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Councillor Seamus Morris, Rathnaleen, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. Mobile: (087)2859125. E-mail: Website: www.northtippsinnfein.

com Date: 25/10/13

2013 another great year for Cllr. Samie Morris in terms of attracting sports tourism 2013 was yet another successful year in my efforts in attracting sport tourists to the Town. The Premier Hurling experience that I set up to offer American and Canadian High Schools a unique experience on their Rugby tours of Ireland has succeeded in bringing 17 teams to the town who have stayed anything from 1 to 3 nights in the Abbey Court Hotel In Nenagh and have enjoyed the natural friendliness of the Businesses people and people of the town. This unique experience has been a huge success ever since I approached George Hook Jnr of Irish Rugby Tours and asked him to consider Nenagh as a destination for his visiting Rugby teams. The teams have really enjoyed the whole experience of the town. This year two German groups have taken in the Premier Hurling experience and have really enjoyed it. Herzongenrath Gymnasium School and G W R S Villingendorf pitted themselves against learning the skills of Hurling and were amazed with the game. The teams that visited in 2013 were Eastside Lions , Ithaca College , Rowan University, Albanny Knickbockers and the two German groups with groups varying in size from 24 to 65 bringing much needed footfall to the town. I am very happy to announce that bookings are very healthy for 2014 with Shrewsbury School U S A (45 members) S T A Saints Kansas ( 70 members) Delbarton School ( 50 members) Colgate University ( 55 members) and San Francisco Golden Gate High School (42 members) already booked in with two groups coming back to the town for the second year STA Kansas and Delbarton . I am also happy to announce that the Premier Hurling experience has added two very successful partners to the experience with the Phil Burke Hurley making experience and M r Sports Gift coming on board to offer his unique personalised sports gifts for our visitors. I want to thank the people of North Tipperary for making all my guests very welcome in their visits up to now and look forward to expanding the experience to bring even more people to the town and of course I also want to thank George Hook Jnr for bringing the much needed business to the town and having faith in us. I want to also say that the Sports Tourism Grant scheme that I started in Nenagh has also grown from strength to strength with events from International Sailing tournaments to International Hurling Tournaments being funded by my initiative in every town in North Tipperary. Personally I am dedicated to holding a major Camogie tournament in Nenagh dedicated to Gerry Slevin in 2014. Anyone with any ideas for holding over night tournaments in North Tipperary can contact me and I will personally help them along their way. Yours sincerely Cllr. Samie Morris

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