MBZ - DP Consultants Report

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Consultation visit report

Name of School: Emirates National Schools- Mohamed Bin Zayed City Campus Date of submission of Consultant report (from the consultation visit): 20 March 2013 School Code: 002882

This report is aimed at providing the school with a summary of its situation related to the planning for authorization. The comments are meant to be formative and indicate the areas where the school is making progress as well as those that still require attention during the candidate phase. The report is structured according to the practices and programme requirements from Programme standards and practices , with specific reference to the requirements that must be met at the time of authorization, as described in the Guide to school authorization: Diploma Programme. The focus of the report is on the practices and programme requirements that will need to be in place at the time of authorization. These appear in the first column. The next columns show the analysis of the school situation and findings of the consultant at the time of the consultation visit. To help indicate how the school progresses towards meeting these practices and programme requirements, the rubric below has been used. Where the outcome is violet or yellow, there is a summary description of what is found in the school and what is needed in order to comply with the requirement..

The report includes a recommendation from the consultant regarding the schools readiness to complete and submit the Application for authorization at this point in time. We trust that this report will support the school in further advancing in its journey towards authorization.
Analysis Criteria


No planning shown as yet.

Some planning shown. Clarification on requirement necessary. Not enough evidence is provided or evidence provided needs further clarification. Support is required.

Planning is in progress. Clear timelines and goals have been identified. Evidence is provided. The school clearly understands what further evidence will be necessary at the time of authorization. Well understood by the school. Reminder needs to be given.


No evidence provided as yet.


Immediate attention and support required.

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Section A: Philosophy
Standard A
The schools educational beliefs and values reflect IB philosophy. Consultation process Consultation visit Practices The consultant checks that: Analysis of school situation Findings for the report Support in IB documentation AND Examples of related practices and programme requirements that must be in progress at the time of authorization The philosophy of the continuum of international education in Towards a continuum of international education The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice A.4 The school develops and promotes internationalmindedness and all attributes of the IB learner profile across the school community. A.5 The school promotes responsible action within and beyond the school community. C2.5 The written curriculum allows for meaningful student action in response to students own needs and the needs of others. They are aligned, although the special mention to C3.12 Teaching and learning develops student attitudes IT in the Mission statement does not seem to have and skills that allow for meaningful student action in any significant bearing on the school's practices. response to students own needs and needs of others.

The school has published statements of mission The schools published statements of mission and philosophy align with those of and philosophy. the IB. The schools statements of mission and philosophy are aligned with those of the IB to include Evidence in the school application: reference that the school values education that Description of the school: Q1 goes beyond academic development. Question A.1, A.2 School website 1 The schools statements of mission and philosophy are aligned with those of the IB to include reference to encourage awareness beyond the individual and his or her immediate community.

x The governing body, administrative and pedagogical leadership and staff demonstrate understanding of IB philosophy. Evidence in the school application: Consideration phase Q1, 2, 3 Question A.2, A.3 The schools action plan is driven by the practices and programme requirements included in the Programme standards and practices . x The school implements actions to explain and discuss with the governing body, administrative and pedagogical leadership and staff the IB philosophy embedded in the IB mission statement and the development of the IB learner profile. Several actions planned have not been completed Towards a continuum of international education as indicated in the Action Plan. They should be modified to reflect and address the current level of Philosophy and principles of the Diploma Programme, Making the decision to introduce the Diploma preparedness. Programme, in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice (2009), pp 39, 1011 IB videos available at http://blogs.ibo.org/ibtv/ or The Governing Body is kept aware of the school's http://www.ibo.org/programmes/profile/ actions. However, some of the key staff members have only had a limited opportunity to learn about B1.1 The school has developed systems to keep the the implications of the implementation of the DP. governing body informed about the ongoing implementation and development of the programme(s). x The school community demonstrates an understanding of, and commitment to, the programmes(s). The school applies the IB copyright policy to prepare communications for its school community. x Actions are taken to promote the understanding and support of the implementation of the DP by the school community Some key sectors of the community have only limited information about the DP. This includes some teachers, students. There is a need to organise more information sessions. Consultant did not meet governing body representatives. Towards a continuum of international education The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice IB videos available at http://blogs.ibo.org/ibtv/ or http://www.ibo.org/programmes/profile/

Evidence in the school application: Consideration phase Q1, 2, 3 Question A.3

x The school promotes open communication All stakeholders are consulted and/or informed based on understanding and respect. about the future implementation of the DP. x I was informed that this was the case, although the The learning environment: Active learning in a evidence suggests that more efoort must be made supportive school culture, in Towards a continuum of to involve all sectors of the school community in international education, pp 1617 the auythorization process C3.14 Teaching and learning fosters a stimulating learning environment based on understanding and respect.

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Section A: Philosophy
Standard A
The schools educational beliefs and values reflect IB philosophy. Consultation process Consultation visit Practices The consultant checks that: Analysis of school situation Findings for the report Support in IB documentation AND Examples of related practices and programme requirements The learning environment: Active learningat in the a time of that must be in progress supportive school culture , in Towards a continuum of authorization international education, pp 1617 The philosophy of the continuum of international C3.14 Teaching and learning fosters a stimulating education in Towards a continuum of international learning environment based on understanding and education respect. The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice

Evidence in the school application: Description of the school and its community: Q1 Consideration phase: Q3 School website

The school encourages open communication based on understanding and respect. As above. More communication is required, as some sectors (teachers, students) are not sufficiently informed at this stage. Consultant did not meet parent representatives. x

The school supports access for students to The school provides an explanation for low the IB programme(s) and philosophy. numbers in the DP, if applicable a. The school provides for the full Diploma Programme and requires some of its student body to attempt the full diploma and not only individual subject certificates. x b. The school promotes access to the diploma and certificates for all students who can benefit from the educational experience they provide. There are plans in place to promote and support the enrolment to the DP and to advise students regarding their options in the programme and in post secondary education

A.4 The school develops and promotes internationalmindedness and all attributes of the IB learner profile across the school community. A.5 The school promotes responsible action within and beyond the school community. Access and Building an accessible programme, in C2.5Diploma The written curriculum allows for meaningful student The Programme: From principles into practice, action in response to students own needs and the needs pp 8, 2023 More relevant information will be available to explain planned numbers when further information of others. C3.12 for Teaching and learning develops student attitudes Rules IB World Schools: Diploma Programme sessions have taken place. Access would be and skills that allow for meaningful student action in improved if the school were to offer two levels of response to students own needs and needs of others. Guide to school authorization: Diploma Programme Mathematics. Current Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme A9.c The school has strategies in place to encourage students to attempt the full diploma. Plans require further and more detailed elaboration. B2.9 The school has systems in place to guide and counsel students through the programme(s). B2.9a The school provides guidance to students on postsecondary educational options. These are required . See above.

9 + 9a + 9b Evidence in the school application: Question A.3; B1.1a, b,c, d, e; B2.7 Further activities to inform parents and students are planned to promote the DP. Selection criteria support access to the DP. The school has included a subject of group 6, (arts) in its offer (although this is not a requirement in the DP, it will be a point of conversation during the consultation process). The school provides an explanation related to why they do not offer a group 6 subject.

x If the school offers or plans to offer the MYP, there will not be a gap year between the year 5 of the MYP and year 1 of the DP.

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Section B: Organization
Standard B1: Leadership and structure
The schools leadership and administrative structures ensure implementation of the IB programme(s). Consultation process Consultation visit Practices The consultant checks that: Analysis of school situation x Findings for the report Support in IB documentation AND Examples of related practices and programme requirements that must be in progress at the time of authorization Leading the development of the continuum: Pedagogical leadership, in Towards a continuum of international education, pp 2224 What can schools do to support and develop the IB learner profile?, in Diploma Programme: from principles The leadership organizational chart should be clarified to show the DPC's reporting line involving into practice, pp 3133 the principals of both the girls' and the boys' B1.1 The school has developed systems to keep the sections. governing body informed about the ongoing implementation and development of the programme(s).

The school has developed a governance and leadership structure that supports the implementation of the programme(s).

The governance and leadership structure reflects their responsibilities in supporting the implementation of the programme. The DP coordinator belongs to the pedagogical leadership team.

Evidence in the school application: Questions B1.2a, b; B1.3a, b, c SD: School organization chart

The head of school/school principal and programme coordinator demonstrate pedagogical leadership aligned with the philosophy of the programme(s).

The head of school/principal and the DP coordinator designate are involved in meetings to inform the community.

x School principals have been included, but there is a need for all to clearly articulate the same plans (such as resource use, subjects on offer). x

Leading the development of the continuum: Pedagogical leadership in Towards a continuum of international education, pp 2224 The role of the programme coordinator in Towards a continuum of international education, p 23

Evidence in the school application: Consideration phase: Q1, 2, 3 Question B1.3a, b SD: School organization chart

Head of school/school principal and DP coordinator designate support teachers in preparing for the implementation of the programme. There is a review of the roles and responsibilities of the head of school/school principal and DP coordinator to ensure that the pedagogical leadership supports the development of the programme at the school, if applicable. A DP coordinator has been appointed.

Uneven level of involvement by the different school principals. The DPC , supported by the curriculum The role of the Diploma Programme coordinator in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice, pp quality advisor, is the key leader. 1619 x The school has recently taken the decision to separate the MYPC and the DPC. A suitable job description which is specific to the DPC needs to be drawn up. x The role of the programme coordinator in Towards a continuum of international education, p 23 The role of the Diploma Programme coordinator in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice, pp 1619

The school has appointed a programme coordinator with a job description, release time, support and resources to carry out the responsibilities of the position.

4 Evidence in the school application: Update of school information, section 1: Contact details Question B1.3a, b, d Chart 2: DP teaching staff

The DP coordinator has responsibilities as a member of the pedagogical leadership team. The DP coordinator role has release time that may be consistent with number of future DP students. The DP coordinator will have resources to support his/her responsibilities. If they exist, the additional responsibilities of the DP coordinator role may be achieved. The school has made plans to have preliminary versions of policies consistent with IB expectations to submit with Application for authorization. x

5. The school develops and implements policies and procedures that support the programme(s).

See below

B1.6 The school has systems in place for the continuity and ongoing development of the programme(s). C2.10 The written curriculum integrates the policies developed by the school to support the programme(s).

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Section B: Organization
Standard B1: Leadership and structure
The schools leadership and administrative structures ensure implementation of the IB programme(s). Consultation process Consultation visit Practices The consultant checks that: Analysis of school situation x Findings for the report Support in IB documentation AND Examples of related practices and programme requirements that must be in progress at the time of authorization Leading the development of the continuum: Pedagogical Student selection process in The Diploma Programme: leadership, in Towards a continuum of international From principles into practice, pp 2021 education, pp 2224 This policy has not yet been prepared. What can schools do to support and develop the IB learner profile?, in Diploma Programme: from principles The leadership organizational chart should be clarified to show the DPC's reporting line involving into practice, pp 3133 the principals of both the girls' and the boys' B1.1 The school has developed systems to keep the sections. The language continuum in Towards a continuum of governing body informed about the ongoing international education, pp 2527 implementation and development of the programme(s). Language options and language support in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice, p 22 Guidelines for developing a school language policy Learning in a language other than mother tongue in IB programmes A.7 The school places importance on language learning, including mother tongue, host country language and other languages. C1.8 Collaborative planning and reflection recognizes that all teachers are responsible for language development of students. C3.7 Teaching and learning addresses the diversity of student language needs, including those for students learning in a language(s) other than mother tongue. C3.8 Teaching and learning demonstrates that all teachers are responsible for language development of students.

The governance and leadership structure reflects draft admissions policy includes conditions for their responsibilities a. The school has an admissions policy admission to the DP.in supporting the that clarifies conditions for admission to the implementation of the programme. school and the Diploma Programme. The DP coordinator belongs to the pedagogical leadership team. Evidence in the school application: Question B1.1b b. The school develops and implements a language policy that is consistent with IB expectations. Evidence in the school application: Question C.1, C.3, C.4 The draft language policy takes into consideration (as applicable): support for mother tongues support for students who are not proficient in the language of instruction learning of the host country language and culture reflection of needs of students in group 1 and group 2 course offerings

The draft language policy refers to many of the expected components.

5a + 5b + 5c + 5d + 5e + 5f

The school is aware of DP policies related to c. The school develops and implements a special needs and aligns its own special needs special educational needs policy that is policy to include those, as applicable. consistent with IB expectations and with the schools admissions policy.

Special educational needs in Towards a continuum of international education, pp 2832 Special educational needs within the International Baccalaureate programmes Candidates with special assessment needs Teaching students with particular special educational and learning needs: a resource for schools Current Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme The school has drawn up a draft document. It would be enhanced by reference to IB publications B2.8 The school provides support for its students with . learning and/or special educational needs and support for their teachers. C1.6 Collaborative planning and reflection incorporates differentiation for students learning needs and styles. C3.10 Teaching and learning differentiates instruction to meet students learning needs and styles.

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+ 5c + 5d + 5e + 5f

Section B: Organization
Standard B1: Leadership and structure
The schools leadership and administrative structures ensure implementation of the IB programme(s). Consultation process Consultation visit Practices The consultant checks that: Analysis of school situation x Findings for the report Support in IB documentation AND Examples of related practices and programme requirements that must be in progress at the time of authorization

d. The school develops and implements an assessment policy that is consistent with IB expectations. Evidence in application: Question C.5

The governance and leadership structure reflects draft assessment policy includes most of the their responsibilities in supporting the following: implementation of the programme. a philosophy of assessment that The DP coordinator supports student belongs learning to the pedagogical leadership team. of the use of DP understanding assessment criteria processes for recording and reporting DP assessment processes for standardization of assessment of students work frequency of formative and summative assessment how the school will combine DP assessment with national requirements (where applicable).

Leading the development of the continuum: Pedagogical Assessment in Towards a continuum of international leadership, in 1821 Towards a continuum of international education, pp education, pppolicy, 2224 in The Diploma Programme: From Assessment principles into practice, p 13 What can schools do to support and develop the practice IB Diploma Programme assessment: Principles and learner profile?, in Diploma Programme: from principles Guidelines for developing a school assessment policy The leadership organizational chart should be clarified to show the DPC's reporting line involving into practice, pp 3133 C4.2 The school communicates its assessment the principals of both the girls' and the boys' B1.1 The school has developed systems to keep the philosophy, policy and procedures to the school sections. governing body informed about the ongoing community. implementation and development of the programme(s). The draft document refers to some of the important C4.5 The school has systems for recording student progress aligned with the assessment philosophy of the aspects. However, it must include specific programme(s). information on criterion-based assessment. C4.6 The school has systems for reporting student progress aligned with the assessment philosophy of the programme(s). C4.7 The school analyses assessment data to inform teaching and learning. C4.8 The school provides opportunities for students to participate in, and reflect on, the assessment of their work.

e. The school has developed and implements an academic honesty policy that is consistent with IB expectations.

The academic honesty policy is reviewed to align with IB expectations and will be implemented as soon as the revision takes place.

Academic honesty in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice, p 12 Academic honesty Thie current draft document is being reviewed. C3.4 Teaching and learning promotes the understanding and practice of academic honesty.

f. The school complies with the IB regulations and procedures related to the conduct of all forms of assessment for the Diploma Programme.

The school complies with the IB regulations and procedures related to the conduct of all forms of assessment for the Diploma Programme by its inclusion in the academic honesty policy and assessment policy, as applicable.

Current Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme Academic honesty

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Section B: Organization
Standard B2: Resources and support
The schools resources and support structures ensure the implementation of the IB programme(s). Consultation process Consultation visit Practices The consultant checks that: Analysis of school situation Findings for the report Support in IB documentation AND Examples of related practices and programme requirements that must be in progress at the time of authorization Guide to school authorization: Diploma Programme, p 3 Rules for IB World Schools: Diploma Programme, article 5.2 Current Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme Diploma Programme course guides Theory of knowledge guide Extended essay guide IB professional development calendar at http://www.ibo.org The allocation of funds includes adequate a. The allocation of funds includes adequate resources and supervision for the resources and supervision for the CAS programme 1 + creativity, action, service (CAS) and the appointment of a CAS coordinator. 1a + programme and the appointment of a CAS 1b coordinator. Evidence in the school application: Question B2.4 Chart 2: DP teaching staff Chart 4: Implementation budget b. The allocation of funds includes The allocation of funds includes adequate adequate resources to implement the resources to implement the TOK course over two theory of knowledge course over two years. years. x x Creativity, action and service guide

The governing body allocates funding for the implementation and ongoing development of the programme(s). Evidence in the school application: Question B2.9 Chart 4: Implementation budget

The school budget includes allocated funds for the IB fees and the resources necessary for the implementation of the programme

Informationpresented in theapplicationfor Candidacy will need to be updated to take into accounttiling of completion of the Authorization process.

The CAS coordinator had been appointed a few days prior to the consltant's visit. The person identified has considerable potential, but is not informed enough.

Theory of knowledge guide

Draft documents should be amended to clearly show that hte total nuber of teaching hours will be met. Evidence in the school application: Question B2.8d The school provides qualified staff to implement the programme(s). 2 Evidence in the school application: Question B1.3b, c; B2.1a, b, c Chart 2: DP teaching staff The school ensures that teachers and administrators receive IB-recognized professional development. a. The school complies with the IB professional development requirement for the Diploma Programme at authorization and at evaluation. There are teachers who are qualified to teach the subjects offered by the school. The school succeeds in maintaining qualified staff and addressing any turnover. x Rules for IB World Schools: Diploma Programme, article 3.a, b and articles 5.2 and 5.3 There is a manifest need to deal with replacement of staff who are leaving, , and in retaining on staff teachers suitable for both the boy's and for the girls' sections. the school is addressing this.. Supporting ongoing professional development in Towards a continuum of international education, p 24 Guide to school authorization: Diploma Programme, p 8 A.8 The school participates in the IB world community.

3 + 3a

The school shows a plan that reflects the following IB professional development requirements expected to be complied with before the verification visit. The head of school or designee must attend an IB category 1 workshop before submission of the Application for candidacy: Diploma Programme. All Diploma Programme subject teachers must attend IB category 1 workshops in their subject. TOK teacher(s) must attend an IB category 1 TOK course workshop. The CAS coordinator must attend an IB category 1 CAS workshop. The Diploma Programme coordinator must attend an IB category 1 Diploma Programme coordination workshop. If teachers have experience in teaching of the stated DP subject or role, the last workshop

A significant number of teachers still have to be trained. In some cases this is planned,in others the school is proceding with replacement appointments. No teachers in Group 3, for instance, have received training.CAS coordinator, TOK have yet yo be covered. Appointments and training are complicated by the fact that male Page 7 of 17 teachers can not enter the girls' section.

Section B: Organization
Standard B2: Resources and support
The schools resources and support structures ensure the implementation of the IB programme(s). The school shows a plan that reflects the following x Consultation process IB professional development requirements expected to be complied with before the Consultation visit verification visit. Practices Analysis of The head of school or designee must The consultant checks that: school attend an IB category 1 workshop before Findings for the report submission of the Application for situation candidacy: Diploma Programme. All Diploma Programme subject Theteachers school budget includes funds for the must attend IB allocated category 1 IB fees and thein resources necessary for the workshops their subject. implementation of the programme TOK teacher(s) must attend an IB category 1 TOK course workshop. The CAS coordinator must attend an IB category 1 CAS workshop. The Diploma Programme coordinator must attend an IB category 1 Diploma Programme coordination workshop. Supporting ongoing professional development in Towards a continuum of international education, p 24 Guide to school authorization: Diploma Programme, p 8 Support in IB documentation AND A.8 The school participates in the IB world community. Examples of related practices and programme requirements that must be in progress at the time of authorization Guide to school authorization: Diploma Programme, p 3 Rules for IB World Schools: Diploma Programme, article 5.2 Current Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme Diploma Programme course guides Theory of knowledge guide Extended essay guide IB professional development calendar at http://www.ibo.org

3 + 3a

Evidence in the school application: Chart 2: DP teaching staff Chart 4: Implementation budget

A significant number of teachers still have to be trained. In some cases this is planned,in others the school is proceding with replacement appointments. No teachers in Group 3, for instance, have received training.CAS coordinator, Informationpresented in theapplicationfor TOK have yet be covered. Appointments and Candidacy willyo need to be updated to take into training are complicated byof the fact that male accounttiling of completion the Authorization teachers process. can not enter the girls' section.

1 + 1a + 1b The school provides dedicated time for teachers collaborative planning and reflection. 4 Evidence in the school application: Question B2.2

If teachers have experience in teaching of the stated DP subject or role, the last workshop attended must have occurred in the last three years, unless the subject/DP role had a revision, in which case the DP teacher must have attended a course on the new guide. Dedicated meeting time is provided for teachers collaborative planning in horizontal and vertical teams. Dedicated meeting time is provided for teachers collaborative planning. This includes not only meetings by subject areas but also DP teachers across subjects, DP coordinator, TOK teacher and CAS coordinator. The facilities described/and or plans included indicate that the school understands and will be ready to address the requirements of the subjects and the core. x x Time is planned, but very little use has been made of it to date. This is due to school's focus in recent past on other authorization / accreditation applications.

The physical and virtual learning environments, facilities, resources and specialized equipment support the implementation of the programme(s). Evidence in the school application: Question B2.3, B2.4, B2.5

Guide to school authorization: Diploma Programme, p 2

see below

a. The laboratories and studios needed for NOTE: LABORATORIES FOR GROUP 4 group 4 and group 6 subjects provide safe The laboratory(ies) is/are equipped to ensure that and effective learning environments students can work individually and in groups The laboratory(ies) are equipped with basic safety measures that are known by all staff and students The group 4 subjects are provided with IT resources to ensure they can comply with IB expectations. Teachers consider the lab(s) appropriate to start offering the group 4 subject(s) or mention an approved improvement plan in the course outlines STUDIOS FOR GROUP 6 The school describes facilities/or plans to build or improve facilities consistent with requirements of the group 6 subject(s) chosen. Teachers consider the facilities appropriate to start offering the group 6 subject(s) or mention an approved improvement plan in the course outlines

Relevant DP subject/course guides and Teacher support material

5 + 5a + 5b + 5c

The laboratories are not ready to be used for delivery of the Group 4 courses. This is less a matter of design than of organization, of laboratory and classroom management. Considerable improvements need to be made to the repair of equipment, to its storage and to the introduction of practices designed to support a safe and orderly learning laboratory environment.in which students are actively engaged. The consultant was unable to visit any suitable laboratory preparatory facility. Art facilities in the girls' school are rudimentary, with insufficient space and resources (water) available either for teaching and learning, or for providing the students with a suitable workspace.

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Section B: Organization
Standard B2: Resources and support
The schools resources and support structures ensure the implementation of the IB programme(s). Consultation process NOTE: LABORATORIES FOR GROUP 4 The laboratory(ies) is/are equipped to ensure that students can work individually and in groups The consultant checks that: The laboratory(ies) are equipped with basic safety measures that are known by all staff and students The group 4 subjects are provided with IT resources to ensure they can comply with IB The school budget includes allocated funds for the expectations. IB fees and the resources necessary for the Teachers consider the lab(s) appropriate to start implementation of the programme offering the group 4 subject(s) or mention an approved improvement plan in the course outlines STUDIOS FOR GROUP 6 The school describes facilities/or plans to build or improve facilities consistent with requirements of the group 6 subject(s) chosen. Teachers consider the facilities appropriate to start offering the group 6 subject(s) or mention an approved improvement plan in the course outlines x Analysis of school situation Consultation visit Relevant DP subject/course guides and Teacher support Support in IB documentation material AND Examples of related practices and programme requirements that must be in progress at the time of authorization Guide to school authorization: Diploma Programme, p 3 Rules for IB World Schools: Diploma Programme, article 5.2 Current Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme Diploma Programme course guides Theory of knowledge guide Extended essay guide IB professional development calendar at http://www.ibo.org


Findings for the report The laboratories are not ready to be used for delivery of the Group 4 courses. This is less a matter of design than of organization, of laboratory and classroom management. Considerable improvements need to be made to the repair of equipment, to its storage and to the introduction of Informationpresented in theapplicationfor practices designed to support a safe orderly Candidacy will need to be updated toand take into learning laboratory environment.in which students accounttiling of completion of the Authorization are actively engaged. The consultant was unable process. to visit any suitable laboratory preparatory facility. Art facilities in the girls' school are rudimentary, with insufficient space and resources (water) available either for teaching and learning, or for providing the students with a suitable workspace.

Evidence in the school application: Question B2.3, B2.4

5 + 5a + 5b + 5c 1 + 1a + 1b b. There are appropriate information technology facilities to support the implementation of the programme

The school describes IT equipment that will support work of DP coordinator, teachers and students. Teachers of subjects with IT requirements judge that they can start the implementation of the subject or mention approved improvement plans.

x Suitable resources areavailable, although they do not appear to endorse the school's explicit reference to their importance in the Mission Statement.

Relevant subject/course guides and teacher support material. C3.11 Teaching and learning incorporates a range of resources, including information technologies.

Evidence in the school application: Question B2.3 c. The school provides a secure location for the storage of examination papers and examination stationery with controlled access restricted to senior staff. x The description of the plans related to the administration of the exams are in principle consistent with the IB regulations and procedures related to the conduct of the examinations as described in the current Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme Current Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme It is planned to use the school gymnasium for this purpose. It has the advantage of air conditioning. Will it require further adpating ?

Evidence in the school application: Question B2.5 The library/ multi-media/resources play a central role in the implementation of the programme(s) a. The library/media centre has enough appropriate materials to support the implementation of the Diploma Programme.

6 + 6a

Evidence in the school application: Question B2.6

The students have easy access to a library. The school plans that the library is equipped to start offering the programme, and has a plan to keep on building its inventory. DP teachers contribute to the building of the library according to their DP subjects. The library is suitable for students independent work (access to books, room for independent work, timetable). The library has or plans to have agreements with nearby libraries to support the DP students. There are plans to improve this in the future. The library is managed by a person who is prepared for this purpose and is informed and involved in the DP planning. There are plans to improve this in the future.

Library facilities have potential in the boys' section, B2.7 The school ensures access to information on global although there appears to be little culture of issues and diverse perspectives. maintaining a supportive reserach and learning facility.There are plans to develop an IT area, with Internet. In the girls' section, however, there is no library, only a designated area with books which have been stacked in disorder, and many of which are physically inaccessible as a result. The "IIB Room", designed to contained culturally sensitive works, contains practically nothing of relevance. The consultant was unable to meet a librarian in either the boys' or in the girls' sections. It does not appears that the librarian plays a significant role in the education of the students, and she is often used to fill in administrative needs (such as reception). The lack of order, complete absence of any orderly form of stacking and cataloguing in the firls' section ), together with the sense of

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Section B: Organization
Standard B2: Resources and support
The schools resources and support structures ensure the implementation of the IB programme(s). Consultation process Consultation visit Practices The consultant checks that: Analysis of school situation Findings for the report Support in IB documentation AND Examples of related practices and programme requirements that must be in progress at the time of authorization Guide to school authorization: Diploma Programme, Schedules and course offerings in The Diploma p 3 Rules for IB World Schools: Diploma Programme, article Programme: From principles into practice, pp 2123 5.2 Diploma Programme and the school schedule in The Current Handbook of procedures for the Diploma The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice, Programme pp 2527 Diploma regulations: Programme Diploma course guides General Programme Theory of knowledge guide Current Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Extended essay guide Programme IB professional development calendar at http://www.ibo.org

10 1 + ++ 1a 10a 1b + 10b b. The schedule provides for the + development of the theory of knowledge 10c course over two years.

school budget includes allocated funds for the The schedule demonstrates that the students will IB fees and the resources necessary for the have 150 hours for SL distributed over two years. implementation of the programme The schedule shows 150 hours distributed over one year if the school has stated that there are subjects completed in one year (for the Diploma Evidence in the school application: Programme, up to two SL subjects can be Question B1.1c, d; B2 8.d completed in year 1, or one SL in year 1 and Chart subjects a. The1:DP schedule provides for the another one in year 2. (see regulations to this recommended hours for each standard and respect in Handbook of procedures for the higher level subject. Diploma Programme ) The schedule demonstrates that students will have 240 hours for HL subjects distributed over two Evidence in the school application: years. Question B2 8.d The schedule demonstrates that DP candidates Chart 1:DP subjects can take up to four HL DP courses, and the rest at SL, and TOK. The student schedule or timetable allows for the requirements of the programme(s) to be met

Informationpresented in theapplicationfor Candidacy will need to be updated to take into accounttiling of completion of the Authorization process. They appear to be understood, but should be confirmed in the tiimetable information provided.

The schedule demonstrates that TOK will be taught for 100 hours over two years.

x This is planned, and will beconfirmed following attendance at the TOK workshop.

Question B2 8.d c. The schedule respects concurrency of learning in the Diploma Programme. The schedule respects concurrency of learning. x

Evidence in the school application: Question B1.1c, d; B2 8.d Chart 1:DP subjects The school allocates resources to implement the Primary Years Programme exhibition, the Middle Years Programme personal project and the Diploma Programme extended essay for all students, depending on the programme(s) offered. Evidence in the school application: Chart 3: Action plan Resources to supervise the extended essays have been allocated or planned. x Diploma Programme course guides essay guide Extended


This plan still has to be developed.

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Section C: Curriculum
Standard C1: Collaborative planning
Collaborative planning and reflection support the implementation of the IB programme(s). Note: Collaborative planning and reflection is used as a single concept as the two processes are interdependent. Consultation process Consultation visit Practices The consultant checks that: Analysis of school situation Findings for the report Support in IB documentation AND Examples of related practices and programme requirements that must be in progress at the time of authorization Planning a Diploma Programme course in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice, pp 3539 Induction of students: Providing students with a smooth transition into the Diploma Programme, in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice, pp 1516 C1.1b Collaborative planning and reflection explores connections and relations between subjects and reinforces knowledge, understanding and skills shared by the different disciplines. C1.4 Collaborative planning and reflection ensures that all teachers have an overview of students learning experiences.

Collaborative planning and reflection addresses the requirements of the programme(s). Evidence in the school application: Question B2.2; C.2 1 + 1a a. Collaborative planning and reflection includes the integration of theory of knowledge in each subject.

All DP teachers are involved in collaborative planning of the curriculum to meet the requirements of the programme. Part-time teachers are involved in collaborative planning.

This remains at an extremely rudimentary stage.

All DP teachers integrate TOK in their planning.

Such meetings have to be developed. Teachers are not very informed of the TOK course content. Evidence in the school application: Question B2.2

Allocated meeting time is used systematically for Collaborative planning and reflection takes collaborative planning and reflection in horizontal place regularly and systematically. and vertical teams. 2 Evidence in the school application: Question B2.2 Teachers address the development of the IB learner attributes in their planning and reflection.

x Satisfactory use of such time still has to become a reality.

Collaborative planning and reflection addresses the IB learner profile attributes. 9 Evidence in the school application: Question C.2

C1.5 Collaborative planning and reflection is based on agreed expectations for student learning. Some rudimentary allusions to the LP.

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Section C: Curriculum
Standard C2: Written curriculum
The schools written curriculum reflects IB philosophy. Consultation process Consultation visit Practices The consultant checks that: Analysis of school situation x Findings for the report Support in IB documentation AND Examples of related practices and programme requirements that must be in progress at the time of authorization Curriculum design and scheduling in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice), pp 2429 Creative teacher professionalism in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice, p 9 IB position paper: Concurrency of learning in the IB Diploma Programme and Middle Years Programme Diploma Programme course guides CAS guide Theory of knowledge guide Extended essay guide C2.2 The written curriculum is available to the school community. C2.3 The written curriculum builds on students previous learning experiences. C2.6 The written curriculum incorporates relevant experiences for students. C3.2 Teaching and learning engages students as inquirers and thinkers. C3.1 Teaching and learning aligns with the requirements of the programme(s). C3.1a Teaching and learning at the school addresses all of the aims and objectives of each subject. C3.3 Teaching and learning builds on what students know and can do.

The curriculum fulfils the aims and objectives of each subject group and the core.

There will be a course of studies for each DP subject, TOK and CAS. National requirements may be combined or may represent a challenge that the school needs to solve.

Evidence in the school application: C2


There are some plans in place, but any writing done to date and discusion with teachers reflects the fact that there has been insufficient understanding by some of the requirements of the syllabus and asessment. This will improve as teachers return from Category 1 workshops. When a teacher attended a category 2 workshop (for instance, because it was offered in Arabic), the teacher did not receive guidance on preparing the Course Outline.

b. The curriculum facilitates concurrency of The curriculum is based on collaboration from learning. different DP subjects to enhance the students learning experience. Evidence in the school application: Question C2


Curriculum design and scheduling in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice, pp 2429 Creative teacher professionalism in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice, p 9 IB position paper: Concurrency of learning in the IB Diploma Programme and Middle Years Programme C1.3 Collaborative planning and reflection addresses vertical and horizontal articulation.

c. The curriculum is balanced so that students are provided with a reasonable choice of subjects Evidence in the school application: Question C.1 Chart 1: DP subjects


The range of subjects on offer allows students to make some choices (different levels and/or different subjects). There will be an analysis to include more options to address students interests and needs. The subjects are offered by the IB in the schools chosen exam session in the schools chosen response language automatically. (If not, the subject may not be available or may be subject to special request carried out 18 months before the written examination.)

Current Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme

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Section C: Curriculum
Standard C2: Written curriculum
The schools written curriculum reflects IB philosophy. Consultation process Consultation visit Practices The consultant checks that: Analysis of school situation x Findings for the report Support in IB documentation AND Examples of related practices and programme requirements that must be in progress at the time of authorization

d. The school develops its own courses of study for each subject on offer and for theory of knowledge.

There willsubject, be a course studies for each Each DP TOK of and CAS will have DP a course subject, TOK and CAS.with National requirements may outline to be submitted Application for be combined or may represent a challenge that the authorization. school needs to solve.


Evidence in the school application:

1a 4

The written curriculum identifies the Course outlines are produced bearing in mind the knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes to knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes to be be developed over time. developed over time.

The written curriculum promotes students Teachers are aware that the written curriculum awareness of individual, local, national and promotes students awareness of individual, local, world issues. national and world issues. 7

The written curriculum provides opportunities for reflection on human commonality, diversity and multiple perspectives.

Teachers are aware that the written curriculum provides opportunities for reflection on human commonality, diversity and multiple perspectives.

Curriculum design and scheduling Diploma Programme course guides in The Diploma Programme: CAS guide From principles into practice), pp 2429 Creative professionalism in The Diploma Theory of teacher knowledge guide Programme: From principles into practice, p 9 Extended essay guide IB position paper: Concurrency of learning in the IB Teachers are aware of this requirement, but Diploma Programme and Middle Programme C3.9 Teaching and learning usesYears a range and variety of several are not ready to prepare this at this stage. strategies. Diploma Programme course guides CAS guide C3.11 Teaching and learning incorporates a range of Theory of knowledge guide resources, including information technologies Extended essay and guide C3.13 Teaching learning engages students in There are some plans in place, but any writing done to date and discusion with teachers reflects reflecting on how, what and why they are learning. C2.2 The written curriculum is available to the school the fact that there has been insufficient Diploma Programme course guides understanding by some of the requirements of the community. CAS C2.3 guide The written curriculum builds on students previous syllabus and asessment. This will improve as Theory of knowledge guide See above teachers return from Category 1 workshops. When learning experiences. C2.6 The written curriculum incorporates relevant a teacher attended a category 2 workshop (for experiences for students. instance, because it was offered in Arabic), the Teaching and learning teacher did not receive guidance on preparing the C3.2 Diploma Programme course engages guides students as inquirers and thinkers. Course Outline. CAS guide C3.1 Teaching and learning Theory of knowledge guide aligns with the requirements of the programme(s). See above C3.1a and learning at the school addresses all B2.11 Teaching The school utilizes the resources and expertise of of the aims andto objectives each subject. the community enhance of learning within the C3.3 Teaching and learning builds on what students programme(s). know and can do. Diploma Programme course guides CAS guide Theory of knowledge guide See above C3.6 Teaching and learning addresses human commonality, diversity and multiple perspectives

The written curriculum is informed by current IB publications and is reviewed regularly to incorporate developments in the programme(s).

The written curriculum is based on current IB publications; that is, course outlines must be designed according to the subject guide that will be used by the teacher once the school is authorized (see chart of changes of subject guides in latest Coordinators notes ). Teachers have access to current IB publications. In case the school has teachers needing support in the school language of instruction (eg language teachers): Strategies are developed to ensure all teachers have access to information from current IB publications.

Diploma Programme course guides CAS guide Theory of knowledge guide

See above


The written curriculum fosters development The written curriculum (course outlines at the stage of the IB learner profile attributes. of authorization) fosters the development of the IB learner attributes.

x See above

C3.16 Teaching and learning develops the IB learner profile attributes.

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Section C: Curriculum
Standard C3: Teaching and learning
Teaching and learning reflects IB philosophy. Note: Teaching and learning is used as a single concept as the two processes are interdependent. Consultation process Consultation visit Practices The consultant checks that: Analysis of school situation Findings for the report Support in IB documentation AND Examples of related practices and programme requirements that must be in progress at the time of authorization Teaching and learning in Towards a continuum of international education, pp 1217

All practices related to teaching and learning must be in progress. Teachers discuss teaching strategies when they design their course outlines. All

some very basic initial awareness, but this is not shared by all teachers.

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Section C: Curriculum
Standard C4: Assessment:
Assessment at the school reflects the IB assessment philosophy. Consultation process Consultation visit Practices The consultant checks that: Analysis of school situation Findings for the report Support in IB documentation AND Examples of related practices and programme requirements that must be in progress at the time of authorization The principles of IB assessment in Towards a continuum of international education, pp 1820 Assessment policy, in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice, p 13 Diploma Programme assessment: Principles and practice Guidelines for developing a school assessment policy in the Diploma Programme Diploma Programme course guides Theory of knowledge guide Current Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme Teachers are very generally aware that this is required, but many do not have sufficient understanding of subject specific assessment. C1.7 Collaborative planning and reflection is informed by assessment of student work and learning. C3.5 Teaching and learning supports students to become actively responsible for their own learning. C3.15 Teaching and learning encourages students to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways. C4.3 The school uses a range of strategies and tools to assess student learning. C4.4 The school provides students with feedback to inform and improve their learning.

Assessment at the school aligns with the requirements of the programme(s). a. Assessment of student learning is based on the objectives and assessment criteria specific to each subject.

Teachers are aware that assessment of student learning is based on the objectives and assessment criteria specific to each subject and the core.

Evidence in the school application: Question C.5 1 + 1a

The school has systems in place to ensure Teachers develop a process for the completion that all students can demonstrate and supervision of the extended essays consistent consolidation of their learning through the with IB requirements. completion of the Primary Years Programme exhibition, the Middle Years Programme personal project and the Diploma Programme extended essay, depending on the programme(s) offered.

Diploma Programme course guides essay guide


No evidence to date.

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Changes in the school entity or structure since the Application for candidacy
Requirements for candidacy relating to: Description 1. Legal entity The school is registered as a legal entity with an educational purpose. The school ensures that its registration as a legal entity is valid throughout its relationship with the IB. New schools that are aiming to become authorized sooner than the normal three-year authorization process should discuss the feasibility of their timeline with the consultant. process should discuss the feasibility of their timeline with the consultant. Consultation visit: Describe any changes that have occurred with regard to the requirement The school has succesfully completed accreditation with Advanced Ed; Supporting documentation to be produced. The Campus Occupation License, signed by the Ministry of Presidential Affairs, is valid until 2012. Clarification and updated documentation should be requested from the Governing Body representatives. No change If the school applies to be a multi-campus school it meets the requirements according to the rules.

There is no IB trademark in the name of the school. 2. School name


Multiple campus school (if applicable)

No change

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PREPAREDNESS OF SCHOOL TO COMPLETE AND SUBMIT THE Application for authorization To be completed by the consultant with the report on the consultation visit: The school is ready to complete and submit the Application for authorization
The consultant will base his or her opinion on the practices (and programme requirements) that must be in place according to the table above.


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