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Humphreys Headlines

October 25, 2013 Word Study

The students have been working really hard on learning patterns of words. Please check over their word study homework if you can. Please look for the following items: 1. All 12 word study words are included on the homework. 2. All words are spelled correctly. Please help them catch their mistakes. 3. All words are in the correct categories. 4. Their work is done neatly and showing their personal best. 5. In the write and draw, please check for proper capitalization and punctuation in their sentences. Please look for 4th grade level sentences instead of simple sentences. Please also look for pictures with details. 6. Please supervise them to make sure they actually did the sort or activity for the homework. The benefits to the program is instrumental to them completing the sorts before writing it in their notebook. 7. Challenge your child with words that fit into the patterns to see if they can put it in the right category. This is similar to the challenge words. Thanks so much for helping to make this program the most successful for your child.

Our class has moved on from making connections. This week we looked at analyzing characters. We looked at a list of ideas of different traits such as bossy, easygoing, and courageous. We discussed traits that we have and then looked at traits of characters from our read aloud book. Then, we looked at how a characters actions and dialogue help show us traits of that character and help us to get to know that character better. We are also using character traits and character analysis in our read aloud book, Wonder by R.J. Palacio. Wonder is about a boy who is starting school for the first time as a fifth grader. Auggie, born with a genetic disorder, is a very typical 11 year old except for his appearance. We also looked at how to put yourself into the role of the character in a book using our read aloud. The students tried to figure out what a character might be feeling and what they might do in that situation. A teacher in Wonder also shares with the students in his class some precepts, or rules to live by, to challenge his students. The first precept was When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind. The kids were challenged to Choose Kind and some even took an online pledge. Thanks for encouraging your child to read each evening! In order to reach their 40 book goal they will need to be reading at home. Happy Reading!!!

Our class has started working on Unit 3 in math. The first section of the unit gives students an opportunity to review and practice basic multiplication facts. We will also be starting our world tour project. The students will be working on solving number stories. Finally, the class will be learning basic algebra concepts and skills such as solving with a variable. (ex. 17+x=25) Each child brought home multiplication and division fact triangles to continue to practice their math facts nightly.

In writing, our class has been working on writing realistic fiction stories. We began by learning ideas of how authors get ideas for their stories. The class listed their own experiences that might make for a good fiction story. We also listed ideas that we wished were books we had available for us to read. After brainstorming ideas, we chose one and brainstormed internal and external characteristics of our main character. Then each student imagined something for their character wanted and something that got in the way of the character getting what they wanted.

Miscellaneous Notes
Please know that if you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me at school (863-6362) or by e-mail ( Have a great weekend! We are looking forward to seeing you all at the Halloween party on Thursday! It should be a fun afternoon! I cant wait to see all the costumes.

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