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Posted on October 22, 2013


Symptoms of Cruel Cluster Headaches

There are quite many symptoms of cluster headaches. To name a few they include pain like unilateral orbital. But before we discuss them here is a quick look on what is meant by cluster headaches. Cluster headaches are diseases that include repeated attacks of severe pain on only one side of the head. The aforesaid headache belongs to a group of primary headache conditions called Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgias. Currently there is no remedy for cluster headaches. Such headaches occur periodically in patients. The cause of the pain is not known till now but it has been found out that around 0.1% of the population is hit by this severely cruel headache. It has also been found out by researchers that the pain is more prevalent in men than in women. Speaking of the symptoms of the headache, pain in cluster headaches is more massive than any other headache. This includes migraine too. Researchers have also suggested that the disease is said to be the most painful condition in medical science. It has also been reported by females that the cluster headache treatment is found to be more severe than child birth. The pain is said to be drilling and normally occurs behind the eye or inside the temple and at times radiating to the jaw. The duration of the pain can range up till 3 hours even. After Dr. B.T Horton the condition was known as Hortons Cephalalgia. Other symptoms of cluster headache include severe unilateral orbital or temporal pain that lasts for around 15 to 180 minutes. The headache attack is accompanied by certain autonomic symptoms like ptosis or drooping eyelid, miosis or pupil constriction, conjunctival injection or redness of the conjunctiva, lacrimation or tearing, rhinorrhea or runny nose or facial blushing, or swelling or even sweating. The swelling and the sweating appear on the same side of the head as the pain. The headache has restlessness as one of its symptoms too. There may be a case of photophobia also associated with the patient who suffers from pain. Photophobia refers to the concept of repugnance to bright lights. Patient may also sometimes exhibit phonophobia which refers to the concept of loathing loud noise. Rarely the patient of cluster headache may suffer from nausea. With all the above symptoms to your notice now, you may treat the headache better or at least try to do so.

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