Abaqus Installation PDF

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ABAQUS Installation Procedure

Getting ABAQUS software

Before you being please make sure your internet is working. Computer center provides ABAQUS v6.11 software at the following ftp address: ftp://ftp.cc.iitk.ac.in/pub/unix/APPLS/LINUX/S imulation/abaqus6.11/ Download & unzip SIM_Abaqus6.11.media.tar.gz into folder called abaqus6-11

Location of setup files for installation

Go to the setup file located in the directory abaqus6-11\SIM_Abaqus.media\1

Double click on setup file


If you encounterAbaqus sysinfo failed error, then quit the installation and do the following: 1)Open a command prompt (terminal) from the START AccessoriesCommand Prompt 2) Go to the folder 1 3) Type setup nosystemchecks for manually installing the abaqus.

ABAQUS installation process

Click OK.

Click on Product as the Installation type

Add the license server 29000@ as shown below

Possibility of error

Note: if you do not get this error, then proceed to slide no 13

Solution for the invalid license error

The license server is added in a file called host. The file is located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

Add the highlighted text in the host file

Cannot edit/save the host file

If you are the administrator and cannot save the file then Change the file permissions by editing its properties. The properties of the file can be located by right clicking on the file and choosing properties from the pop-down menu. (refer to next slide) Save the host file again and it should work.

Changing file permissions

Click continue without installing documentation

Installation and working directories

ABAQUS installer automatically chooses C:\Abaqus as the installation directory and C:\temp as the working directory. Note: All the files that you would create in ABAQUS would later be saved in this temp directory. Hence, it is not a bad idea to use an appropriate name for the working directory. I use C:\work as my working directory. Note: Both these directories are created by ABAQUS and you should not create them. ABAQUS does not accept the directories created by you.

Click install to continue

the installation is progressing

Congratulations on successful installation of ABAQUS

Invoking ABAQUS

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Click on START menu Click on Programs Locate Abaqus6.11-2 Click on Abaqus CAE to start the GUI One can also run programs from ABAQUS command

Abaqus CAE

Please do not close the terminal. It runs as long as Abaqus CAE is on.

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