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As I drove up my long, twisting driveway, my mind was suddenly

bombarded with Rosalie’s rude comments pertaining to Bella’s recent

knowledge of our family’s secret.

“He’s such an imbecile! How could he do this to us? To himself?

Why does he feel it’s necessary to risk us all just for this one meaningless
girl? It’s absurd! And I won’t stand for it!”

Meaningless? Bella was substantially far from meaningless.

“Rose, she will keep our secret safe, I’ve seen it! You need to trust
Edward! He hasn’t put any of us at risk.” Alice responded promptly, and
much to my appreciation.

Her thoughts rambled on, but I tuned them with thoughts of my own.
Thoughts about how it’s only been 4 minutes since I had seen her last, yet I
missed her as much as I would if it’d been 4 weeks. I could hardly wait for
night to fall, to be back in her room—to feel the painful burn in my throat
as I would occasionally pull in a deep breath in the attempt to make
myself, one day, ignore it—to watch her sleep, and dream… Hopefully
about me.

I parked my car in front of the garage, and sped to my room

purposely trying to avoid Rose’s upcoming confrontation with me. I
already knew what she was going to say, and didn’t care to hear it again.

I just kept repeating what Emmett had told me earlier… “Rose’ll get
over it. It was bound to happen anyway”
I decided to go for a run just to get out of the house, and away from
all the noise. As I entered the town of Sappho, I spotted a couple deer
grazing in a field nearby. Although I wasn’t terribly thirsty, I figured I
might as well take the opportunity to eat, taking off any potential edge of
hunger that may at any time appear.

I tried to not track the time too closely, thinking of the saying a
watched pot never boils. I took my time with the last deer since I was not
in any rush to get back home. There were still a couple of hours left before
the day would inevitably hand itself over to the night.

I mostly walked at a humans pace on my way back, figuring it would

help kill some time. When I returned I was relieved to find that Rose and
Emmett had taken off somewhere, probably doing something that wouldn’t
mess up her hair. That left them with limited options, knowing Emmett. He
wasn’t one for a casual hang out; he immensely enjoyed anything
involving an adrenaline rush.

I’m so ecstatic for Edward. It’s time he falls in love, he truly deserves
it. It amazes me that it took so long. He’s such a meritorious man.

My lips turned upwards at Esme’s kind thoughts. She always knew I

would find true love and happiness, and was practically swooning over it
now. As much as I wished I could easily give her the privacy of her mental
praising, I welcomed her thoughts.
Before I knew it, I was finally able to head over to Bella’s house. I
ran as fast as I was able to, but I still couldn’t seem to get there fast
enough. The wait was killing me. As I stepped through her window, into
her room, I took in a deep breath and sighed. Ahh! It was amazing how I
nearly welcomed the intense burn. As long as I could feel it, I would be

I studied her room, noticing a few things I hadn’t really paid

attention to before. Her walls were light blue, and she had yellow-tinted
lace curtains around the window, which seemed to have looked older than
she was. Her bed spread was purple, with darker purple shapes weaving
themselves across the surface. I was curious if one of these were her
favorite color.

Bella’s sleeping body lay sprawled out, and twisted under only half
of her covers. Her hair was tangled and outspread on the pillows, a sure
sign of restlessness.


So she would dream of me again tonight. That in itself made me feel

so inexplicably happy.

“Edward, please! Don’t leave me.”

She tossed around, and then threw her arm over her head. Unable to
help myself, I stepped around to the right side of her bed with a dire need
to see her face. The expression she had looked incredibly distraught. Ugh,
what I wouldn’t give to just be able to hear her thoughts, to see what she
was dreaming of, and why she kept telling me not to leave. The curiosity
was almost agonizing.

She sighed after a short time, and rolled to her other side. This
position didn’t last too long, as she began to lean onto her back. She
suddenly coughed, and opened her eyes. I felt a quick layer of panic wash
over me, afraid she would see me standing beside her bed, but I was able to
retreat from her view immediately.

She laid there for a minute and slowly drifted back to sleep. This
pattern repeated itself numerous times, causing me to keep an even safer
distance. I could not be seen standing in her room.

It was around 4am, and Bella had once again awoken from her
restless sleep. She rubbed her eyes, and then cupped her hands over her
mouth as she yawned. Her eyes blinked a handful of times, and she let out
a few loud exhales. She rolled back to her side, and closed her eyes, this
time falling into a deep, dreamless sleep. I sat by the window and listened
to her breathe, occasionally inhaling whenever she exhaled.

As the sun came up, I took in one last deep breath of her potent scent,
and I ducked out the window. I ran back to my house, with the same speed
I ran to Bella’s with, anxious to drive right back to pick her up for school.
When I got home, Carlisle had already left for work, and Esme was tidying
up the already spotless house. Alice and Jasper were just returning from
their overnight hunting peregrination, while Rosalie and Emmett were
undoubtedly embracing each other’s bodies until the time came to leave for

Emmett or Alice must have calmed Rose down while I was gone; not
one of her thoughts pertained to Bella or me.

I fled to my room and looked for something else to wear, not

bothering to listen intently on anyone’s thoughts. I changed my clothes
fast, then got in my car and drove at a steady and seemingly stagnant pace
to her house. My siblings were used to riding without me now, not to
mention Rosalie was always overjoyed when students would gawk at her

I parked close enough to her house that I could hear Charlie’s

thoughts, but not be seen.

“About this Saturday…,” Charlie said, beginning their conversation.

I listened closely.

“Yes, Dad?”

“Are you still set on going to Seattle?” I really wish she wouldn’t…

I could see Bella’s expression through Charlie, and she looked

irritated. She didn’t want to compose a story for her dad. “That was the

“And you’re sure you can’t make it back in time for the dance?”
“I’m not going to the dance, Dad.” she replied, trying to sound firm.

“Did anyone ask you?”

“It’s a girl’s choice.” she rebuttaled. Annoyance was playing a

small role in her tone.

“Oh.” There’s got to be someone here that she’s interested in, or

vice versa… She’s an extraordinary girl, very smart and beautiful. Hasn’t
someone taken notice?

Charlie’s thoughts were dead on. I had taken notice. Perhaps more
than any other boy was ever capable of, and I was beyond interested. I was
in love. And she was interested in return. I wondered when that fact would
cease to astonish me.

Charlie left, and I took his place in the driveway to wait for Bella.
She closed the door behind her, leaving the deadbolt unlocked. The crime
rate around this town was notably low, so the lock on the doorknob would
certainly suffice.

She walked to the car, pausing slightly before getting in. She wore a
nicer fitting shirt today; a brown turtleneck, and a pair of jeans. To any
other pair of eyes it would be a bland outfit. But to me, it looked amazing
on her. I smiled as she got in.

“Good morning.” I said with a smooth voice. “How are you today?”
I intentionally asked this, hoping to hear what caused her restless

“Good, thank you.” she said softly, trying to be convincing.

I should have known she would give me a simple answer. I looked at

the circles under her eyes, and I knew why they were there but I wished to
know more. “You look tired.”

“I couldn’t sleep,” she said, swinging a portion of hair over her

shoulder as if to hide her face.

“Neither could I,” I said in a light, teasing manner.

She let out a small laugh, finding the humor in my statement. “I

guess that’s right. I suppose I slept just a little bit more than you did.”

“I wager you did.”

“So what did you do last night?” she asked me, forgetting that she
had her turn yesterday. I kindly laughed at that fact.

“Not a chance. It’s my day to ask questions.” I reminded her.

“Oh, that’s right. What do you want to know?” she asked with a
curious look on her face.

Thinking back to last night when I was in her room, looking at the
different colors, I wanted to know minor facts. “What’s your favorite
She rolled her eyes, but answered. “It changes from day to day.”

She had to know I wouldn’t give up that easily. “What’s your

favorite color today?” I asked.

“Probably brown.” she stated.

I snorted, as I wasn’t expecting her answer. I wasn’t sure why, since

I had no reason to think otherwise. “Brown?” I asked her skeptically.

“Sure. Brown is warm. I miss brown. Everything that’s supposed to

be brown — tree trunks, rocks, dirt — is all covered up with squashy green
stuff here,” she complained.

I stared into her eyes, hoping to find a deeper answer, but I found
nothing else. She indubitably didn’t like this climate. “You’re right,” I
admitted. “Brown is warm.”

I hesitantly reached over and swept the portion of her hair back over
her shoulder. I didn’t like having to look through it in order to see her
flawless face.

I pulled into a parking spot and cut the engine. I turned to look at
Bella, prepared with another question. “What music is in your CD player
right now?”

As she named the band on the CD Phil gave her, I smiled and opened
up the compartment I used to hold my CD’s. I pulled out the one she
named, and handed it to her.
“Debussy to this?” I said, raising an eyebrow.

She examined the CD, mostly staring at the cover art. Her eyes were
looking down the whole time.

The day essentially continued this way; me asking non-stop

questions. I couldn’t help but want to know everything about her. She was
so fascinating to listen to. Her voice was so soothing, and kind. I asked her
which movies and books she liked and disliked, where she had traveled to,
and where she wanted to go. I would take her anywhere she wanted to go.

I proceeded to ask more small questions. “What is your favorite


She answered almost before I had time to finish asking the question.

Her cheeks flushed an appealing pink shade. She embarrassed herself

with her answer, but I couldn’t figure out why. “You’re embarrassed of

She cleared her throat, and shook her head. “Um… I didn’t mean to
say Topaz,” she said shyly.

“Okay, what did you mean to say?” I asked to encourage her answer.

She let out a flustered breath, but had no answer to follow it.

“Tell me,” I practically demanded of her.

The color of her cheeks darkened to a intensely luscious shade of red,
as she fought to find her explanation without embarrassing herself again.

Look away, I thought to myself. And so I did just that as I waited for
her response.

“It’s the color of your eyes today,” she confessed, after a brief pause.
She was starring down at her hands, which were nervously playing with a
piece of her hair. “I suppose if you asked me in two weeks I’d say onyx.”

It astonished me how closely Bella paid attention to detail.

I didn’t want to linger on that one subject any longer; I didn’t want
her to feel embarrassment anymore. So I moved right along with the next
question. “What kinds of flower do you prefer?”

She thought about it for a moment, causing her forehead to crease.

“I’m not sure I have a preference.”

“Fair enough,” I quickly responded. “Next question… What’s one

thing you’ve never been able to do?”

“Hmm…,” she paused to think. “Dance. I’ve never been able to

successfully dance.”

“Never?” I asked curiously.

“Never. I don’t have the right coordination for it. I suppose I have
my mom to thank for that.” She didn’t seem to be too upset over the fact
she couldn’t dance.
A smile pulled at the corners of my mouth, and I lightly laughed at
the image of Bella’s lamentable attempt to dance. It would be fascinating
to watch, indeed.

Mr. Banner walked into the classroom, pushing in front of him the
ancient VCR and TV in which we would continue to watch Lorenzo’s Oil
on. He reached to shut off the lights, and I slowly moved my chair away
from Bella, hoping to control my urge to be closer than I knew I should be.

I didn’t want her to notice my small movement, fearing she would

take it the wrong way. She noticed. Of course she would, she was the most
perceptive person I’d met. I sat back with my arms folded across my stone-
like chest, reminding myself to fidget every so often.

The excitement in the room was much like yesterday, although not
one of the students really cared about watching this movie. Their thoughts
were now filling my hearing, as I wasn’t tuning them out with my
conversation with Bella anymore.

Ugh, this movie is so boring. I wonder if Mr. Banner would notice if I

just slept through it…

Ah, man! So glad we don’t need to take notes over this crap…I’m
listening to my iPod.

I wonder if I should ask Ethan to the dance. I think he’s into

me…although I can’t be sure. But what could it hurt to just ask?
Look at him…He’s such a freak. I don’t know what she sees in him.
He just looks so different, what with his extra pale skin and all. Wow, he’s
almost monstrously staring at her. That is so creepy…

I purposely tried to tune Mike out after that. His thoughts agitated me

Bella’s hand kept making small, semi-controlled movements, in what

I suspected was the same urge to reach out and share physical contact with
each other. She folded her arms on the table, and rested her chin on top of

Her eyes were focused on the movie throughout the entire class. As I
bounced between different minds, and looked around at the students, I
realized she was the only one who seemingly watched the entire showing.

I didn’t like not being able to talk to her. She was hidden behind the
hair that had fallen around her face, forcing me to flip through the recent
images I had of her in my mind. Even though she was right there—one and
a half feet away from me—she felt distant.

I pulled in a deep breath to satiate myself with her scent, following it

up with another. Although it was gradually becoming an easier scent to
suppress, it would still hit me almost as hard as that first day—like a
wrecking ball. Almost.
Bella sighed as Mr. Banner flicked the lights back on, and looked
over her shoulder at me. Our eyes met and I stood up, waiting for her to do
the same.

Our walk to her gym class was silent, except for the array of thoughts
I was hearing. I would trade the ability to read every mind in this place for
the ability to just read hers. It was such a secretive place, and I wanted so
badly to get a peek inside. Especially now. What thoughts were going
through her mind at this very moment?

I lifted my hand and touched the back of it to the side of her face, and
slowly stroked it once from her temple to her chin. The heat from her body
radiated against my skin, and I felt the urge to be closer again. Enough, I
ordered myself. I still could not make any mistakes with her.

I took in another breath, dropping my hand from her wonderfully

warm face, and turned to walk away. I searched out Emmett’s voice and
followed it to the hallway where we had our next class, where he was
standing with Rosalie. They kissed each other as passionately as they
could, keeping it socially acceptable, and she left for her class.

“Hey, Edward.” He’s still looking better, so that’s good.

I thought about that for a fraction of a second, but shoved it out of

mind for now. “Hey, Em.”

We entered the room and took our normal seats in front of Ben
Cheney. The room was noisy as usual, only I got it twice as bad as the rest
of the kids in here. With one voice being just as loud as the other, I
sometimes wasn’t sure when they were being spoken as opposed to when
they were just someone’s thoughts.

I carried a simple conversation with Emmett, while listening for

information on Ben and Angela. I was curious as to whether or not my plan
had fallen together the way I thought it would.

Crap! I didn’t do the homework again…

Maybe Mrs. Goff won’t show up to class today, and we’ll get to have
a free hour to do anything we want!…

I’m so glad I mustered up the courage to ask Angela to the dance.


Not only did she say yes, but she couldn’t stop smiling when I
asked… Cullen was definitely right! She likes me! Man, I should thank

I didn’t need a thank you from Ben. I did it more for Angela’s sake
than his. But it was bound to have happened sooner or later; I just assisted
to make it happen sooner and I was happy with myself for that.

Now that that was accomplished, I searched the voices until I found
the one I dreaded the most. Mike was playing badminton by himself today.
The coach must have decided it was safer if Bella sat out. I was thankful.
This way I wouldn’t be concerned for the entire duration of my Spanish
class if she was okay or not.

Mike’s thoughts were mainly centered around his badminton match,

leaving me unable to really check in on Bella. They didn’t speak once,
which I presumed meant he was still bothered by yesterday’s conversation
with her, by what his thoughts were like in Mr. Banner’s classroom.

Mrs. Goff allowed me to leave the class early because I had finished
each in-class assignment that she had handed to me. I headed towards the
gym in anticipation to once again be with Bella.

She walked out of the gym looking in my direction, and smiled wide
as soon as she saw me standing there. I couldn’t help but smile just a wide
in return.

Ugh, it’s so appalling the way they look at each other.

I nonchalantly rolled my eyes at Mike’s thoughts, and pushed them

aside. I instantaneously started in with more questions as we walked from
the gym to where my car was parked.

I kept the questions easy during the drive to Charlie’s, just giving
enough of a response to keep the words flowing from her mouth. I loved
listening to what she had to say, she was so intriguing.
We pulled into her driveway, but I wasn’t about to let the
conversation stop. I turned off the ignition, and we sat in the car while the
rain suddenly pelted down around us.

“So what do you miss about Phoenix?” I began.

She paused, most likely rummaging through her thoughts, looking

for the best answer. “The sun.” she finally admitted. “I miss the heat, and
the constant need to wear shorts and tank tops, rather than jeans and

“I think you look phenomenal in jeans and sweaters,” I chimed in

assuring her that, to me, it didn’t matter how she dressed.

She gently laughed, and shook her head.

I breathed in at that moment, unexpectedly smelling the hint of

strawberry from her hair, along with the smell of her enticing aroma of her
sweetly scented blood.

“What else?” I questioned, feeling a strong desire to know more

about her previous location.

She closed her eyes, as if to take herself back there. “I miss the smell
of the creosote bushes that filled the air…”

“What does it smell like?” I interrupted, out of sheer curiosity.

“Um, it’s hard to describe… I guess it’s sort of a bitter smell—

slightly resinous. It’s unusual, yet pleasant.”
“Sounds fascinating,” I told her. “Anything else?”

“Yeah, actually… I indubitably miss the endless blue sky; virtually

stretching from horizon to horizon. It was never interrupted with more than
an occasional cloud that was spread out so thin, it was barely there, and a
few low mountains in the distance. It was a wonderful sight—promising,
almost. Phoenix is beautiful in every way. It’s so hard to try to explain…”
she went on, using her hands to help describe the scene to me.

I took in another deep breath of the Bella-scented air around me,

gripping my left hand harder to the steering wheel, as the scent scorched
my throat. I listened intently to what she was telling me, and I stared
thoughtfully into her deep brown eyes.

It was dangerous for me to be this close to her. I had all I could do

not to allow myself to get any closer. Alice’s vision of Bella with bright
crimson eyes immediately found its way back into my thoughts. I shut my
eyes tight, and opened them again, as if to blink the image away. That
wouldn’t happen. I wouldn’t allow it to.

I continued to ask her a handful of different questions as we sat in the

driveway, and much to my surprise— she talked freely, and began to
monopolize the conversation. But I enjoyed it. There was nothing I would
rather do than just talk to her for hours, like we were doing.
“Tell me about your room back home,” I said casually. “What did it
look like?”

“It’s bigger than the one I have here… probably doubled in size at
least,” she began describing it to me. “I had a lot more stuff in that room,
since I lived there full-time. There’s actually still too much pointless stuff
shoved in there. It could never all properly fit anywhere, making my room
look constantly cluttered. But it was a comfortable clutter to me. I knew
where things were. To me it had an order, but to my mom it was just a

I listened to everything she said, but didn’t respond when she

finished. I had been picturing everything she described, and I yearned to
see it in person. I glanced at the time. 7o’clock, I thought to myself.

“Are you finished?” she asked, with a relieved tone in her voice.

“Not even close — but your father will be home soon.”

“Charlie!” she shouted, forgetting about the time. She looked out the
window at the now darkened sky, and then back at the clock in my car.
“How late is it?” she wondered out loud.

“It’s Twilight,” I murmured as I stared out at the horizon. I turned

back to look at her, as she was looking at me with curiosity in her eyes.
“It’s the safest time of day for us; the easiest time. But also the saddest, in
a way…the end of another day, the return of the night. Darkness is so
predictable, don’t you think?” I asked with a smile.
“I like the night. Without the dark, we’d never see the stars,” she said
with a frown. “Not that you see them much here.”

I laughed in agreement, and changed the subject. “Charlie will be

here in a few minutes. So, unless you want to tell him that you’ll be with
me Saturday…” I raised an eyebrow, hoping maybe she would tell him. It
would certainly be incentive to bring her back.

“Thanks, but no thanks.” She retorted, gathering her books. “So is it

my turn tomorrow, then?”

“Certainly not! I told you I wasn’t done, didn’t I?” I said to her in a
teasing manner.

“What more is there?” she questioned.

“You’ll find out tomorrow.” I promised as I leaned across to open the

door for her. I could feel the heat radiating off of her skin and the sound of
her new heartbeat pattern.

Just as I touched the door handle, a couple new voices came into
play. Both were unfamiliar voices, but struck my attention. It started out
with a few thoughts, and then proceeded into a conversation. I paused real
fast to listen to it.

I can’t wait to watch this game tonight; it should be a good one! I

hope Bella doesn’t mind us showing up before Charlie… Hmm, I wonder
why Jacob’s been so quiet this whole drive… “You excited to see Bella
again, Jacob?” the first and oldest voice spoke.

Ugh, I really don’t want to get into this with him again. “Yeah, Dad,
I guess.” the younger voice answered.

I didn’t need to continue listening. I knew who it was.

“Not good,” I muttered.

“What is it?” Bella asked in a surprised tone, noting my tightened


I looked at her briefly and turned away. “Another complication,” I

said glumly.

I pulled on the handle and pushed open the door for her, quickly
retreating my arm back to my side in a sudden rush to leave. Too late. Billy
Black and his son Jacob pulled up to the curb, facing towards us.

“Charlie’s around the corner,” I warned her, continuing to stare at the

Black’s vehicle.

Bella stepped out of the car and into the heavy rain. She stared into
the other vehicle trying to figure out who it was.

As soon as she stepped further from my car, I took off with

unnecessary speed, squealing the tires against the wet pavement. Before I
knew it, I was maneuvering my way up to my house.
I walked through the door, and straight to my piano. I gently
positioned my fingers on top of the keys and began to play the piece of
music I recently composed. Bella’s Lullaby, I said to myself, as I thought
of a name for it. I repeated it a few times, before muttering it no louder
than as if I were to have exhaled. “Bella’s Lullaby.”

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