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Reading Comprehension Dialogues

by Kenneth Beare
These reading comprehension / dialogues provide an opportunity for both reading and speaking practice. Each dialogue is also followed by a multiple choice quiz for comprehension practice. Each dialogue is listed under the appropriate level with a short introduction regarding target areas for speaking practice. Teachers can check out the ideas on how to use dialogues in class and print them out for use. Beginner - Lower Intermediate Getting a Driver's License - Filling out a form. The City and the Country - Comparative form, as ... as Interview with a Famous Actor - Daily routines, present simple What's in Your Office? - Use of there is / there are, prepositions and office furniture vocabulary What Were You Doing? - Use of the past continuous in combination with the past simple The Oregon Weather Forecast - Use of the future with will for predictions, weather vocabulary A Business Presentation - Use of the present perfect A Business Traveler - Speaking about likes and dislikes with like, enjoy An Interview - Superlative Forms Introductions - Basic questions used when meeting someone for the first time. Filling in a Form - Basic personal information questions (name, address, etc.) The Meeting - Schedules, future plans. A New Office - This, that, some and any with objects. Cooking - Daily routines and hobbies. A Great Workout - Abilities with 'can', making suggestions. A Busy Day - Plans for the day, responsibilities with 'have to'. Today's Special - Ordering food in a restaurant. Planning a Party - Future with 'will' and 'going to' Intermediate Telephoning in English

Telephoning English - Making a Doctor's Appointment Telephoning English - Leaving a Message Telephoning English - Making a Reservation for Dinner Telephoning English - Telephoning School for your Child Telephoning English - Asking a Question about a Bill Business English

Social Media Marketing - Advanced level role play and reading Business Jargon - Advanced level Deliveries and Suppliers Taking a Message Placing an Order Putting Someone Through Directions to a Meeting How to Use an ATM Funds Transfer Sales Terminology Looking for a Bookkeeper Hardware Deductions WebVisions Conference Tomorrow's Meeting Discussing Ideas Happy Shareholders

English for Medical Purposes Dialogues

Making an Appointment with the Dentist Making a Doctor's Appointment Dental Check-up - Doctor and Patient Dental Hygiene - Dental Hygienist and Patient Dental Receptionist Troubling Symptoms - Doctor and Patient

Joint Pain - Doctor and Patient A Physical Examination - Doctor and Patient Pain that Comes and Goes - Doctor and Patient A Prescription - Doctor and Patient Feeling Queasy - Nurse and Patient Helping a Patient - Nurse and Patient Patient Details - Administration Staff and Patient

Hooking Up My Computer - Computer related jargon, present perfect for recently completed actions Social Networking Sites - Computer related jargon specific to the internet Three Dialogues Focusing on the Service Industry

Cleaning Staff - Vocabulary and requests dealing with cleaning rooms and taking care of guests A Drink at the Bar - Vocabulary and situations related to serving customers at a bar Taking an Order - Vocabulary and situations related to serving customers in a restaurant

Speaking to a Customer Service Representative - Disputing a bill over the telephone. Work, Work, Work - Speaking about what is happening around the present moment. Weekend Sports - Speaking about abilities, making suggestions. The Summer Olympics - Vocabulary related to sports focusing specifically on vocabulary related to the Summer Olympics Advice for a Shy Guy - Giving and asking for advice. Too Much Work! - Contrasting past routines to present routines. Neighbors - Using the present perfect, present perfect continuous and past simple interchangeably A Holiday in Italy - Describing a past holiday. Directions to the Museum - Giving directions. Client Problems - Discussing problems related to work. Having a Hard Time Finding a Job - Speaking about finding a job, focus on reported speech Advanced A New Home Theater System - Audio video related jargon, perfect for students interested in technology

A Neighbor's Advice - Conditional forms, gardening. At a Flea-Market - Bargaining on a price, convincing someone. Congratulations! - Congratulating someone on success, relating exciting news. Waiting for a Friend - Advanced past and future forms (future continuous, 3rd conditional, etc.)

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