Order of Worship: O C T o B e R 2 7, 2 0 1 3 Church Family

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October 27, 2013

______________________________ Homebound:

Church Family
Remember in Prayer: Mr. Trent Timmer Mr. Howard Vanden Toorn Mr. Rick Vander Veen Mrs. Ruth Wiley

Order of Worship

Song Service - 5:50 PM Psalter 77: all Morning Worship - 9:30 AM Silent Prayer Votum and Salutation Psalter 228 Reading of the Law Reading of Scripture Psalter 220:3-6 Pastoral Prayer Offertory Psalter 1 Sermon Psalter 203 Prayer Offertory Psalter 159:3,4 Benediction Doxology Psalter 250:5 Evening Worship - 6:00 PM Silent Prayer Votum and Salutation Psalter 285 Reading of Scripture Psalter 114:1,5-7 Apostles Creed Pastoral Prayer Offertory Psalter 365 Sermon Psalter 421:3 Prayer Offertory Psalter 29:1,3 Benediction Doxology Psalter 378:3

Mrs. Elsie Arnoudse Mr. Everett Beute Mrs. Fran Hekman Mrs. Dorothy Hitchcock Mr. Cornelius Jobse Mrs. Barb Kwekel Mr. & Mrs. Albert VandenToorn Mrs. Gertrude VanderGraaf Mrs. Marian VerHage Serviceman: Dan Arnoudse


Consistory Members
Pastors: Dr. David Murray (Chairman-Consistory) Dr. L. W. Bilkes (Emeritus) Dr. Jerry Bilkes Peter VanKempen (Vice Chairman) David Faasse (Secretary) Tom Karel Sr. Henk Kleyn Dwight Prince Ron Rittner 616.647.0570 616.458.3250 616.954.7094 616.677.3735 616.304.2946 616.667.9105 616.780.9426 616.299.4610 616.485.2344 616.361.6348 616.361.8096 616.446.0587 616.669.5758 616.299.4611 616.791.1512


Sermon : Without Me You Can Do Nothing Scripture: John 15 Text: John 15:5 / Lords Day 24

Sermon : The Valley Full of Ditches Scripture: 2 Kings 3 Text: 2 Kings 3:16-20

Deacons: Joel Markwat (Chairman-Deacons) Roger Osmun (Secretary) Ron Vander Boon (Asst. Treasurer) Bill Pols David Pronk Treasurer: Gerrit Kleyn

COMPLETE IN HIM THE salvation of the sinner is not completed without the entire elimination of sin from the nature itself, in the sanctification and glorification, of the believer. Language and thought alike fail in depicting this blessed consummation. It almost staggers belief that man should not only be delivered from the dominion of sin, but eventually from its very presence and being. We accept it only upon the divine testimony, and because it is the logical outcome of the scheme of grace itself. If, in regeneration, a divine life is communicated to the sinner, its characteristic energy must, by its own expulsive force, drive out the sin which obstructs its growth. The power of sin is daily weakened, and there comes a moment, it may in the instant of death, when the last stain is washed away in the Saviors atoning blood, and the being of sin is forever destroyed in the soul. Transformed into the image of the divine Redeemer with a nature as holy as that in which he first came from his Creators hand. The peer now of spotless angels who never sinned, he teaches them the song of redeeming grace, to which they can only respond in the mighty chorus, Blessing and honor and glory and power be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever. Is not the gospel, then, a glorious remedy for sin, going down to the root to destroy in there in the very seat of its life? It seals upon the conscience a perfect pardon, which takes all the guilt away; it cuts out the cancer from the man himself through the surgery of an honest repentance; it breathes a divine life into the soul that was separated from God, and completes its beneficence by the extirpation of sin itself and the transfiguration of the saint in glory. Here is no palliation of an inveterate disease, but its radical cure in a fourfold deliverance from the punishment, the dominion, the pollution, and the being of sin. Well may the apostle say, If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold all things are new. B. M. Palmer

Thank you so much for coming to worship God with us today. We hope and pray that you will be blessed among us and that you also will be a blessing to us. If you have any prayer needs or if you'd like to know more about our church, one of our pastors or elders would be very happy to speak with you. ______________________________

Congregational Life
Today, Dr. Jerry Bilkes will conduct the worship services. Next Sunday, Pastor Murray will preach for us, the Lord willing. Pastor Murray is in Sheboygan, WI to speak at Grace Presbyterian Churchs Reformation Conference. The Sunday School classes (beginners 7th Grade) Psalter of the month is #184. Please review with your children. Next months Psalter is #421:3, 4 The consistory is glad to inform the congregation that following application to and interview by the FRCNA Theological Education Committee, Ian Macleod was accepted as a Free Reformed Student, pending final approval from Synod. We wish Ian God's richest blessing on his continued studies and look forward to see where God will open a door of usefulness for him among our churches. Please find your monthly Dorcas notes, calendar and birthday lists in your mailbox.

We are delighted that Pastor Al Martin has agreed to speak for us

at our Reformation Day Rally this Thursday, October 31 at 7:30 PM. His topic will be Our Reformation Heritage-A Help or a Hindrance? Please use this rare opportunity to hear such an experienced and respected reformed pastor speak on such an important and inspiring subject.

Members and friends: Pastor David Murray would appreciate digital photos of your family, sent to him via email, to help with putting faces to all the names he is learning. Pastor Murrays email address is: davidprts@gmail.com For those who do not have access to digital but do have a photo, please put your name on the back of the photo and place it in Pastor Murrays mailbox.

Sermon Notes Calendar

"The Lord willing" James 4:15 Today - (Sunday) 4:15 PM Youth Group. Snack: The Princes October 29 (Tuesday) 12:30 PM Ladies Fold Laundry at the Christian Rest Home. October 31 (Thursday) 7:30 PM Reformation Rally November 2 (Saturday) 7 AM Mens Breakfast Bible Study at Russ in Grandville. All men of the congregation are encouraged to join us. November 2 (Saturday) 7 PM YABS will meet at the seminary. We will continue our study on Toxic Charity. November 5 (Tuesday) 7 PM Dorcas Guild meeting. Our project for the month is filling shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. The boxes and instructions are available in the narthex. November 9 (Saturday) 7 PM Informal service at Mel Trotter Mission. November 9 (Saturday) 7 PM YABS (Young Adult Book Study) will have game night. We encourage newcomers to join us! Contact Mark Moerdyk with any questions. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Other News
Sumba Mission evening, with Bill & Marion Sommers, will be held Friday, November 1, at 7:30 PM at Plymouth Christian elementary. Christian Ministry to Israel will hold an Israel Evening at the Dundas Free Reformed Church on November 8, at 7:30 PM. Rev. J. Lewis will be speaking on the work of CMI, and give a lecture on A Particular Love for the Jews: Robert M'Cheyne's Hope for Israel . There will be a book table and refreshments after the lecture. All are welcome! The speeches from seminary day - Heidelberg Catechism University by Dr. Jerry Bilkes & Diversity and Unity in Free Reformed Preaching by Rev. C. Pronk are available on http://www.sermonudio.com/ on the Grace Free Reformed Church (Brantford) page. The annual meeting of the Trinitarian Bible Society will be held at Covell NRC on November 7, 2013 at 7:30 PM. Dr. David Allen will be speaking on the topic of why the Authorized (King James) Version remains the most reliable English version of the Bible today. We would like to encourage your attendance.

Today Morning Evening Reformation Day Next Week Morning Evening Room A Kim Kleyn Meta Moerdyk Shona Murray Marieke Ude Cheryl Moerdyk Martha Markwat Susan Osmun Arleen Boven Betty Elliott October Mother in Charge Room B Sonia Wielhouwer Eva Markwat Margot Timmer Anita Wielhouwer Hannah Karel Sarah Walkotten Lauren Bilkes Liz Prince Lydia Karel Suzanne Kleyn

Morning Today Next Week Mark Arnoudse Eric Wielhouwer Evening Henry Boven Chris Engelsma

First Collection Today Next Week General Fund Education Fund Second Collection Local Radio Fund Denominational Collection Boxes Word & Deed Trinitarian Bible Society

Please send material for the bulletin to Julie La Rocque by noon on Thursday: 616.647.9198 or juleslarocque@yahoo.com The Banner of Truth Radio Broadcast, sponsored by our church, can be heard every Sunday on WFUR 102.9 FM at 10:45 AM 950 Ball Avenue NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503 616.456.8473 www.frcgr.org

Song Service: Psalter 77: all

LITURGY October 27, 2013 Morning Service Votum & Salutation Psalter: 228 Law Scripture Reading: John 15 Text: John 15:5 / Lords Day 24 Psalter: 220:3-6 Pastoral Prayer Offertory Psalter: 1 Sermon: Without Me You Can Do Nothing Psalter: 203 Prayer Offertory Psalter: 159:3, 4 Benediction Doxology: 250:5

LITURGY October 27, 2013 Evening Service Votum & Salutation Psalter: 285 Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 3 Text: 2 Kings 3:16-20 Psalter: 114:1, 5-7 Apostles Creed Pastoral Prayer Offertory Psalter: 365 Sermon: The Valley Full of Ditches Psalter: 421:3 Prayer Offertory Psalter: 29:1, 3 Benediction Doxology: 378:3

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