Words Often - Confused

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Words often confused Disinterested Uninterested

Disinterested judge always comes out with right judgment. don have any personal interest in any thing. neutral Uninterested candidates need not apply for this job. do not find any interest. Misinformed deliberately. The ill-informed villagers, who came to Hyderabad to attempt the rally, went to pared grounds by mistake. give / have incomplete or unfair information. The host was very embarrassed because many uninformed relatives attended the function. - Presence with out invitation. Ability Capability Uninformed ill-informed

The misinformed tourist had to pay more money to the museum. give wrong information

No one has any doubt about Amitab ability to act but some people have doubt about his capability to play the role of Krishna. Ability able to do something, ordinary talent Capability special talent, inherent talent, extraordinary. Childish Childlike

Even grown up people fight for seats in buses is only to their childish nature. - Silly behavior. The grandmother is loved by everyone for her childlike nature.- innocent Forcibly Forcefully

The experienced lower has forcefully presented the case. - Cogently- in convincing manner or strong powerful impact. The leader who has been on indefinite fast will be forcibly taken to the hospital. - Physical application of force. Continually Continuous

People have been continuously watching the cricket match since morning. - Non-stop. We have been continually getting blank calls. - With some time gap. Specially Especially

I have made these items for you specially. Exclusively People of twin cites, especially patients in the hospitals suffered a lot due to power cut. - Applies to every one but emphasis specific. Search Find

We are searching the smuggler because we have caught him at least. Dont worry we will find the missed suitcase. Customs officer searched my suitcase. Disability Inability

Sudha Chandran carved niche for herself without disability to stand and walk normally. Physical deformity Let us make fun of his inability to speak in Hindi. Lack of specific talent. Exhaustive Exhausting

Going to Delhi in 3rd class compartment is exhausting Very tired We have not given you exhaustive list of examples. Complete, throughout Imaginary Imaginative

All said and done, Hollywood film makers are more imaginative than Indian film makers. Highly creative, original in their ideas Your grandmother is alright. Her fear of death is imaginary. Not existing, illusionary Actually artificial Really

We dont forget your performance. It was really very good. Emphasis true / correct not

The boy next door comes everyday, enquires about parents, helps the family, and pays their utility bills, dose house hold work. Actually he is in love with their grand daughter. It is used to speak out about one thing. It is a catch word Affect Effect

The latest political developments in Delhi will affect the share market. - Cause Your experiment has failed to show any effect. - Result / out come Empathy Sympathy

They were bursting crackers out of excitement that too midnight. I kept quiet because of empathy. I feel the same what you feel- sharing no sorrow Never do any thing to the blind out of sympathy for them but encourage them. To feel sad or sorrow to take pity. Avenge Revenge

Indian film villains take avenge on heros family members. take revenge using 3 rd person support. To retaliate on behalf of the victim or sufferer- Hit back. The Pak team may wait anxiously to take revenge on Indian team. Direct attack Gold Golden

She has lost her gold necklace. Noun - metal It was golden opportunity. Nothing to do with the metal gold / but precious as gold. Jealousy Envy

According to psychologists jealousy is one of the reasons for the growing crime rate. You should not have what I dont have. You have wonderful memory and envy of it. I too should have what you have (regrets). Uneducated illiterate

He may not be illiterate person but he can read your instructions. Ability to write or read without passing any academic qualification from any institution.

He is uneducated person. Dont exploit him. To learn something over a period of time to obtain some academic qualification from some institution. Educated He may not be highly educated person but he is not an illiterate. Why are you hell bent on getting marry only an educated girl? A literate girl is enough. You Shade educate her later on. preventing the sun rays. Children are scared of shadow on the wall. caused by light Illegible Unreadable Shadow

It is foolishness to plant Ashoka trees along the highways because they dont provide shade.

Most of the Telugu Magazines are unreadable. Dont subscribe them to library. He has written the letter in French. French is undecipherable to me. - Filthy, vulgar, absence words I need some more time to read your letter because it is illegible. Difficult in understanding because of unclear hand writing. Undecipherable cant understandable all- can not make out. Oral Oral using mouth Verbal relating to words something said in words. Murder Suicide MurderKill Lynchbeating With previous enmity, conspiracy is needed Take the life of someone or on behalf of someone / accidental. Take the life of a person accidentally- unintentionally impulsive / by him out of anger. Take the life of a person as a capital punishment without any fair trail. - Kill Lynch - Assassinate Execute Massacre Die Verbal

In case of money matters dont relive on oral agreements but prefer verbal one.

Assassinate Take the life a leader or a person who is in power Execute

Massacre momentary. Die Suicide Stomach

Take the lives of a large number of people of a particular group out of Normal death literal disappear, vanish, figurative, Voluntarily one takes his life. Belly

He suffers from indigestion because of some problem in stomach. - Not visible outside Your belly indicates how much health-conscious you are? Visible from outside Robbery Stealing Burglary The officer is angry because someone has been stealing some important files. In the absence of the person without their knowledge. Music stealing, Kleptomania There was a major burglary in the temple. The grill and the ventilator are broken. By breaking something taking away. Dont come alone along this way after 10 p.m. This road is notorious for robbery. Take something in the presence of / with the knowledge of person by threatening him and by force. House Home Residence The film star has three houses in India. One is in U.K and one is in Switzerland. But he considers the one which is in Hyderabad is his home. House - A place where people live with emotional attachment. People have come out of their houses as soon as they heard the sound. House Concrete structure with or without people of living He is underground. This hotel itself is him residence for the time being. - Where you stay / live. Need requirement. Hunger is a biological need. But we want different type of food to fulfill it. Wants are different. I.e. people take different things to fulfill the need. Secondary requirement We all fell like getting appreciated. It is one of the basic human needs but we want different things to fulfill for that appreciation. Alter Change There is some damage on the car. Please change it. - Replacement Want We need money so we want any job. Need - It is the same thorough the world Primary

This dress is not suitable to you because you are tall so you alter it. Modify Reward Award Prize Reward of 10 million dollars has been shamelessly declared by U.S.A. on tug. Given by some recognized organization / authority / government / common person to someone who achieves something difficult. - No competition It is ridicules to recommend Bharat Ratna award to Sachin Tendulkar. Given by some recognized organization / authority / government to arts / culture / sports et cetera. Small students who fail to win the prizes are often given by some gifts after the competition. Given to the winner in competition. Roof Ceiling She is scared because there is a lizard on the ceiling of the room. From inside Apply this paste on the roof of your room to cool it down. From outside Elderly Old An elderly person is waiting for you. Why dont you make him sit? Positive / respectable way of addressing an old man. Some time old people irritate us with their over cautiousness. An impolite way of addressing Admit To Read an aged person. accept or agree with the fact The watchman confesses his mistake finally. Agree / accept only after the mistake done. read but they should be studied. Why dont you learn the techniques of attracting of people? Read a mechanical utterance or pronunciation of words in a book with or without interest. Study try to understand all the aspects in deeper meaning / try to get influence under longer duration in life. Learn activity. to know anything i.e. any activity both education / non-education related Study Learn One can read newspaper. But one cant study it. Personality development books shouldnt be Confess

You will have to admit that he is still the number one because he has 20 unreduced films.

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