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IS Forum 2009

Evidence, case, method.

A special edition of Information, systems, and
social change.
Dyck Search Science
Palladian Case
This is

Something to do with the tool
Surrey aspects
Hampton Walk
Restoration, development, walking, parking
Higham Repton
One photo
One paragraph
One word
One poster
Variety and argument
If we take a concept such as search and combine it
with a concept such as science, we are engaging in a
construction of a knew.
Search comes out of a box.
We now have to deal with a method of argument. How
do words work together and how do we combine
words and images in order to question the statements
of others and convince.
We are also now rather bored with the composition of
this tool and want to return to the long narrative of text,
successions of text in sentences in which a substantial
case based on paragraphs may be made, building into
papers and volumes.
But the intervention of logic of knew media says that
this is no longer the case, they don’t read. So what is
to be done. We read.
Visual communication is knew.
North London
Cycle map
Bus stops
Railway stations
Landscape Garden

Action method
Afternoon exhibition
Me and others
Spaces and displays
Non appearances
Comparative method
Show something
Show something else
What does the first thing say
What does the second thing say
What unites
What separates or differentiates
Systems approach

What is IS
phKO - philosophy, politics, history, Knowledge Organs
Words and pictures are joined together in order to
make a story for a purpose. This purpose is to
examine the combination of words and pictures in
making an argument. It is also to examine some of the
tools which are available to us at the moment, in this
case Keynote, then Facebook, but also a face to face
book. The cause was the investigation of what has
happened to information systems over the last twenty
five years. The matter is the subject, and search
science. Search science is a concept.
1. Dyck, Anthony van
Search science
Tate Britain

1. Dyck
There is an exhibition at Tate Britain at the same time
as a meeting of the British Computer Society involving
the London Branch and the Information Retrieval Group
on search science, a concept which has just come into
being. Is this the science of search or the search of
science? Foskett in his subject approach to
information does much on science but nothing on the
arts and humanities. Are these approached through
science, or do they need a different method?
2. Name thing
Railway station
Bus stop
Landscape Garden
The Mayor of London is planning to spend twelve
million quid on walking and cycling approaches to the
Olympic Games, according to a report. We wish to
avoid these games entirely and continue walking in the
countryside looking for historic landscape gardens, in
whatever state they may now exist. This is the cycle
map for the area to the north of the Lea Valley and
across to the North Ups. Here are many railway
stations, bus stops, but this is a cycle map now with
some stickers. This thing is without a name.
2.1 Bus Herts
Landscape gardens
Bus Routes
Railway Stations
2.2 30 miles around London
Future transport
2.2 Nicholson
Now the need to revert to text again. Nicholson is one
of a large class of objects aimed directly at motorism
which create an opportunity and a difficulty for green
and smart. We have been trying for twenty years to
change these things without any success at all. So we
have to do the best we can. Is there something about
knew tools which I simply don’t understand which will
do this matter better? My first design was as easy as
1-2-3, which if I could find I could insert, or do again.
1. Gerrards
2. Watford 3. Romford

8. Slough 0. London 4. Dartford

7. Surbiton 6. Croydon 5. Bromley

2.3 As easy as 2
This is the second level, which approximates to not
more than thirty minutes, in this case from the centre of
London. The first case, fifteen minutes, I centred on
Surbiton, so was much more specific. The third level
covered the whole of the south east, so is much
greater than we need for this case. The idea is that
these are numbered, there is a big picture, then each of
them may be decomposed to cover a local area which I
don’t know in the Surbiton detail but I may build up. It
was then that I built a new representation for a locality.
Stevenage Bishop’s Stortford


Hertford Rail Harlow Bus Chelmsford

Rail 505

Enfield Tottenham Hale Chingford

2.4 Easter 2003
Looking at the ones I did Olympic Case. I don’t
then, they are at least think I ever came up with
nine and often eighteen a name for these things.
or twenty slides long, so The papers I wrote about
I can’t insert a full one them were systematically
here. I’ve tried to do a rejected by anyone I
condensed version on a submitted them to. They
place I don’t really know were exhibited, and T-
yet but have begun to shirts printed with them
investigate as part of the on.
These show how well connections are really
connected some places difficult. This wouldn’t
are and how badly matter were the inner
connected others are. interchanges well
This is the result of the notated but they aren’t
idea that every thing has so the complexity
to go to and through the increases. This is the
centre of London, a sort detail of Tottenham Hale.
of capitalist idea which Each of these needs
means that all the outer words.
The boxes may be has to be turned to. In
hyper-linked through to either case though more
the pages which they than two jumps and you
index or to the real things lose the plot? That
where appropriate. This means a system design
is one of the real overview has to be
strengths of knew media understood first, and no
for with paper the index one will do that work to
has to be simply to visit a garden. Thus
another page and that motorism.
2.4 Harlow
Sculpture town Rail Tottenham Hale
Town Park Bus Broxbourne, 392
Stort Navigation Bus Chingford 505
Old Harlow Rail, bus,
Bus, Chelmsford
Gibberd Garden
Down Hall
Now go back and look at gardens we still know
the Nicholson, or take nothing about. Then look
googlemaps, and look at at Old Harlow,
the expanses of area Pishiobury, Gibberd
which appear to be Garden and Stort
unreachable by public Navigation. These are
transport or where linked by a beautiful walk
something different is described in text, to
needed. Notice which of which a link may be
the historic landscape made.
There is a further matter Hertfordshire and
here, for everything Greater London, and
which isn’t organised each of these
alone for motorism is boundaries will mean
based on counties, an things shift in perplexing
ancient historic device ways. Maps, timetables,
which is unaware of books, web sites are all
modern public transport organised by public
provision. We are here admnistration, with
on the borders of Essex, words.
The things we want to The sources which are
go and look at and walk organised by county
through will have mean we have to be
opening hours, or not, going backwards and
according to rights of forwards to make
way and access. The connections. I did some
green spaces and white large outstilations on all
roads of all the mapping this a long time ago, but
systems don’t help us at still the National Trust
all to know any of this. map has only roads.
3. Name thing not present

Silence, absence

The thing isn’t here

In the centre is a reproduction of a painting, which
unlike the first clip you can see the whole thing. This is
part of the problem of this tool, I can’t work out how to
change the thing, image, in the thing, placeholder,
using Keynote vocabulary. But the thing I really want to
work on, not the tool but the idea, is the picture of
Shenstone, by himself, imitating the picture by Sacchi,
but with some things missing. This case is part of two
larger cases and involves Marsyas.
4. Representation
4.1 Scale
5. Hampton Walk
5. Hampton Walk
As the nature of accident is, the day I took these
pictures there was a poster on consultation on the
introduction of parking charges in Hampton and
Richmond, and the following day a message on email
where I work trying to get people to engage in the
consultation in objection. This case now deals with
three matters, my original one, the barring of the gates,
the heritage lottery one, of restoration and
development, and now the matter of motorism and

5.1 Walks
There had been
walks. Now there is a
gate with a keeper, or
locked, and a fee.
5.1 Walks
From Kingston, if you cross the bridge, over the
towpath, which will take you round to Hampton, then
enter Hampton Court Home Park through the gates by
the Kings Head Pub, you’ll find this map, then a walk
across to Hampton Court along the avenue with the
point of view on Kingston Church tower behind. If you
go further over, you will find the long canal, of Charles
II, which we may call baroque, as we may call this view
of Hampton Court. But then we will meet a locked
gate, or a pay gate, and have to go onto the road.
5.2 Develop
6. Highams
Repton, Humphry
Waltham Forest
6. Highams
Highams is the desolate remains of a Repton
landscape to the north east of London, in what was
then Essex. The Red Book survives and is available in
photographic reproduction for view in the Vestry
Museum which is near Walthamstow Central Station.
Highams itself is two stops further on the Chingford
Line from Liverpool St. A school now is the building
which you may view from the road through railings. A
park is the lake, in a dreadful state. What is to be
6. Highams Repton
Four pages from the
Red Book for Highams
showing the use of the
slide, on the left, and
something Palladian,
as well as the whole in
the map. You are either
immediately engaged
with this, or you aren’t.
6. Highams Repton
The technique of Humphry Repton was to produce a
Red Book, watercolours with slides in which you saw
what was there, then lifted the slide and wow, what
could be. On the opposite page he described in text
the reasoning behind the design. He was concerned
with that which he called character and situation,
approach, aspect and prospect, and used walks with
belts of trees, water, shrubberies, balconies,
verandahs, to change the space of users, viewers,
walkers. The lake and the belts, the house survive.
Conclusion - Palladian Case
Mistake in numbering
and sequence through
change in ideas. This
was to follow the van
Dyck on Search
Science then was
delayed. Perhaps it
should come out
Matter and Method
In the meantime though, which tried to work the
it was exhibited in its ideas of Palladian and
initial form at the Forum, Baroque into some sort
and as the forum then of scheme. There was
continued in a series of an exhibition at the V&A
meetings at which this on Baroque at the same
and other material was time as van Dyck at Tate
exhibited, we’ll end with and Palladio at RA. What
it. I had worked on a was anyone to make of
new representation the three of them?
Palladian matters
• Royal Academy
• Tate Britain, van Dyck
• linkedin
• wikipedia
• Criti-CISM
• IS Forum
• Venetzia
• Venice
• History
• Architecture
• Humanism
• Theory
• Charles I
• van Dyck
• Greenwick
• Banqueting House
• Forty Hall
• Basing
• Chiswick • Kent, William

• Campbell • Handel

• Castell • Gay, John

• Chandos • Pope, Alexander

• Cobham • Hogarth

• Ware • House, RA
• Palladian style
• Phaidon
• Contents
• Bibliography
• Index
• wikipedia
• Georgian • Baroque

• Augustan • Enlightenment

• Eighteenth century • Stuart

• Robinocracy •
• Hanovarian

• Jacobean
• England • Oatlands

• Europe • Esher

• Chiswick • Kew

• Elsynge • Baroque

• Arcadia • Enlightenment

• Claremont

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