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Ideal Gas
Equal volumes of different ideal gases at same P-T conditions contain same number of molecules A cylinder containing atmospheric oxygen weighs 2 times as much as a cylinder containing nascent oxygen (O) at the same P-T conditions. Mol. wt. of O2 = 32 is 2 times the mol. wt. of O (=16) Moles: Number of weight units of the compound equal to its molecular weight 1 lb-mole of O2 is equal to 32 lbs of atmospheric oxygen One mole of all ideal gases contain the same number of molecules and occupy the same volume at identical conditions of P-T. Note: 1 lb. equal to 453.6 gm. 1 lb-mole of ideal gas contains 453.6 times the number of molecules in 1 gmmole of the same gas State of the gas defined by P,V and T. Boyle, Charles and Avogadros experimentation yielded:
pV =const. T

or more interestingly : where V1 and V2 in same units. Pressures P1 and P2 and temperatures T1 and T2 in absolute units : Absolute pressure = Gauge press. + atm. Pressure Absolute temperature (oR) = oF + 460.0 (oK) = oC + 273.0

p1 V1 p 2 V2 = T1 T2

Ideal Gas Law

It is evident from previous slides that P, T and V of a ideal gas defines the state of the gas and also the number of molecules present. Alternate formulation: pV =const. = n R where: T R = Universal gas constant n = number of moles of the gas pV R = n T =10.732 psia-cu.ft./lb-mole/oR Standard conditions are generally defined as 14.7 psia and 60oF. 1 mole of any ideal gas at standard conditions occupies a volume of 379 Cu. ft. or 22.4 litres Application Consider a 500 cu-ft. tank maintained at gauge pressure of 20 psig and 90oF (atm. Press = 14.4 psia). Calculate moles of gas in tank. Applying ideal gas law:
( 20 +14.4) 500 14.7 V = ( 460 +90) ( 460 +60)

V= 1106 cu. ft

1mole of ideal gas occupies 379.4cu.ft at std. condns. 1106 n= =2.915 lb moles . 379.4 If gas in container is ethane (mol.wt. = 30) then mass of gas in container equals 2.915 x 30 = 87.45 lbs.

Density/specific Gravity of an ideal gas

Density: g =Volume of gas at same P, T = PV P M g = Since: n =R T R T specific to the P-T condns. Specific gravity of gas:
g =
P M gas

mass of gas at P, T

n M V

density of gas at P, T = R T density of air at same P, T P M air R T

Mol. wt. of air is generally assumed to be 28.97 M g = gas , independent of P-T. 28.97 Application If specific gravity of gas is 0.75, then molecular weight of gas is 0.75 x 28.97 = 21.7. I lb-mole of gas weighs 21.7 lbs.

Non-ideal or real gas

At extreme conditions of P-T, gases deviate from ideal behaviour. State of gas at such conditions described using Equation of State (EOS). a P + 2 (V b ) = n R T - Van der Waals EOS V

accounts for inter-molecular forces reducing the momentum of particles impinging on the walls of the vessel. Larger the V, smaller the intermolecular forces and smaller the correction. b accounts for the molecular gas volumes, ignored by the ideal gas equation Other EOS, Radlich-Kwong EOS, Benedict-WebbRubin EOS - all are empirical An alternate method for treating non-ideal behaviour is based on the following observation: Vol. occupied by a real gas at P T If we define: Z = Vol.occupied by ideal gas at P T


Z 1.0

Lighter gas Lower temp.

Non-ideal gas equation

Ideal gas equation: or
P Vreal =n Z R T

P Videal = n R T

Vreal =n R T Z

non-ideal gas equation

Z is a function of both P and T. Commonly Z = Z(p) i.e assume conditions of isothermal depletion. Measurement of Z

Single phase reservoir gas sample collected using special sampling nozzles (if condensate present), or by recombining stock tank gas, seperator gas and the produced liquid or in the case of solution gas reservoirs, sampling the liberated gas.

Atm. Press Volume = 14 .7 V = nV Ro T


Pressure = p Volume =V p V =n Z RT

, varying p and measuring V Z(p) at constant T can be obtained

p V Z ( p) = 14.7 Vo

Analytical calculation of Z
Hydrocarbons are complex mixture of paraffins and other non-hydrocarbon impurities. Each component has own critical point (temp. and pressure). Mixture exhibits characteristics of the components. If ni is the mole-fraction of a component i, the pseudocritical properties of the mixture can be calculated: Ppc =ni P c : Pc = critical pressure of i i T pc =ni Tc Tc : = critical temperature of I i Compute pseudo-reduced pressure and temperature: P T Ppr = T pr = Ppc and T pc , at desired conditions P & T
i i i

Generally Tpr is constant (isothermal depletion). Use Standing-Katz chart to retrieve Z as a function of Ppr at various Tpr. Table 1.1 and Figure 1-5 of your text book.

Z from specific gravity

We have already seen the dependence of Z on the specific gravity of the gas. Suttons correlation:
Ppc = 756.8 131.0 g 3.6 2 g

T pc =169.2 + 349.5 g 74.0 2 g

Correlation good for 0.57 g 1.68 Compute pseudo-reduced parameters and the same computation as before. Frequently, fluid analysis of reservoir gas is performed to identify mole fraction of components up to hexane. Heavier components are lumped together as C 7+.

Knowing the specific gravity of this lumped heavier fractions, the pseudo-critical properties can be calculated. Then Z can be computed using the molefraction approach. All the above computations are valid for nonhydrocarbon impurities upto 5% in volume, experimental determination of Z-factor may have to be performed.

Formation volume factor and density

Reservoir pressure continually declines during the production phase. Estimates of recoverable reserves in terms of reservoir volume continually change. Volumes are therefore converted to standard surface conditions. Gas formation volume factor relates the reservoir volumes of gas to the volume on the surface (i.e at std. Psc and Tsc). Assuming Z = 1 at std. conditions, 1 cu.ft. of gas at std. conditions (1 SCF) occupies: P Z T Vres = sc Tsc P , where P, T are reservoir condns. Assuming Psc =14.7 psia and Tsc =60o F Z T Vres =0.02829 P cu. ft. Formation volume factor:

V Bg = res = Vstd


Z T cu. ft/SCF= 0.00504 Z T bbl/SCF P P


Density For a real gas P V =n Z R T or m Since n =M and M =28.97 g mass 28.97 P Density: g = volume = z R T g


Isothermal compressibility
Note compressibility of gas cg is different from the gas deviation factor Z Z Real gas law: V =n R T p Differentiating: Or
1 dz dV = nRT p z p 2 dp dP 1 dV 1 dz 1 = V dP z dp p 1 dV 1 1 dz c g = = V dP p z dp
1 p

for ideal gas: z = 1.0 (const.) i.e.

cg =

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