data integration, exploration and query processing (also see 3)
7. Yan Qi, K. Selçuk Candan, Junichi Tatemura, Songting Chen, Fenglin Liao. Supporting OLAP Opera-
tions over Imperfectly Integrated Taxonomies. In SIGMOD ’08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMOD
International Conference on Management of Data, pages 875-888, Canada, 2008.
8. Yan Qi, K. Selçuk Candan, Maria Luisa Sapino. Sum-Max Monotonic Ranked Joins for Evaluating
Top-K Twig Queries on Weighted Data Graphs. In VLDB ’07: Proceedings of the 33rd International
Conference on Very Large Data Bases, pages 507-518, Austria, 2007.
9. Yan Qi, K. Selçuk Candan, Maria Luisa Sapino. FICSR: Feedback-based InConSistency Resolution
and Query Processing on Misaligned Data Sources. In SIGMOD ’07: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM
SIGMOD international conference on Management of data, pages 151-162, USA, 2007.
10. Yan Qi, K. Selçuk Candan, Maria Luisa Sapino, Keith Kintigh. Integrating and Querying Taxonomies
with QUEST in the Presence of Conflicts. Demo. In SIGMOD ’07: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM
SIGMOD international conference on Management of data, pages 1153-1155, USA, 2007.
11. Yan Qi, K. Selçuk Candan, Maria Luisa Sapino, Keith Kintigh. QUEST: QUery-driven Exploration of
Semistructured Data with ConflicTs and Partial Knowledge. In CleanDB ’06: Proceedings of the First
International VLDB Workshop on Clean Databases, 2006.
Topic segmentation of text streams (also see 4)
12. Qing Li, K. Selçuk Candan, Yan Qi. Extracting Relevant Snippets for Web Navigation. In AAAI ’08:
Proceedings of the 23th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 1195-1200, USA, 2008.
13. Yan Qi, K. Selçuk Candan. CUTS: CUrvature-based development pattern analysis and segmentation
for blogs and other Text Streams. In HYPERTEXT ’06: Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on
Hypertext and Hypermedia, pages 1-10, Odense, Denmark, 2006.
Research and development of a real-time message filtering systems
14. K. Selçuk Candan, Mehmet E. Donderler, Yan Qi, Jaikannan Ramamoorthy, Jong W. Kim. FMware:
Middleware for Efficient Filtering and Matching of XML Messages with Local Data. In Middleware ’06:
ACM/IFIP/USENIX 7th International Middleware Conference, pages 301-321, Melbourne, Australia,

• Language: C++, Java, Matlab, Visual C++, C, C#, PHP, JSP, JavaScripts
• Web technologies: Struts 2, Spring, Hibernate
• Operating Systems: Linux, Windows
• Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access, Berkeley DB, Jena
• Graphics: OpenGL

The CSE outstanding Ph.D. student award in 2009 (only one every year)

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