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0 REMEDIAL ACTIVITIES Remedial education is intended to improve a persons ability to read, write especially when they find these things difficult. In a simple words can be said that the student that cannot master the basic skills in school. These remedial activities is related to special teaching, teaching methods that the teacher use and the material for slow learners to improve themselves. As a conclusion, remedial activities can be defined as a planned activity that used to help the student to overcome their learning problem. As a teacher, it is important to know how to create a remedial activity for the students so that they can learn well in the class. Before a class started, teacher must know their teaching objective. Then, they will continue with the planning of steps and strategies in teaching. After that, the implementation of remedial activities, from here, teacher will know the level of the students for the topic. Lastly, he/she will know whether the student need enrichment activities or not.

4.1 STAGES OF ACTIVITIES Stage 1: Introduction Stages 1. Teacher show the adapted material to the students. 2. Teacher asks the students what they see on the paper. 3. Teacher introduces colours to the student based on the adapted material. (Blue, Green, Red and Yellow) Rationalise To attract the attention of the student for that day lesson. To test their knowledge level by using their sight sense. Teacher pointed the colour on the adapted material and ask the students: What colour is this?. After students give their answer, teacher will guide them for the correct answer and the student will repeat after the teacher for each words. For this stage, the student will know that the topic is based on colour. 4. Then, teacher show the picture of fruits and relate it to the colours. - Apple is red. - Banana is yellow. - Kiwi fruit is green. - Blueberries are blue. 5. Students repeat after the teachers for each sentence. From here, students will learn about the simple sentences from the colours and the fruit picture on the adapted materials.

The student can read well and can know how to construct simple sentence from a source that related to each other.

Stage 2: Remedial Activity Stages 1. Teacher distributes Worksheet 1 to the student. 2. Student given five minutes to complete the worksheet. Rationalise This Worksheet is for writing purposes whereby the student will be guide to write the sentence on the line provided. Teacher will guide them how to write properly so that they can write it neat and

tidy, 3. After that, teacher distributes again Worksheet 2. For this exercise, it is something that interesting to do because the student will playing with numbers, they will count the things according to the item and answer the statement given. Apart from that, they will also doing some colouring on the worksheet.

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