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The Lie By Hellene Alabi 4,176

The meeting finally ended at three-fifteen that Friday afternoon, Adas head was pounding, even as she nodded into the phone she winced and gestured to her secretary to drop the documents and messages she brought into the emptying office, she was the branch manager of a first generation bank. Assuring Mrs. Ogbodo that the bank stocks were not really dropping she smiled weakly as she finally replaced her phone and took a sip from her mug of tepid coffee, she gagged and placed it down grimacing and opened her top drawer and reached for the bottle of Aleve she kept specially there for days like this. Whenever she was having her period, her head pounded, her skin grew hot and cold and she suffered double visions, she was afraid to go to the hospital because she was sure she will find out they were symptoms of the big C, so she suffered and swallowed pain-killers her husband sent her from Canada. She endured more of the bitter fluid to wash down the slim pill. She shook her head and groaned in regret, she had to stop abusing her body like this. Her secretary came in again and her desk phone started ringing simultaneously, she grabbed the phone and dropped it back on the cradle, what now, Chichi? she asked as she looked at her through hooded eyes, sorry ma, your gate man called, he said it was urgent, you should call him as soon as you can she said and slowly retreated thankfully taking the half drank cup of coffee with her. Ada sighed, Daudu, her gateman was melodramatic, he called everything urgent.

The last time the PHCN people visited and threatened to cut their electricity, he had called and announced it as urgent , when her mother-in-law came to stay for two weeks two months ago, she had been called approximately four times daily because of one urgent excuse or the other. She blamed herself for buying the idiot a phone and actually recharging it. Frowning she reached for her mobile phone and found out he had also called her fourteen times there, she hissed and dropped the phone, she had too much to do, she decided to tackle most of the documents and soon was lost until Chichi came in to say goodnight. She looked up with a squint, she really needed to visit an optician, her eyes were getting worse she thought as she blinked at the wall clock, it read 8:45 and she rubbed her eyes to remove the black spots as she bade Chichi goodnight. Stretching her lean arms above her small head, she grabbed her phone which was still on silent and stuffed some of the documents into her laptop bag and shut down her Sony Vio lap top, then reaching for the desk phone she told her driver John to bring the car around to the front of the building. By the time she made it down from her eight floor office with the elevator, John was waiting agitatedly for her in the almost deserted lobby, what is it John? she asked as she took in his worried expression, Madam, I don dey call you since he replied as he hastily stepped forward and took her laptop bag and her hand bag from her, Proper English John, Ive warned you! she scolded, she hated when he addressed her in pidgin English, Na Aisha, madam John replied ignoring her warning as he rushed forward to get the door for her, my daughter? she asked blankly, yes ma, she faint, dem don rush am go hospital na im we dey call you for since he continued as they got to the car.

Ada halted as her stomach dropped and the taste of the coffee she took all day came back up, she struggled to swallow, what she said but her voice was weak and her throat too bitter, clearing her throat again, what did they say is wrong with my child? she asked a little stronger, John shrugged as he swung his car door open, dem no know, but dem say if she no get blood, she go die he replied as he entered into the car and expertly reversed and entered the already congested road.

Judith has been a nurse for eight years, she had started as a cleaner, then she had been moved after three months to the dispensary, where she quickly learnt about pharmacology, she was doing so well that the doctor, an aged man that had studied as an obstetrician, had decided to train her as a nurse. He had allowed her to inject patients the first six months of the training; it had not been easy for Judith, a bubbly, plump kind hearted girl of twenty-two, who hated hurting peoples feelings. Eventually she got the hang of it and was swiftly moved to fixing of IVs and carrying out minor examinations. It was no surprise to anyone when the old doctor finally promoted her to Head nurse and married her. When he was not in the hospital, she covered for him. When the young girl was rushed to their hospital that afternoon, she had taken one look at her and known what the diagnosis was. When she had called her husband for examination, he had pronounced the same diagnosis. Because she was bleeding profusely, she had suggested that they either turn them away or contact the police. After several pleadings from the young aboki man who seemed to be the culprit, that also brought the unconscious girl, they had finally agreed to call their friend Ete, who was a police sergeant and put the girl under close observation.

It was almost nine forty-five before a harried woman rushed through the hospital dirty glass doors to ask about her daughters condition. Judith examined her through large innocent looking eyes, she was rake thin, her grey colored skirt suit though well tailoredwas two sizes too big for her, permed hair that got to her shoulders, parted on the side, eyes that were closely set and red rimmed, she had been crying obviously, a thin runny nose and her thin lips were chapped and slightly bleeding, she must have been biting them throughout on her way to the hospital. Madam, calm down, she is stabilized now she said soothingly, pitying the woman, being a mother of a five year old daughter herself, the mothers were always the last to know, she thought shaking her head as the poor woman started to cry, whhhat is wrong with her? she managed to get out between sobs, em, the doctor is with a patient, but he will soon be through Judith sa id evasively, quickly getting up to go fetch her husband. Ada started pacing, wondering what they had for dinner the night before and whether or not she was looking ill in anyway but she couldnt remember, a frustrated sob escaped from her as the old doctor made his ponderous way towards her. She stopped pacing and wiped the tears from her eyes angrily, she hated to be so weak. Madam the doctor said in a calm baritone and steered her away from the reception towards his office, she followed silently as he squeezed her wet palm and murmured platitudes to her. She calmed down considerably as she was ushered into a large, colorfully decorated office. He offered her an armchair and sat on the one close to it, looking at her keenly, he noticed she was strained and undernourished, your daughter will be just fine, we had to transfuse when we saw that she was in dire need of blood he mumbled patting her hand as he rang for housekeeping, but you on the other hand need some food in your system, we will get you an orange drink and maybe some snacks he told the orderly that showed up, looking at her as he spoke, she nodded and managed a dry-lipped, close-mouthed smile.

He sighed, it was always so difficult when handling relatives, no matter how many times he had done it, we will wait a little for the orderly and the food while I finish my evening examination of your daughter and another patient, just stay here till I return he said and got up before she could protest. Ada sat there numb, cold and wondering how she had failed so woefully as a mother. It must be the prawns, she thought again as she finally remembered yesterdays dinner, I thought they didnt look fresh yet I used them for the coconut rice, she berated herself, what else could it be that will make her faint? The door opened again quietly and the orderly handed her a paper plate of meat-pie and a plastic bottle of fanta, she took it and nodded to him. As he retreated, she took a small bite of the pie and found it warm and moist. She took another bite, this time bigger and chewed slowly, she took a gulp of the fanta and another big bite of the pie, it was quite tasty she thought as her mind wandered towards work, she still had three reports to write and the employees data base to update, she sighed and placed the half-eaten snack on the worn stool beside her and drank all the fanta, then looking around, she noticed that the office was slightly dusty, she frowned. Why would the doctors office be dusty except for the reason that he didnt use it all the time. She got up abruptly and headed for the door, something bad has happened she thought in panic as she yanked the door open and found the doctor standing in front of her, he smiled and ushered her back in. Shes stabilized and resting, I had to sedate her when we couldnt hold her down for the IV he paused and frowned, she was quite beside herself with grief and remorse, she said you would kill her if you found out Ada blinked uncomprehendingly, why would she be remorseful for eating bad prawns,

I dont understand doctor, I made the dinner she said to the doctor who merely nodded and offered her the seat she just vacated, you think her illness has to do with food poisoning? he inquired quietly as he sat down heavily, yes, is it something else? she asked as the cold finger of fear gripped her again, oh God, please let it not be anything worse, she prayed as the doctor cleared his throat, em, yes it is he said and stared into space, does your daughter have a boyfriend? he asked suddenly, Ada threw her head back and laughed heart ily, boyfriend? she thought, she had problems getting her daughter to mingle with other people, she was a chronic bookworm that was why she started counseling in church with the teen pastor, Patrick, she was too antisocial, no, doctor, she doesnt have a boyfriend, she barely even have female friends much less boys she replied with a wan smile, the doctor wrung his hands and hung his head in deep thought, he found this particular case difficult to handle, maybe because he saw that she was already overwrought and overworked, well, your daughter was three months pregnant and trying to abort it, she took some strong, local contraceptives and would have bled to death if your gateman hadnt rushed her to the hospital he said bluntly, the truth couldnt be swe etened he thought as he saw astonishment, then confusion on her thin features, I am here for Aisha Ivory Isa-Mohammed doctor she explained, they probably had more than one female teenager here. The doctor sighed and nodded his head, Im talking about her he paused and flipped her chart open he had entered with open, age fifteen, weight forty kilograms, blood group B-positive, with a healed fractured wound on her right arm, five stitches on that injury he looked at her in askance, yes she fell from her sleigh when she was ten, I was in the kitchen preparing the eggnog for the church Christmas brunch in Wichita she replied automatically defensive, eyes wide with shock, pregnant? she whispered almost in awe.

The doctor nodded gravely, to whom? she asked in a strangled voice, we were hoping you would help us with that, you have no clue at all? he asked her again, she shook her head, both in disbelieve for what she hearing and in denial, I know no such boy she replied her mind in a blur. Can I see her, doctor? she asked, still not believing that she was discussing her daughter, shes asleep and wed rather not want her awakened he replied, oh no, I only want to see, just to make sureher voice trailed off. He nodded, pitying her. They both got up at the same time and headed for the door. Ada re-entered the reception and felt ashamed as if she had done something wrong, did all the orderlies know? She wondered as she passed a nurse who greeted her genially, they must all know and wonder what kind of mother I am, she thought again in disbelieve, the doctor opened the door down the hall and gestured for her to enter after touching his lips with his index finger, she nodded dumbly and hesitated, what if there was no mistake? And her daughter had actually attempted abortion? No one taught you how to deal with such problems when you became a mother, babies were the only things that came without manuals she thought distractedly. She straightened her spine, her late mother would have said she was being spineless; the Da-silva women were strong and indestructible. She entered the room and could barely make out the tiny form sleeping quietly on the hospital bed. She neared the bed and looked closely, it was really her daughter, smaller and a little pale, but her daughter nonetheless, sleeping on the hospital bed. Ada felt hot tears coursing down her face before she realized she was weeping openly, her little girl had been violated and was trying to fix the problem, or was it consensual? She thought as

anger and doubt bubbled together within her constricted chest, she shook her head forcefully, she knew Ivory, someone had forced themselves on her but why hadnt she told me? Ada agonized. She jumped when she felt the doctors hand on her shoulder, he mot ioned her to the door and she shook her head at him, she was not leaving this room until her daughter woke up. The doctor looked at her sympathetically, it was always so hard, he touched her elbow again, lets just discuss, you can come back he said quietly, Ada turned and walked out of the room without struggle, her red eyes ablaze. Immediately the door closed she turned towards the doctor, someone will pay for this she hissed through clenched teeth, the doctor nodded passively, he knew mothers always believed the best of their off-springs, we have a police friend on ground if you want to talk to him, as you know, this is a serious matter he said as Adas eyes grew bigger, it was painful for the doctor to see, you already involved the police without my consent she roared, I will sue if this case embarrasses any member of my family she thundered at the doctor, finally satisfied that she had an object to vent her anger on, and to even insinuate that she brought this upon herself is both insulting and demeaning of my capabilities as a mother she said, enunciating her words, Madam, I apologize for annoying you, but the police was called to protect the hospital, she was brought here profusely bleeding and unconscious, please let us sit and discuss this issue privately he begged, his hospital was just beginning to gain recognition, he didnt want any negative reports circulating the estate. Ada glared at him and decided to do as he advised, they went back towards the dusty office, she paused as he opened the door, I have to make some calls she said and walked away abruptly in the opposite direction. The doctor sighed heavily, shaking his head.

what are you saying? the male voice asked tinged with worry and astonishment, it was so difficult hearing him talk like that, I dont have details yet but I thought you would want to know her thin voice trailed off, she was so fatigued, we will know more by tomorrow, shes sleeping now she added to reassure him. There was static and silence, are you still there? she asked raising her voice a little, I told you not to drag my children to that church of yours! his tone was raw and vicious, she drew the phone away from her ear and stared at it before pressing it back to her ear, honey this has nothing to do with church How do you know? came the quick reply, she closed her eyes and ran a paper dry hand over her face, her eyes itched and watered, honey, lets just wait till tomorrow, when shes awake, I will get the truth from her she waited when she heard a sniff from the other end, oh God, why was this happening now? She thought desperately, she sighed and stifled a sob of her own, TJ? she said hesitantly, he coughed then cleared his throat, Just make sure you let me know the minute shes awake, no matter the time, I want to talk to her he ended the call before she could say anything back. Slowly dropping the phone, she turned and walked back towards the doctors office, she squared her shoulders before knocking on the door, without waiting for a response, she opened the door and entered, it was going to be a long night, she thought when she saw the scrawny looking man that was seated on the seat she just vacated.

The sun was bright; the curtains moved lazily in the breeze, the room smelt faintly of Dettol and some flowery aerosol freshener. Aisha sniffed and tried to sit up. She gasped as the pain shot from her navel to her lower abdomen. Cradling her flat throbbing stomach on her hands she blinked the tears from her eyes and tried to look around without moving. Her mother was sleeping, folded on the worn armchair the color of yeast. She wiped her tears with the back of her palm and agonized on what to tell her mother when she woke up. Ada stirred and sneezed twice before opening her eyes, she groaned as she straightened stiff muscles, then staring belatedly on the bed she met her daughters pensive look, rushing to her side amidst moans of pains she dropped to one knee and took Aishas cold hand, kissing it she stroke her forehead as she started to weep, Im so sorry I didnt protect you better she whispered into the frail girls ear. Aisha managed to turn and buried her head on her mothers neck sobbing ope nly. Ada was not sure whether it was in pains or shame she wept, it didnt matter, her daughter was hurt and she did what any mother would do naturally; console her.

* The doctor finished his check up and patted Aishas shoulder, the nurse moved in and s tarted to sponge bath her, she had been instructed not to allow her stand up, she had lost a lot of blood. Ada paced outside the room, once in a while she will take a sneak peek at the half opened door to see if her daughter was alright, then she will resu me pacing. She wasnt sure what to tell her

husband. After breakfast, she had asked Aisha who was responsible for her pregnancy and she had replied that it was someone from the church, meaning her husband had been right after all. When she had pressed her for a name Aisha had started crying again and she had been asked to leave the room so that the doctor could conduct his check up on the patient. She held her phone now in her hand, dreading the call to TJ her husband, the nurse presently came out of Aisha s room, smiled at her and walked away. Ada reentered the room and stared at her daughter, suddenly she wished her own mother was still alive, Dame Mona would have known exactly what to do she thought dismally. She took her seat again and leaned forward, d addy wants to say hello to you, are you up to it? Aisha nodded vigorously. Finally after inhaling and exhaling several times, Ada placed the call, just as she was going to say hello, her husbands brusque voice cut her off, put her on the phone! he said without pleasantries. Ada handed the phone to Aisha who shifted to get comfortable and for the first time since the ordeal started, she saw her daughter smile as she chatted animatedly with her father. Ada got up and left the room, feeling lost and dejected. * Is it Sister Chinyeres son, Godfrey? You told me he was always playing pranks when you went for counseling Ada asked trying in vain to get the name of the boy responsible for knocking her daughter up and leaving her to clean up the mess, she has been calling the names of all the boys in the teenage section but Aisha kept shaking her head, her father had asked and she had started crying, presently tears welled up again in her eyes and Ada leaned from her sitting position to wipe them, if you tell me, it will be our secret, I wont even tell your dad. She cajoled quietly, Aisha shook her head again, Please mum, I dont want to talk about it ever again she said turning her head away, she was healing the bleeding had stooped completely,

there was no spotting and the doctor had informed Ada after the morning check up that she will be ready to go back home by evening. Ada sighed heavily, TJ had ordered her to bring his daughter as soon as she could fly; it was almost as if Ada had allowed what happened to happen deliberately. Why was he so angry with her? She was just as shocked by the whole event as he was, she rearranged the sheet protectively around her daughter and got up and stretched, it was Monday afternoon, she would have been rounding up the Monday morning meeting and returning to her office to tackle the files, but she was instead in a hospital room, trying to make her daughter tell her how she got pregnant right under her nose, some mother, Ada thought again as she exited the room, she was going home to cook and hopefully sleep a little before returning to bring her daughter home.

The flight was almost full, Ada sat down and rearranged Aishas blanket, mum, Im ready to talk Ada braced herself as if she was about to receive a blow, okay she replied in a shaky voice. its pastor Patrick, he said I should never tell or else I will go to hell for tattling Aisha said quietly plucking at the thread of the soft woolen blanket, pastor Patrick did what? Ada asked confused, told you not to tell me? Aisha shook her head, Pastor Patrick did it She glanced at her mother and saw her stunned, pained expression, pastor... Ada muttered and couldnt speak, okay, I will never tell anyone, I promise As the plane taxied towards the runway for takeoff and Aisha closed her eyes as the sleeping drugs took effect, Ada looked out of the window and wondered what she will tell TJ when they got to Canada, her stomach was hot and cold at the same time as she tried to imagine the six feet plus pastor with her diminutive daughter, it brought tears of rage and humiliation to her eyes. She thumbed the brand new novel by Chimamanda Adichie, Half of a yellow sun she had thought it will keep her company

during the long flight, but the only thing that consumed Ada s thoughts now, was what to tell her husband when they got to him. TJ was waiting for them at the arrival terminal when they cleared with immigration, he picked Aisha up as if she weighed nothing and glared at Ada, who did this? he mouthed behind his daughters back, Ada stared at him for a long time, her internal struggle mercifully did not show on her thin, sharp features, its Danladi, from the Islamic settlement she whispered back. Danladi, was the gatemans younger brother that lived with them until a few weeks back and was killed in a bomb in their Kaduna settlement a day after getting home. TJ turned and walked away saying nothing, Ada followed, already feeling heavy with guilt for lying on a dead boy, but the lie was better than facing the truth. The end.

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