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Triangle Triplet Lesson Plan

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Student Objectives
Write a triangle triplet
Understand that homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings
Understand and apply rhyme to write poetry
Introduce the Poetry
A triangle triplet is written by arranging three rhyming sentences or phrases along the three
sides of a triangle. The poem can be read from any point on the triangle.
Teach the Poetry
Reproduce the samples page as a student handout or as a transparency page for use on an
overhead projector.
Using the samples page as a guide, explain that a triangle triplet may be written about any
topic. The challenge is to come up with words that rhyme and use them to write about the
chosen topic. Additionally, triangle triplets have no beginning or end; the reader should be
able to understand the poem when starting from any point on the triangle.
Model Writing a Triangle Triplet
Explain that the frst step in writing a triangle triplet is to choose a good topic. Triangle triplets
may be written about any topic that evokes feelings or opinions.
Have students generate topic ideas as you write them on the board. Subjects might include: a
content area being studied, a favorite place, a well-known symbol, and so on. Record students
suggestions on the board or overhead projector.
Choose a topic from the generated list and write it on the board or overhead projector. Have
students suggest rhyming words that could be used to write about the suggested topic. List
the rhyming words on the board. (For example, students might brainstorm rhyming words that
could be used to tell about war: roar, abhor, score or peace: cease, piece, release).
Then demonstrate how the rhyming words can be used to develop ideas, concepts, and
sentences. Point out that the phrases or sentences must end with the rhyming word in a triangle
triplet. (War, a time that I abhor. The bullets scream and roar, Who can possibly keep score? Or,
A quiet time is peace. When all the conicts cease. Joy and love release.)
Write three rhyming phrases or sentences on the board to form the shape of a triangle. Check
the poem with students to make sure it can be read from any point on the triangle and still
make sense. Adjust and rework the poem as necessary.
Have students write their own triangle triplet using the same topic.
Word Work: Homophones
Explain that homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings. For
example, soar and sore, peace and piece, hear and here. Have individual students use each
homophone in a sentence. Have them brainstorm other homophones and use them in sentences.
Draw students attention to the storm poem. Have them name the homophones in the poem
(blew, blue). Discuss how the use of homophones contributes to the rhyme and meaning of the
poem. Challenge students to experiment with homophones in their writing.
Poetry Practice
Revisit the topic ideas on the board. Have students choose a topic and corresponding rhyming
words from those listed on the board. Have them use the words to write rhyming phrases or
Level: Intermediate (grades 36)
Triangle Triplet Lesson Plan (continued)
Learning AZ All rights reserved. 2
sentences about the topic. Encourage students to use descriptive language in the rhyming
phrases or sentences they create.
Allow students to use additional resources such as a dictionary or thesaurus to help them
develop their rhyming phrases or sentences.
Explain that punctuation and capitalization used in triangle triplets can vary. Sentences and
proper nouns should begin with a capital letter. Phrases should apply a consistent pattern (all
phrases begin with a capital letter or all phrases begin with a lowercase letter).
As students write, encourage them to problem solve to fnd words and phrases that
communicate and ft the basic pattern of three rhyming lines. Remind students that the three
lines should make sense when read in any orderthere is no beginning or end.
Encourage students to revise their work in order to improve understanding and fow by adding,
deleting, consolidating, and rearranging text as necessary.
Use the Worksheets for Practice
Have students compose a triangle triplet using the scaffolded worksheets.
There are three choices of worksheets and a samples page:
Worksheet 1 for students who need additional support
Worksheet 2 for students who have a basic understanding of triangle triplets
Worksheet 3 for students who have a solid understanding of triangle triplets
Samples for examples of triangle triplet poetry
Extend the Activity
Celebrate the writing process by having students read their poetry aloud with fuency, rhythm,
and expression.
Encourage students to write a triangle triplet on a topic that is the opposite of one they have
already written. For example, if they wrote about peace, have them write about war. Publish
the opposing poems on facing pages in a class book.
Challenge students to write a poem using a homophone to create two of the three rhyming
phrases or sentences.
Have students share their writing with as many different audiences as possible. Poetry may
be published through classroom or schoolwide displays, a poetry book, a school newsletter
or website, an online poetry contest, or any other creative form of communication.
Practice fuency by having students read their poems into a tape recorder. Save their best
readings. Make the recordings available for other classes and/or grade levels to check out
and listen to.

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