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10 theSun | THURSDAY JULY 30 2009


Ignore global Well it is like a bible that

people study and use to
negotiate. The IPCC does not
conduct research by itself but
relies on published mate-
rial and works by scientists.
by global warming, and this
can affect the climate in the

What is the role of Iklim in

climate change research?
tion that will achieve it.
» Effective measurement,
reporting and verification of
emissions performance by
» Incentives for a dramatic

warming at your peril

However, in producing the When was Iklim, which is increase in financing low
IPCC assessment report, part of UKM’s Faculty of emissions technologies.
a task force comprising Science and Technology, » Deployment of existing
experts may be formed to ad- established? low-emissions technologies
dress issues that are not well In the past, climate research and development of new
understood or resolved. The was considered least impor- ones.
committee may make a rec- tant and researchers had » Funds to make com-
ommendation for scientists difficulty securing research munities more resilient and
on the issues.
funding. Obviously it is im-
portant for us to understand
able to adapt to the effects of
climate change; and
how our climate works and
how the climate is regulated
» Means to finance forest
to climate change issues
by oceans, land masses, for-
ests and vegetation. What are the pressing


in Malaysia? We can’t understand issues to be addressed in
As a vice-chair for Work- how climate change affects COP15?
ing Group I (WGI), I am our rhythm of weather and I think stabilisation of CO2
expected to contribute to the climate, the physical and emissions is most crucial.
You are the first Malaysian during the election I was the mental body established in shaping of WGI Assessment biological systems, and natu-
to sit on the board of advis- only Malaysian candidate who 1988 under the World Meteoro- Report for AR6 (Assessment ral resources such as marine Do you think that the
ers of the Intergovernmen- secured enough votes to sit as logical Organisation and UNEP Report 6). and coastal ecosystems. slowing down of the econ-
tal Panel on Climate Change IPCC bureau member. (United Nations Environmental I have to travel overseas Hence the establishment of omy is a good sign for the
(IPCC). How and why were A bureau member is ex- Programme). Its main purpose at least once a month to this centre aims to provide global environment?
you selected? pected to be an expert in a is to routinely produce and attend IPCC-related meet- a platform for researchers It is an opportunity to rede-
Once every six years IPCC holds climate-related field. There are publish an independent and ings. My input to IPCC is especially from the faculty to fine things in industries, to
its plenary meeting and elects 30 members in all. I am a vice- transparent assessment report especially useful in terms of do research and understand come up with new things
its bureau members. I was chair in one of three working on climate change. The IPCC how regional aspects such as the intricate interplay among – clean technology, green
nominated by the country IPCC groups – Working Group I, brings together experts from monsoon circulation should various components of cli- technology.
Focal Point which is the Envi- which conducts physical sci- various fields who make as- be given emphasis in the mate systems. This centre The business community
ronment and Natural Resource entific assessment on climate sessments based on available AR6. was established in July 2008 in America is already adopt-
Ministry for the election that system and climate change. literature. In terms of contribution and we still have to do more ing this and it will have an
was held in August/September to climate change issues, to achieve its objectives. impact all over the world.
2008. There were two nomina- What is IPCC? What happens to the re- the firsthand knowledge I For example an importer
tions from Malaysia. However The IPCC is an inter-govern- port? gather from the IPCC gives What is the future of glo- of products from Malaysia
me a broader idea of how bal climate? Is there a sig- will want to know how the
to deal with climate change nificant improvement? product was made. Was the
issues in relatively smaller Based on IPCC’s Assesment technology used environ-
countries like Malaysia. Report 4, the Earth’s climate mentally friendly? What is
As a researcher myself, will be 2°C warmer than pre- your carbon footprint? If you
my affiliation with the IPCC industrial era temperatures are found to be not climate
gives me an insight into if current practices continue. friendly then you cannot
which areas of research I A 2° increase is perceived as penetrate certain markets.
should prioritise. In addition, dangerous for the climate If we don’t do anything,
I occasionally give public system. The world may not going over 2°C is almost
lectures on climate change. be doing enough, as emis- certain – going by the IPCC
sions by developed countries report and once you reach
How can the scientific appear to exceed the limits that part you may not be able
community in Southeast agreed in the Kyoto Protocol. to go back and lower the
Asia contribute to ad- I think this will be one of the temperature, and the Earth
dressing climate change? main agenda during negotia- will be in danger not only in
Countries here (in the region) tions in the COP15 (UN Cli- terms of climate but also in
still need to do substantial mate Change Conference) in terms of sea level and all.
work towards understand- Copenhagen in December. The Kyoto Protocol is a
ing climate change over this failure; I think it is difficult
region. The greenhouse gas What was the outcome of to keep under the protocol
emission from this region is the World Business Sum- limit. The question now is
relatively lower compared mit on Climate Change in how to ensure the target is
to developed countries and May? achieved, and how not to
large countries like China It is good to learn that the exceed the expected 2°C
and India. But globally each business community is be- temperature increase.
country must do its part in ginning to respond to climate Over the last century
reducing carbon emissions change issues. You can’t there has been a 0.7°C in-
by embracing new and ef- decouple business activities crease – not much but you
ficient technologies, alterna- from that of climate change. can see changes. In terms
tive renewable energy, etc. The business community of the climate system itself
Countries in Southeast issued a strong statement at – half a degree increase
Asia are vulnerable to cli- the summit which it dubbed in temperature is a huge
mate change. Flood, drought, “The Copenhagen Call”. Five amount and can change a
storms, haze are extreme important points are spelled lot. We have another 1.3°C
events in which the frequen- out in the document: to go before we hit the 2°C
cy will be affected by climate » Agreement on a sci- increase. The data we have
change. Monsoon cycles and ence-based greenhouse gas indicates that the increase is
climate phenomenon such stabilisation path with 2020 not linear but accelerating
as El Nino could be affected and 2050 emissions reduc- and if this goes on then we

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