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Ministerul Educa iei i Cercet rii Serviciul Na ional de Evaluare i Examinare


Proba scris la Limba Englez
L1 Intensiv
Varianta 10
Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu.
Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.

30 points


10 points

Read the text below and sum it up in 50 words.

To many visitors to Britain, London is where it's all going on. The man who is tired of London is
tired of life, Doctor Johnson said in 1750. London is where the action is. To Londoners the word
city means 'the City' with the capital C, that square mile eventually marked out and walled in by the
Romans after they had set up their original camp by the Thames about 50 AD. Some Londoners
still live there, but as you look at the area today, you come up against the real story (and problem)
of many of the world's capital cities - growth and identity.
Most Londoners are not Londoners and do not live in the London they work in. Their home is
in one of the many large villages that make up London as it began spilling over and pushing out in
the late 18th and 19th centuries. They live either in the inner suburbs of the Metropolitan area of
the outer suburbs of the Greater London area. It is all very expensive and overcrowded and yet
more and more people are piling in and looking for a nest. For every one who finds it too expensive
and moves out, at least three are waiting to move in.
Which brings in the identity problem. Where does Britain really begin? In London? Well, does
France begin in Paris? Only a Parisian or a Londoner would make the claim and Londoners are
scarcer than Parisians these days. What?! With 9 million inhabitants? You might ask in
astonishment. But what is meant by that is that these days in London if you're in a roomful of
people the chances of coming across a second-generation Londoner are about one in a hundred.
And a third-generation Londoner is something to make people's eyes pop.
b. Identify the theme of the fragment and comment on it. Use evidence from the text to
support your ideas. (100 words)
20 points


30 points

a. Identify any possible errors in the following sentences. Tick the correct sentences, if
10 points

It is well known his interest in man.

Then Ill come back in Bucharest.
The sun is shining bright.
The walls colour is white.
London is situated on Thames.

b. Rephrase the following sentences beginning as shown so that the meaning stays the
10 points
1. How often is it necessary to feed the fish?
How often ............. ?
2. They say he is writing a new novel.
Proba scris la Limba englez , L1 Intensiv

Varianta 10

Ministerul Educa iei i Cercet rii Serviciul Na ional de Evaluare i Examinare

3. Im sorry for having disturbed you so early in the morning.

If only
4. Its not like him to have breakfast before 8 oclock.
Hes not
5. Our house was decorated one year ago.
Our house
c. Translate into English.

10 points

M-am sim it ntr-adev r bine la petrecere de i n-am dansat deloc.

Am f cut o pr jitur ; de-asta minile mele sunt pline de f in .
La sfr itul anului viitor voi fi studiat n aceast coal timp de 5 ani.
Dac -l vezi cumva, spune-i s -mi telefoneze.
Un pieton care traversa strada a fost r nit mortal.


30 points

Write a narrative-descriptive essay beginning with: In twenty years time I (300 words / 30

Proba scris la Limba englez , L1 Intensiv

Varianta 10

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