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Chapter 18 Study Questions

Section 1: The Scientific Revolution (595-604) 1. How was science viewed before 1500? 2. What was the accepted view of the universe before the scientific revolution? 3. Which scientists contributed to the destruction of the Aristotelian view of the universe 4. What was Galileos greatest achievement? 5. Who postulated the laws of inertia? 6. What is the key feature of Newtons theory? 7. What is empiricism? 8. Which men created the modern scientific method? What are its effects on science today? 9. What was Fontenelles contribution to the scientific and popular community? 10.Where did they attempt to link theoretical science with applied science? Section 2: The Enlightenment (604-614) 11.What were the essential lessons/factors which distinguish the Enlightenment? 12.Why does the Enlightenment reach its height in France? 13.Who wrote Progress of the Human Mind which tracked the nine stages of development? 14.What did Emanuel Kant argue for /promote? 15.What types of literature did the illegal book trade in France feature? 16.What were the essential lessons/factors which distinguish the Enlightenment? 17.Why does the Enlightenment reach its height in France? 18.Who wrote Progress of the Human Mind which tracked the nine stages of development? 19.What did Emanuel Kant argue for /promote? 20.What types of literature did the illegal book trade in France feature? Section 3: The Enlightenment and Absolutism (614-623) 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. What were the accomplishments of Frederick the Great? What were his enlightened policies? What were the outcomes or consequences of Joseph IIs abolition of serfdom in Austria? How did Catherine come to power in Russia? Which powers participated in the partitioning of Poland? What did Empress Maria Theresa do to improve the rural economy and lives of the peasants? What are the characteristics of Joseph IIs reforms? What factors played a role in the erosion of French absolutism? What was the Parlement of Paris?

Chapter 18 Study Questions Scientic Revolution Copernicus, heliocentric view Tycho Brahe Johannes Kepler 3 laws of planetary motion Galileo laws of motion telescope Francis Bacon empiricism inductive method Rene Descartes deductive reasoning cogito ergo sum (I think; therefore, I am) Cartesian dualism scientic method Isaac Newton principle of universal gravitation Principia, 1687 Vesalius William Harvey Anton van Leeuwenhoek Royal Society John Harrison, chronometer Enlightenment Deism John Locke, Two Treatises of Civil Govt Essay Concerning Human Understanding tabula rasa philosophes Voltaire ecracsez linfame Baron de Montesquieu, Spirit of Laws checks and balances Jean-Jacques Rousseau Social Contract, 1762 general will noble savage Denis Diderot, The Encyclopedia Marquis de Beccaria Franois Quesnay physiocrats Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations salon movement Madame de Geoffrin Madame de Stal Mary Wollstonecraft Baron Paul dHolbach David Hume Jean de Condorcet Immanuel Kant classical liberalism German pietism Methodism John Wesley Jansenism Enlightened Despotism Frederick the Great War of Austrian Succession Silesia Seven Years War Diplomatic Revolution of 1756 Treaty of Paris rst servant of the state Catherine the Great Pugachev Rebellion Polish partitions liberum veto Maria Theresa Pragmatic Sanction of 1713 Joseph II

1. How did the Scientic Revolution impact European society (e.g. intellectually, religiously, economically)? 2. Analyze the extent to which the Enlightenment affected European society with regard to religion, education, and economics. 3. Analyze the impact of the Enlightenment on politics in the 18th century. 4. To what extent is the term Enlightened Despot appropriate when describing the reigns of Frederick the Great, Catherine the Great, and Joseph II? 5. Analyze how the balance of power was maintained in Europe between 1740 and 1786.

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