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Tech Mahindra Business Services Ltd.

Action Plan
Stakeholder Management


Two principles of Stakeholder Management that I want to begin work on are: (elaborate your response on how you plan to work on the principles, time lines, which stakeholder etc) Being all employees are my stakeholders I must need to identify my key stakeholders and prioritize them according to the importance and urgency of their request and the impact on organization. This would definitely help me to focus on immediate action required from my side instead of working on all requests simultaneously and delaying most important work. This would help in improving efficiency in work and beneficial for organization. Inclusiveness is also important principle that I need to work on and is very crucial factor to understand stakeholders viewpoint on my work approach. Inclusion of stakeholders for seeking their views, suggestions while making any decisions will make them feel nice and will make further steps easy to achieve desired goal. IT Operations, my superiors and support functions are my key stakeholder. To understand their dynamic requests and to meet their expectations (onetime deliverables) need proper prioritization as well as their inclusiveness. Prioritization will help me to line up all requests and action on urgent requests and at the same time inclusiveness will help me to seek for support or to do negotiation if required and to take decision with regards to meet objectives.

The two things I will do differently to contribute more to my stakeholders deliverables (elaborate your response) To help my stakeholders in their deliverables first I must need to know following things

- what is the business of my organization ? - who are the customers of my organization ? - who are my stakeholders ? - what are my stakeholders deliverables ? - what is my role in stakeholder management ? I would prefer F-F meet to have clarity on objective, to decide on priority and to set clear expectation and document it with agreement as a part of minutes of meeting instead of doing teleconference and email communication and wasting time at initial phase itself.

I would also use principle like responsiveness, collaboration and integrity while supporting my stakeholder to achieve their objectives. Responsiveness in the sense would have timely updates communication sent and seeking for their viewpoint, response on status of their request. Integrity for building trust relationship with stakeholder and collaboration to work together, in each others support to take quick decisions to achieve company goals.

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